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1)in the future all companies will be internet

companies(în viitor, toate companiile vor fi companii de internet)

Nowadays, the use of e-commerce for businesses has become important not only for the purpose to
preserve the own place on the market, but also to expand market share in connection with the rapid
development of information technologies, increasing the role of the Internet and integrated automation
industries. Virtual World Wide Web gives a good opportunity to develop the own online business
because it has a global character. Any person can successfully do business online, controlling it by the
use of the Internet, regardless of geographic location. In addition, there are many other benefits of
online business, details of which can be found in the consideration of the following material. In such a
way, we see that the use of the Internet is not only relevant, but it is also essential for companies in
today’s environment. Thus, the main aims of this paper are to present the most important reasons for
the need to use the Internet for business development, and to demonstrate the benefits of doing online

In conclusion, we have discussed the benefits of online business with all the necessary details, and
presented the most important reasons for the need to use the Internet for business development. It was
proved that the Internet significantly alters the spatial and temporal scale of commerce. Currently, the
Internet is a global communication tool without any territorial restrictions; meanwhile, the cost of
access to information does not depend on the distance from it, as opposed to a traditional business,
where this dependence is directly proportional. Thus, e-commerce enables even the smallest suppliers
to achieve a global presence, and to do business on a global scale. Accordingly, customers also have the
opportunity to select from all of the global potential of suppliers that offer the required products or
services regardless of geographic location. The distance between the seller and the buyer plays a role
only in terms of transport costs on the stage of delivery of goods, and this moment allows online
companies to calculate the own profits and not to assess damages.

2) small companies can not offer employees opportunities for promotion(companiile

mici nu pot oferi angajatilor oportunităti de promovare)
Small businesses offer many advantages to their employees. For example, in a small company, all the
employees know each other, including the CEO. This can instill a strong sense of togetherness and
purpose among employees not found in large companies. Employees of small businesses have varied
duties and are responsible for all phases of their work. Thus, a small-company employee often has more
control over his or her work and can contribute more to the company's strategy.

Plus, if an employee decides something needs to get changed, the employee will know exactly whom to
speak to so that the changes can be implemented immediately.

3) qualifications are more important today than ever before(calificările sunt mai importante astăzi
decât oricând

4) is it possible for young people to find a good job without help from someone(este posibil
ca tinerii să găsească o treabă bună, fără ajutor de la cineva?

Today's youth has spent years chasing qualifications no one ever asks us about. The notion that algebra
would ever be useful seemed fishy, but the grownups insisted: education, no matter how apparently
arbitrary, leads to jobs. top employers for young people says that a candidate must have: motivation to
work and a willingness to learn. And that entry-level job allows you to develop and demonstrate those
core skills that are most sought after across industries: communications, teamwork, customer relations
and a demonstrated work ethic. These are the building blocks of career success.
5) do you want to start your own business? if yes what kind? ( vrei să începi propria afacere?
dacă da, ce fel?
The beauty of the woman has been admired in every age, from antiquity to the present.
We feel good when we are beautiful. And now we can use a lot of tricks to put our strengths to good
use. that any girl would like to open a beauty business.
Most businesses in the beauty industry have managed to overcome the hardships imposed by the
economic crisis as consumers do not fully give up on beauty and care products and services but turn to
cheaper brands and services. The success of a business in the field of beauty depends on several
elements: the treatment methods used, the products used and the technical endowment, but the
decisive factor is the general atmosphere, which must be relaxing, full of attention and professionalism
on the part of the employees.

6) describe an interesting person you have met (descrieți o persoană interesantă pe care ați

Every day we have that chance to meet and be with people. There are some that leave an impact on our
hearts. It may be the way they carry themselves, the way they talk, their smile, the stories they share,
how we see them with others or the kindness they have shown us that make them stay in our minds and
hearts even long after we’ve seen them.

Personally, I have learned that each person has a story to share, stories I can learn from and stories that
have inspired me to become a better person, to count my blessings and just to remind me to be grateful
for my life.
7)would you like to live and work in a foreign country ?why?(
ați vrea să trăiți și să lucrați într-o țară străină? De ce? It would be a nice experience. I would really
love to move to a foreign country. But knowing the native language of the country I am moving to would
be a big plus point. I would like to experience a new lifestyle, new culture - everything new. I would
really love to move to Germany or Italy. I would even like to visit France some day. I'd rather stay in my
country. It is nice to live in a new country, but we must not forget that it is the very special place in
which we were born and we are destined to be here. Since birth, our country has been spending a lot of
money on our well-being and it is our responsibility to do something for our country and make our
country's banner grow in all areas where we specialize.

8) how would you define success (cum ai defini succesul)

Success. Whatever you think to accomplish and you achieve it is a success.

Success is not one thing or many things. It also does not mean, in Success, a person should be highly
influential or capable or rich . Success requires a courage, an interest and an intensity in a person who
wants to achieve that desired and defined the goal. Success needs to be looked at as more of a factor
for realizing happiness or a signal which would suggest a greater likelihood or greater amount of
happiness and fulfillment. It’s difficult to be happy if we never succeed at anything we attempt to

9) what are the advantages of shopping online?( care sunt avantajele cumpărăturilor online)

online shopping has become a popular shopping method ever since the internet has declared a

Save Time – With just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can purchase your shopping orders and
instantly move to other important things, which can save time.

Save Fuel- One of the advantages of shopping online is that there is no need for vehicles, so no purchase
of fuel necessary.

Save Energy – In online shopping, you do not need to waste your precious energy when buying.

Comparison of Prices- This gives you the freedom to determine which online store offers the most
affordable item you are going to buy.

10) what could be done to reduce violence(ce s-ar putea face pentru a reduce violența)

Treat violence as a public health concern: We need to use campaigns and technology to reach every
child and family in these countries. We need to develop those tools to make sure that everybody feels
important and cared for through parenting interventions, family interventions, wellbeing campaigns,
and early childhood education. Preventing violence must involve the opposite: making sure people feel
safe, cared about, and connected, while ensuring they have a healthy and realistic sense of self-esteem
and self-worth. Strategies for the prevention of violence and crime need to operate at different levels of
the ecological model to sustainably reduce risk factors that promote violence or to strengthen
protective factors that help prevent it. Such strategies should aim to discourage the emergence of
violence, while also to confronting existing violence.

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