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Collected by Amin Suyitno

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Jangka Compasses Bilangan Number

Busur derajat Protractor Banyaknya Number (the
number of books).
Penggaris Ruler
Rumus/dalil Formula Bilangan Asli Natural number
Teorema Theorem Bilangan Cacah Whole number
(Counting number)
Definisi Definition
Konsep Concept Bilangan Bulat Integer
Sifat Property Bilangan Genap Even number
Suku Term Bilangan Ganjil Odd number
Suku-suku sejenis Like/similar terms Bilangan Prima Prime number
Lambang/simbol Symbol Bilangan Komposit Composite number
Dilambangkan Symbolized Bilangan Rasional Rational number
+ Plus Bilangan Real Real number
- Minus Bilangan Irasional Irrational number
 Times Pecahan Fraction
: Divided by Pecahan campuran Mixed fraction
= Equals (is equal to) Pecahan desimal Decimal fraction
 Not equals Persen Percent
< Less than Pembilang Numerator
> Greater than Penyebut Denominator
 Less than or equals Garis bilangan Number line
 Greater than or equals Pangkat Exponent/Index
32 3 squared Persamaan Equation
23 2 cubed Pertidaksamaan Inequality

54 5 to the fourth power Persamaan Linier Linear equation

5 to the power of 4 Sistem persamaan Linear equation
linier dalam 2 system in two
1 5 powered 4
variabel. variables.
2 a half
1 Ruas kiri/kanan Left/right side
3 Pembilang Numerator

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1 a third (one third) Penyebut Denominator

FPB Greatest Common
a quarter Factor (GCF)
KPK Least Common
three fourth Multiple (LCM)
2 three per four Hasil Bagi Quotient
2 three over four Penyederhanaan Simplification
3 nine and a half Bentuk paling The simplest form
0.125 sederhana
seven and two third Pengurangan Subtraction
25.5 naught point one two Penjumlahan Addition
1,000,000 five. Perkalian Multiplication
1,000,000,000 twenty five point five Pembagian Division
1,950,505 one million a:b The ratio of a to b,
or a to b
one billion
1 kali one million nine Bentuk aljabar The algebraic form
2 kali hundred fifty thousand
Variabel Variable
five hundred and five
3 kali once Koefisien Coefficient
4 twice Bilangan konstan Constant number
9 three times (thrice) Petunjuk Hint
Himpunan root of 4 Contoh For example
Himpunan kosong seventh root of nine Latihan Exercise
Irisan Operasi Operation
Gabungan Set
Diketahui Given
Relasi Empty/Void/Null set
Ditanya Asked
Fungsi Intersection
Jawab Answer
Pemetaan Union
Penyelesaian Solution
Aturan/hukum Relation
Carilah Find
Kesimpulan Function
Hitunglah Calculate
Tentukan Determine
Biasa Ordinary
Social Arithmetic = Aritmetika Sosial

Collected by Amin Suyitno
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Harga Beli = The buying price Bruto = Gross

Harga Jual = The selling price Neto = Nett
Keuntungan = The profit Tara = Tare
Kerugian = The loss
Persentase kerugian = The percentage of loss
Bunga = Interest
Diskon = discount
Nilai = value

Pernyataan = Statement
Dihilangkan = eliminated
Memindahkan suatu suku dari…. = Moving any term from….
Penggunaan = applications of
Cara biasa = Ordinary way
Nilai x yang memenuhi …. = The value of x that satisfies …
Nilai a dan b berturut-turut adalah … = The value of a and b consecutively are ….
Jika diketahui bahwa …. = If is known that ….

Pembulatan = Rounding off Dibulatkan = Rounded off

2 angka di belakang koma = two numbers behind comma.
Notasi Ilmiah = Scientific Notation
Ukuran = size
Tabel Frequensi = Frequency Table
Ukuran = measure/size Pengukuran = measurement
Data terkecil/bsr = the smallest/largest data Rata-rata htng = mean/average
Modus = mode Kuartil bwh = lower Quartile
Penyajian data = data representation Kuartil atas = upper Quartile
Diagram Lingkaran = pie diagram Diagram batang = bar chart/diagram
Diagram garis = line diagram Diagram gambar = pictogram
Garis = line Balok = cuboid
Panjang = length Sisi (bidang sisi) = face
Lebar = width Kubus = cube
Tinggi = height/altitude Prisma = prism
Besar = magnitude Limas = pyramid
Bidang = plane Tabung= cylinder/tube
Garis lurus = straight line Kerucut = cone
Garis lengkung = curved line Alas = base side
Sejajar = parallel Bola = sphere
AB dan CD berpotongan di O = AB and CD meet/intersect at O.
Tegak lurus = perpendicular
Sudut = angle
Titik sudut = vertex (point of the angle)
Kaki-kaki sudut = legs of the angle |n| = the absolute of a number n.
Sdt bertolak belakang = vertically angle ~ = is similar to
Sudut lancip = an acute angle  = is congruent to
Sudut tumpul = an obtuse angle Basis 5 = Base 5
Sudut siku-siku = a right angle Tempat Kedudukan = locus
Sudut lurus = a straight angle

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Sudut > 180 0 = a reflex angle

