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Salvador, Sierra Bullones, Bohol

S.Y 2018-2019

This is a 50 item test , read each direction written in every type of test .Please read all questions carefully and make sure you
understand the facts before you begin answering. Write legibly and be as concise as possible.


Directions: Match Column A with the correct answer on Column B. Write only the LETTER of your answer.
Column A Column B
1. Author of The Stranger a. Aida
2. He was not a good simmer and had swum out too far. b. Pan de Sal
3. The love interest of the boy. She belongs to the elite or rich family. c. Pete Suiz
4. The guy who invites them to join his band. d. Ismael V. Mallari
5. It is also known as the bread of salt. e. Mr. Custodio
6. He was in charge of the school orchestra and became aware of the little boy’s progress. f. Alicia
7. One of Don Esteban’s daughters. g. Pendong
8. Greatest love of Dodong at the age of 17. h. Teang
9. One of Teang’s suitors and admirers. i. Tona
10. Author of Footnote To Youth j. Protacio
k. Jose Garcia Villa
l. Lucio


Directions: Select the best answer to the following multiple choice questions. Write only the LETTER.
11. Which sensory details does this statement appeal to?
“ My fingers lingered on the familiar leaves”
a. sight b. touch c. taste d. smell
12. Which sensory detail does this statement appeal to?
“ The afternoon sun penetrated my upturned face”
a. taste b. feel c. smell d. sound
13. How does imagery help us understand the story?
a. It doesn’t.
b. By expressing how the author is feeling.
c. Imagery helps us to see, touch, taste, smell and feel what the characters feel and see.
d. By telling the mood.
14. What type of imagery is this?
“ The thunder clapped loudly shaking the house”
a. sight b. sound c. touch d. taste
15.Which one of the five senses is used in this sentence?
“ The wolf howled painfully over the loss of his mate”
a. sight b. sound c. touch d. taste
16. His head was drenched with sweat.. The word drenched means....
a. wet thoroughly b. dry c. parch d. dehydrate
17. The dog ambled after me. The word ambled means....
a. walk or move at a slow b. run fast c. waggle its tail d. wander
18. I approached with apprehension. The word apprehension means...
a. belief b. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
c. trust d. calmness
19. Maestro Antonino remarked the dexterity of my stubby fingers. Dexterity means...
a. skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands. b. ignorance
c. inability d. awkwardness
20. Dodong looked wistfully at his young son. Wistfully means...
a. joylessly b. cheerfully c. happily d. buxom


Directions: Decide if the sentences below use literal or figurative. Then write an L for literal and F for figurative before each one.
_____` 21. Eric thinks doing school works is one big video game.
_____ 22. Lauren has made up her mind to volunteer every Tuesday after school.
_____ 23. Thinking about summer camp makes me feel like a bundle of joy and sunshine.
_____ 24. As I delivered my speech, my voice sounded as if I'd swallowed rocks and sand.
_____ 25. Emma may seem clumsy, but onstage she dances like a gazelle.
_____ 26. My teammate is a snail and a turtle combined!
_____ 27. Before the soccer match, both teams attended a sportsmanship program.
_____ 28. I have a ton of paperwork to do before I can enjoy the sun this summer.
_____ 29. Sometimes I have to be my little brother's brain.
_____ 30. Jacob expresses many feelings through his photography.

Directions: Underline the verb phrase in each sentence.
31. You can buy lunch with that money.
32. These jeans do not fit me anymore.
33. The mouse was named Jhaster.
34. The dispenser has run out of napkins.
35. I am becoming very tired of Chinese food.

Directions: Identify if the underlined phrases in the following sentences is a Verb Phrase or a Noun Phrase.
Write VP for Verb Phrase and NP for Noun Phrase.
36. He wished to talk to his manager.
37. He denied taking his money.
38. The wicked man loves getting poor people into trouble.
39. Melissa will wait for the taxi at the corner.
40. Zachary always wants to play tennis.


