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Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

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Traffic noise, noise annoyance and psychotropic medication use T

a,⁎ a a a b
Enembe O. Okokon , Tarja Yli-Tuomi , Anu W. Turunen , Pekka Tiittanen , Jukka Juutilainen ,
Timo Lankia,c
Department of Health Protection, THL - National Institute for Health and Welfare, P.O. Box 95, FI-70701 Kuopio, Finland
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistonranta 1, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland
School of Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistonranta 1, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland


Handling Editor: Martí Nadal Background: Road-traffic noise can induce stress, which may contribute to mental health disorders. Mental
Keywords: health problems have not received much attention in noise research. People perceive noise differently, which
Noise annoyance may affect the extent to which noise contributes to poor mental health at the individual level. This paper aims to
Modelled noise exposure assess the relationships between outdoor traffic noise and noise annoyance and the use of psychotropic medi-
Sleep medication cation.
Anxiolytics Methods: We conducted a survey to assess noise annoyance and psychotropic medication among residents of the
Antidepressants Helsinki Capital Region of Finland. We also assessed the associations of annoyance and road-traffic noise with
Noise sensitivity
sleep disorders, anxiety and depression. Respondents were randomly sampled from the Finnish Population
registry, and data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Outdoor traffic noise was modelled
using the Nordic prediction model. Associations between annoyance and modelled façade-noise levels with
mental health outcome indicators were assessed using a binary logistic regression while controlling for socio-
economic, lifestyle and exposure-related factors.
Results: A total of 7321 respondents returned completed questionnaires. Among the study respondents, 15%, 7%
and 7% used sleep medication, anxiolytic and antidepressant medications, respectively, in the year preceding the
study. Noise annoyance was associated with anxiolytic drug use, OR = 1.41 (95% CI: 1.02–1.95), but not with
sedative or antidepressant use. There was suggestive association between modelled noise at levels higher than
60 dB and anxiolytic or antidepressant use. In respondents whose bedroom windows faced the street, modelled
noise was definitively associated with antidepressant use. Noise sensitivity did not modify the effect of noise but
was associated with an increased use of psychotropic medication.
Conclusion: We observed suggestive associations between high levels of road-traffic noise and psychotropic
medication use. Noise sensitivity was associated with psychotropic medication use.

1. Background residential dwelling (Easthope, 2004). Noise from a constant source

such as road traffic may become an invasive fixture in this perceived
Effective urban planning aims to increase connectivity between ‘sanctuary’ leading to an exaggerated sense of helplessness and despair
people and their routine daily destinations, with the consequence that in the more susceptible (Babisch, 2003; Westman and Walters, 1981).
city dwellers often live closer to roads and motorised traffic. With Preceding research on non-auditory endpoints of noise exposure has
higher population density, denser road networks and higher volumes of focused extensively on cardiovascular risks (Babisch, 2003; Bilenko
traffic, road traffic becomes an intrusive presence that city dwellers et al., 2015; Foraster et al., 2014; Floud et al., 2013; Gan et al., 2012;
contend with daily. Recent estimates indicate that > 120 million people Huang et al., 2013; Seidler et al., 2016; Floud et al., 2011). Fewer
are exposed to road-traffic noise exceeding 55 dB Lden in the European studies have considered metabolic outcomes, specifically, diabetes
Union, and 90 million of these people reside in urban areas (EEA, mellitus and obesity (Dzhambov and Dimitrova, 2016; Sørensen et al.,
2014). Residential exposure is particularly important because people 2013; Oftedal et al., 2015). Noise annoyance is a negative psychological
spend more time at home than elsewhere and commonly attribute a reaction to noise that has also been broadly investigated (Dratva et al.,
sense of control, predictability and safety to the familiar setting of their 2010; Ouis, 2001; Guski et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2015). It expresses

Corresponding author at: Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calabar, P.M.B 1115, Calabar, Nigeria.
E-mail addresses: (E.O. Okokon), (T. Yli-Tuomi), (A.W. Turunen), (P. Tiittanen), (J. Juutilainen), (T. Lanki).
Received 2 November 2017; Received in revised form 20 June 2018; Accepted 25 June 2018
Available online 06 July 2018
0160-4120/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
E.O. Okokon et al. Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

