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ISSN 0040-5795, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2007, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 572–576. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2007.
Original Russian Text © D.F. Kondakov, V.P. Danilov, 2007, published in Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, 2007, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 2–6.


Manufacturing of Magnesium Hydroxide from Natural

Magnesium Chloride Sources
D. F. Kondakov and V. P. Danilov
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991
Received September 28, 2006

Abstract—Various processes for manufacturing magnesium hydroxide have been considered and tested in
order to decide whether they can be employed to the full-scale production of this product from natural sources
(bischofite and magnesium chloride brines). The process for the synthesis of magnesium hydroxide from mag-
nesium chloride using sodium hydroxide has been improved.

DOI: 10.1134/S0040579507050193

INTRODUCTION and Eriochrome Black indicator [2]; carbonates were

determined as carbon dioxide by chromatographing
A process for preparing magnesium hydroxide from
magnesium chloride is needed for the following rea- the calcination products at 1000°C on Carlo Erba Ele-
sons: Mg(OH)2 is a valuable and widely used chemical mental Analyzer EA1108. Thermogravimetric experi-
product [1]; its natural deposits are rare (e.g., a brucite ments were carried out on a Q-1500D Paulik-Paulik-
deposit on the Far East on the Russian Federation), as Erdey thermal analyzer. The phase composition was
distinct from sodium magnesium, whose large deposits monitored by X-ray powder diffraction on a DRON-1
exist on the territory of the Russian Federation and the diffractometer using CuKα radiation.
ancient Soviet Union (Volgograd bischofite, magne- The starting reagents were sodium hydroxide and
sium chloride brines in Kara-Bogaz-Gol, and others). sodium carbonate of reagent grade, distilled water, and
The following processes are now known for prepar- crystalline magnesium chloride flakes from Bischofite-
ing magnesium hydroxide [1]: the thermal decomposi- Avangard. The formula of the latter was MgCl2 · 6H2O;
tion of salts to oxide and subsequent hydration of the the specified composition, in wt %: MgCl2, 46–47;
latter; direct precipitation of magnesium hydroxide CaCl2, 0.4; NaCl, 0.7; KCl, 0.3; Br, 0.6; and sulfates, 0.06.
with alkali from solutions of magnesium salts; precipi- Chemical analysis determined 46.8% MgCl2 in the
tation of basic magnesium carbonates from salt solu- starting reagent, which corresponds to 99.94% MgCl2 ·
tions, followed by their thermal decomposition to mag- 6H2O. The DTA weight loss during the heating of the
nesium oxide and the hydration of the latter; and mag-
nesium hydroxide precipitation from solution with lime reagent was 80.12% (Fig. 1), which also matches the
milk. calculated concentration of 99.94% MgCl2 · 6H2O in
the reagent.
Our goal in this work was to experimentally study
the utility of the specified processes for preparing mag-
nesium hydroxide from bischofite (MgCl2 · 6H2O) and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
magnesium chloride brines. Thermal Decomposition of Magnesium Chloride
Inasmuch as the precipitation of magnesium When magnesium chloride hexahydrate is heated, it
hydroxide from solution with lime milk is used in the first melts in its own water of crystallization; then, basic
processing of dilute magnesium-containing solutions magnesium chloride is formed as a result of hydrolysis
(such as seawater, native brines, and some others) [1], [1]; during subsequent heating, the latter decomposes
this process is not considered in this work. to magnesium chloride:
MgCl 2 ⋅ 6H 2 O MgCl 2 + 6H 2 O
Mg ( OH ) m Cl 2 – m + mHCl (1)
In this work, magnesium in samples was determined
chelatometrically by a standard procedure using EDTA MgO + ( 2 – m )HCl.


