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After a long, busy day at work, Jason was finally going home. He was tired.

He wasn't
thinking about anything special.
"Perhaps I should go into the supermarket in our neighborhood, and pick up a couple
ofpounds of strawberries," Jason thought.
While Jason was driving to the store, his phone rang. It was his wife, Jenny.
"Jason, where are you? Last night you promised to come home early to help me prepare the
food and decorate the house. You know that we're having a party tonight."
"Oh, no!" Jason said. "I had so much work today that I forgot about the party."
"I know it's always a good idea to remind you to come home early, even when you promise,"
said Jenny. "However, this time I expected you to remember."
At first, Jason didn't understand what Jenny was talking
about, but then he remembered:Jenny was having a party for him that night. It
was his fiftieth birthday!

Después de un largo y agitado día de trabajo, Jason finalmente se iba a casa. Él

estaba cansado. Él no estaba pensando en nada especial.
"Tal vez debería ir al supermercado de nuestro vecindario y recoger un par de litros
de fresas", pensó Jason.
Mientras Jason conducía hacia la tienda, sonó su teléfono. Fue su esposa, Jenny.
"Jason, ¿dónde estás? Anoche prometiste volver a casa temprano para ayudarme a
preparar la comida y decorar la casa. Sabes que vamos a tener una fiesta esta
"¡Oh no!" Jason dijo. "Tenía tanto trabajo hoy que me olvidé de la fiesta".
"Sé que siempre es una buena idea recordarte que vengas a casa temprano, incluso
cuando prometas", dijo Jenny. "Sin embargo, esta vez esperaba que recuerdes".
Al principio, Jason no entendió de qué estaba hablando Jenny, pero luego recordó:
Jenny estaba teniendo una fiesta para él esa noche. ¡Era su quincuagésimo

Barry: Michael, I think I got a part for you. Franklin Theater is doing
'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' I know you'd like to do this one. Am I right?
: Yes! You're right! I love that play! When are they doing the auditions?
Barry: Actually, the auditions are today. Can you make it?
: Oh, today is bad. How about tomorrow? I'm free tomorrow.
Barry: Let me check. You're in luck.
: Great!
Barry: They're having auditions tomorrow as well. Is it ok to be the last
audition of the day?
: Yes, it's OK. I was the last one before, and it was fine.
Barry: There's an opening at 5:30 p.m. Does that work for you?
Michael Five-thirty is fine. Six-thirty is fine. Morning, noon or night, is OK. Just
: please make the call and get me an appointment.
Barry: OK, OK, relax. I'll call them right now.
: Great! Thank you. I'm really excited about this audition!
Barry: Me too. Hey, Ed? This is Barry

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