the sense of disturbance or helplessness due to noise (Guski et al., conducted in the Helsinki metropolitan area, which comprises Helsinki,
1999). There have been suggestions that annoyance, which is sustained Espoo and Vantaa. The survey was carried out to evaluate perceived
over significant periods, can act as an intermediary between noise ex- exposures to specific environmental factors by residents and their views
posure and the emergence of disease (Hammersen et al., 2016; of the possible health risks caused by the environment. The survey as-
Niemann and Maschke, 2004; Öhrström, 2004). sessed health risks associated with noise and air pollution and also the
Sleep disturbance is a well-known consequence of noise, which is health benefits that are derived from access to green areas.
more prevalent with night-time exposures. Sleep disturbance has been Additionally, some medical history and data on confounders were col-
demonstrated in both laboratory (Öhrström et al., 1990) and popula- lected to facilitate epidemiological analysis. The survey questionnaire
tion-based noise studies (Frei et al., 2014). Interventions, which have had 93 questions and numerous subquestions. The survey was con-
led to reduced road-traffic noise at residential buildings, have also re- ducted in two phases: first, in the city of Helsinki from the latter part of
sulted in reduced sleep disturbance (Öhrström et al., 1990; Amundsen May to August 2015, and, second, in the cities of Espoo and Vantaa
et al., 2013). Higher risks of insomnia, reduced sleep quality and non- from June to August 2016. Eight-thousand Helsinki residents age
restorative sleep have been observed with night-time noises. (Frei et al., 25 years and above were selected from the Population Registry of
2014; Muzet, 2007; de Kluizenaar et al., 2009; Evandt et al., 2017; Finland using simple random sampling in 2015. Similarly, 4000 re-
Halonen et al., 2012) A meta-analysis of 28 datasets showed that road- sidents of Espoo and 4000 residents of Vantaa were sampled in 2016,
traffic noise posed a higher risk of sleep disturbance than rail-traffic yielding, in total, 16,000 residents. Potential respondents were con-
noise (Miedema and Vos, 2007). However, this study adjusted for only tacted by post and invited to fill a self-administered questionnaire,
age as a covariate. For optimal sleep value, the WHO recommends an which they could choose to complete electronically or on paper. This
outside night-time noise limit of 40 dB Lnight,outside and an interim target sample consisted of 53% women and 47% men. A single reminder was
of 55 dB Lnight,outside (World Health Organization, 2009). sent to non-respondents. The response rate was 47% in 2015 and 45%
Noise sensitivity is an individual innate trait that increases the in- in 2016.
dividual's susceptibility to irritation from noise (Basner et al., 2013;
Heinonen-Guzejev et al., 2012; Ryu and Jeon, 2011; van Kamp et al., 2.2. Exposure
2004). It is a consistent determinant of noise annoyance (Miedema and
Noise Sensitivity, 2003). Noise-sensitive persons are generally less tol- Noise annoyance was assessed using the questionnaire item, ‘Are
erant of noise and are prone to rate noise as being louder than non- you usually disturbed or your concentration disturbed or annoyed by road-
sensitive persons would (Moreira and Bryan, 1972). traffic noise when you are at home, indoor and the windows are closed?’
Studies that explore chronic neuropsychological sequelae of road- Anchors to this question were: i) no annoyance; ii) slight annoyance; iii)
traffic noise are scant. Although investigators have assessed the effects some annoyance; iv) severe annoyance; v) extremely annoyance. To
of noise on cognitive function and behavioural symptoms in children facilitate statistical analysis, respondents were then divided into two
(Crombie et al., 2011; Dreger et al., 2015), fewer yet have explored the groups: ‘none to mild annoyance’ (no annoyance and slight annoyance)
mental health consequences of noise in adults. Although studies that and ‘moderate to severe annoyance’ (some annoyance, severe annoy-