The DTA traces for a commercial magnesium chlo- TG

ride hexahydrate sample (Fig. 1) display a series of
endotherms, which signify a multistage process. The DTA
match between the observed weight loss and the value 712
calculated from the equation of reaction (1) (the differ- 977
ence is 0.06%) validates the high quality of the starting 536
magnesium chloride, on one hand, and the completion
of reaction (1), on the other.
This process for manufacturing magnesium hydrox- 132
ide from magnesium chloride hexahydrate has the fol-
lowing strength: additional reactants are not required, 314
except for water added during the hydration of magne-
sium oxide to hydroxide; as a result, the embodiment of –59.45%
this process requires simpler equipment compared to 314
the other processes considered here. In particular, a pre- 536
cipitation reactor is not required. Another strength of 259 –80.12%
this process is the feasibility of obtaining one more
product, namely, hydrogen chloride. However, the 220 820
extremely high corrosiveness of hydrogen chloride at
elevated temperatures, a significant volume of hydro- Fig. 1. Thermoanalytical curves for the decomposition of
gen chloride (1250 kg HCl per ton of final Mg(OH)2), magnesium chloride hexahydrate.
and the necessity for cooling and absorbing it hamper
the embodiment of the process. In addition, the process
is extremely hazardous for operators. from liquid water to ice. Our studies showed that the
freezing of a wet magnesium hydroxide precipitate via
dipping it into liquid nitrogen did not coarsen gel parti-
Precipitation of Magnesium Hydroxide from Sodium cles, nor it influenced the filtration rate.
Hydroxide Solution We also studied whether magnesium hydroxide gel
The reaction of magnesium chloride with a sodium particles can coarsen during heat treatment at 100–
hydroxide solution by the equation 700°C. Mixtures to be heat-treated consisted of the
products of the reaction between solid NaOH and solid
MgCl 2 + 2NaOH Mg ( OH ) 2 + 2NaCl (2) MgCl2 · 6H2O, which contained a jelly magnesium
produces a jelly, slowly filtration magnesium hydroxide hydroxide precipitate, sodium chloride, and a minor
precipitate, which hampers filtration and washing amount of a saturated sodium chloride solution. The
stages. experiment was intended to exclude the filtration and
Therefore, we studied whether changing concentra- washing of jelly magnesium hydroxide from the flow-
tions of the reacting MgCl2 and NaOH solutions can sheet.
help improve the filtration properties of magnesium Heat treatment was carried out in a muffle furnace;
hydroxide precipitates. For this purpose, two versions the temperature was monitored with a thermocouple. To
of the reaction between magnesium chloride and interpret the processes that occurred during heat treat-
sodium hydroxide were studied: the reaction between ment, heating traces were recorded (Figs. 2, 3). The
solid MgCl2 · 6H2O and solid NaOH without water heating traces show that water first vaporized. Then, at
added and the reaction between dilute solutions of the 322–439°C, magnesium hydroxide was dehydrated; the
reagents. In both cases, the filtration rate of the result- weight loss fully correlated with the reaction
ing magnesium hydroxide precipitate was extremely Mg ( OH ) 2 MgO + H 2 O. (3)
low. Likely, the reagent concentrations in the range
specified do not noticeably influence the particle size or The endotherm at 814°C was due to the melting of
properties of magnesium hydroxide. sodium chloride.
The duration of reaction (2) was also varied via After heat treatment was over, in order to separate
varying the rate of dispensing of aqueous alkali to mag- the sodium chloride from the product magnesium oxide
nesium chloride solution. Within periods of 20 s to 12 and to convert the latter to hydroxide, water was added
min, the reaction time did not noticeably influence the to the mixture of magnesium oxide and sodium chlo-
filtration and washing rates of magnesium hydroxide ride (1.80 g MgO + 3.63 g NaCl) to bring the volume to
precipitates. 20 ml; sodium chloride dissolved, while magnesium
Freezing can sometimes help agglomerate jelly pre- oxide converted to hydroxide. Part of the MgO had not
cipitates [3]: particles coarsen during freezing due to enough time to convert to Mg(OH)2 at this stage; there-
their compression by internal pressure, which is created fore, a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium
by an increase in the volume upon the phase transition hydroxide entered the filtration stage. The precipitate



was filtered from an NaCl solution and washed with wet precipitate was allowed to stand for ~1 h at 20°C to
water. Filtration was carried out in vacuo on a Buchner fully convert magnesium oxide to hydroxide; the latter
funnel using two White Band filters 55 mm in diameter. was then dried.
The volume of the MgO + Mg(OH)2 + NaCl slurry was The flowsheet for magnesium hydroxide prepara-
20 ml; the wash-water volume was 20 ml. The washed, tion from magnesium chloride is shown below.

Precipitation Heat treatment NaCl Filtration Complete Drying

of magnesium of an Mg(OH)2 + dissolution and washing MgO of Mg(OH)2
hydroxide + NaCl + H2O and MgO of an Mg(OH)2 + hydration
frommagnesium mixture hydration + MgO mixture
chloride and from NaCl
sodium hydroxide solution

The results of the set of experiments are listed in the logically acceptable because of the significant effi-
table. ciency of filtration and the noticeable improvement of
The table makes it clear that, after the precipitate the washing of magnesium hydroxide from sodium
was heated to 650–700°C, its filtration and washing chloride.
rates became several times the filtration rate of magne-
sium hydroxide prepared at 20°C. Calcination at 700°C
for 20 min gave the best results. The filtered and water- Magnesium Precipitation from Solution with Sodium
washed MgO + Mg(OH)2 mixture fully converted to Carbonate
magnesium hydroxide after the wet precipitate was It is known that the reaction of sodium carbonate
allowed to stand at 100°C for 20–30 min. with water-soluble magnesium salts yields a mixture of
Although the flowsheet seems illogical (first, mag- basic magnesium carbonates [1]:
nesium hydroxide is dehydrated, then the dehydration
product (magnesium oxide) is converted back to Na 2 CO 3 + MgCl 2
hydroxide), this process can be positioned as techno- Mg ( OH ) 2 – x ( CO 3 ) 0.5 – x + NaCl.

