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Frequency of actions

Solicita y entrega información sobre hábitos alimenticios propios y de terceros, utilizando

los adverbios de frecuencia correspondientes.
Frequency of actions.
How often do you cook?
Frequency Adverbs Frequency Expressions
Always Every day
Generally Every night
Usually On the weekend
Often During the week
Sometimes Once a week
Occasionally Twice a month
Rarely Every other day
Hardly ever Every Friday
* Adverbs of frequency always go before *Frequency expressions go at the
the main verb, but after the verb to be. end of the sentence.
I hardly ever cook. I cook once a month.
I am never in the kitchen.
•How often do you eat junk food?
I eat junk food once a week.

•How often does your mother cook?

She cooks every day.

•Do you usually have breakfast?

I always have breakfast.
Discuss with your partner.
How often do you …?
Healthy habits you should adopt.
1. Get between seven and eight hours of sleep per night.
2. Get outside.
3. Spend time with loved ones.
4. Don’t smoke cigarettes. And if you already smoke, quit ASAP.
5. Cook the majority of your meals at home, if you can.
6. Eat more fruits and veggies.
7. Stop drinking soda.
8. And while you’re at it…stop drinking diet soda, too.
9. Drink more water, in general.
10.Sit less. Stand more.
11.Try to raise your heart rate for a sustained period of time every day.
12.Go to the doctor for all necessary checkups.
13.If you drink alcohol, do it in moderation.
14.Wear sunscreen every day.
15.Along those lines, avoid tanning beds.

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