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Mbok tugasnya disuruh menganalisis balapan tsb knp si pembalap bisa menang dan bisa kalah dari
konteks peluang bisnis dan persaingannya ? Kalau menurut aku si ya dari kejadian balapan itu, ada sifat
over ambisius yg dimana dalam bisnis berambisi itu boleh tapi ketika sudah mulai over ambisius dan tdk
tau menau resiko serta peluang2 nya yg bakal terjadi dalam competitive di dlm bisnis bakal membuat
km gagal. Seperrti pembalap no 1 dan 3 kata irsan.

His job was to analyze the race why the driver could win and could lose from the context of business
opportunities and competition? In my opinion, from the event of the race, there is an over ambitious
nature which in the ambitious business is permissible but when it has started over ambitious and does
not know the risks and opportunities that will occur in competitive in the business will make km fail. Like
the riders number 1 and 3, said Irsan.

Pertama ada 2 pembalap yg lg dlam kdaan persaingan sengit . Pda saat itu mereka bukan nyante didpan
tapi mereka lengah kalo ada 1 pembalap lagi yg bisa ndketin mereka krna mereka trlalu fokus
persaingan mereka aja ( setelah kejadian kecelakaan) . Yg kbtulan mngkin kalo nnton film fullnya
pembalap kedua ke ganggu sma pikiran2 yg gajelas jadi pembalap yg ke tiga bisa nyalip ambil keposisi ke
dua . Trus krna posisinya itu last lap pembalap yg jdinya ke 2 ini ngambil resiko besar yg sebenrnya ga
bisa di lakuin tanpa memikirkan akibatnya . Wlopun berhasil nempatin posisi 1 tp pembalap yg ngambil
resiko ini kena dampak dari pengambilan keputusan itu (banya rusak) . Terus dia ngerem karna ga bisa
nglanjutin . Kalo terus nglanjutin dia malah rugi lebih besar . Pda saat itu 2 pembalap yg pertama
bersaing ambil kesempatan itu buat nyalip . Trus pada saat mau finish lagi ketat2nya pembalap yg merah
udh mentok kemampuan mobilnya dan yg biru masih ada sedikit kekekuatan . Trus biru manfaatin itu
dah jadi bisa menang tipis .

First there are 2 drivers who are in the midst of fierce competition. At that time they were not relaxed in
front of them but they were careless if there was one more driver who could get their message because
they were too focused on their competition (after the accident). It's a coincidence that if you watch a
full movie, the second driver gets annoyed with the bright minds, so the third driver can overtake take
second place. Then because of that position, the last lap of the 2nd racer who took the big risk could not
be done without thinking about the consequences. Even though it managed to place 1 position but the
driver who took this risk was affected by the decision making (broken tire). Then he crunched because
he couldn't continue. If you continue then he loses even more. At that time 2 of the first drivers
competing took the opportunity to overtake. Then when you want to finish, the red racer is tight enough
to get stuck in the ability of the car and the blue one still has a little power. Blue then use it and it can
win thinly.

setiap bisnis pasti ada halangannya. Kita sebagai enterpreneur harus sigap dalam menangani semua

every business must have an obstacle. We as entrepreneurs must be swift in handling all obstacles

Namanya dunia bisnis pasti ga selalu mulus, ga semua bisnis bakal sesuai sama tujuan yang kita
ekspektasikan. Ada yang brenti di tengah jalan, ada yang baru ngegas dah mati. Sebagai seorang
entrepreneur kita harus bisa membaca jalur bisnis (berisi rintangan, hambatan, peluang,dll) biar kita
terhindar dari masalah masalah yang bisa mematikan bisnis kita. Ikut berpendapat aje
The name of the business world must not always be smooth, not all businesses will match the goals we
expect. There were those who stopped in the middle of the road, there were those who just finished
dead. As an entrepreneur, we must be able to read business lines (containing obstacles, obstacles,
opportunities, etc.) so that we avoid problems that can kill our business.

Pembalap 1 (merah) kita sebagai pebisnis jngan lengah atau mengerahkan semuanya terlalu cepat biar
msih ada senjata buat ngelawan pesaing kita nantinya . Pembalap 2 (yg juara) kita sebagai pebisnis hrus
selalu fokus dalam menjalani bisnis . Urusan lain jangan di sangkut2kan dngan bisnis krna bisa buat kita
kalah . Pembalap 3 (yg rusak) kita sebagai pebisnis dalam mengambil keputusan harus hati2 dan berfikir
panjang kedepanya akan gimana . Kalo cuma menang sementara abis itu bangkrut percuma

Driver 1 (red) we as businessmen do not be careless or mobilize everything too quickly so there are still
weapons to fight our competitors later. Driver 2 (who wins) we as business people must always focus on
doing business. Other matters not to be associated with business because it can make us lose. Driver 3
(who is damaged) we as a businessman in making decisions must be careful and think long in the future
what will be done. If you only win while you are bankrupt, it's useless

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