The mixture produced by the reaction of solutions of

TG magnesium chloride and sodium carbonate was care-
DTA fully washed from sodium chloride and dried to con-


DTA 982

346 401


408 792 819

Fig. 2. Thermoanalytical curves for the decomposition of a Fig. 3. Thermal curves for the decomposition of a mixture
mixture of Mg(OH)2, NaCl, and water. of Mg(OH)2 and NaCl.



Results of experiments intended to prepare magnesium hydroxide via precipitation with sodium hydroxide followed by heat
treatment and hydration

Synthesis Calcining time, Degree of washing Degree of hydration

Filtering time, s Washing time, s
temperature, °C min MgO from NaCl, % at 20°C for 10 min, %

<–50* – 590 1293 – –

20** – 471 1323 85.11 100
500 20 250 767 88.98 100
600 20 202 589 91.63 88.10
650 20 174 530 93.91 82.84
700 20 50 56 97.27 37.73
700 1 67 85 97.56 44.32
700 90 65 102 96.94 22.24
750 1 – – 99.37 5.78
750 1 – – 95.91 89.65**
*Freezing temperature in liquid nitrogen.
**Magnesium hydroxide synthesis temperature.
***Hydration at 100°C for 80 min.

stant weight at 120°C, and its composition was deter- The filtered and washed precipitate after drying was a
mined. free-flowing fine powder.
From DTA data (Fig. 4), the decomposition of basic
X-ray powder diffraction showed a phase with the magnesium carbonates ended at 520°C. In this connec-
parameters similar to those of basic magnesium car- tion, basic magnesium carbonates were calcined at
bonates and did not show Mg(OH)2 and MgCO3 550°C for 1 h in order to provide their complete decom-
phases. position to MgO. X-ray powder diffraction showed that
From chemical, X-ray powder diffraction, and dif- pure magnesium oxide was produced under these con-
ferential thermal analyses, we can infer that the precip- ditions. The difference between the DTA weight loss on
itate was a mixture of basic magnesium carbonates with calcining and the calculated value was 0.42%. Thus, the
the bulk formula Mg7.45(CO3)6.45(OH) · 5.68H2O, temperature chosen (550°C) provided the complete
decomposition of basic carbonates and the production
which contained a minor water-insoluble residue of pure magnesium oxide.
The following stage—conversion of magnesium
This precipitate of basic magnesium carbonates was oxide to hydroxide—met no difficulties: magnesium
rapidly filtered and washed at room temperature; the fil- oxide that formed at ~550°C was easily converted to
tration and washing rates were virtually unaffected by hydroxide when brought in contact with water (table).
the concentration of the starting reagent solutions. After magnesium oxide prepared at 550°C was moist-
Under the conditions comparable with those employed ened and allowed to stand for 50 min at room tempera-
to precipitate magnesium hydroxide from solution with ture, the magnesium hydroxide yield was 100%; after
sodium hydroxide, the slurry-filtration time and the boiling a magnesium oxide suspension with water for
precipitate-washing time were 60 and 120 s, respec- 30 min, the yield was also 100%.
tively. The concentrations of the starting sodium car- The flowsheet of magnesium hydroxide preparation
bonate and magnesium chloride solutions should be from magnesium chloride via the precipitation and
such that reaction (4) produce an unsaturated sodium thermal decomposition of basic magnesium carbonates
chloride solution; this would ease precipitate washing. is shown below.

Precipitation of basic Filtration of basic Thermal Hydration Drying

magnesium carbonates magnesium decomposition of magnesium of Mg(OH)2
from magnesium carbonates of basic oxide
chloride using and washing magnesium
sodium carbonate off NaCl carbonates



TG this process, magnesium hydroxide was precipitated

with aqueous alkali, the product being obtained as a
precipitate with good filtration properties.
A process for preparing magnesium hydroxide from
magnesium chloride, based on the precipitation of basic
DTA magnesium carbonates, their thermal decomposition,
and the hydration of the resulting magnesium oxide,
304 has been tested.
514 Parameter data have been obtained for both pro-
–56.42% –1.5% cesses. These data were necessary for performance cal-
520 culations, choosing equipment, and experimental
design for pilot studies.
Fig. 4. Thermoanalytical curves for the decomposition of a
mixture of basic magnesium carbonates. REFERENCES
1. Pozin, M.E., Tekhnologiya mineral’nykh solei (udobre-
CONCLUSIONS nii, pestitsidov, promyshlennykh solei, okislov i kislot)
(Technology of Mineral Salts: Fertilizers, Pesticides,
Various processes for manufacturing magnesium Industrial Salts, Oxides, and Acids), Leningrad:
hydroxide have been considered and tested in order to Khimiya, 1974, part 1.
decide whether they can be employed in the full-scale 2. Unifitsirovannye metody analiza vod (General Water
production of this product from natural sources (bis- Analyses), Moscow: Khimiya, 1973.
chofite and magnesium chloride brines). 3. Khimicheskaya entsiklopediya (Encyclopedia of Chem-
A process has been proposed for the synthesis of istry), Moscow: Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, 1990,
magnesium hydroxide from magnesium chloride. In vol. 2.


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