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This chapter presented the gathered as well as the analysis and interpretation of
the findings of the study based on the data obtained. Based on the results of the survey
conducted with the respondents, the subsequent tables were constructed.

Profile of the Respondents based on Personal Information

This portion of the study revealed the information of the study's respondents in
terms of gender, age, marital status, educational attainment, employment status and
religion. The following information were gathered in order for the researchers to
understand and know more about the said respondents.

Table I

Profile of the Repondents in Terms of Gender

N = 50


MALE 29 58%

FEMALE 21 42%

TOTAL 50 100%

As shown in Table I above, the profile of the respondents in terms of gender revealed
that the number of male patients during the study were larger than female with the frequency
of 29 (58%) for male and 21 (42%) for female. This result showed that males are more likely to
be hospitalized than women during the conduct of the said study at Pangasinan Provincial

Table II
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Age

N = 50


18 - 24 9 18%

25 - 34 10 20%

35 - 44 8 16%

45 - 54 8 16%

55 - 64 11 22%

65 Above 4 8%

TOTAL 50 100%

As shown in Table II above, ages of the respondents hospitalized during the study were
ranging from 18 - 65 years old above. From the age of 18 -24, 9 were hospitalized during the
conduct of the study which is equivalent to 18%. On ages 25-34, 10 were hospitalized during the
study that resulted to 20%. Ages 35 - 44 and 45-54, had the same number of patients with the
frequency of 8 and precentage equivalent to 16 during the conduct of the study. Age 55 - 64 had
11 patients resulted to 22%, the highest bracket of age among the hospitalized respondents. 65
and above patients were only 4 resulting to 8% the lowest of them all. Based on the results
presented above, ages 25 - 34 years old and 55 - 64 years old are most likely to be hospitalized
compared to the remaining range of age during the study.

Table III

Profile of Respondents in Terms of Marital Status

N = 50


Single 20 40%

Married 22 44%

Widowed 6 12%

Separated 2 4%

TOTAL 50 100%

As shown in Table III, the profile of the respondents in terms of marital status were
ranked from Married patients being the highest with a frequency of 22 patients with the total
percentage of 44% followed by Single patients with a frequency of 20 patients with the total
percentage of 40%. Low number of patients in terms of marital status were from Widowed with
a frequency of 6 equivalent to 12% and Separated being the lowest with 2 patients equivalent to
4%. This table indicated that Married people are more likely to be hospitalized than the other
type of Marital Status during the conduct of the said study.

Table IV

Profile of Respondents in Terms of Educational Attainment

N = 50


College 16 32%

High School 19 38%

Elementary 15 30%

TOTAL 50 100%

As shown in Table IV, the highest rating of patients in terms of Educational Attainment
was High School with the frequency of 19 patients equivalent to 38% followed by College with
frequency of 16 patients equivalent to 32% with a close range from the lowest Educational
Attainment achieved by the patients during the study Elementary, leading to 25 patients that
was equivalent to 30%. Therefore, this table showed that most of the respondents achieved
educational attainment was High School.

Table V

Profile of Respondents in Terms of Employment

N = 50


Employed 22 44%

Unemployed 28 56%

TOTAL 50 100%

As shown in Table V, patients during the study were most likely to be unemployed with
the total frequency of 28 patients equivalent to 56% compared to employed patients with the
total frequency of 22 that is equivalent to 44%. Therefore, the respondents of this study were
most likely to be unemployed during the conduct of the study.

Table VI

Profile of Respondents in Terms of Religion

N = 50


Roman Catholic 39 78%

Iglesia Ni Cristo 6 12%

Born Again Christian 3 6%

Baptist 2 4%

Muslim 0 0%

Others 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%

Table VI above indicated that most of patients religion during the conduct of the study
were Roman Catholic with frequency of 39 patients that is equivalent to 78% followed by Iglesia
ni Cristo with 6 patients equivalent to 12%, Born Again Christian with 3 patients equivalent to
6%, Baptist with 2 patients that is equivalent to 4% and Muslim and Others being the last with 0
patients equivalent to 0%.

