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' !,Jia
Accept- €fqq $-{l-l can not accept your proposal.
Except- ----.s_
<Tql\5-Everybody attended the meeting except him.
Acquaintance- {RSE +1fu-ne is an acquaintance of mine.
Friend- {S-ls he not a friend of yours?
Artist- Ff&-Leonardo was a great o{ artist of his time.
Artisan- 41ft1-4-15q artisan is now at his work.
Advise- E"tot"l cig3l-Father advised rne to take up Economics.
Advice* S"tCq"t-the boy will not take any advice.
Altar- nft-fne goat was sacrificed on the altar.
Alier- "tffi-Nothing in the question paper is to be altered.
Able- q'T;'{-l
am an able man.
Capable- q-S-{-He is capable of understanding me.
Beach- qTE
TE-h is always a joy to roam about a sea-beach.
Bitch- ffi-fne bitch gave birth to a litier one.
Break- $tt-The thief broke the door open.
Brake- ot&mta+ IE*Every car must have a proper brake
Beside- qnd-Ue satAay beside me.
Besides- ql$ro-Besides this point, there are some other point to
Bank- fr<-Hakim was wandering on ihe bank of the river.
Bunk- dC{ lpR<Ti Ei=q*t founa no bunk in tha train.
Bread- fB-ttre beggar demanded more hread.
Breed- F:-?IOO
s-{l-A good environment breeds cultured men-
Back- 1"U-He iook the bag on his back.
Beck-. T"fin-l could not grasp at his beck.
Berth- CTCaI <l E'RJ(Q {lfk< q-{-All the berths are reserved.
Grammar Words of the Same or Similar Meanings
' Distinguished 885

Birth- EI-She gave birth to a dead-child.

Better- qkSV{EtE-The sooner, the better.
Biiter- Gg-the medicine has a bitter iaste.
Bone- W-The doctor set back the displaced bone in position.
Bane- 9el$lT-The banes of our civilisation loom large today.
Boon- qtft{q-the western culture brought us many boons.
Born- ql9-A baby was born to her.
'- Borne- {fts-Beware of water-borne diseases.

it} Bury- 1fuf <f<r-rhe dead body was buried in the graveyard.
Berry- Elrl-Children are always fond of black beryis.
Bear- {S S-fl-l can bear the oppression no more.
Bare- 4{*ln winter, trees stand denuded and bare.
Canvass- reF gldTl tr{l-The chairman is. canvassing in his village.
Canvas- C{ltl st"l-v-Our country produces a good amount of
Compliment- Q6T-Rabindranath was given greatest compliments for
his works.
Complement- "tR6-+-Uonesty is complement to success.
Certain- frffi-He laid stress on certain aspects of the proposal.
Curtain- T{A-A curtain was fixed over the bed.
Custom- ?G-366 customs have to be done away with.
Costume- Ctll.IlS-She put on a swimming costume.
Crops- -l{i-We had bumper crops last year.
Corps- 6{'{mE-The corps followed the commander.
Corpse- IEf{-{ Wm-q-A corpse was found lying by the road.
Carcass- eF9<
Tic--Cq-C-The farmer threw the carcass in the river.
Coarse- ffibf-Coarse rice is always cheaper.
Course- ut&-tfte law must take its course.
Cheap- lrut-A cheap vulgarity now prevails in the country.
Chip- rlg-Thecarpenter cut the wood into chips.
Chap- <lEfS-He was really a very nice chap.
Clean- lRSF-The house is neat and clean.
Clan- RSI-The clans of aborgines settled in caves.
Cannon- SFil;l-Babar introduced cannon in India.
Canon- FBl'il-Social canons are to be followed strictly.
Calender- ER-tt-t" calender is made in China.
Calendar- Cq'sflE 'lf&<tt-l found out the date from the calendar.
Almanac- lg$ 'tf&sFThe seaman had an almanac with him.
Cast- fi6qo1 4-E1-1he ball was cast in the air.
886 A Passage to the English Language

Caste- qlG-Untouchability prevails in Hindu caste.

