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Contenidos de Inglés de 5to de Secundaria (B-C-D)

Hey There 3!

- Unidad de Aprendizaje { Unit 1> A World Language.

 Communication: Talk about present and past abilities.

Make small talk.

 Grammar: Like/love/don`t like/hate/don´t mind+verb-ing.

Can/ Can´t
Could/Couldn`t for past abilities.

 Vocabulary: Similar words.

Borrowed words.

 Reading: English is everywhere!

 Unidad de Aprendizaje { Unit 2> Genius.

 Communication: Talk about the past.

Talk about problems.

 Grammar: The simple past.

Too much/Too many.
A Few/a little/a lot.

 Vocabulary: Personality adjectives.

Shy-moody, selfish, lazy
bossy-sensitive, confident, stubborn.

 Reading: Albert Einstein.

 Unidad de Aprendizaje { Unit 3> Fashion

 Communication: Talk about clothes.

Express opinions.

 Grammar: Too+adjective/not+adjective+enough
Object Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns

 Vocabulary: Clothes
Adjectives for clothes.

 Reading: The fashion trap

and how to avoid it.

 Unidad de Aprendizaje (Unit 4> Goal!

 Communication: Talk about sports

Describe Past Events

 Grammar The past continuous

The past continuous
With when and white
The Present Perfect

 Vocabulary: Words related to a sports game

Verbs used in a sports game

 Reading: The power of soccer.

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