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Mondian Square

from Knitting


Sqllare COlnposition
n his most famous works, A pair each 01 sIzes 6 (4mm) and 7 Change 10 larger needles and w ork 72

I Mondrian (1892- 1944) used only

black and while plus the three
primary colors. This geometric
work with Its straight lines and
colored rectangles could not be
further removed from Ihe landscape
pai nt ings of his early career.
(.:j lhmmJ knill ing needles
Raglan shouldel pads (opllonal)
Slilch holders
18 SIS . and 25 rows to 4 ~/ IOcm oller
$1. Sl.
(74,76, 80,84.86) rows SI. 51.
Shape raglans
Oec. ! SI eachandnfnaxr8 f8, 10. 10.
12.141 rows.
Next row : lAS) K. 3, k. 2 log. tbl., k to
IaSI 5 SIS .. k. 2109., k. 3 .
w orked all SI1.e 7 (41hmmlneedles. Work 2 rows
In the 1960s, Yves S1. Laurent styled a Check your gauge Next row : IW S) P. 3, p 2109., P 10 las
dress around one of these abstracts. It NOTES 5 SIS., p . 2 log. Ihl., p. 3
was this Ihal inspired the sweater. Instructions lor the larger sizes arc givc n Work 2 rows,
In parenthesos (l. Rep. Ihese 6 rows unll139 (41 . 43, 47 ,
To fit 36 138. 110,1.12. 44, 46)~190 (95. 100, When working mnlil, llse sepClrate. small 47, 47) SIS. lemaln.
105. 110. 1151cmchesl balls of yarn . When joining in a new Shape back neck
color. leave an end 0 1aboul r J5crn lor 1st size only
MATERIALS weaving in later. When changing color, p . "OW.
ScheePleswool M:tyllowe, Cation 4th, 5th and 6th sizes only
twisl yarn s logelher al back of w ork 10
Helarsgarn P, 1 10W,
avoid making a hole.
Crew Neck K. I row . Dec 1 st. each end 0 1next r o~
1304, 14, 15, 15, 16) x 50g balls In BACK All sizes
While (shade 902) Using smaller size needles and whito, K. 13114, 15, 16. 16, 16) SIS.,lurnsnd
Polo neck caslon93 (97,103. 107. 111 ,115)5IS, leave remaining SIS. on a spare needle
14 (14 . 15. IS, 16, 16) x 509 balls in Row' : · K. l . p. I , rcp. from· 10 last st ., Work on Ihese SIS. onlV
While (shade 902) k. l Bind off 5 (5, 6. 6. 6, 6) SIS .. p. 10 last 5
Both sweaters Aow2:' P. I , k. t,rep. hom " lo iasI s\., SIS., P 2 ICXj Ibl .. p. 3
1 )( 50g ball each In Yellow (shade 908), p. 1. K.. I row ,
Blac k. {shade 91 hI. Red (shade 910) and Rep. Ihese 2 tOWS for 2:Y,,"ncm, ending Next row: Bind off 5 (6. 6, 7, 1,71 SIS. I
Blue (shiliJe 906) wit hrow 2. to end.
4th, 5th and 6th sizes only
K. 1 lOW, Ihe n p. 1 row
Shape front neck
1st. 2nd and 3rd sizes only
K.. 7 0 (21 . 221. l urn and leave rem aining
sts. on a holder.
4th. 5th and 6th sizes only
K, 3. k . 2109. Ibl., Ie. 19 . t urn and hMIIU
remaining SIS on it holder
All sizes
Co nlinuo shapln{l l aglilll ...'t1gc as OOIOlC,
at Ihc same l ime dec 1 St al neck edge
on overy 10'IIII un tilS SIS, l e malll
15t size only
K 1 l OW
2nd s ize onlv
P I l OW
1st, 2nd and 3rd sizes only
DI...'C 1 SI al rag lan edge QU Ilt-'lIt row and
then p.very3rd row 2\ 1. I II/mes ,
Work 1 row
All sizes
Dec 1 Sl al raglan edge ellery olhol row
213, 3,I1,4,41 111'n es
B,cnk yam and pull IhlOugh lasl 51
Relurn 10 lemammg SIS
W llh RS lacing. SlIp flist 11 SIS loa
holder, ICJOln yarn and work 2nd Side 01
neck 10 mal ch IlIsl. rCllcrs'ng aU shaping

