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CHADD From the president

Who Knows Best?

I confess I had difficulty coming up with an idea for my column this month.
When I mentioned this at dinner, my 23-year-old son said, “Why don’t you write about your
wonderful son?” And so I shall.
Steve had difficulty at school, and what Esther him to take a job at a grocery store or movie theater.
Falcetta and Nadine Taylor-Barnes write in this issue I thought that this would increase his circle of friends
about their children’s challenges resonates with me. and provide more opportunities to socialize with stu-
Bright, charming, inquisitive, and active, Steve strug- dents from other area schools.
gled with reading and writing due to his co-occurring Steve listened politely to my suggestion and took
learning disability. We were fortunate to have received a job at a local dry-cleaning establishment near a re-
an early diagnosis, treatment, and accommodations tirement community. So much for a larger circle of
at school. With helpful interventions in place, Steve friends. Most of the senior citizens completed their
realized what supports and strategies he needed to be errands before noon, so Steve worked by himself the
academically successful. He had some great learning bulk of the time. The company had a policy that as
support teachers and an excellent tutor. long as the customers were served and all of the work-
I don’t want to give you the impression that he related tasks were completed, employees were allowed
had twelve years of smooth sailing. He experienced to pass the time with quiet activities.
academic success in the subjects he enjoyed and Since there wasn’t much to do, Steve began to
One of my most struggled in subjects with a lot of required reading or read novels. Paperbacks by Steven King, James
memorable moments dense textbooks. At times, he had to concentrate his Patterson, and other popular authors began to appear
during my son’s energy on a few core subjects and let the other ones in our home and in his car. I enjoyed having discussions
slide. His resilience sometimes amazed me. I did re- with him about the characters, plots, and storylines.
high school years gret that Steve didn’t share my lifelong love of reading During our summer vacation that year, everyone
was when he and avoided novels or reading just for the fun of it. in the Paxson family had a book open at the beach.
disregarded my I like to think I was a decent advocate on his be- This was unprecedented and has become one of my
half. I remember bringing mini-muffins to an IEP warmest family memories. I don’t think this would
advice—and things meeting once to show the school staff my attitude of have occurred if Steve had taken my suggestion to
turned out better openness and collaboration. Steve work at a grocery store or theater.
than if he had devoured them almost as soon as Steve now attends college as
I had set down the plate. a part-time student while work-
listened to One of my most memorable ing full-time for the same dry-
dear old Mom. moments during my son’s high cleaning company. Because of
school years was when he disre- his tenure, he is cross-trained
garded my advice—and things in several departments and has
turned out better than if he had done everything from managing a
listened to dear old Mom. store to driving the delivery truck.
During course selection for He is considered a key employee
his senior year, Steve chose to and enjoys his affiliation with the
FOR MORE INFO participate in our school’s work- company. His employer and fellow
Visit to read the
CHADD Leadership Blog
study program. After more than employees value his work ethic
ftwitty, jmimages / istock, bonotom studio

and our new blogs eleven years of academic strug- and his sense of humor.
on coaching, parenting gles, it was clear that he chose this option just to So while I could fill the rest of this magazine with
and relationships. get out of the building! He’d had enough of swim- stories of when I made the right call and things turned
ming upstream to learn information he didn’t find out right… or stories of when Steve really would have
relevant. Having previously worked at McDonald’s, benefitted from listening to his mother… I’m grate-
he knew he could master job responsibilities. If he ful for his decision to go with his instincts. And while
could earn a paycheck and a grade simultaneously, I would think he was a wonderful son, no matter what
it seemed like an excellent opportunity. I encouraged he does, I AM extremely proud of him! ● A

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