target adults have produced conflicting results, infrequently, residential ance and extreme annoyance). Residential exposure to road-traffic
noise exposure has been associated with anxiety (Stansfeld et al., 1996; noise was estimated from façade noise maps, which were modelled by a
Standing and Stace, 1980; Edsell, 1976). An early review acknowledged consulting company, Sito, for the Helsinki Capital Region (Oy, 2012).
that emotional and psychological deficits stemming from noise annoy- Road-traffic noise was estimated in accordance with the EU Environ-
ance can, in the long term, lead to help-seeking responses, including the mental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (EEC, 2002) using the Nordic
use of sleep medication and anxiolytic and anxiolytic drugs (Westman prediction method (TemaNord 1996:525) (Nielson et al., 1996) for
and Walters, 1981). A few studies preceding this review had reported major highways and the main and collector streets within an area
increased mental-hospital admissions in association with aircraft noise (Nielson et al., 1996). Input variables for the noise model include ter-
exposure (Abey-Wickrama et al., 1970; Meecham and Smith, 1977). rain characteristics, ground surface, buildings and noise barriers and
Existing studies on the mental health effects of road-traffic noise traffic flow, speed and proportion of heavy vehicles for the year 2011.
have mostly used modelled (Brink, 2011; Orban et al., 2016; Fyhri and The 2011 estimates remain valid because land-use and traffic changes
Aasvang, 2010; Sygna et al., 2014) or measured (Öhrström, 2004; in the latter years have been insufficient to significantly alter façade
Stansfeld et al., 1996; Öhrström and Björkman, 1983) noise to assess noise levels (Supplement S1). The highest Lden on façade points within
exposure. However, it is generally acknowledged that individual noise 20 m of residents' home address coordinates was used as the exposure
perception varies between persons, and perception by the same person estimates. Lden is the A-weighted day-evening-night equivalent con-
changes over time. Noise perception is not always determined by sound tinuous sound level calculated over a 24-hour period. A 10 dB penalty
pressure level, it also hinges upon the quality and context of the sound was added to the levels between 22.00 and 07.00 h, and a 5 dB penalty
stimulus, current activity and engagements of the recipient, individual was added to the levels between 19.00 and 22.00 h to reflect people's
temperament, cognitive style, state of mind and health, level of control extra sensitivity to noise during the night and the evening. Noise
over the sound stimulus, attitude toward sound source etc., which all modelling was based on 2011 data; thus, newer buildings—74 (6%) out
give meaning and interpretation to incipient sound (Westman and of 5931 sampled buildings—had missing façade noise values.
Walters, 1981; Basner et al., 2013). Noise annoyance is an expression of
psychological strain due to noise. By estimating noise annoyance, in- 2.3. Outcome variables
dividual differences in noise perception and the ensuing effects can be
considered. This study aims to determine how road-traffic noise affects The use of sleep medication, anxiolytics and antidepressants were
mental health indicators, namely: sedative, anxiolytic and anti- elicited in the survey as proxy measures for sleep disorders, anxiety
depressant use. We also compare the effects of noise annoyance and disorders and depression. We used the single question, ‘When did you
modelled noise on these indicators. last take the following medication?’ Listed among the medications were
sleeping pills, tranquilizers and antidepressants. Against each medica-
2. Methods tion, respondents were asked to select from the following options:
‘during the past week,’ ‘1–4 weeks ago,’ ‘1–12 months ago,’ ‘over a year ago’
2.1. Study design and participants and ‘never’. Respondents selecting the last two options were considered
free of the outcome. As usage of psychotropic medication in Finland is
The Helsinki Capital Region Environmental Health Survey was entirely prescription-based, we consider this a reliable approach for