Check- Efi F{l-You should check the beast in you.
Cheque- q&-U" gave me a cheque of Tk 500.00.
NOTE. American-English-€ shs6k= Rfu
City- ffi-He lives in the city of Dhaka.
Town- rf5-Khulna is a small town.
Cite- E6fl{ s-fl-fhe student failed to cite an example.
Site- ^( I{Ec ?F-The site was chosen for a bank.
Councii- lsi-Mr. Arif was the chairman of our union council.
Counsel- E'l(q--i-t gave him a good many counsels, but in vain.
Desert- {'d-Yfi-Arabia is a country full of deserts.
Dessert- {l€$< "R fi3F1Rc<.F-The were served dessert after
the meal.,
Difference- "itd+i-There is a great deal of difference between the
two brothers.
Deference- {'qf{-You must show deference to your superiors.
Die- *ll-To die is everyman's fate.
Dye- n(f{l-The cloth was dyed in red.
Disease- 6{l{-The disease in him is a deep-seated one.
Decease- *lt-He deceased last year.
Diary- ffi-f keep a diary with me.
Dairy- ES n-${lfl-He selup a dairy firm in here.
Deal in- <f<'ClS-<t-The man deals in rice.
Deal with- <l-<-qR€l-He knows how to deal with people.
Effect- FT-The law has an enduring efif.ect.
Affect- v-lTGl-He affected as if he were mad.
Eligible- E"qo-Ur. Zafor is quite eligible for this job.
Illegible- {fj{ "Ifb s-fl {tg {-Shamim's hand wriiing is illegible.
Export- <qfr-We export jute to Britain.
Expert- {<qff-Rabindranath Tagore was an expert in literature.
Eminent- etfrn-Prof. Tawney was an eminent historian.
Imminent- qFf{-The danger is imminent.
Farm- TRrs-q-The farmer work in his farm.
Firm- CIFFFI-He got an appointment in the firm.
Force- ial-Neu,ton discovered the law of gravitational force.
Farce- qffi-s$-1he farce goes on in a corrupt society in
the name of justice.
Fir- q-s q.€k<< rffQ-There are fir trees in abundance in hill
Grammar : Words of the Same or Similar Meanings Distinguished 887

