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We have pleasure in introducing our project “AUTOMATIC PNEUMATIC BUMPER AND BREAK
ACTUATION BEFORE COLLISION”. Which is fully equipped by IR sensors circuit and Pneumatic
bumper and braking activation circuit? It is the project which has been fully equipped and
designed for auto vehicles. The technology of pneumatics plays a major role in the field of
automation and modern machine shops and space robots. The aim is to design and develop a
control system based on intelligent electronically controlled automotive bumper activation
system is called “automatic pneumatic bumper and break actuation before collision”. The
project consists of IR transmitter and Receiver circuit, Control Unit, Pneumatic bumper system.
The IR sensor senses the obstacle. There is any obstacle closer to the vehicle (within 1feet), the
control signal is given to the bumper and break activation system. This bumper activation
system is activated when the vehicle speed above 40-50 km per hour. The speed is sensed by
the proximity sensor and this signal is transfer to the control unit and pneumatic bumper
activation system


The aim is to design and develop a control system based on pneumatic breaking system of an
intelligent electronically controlled automotive braking system. for comparison of iterative
technologies / techniques. The final phase of the new modern vehicle shall include:
• Development of improved ABS control systems
•Development and assessment of an electro-hydraulic- BBW (EH-BBW) system
• Individual wheel braking combined with traction control
•Assessing sensor failure and fault tolerant control system design • Preliminary studies into an
electrically actuated system
• Re-engineering using simplified models.

V. DATA er
The compressed air from the compressor at the pressure of 5 to 7bar is passed through a pipe
connected to the Solenoid valve with one input. The Solenoid Valve is actuated with Control
Timing Unit. The Solenoid valve has two outputs and one input. The air entering into the input
goes out through the two outputs when the timing control unit is actuated. Due to the high air
pressure at the bottom of the piston, the air pressure below the piston is more than the
pressure above the piston. So these moves the piston rod upwards which move up the effort
are, which is pivoted by control unit. This force acting is passed on to punch/rivet which also
moves downwards. The IR TRANSMITTER circuit is to transmit the Infra-Red rays. If any obstacle
is there in a path, the Infra-Red rays reflected. This reflected Infra-Red rays are received by the
receiver circuit is called “IR RECEIVER”. The IR receiver circuit receives the reflected IR rays and
giving the control signal to the control circuit. The control circuit is used to activate the solenoid
valve. The operating principle of solenoid valve is already explained in the above chapter Fig
12a:Circuit Diagram International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-
ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2015,
IRJET.NET- All Rights Reserved Page 1020 If the solenoid valve is activated, the compressed air
passes to the Single Acting Pneumatic Cylinder. The compressed air activates the pneumatic
cylinder and moves the piston rod. If the piston moves forward, then the breaking arrangement
activated. The breaking arrangement is used to break the wheel gradually or suddenly due to
the piston movement. The breaking speed is varied by adjusting the valve is called “FLOW
CONTROL VALVE”. In our project, we have to apply this breaking arrangement in one wheel as a
model. The compressed air drawn from the compressor in our project. The compressed air flow
through the Polyurethane tube to the flow control valve. The flow control valve is connected to
the solenoid valve as mentioned in the block diagram



 Difficulty in transferring patient to bed from wheel chair.
 Uncomfortness felt by the patients when sitting for a long time
 Paraplegic patients.


 The objective of this project is to analyze and prototype an automated wheel chair cum
bed, based on an existing smart wheel chair with extensive fact findings and research on
existing models, technology used, market scenario and customer requirements
 It improves the balance and postural stability of old age people. It can convert sleeping
position from sitting position easily.

The main objective of this product is to make the helper life easy and to make sure the patient is not
hurt during the process of treatment. This product eliminates the step of shifting patient from bed or
stretcher to wheelchair and vice versa as handling of old age people is very difficult. It makes the patient
comfortable when sitting for a long time. This will reduce the effort of the caretaker and provide a safer
transfer for the patients in hospitals. . Most modern day technologies use sensors such as
accelerometer, gyroscope, to take interactive input and in this project we also have tried to make the
robot interactive and close to human. Also we wanted to know about the accelerometer, android app,
Joystick, and its working in detail and also wanted to develop a fast and real time project that can help
others people. These conditions made Automatic wheel chair cum bed a suitable project for us
.Completion of this project needed sheer determination as there were many things that could go wrong.
As the electronic circuits meant a lot in this project, creating the programming & circuit proved to be a
difficult task being mechanical student. Though some difficulties aroused and many remodeling was
needed and the chair had some limitations which we learned while building it, at last the Automatic
wheel chair cum bed created very close to the adapted design philosophy.