E.O. Okokon et al. Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

assessing our index outcomes. were categorised into 5 groups: Lden ≤ 45 dB, 45.1–50 dB, 50.1–55 dB,
55.1–60 dB and ≥60 dB; age was inputted into the model as a con-
2.4. Individual-level covariates tinuous variable. A thin-plate regression spline function was applied to
age because it did not relate in a linear fashion with (the log odds) of
We decided on confounder models a priori: variables likely to be any selected outcome (Miedema and Vos, 2007). Model smoothing was
associated with both the exposure and outcome based on published done using the function in the mgcv library of the R software (Wood,
literature or rational judgement were included as confounders. 2011).
Sociodemographic data included age, sex, marital status, employment We conducted further sensitivity analyses by separating the highest
status and household income level (average yearly income before exposure category (> 60 dB) into two categories (60.1–65 dB
taxes). Details on lifestyle factors, including alcohol consumption, and > 65 dB), and we used this in the main model. Additionally, we
current smoking status, weekly frequency of leisure-time physical ac- repeated the main model but replaced categorised modelled noise levels
tivity and pet ownership, were obtained from respondents. Pet owner- with the original continuous form of the variable, and we included a
ship is considered to be a potential confounder: persons with dogs (and smooth term to assess the shape of the exposure-response function.
to lesser extent cats) are probably more likely to choose residential Different degrees of freedom were tested for smooth terms. We assessed
areas with more access to green space and less traffic. Such residential multicollinearity between covariates. Post-hoc diagnostics did not re-
settings would foster lower noise exposure. Pet ownership is also as- veal whether any regressor data point exerted a high influence on
sociated with our outcome indices because of the direct value of ame- outcome estimates. Statistical analysis was done in the R computing
liorating mental stress, while dog ownership indirectly affects outcomes environment, version 3.3.3 (R Core Team, 2017). All analyses were
by the motivation for increased physical exercise. On the other hand, conducted on a 95% confidence level, and odds ratios were reported as
persons already living in areas that are prone to heavy traffic may avoid estimates of risk.
pet ownership because of the paucity of green space. In this scenario,
pet ownership is dependent on exposure and, therefore, should not be 3. Results
considered as a confounder. This reasoning was taken into account in a
sensitivity analysis. Overall, 7321 valid records were obtained from study participants,
Some variables, which were not included in the main confounder giving a response rate of about 50% for women and 41% for men. The
models, were tested for effect modification. These were: sleep dis- response rate according to the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th age
turbance from road-traffic noise, noise sensitivity and orientation of percentiles were 29%, 41%, 56%, 68% and 81%, respectively. The
bedroom windows (if windows faced streets or not). Noise sensitivity majority, 3749 (51%) (from a general population of 635,181), of re-
was measured using 11 items from the Weinstein noise sensitivity scale spondents lived in Helsinki, with 1785 (24%) (from a general popula-
(Weinstein, 1978). Seven of these items were reverse scored, and an tion of 274,583) and 1784 (24%) (from a general population of
aggregate score was derived for each respondent. The aggregate sen- 219,341) of respondents residing in Espoo and Vantaa, respectively. In
sitivity scores ranged from 11 to 55. Additional information on how total, 6558 (90%) respondents had data on both noise annoyance and
variables were evaluated and categorised is provided in supplement S2. modelled noise for their residential addresses. Stratifying this by mu-
nicipality gives 3425 (52%) in Helsinki, 1608 (25%) in Espoo and 1525
2.5. Statistical analysis (23%) in Vantaa. There were 5860 (80%) records with no missing ex-
posure or confounder data. Forty-three percent of the study participants
We used a binary logistic regression to assess associations between were males, and the mean age of participants was 55 years (Table 1).
noise annoyance or modelled noise and psychotropic medication use. About 58% of the respondents were employed at the time of the study.
Each outcome variable was dichotomised from the original five re- Proportionally, the respondents who were moderately or severely an-
sponse categories. We implemented several statistical models to ex- noyed by noise were 4% in the least exposed (≤45 dB) compared to
amine relationships that specify psychotropic medication use relative to 19% in the most exposed (> 60 dB) noise categories (Table 1). There
annoyance and modelled noise exposures. The first model was a crude were fewer severely noise sensitive persons residing in places with the
model in which noise annoyance and modelled noise were separately highest noise exposure compared to that in less exposed neighbour-
examined as explanatory variables for sedative, anxiolytic or anti- hoods (Table 1). The proportion of participants taking either sleep
depressant use while controlling only for sex and age. In the main medication, anxiolytics or antidepressants was approximately 15%, 7%
model, we controlled for more covariates, including sex, age, marital and 7%, respectively. The proportion of respondents who took more
status, employment status, household income, alcohol intake, current than one of these medications in any combination was < 2.5%.
smoking status, level of physical activity and pet ownership. Because The highest category of modelled noise was associated with both
almost all respondents lived in urban areas, there was no justification to anxiolytic use and antidepressant use in the crude model. Noise an-
control for urbanity in statistical models. noyance was also associated with anxiolytic use in the crude model, but
Modelled noise is the objective noise measure and forms the basis its association with sleep medication or antidepressant use was less
for stronger conclusions on relationships. It is only appropriate to use clear. In the main model, modelled noise suggested an association with
modelled noise for further sensitivity testing of our statistical models. both anxiolytic use (with an exposure-response gradient) and anti-
Some sensitivity models included variables that were considered to depressant use. The main model also revealed that noise annoyance
potentially intervene on the pathway from exposure to effect. These increased the odds of anxiolytic use by about 41% and retained the
were, therefore, not included in the main model to avoid over- suggestive association with sleep medication use (Table 2).
adjustment. These variables were as follows: noise annoyance, noise In the sensitivity models, neither noise sensitivity nor sleep dis-
sensitivity, sleep disturbance, bedroom window orientation, BMI and turbance interacted with modelled noise. There was borderline asso-
presence of chronic disease. In addition, a sensitivity model was run ciation between the highest noise exposure category and anxiolytic or
without pet ownership. These models were tested for robustness of antidepressant use in the model, which included noise sensitivity
results. Noise sensitivity, sleep disturbance, bedroom window orienta- (Table 3). Adding either noise sensitivity or sleep disturbance to the
tion were tested for significant multiplicative interactions using the main model did not dramatically change the odds ratios for modelled
Wald chi-square test. Only variables that interacted with modelled noise, but there was evidence of negative confounding by noise sensi-
noise were used in stratified analysis, while others were adjusted for as tivity as controlling for noise sensitivity yielded increased odds ratios.
confounders. Noise sensitivity was associated with increased use of all psychotropic
For the purposes of statistical modelling, residential noise levels medication. Modelled noise showed similar relationships with slightly

E.O. Okokon et al. Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

Table 1
Descriptive statistics of study participants by road-traffic noise level.
Na % Road traffic noise, dB (Lden)