Table I - VI were made by the researchers in order to fulfill the needed data for the
Personal Information of the researcher's respondents. These information were intended to make
the researchers (future nurses) knowledgeable about the Personal Information of their
respondents in order for them to use these information in bettering the said study. On the next
part of the study ratings of the respondents in relation to the topic itself ("Nurse - Patient
Relationship: It's Effects to Recovery Among Patients at Pangasinan Provincial Hospital") were
discussed and analyzed in terms of the Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses Pre-interaction
Phase (Information), Orientation Phase (Instructions, Communication, Attitude and Response),
Working Phase (Oppenness, Helpfulness, Skills and Competence, Response and Environment and
Privacy) to the patient/s or respondent/s. Indicated tables below shall support the information
needed by the researchers for the said study.


Profile of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses in Terms of Pre-Interaction Phase

N = 50


Information 29 = 58% 14 = 28% 7 = 14% 0 = 0%

Table VII above showed that nurses in Pangasinan Provincial Hospital were rated by their
patients according to the value of their service in terms of information specifically for the
question "How clear and complete are the nurses who assisted you in terms of explaining the
test, treatments & expectations regarding your health condition?". Nurses were ranked by
patients as Very Good with 29 response equivalent to 58%, Good with 14 response equivalent to
28%, Fair with 7 response equivalent to 14% and Poor with 0 response equivalent to 0%.
Therefore, most of the patients specifically 29 out of 50 patient were very satisfied with the
information provided by Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses regarding their health condition.


Profile of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses in Terms of Orientation Phase

N = 50


Instructions 25 50% 18 36% 6 12% 1 2%

Communication 24 48% 19 38% 5 10% 2 4%

Attitude 26 52% 16 32% 4 8% 4 8%

As shown above Table VIII above shows the patients/repondents rating for Pangasinan
Provincial Hospital Nurses in terms of Instructions under Orientation Phase with the specific
question ("How well did the nurses explained the instrctions in terms of preparation to the
procedure/s in your upcoming test/s or operation/s?"). Nurses were ranked in terms of
Instructions as Very Good with 25 response equivalent to 50%, Good with 18 response
equivalent to 36%, Fair with 6 response equivalent to 12%, and Poor with 1 response equivalent
to 2%. Pangasinan Provincial Nurses were also rated by their patients in terms of their
Communication with the specific question ("How well did the nurses communicated to you as a
patient and to your family during the treatment?). Nurses were ranked in terms of
Communications as Very Good with 24 response equivalent to 48%, Good with 19 response
equivalent to 38%, Fair with 5 response equivalent to 10% and Poor with 2 response equivalent
to 4%. The last description for Pangasinan Provincial Nurses Orientation Phase was Attitude
patients/respondents of the said hospital ranked them as Very Good with 26 response
equivalent to 52%, Good with 16 response equivalent to 32%, Fair with 4 response equivalent to
8% and Poor with the same number of response as Fair with frequency of 4 and percentage of 8.
Overall, most of the patients who stayed during the conduct of the study at Pangasinan
Provincial Hospital were most likely Very Satisfied of the hospital nurses in terms of Orientation
Phase. However, an improvement in this phase is still needed for some patient/s or respondent/s
still gave/rated the nurses of the said hospital a Poor ranked in terms of Orientation Phase.


Profile of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses in Terms of Working Phase