Directions: Tell whether the prepositional phrase functions as an adjective or adverb. Draw a STAR for an Adjective Phrase and a
TRIANGLE for an Adverb Phrase.
41. The girl in brown frock is my sister.
42. They were shouting in a loud voice.
43. The train stopped at Victoria Terminus.
44. He was a man of great wealth.
45. The principal was an old man of friendly disposition.
46. He ran with great speed.
47 You can buy it in all places.
48. He replied in a very rude manner.
49. He wore a turban made of gold.
50. He was a young man of great promise.

We don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is challenging.

Good luck and god bless!
-ma'am Fhatz


Salvador, Sierra Bullones, Bohol
S.Y 2018-2019

This is a 20 item test , read each direction written in every type of test .Please read all questions carefully and make sure you
understand the facts before you begin answering. Write legibly and be as concise as possible.

I. Multiple Choice
Choose the item that will best complete the sentence or answer the question. Write only the letter of your choice in the blank.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. A ryhtmic , poetic expression with a meter of seven sylablles.
a. Hanunuo b. Ambahan c. Mangyans d. Morion
2. A cone shaped colander harvest basket made of blackened and natural bamboo.
a. Tingkop b. Tagbanua c.Buli d. Urukay
3. It was excavated in the early 1960s inside the cave in Luppun Point Palawan.
a. Manunggol Jar b. Bastos c. Linawan d. Bukog
4. An age old tradition in Aklan, the leading manufacturer of pina cloth in the country.
a. Patadyong b. Pina Weaving c. Bastos d. Palpag
5. One of the largest islands of the archipelago composed of the provinces of Iloilo, Antique, Aklan, Capiz, and the Island of
a. Panay Island b. Camiguin Island c. Palawan d. Bohol
6. A wrap-around piece of cloth worn by women as a skirt and is usually paired with a kimona.
a. Patadyong b. Bastos c. Bukog d. Bastos
7. Known as the loom weaving center of the province of Bohol.
a. Tubigon b. Talibon c. Jetafe d. Alicia
8. Basket capital of Bohol.
a. Antequerra b. Ubay c. Maribojoc d. Loon
9. Made from abaca twine and indigenous plants similar to banana.
a. Sinamay b. Kapiz c. Banig d. Tikog
10. Textile capital of the Philippines.
a. Panay island b. Panglao Island c. Palawan d. Puerto Princesa

Test II. Modified True or False

Direction:Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s false, change the underlined word or group of words to make the whole
statement true.

1. Masskara Festival in Bacolod is considered as the most spectacular display of colors, beauty and culture.
2. Molo Church in Iloilo, depicts the fusion of Gothic and Renaissance styles.
3. Pintados Festival in Tacloban City is a cultural- religious celebration to honor the feast day of the Santo Nino or the Holy Child.
4. Ati-atihan Festival is held every third Sunday of January in honor of the arrival of the Sto. Nino as a gift from Ferdinand
5. The Ruins in Negros Oriental is an example of neoclassical architecture built by a wealthy haciendero.
6. Miag-ao Church in Ilocos, is an example of Baroque Romanisque architecture.
7. The term Ati-atihan means make bealieve.
8. The town of Basey, Samar is known for its woven products such as mats, wall, decorations and the famous colorful sleeping mat
called banig.
9. Romblon is known not only for its fine marble products but also for the beautifully woven mats and bags.
10. MIMAROPA is called the Southern Tagalog Region of the Philippines.

We don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is challenging.

Good luck and god bless!
-ma'am Fhatz


Salvador, Sierra Bullones, Bohol
S.Y 2018-2019

This is a 20 item test , read each direction written in every type of test .Please read all questions carefully and make sure you
understand the facts before you begin answering. Write legibly and be as concise as possible.

I. Arrange the jumbled letters using the clue/ hint given to form a basic stroke / hit used in Badminton.
1. Shot done with the stroke above the head, the shuttle travelling up targetting the long sevice line. EARLC
2. Shot done with the stroke below the head about waist-level, the shuttle travelling up. OBL
3. Shot usually done with the stroke above the head , the shuttle travelling up but dropping just near the PDOR
4. Shot usually done with the stroke about the level of the head, the shyttle travelling straight or flat over EIVDR
the net.
5.Shot done with the stroke above the head , the shuttle travelling down with power and speed; SSHMA
considered one of the most powerful attack in badminton.