≤45 (Na = 880) 45.1–50 (N = 1267) 50.1–55 (N = 1346) 55.1–60 (N = 1136) > 60 (N = 1231)

nb % n % n % n % n %

Agec 5860 55.0 (15.4) 54.5 (15.6) 54.5 (15.9) 54.4 (16.5) 53.5 (16.6)
Sex 5860
Female 3363 57.4 518 58.9 745 58.8 716 53.2 683 60.1 701 56.9
Male 2497 42.6 362 41.1 522 41.2 630 46.8 453 39.9 530 43.1
Marital status 5860
Single 1026 17.5 132 15.0 223 17.6 212 15.8 208 18.3 251 20.4
Married/registered relationship/ 3822 65.2 593 67.4 846 66.8 908 67.5 722 63.6 753 61.2
Divorced/separated/widowed 1012 17.3 155 17.6 198 15.6 226 16.8 206 18.1 227 18.4
Employment status 5860
Employed 3389 57.8 529 60.1 734 57.9 784 58.2 642 56.5 700 56.9
Not employed 2471 42.2 351 39.9 533 42.1 562 41.8 494 43.5 531 43.1
Income 5860
< €30,001 1503 25.6 205 23.3 326 25.7 318 23.6 313 27.6 341 27.7
€30,001–€50,000 1477 25.2 214 24.3 310 24.5 336 25.0 297 26.1 320 26.0
50,001–€90,000 1808 30.9 259 29.4 386 30.5 433 32.2 337 29.7 393 31.9
≥€90,001 1072 18.3 202 23.0 245 19.3 259 19.2 189 16.6 177 14.4
Noise sensitivity 5860
Mild 1535 27.6 224 27.1 320 26.4 352 27.7 285 26.4 354 30.0
Moderate 2808 50.4 409 49.5 590 48.7 646 50.9 552 51.1 611 51.7
Severe 1225 22.0 193 23.4 302 24.9 271 21.4 243 22.5 216 18.3
Noise annoyance 5860
None to mild 5321 90.8 843 95.8 1196 94.4 1268 94.2 1021 89.9 993 80.7
Moderate to severe 539 9.2 37 4.2 71 5.6 78 5.8 115 10.1 238 19.3
Sleep disturbance from noise 5860
None 4593 79.1 748 86.1 1073 85.2 1107 83.0 864 76.9 801 65.5
Slight 817 14.1 102 11.7 135 10.7 166 12.4 176 15.7 238 19.5
Moderate to severe 400 6.9 19 2.2 52 4.1 61 4.6 84 7.5 184 15.0
Orientation of bedroom windows 5860
Facing yard 3783 65.4 586 67.3 863 68.7 910 68.7 753 67.1 671 55.4
Facing street 2003 34.6 285 32.7 393 31.3 415 31.3 369 32.9 541 44.6

N (capitalized n) denotes the number of respondents within each Lden category or the total in each category of covariates.
n (lower-case n) denotes the distribution of response categories for each covariate within strata of Lden.
Figures presented here represent mean (standard deviation).

Table 2
Odds ratios (OR) for associations of perceived and modelled road-traffic noise (Lden) with use of sleep medication, anxiolytics and antidepressants.
Medicated Crude ORa Adjusted ORb
n (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)

Sleep medication (n = 5713) Modelled noise ≤45 dB 119 (14.1) 1 1

45.1–50 dB 194 (15.7) 1.15 (0.89–1.47) 1.17 (0.87–1.45)
50.1–55 dB 182 (13.9) 1.00 (0.78–1.29) 0.99 (0.77–1.28)
55.1–60 dB 168 (15.1) 1.08 (0.80–1.33) 1.06 (0.81–1.37)
> 60 dB 174 (14.4) 1.03 (0.80–1.33) 0.97 (0.75–1.26)
Noise Slight or none 754 (14.5) 1 1
Annoyance Moderate to severe 83 (15.8) 1.20 (0.93–1.54) 1.17 (0.91–1.51)
Anxiolytics (n = 5687) Modelled noise ≤45 dB 48 (5.7) 1 1
45.1–50 dB 82 (6.7) 1.18 (0.81–1.70) 1.12 (0.77–1.63)
50.1–55 dB 82 (6.3) 1.11 (0.77–1.60) 1.09 (0.75–1.58)
55.1–60 dB 79 (7.2) 1.26 (0.87–1.82) 1.24 (0.85–1.82)
> 60 dB 101 (8.4) 1.48 (1.03–2.11) 1.34 (0.93–1.93)
Noise Slight or none 343 (6.6) 1 1
Annoyance Moderate to severe 49 (9.4) 1.49 (1.09–2.05) 1.41 (1.02–1.95)
Antidepressants (n = 5688) Modelled noise ≤45 dB 49 (5.8) 1 1
45.1–50 dB 86 (7.0) 1.23 (0.85–1.76) 1.20 (0.83–1.73)
50.1–55 dB 84 (6.4) 1.15 (0.80–1.65) 1.13 (0.78–1.64)
55.1–60 dB 66 (6.0) 1.04 (0.71–1.53) 1.04 (0.70–1.53)
> 60 dB 97 (8.1) 1.43 (1.00–2.04) 1.32 (0.91–1.90)
Noise Slight or none 339 (6.69) 1 1
Annoyance Moderate to severe 43 (8.2) 1.26 (0.91–1.76) 1.15 (0.82–1.63)

Crude model adjusted only for age and sex.
Adjusted for sex, age, marital status, employment status, household income, alcohol intake, current smoking status, level of physical activity and pet ownership.

