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Implementation of the global gap in Indonesia

Indonesia is preparing to face the ASEAN-China free trade. Various preparations have been made by
the government so that the country is able to compete in the midst of a free market. One sector that
is prepared is agriculture. If the free trade has been in effect, the agricultural products from other
countries would be free to enter into Indonesia. Tariff barriers that used to be a barrier to the entry
of imported goods is no longer valid, that there are barriers to quality. When the products owned did
not have the desired quality standard the market it is difficult to compete in the era of free trade.
One of the agricultural commodities that participated regulated product quality is floriculture. In
addition to commodity fruits has also become one of the products whose existence is threatened if it
does not have quality standards as well as floriculture products originating from abroad.

Indonesia has potential in the development of floriculture commodities because it is supported by

the Climate and agro-ecosystem appropriate, availability of genetic resources (SDG) were great, the
availability of human resources (HR) and a large population. But the problems faced is the seed
industry is not growing, breeding is still limited, the competence of human resources is still low, the
institutional business is not optimal, the system information is not yet available, the business scale is
still small, promotion and public education is still lacking. Of all the potential and the problems facing
our own challenges ahead to develop floriculture among national SDG utilization, the development
of a commodity that a competitive, innovative use of technology, institutional strengthening,
improved productivity, quality and added value.

In order to meet the production, productivity and quality of products, the measures are as follows:

1. Improved quality through the application of GAP and GHP

2. Registration of business land

3. Increased competence of human resources and institutional

4. Correctional horticulture

5. The development of creative economy based floriculture

6. Green City as copyright domestic markets floriculture

To produce quality products that include the application of environmentally friendly technologies,
prevention of transmission of the pest (pest), health care and improve the welfare of workers and
the principles for traceback (traceability) it is necessary the application of GAP (Good Agricultural
Practices) or Guidelines / Norms good farming , Application of GAP Floriculture regulated through
the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) 48 / Permentan / OT.140 / 5/2013 on guidelines for the
cultivation of floriculture good
The purpose of the application of the Good Floriculture Cultivation Guidelines are:

1. Increasing the production and productivity of crops;

2. Improving product quality and production efficiency of floriculture crops;

3. Ensure the conservation, soil fertility, use of resources and sustainable production systems /

4. Ensure the health and safety of workers;

5. Ensure the safety of consumers;

6. Improving the competitiveness and chances of acceptance by the international and domestic

7. Increasing the welfare of farmers.

Guidelines for Good Floriculture Crops (GAP) was then translated into technical instructions or
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the specific commodity, in order to do business land
registration as proof that businesses have implemented GAP. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
cultivation is a good way berbudidaya specific commodities refer to GAP.

If the land is considered sufficient to meet GAP standards and has implemented the SOP so
businesses can apply for registration and certification. Registration will be done by the Provincial
Office in charge tanamanhortikultura and certification carried out by an accredited certification body
or his designee. The purpose of registration and certification is as a basis for business operators,
supervisors and assessors gardens in applying and registering land cultivation of ornamental plants
that are good that can provide benefits such as assessing the level of implementation of GAP / SOP,
set up a quality assurance system, facilitate traceability and encourage accelerated access market.
Business land who have passed will get a registration number and a certificate which is valid for two
years and may be extended for the next 2 years, after preceded by a re-assessment process.

In the application of GAP there's one thing that is actually easy to do by farmers but difficult to be
implemented, namely the recording. That is because the farmers in Indonesia is not yet all
accustomed to record the farming activities they do. Though the recording is very important to make
searching back if one day discovered a problem or complaint. To sensitize and familiarize the farmers
to record all aquaculture activities is especially important for those who want to apply GAP in the
cultivation of land.
GAP is a guide or general guidelines for the major actors and entrepreneurs to produce a quality
product and competitive. Expected farmers gradually began to apply GAP in every activity of
cultivation so that the product quality is really good quality, safe for the environment and for farmers
themselves. That's the criteria for products that are currently demanded by the market, especially in
the era of free trade.

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