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We had 1 written test and 3 rounds of interview.... Technical, managerial and HR round.

But after some time due to shortage of time they restrained to only 2 rounds of interview.

In our college it went like:

Due to accommodation problems 170-180 people (may be more than that bcz in 1st slot
there were abt 70) have given their online test in 3 slots. In the 1st only 9 were thru to
nxt rounds... and in 2nd 11 and 3rd 8 people..... there is elimination in all rounds.. i guess
frm 28 only 15 gave the final round of interview and finally only 7 were selctd.

*remember this online is only fr mktng and finance..HR hav got 1 written test on their
subject. Dnt knw abt operations wht they do...!

Online: question were in the same model as available in net and the demo test u give before 2
days. Some are lengthy wth lots of unused data.. maintain accuracy. Some of my frnds gt
slectd by attmptng 19 to 22... i atmptd 27 i think atleast 24-25 are crrct..


Here is the round most of the people were sent back. They were interviewed fr almost 45-50
min. They might touch upon ur internship proj, ur subject knowldg i.e ur subjects( may be
frm ur interesting sub or any) some people were tested on current affairs relevant to ur field..
like fro finance they referred to some imp figures in annual reports..

My experience:

Seriously i didn’t prepare anything of abve mentioned..i knew i hav the capability of gttng
thru written so i thought i woud gain some intrvw exp and so i applied fr it.. so i was tension
free and gave interview proper..

q) referng to my resume... u picked up ITC and HUL for equity analysis... what are these culd
u brief us abt this?

A) yes sir.. these are the top 2 stocks based on mrkt capitalization in the BSE FMCg
index..told smthng abt why i hav chosen FMCg and there was some extra ques on tht slowly i
hav eplaind the gist of my work i hav done expecailly the analysis part..

q) ok good..he stopped entering into technical frm here...u hav mntiond u hav wrked in some
social activites as a part of RSS. Canu elaborate?

A) yes sir..rastriya swayam sevak..i was a part of ghosh tea.. we used to march across the city
to encourage unity... we also used to visit some rural people and help them to acccesss better

q) so hav u continued after ur schooling?

A) no sir... so again looking for an opportunitu to wrk for community development.. TCs is
givng tht opprtunty
q) u had selctfor aditi why didn’t u join there..

A) no sir i was actually waitng for it.. due to recession they kept on postponing it and i hav gt
a break ok 1 yr.. finaly igave my entarance terst and joind here..

I was expctng a ques/comment like-----> so just bczu didn’t get tht job offer u joind here for
mba but nt with ur specila interst..

So i strtd myself saying...> i had a plan of doing my mba @ a later date with some exp but
accrdng the situation i came here. But i really enjoyd the mba so far and still enjoying..

Sir: Ok good..

q) u mentiond mimicry in ur interests.. wht type of mimicry u do..

A) i enacted shobanna babu in 2 dffrnt modes... romantic and angyr mood.. which dint come
well.. i added sir actually this comes better but its nt cmng now.. thn he said so u cud do only
this.... no sir i actually imitate my frnds hw they give ppts how thy behave.. frnds used to
enjpy my act..

Ok then u enact ur best frnd.. i enacted one of my classmate how he gives ppt in clas

Again didn’t come that better but it was ok..

q) ok, why tcs

A) it is top ranked co in Indian IT industy. It had commtnmnts for community devlopmnt as

well blah blah!!

Q) what are u strengths

A) efficient wrkng in teams.. my frnds say tht i show more cmmtmnt to team wrk than my
indivudal wrk.... so actually teeeam wrks motivates me..

Good thinkin ability... complex problem solvng ability

q) wht is ur weakness

a) i trust people easy... how it is a weakness? I am more expressive and epct others to be same
wth me bt they cudnt... some times it hurts...

q) how did u feel our conversation?

a) it wnt good sir, i hope i hav dne good by proving myself tht i am suitable for ur job with
my efficient team wrk capability etctcttc

epct 1 or 2 ans all ones are just ordinary.. so ws not epctng a cal to nxt round but i was
calld within 3-5 min. So entered HR round.. no time to conduct MR.

Here the interviwer ws our alumni frm HR spercailization... recently pasd out...
q)whats the strength of employees in TCs..1,60,000 sir

q) hwere ar u frm

vizainagaram. Andhra Pradesh...

q)tell us abt ur family

a) i come frm an orthodox family, my father is the only literate in his family @ tht time..he
dne his BE, infact he was the 1st bacth studtn of Gitam.. now he is currently wrkng in govt
service in irrigatin dept, my mother is home maker and i hav 1 yunger bro wrkng for
Honeywell undergoin trainng

q) ok.. why TCS

A) same ans reperted frm prev round.. added tht the unique thng is tht no employee or
promoter of tata group is among th richest which shows the commitment to cmmnty dev
programs..and most employees be loyal to Tcs..for instance, the morning sperkers were
wrkng in tcs frm 18 nd 21yrs, this show how the wrkng comditions willbe at tcs

q) why IT?

It is a challng sector.. evry othr sectod depends on IT. It is nt that we sit before computer but
we invlve in activities related to diifrnt sectrs and get more exposed to all fields.. the tasks
given are f=very challenging... and the sevices sector contributes abt 59% to gdp..blah blah!

q) why not ADITI which u got in btech

a) same reason as before.

q) wht did u like at alliance?

A) the infrastructure, quality of education, regour in course structure etc...

q) weakness@ alliance

a) ROI factor.. we get less packages than wht we pay here..

q) did u ask ur placmnt office to get cos which pay high thn

a) sir if that is the case, most people wnt be selctd and it wil be a remark for the they
compromise with the package.. thy see that everyone is selctd which is again good actually.

q) so it is the fault wit companies so we shud hav given u higher packages

a) no sir, it also depends on the talent of studnts here

q) wht do u feel, u shud be paid more like 7-8 lac and not this 4.75..

a) as of now no sir, i am happy wth the package, but i believe based on my performance i will
given hikes in less time to come...
q) but shiva u dnt seem u like to join TCs,,

a) why sir

q) r do u really..? ok why will u think tht u hav been not selectd here..?

a) sir may be i havnt put myself better to prove myself tht i am suitable for this job..

q) so u think like tht now..that u didn’t give ur best here..

a) if i wudnt have slectd i wud think like that but now that i had time i can still prove
that i am suitable for the job.. i hope this one actually impressed him

q) ok thats all woud u like to ask any ques?

a) yes sir,, u being an alumni here and a part of tcs now, cud u pleas share ur exp with me.
How actually wud be the wrkng condition there for us..

q) shared some exp which i didn’t focus much, he said for finance people u wud be given
assigned to prject soon once u r boarde there and thn u will understand why the employees
stay loyal to TCS.

a) ok sir thank u very much..

q) ok good luck

a) thank u very much sir.

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