E.O. Okokon et al. Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

Table 3
Odds ratios (OR) of associations of modelled road-traffic noise (Lden) with use of sleep medication, anxiolytics and antidepressants.
Noise exposure Sleep medication use Anxiolytic use Antidepressant use

OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI

Sensitivity model n = 5453 n = 5438 n = 5440
Modelled noise exposure
≤45 dB 1 1 1
45.1–50 dB 1.14 0.87–1.48 1.17 0.79–1.73 1.23 0.83–1.81
50.1–55 dB 1.05 0.80–1.37 1.13 0.76–1.67 1.19 0.81–1.76
55.1–60 dB 1.13 0.86–1.48 1.22 0.82–1.81 1.05 0.70–1.57
> 60 dB 1.04 0.79–1.37 1.46 0.99–2.13 1.42 0.97–2.08

Noise sensitivity
Mild 1 1 1
Moderate 1.37 1.12–1.69 1.34 1.01–1.77 1.40 1.04–1.87
Severe 2.71 2.16–3.39 2.22 1.63–3.04 2.11 1.53–2.92
Sensitivity modelb n = 5666 n = 5640 n = 5642
Modelled noise exposure
≤45 dB 1 1 1
45.1–50 dB 1.14 0.88–1.47 1.14 0.77–1.66 1.23 0.85–1.80
50.1–55 dB 1.01 0.78–1.31 1.09 0.75–1.60 1.17 0.80–1.72
55.1–60 dB 1.04 0.80–1.36 1.18 0.80–1.75 1.00 0.67–1.49
> 60 dB 0.93 0.71–1.21 1.32 0.90–1.92 1.32 0.91–1.93

Sleep disturbance
None 1 1 1
Slight 1.00 0.80–1.26 0.90 0.65–1.24 0.82 0.59–1.14
Moderate to severe 1.75 1.33–2.31 1.50 1.03–2.17 1.25 0.85–1.83

Adjusted for sex, age, marital status, employment status, household income, alcohol intake, current smoking status, level of physical activity, pet ownership and
noise sensitivity.
Adjusted for sex, age, marital status, employment status, household income, alcohol intake, current smoking status, level of physical activity, pet ownership and
sleep disturbance.

lower odds ratios in the sensitivity model that included sleep dis- 4.1. Road-traffic noise and anxiolytic use
turbance. Sleep disturbances showed a stronger association with sleep
medication than it did with anxiolytic use. Statistical relationships re- Noise annoyance was significantly associated with increased an-
mained unchanged when either BMI or the presence of chronic illness xiolytic medication. Additionally, the highest category of modelled
was added to the main model or when the six-category substitute of the noise showed a suggestive association with anxiolytic use in the main
modelled noise variable was used in the analysis (results not shown). model and the sensitivity model, which included noise sensitivity. Early
Removal of pet ownership from the main model yielded minimal experimental studies highlighted the effects of noise on state anxiety
changes to model estimates (Table S6). Similarly, the addition of noise (Standing and Stace, 1980; Edsell, 1976). These studies showed that
annoyance to the model without pet ownership gave no meaningful noise exposure accentuated state (temporary) anxiety score but showed
change in the estimates for modelled noise (Table S6). no effect on trait (chronic) anxiety (Standing et al., 1990). Later studies
The spline plots showed that modelled continuous noise seemed to found a positive association between night-time road traffic noise and
have a linear relationship with psychotropic medication use (Fig. S3). either an increased anxiety score (Stansfeld et al., 1996) or a higher
Exploring this relationship in a linear model showed that for a 5 dB procurement of anxiolytic medication by privileged people (Bocquier
increase in noise, corresponding odds ratios were 0.99 (95% CI, et al., 2014). The latter finding was not replicated in other study po-
0.95–1.04), 1.04 (95% CI, 0.98–1.11) and 1.03 (95% CI, 0.97–1.10) for pulations (Floud et al., 2013; Orban et al., 2016).
taking sleep medication, anxiolytics and antidepressants, respectively. Anxiety is characterised by worry. In severe cases, it often manifests
Only the orientation of bedroom windows interacted with noise to as somatic symptoms and can limit the capacity for normal daily
increase the odds of using antidepressants (Χ2 = 10.5, df = 4, function (Stein and Sareen, 2015). Anxiety can be transient and con-
p = 0.032) (Table S5). Among the respondents whose bedroom win- nected to specific life events or experiences, in which case it is cate-
dows faced the street, modelled noise was strongly associated with gorised as state anxiety, or it may be chronic and excessive, as occurs in
increased antidepressant use, showing about 200% higher odds in the trait anxiety. Treatment may be initiated for state anxiety where an
highest exposure category (Table S7). offending stimulus, such as noise, persists or when state anxiety is as-
sociated with other medical conditions. Noise-stress response occurs via
the endocrine activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical
4. Discussion axis, which causes the release of cortisol, and autonomic activation of
the sympathetic nervous system. Stress, which is so induced, is thought
Our study found that modelled noise showed a suggestive associa- to create a feedback loop to the amygdala, which upregulates the cor-
tion with anxiolytic and antidepressant use, but not with sleep medi- ticotrophin-releasing factor and its receptors, leading to the manifes-
cation. Noise annoyance was associated with increased drug use for tation of anxiety symptoms (Eraslan et al., 2015; Spreng, 2000).
anxiety and was less clearly associated with sleep medication use.
Modelled noise was significantly associated with increased odds of
antidepressant use in respondents whose bedroom windows faced the 4.2. Road-traffic noise and sleep medication
street. There was no association between road-traffic noise exposure
and sleep medication use. Noise sensitivity was not an effect modifier, We did not observe any clear association between road-traffic noise
but was associated with all psychotropic medication use. and uptake of sleep medication. An earlier study in Finland supports
this observation (Halonen et al., 2012). Findings elsewhere also show

