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“Año del Diálogo y Reconciliación Nacional"

Universidad Norbert Wiener

NOMBRE DEL TRABAJO: Making QUESTION with CAN. (Semana 3 – Tarea N° 1)

DOCENTE: Shirley Picón

ESTUDIANTE: Pinedo García Leslie Raquel

Ciclo: III



A. Crear 10 oraciones afirmativas con CAN

1.- I can read online newspapers and magazines.

2.- You can use Google Translator.

3.- I can learn new words in my dictionary.

4.- I can talk with my friend in english.

5.- I can understand english movies.

6.- He can drive a car.

7.- He can ride a bicycle.

8.- She can play the drums.

9.- They can clean the house.

10.- She can cook a vegetarian food.
B. Crear 10 oraciones interrogativas con CAN

1.- Can you write a letter?

2.- Can they dance Salsa?

3.- Can she cook Peruvian food?

4.- Can you swim in the sea?

5.- Can you do your homework?

6.- Can you prepare a grilled chicken?

7. Can they play basketball?

8.- Can she ride a horse?

9.- Can you listen to the radio?

10.- Can you take a picture?

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