Fur- 6II-That uncouth animal was covered with fur all

Far- $-The far away from here.
school is not
Fair._ T{a{, GEI-The girl has a fair complexion. He bought it
{rom fair.
Fare- Wl-The bus fare has gone high.
Gate- rPtr+-fhe sentry closed the gate.
Gait- 4q{91ft-1he gait of ihe girl is intoxicating'
- *"0 Great- T$-William Blake was a great Poet.
1:) Greel- qft{Ih1q1-1hey greeted us at the entrance.
Germ- fu{-Various gerrns cause various diseases.
Gram- horse is fond of gram.
Hale- {q-l was glad to find him hale and hearty.
Hail- FnqB-the heavy rain was followed by hail.
Honorary- ffi-s-He honorary schooling.
had an
Honourable- cTtRR- Mr. Das was an honourable man.
Important- e+\'I{-The question is very important.
ill- ft&s-HuUiU has been ill for months past.
Sick- q{{, C$t'f-Helal became sick in the train.
Illicit- 6q1Qfi-nhgit goods were found in his house.
Elicit- K]R{ T-<'l-fhe criminal has to be elicited.
Invade- c4{ ql@{{ T-<l-lraq invaded Quait.
Attack- qf${cf €{l- The tiger attacked the deer.
Injeciton-- cq(q< c€F b<r't {G el.ft{ q-{Ef<? vfi' bs(-The doctor
gave him an injection.
Injunction- frcs<lgt-fne couri issued an injunction io this effect.
Letter* ffi, "i-q-l received his letter.
Latter- "fc<6; would like to see the latter on of the books.
Lunch- rqf{M-q-Dr. Sen invited me to lunch.
Launch- "flfrF5qm{-The ship was launched yesterday.
Lesson- "n'a-Hn leams his lessons regularly.
Lessen- T{|4-This letter of sympathy lessened his heart-ache.
Morning- ElEsslrT-lt is good to take exercise in the morning.
Mourning- FtlT-shamim expressed mourning at my father's
Middle- I{i-Do not interrupt in the middle of aur
Meddie- q{RrfR udl +<t-Never meddle with my affairs.
Metal- (rQ-The sword was made of metal"
888 A Passage to the English Language
Mettle- CES-g1r character was full of mettle.
Medal- tFF-For regular class work I got a medal.
Manger- $gf$ {]?Il{ cEg{fd 'fl€_There was no food for the
in the manger.
Manager- a{R-{Rs- The manager of the bank was found
Mane- 6S'l{-The lion has mane on the neck.
Main- €l{l{-The main road was very broad.
Night- dfr-11t" night fell on the banla of the river.
":'$ Knight- a6i ffi-p6bindranath was awarded the title
otd- fl-The old man was coughing in cold.
Ancient- qftq-Onah is an ancient cidr.
Pour- +ff +-*tFm-He poured milk into the glass.
Pore- C{FQ"f-Sweat was coming out through the pores.
Poem- {g sR-q-shakespeare wrote fine poems.
Poetry- T'R.q frfif<I< cdf."fc-He has an aptitude
for poetry.
Physique- q({ tf5{-Helal was a boy of poor physique.
Physic- hq-tne doctor prescribed a strong physic.
Pick- Cqql-The pick-pocket picked my pocket.
Pack- qq-A pack of robbers fell on him.
Peck- dWgf+-firn wood pecker pecks at the tree.
Person- {Ifu-Mv father was a kind person.
Parson- -'.
"lrr1fl-l.he parson advised the rich to be kind.
Peace- -ilfr-He iost the peace of mind for his
Piece- <lg-The car went to pieces in the
Principal- qq-t$/q{tq-Our principal passed
away last night.
Principle- ftG-Bnrnurd Shaw was a man of principle.
Pray- QI*il S-<l-Muslims pray five times a day.
Prey- Ff+N-fne eagle is a bird of prey.
Petrol- c"|61ai bgq-Petrol sells cheap now
Patrol- FCq (T9{l- The policeman patrols
the clty.
Quite- S-t{-t have quite a few good friends.
Quiet- -tF_-6i1nr the storm let
up, the atmosphere was quiet.
Refuse- s.lq <t{ca- qft-$k s?l-He refused tohelp me.
Refuge- 9lel{-lnthe storm the ship took refuge in the haven.
Relation- w*f6-S6nnladesh enjoys good relation with
Relative- 9IYII-John was a relative of mine.
Reel- Wl-< eF-fhe man bought a reel from the shop.
Real- ef{s-All that he said was real.
Grammar : Words of the Same or Similar Meanings Distinguished 889

Rain- 1B-fne rain comes in torrents in rainy season.

Reign- rlffiSf{-Akber reigned the empire peacefully.
Rein- cq$i< iltflI-To halt the horse, you got to pull the rein
Sometime- qpf-Mr. Salam was the sometime proffesor of our
Sometimes- QHQ-fhe two brothers falls out over the property
Siege- gzfGtlt{-The enemy sieged the fort for months past.
1fa Seize- (Kl-He seized me by the hand.
Sweet- ffi-Childretl are always talking sweet words.
Sweat- {Fl-Johnson lived by the sweat of his brow.
Soil- {ltr{ E"fR-qti-The trees spread its roots in the soil.
Sole- 4CT{sqt-R pin got stuck in his sole.
Soul-- qI9[I-May his soul rest in peace.
Steal- qfi oO-f" steal is a crime.
Steel- tts-fne knife had steel made edges.
Simple- >K{-Nazrul had a very simple heart.
Sample- {{-{-The dealer gatherad the sample of the rice.
Silent- fta<-fne classroom was silent during the exam.
Salient- €i{l{-The speaker touched only the salient points of the
Sour- F+-Grape fruits are sour.
Shower- 1B"no-ft showered heavily yesterday.
Sore- '{ttr-My wife had a sore in her palm.
Season- Sq-lt is rainy season now.
Session- qiiqlKfi-The session must be over by now.
Spelt- 4R$R{'-The child spelt the word in a wrong way.