V. DATA er


Solar Powered Portable Medicine Preservator using Thermoelectric refrigeration


In 2002, an estimated 2.1 million people around the world died of diseases that
were preventable by widely available vaccines. This toll included 1.4 million
under the age of five. Among these deaths, over 500,000 were caused by
measles; nearly 400,000 by hemophiliac influenza; nearly 300,000 by pertussis;
and 180,000 by neonatal tetanus. Moreover, in 2003, around 27 million children
worldwide were not reached by the vaccines, including 9.9 million in South Asia
and 9.6 million in sub- Saharan Africa. Those who missed out on routine
vaccination programs tended to be people living in remote areas, urban slums
and border areas. They also included indigenous groups, displaced populations,
and people lacking access to vaccination (WHO1, 2005).


In this proposed work, the main aim is to develop a portable refrigeration system with a
capacity of 4 litres of vaccine chamber. The system should be capable of maintaining
the temperature of the vaccines between +2°C and +12 °C range for a long time. Since
the system has to be used in remote areas where power is scarce, alternative sources
of energy like battery or solar power has to be incorporated in the design. Since the
system has to be portable, it should be compact as well as light. Moreover the system is
meant for outdoor use which makes better insulation and radiation control mandatory. In
order to meet worse scenario, even though the system is to designed for maintaining a
fixed chamber temperature throughout the operational period, the design should be
such that it can adaptable for refrigerating the chamber from ambient temperature to the
required temperature.


One of the most important barriers to effective vaccination programs in remote areas is
the spoilage of vaccines, even before their arriving at the remote locations for the end
users. Vaccine chamber and handling practice deficiencies have been a serious on-
going problem. (Woodyard et al, 1995 and Bishai et al., 1992). It has been reported that
about 50 % of transported vaccines are thus wasted. (Sabeena, et al., 2002). In a
remote Colorado County, about 93% of vaccine refrigerators were found to have
temperatures outside the acceptable range (Woodyard et al., 1995).

Unreliable access to electrical power in remote areas is a barrier to maintaining potency

of vaccine products. Approximately 1.6 billion people today do not have access to
electricity, and four out of five people having unavailability of electricity live in rural areas
(Birol, 2002).The most common cooling system utilized for cooling vaccines at health
posts is with the vapour compression refrigerator and cold boxes. The vapour
compression system employs mechanical pumps to actuate the compression and the
subsequent expansion of specific working fluids. The advantage of this system is that it
is capable of refrigerating large loads with high efficiency. However, the system is heavy
due to the compressor, is costly and noisy during operations.

Thus, the system is not suitable or readily portable to remote areas. Alternatively, the
cold box (vaccine carrier), which weighs and costs less, simply uses an ice pack to cool
the vaccines. It is much less reliable, and offers cooling over a relatively short duration.
Another alternative cooling technology which is becoming increasingly popular and
attractive to the portable cooling application is thermoelectric modules. The modules are
made of semiconductor materials electrically connected in series configuration and
thermally in parallel to create cold and hot surfaces.

Although they are less efficient than the vapour compression system, they are very light,
low in cost, silent in operation, and are environmentally friendly. In this project work, the
thermoelectric module was utilized for cooling. The objective of this present work is to
develop a workable portable thermoelectric cooling system with a capacity of 4 liters of
vaccine chamber, with the temperature maintained between +10 °C to +12°C. It will be
used in remote locations in the world where there is no grid electricity, and where
electrical power supply is unreliable.
I. TItile: Industrial Motor Safety Controller

In Industries, some parts will be very dangerous. Some times, user will un expectedly touch the parts
and will affect them. To avoid this, safety controller can be set.

It consists of three parts. Sensors, Motor and Controller

Sensors (IR transducer and heat) are connected at the particular area of the Motor. If anyone un
expectedly move their hands near the part, the sensor senses and sends signal to the microcontroller.

