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First of all, we noted down the diameter of the nozzle. Then we noted down the value of h which is the distance
between the nozzle and the target. We also brought the weight in the zero position. Then we opened the flow control
valve. The water flow from the jet struck the target point of the vane. The vane deflected by the impact of the jet.
The vane along with weight cup rose upto a certain height. Then we brought the level of the vane and weight cup to
the original position using the weights. The flow rate was measured and the result was recorded on the test sheet,
together with the corresponding value of weight. Then we collected water in the measuring bucket and noted down
the collection time. The weight of the water was recorded from the platform scale of the measuring bucket. The
weight on the weight cup was changed and the balance of weight cup was maintained by regulating the flow rate.
Each time we recorded the value of flow rate and weight on the weight cup. After that, the control valve was closed
and the pump was switched off. The experiment was repeated with different target vanes.
The results were recorded on the result sheets. The flow rate and area were calculated. Then the nozzle exit
velocity was calculated from the flow rate and area. Then the impact velocity was calculated from the nozzle exit
velocity and the value of h. After that, experimental and theoretical forces were calculated. Error was determined
from the experimental and theoretical forces. Graphs were drawn of theoretical forces versus experimental forces
for each of the vanes. Graphs were drawn of flow rate versus both experimental and theoretical forces for each of
the vanes. A graph was drawn of theoretical forces versus experimental forces for combination of the vanes.
Another graph was drawn of flow rates versus experimental forces for combination of the vanes. Other graph was
drawn of flow rates versus theoretical forces for combination of the vanes. More analysis can be done by keeping
constant flow rate.

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