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Vet. Pathol.

21: 304-307 (1984)

Feline Cystic Rete Ovarii


Departments of Veterinary Pathobiology and Veterinary Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

Abstract. Cysts of the rete ovarii system from 20 cats are described. The cellular morphology of these cysts varies because
the normal rete ovarii in the cat consists of three anatomically distinct parts. Cysts arise in the ovarian medulla or at the tubal
extremity of the ovary, expand into ovarian stroma rather than the mesovarium, and are lined by ciliated columnar to
flattened epithelium. Their functional significance is unknown.

The rete ovarii is a convoluted system of cell cords common basement membrane,6 and cytoplasmic pro-
and tubes which at birth occupies most of the ovarian trusions of intraovarian rete cells are often in contact
medulla and extends into the periovarian region." In with germ cellss Additionally, rete cells are similar
cats, as in other mammals, the rete ovarii consists of ultrastructurally7and enzymatically" to granulosa cells.
three parts: an intraovarian rete system, a connecting Removal of the rete ovarii before follicles are formed
rete system, and an extraovarian rete system? The prevents follicle formation."X
intraovarian rete is located within the ovarian medulla Pathologic changes have been reported in the rete
and is lined by cuboidal epithelium. At the tubal ex- ovarii of a variety of mammalian species. These include
tremity of the ovary, the intraovarian system becomes metaplasia, cyst formation, hyperplasia, and adeno-
a reticular formation of dilated tubules lined by ciliated matous change in women.I7 Rete cysts in heifers,' cystic
columnar epithelium-the connecting rete. The extrao- degeneration and adenomatous change of the rete ovarii
varian rete (mesonephric tubules and cords) consists of in slaughter cattle,14 squamous metaplasia of the rete
tubules composed of ciliated columnar cells extending ovarii in cattle with cystic ovaries and nymphomania,"
from the connecting rete and ending blindly in the and cystadenomatous change in Indian water buffalo' '
periovarian tissue. Compared to the cells of the con- have been reported. Cysts of the rete system have been
necting rete, cells of the extraovarian rete have a smaller seen in sheep,I3 guinea pigs," swine," prairie deer
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. The connecting and ex- mice,'" a camel,lXand dogs.'.'" This is the first report
traovarian rete contain cytoplasmic periodic acidSchiff of cystic change in the rete ovarii of cats.
(PAS)-positive granules and rete tubules often contain
a PAS-positive secretory material within their lumen^.^ Materials and Methods
All rete cells contain electron-dense rete bodies.' Tissues from 20 cats with cystic rete ovarii were reviewed
Secretory activity in the rete has been reported in the from the archives of the International Registry of Reproduc-
cat,'j and studies in various species have suggested that tive Pathology at the University of Illinois. Reproductive
tracts from nine cats undergoing routine ovariohysterectomies
the rete system and its secretions play an important role also were examined. Examination consisted of light micros-
in the onset of meiosis" '" and that this secretory activity copy of hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and specially stained
is regulated hormonally. l 7 paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed 5 pm serial sections taken
Although not universally accepted,' evidence is parallel to the long axis of the ovary.
mounting to indicate that in cats, mink, ferrets, rats,
mice, and marmosets, granulosa cells develop at least Results
in part from the cells of the rete ~varii.'.'.~.~.'~Granu- Serial sections from normal cats had various degrees
losa cells lining follicles sometimes are interconnected of normal rete morphology. In several sections the
with the intraovarian or connecting rete,3.8 share a anatomic junction between the intraovarian and con-
Rete Ovarii 305

Fig. 1: lntraovarian rete lined by simple epithelium (single arrow). Connecting rete lined by columnar ciliated epithelium
(double arrow). Junction between intraovarian and connecting rete (arrowhead). Van Gieson.
Fig. 2: Higher magnification, fig. I . Intraovarian rete lined by simple epithelium (single arrow). Connecting rete lined by
columnar ciliated epithelium (double arrow). Van Gieson.

necting rete clearly was visible. In these sections (figs. cysts.” Histologic examination of such material, how-
1,2) the nonciliated epithelium of the intraovarian rete ever, greatly facilitates distinction between follicular
changed abruptly to the ciliated columnar type of the cysts and cysts arising in the rete ovarii.
connecting rete. Confusion has existed as to the nomenclature of the
Those ovaries with cystic rete ovarii had grossly various parts of the rete. This has been complicated by
visible cysts present unilaterally or bilaterally (table I; the diverse cell types (i.e., ciliated and nonciliated)
fig. 3). There was no common age, breed, or reproduc- found in the normal rete and the fact that fluid pressure
tive history among the cats examined. Histologically, within cysts may flatten and attenuate lining cells-
there was much variation from expansile cysts extend- making identification of the cell of origin impossible. It
ing into the ovarian parenchyma from the tuba1 extrem- is clear from our study that the epithelial lining of these
ity to large space-occupying cysts displacing surviving cysts varies.
parenchyma peripherally (fig. 4). Cyst lining varied Since cells of the rete are secretory’’ and the rete in
from single to several layers of cuboidal or flattened the adult cat ends blindly, it is not surprising that these
epithelium (fig. 5) to columnar and ciliated (fig. 6). cysts develop. We postulate that since the extraovarian
Some cysts were lined partially by both types of cells. rete ends blindly in the fibromuscular periovarian tissue
(mesovarium), these cysts, from whichever portion of
Discussion the rete system they arise, expand into all portions of
It is apparent from this study that cysts of the rete the rete system through their tubular connections along
ovarii in cats are not as rare as a review of the literature the path of least resistance, compressing ovarian
would indicate. It is likely that veterinary practitioners stroma. The resulting cyst can. thus .have an epithelial
and pathologists categorize them simply as “ovarian lining varying from cuboidal to ciliated columnar to
306 Gelberg. McEntee, and Heath

5 6
Fig. 3: Bilateral rete cysts displacing ovarian parenchyma.
Fig. 4: Subgross micrograph of rete cyst (C). Surviving ovarian parenchyma compressed peripherally. Van Gieson.
Fig. 5: Rete cyst lined'by simple cuboidal epithelium. HE.
Fig. 6: Rete cyst lined by columnar ciliated epithelium. HE.
Rete Ovarii 307

Table I. Characteristics of cystic rete ovarii* 5 BYSKOV,A.G.: The anatomy and ultrastructure of the rete
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1508 10yr 4- + Anat 116: 207-2 17, I973
3014 7mO + + 7 BYSKOV, A.G.; RASMUSSEN, G.: Ultrastructural studies of
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6350 13 yr + + tion of the Ovary and its Functions, ed. H. Peters. Ex-
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Fertil45: 20 1-209, 1975 ofthe adult mammalian ovary. Anat Rec 26: 75-78,1923

Request reprints from Dr. H. B. Gelberg, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Illinois, Urbana, IL 6 180 1 (USA).

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