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Philosophy of Education for My Professional Portfolio

Melissa Chandler

Salt Lake Community College



I briefly describe two educational philosophies; progressivism and essentialism. I then

provide a description and discussion of how aspects from both theories relate to my teaching

strategies. I highlight many of the strategies and outcomes I discuss in the first part of the essay

is my education philosophy. I talk about a few of the more critical outcome goals and strategies

I hope to employ in my classroom.


Philosophy of Education for My Professional Portfolio

Education Strategies


Education itself should stay progressive and address all of the facets of what a student is

developing during this period. Especially since progressive institutions believe “the purpose of

schooling is to develop a student as completely as possible – physically, socially, mentally, and

emotionally” (Kauchak, Eggen, 2017, pg. 159). I will use constructionism teaching styles which

help cultivate an active learning environment. The materials I will use also serve to have that

same function. I want to openly discuss social bias and prejudices related to the subject we are

learning and break barriers. My students will also learn skills which will help them become

independent learners. I will also use behaviourism teaching techniques to motivate my students.

Students will be encouraged to give out high fives, thumbs ups, and cheers for classroom

success. We will also address and discuss student behaviour issues and explore ways to address

and resolve those issues.


Essentialism teaches things that are critical for the future, “Essentialists argue that the

purpose of schooling is to advance society by providing a curriculum that includes the skills

needed to function effectively in today’s world.” (Kauchak, Eggen, 2017, pg. 162). Students

should know the basics, such as reading and writing to succeed in college. They need to know

how to operate a computer and software if they want to work in this technologically rich world.

Technology has quickly become an essential part of education and should be available in all of

our school districts, as it is a skill needed in our growing modern world. Students should also

know how to manage their time and hold themselves accountable for their education. Teaching a

child how to control their own emotions and behaviour is a powerful tool which can be taught in

a classroom and will stay with them throughout life. It is critical that students are taught skills

such as good social behaviours, positive emotional health, mental control, and problem-solving.

Intellectual learning is not our only goal as educators, and it shouldn’t be since education is more

then what we read in a book.

Examining My Educational Philosophies

My Education Philosophy

I believe that knowledge connects all professional disciplines and gaining knowledge

requires education. Educators are fundamental tools in creating the next generation of

professionals who will carry our nation. School not only provides students with the intellectual

understanding, children often learn other life skills essential in the positive development of social

skills, emotional health, problem-solving skills, and teacher accountability. All of these are

equally important as the students mature and progress through the different developmental

stages. Educators must plant a seed, but not only do they need to prepare the soil for new seed,

but they also need to help maintain the integrity of the rest of the garden. Once the seed is

planted, they need to cultivate and nurture the entire garden until everything comes to bear


Educating becomes rewarding and inspired when you can see the students interact and

fully engage in their education. I use the student’s accounts of how their newly gained skill or

knowledge have already influenced their lives. By using a constructivist approach, I will analyze

and evaluate when the students are actively learning. Students who are discussing what they

learned outside of the classroom are great examples of success in active learning. The data I

collect from this collaboration will be used to influence my education plan so that I can

encourage the same types of learning behaviours over and over again.

An educator should teach not only the subject matter, but they also must deliver strategies

for which students can learn to be independent learners. I will create a student-focused

classroom, not teacher focused, where my job is accomplished by having the students engage in

learning-focused activities instead of my guided lectures. My goal is to cultivate and encourage

my students to explore and grow. Students should be doing the work; they gain more knowledge

by participating and having hands-on practical experience.

Educators have creative freedom to craft their students learning the environment, and it

should reflect a positive, safe, inclusive, and engaged learning space. Educators must lead by

example and model the behaviours they expect in their students, promoting positive peer

interactions. There are no bad children or children who cannot learn; there are only professionals

who lack the skills and knowledge to teach. My students will find themselves exposed to

inspiring and iconic members of our past and present, giving me a platform to expand and

engage in mindful discussion about diversity, acceptance, and inclusion.

My students will track their progress throughout the course using an interactive daily

progress chart. All students will be held accountable for their homework, class assignments, and

test preparations. Reflection and group discussions will be required and used as a guidance tool

to help address areas of concern. My reviews will consist of course material as well as other

age-appropriate developmental topics; social skills, emotional health, and problem-solving.


Structure and routine are essential to me, and I hope to help teach the importance of schedules

and habits.


Kauchak, D; Eggen, P. (2017). Education Philosophy and Your Teaching.

​Introduction to Teaching:​ Becoming a Professional, Pages 151-177.

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