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Artifact #6: Educational Survey.

Why did you include this artifact?

My Educational Survey reflects elementary school teachers’ opinions and

experiences regarding the annual Ontario mandated standardized testing that occurs in all grade

three, six and nine classrooms. The results largely reflect a negative outlook on standardized

testing, however the testing is government regulated and mandated to occur every year, so

Ontario teachers must abide and do their best to prepare students for the most positive and

successful experience during the testing. My selection of this topic stemmed from my personal

interest to discover the teacher’s opinion behind standardized testing, so I would better be able to

prepare myself as an educator who will need to be able to approach and handle the reality of

standardized testing the best I can.

I believe that it is not only what we teach but how we teach it. There will always be

curriculum standards that are more difficult than others to instruct but I look forward to the

opportunity to be able to try to find new motivating ways to teach and prepare students, so they

can thrive.

How does this artifact show evidence that you are prepared for a career in education?

I chose my Educational Survey as my sixth artifact because it represents the strong values

I place in professional collaboration. The survey showcases my willingness and desire to learn

from other educators and their experiences to enrich my knowledge and establish more effective

tools and strategies to use in the classroom. I genuinely look forward to being able to be part of

a team of teaching professionals that I can work through challenges with, as well as contribute by

sharing my own experiences and ideas with.

Also, this project demonstrates a connection and correlation to my philosophical beliefs

from Paulo Freire that the teacher must always remain in a constant state of reflection. It is only

through reflection that we will be able to continue to learn what we can do better as educators

and what adjustments can be made to enhance the students’ learning experiences.

What curriculum and professional standards were used?

INTASC Standards

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually

evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others

(learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the

needs of each learner.

9(h) The teacher knows how to use learner data to analyze practice and differentiate

instruction accordingly.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for

student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals,

and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

10(h) The teacher uses and generates meaningful research on education issues and


10(p) The teacher actively shares responsibility for shaping and supporting the mission of

his/her school as one of advocacy for learners and accountability for their success.

10(t) The teacher embraces the challenge of continuous improvement and change.
NYS Code of Ethics for Educators

Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to develop their practice.

Educators recognize that professional knowledge and development are the foundations of

their practice. They know their subject matter, and they understand how students learn.

Educators respect the reciprocal nature of learning between educators and students. They engage

in a variety of individual and collaborative learning experiences essential to develop

professionally and to promote student learning. They draw on and contribute to various forms of

educational research to improve their own practice.

ISTE Standards for Teachers

Standard #5. Engage in professional growth and leadership.

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and

exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating

the effective use of digital tools and resources.

d. Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self renewal of the teaching profession and

of their school and community

The Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards

INTEGRITY: Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in the ethical standard

of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in exercising integrity in their professional

commitments and responsibilities.

The Ontario Teacher Standards of Practice

Professional Knowledge: Members strive to be current in their professional knowledge

and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development,

learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and

legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.

TEAC/CAEP Claims 1-3

Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective

pedagogy and best teaching practices.

“If we teach today’s students as
we taught yesterday’s, we rob
them of tomorrow.”
~ John Dewey

Educational Survey
Brooke Keogh
EDU 510
April 20th, 2018
Thematic Concern:
The purpose of the questionnaire is to be able to gather information
and insight from the teacher perspective regarding the effectiveness
of the standardized testing that is mandated in Ontario.

Target Population:
The target population of this questionnaire are elementary school
teachers employed within the province of Ontario.

The Education Quality and Accountability Office, better known as the
EQAO, has mandated standardized testing since 1996. It requires
that every single student in Ontario in grades three, six, nine and
eleven complete standardized testing in mathematics, reading and
writing every school year.
The EQAO claims that by enforcing these tests it holds school
systems accountable and provides necessary data in order for the
government to be able to determine where and how to spend
educational funding. It is supposed to be a method used to provide
information that will allow students, teachers, and entire school
boards to improve and evolve.
Standardized testing has been a very hot topic in the media for many
years because of the effect this incredibly stressful and demanding
testing process has on students, their parents, teachers and the
school boards. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the matter,
but the voices that seem to go unheard the most are the ones that
may have the most powerful insight that can be shared – the
Standardized Testing: The Teacher’s Perspective

Directions: Please circle the number that

represents your honest feelings and opinions.