The microcontroller sends signal to the switching circuit. The switching circuit enables the motor to on
and off.

In continuous use, the motor may be damaged by over heat. To protect this, heat sensors are
connected. If there is over heat, the sensors sends signal to the microcontroller and the microcontroller
controls the motor.

Since this project prevents user as well as motor, this will be very useful in Industries.

The microcontroller program is written in assembly language, and the microcontroller used is PIC16F73




ABSTRACT - The main aim of is to guard and product the safety of the workers in saw mills
and to ensure that no casualty is occurred during the cuttings works. When they touch the
blade by mistake it will cut the hand To overcome this problem, we have designed a unique
system i.e., auto safety device which can be sited at such places and is capable to stop
automatically It is save the life of men who is serving with this machine It will automatically stop
when any one touch the cutting blade.
Now a days, accidents in the road are occurring due to many reasons. One of the main reasons for
the road accident is due to improper positioning of the side stand of the two-wheeler vehicles.
This is the project to rectify this critical situation by using the automatic stand for the vehicle. This
project will also give the support for the center stand to hold the vehicle on the stand. This will
reduce the effort to put the center stand for the vehicle.

The motor connections are used to do this job. The switch is connected near the handle bar of the
vehicle and when we press the switch, the motor will activate and release the stand. This will be
more useful to put the stand. The indication will also connected to the vehicle to indicate the side
stands position
Automatic Motor Bike Side Stand Slider with BRAKE FAILURE INDICATOR FOR BOTH


Two wheelers are most prone to accidents due to their fragile nature. One of the
issues of motorbike accidents is that people forget to slide their side stands back
in place on starting the bike and the other reason is brake failure, it caused to due to very
poor maintenance as well as product defect, in order to safe guard the valuable human for
accident the accident monitoring of brake is very important thing in automobile Vehicle safety is
the avoidance of automobile accidents or the minimization of harmful effects of accidents, in
particular as concern to human life and health.


We may have witnessed motorcycle accidents because of the surface hindrance of retracted
positioned side stand. One of the most common problems that are encountered in using the side
stand is negligence or carelessness to kick back the side stand. The negligence may be due to
absence of mind, urgency, divergence in concentration and few other reasons, which may
prevent the rider to kick back the side stand to its original position (released position). Failure to
kick back the side stand for any of the reasons stated above may hit the side stand to surface of
road and there by affect the stability of the vehicle and lead to accident of the vehicle and riders
involve in the accident, sometimes fatal. To ensure safety of the rider, during absence of mind,
negligence, urgency or carelessness the side stand lock link helps in knowing the state of side
stand prior to movement of vehicle.


So here we propose an automated side stand slider system that will
automatically slide the side stand back in position when user starts his/her bike

The frame is used to mount bile upright using frame. The starter consists of a
microcontroller circuit used to monitor the starter and then operate the stand sliding
mechanism. The stand consists of a motorized system used to operate the stand. The
circuit monitors the starter, on starting the bike the sidestand is operated by the motor
using a shaft to slide from a vertical position to a horizontal position. On turning off the
key in other direction to lock bike the system moves the motorized stand shaft in
opposite direction so as to move the stand in a direction perpendicular to the bottom
frame rod which rests the motor bike on side stand. Thus we have a fully automated
sidestand system for motor bikes.

To reduce that kind of accident we doing the research and doing the project on this, for reducing

 For doing the experiment or for checking the ability of project, first we take a one vehicle and install
the system on the vehicle.
 When the vehicle is in motion without brake failure, at this condition the system is not in working.
 Here we are transfer the signal voltage through the Brake Wire from one end to other end.
 At the other end in the wheel the signal conditioning unit identify that whether the signal voltage in
the Brake wire is available or not. Vol-3 Issue-3 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 5483
 At this condition the voltage is pass throughout the circuit, then we brake the circuit by disconnecting
the wire, means the brake rod of braking system get brake .we replace or consider the wire as a brake
rod which is to be broken.
 The one connection of the relay is given to the battery and the second to the motor
.  As the brake fail, the relay which switch the circuit and connect to the motor circuit and power supply
is given to the motor.
 As well as the power is also supply to the buzzer, buzzer starts and give the indication the driver in the
form of sound.

