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Assignment no 3

Data Communications and Networking

The frequencies used by mobile phones (cell phones) are in the line-
of-sight range, how do they function in cities then?
Mobile phones function cities by using modified line of sight transmission. Modified
LOS comprises a number of ways and techniques which are the following:
 Diffraction
 Placing of base stations at high locations.
 Station switching
 Multipath propagation
 The use of local repeaters

Diffraction refers to various phenomena that occur when a wave encounters an obstacle
or a slit. It is defined as the bending of waves around the corners of an obstacle or
aperture into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle.
The diffraction of the mobile waves around the buildings ensures that mobile signal car
reach most locations easily.

Placing of base stations at high locations

The chief among them is that mobile base stations are positioned at high altitudes like
at the rooftops of buildings or the top of hills. The added height gives clear LOS from the
cell tower to the mobile phone.

Station Switching
Another way of ensuring mobile frequency communication is that each city has multiple
base stations not just one, and these base stations usually cover a small area called a
cell. When a user moves from one cell to the other, he is automatically connected to the
base station with the clearest LOS between the mobile phone and the cell tower. These
cell towers use directional antennas which point directly at the user there by increasing
the SNR.The link between the cell tower and the cellphone is a radio link with extensive
error correction and ensures proper functioning of the mobile phone in the city.

Multi path propagation

Multipath propagation is a phenomenon that causes the transmitted signal to be sent on
two or more paths to the receiver. The most frequent causes of multipath propagation
 refraction
 reflection from water sources or objects such as mountains and buildings
 atmospheric ducting
 ionospheric reflection
Therefore, multipath propagation causes the reflected radio waves to interfere with the
direct line of sight radio waves, resembling a typical echo effect. This is a common
phenomenon and mobile networks are designed to minimize the damaging effects of

The use of signal repeaters

In areas where it is hard or difficult for the signals to reach then we use local repeaters
to boost and strengthen the signal.

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