1. Do you feel the standardized testing undermines your


1 2 3 4

2. Do you feel standardized testing promotes learning in

the classroom?

1 2 3 4
3. Do you feel the standardized testing holds the school
system accountable?

1 2 3 4

4. Do you feel the standardized test results represent an

important measure of school board performance?

1 2 3 4

5. Do you feel standardized test results should be reflected

on student’s report cards?

1 2 3 4
Disagree Agree

6. Are you discouraged from teaching grades three or six

due to standardized testing?
1 2 3 4

7. Do you feel standardized testing has put an

unreasonable amount of pressure and stress on

1 2 3 4

8. Do you feel standardized testing has put an

unreasonable amount of pressure and stress on

1 2 3 4

9. Do the standardized test results accurately and fairly

reflect students’ knowledge and capabilities?
1 2 3 4

10. Do you feel standardized testing is an effective use

of educational funds?

1 2 3 4

In the following questions please share your thoughts, insight,

suggestions and recommendations.
11. What changes would you recommend to the
current standardized testing process?

12. If standardized testing were eliminated, where

would you like to see funds directed?

I sincerely appreciate your time and honesty as it greatly
impacts my educational journey 


Question 1: Do you feel the standardized testing

undermines your profession? 5,4,2,3,5,5,3,4,4,5

Question 2: Do you feel standardized testing promotes

learning in the classroom? 1,3,4,3,1,2,4,3,2,1

Question 3: Do you feel the standardized testing holds

the school system accountable? 2,3,4,4,1,2,4,2,3,2

Question 4: Do you feel the standardized test results

represent an important measure of school board
performance? 2,2,5,4,2,3,5,3,3,2
Question 5: Do you feel standardized test results should
be reflected on student’s report cards?

Question 6: Are you discouraged from teaching grades

three or six due to standardized testing?

Question 7: Do you feel standardized testing has put an

unreasonable amount of pressure and stress on
teachers? 5,5,5,4,5,5,4,5,5,5

Question 8: Do you feel standardized testing has put an

unreasonable amount of pressure and stress on
students? 5,5,5,4,5,5,4,5,5,5

Question 9: Do the standardized test results accurately

and fairly reflect students’ knowledge and capabilities?

Question 10: Do you feel standardized testing is an

effective use of educational funds? 1,1,3,4,2,4,3,2,1,1

What changes would you recommend to the current

standardized testing process?
Provide modifications/accommodations for testing
Every few years do testing
Every few years do testing
Provide modifications / accommodations for testing
Every few years do testing

If standardized testing were eliminated, where would

you like to see funds directed?
More teachers
More educational assistants
Special education department
More teachers
Special education department
Educational Assistants

Results Summarized
The data I was able to collect clearly communicated that majority of
teachers are not in agreeance with the effectiveness of the EQAO
standardized testing in Ontario.
The teachers felt very strongly that standardized testing undermines
their profession which I feel is an incredibly important factor in
people being able to enjoy their profession, take pride in what they
do, feel purpose, and appreciation. If someone does not feel these
things within their profession they won’t be able to feel satisfied or
motivated. I think that’s essential for the government to understand
because without teachers we would not be able to deliver an
educational system.

Very few teachers felt that standardized testing promotes learning in

the classroom which is quite surprising and alarming since an
outsider may assume that any type of testing may invoke further
learning. Therefore, it is critical to understand the teacher’s
perspective on this topic because they are the ones in the classroom
with the students on a daily basis. They know firsthand if the testing
increases a student’s learning potential or decreases their learning
experience. It certainly brings us to question – why mandate a
testing process every year that is only decreasing the learning
potential for students.

Almost all the teachers felt strongly discouraged to want to teach

grades three and six which is very eye-opening. Unfortunately, this
could mean many of the really great teachers are avoiding teaching
grades three and six. If there aren’t any teachers who want to teach
these incredibly impactful years in school, what impact will that have
on the students?
An outstanding 80% of teachers felt very strongly that the amount of
stress and pressure caused by the standardized testing is
unreasonable. The other 20% were still in agreeance that the stress
and pressure is unreasonable. There were the exact same results
when it came to the stress and pressure put on the students. There
needs to be more emphasis put on the health and wellness of the
educators and the students. Plain and simple. No one can learn,
perform or be their best if their wellbeing is being compromised.

