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Adam: Inventor
Andy: Aristocrat/Dilettante
Sam: Adventuress
Sue: Scholar

Extra Skills
Aerial Flyer
Aerial Flyer
Interplanetary Ether Flyer
Sailing Vessel
Steam Vessel

NPCs and Persons of Note

Nikola Tesla
Anne Tracy Morgan (Tesla)
Kolman Citzo (Teslas assistant)

JP Morgan

Dr Harrison Lovechild
Teresa Ashcroft
Simon Yi (maybe Ashcroft)
Doctor Golvash Czeny

Works of Writing

Places of Note
Uhrwerk-Magie of Ingolstadt (clockwork magic)
University of Ingolstadt

Tesla invites his friends (characters) to America (Wardenclyffe?)

Associate flies everyone to Duka Station (Telsas station in orbit)

Test flight of new ether ship to go beyond the orbit of Vulcan (asteroid belt)

A flashing SOS heliograph message is received

Find a German ether ship beyond the belt just floating with the heliograph attached to an analytical engine
transmitting SOS on auto

No one on board (ships log, one survivor??)

Pilot looks like an automaton and part of the seat, but what looks like oil leaking from it but it is actually
blood and if investigated further the metal has replaced his skin, he didn’t survive the process.
Edison has created the Ether propeller
Adam has created the Ether Propeller Governor
Tesla has created Gravitational Floor Plating

Bladeless Turbines
Carbon Button Lamp
Charged Particle Beams
Fluid Diodes
Global Radio Broadcasting
High Sensitivity Vacuum Tube
Medical Diathermy
Personal Flyers
Solar and Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion (OTEC) Power

Hyper Dimensional Oscillator???

The Mysteries Within discovered – Translated from an ancient Germanic dialect, The Mysteries Within
is established as the oldest known and most obscure reference dedicated to the principles of
interdimensional non-Euclidean geometry. It outlines the manipulation of harnessed eldritch energies
through common reference points that intersect the curvature of inter-dimensional space. The basic and
most practical use of such energies is the development of an inexhaustible power source based on
“magical” principles. The memory of human history contains only the most fleeting and sporadic
references to this extremely rare and powerful text. It was finally discovered among the collection of a
quiet, reclusive scholar named Dr. Harrison Lovechild, and is donated along with the rest of his library to
Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, upon Lovechild’s mysterious disappearance and
assumed death.

Teresa Ashcroft pioneers arcanotechnology – Teresa Ashcroft, a brilliant young doctoral student at
Miskatonic University, stumbles across The Mysteries Within while conducting research within the
University’s restricted archives. Increasingly obsessed with the potential of her newfound knowledge, she
utilizes the book’s non-Euclidean mathematical principles to pioneer an entirely new scientific field of
study. The development of arcane-technology, or arcanotechnology, successfully combines mystical and
scientific principles into a functional discipline. Though her theories would revolutionize the world, the
study of arcanotech would eventually drive Teresa Ashcroft mad.

Simon Yi begins work on D-Engine – One of Teresa Ashcroft’s colleagues, Simon Yi, chooses to
continue the research project on his own. Consulting Ashcroft’s notes, Yi begins detailing a design for an
arcanotech power source. The product of this design is what Yi calls the Dimensional Engine, or D-
Engine for short. Unfortunately, like his predecessor, Yi is also driven out of his mind by his exploration
of these secrets.

Doctor Golvash Czeny expands on arcanotech research – Much of Simon Yi’s early success was due
to consultations with his close friend, Doctor Golvash Czeny. Czeny, a Polish born Freemason and noted
expert in quantum theory, worked as a professor at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria. Yi’s divorce
from sanity left Miskatonic University trustees desperate to find someone capable of carrying on Ashcroft
and Yi’s work. Knowing of his familiarity with portions of Yi’s research, the trustees invite Czeny to
Arkham to continue the exploration of arcanotechnology. Czeny is well aware of the fate of his
predecessors. Understanding the danger involved in tampering with knowledge of this kind, he assembles
a research team to divide the project across several sub-sections. He is able to preserve the sanity of each
research team member in doing so. Despite this precaution, many members of his staff experience
nervous breakdowns, psychotic episodes, and recurring nightmares.

Ashcroft Foundation formed – Golvash Czeny and Alice Faye Morgan, of Miskatonic University’s
board of trustees, soon realize that the scope of arcanotech research would soon outgrow the institution’s
ability to support it. They begin work to form a corporation that would carry arcanotech research to a new
level. Most of the funding is gathered through private sources, though some comes from government
grants coordinated through Teresa Ashcroft’s father, Senator Albert Ashcroft. With Morgan as CEO and
Czeny heading R & D, the Ashcroft Foundation, named in honor of Teresa’s pioneering work, is created
to lead the world’s next technological revolution.

The first D-Engine – The Ashcroft Foundation’s first success is the creation of the prototype D-Engine.
“Alpha” testing goes well. However, many of the test staff are injured or killed when a D-Engine
prototype malfunctions, causing a “hazardous lifeform” to manifest through an inter-dimensional gate.
Despite this setback, the D-Engine is successfully tested as an inexhaustible source of power.

The Call of Cthulhu, by H. P. Lovecraft. The story of R’lyeh and Cthulhu is an interesting reference for
the influence of the Old Ones through dreams and visions.
The Haunter of the Dark, by H. P. Lovecraft is the story of a man who encounters frightening alien
creatures on his mountain farm property and is a wealth of information on the Migou.
The Whisperer in Darkness, by H. P. Lovecraft is the story of a man drawn to a black abandoned
church. His morbid fascination yields him an advanced knowledge of the occult and death at the hands of
an avatar of Nyarlathotep.

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