N = 50


Openness 22 44% 17 34% 7 14% 4 8%

Helpfulness 23 46% 20 40% 4 8% 3 6%

Skills and Compentence 23 46% 19 38% 4 8% 4 8%

Response 23 46% 19 38% 4 8% 4 8%

Environment and Privacy 23 46% 18 36% 6 12% 3 6%

In Table IX, Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses were rated in terms of their Openness
with the specific question "How much did the nurse/s who assisted you gave importance to your
opinion/s, suggestion/s, need/s, during your traetment or medication?" in their working Phase
with patients/respondents ranking them with Very Good that have 22 response equivalent to
44%, good with 17 response equivalent to 34%, Fair having 7 response equivalent to 14% and
Poor with 4 response that is equivalent to 8%. In terms of Helpfulness of the Pangasinan
Provincial Hospital Nurses working phase patients/respondents rated them with the specific
question "How well did the nurses do in terms of comforting you and reassuring you
information/s or help/s tha you need?" as Very Good with 23 response equivalent to 46%, Good
with 20 response equivalent to 40%, Fair with 4 response equivalent to 8% and Poor with also 3
response that was equivalent to 6%. The said nurses of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital were also
rated based on their skills and competence under working phase with the specific question
"How well did the nurses do in terms of giving medication (taking or giving vital signs, injections,
medicines, etc.)? the results were as follows; Very Good 23 response equivalent to 46%, Good 19
equivalent to 38%, Fair and Poor both having 4 response and both equivalent to 8%. The
response to patient of Nurses at Pangasinan Provincial Hospital were also rated by the
respondents under Working Phase with specific question "How fast are the nurse/s in terms of
assistance?. The results were as follows; Very Good with 23 response equivalent to 46%, Good
with 19 response equivalent to 38%, Fair and Poor both having 4 response equivalent to 8%.
Lastly under the criteria of Working Phase, the Nurses of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital were
also rated in terms of Environment and Privacy with the specific question "How well did the
nurses perform in terms of providing provacy, peaceful and quiet environment?" results were as
follows; Very Good having 23 response equivalent to 46%, Good having 18 response eequivalent
to 36%, Fair with 6 response equivalent to 12% and Poor having 3 response equivalent to 6%.
Overall, most of the patients/respondents during this study were very satisfied and was okay
with the service and care provided by the nurses in Pangasinan Provincial Hospital in terms of
their working phase. However, there is still a portion of very unhappy and disatisfied
patients/respondents in the care and assistance they have received in the working phase of the
said hospital.


Profile of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses in Terms of Termination Phase

N = 50


Instructions 27 54% 12 24% 9 18% 2 4%

Communication & Relationship 27 54% 12 24% 10 20% 1 2%

Perception 23 46% 17 34% 8 16% 2 4%

Table X above showed how the patients/respondents of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital

Nurses were rated based on Termination Phase. The first thing that was under the Termination
Phase was instructions. Instructions with the specific question "How complete and clear did the
nurses explain the instruction/s on what to do and what to expect after discharge?", patients
have ranked this question with Very Good having 27 response equivalent to 54%, Good having
12 response equivalent to 24%, Fair having 9 reponse equivalent to 18% and 2 responses for
Poor rating that was equivalent to 4%. The second category under the termnination phase was
the Pangasinan Provincial Nurses Communication and Relationship to its patients or the
respondents during thier stay at Pangasinan Provincial Hospital. With the specific question, "Did
the nurse/s exerted effort to attend your need after discharge from the hospital?". Nurses were
ranked as follows; Very Good having 27 response equivalent to 54%, Good having 12 response
equivalent to 24%, Fair having 10 response equivalent to 20% and lastly Poor having 1 response
equivalent to 2%. The last pasrt of the Termination Phase of Nurses in Pangasinan Provincial
Hospital was Perception with the specific question "How will you rate the overaall quality of
nursing care & services that you have received during your stay at PPH?". The results were aas
follows; Very Good having 23 response equivalent to 46%, Good having 17 response equivalent
to 34%, Fair having 8 response equivalent to 16% and Poor having 2 response wquivalent to 4%.
Overall, compared to the previous phases, the termination phase has the least unhappy and
disatisfied patients/ respondents. Like in other phases, most of the patients are likey very
satisfied and happy with the service and care they have received form the Nurses in Pangainan
Provincial Hospital.


Profile of Pangasinan Provincial Hospital Nurses in Terms of Recommendation

N = 50


Recommendation 44 88% 6 12%

In this part of the study, patients/respondents in Pangasinan Provincial Hospital verdicts

whether they are going to recommend Pangasinan Provincial Hospital in terms of Nursing Care
and Services or not. Table XI above showed that majority of the respondents/patients were very
willing to recommend the said hospital to their colleagues, families and friend. However, a very
low percentage said they will not recommend the said Hospital.

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