E.O. Okokon et al. Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

that although outside night-time noise was associated with poor sleep The highest category of modelled noise gave higher odds for anti-
quality, it was not associated with sleep medication (de Kluizenaar depressant use in than noise annoyance. Comparing the behaviours of
et al., 2009; Evandt et al., 2017). Insulation against road-traffic noise both exposure measures in the crude and main models, no variable was
provided by double- or triple-glazed windows, which are primarily consistently more associated with the outcome. Annoyance is de-
designed to retain indoor heat during winter, likely explains this termined by noise levels and more consistently by noise sensitivity.
finding. A report from Finland suggests that in Nordic countries, air- Noise annoyance more directly correlates with indoor noise, while
borne sound insulation of building facade typically varies between modelled façade noise represents outdoor exposure. Previously, few
30 dB to 50 dB (Saarinen, 2002). This report has been supported by studies have compared the relationships of noise annoyance and mod-
independent findings from Denmark and Norway, where similar elled noise to health outcomes even though combining both subjective
window specifications have led to considerable indoor attenuation of and objective exposure has been recommended in epidemiologic studies
façade noise levels (Öhrström and Björkman, 1983; Bendtsen, 1999). (Babisch, 2005). Using noise annoyance as a proxy for exposure, some
investigators were able to demonstrate relationships with select out-
4.3. Road-traffic noise and antidepressants comes that are more often examined in association with objectively
measured noise (Hammersen et al., 2016; Dreger et al., 2015; Babisch,
Modelled noise showed a weak association with antidepressant use 1998; Lercher et al., 1993; Meijer et al., 1985; Pitchika et al., 2017). As
in the main model, but was more clearly associated with an increased aforementioned, noise annoyance is influenced by individual noise
use of antidepressants in respondents whose bedroom windows were sensitivity, therefore associations between noise annoyance and out-
oriented toward the street. However, since stratification did not yield comes of interest may more closely reflect individual sensitivity to noise
any effect with anxiolytic use, this finding should be viewed with rather than the absolute effect of sound energy. Noise annoyance may
caution. Although some authors have found a positive association be- be the only option in large-scale population studies that incorporate
tween road-traffic noise and indicators of depression (Orban et al., human participants living in areas that are not represented on noise
2016; Seidler et al., 2017; Yoshida et al., 1997), this has not always maps (Dzhambov and Dimitrova, 2014). Objectively measured noise is,
been the case (Stansfeld et al., 1996). Mixed findings are reported in however, preferred in epidemiologic studies because it is more valid.
studies that measured mental health outcomes differently, for example, Modelled noise can facilitate a meaningful comparison between popu-
use of an inventory that indistinctly evaluates anxiety and depression lations. It provides a better yardstick for assessing the immediate effects
(Hammersen et al., 2016; Sygna et al., 2014) or use of an audit in- of interventions that aim to reduce noise or infrastructural changes that
strument that collectively assesses anxiolytic and antidepressant use increase exposure levels. This is because strict values can be assigned to
(Watkins et al., 2009; Halonen et al., 2014). Unavoidably, these expected reductions in modelled noise due to interventions, while an-
methods combine anxiety and depression as a singular outcome, and noyance levels can vary on the same noise levels and may exaggerate
their results do not directly compare with the present study. Ad- the actual noise reduction (Öhrström, 2004; Amundsen et al., 2013).
mittedly, the symptoms of depression overlap considerably with that of Annoyance, on the other hand, will provide an indication of the long-
anxiety. Differences in study findings can result from nuanced varia- term consequence of interventions and the satisfaction of local popu-
tions in the way exposures and outcomes are conceptualised and esti- lations with interventions (Amundsen et al., 2013).
mated. Inconsistencies can also arise from inherent differences in the
populations studied, predominant noise levels, building types and in- 4.6. Strengths and weaknesses
sulation in study settings.
Our study strength includes a relatively large study population and
4.4. Noise sensitivity the use of two indicators of noise exposure: noise annoyance and
modelled noise, the latter being the more objective measure of ex-
Noise sensitivity was expected to modify the effect of noise ex- posure. Noise annoyance is not only an indicator of noise exposure but
posure, but paradoxically, no modification was detected in this study. also represents an effect. It can be argued that annoyance has the ad-
Rather, we found an independent association with psychotropic medi- vantage of representing indoor exposure more closely, and it takes into
cation use. This observation is in line with other studies (Stansfeld account not just noise levels, but also other characteristics of noise. On
et al., 1985; Stansfeld et al., 2000). Possible explanations for this could the other hand, the cross-sectional design of the study does not permit
be that: First, noise-sensitive persons may be more sensitive to other one to infer whether annoyance precedes medication use or vice versa.
stressors which mask the effect of noise. Noise sensitive persons are Asking questions about medication is a relatively straightforward
generally more conscious of their environments and are more suscep- method. Adults typically know what conditions they are receiving
tible to stress and worry (Miedema and Vos, 2003). Relationships be- medication for, even when they may not know the pharmacological
tween noise sensitivity and anxiety have been acknowledged (Park classification of individual medicines. In Finland, sleeping pills, an-
et al., 2017; Iwata, 1984) with the implication that noise sensitivity xiolytics and antidepressants can only be obtained by prescription.
may positively co-vary with anxiety without the influence of a noise Therefore, in this study, psychotropic medication use as an outcome
source (Persson et al., 2007). Second, noise-sensitive people may se- represents a diagnosed condition requiring treatment. We administered
lectively reside in quieter parts of town thereby minimising the influ- a general environmental health questionnaire; medication use was
ence of higher exposure. There is slight evidence that severely noise- asked in a section unrelated to any exposures. Therefore, respondents
sensitive respondents in our study sample tended to live in less noisy were less likely to bias their responses based on noise exposure.
areas. We also observed that about 18% of the residents in areas with The response rate in the study was relatively high by today's stan-
noise > 60 dB were severely noise sensitive. These people may have dards, but it may appear as a weakness because of the possibility of self-
chosen to stay in those areas because they were healthy. The inclusion selection. Persons who are more worried about environmental ex-
of noise sensitivity increased effect estimates in the highest noise ex- posures and consequently more annoyed by noise, for example, would
posure category in the sensitivity model relative to the main mod- probably be more likely to participate in the study. This may have in-
el—pointing to a negative confounding effect. creased our chances of finding an effect, but should not have created
spurious associations.
4.5. Noise annoyance versus modelled noise Noise annoyance was not included in our main model because it
may likely mediate the effects of noise exposure on medication use.
Noise annoyance was more clearly associated with anxiolytic use However, in our sensitivity analyses, changes in effect estimates for
than with modelled noise, but weakly associated with sleep medication. modelled noise and annoyance were negligible when both variables