USing smaller Sile ncedles amJ while,
C.1SI on 4S l117. 11 7,51,5 1,531 <:;15.
Work lib as gillon lo r back 101 26 rows
Ine. row :Rtb9tl0, 10, II. 11 , 121, M I ,
• tlb9 19, 9, 10. 10. 101, M . I , rep h om ·
lolast g!10, 10, 10, 10, 11)SIS" lIblO
end 49t5 I ,5 1 ,5~,b~,57JSI5 .
CllItngc \0 larger needlcs and working III
51 SI , Inc 1 SI each ond 01 blh row llnd
th~n evnrv 61n row unulll'\cre are 73117,
W Ol k 23 12 1. 25, 77. 29, 3 1) lOWS C\len
Shape ragla n
Dee I 5(, cachend 01 nl"'!x t6m, 7. 9 . 8.
10) IO\....S. l hen alf"..ach 00001 every 310
row un\ll33 SIS rem'lIn
Squil re K. 2 l og , lhen break ya rn and pull worked WOfk 2 lOW S
COnllJOSllion through laSI stl1ch Place motif as follows : Ne.xt row: K. 2 tog 101 , k, 13, sl I ,
mo(Seled b y
Relurn 10 remaining SIS Rowl :K 46 148 , 51 , 53, 55, ~7' wmte, 0: 7109" PSSO,\';' 13, k 2109
Juhanne Whue
WllhRSlac lng, shpf u sI13sts loa 10m in blacK, k 1 black. k 46 148, 5 1. 53. Conllnuo 10 work raglan shapIng as
holoe, 55,57) while u~l o rc, al the same lime shape shuuldcl
Jom o n'1<ll n tmd I.. 10end Row2 : P. 45 \4/, 50, !i2, 54, 56) white, by worl<lng si. I , k 2 log ., psso. at COnlor
Next row : P 3, P 2 109 .. P, IO and p 3 blaCk, jOin In 2nd baHof white. p 45 01 every RS row 7 limes more 7 SIS
Ne.t row : 811w ofl515, 6, 6, 6, 6) SIS , k (117, SO, 52, 54, 561 while Conllnue shap,ng alli.l~lan edge onlv
[oencl ContlnlJO workmg from chall, 'lflll ift the Untl' 5 SIS remain
Next row : P 3. P 2109 , p 10 end same tmle when row 58 01 cMan has WOr k 2 rows. Leave SIS ana ho!oel
Bind Ofl ,ClIlitlnmg 6(7, 1, 8 , 8, 8) SIS been completeeJ work raglan shaping dS Jorn trOnt and !ell back raglan se<lm s
given 10/ back ullll15 1 (53, 55,59. !J9. 591
Work <IS g illen for back unlll 14 /16, 18, First size only USing smaller SI/C needlos ilnd w h ile,
22, 26, 28) lOWS of SI 51 hallo been P f lOW anC! Wi th RS laelllg. plclc upilnd 1.;.. 7 II . 9,
•.,!:y. ' .," r

•LJ Blnck 19151

WMe l9021

t • Rlldl 9101


t • 81" e \~1

I--- A- ->I


- - G- -

+___ M - - - - +
1. 11 ) StS down IIgh! hack neck, k
across 13 SIS of Cenltlr back neck, PICk.
unandk. 8(8. 10. 12. 12. 12)5t5 up!ef l
bac!;. neck, k across 5 SIS at lOp 01
A 20 r.\2, '/- ]3, 23 '~" 2': 'f'. l!)'",,· slecvo . plCl.: up a nd 10:. 23 f23. 23. 25. 25,
5 15\501, !.Ii'. 5!)'iI, OJ !l. (4)CIIl 25) SIS down laltlron! neck, 1.: . across 1 1
B 11 \1 " " 11 /· 12. 12 '10, 11'bT SIS of center fronl oeck, pick up ilnd !:
27 j28. 29, 3n. 30 5, 311 Cfl'I 23 (23. 23. 25. 25. 25) SIS up IlglH hOnt
C 11'/J 1l 2. 12 '1' , 12 1'... 13'1, flY"-
1!)\~O.30!;:.. 32. JJ5 :14!1)cm oec l(, then I{. aCl OSS 5 SIS at l ap of nght
0 2 1'0- sleeves. 9b {9S, 99. 10/. 107, 1071sts
7,~ P 1 lOW
E 1'f~p Y•. 8 : , a 'l•. 8 Y, k~ ,r Worl.:.l0rOw 50tk . I . IJ. lllb l orc rew
l lJ 5(19 !'. 20 fl , 21 5. ') 1 !l. 21 !iJ c,n
F l '",' n eck or :m rows of Ie. ' . P I Ilb tor turtle
9<m neel.:
G 16%1 17. 17. 18 Iii 19," Bmd off loosely 10 nb
.105 j4 ) , "3 ':5 ,I!"!. .171 crn
H 11 !11 'h. II '" . 12. 17'h. l :/ 'IJ t* TO MAKE UP
2112B. 2'J , 30, 30!.. 3 \ 1tin
J l !1n !'rl'. 16 / ., IGt,o/. 111t:l 'l!r Block. and press ple!;(Js lightly under a
:11 5 139. 41 , to\ S, 112 5, 115 51 r.m damp cloth follOWing Ins truCtions on bull
K .\ ' .. IJand
1lem JOII! nght back rllglan and ncckb<l nd
LI "
'] !t e rn seam
M I l 11 1',., 1 1\1,. 12 " . 12'/." I:l l:or ~ o r clew neck. lold rib In h,,1f 10 w rong
2 7 12B!.>. 28 !t ;10 S. JO !I 315! cm Side and ShPSlilCh bolJIld·ofi edge IntO
Posit ion
Jom Sice and sleeve seams
Sew to shouldor p<'Ids If requlreo

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