Spilt- qry$sil-The milk was allspilt.

Split- Rft{ +-+pnussia has been split up into several states.
State- <E-tndiu has many states in it.
Estate- ql$fu-tne king left a large estate behind.
sit- T{l--Wouid you mind sitting here please?
Seat- 9Fl{-The chairman took his seat.
Sell- ft-+<ql-nice sells cheap now.
Sale- ft-o<-tne goat here is for sale.
Shell- C{l-fi-The snail has a hard shell around.
Cell- CsF-Robert Hook discovered cell.
890 A Passage to the English Language
Ship- E,tRI-9-The Titanic was a very big ship.
Sheep- Fpl-The dog rounded up all the sheep.
Shadow- r{iet<q-l.he apparition has no shadow.
Shade- Q$-The hunter sat in the shade of a tree.
Suit- c-tf ffiq,?-Dr. Zatir was attired in complete suit.
Suite- +qtft-they took a suite in the hotel.
Staff- SB-.the flag staff was broken due to stress of weather.
Siuff- {vilc1-Pizza is really a good stuff.
ii? Shore- q{5 S"fgq-1he ship sailed away from the

Sg-The sore in my palm pains very much.

Test- tfttt-He passed the class test.
I aste- ffi-ln did not get the taste of conjugal life.
Stationery- T[q|{|ft-i have a stationery shop.
Stationary- i$-The pole star is stationary.
Want- q'gl-{-The rich have no want.
Wand- 1ESIi{ffi-1he magician waved his magic wand.
Wcnder- qlTdrRE q€Tf-l wonder at the
stupidity of his.
Wander- tssEqT-{s-<l-The girl is wandering all alone.
White- Ilhl-Rabindranath Tagore had a white beard.
Whet- '[{ ffisTl-The butcher whets the knife everyday.
Wick- qfrl*-fne wick of the lamp has burnt out.
Weak- ?<dl-He is very weak now.
Week- {SR-There are seven days in a week.
Waist- C$lI.:t-The girl had a very attractive waist.
Waste- EHef$ q? Ffi-We should not waste time on triffles.
Wholesome- qlqlqq-The milk is very wholesome.
Healthy- {-Q-The Arabians are not healthy in character.
Zealous- rr{pla.llqe-Kussel was zealous about social
Jealous- ?dlRs-Girls are jealous of each other.

Addict- qlfi"l +l-cq qm's q€RT-l am not addicted
to smoking.
Devote- 9le FtCq q-{trs E\s{t-He is devoted to religious
Addiction- {f<Iel TlCq qfqfu-t was surprised to find his addiction
to drinking.
Devotion- glS StCq q'{n'@-His devotion
to truih has drawn him
towards a sociai politics.
Admit- ?l+I{S3'l-Habib admitted that he knew the fact.
Grammar : Words of the Same or Similar Meanings Distinguished 891

Confess- cd\ fu< F{l-The criminal confessed his crime'

Aifection- 6{-Every mother has affection for her child'
Affectation- $t-His attitude was full of affectation'
Alternate- rlfEltrfr {'RI qEq-The medicine is io be taken on
alternate daYs.
Alternative- fr+g-tnt is alternative to that. (cF sF< Fl-$Et r)
Access- qIi.Il1}s1<-The class leader has access to the
Excess- qms-Excess of anything is bad.
Allusion- q&il< Grflq-tne passage has an allusion to the
death of Lenin.
Illusion- eTAl3II-The world is an illusion.
Adept- tr-Hnnu is adept in music. (r<{I lrfirc lt r)
Adapt- G"Wft4<l-The works of Byron have been adapted
for children.
Adopt- el{tl F{t-Jllever adopt unfairmeans in the exam'
Afflict- {q"fi "[€{-He was afflicted at my remark.
Infllct- F-{l-Heavy punishment was inflicted.
Assay- o?'t +-*-fne authors assay much to produce creative
Essay- el{r[-An essay reflects what the author thinks'
Await- qqa;$-$-We are awaiting the Prime Minister'
Wait R-ffi F-<l-Why do you keep me waiting?
Aughi- lvF*g-nor aught I know, he is an honest man'
Ought- tGs-You ought to respect your teacher'
Bene{icial- ffi-ffre cow is a beneficial animai.
Beneficent- vBIl{-The man was benificent'
Causal- aKft-{-11isre is a causal connection between the
murder and the hiding of the man'
Casual- qqfr-s-F{. was granted a casual leave'
Childish- (Rrqft (?n31"1 wd)-Evervbodv dislikes his childish
Childlike- Ff*g Wrs (efs wd)-M. K. Ghandi had a childlike
simplicity .