E.O. Okokon et al. Environment International 119 (2018) 287–294

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In conclusion, we found some evidence of an association between European countries: results of the HYENA study. Occup. Environ. Med. 68 (7),
either noise annoyance or modelled noise exceeding 60 dB and psy- Floud, S., Blangiardo, M., Clark, C., de Hoogh, K., Babisch, W., Houthuijs, D., et al., 2013.
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realistic. Noise sensitivity was associated with psychotropic medication Environ. Health Perspect. 122 (11), 1193–1200.
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stimulate similar studies in regions with different climatic conditions. 4935–4942.
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Guski, R., Felscher-Suhr, U., Schuemer, R., 1999. The concept of noise annoyance: how
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The authors declare no conflicts of interests. Halonen, J.I., Vahtera, J., Stansfeld, S., Yli-Tuomi, T., Salo, P., Pentti, J., et al., 2012.
Associations between nighttime traffic noise and sleep: the Finnish public sector
Appendix A. Supplementary data study. Environ. Health Perspect. 120 (10), 1391–1396.
Halonen, J.I., Lanki, T., Yli-Tuomi, T., Turunen, A.W., Peniti, J., Kivim, et al., 2014.
Associations of traffic noise with self-rated health and psychotropic medication use.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 40 (3), 235–243. Hammersen, F., Niemann, H., Hoebel, J., 2016. Environmental noise annoyance and
mental health in adults: findings from the cross-sectional German Health Update
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