Another astonishing 80% of teachers all felt the same way on

question number nine as well. 8 out of 10 teachers disagreed that
the standardized testing results are a fair and accurate reflection of
a student’s knowledge and capabilities. How frustrating and unfair
is that for students who have everyone’s eyes on them, watching to
see how they will perform on these tests only to have the results NOT
accurately represent what they are truly capable of.

While there were some mixed feelings about if standardized testing

is an effective use of funding there was still 60% who disagreed with
this statement and do NOT believe it is effective.

When teachers were asked what improvements, they would make to

the standardized testing process 50% of the teachers suggested
eliminating the test altogether. Three teachers recommended
switching the testing to be conducted only every few years instead of
every year. And two teachers suggested that modifications and
accommodations should be offered.
When teachers were asked if standardized testing were eliminated
where would they like to see the funding redirected and 5 of the
answers were regarding more support being hired. Either in the
form of additional teachers or an increase in educational assistants.
Three teachers suggested the funds should be used towards
technology resources in the schoolboards. And two teachers
offered that they would like to see the funding go toward improving
the special education department and the resources available within
that department.

I chose this topic for my survey because I have heard many teachers
over the years speak about the standardized testing and have heard
many different thoughts and opinions on the matter. I was very
curious to gain further knowledge and insight on the topic after one
of the teachers I had met through my 100 hours of field experience
had explained to me that she no longer teaches grade three because
the stress and pressure of the testing had taken a serious toll on her
wellbeing. This teacher now teaches a grade two classroom after
having taught grade three for eight years.
In conclusion of my results I have learned a great deal about the
mandatory EQAO standardized testing and have come to be in
support of the teachers who wish to have the testing eliminated, or at
minimum reduce testing to only every few years instead of every
year. I do not think I can make sense of supporting and encouraging
a policy that proves to be so inefficient.
The test is supposed to give parents, students, teachers and the
school board an accurate reflection of where the students are
stacking up against one another in the province, yet majority of
teachers feel that their students’ true knowledge and capabilities are
not being represented in the results. Therefore, how is the
government supposed to take this data and come to meaningful and
relevant conclusions. If the truth is not entirely being represented
than the solutions will not be appropriate.

I feel that it is a matter of time before changes are forced to be made.

because 100% of teachers feel the stress and pressure placed on
them as well as the students is unreasonable. This will be a problem
that can only go on for so much longer before improvements and
change are forced to happen.

Plan for Improvement

My plan for improving the standardized testing process would be to
offer modifications and accommodations to meet the requirements
of the students who already require modifications and
accommodations daily. I do think this would reduce stress levels in
the students knowing that they will have the same needs met during
standardized testing as they do throughout every other day of the
school year.
Secondly, I feel it may be beneficial for the government to offer test
prep courses outside of school hours for students. The course
would be covered by the government, so any student would be able
to attend. The government would post the job listing so that
teachers who are willing to take on the additional work load, and
receive appropriate compensation for their extra efforts, are able to
apply for this position. This will reduce work load, stress and
pressure off grade three and six teachers and hopefully help to
remove teachers’ feelings of discouragement of wanting to teach
these grades.
My third call to action would be to hire additional support. By having
more educational assistants on staff the students will better receive
the individual attention and assistance necessary for them to reach
their full potential. As well, the teacher will receive the support
necessary for them to be able to perform their best in their
profession and maintain an appropriate level of wellbeing.
Lastly, I believe the best plan for improvement is truly moving the
testing to be conducted every few years. From the information I
have gathered, I do not see any benefit in the standardized testing
being mandated every year. I feel all the same goals could easily be
accomplished with testing being done once every three years, and I
do think this would allow for more accurate results. Furthermore, I
feel it would allow for more authentic learning experiences to take
place and for students to be immersed in more of an enriched
individualized learning environment.

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