Collision- C(d-The car broke down on the road in a collision.

collusion- ctilfl{ c{ttflI{ltl- The servant acted in collusion with the
thief .

Coma- q6l{ q{ql-The pregnant woman {ell into a coma'

Comma- R'<mF<-e comma is necessary for clear meaning of a
.,892 A passage to the English Language
j' Confidant- fr$rq< e[dl__:He
is my confidant
Confident- ficsfraR_Never be too much confident
of success.
Considerate- frmu-O_a considerate man wins
Considerable- {tq? {fuef_A considerable
change came over him.
contemptible- $I-A drinker is a contemptibre
contemptuous-!"til-{lw'F-l was much distressed
at his contemtuous
Chord- A-fi-The student drew a chord in a circle.
Cord- e-The cord of his existence snapped at the death of
nls son.
Corporal- *n?k+--He was given
corporal punishment.
Corporeal- "tft-<frFf?_en angel is not a corporeal being.
Credible- frqFRFB_What he says is credible.
Creditable- {rl(It-His activities against communalism are
Credulous- frtfq ceRq_Children are by nature credulous.
Dearness- {W*fne labourers went on strike for
Dearth- is no dearth of fresh water
in the village.
Decent- FF-Jamal is a decent boy.
Descent- g"<gTct-The descent of the mountain is not
Dissent- frf,rs fi€t-The speaker dissented the bill.
Defer- sR!ftq{ q*{ qfte- Tlrll We should not defer
any work
for tomorrow.
Differ* ftf$e- {l qRtLT{ Re$_The speakers differed on the
Defective- ef{-our society is based on a defective structure
Deficient- <ilu.l taleb is deficient in English.
Delicate- eqfu{-fhe girl has a delicate appearance.
Delicious- WE-Milk is a delicious food.
Dependant- qtQ-s <f&--n dependant should be treated
Dependent- fr-faftq-f am still dependent on my father.
Draft- l{lRnt-ffre letter was drafted by the clerk"
Draught- qq-+-The man finished the milk at
a draught.
Drought- qqQB-Orought caused less
crops this year.
Earthen- {lfr<?6R_fhe earthen pot breaks easily.
Earthly- "fIfaf<-a saint does .,ot.are for earthly gains.
Economic- qtffi+-tne economic condition
of our country is poor.
Economical frE{fft- He is economical in every respect.
Grammar : Words of the Same or Similar Meanings Distinguished 893

Felicity {rl-We felt great felicity of our victory.

Facility- {c{Fi lfi{f-Every facility was given to watch the
Forcible- a{'"Fs-fhe army checked all forcible attacks.
Forceful- csqft-Fazlul Haque delivered the speech in forceful
Gaol- GWI-Nehru spent some 20 years in gaol.
*:d'! Goal- Esiq{-He achieved his goal.

