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ABC & 123!

October 2018 Teacher: Liz

Sean, you are still quite new at An-nur & we are still getting to
know each other.. I know that you are skilled & interested in
counting and ABC’s. when you came to An-nur, you already
knew numbers & letters, but you showed most interest in ac-
tivities that included numbers and letters.
Sometimes you find getting your nappy
changed a little bit stressing—you are
so busy and engaged in what you are
doing you don’t want to leave!
I began singing 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught
a fish alive, you were instantly in-
volved,singing with me, and then you
lay down so I could easily change you. I
noticed the net time I took you into the
change room, you straight away began
singing 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish
alive! You had remembered that I had
sung with you before and you had an
expectation that the routine would again follow the same pat-
tern. (Children feel comfortable with the routines, customs,
and regular events, Te Whariki, 1996)
So, we began to sing again, and then
you you didn't seem to want to get
down, when I held my arms out to lift
you down you pushed my hands away
and continued to sing and count!.
Sean, we have created a new routine
for you, and together we have now
made changing time something you
can enjoy. Sean you already had a
strong literacy and numeracy focus,
we are now able to use your
knowledge to expand your learning to
other areas—routines, friendships, be-
longing, I hope that I see you in Tua kana teina experiences
with other children sharing your learning within a social con-
I will continue to sing with you, & engage you in experiences
of interest to you and also encourage you to share with oth-
ers and involve your peers, as you grow new relationships at

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