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Chapter 9.

Stability of slope with retaining wall

In this chapter, we are going to describe the stability analysis of an existing slope, then how to
model a sheeting wall being built, and how to check its internal and external stability.


Perform an analysis of an existing slope and then verify the design of an underground
wall for construction of parking areas. When performing the analysis, consider the permanent
design situation in all construction stages. Verify the stability using safety factors. The safety
factor needed is SFs = 1,50 . All stability analyses are performed using the Bishop method with

optimization of circular slip surface.

Scheme of assignment

The wall is made from concrete class C 30/37, the thickness of the wall is h = 0,5 m .

The calculated shear resistance of the wall is VRd = 325 kN m .


For solving this task, use the GEO5 program – Slope Stability. In this text, we will describe the
solution of this task step by step.

− Construction stage 1: slope modeling, determination of safety factor of the existing

− Construction stage 2: making the earth cut for the parking (only as a working stage)

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− Construction stage 3: construction of the wall, analysis of internal and external stability;
− Analysis results (Conclusion).

Construction stage 1: slope modeling

In the frame “Settings”, click on “Select” and then choose analysis settings nr. 1
“Standard – safety factors”.

Then, model the interface of layers, resp. terrain using these coordinates.

“ Interface coordinates”

Note: If data is entered incorrectly, it can be undone using the button UNDO (shortcut Ctrl-
Z). In the same manner, we can use the opposite function REDO (Shortcut Ctrl-Y).

Buttons “Undo” and “Redo”

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Then define the soil parameters and assign them to the profile.

Table with the soil parameters

Soil Unit weight Angle of internal Cohesion of soil

(Soil classification) [
γ kN m 3 ] friction ϕ ef [°] c ef [kPa ]
SM – Silty sand,
18,0 29,0 5,0
medium dense soil
ML, MI – Silt with low or
medium plasticity, stiff 20,0 21,0 30,0
consistency, S r < 0,8
MS – Sandy silt,
18,0 26,5 12,0
firm consistency

In the frame “Stage settings” choose permanent design situation.

Analysis 1 – stability of existing slope

Now open up the frame “Analysis” and run the verification of stability of the original
slope. As a verification method select “Bishop” and then perform the optimization of circular
slip surface. How to input slip surface and optimization principle is described in more detail in
the previous chapter and in HELP (F1).

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Analysis 1 – stability of the original slope

The factor of safety of the original slope as analyzed by Bishop is:

SF = 2,26 > SFs = 1,50 Satisfactory.

Construction stage 2: earth cut modeling

Now add the second construction stage using the button in the upper left corner of the

Toolbar “Construction stages”

Add the earth cut to the interface by adding individual points of the considered earth cut
(similar to adding points to the current interface) in the frame “Earth cut”. The excavation for
the sheeting wall is 0,5 m wide. After you are done with adding the points click on “OK”.

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“Coordinates of the earth cut”

Note: If you define two points with same x coordinate (see picture), the program asks if you
want to add the new point to the left or right. The scheme of resulting input of the point is
highlighted with red and green color in the dialog window.

Frame “Earth cut”

Construction stage 3: construction of the retaining wall

Now design the sheeting wall. In the frame “Embankment” add the points of the
interface of the embankment. With these we actually model the face of the structure of the wall
(see picture).

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„The points of embankment“

Frame “Embankment”
Analysis 2 – internal stability of retaining wall

To verify the internal stability on the circular slip surface it is necessary to model
the structure as a stiff soil with fictitious cohesion, and not as rigid body. If it is modeled as a
rigid body, the slip surface cannot intersect the structure.

Note: shear resistance of the RC retaining wall is modeled with help of fictitious cohesion,
which we can determine as:
V Rd 325,0
c fict = = = 650 kPa
h 0,5

where: h [m] – width of the wall,

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VRd [kN m] – shear resistance of the wall.

Now return to the 1st construction stage and add a new soil with name “Material of the
retaining wall”. Define the value of the fictitious cohesion as c ef = 650 kPa , the angle of

internal friction as a small value (for example ϕ ef = 1 ° ) since the program doesn’t allow to

input 0. Define the unit weight as γ = 25 kN m 3 , which corresponds to structure from

reinforced concrete.

Analysis 3 – slope stability behind the earth cut and retaining wall (internal stability)

The analysis results of internal stability show that the slope with the earth cut and the
retaining wall is stable:

SF = 1,60 > SFs = 1,50 Satisfactory.

Analysis 3 – external stability of retaining wall

Now add another analysis using toolbar in the left downward corner of the program.

Toolbar “More Analyses”

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Before running the analysis of the external slope stability, add restrictions on the optimization
procedure using lines that the slip surface can’t intersect when it executes the optimization
procedure (More info in HELP – F1). In our example the restriction lines are the same as the
borders of the pile sheeting.

Analysis 4 - restrictions on the optimization procedure

Note: for analysis of external slope stability it is appropriate to input the retaining wall as a
solid body. When the wall is modeled as a solid body, the slip surface doesn’t intersect it
during the optimization evaluation.

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Analysis 4 – slope stability with earth cut and retaining wall (external stability)

From the results of external stability we can see, that the slope with the earth cut and
retaining wall is stable:


The objective of this chapter was to verify the slope stability and design of earth cut
with retaining wall for the construction of a car park with analysis of internal and external
stability. The results of analyses are:

This slope with earth cut and retaining wall from concrete (with width of 0,5 m) in terms of
long-term stability satisfies evaluation criteria.

Note: this designed retaining wall would need to be checked for stress from the bending
moment of loading from active earth pressure. This bending moment can be analyzed in the
GEO5 programs Sheeting design and Sheeting Check.

For the same bending moment it is also necessary to design and check reinforcements – for
example in program FIN EC – Concrete 2D.

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