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Fermon Robinson

April 17 2018

My volunteer experience was at 12th Street School. It consists of children who age range were

from preschool to middle school ages. The program that my team mate Dominique Waltz and I

attended was called “Curious Kid”. This was my first experience dealing with children that I

never seen or met before. The staffs that facilitated the program were very friendly and some of

the children was marvelous and some were curious toward me. The 3 times I have attended was a

different experience for me. The first day I had arrived some of the children came to me and

asked if I could take them to the gym so we can play sports. I has no ideals where the gym was

located and was not sure if I could or authorizes to do so. As times went, I became familiar with

the children and they started interacting and communicating with me. I would play basketball,

soccer, volleyball or just throwed the ball in the air among each other. We would imagine that

we were flying airplane. They would use their coat and swirl it around in the air as it was an

airplane propeller. We would land the plane or sometime we would pretend that the plane crash.

If the some of the children did not want to go to the gym. We would go to a room that was on the

second floor where the children can draw, play broad games and have funs while waiting on their

parent. It was this girl about 7 years old that were so afraid to get on the elevators. She had

screamed from the top of her lungs in fear so we all had to take the stairs to the second floor.

Inside the room we would give suggestion and participate on what to play or draw. I would

interact with the kids and they would tell me about their day. As they would leave one by one

with their parents.

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