Gentle- *|tr-A cow is a gentle animal.
Genteel- g<I, FE-He has cultivated genteel manners.
Ghastly- BlTs-The audience could not stand the ghastly
spectacle ({t).
Ghosily- dfu+-"Wnen he entered the deserted room, he had a
ghostly feeling. (qRel-s sc$ Er<{ n,-<m)
Graceful* W{-l like the graceful appearance of the girl.
Gracious- Elll{-Our Prophet was a gracious man.
Haven- ia!(-The ship altered its course towards the haven.
ljeaven- ?d--Jesus was lifted off to the heaven.
Healthy- ?lQ-{l{-Exercise is necessary to keep healthy.
Healthful- ?fQqq-ever exercise is not at all healthful.
Historic- QGqm gfiq-thaka is a historic city.
Historical- ffiE-6e place really had some historical interest.
Human- qFaR-to err is human.
Humane- BIt-{-He was by nature humane.
Imaginary- 4TgR's*Hasem Khan drew an imaginary figure.
Imaginative- Ftr{teFcf-Tagore was an imaginative poet.
Imperial- $ffin-fhe imperial procession was led by the leader.
imperious- Sh-re-t hate him mucli for his imperious behaviour.
Impudent- 6{-{l?<l-He is out and out impudent.
Imprudent- qft6466-6n imprudent fellow never prospers in life..
Industrial- Fn cS@l-g-Oiaka is an industrial city.
Industrious- qft$ft-ne industrious in life.
Judicial- frrn fiMftg-A country goes to dust due to judicial
Judicious- EF({.Es-The judge gave his judicious verdict.
Lightening- qfSt$-{q-The cargo was jetiisoned for lightening the
Lightning- frFs-fhn fightning killed three men in the street.
Lose- EFIIH always lose patience with him.
894 A Passage to the English Language

Loose- ficq-Ue is said to have loose character.

Lovable- Tlqf Effi<E(5-s $-C{-How can a man iook away such
a lovable face.
Lovely- Tq-{-The scenery is really lovely.
Luxuriant- {E-The tree has a luxuriant growth.
Luxurious- ffi-He lives a luxurious life.
Memorable- t<fu-tne battle of Palasey is mernorable in history.
Memorial- lrsiFe-There stands the memorial of Shakespeare.
Momentary- q"t{ft happiness is momentary.
Momentous- esqtf-The issue is really very momentous.
Moral- {Ils<lsi-The story contained a moral at the end.
Morale- T(ilRA-The army lost its morale.
Official- qfu{ qqcslg_-He went to Dhaka for an official
Officious- sq@s-Officious persons must keep out.
Piety- <ffcl{-Our Prophet was admired for his piety.
Pity- S-{Pttjt is a pity that you can not read.
Plain- :[I9at-Cavemen settled down in plain lands by the
Plane- EryWqfq-fhe plane took off in a moment.
Popular- qlRT was a popular poet.
Populous- E{"{€-Dhaka is populous city.
Practical- <J<a.ll{{.-lhe teacher gave me a practical problem.
Practicable- Jfgt<l-We have to follow the regulations as far as
Precede- qI{ {lsT't-The subject precedes the verb in a
Proceed- qfffi EgRl-The case proceeded smoothly.
President- +ElG-fne president is all in all in our country.
Prescribe- <iTqt<KI-The Doctor prescribed medlcine for me.
Proscribe- Tkq-Tlg <r*l-The property was proscribed by the
Register- {l9llq-tn" clerk opened the register.
Registrar- qlElefq <Ts-He got the job of a registrar.
Respectable- Wlft*-Superiors are always respectable.
Respectful- CqEt{
-Mr. Jones was respectful in his behaviour.
Respective- ?-?- Every student must do his respective job.
Right- VT{<FI3l-Every citizen must stand up to his right.
Rite- glElit-Hindus have different rites from ours-
Grammar : Words of the Same or Similar Meanings Distinguished 895

Sanguine- qn'nRs-t am sanguine of success.

Sanguinary- <-w{{-fire battle was sanguinary.
Social- qlfl&-s-Man is a social creature.
Sociable- fren-Uy father is very sociable.
Sole- fiR{<lsFKEql-The sole of my shoe went loose.
Sole- ': i4sdf4:He is the sole distributor o{ these goods.

Soul- q'|9tri-May his soul rest in peace.

*:& Temporal- {ilif<-Some people seek temporal happiness.
.*, Temporary- q{fr-Th€ happiness of tife is temporary.
Urban- rQC{-Bernard Shaw led an urban life.
Urbane- v€'lG$-Urbane manners must be appreciated.
verbal- (fr{l-o--..-The answer of the president was verbal.

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