Test II. Modified True or False

Direction:Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s false, change the underlined word or group of words to make the whole
statement true.

6. Serve is a stroke that starts a rally, can be either done in the forehand or backhand side.
7. Receive is a stroke to reply to a serve.
8. Push is a short stroke wherein the racket is moved in a slight horizontal plane, striking the ball on the bottom portion o the racket.
9. Drive is a stroke wherein the racket is moved forward and upwards at an angle , striking the ball to impart topspin.
10.Block is a stroke wherein the racket is positioned slightly vertical , striking the ball on the bottom portion of the racket making the
ball travel straight.

Test III. Enumeration

1.-2 Two types of hand grips
3-8 6 Basic Strokes or Hits used in BADMINTON
9-13 5 Basic Hits used in Table Tennis
14-15 2 examples of Dual Sports
We don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is challenging.
Good luck and god bless!
-ma'am Fhatz


Salvador, Sierra Bullones, Bohol
S.Y 2018-2019

Name: Yr. & Section: Score:
This is a 50 item test , read each direction written in every type of test .Please read all questions carefully and make sure
you understand the facts before you begin answering. Write legibly and be as concise as possible.
Test I.
Directions: Identify what is being asked for each number. Write your answer on the space provided for each number.

________ 1. The part of plot that leads to the climax. It is where the characters and setting are introduced.
________ 2. He defined Episodic Plot as a chronological order but it consists of chapters.
________ 3. It is neither the protagonist nor the villain.
________ 4. Type of narration wherein the author tells the story in his own perception without telling the characters.
________ 5. It is how the author wrote the story; it includes his choice of words, diction and others.
________ 6. It is where the conflict or problem is resolved.
________ 7. Collection of related symbols.
________ 8. The atmosphere or emotional setting of the story.
________ 9. The conversation between two or more people in the play / drama.
________ 10. It is a type of narration where the author is a part of the story.
________ 11. Author of A Father's Confession
________ 12. Author of New England Nun.
________ 13. It follows a chronological establishing the setting, conflict, rising action, climax and denouement.
________ 14. It has a light tone and the story ends happily.
________ 15. A composition which is being presented or performed by actors on stage.
________ 16. Ever's aunt who takes care of Ever and stays with her after her family died.
________ 17 12 year old little sister who died in the car accident.
________ 18.One of Ever's only friends who cause huge problems later in the story.
________ 19. Promotes everlasting life.
________ 20. A place where dead souls that did not cross over stay.
________ 21. She lost her family in a tragic car accident.
________ 22. Damen's lastname.
________ 23. Second book of the Shadowland
________ 24. Lina's grandson.
________ 25. Sign of Roman's rogues
________ 26. Haven's cat.
________ 27 A psychic far less powerful than Ever or Damen.
________ 28. Wife of Damen.
________ 29. Ever's aunt profession.
________ 30. Extremely popular girl at Ever's school who constantly taunts Ever.


Directions: Match the following symbols with its meaning. Write only the LETTER.
Column A Column B
_____31. Red Rose a. wealth
_____32.Crescent Moon b. separation
_____33. Ladder c. monetary affairs
_____34. Green d. connection between heaven and earth
_____35. Black e. wisdom
_____36. Dove f. romance
_____37. Broken Mirror g. death
_____38. Owl h. peace
_____39. Bat i. loyalty
_____40. Blue j. royalty
k. Islam
l. evil

Test III. Essay

Directions: Pick TWO of the following four questions to answer.
1. Explain why Honesty is important in a friendship. ( 5 pts.)
2. A role model is a person you look up to. Before you begin writing, think about someone you look up to. Why do you admire this
person? ( 5 pts.)
3. Explain why someone you care about is important to you? ( 5 pts.)
4. Explain how disappointments can have a good side. ( 5 pts.)

We don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is challenging.

Good luck and god bless!
-ma'am Fhatz

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