V. Components
 Starter
 DC Motor – Buy DC Motors Online
 Couplings – Buy Couplings Online
 Frame
 Sidestand
 Frame rod
 Microcontroller circuit
 Mounts & Joints
 Screws & Bolts


about 13 people die every hour due to automobile accidents in india

about 36% of these accidents are dure to negligence in lifting the side stands.

Manually operated
Can cause accident if people forget to slide their side stands back in place on starting
the bike


 Automated Stand Slide

 With brake indicator using sensor
 No Accident Possibility Due To Forgotten Stand
 No need of external battery.
 Circuit can be powered from the vehicle’s battery itself.
 Power consumption is comparably less.
 It is not depend on the petrol level.
 Operating principle is very easy.
 Installation is simplified very much.
 The safety of driver is ensured.
 Brake failure is notified to the surrounding traffic via buzzer.
Ignition key starter Microcontroller Dc motor


Brake rod Brake wire Relay

As the brake fail, the relay which switch the circuit and give power isupply to the buzzer, buzzer starts
and give the indication the driver in the form of sound

Application for both brake of a motorcycle with different buzzer sound

Brake rod Brake wire Relay

Buzzer Switch for motor Dc motor for brake

John J. Henry, a radio operator in the Army 40 years ago, demonstrated a knack for electronics
that led eventually to a post-service degree from the old Control Data Institute and a job for
several years in the disk drive business of Control Data.

Henry also earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Minnesota and worked
for several years as an administrator before departing for a successful career in pharmaceutical
sales at Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Henry, an avid motorcycle rider, witnessed a bad accident in 1997 that led to a decade-long quest
to design a wireless safety system for riders that advocates hail as an innovative safety
breakthrough. It was introduced at retail and on at several months ago at
an introductory price of $259.

“I’m an engineer’s nightmare,” quipped Henry, 60. “I know just enough because of my
electronics background to know what you can and can’t do. I wanted to make sure that this
product wasn’t just a third brake light. It has other features that I knew would be of value.”

Henry said he and his wife, Julie, have invested $1.3 million in cash and time over the last decade
to develop, patent and manufacture the product.

The 1997 accident occurred when a trailing motorcyclist struck a lead bike, which was
decelerating but did not trigger the brake lights. They only work when the brakes are tapped.
Both riders were seriously injured. And there have been other accidents in which a rider at night
was struck and killed after leaving the lights-on motorcycle. Car drivers, including some who
pulled over to help, didn’t see the driver who had separated from the bike.

The simple-to-install Heads-Up Braking (HUB) System illuminates the bike and helmet with
“smart illumination” technology that glows when the motorcycle is decelerating or the brake
applied, and also when the rider separates from the motorcycle, even if the engine isn’t running.

“I really am convinced John has a solid market opportunity,” said Dan Cook, president of OPS
America, a contract engineering and operations firm that helped Henry get the Heads-Up system
engineered, designed and manufactured. “He’s a great guy. He’s got patent protection, and he’s
been very methodical.

“He’s probably the biggest perfectionist and most adamant customer about what his product will
do. And this product does what he wanted. It turned out to be more sophisticated than any
product we’d worked on before. He’s not compromising. We got everything dialed in to his
satisfaction. The product also works for snowmobiles and ATVs.”
The challenge now for Henry is to generate excitement in the marketplace. And he doesn’t have
much budget for that.

“It’s a great product but trying to get the customer to buy it so far is another thing,” said Randy
DuPaul, owner of Dr. Mudspringer, a motorcycle retailer in Spring Lake Park who carries the
HUB product. “A lot of motorcycle folks don’t think enough about safety. Not even everybody
wears a helmet.

“But it’s a great product, and I stand behind it 100 percent. It’s real technological and safety

“And it has proximity-sensing feature so when you get away from the motorcycle the helmet
lights on its own. It also works while the motorcycle is on a trailer [and not running]. Nobody has
anything close to this. John’s heart and soul is in this. And the time, effort and money he and his
wife have put into this is phenomenal. I’m rooting for them.”

Henry relishes the recognition as a safety pioneer. But that doesn’t guarantee marketing success.
He’s looking for a national distributor.

“I think I’m on the front edge of a new safety technology,” Henry said. “Now we’ve got to get this
product rolling.”



The situation prevailing today always calls for people and property to be completely secure and safety .
In early days security and safety was not of this concern. Advancement in every field and all walks of life
has rendered the world with more of malpractice committed by a sect of people who are socially not

Nowadays in organizations, other than conventional means of security and safety electronic security
systems are a common feature. The devices provide a foolproof system from which everyone can feel
highly secured.
It based on micro controller 89c2051 which is control the window automatically open and close as per
the situation


1) During rain the window closed automatically

2) If L P Gas leakage is there the window open

3) When the door was closed the window also closed automatically

4) We can control the door window system through remote contro

The Design of Portable Evacuation Wheelchair.

The Philippine Statistics Authority’s 2010 Census of Population and Housing shows that
there are 16 per thousand of the country’s population had disability.
Of the 92.1 million household population in the country, 1,443 thousand persons or 1.57
percent had disability, based on the 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH).
The recorded figure of persons with disability (PWD) in the 2000 CPH was 935,551 persons,
which was 1.23 percent of the household population.
Among the 17 regions, Region IV-A had the highest number of PWD at 193 thousand. This
was followed by the National Capital Region (NCR) with 167 thousand PWD. The Cordillera
Administrative Region (CAR), on the other hand, had the lowest number of PWD at 26
Ten regions had proportion of PWD higher than the national figure. These were Region VI
(1.95 percent), Region IVB and Region V (both 1.85 percent each), Region VIII (1.75
percent), Region II (1.72 percent), Region I (1.64 percent), CAR (1.63 percent), Region XI
and Region VII (both 1.60 percent each), and CARAGA (1.58 percent


One of the problems with regular wheelchairs is that they are very limited in mobility.
Besides, lots of budget is spent in construction to work out a special wheelchair path.
Sometimes it is hard or even impossible to build a wheelchair path for old existing buildings.
Thus, regular wheelchairs have problem entering these buildings.


This project is to help people who are unable to climb stairs or walk i.e. either senior
citizens, physically challenged or paralytic people with just one person help . It is a difficult
task for them to climb stairs or walk. Independent mobility is critical for individuals of any
age. For such people, this project will bring this convenience. Whenever there is a situation
where they wish to climb stairs or move ahead, this wheelchair will efficiently help the user
and the helpter to overcome problems and help them to do such tasks. It is accomplished
by using rubber track wheel as a slider and powered by motor.

This portable evacuation wheelchair are not only for people who are disabled, but also for
people with sudden mobility impairment or temporary mobility impairment due to surgery or
unexpected injury. You may have walked up the stairs at any given venue and/or building with
more than one floor, however you experienced a sudden injury and now faced with impaired
mobility to the extent you can not walk down the stairs. This would include, but not be limited to;
heart attack, seizure or even a major asthma attack. Suddenly, you are faced with challenge of
staircase navigation maneuverability. Any building consisting of more than one level, should
possess this portable evacuation wheelchair Being prepared for such an event can save time
which has been proven to be a factor in saving lives.


An escape chair or evacuation chair is a device manufactured for the smooth

descent of stairways in the event of an emergency. The Evac Chair was invented in
the United States in 1982. The single-user operation device does not require heavy
lifting to evacuate a person.

Persons with Disability in the Philippines (Results from the 2010 Census)
Of the 92.1 million household population in the country, 1,443 thousand persons or 1.57
percent had disability, based on the 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010
CPH). The recorded figure of persons with disability (PWD) in the 2000 CPH was
935,551 persons, which was 1.23 percent of the household population.
Among the 17 regions, Region IV-A had the highest number of PWD at 193 thousand.
This was followed by the National Capital Region (NCR) with 167 thousand PWD. The
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), on the other hand, had the lowest number of
PWD at 26 thousand.
Ten regions had proportion of PWD higher than the national figure. These were Region
VI (1.95 percent), Region IVB and Region V (both 1.85 percent each), Region VIII (1.75
percent), Region II (1.72 percent), Region I (1.64 percent), CAR (1.63 percent), Region
XI and Region VII (both 1.60 percent each), and CARAGA (1.58 percent).


Without motor
Required 2 person operation
Not portable


Required 1 person operation

With motor (reverse and forward)

With rubber track wheels


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