Segitiga = triangle
Segitiga sembarang = scalene triangle
Segitiga samasisi = equilateral triangle Sisi Miring = Hypotenuse
Segitiga samakaki = isosceles triangle Rusuk = edge
Segitiga siku-siku = right triangle
Segitiga lancip = acute triangle Aksioma = Axiom
Segitiga tumpul = obtuse triangle Algoritma = Algorithm
Garis berat = a median of a triangle Barisan = Sequence
Garis bagi = a bisector Deret = Series
Garis tinggi = an altitude Pemetaan = Mapping
Sumbu pada sisi AB = the perpendicular bisector of a side AB
Sisi segitiga = side
A, B, dan C titik-titik sudut  ABC = A, B, and C the vertices/points of  ABC.
Segiempat sembarang = a quadrilateral Jaring-jaring = net
Jajargenjang = a parallelogram Berimpit = coincident
Persegipanjang = a rectangle/rectangular Berpotongan = intersect
Persegi = a square Garis bersilangan = skew lines
Belahketupat = a rhombus garis sejajar = parallel lines
Trapesium = a trapezium
Layang-layang = a kite didefinsikan sbg= is defined as
Keliling = perimeter
Luas = area
Sisi-sisi berhadapan = opposite sides
Dua garis berpotongan= two lines intersect

k = transversal line

Sudut-sudut sehadap = corresponding angles

Sudut dalam berseberangan = alternate interior angles
Sudut dalam sepihak = consecutive interior angles
Sudut luar berseberangan = alternate exterior angles
Garis a tegaklurus pada garis b = line a perpendicular to line b.
Sudut-sudut berpelurus = supplementary angles
Sudut-sudut berpenyiku = complementary angles
Lingkaran = circle
k R = radius --- radii (plural)
O = center. Garis l menyinggung = line l touches the ….
Garis singgung = tangent (line l)
l Garis potong = secant (line k)
Keliling lingk. = circumference

Busur = arc
Talibusur = chord

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Diameter = diameter
Juring = a sector
= a region bounded by two radii and an arch of the circle.
Tembereng = a segment
Sudut pusat = central angle
Sudut keliling = inscribed angle
Sudut kel. dalam/luar = interior/exterior two secants angle
Minor arch >< major arch
Selimut tabung/kerucut = Blanket/lateral of the cylinder/cone
Daerah yang diarsir = Shaded region
Pada gambar di samping = in the figure beside
Setengah bola = hemisphere
Pasangan berurutan = ordered pairs

Persamaan Linear = Linear Equations

Pers. Garis melalui 2 titik yang diket. = Line equation passing through two given points

Nyatakan x dalam y = Express x in y.

Titik Puncak/Balik = The Peak

Titik belok = Inflection point
Sinus sudut a, disingkat sin a = Sine of angle a, abbreviated sin a

Skala = Scale
Memperkecil = Reducing (to reduce) the size
Memperbesar = Enlarge the size
Ukuran sebenarnya = Actual size
Faktor Pengecilan = Reduction factor
Faktor Perbesaran = Gain Factor

Perbandingan senilai = Direct proportion

Perb. Berbalik Nilai = Inverse proportion

Abscissa = absis Ordinate = ordinat

Adjacent angles = sudut yang bersisian Algebra = aljabar
Algebraic form = bentuk aljabar Apply = berlaku
Curly bracket = kurung kurawal – Enclosed by curly bracket = diapit oleh kr. Kurawal
Concentric = sepusat Dice = dadu
Distance = jarak
Diperpanjang = extended
Diperluas = enlarged

Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar = Flat Surface Solids

Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung = Curved Surface Solids

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Exponential Numbers
Logaritma = logarithm
log b = logarithm of b to the base a
Sifat-sifat logaritma = The properties of logarithms
a  n-th root of a. Simbol is radical/root. And a is radicant. n is index.
Sifat-sifat akar = sifat-sifat akar
Merasionalkan bentuk akar = Rationalizing the radical form.
Akar sekawan = conjugate radical
Persamaan Kuadrat = Quadratic Equations (QE)
Akar-akar PK = The roots of QE.
Akar kembar = Identical roots
Akar khayal = Imaginary roots
Diskriminan = discriminant
Melengkapkan kuadrat = Completing the square
Pemfaktoran = Factorization
Fungsi kuadrat = Quadratic Function
Definit = Definite

Mathematical Logics
Pernyataan = Statement Benar = True Salah = False
Proposisi = Proposition
Some Statements are compound statement.
Konjungsi = Conjunction
p  q memenuhi sifat berikut = p  q satisfies the following property.
Disjungsi = Disjunction; Negasi/ingkaran = Negation
Kondisional (p  q) = p conditional.q Jika p maka q = If p then q
p q : p implies q; p only if q; p is sufficient for q
q is necessary for p.
Bikondisional (p  q) = Biconditional.
Tabel Kebenaran = Truth Tables.
Tautologi = Tautology; Kontradiksi = Contradiction

Kuantor Universal = The Universal Quantifier.

Kuantor Eksistesial = The Existential Quantifier
Sifat tertutup = Closure Law; Hukum Komutatif = Commutative Law
Associative Law; Distributive Law; Identity.
Law of Syllogism = Hk. Silogisma
Converse (Konvers), Inverse (Invers), Contrapositive (Kontrapositif).

Sistem Persamaan Linier dalam Tiga variabel = Linear Equation System in 3 Variables

Kalkulus = Calculus x mendekati tak terhingga = x approaches
Diferensial = Differential infinitely large.
Turunan Fungsi = Derived Function x mendekati 3 = x approaches 3
Cari turunannya = find the derivative = x tends 3
Sebuah konstanta c = a constant c (arbitrary constant)

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Integral tak tertentu = indefinite integral

Integral tertentu = the definite integral
The process of getting from f’(x) to f(x) is called integration.
So, integration is the reverse process of differentiation.

Daerah yang dibatasi oleh = The region enclosed by ….

Diputar mengeliling sb X = is rotated around X axis.
Volume Benda Putar = Volume of revolution
Volume Benda Putar mengelilingi sb-X = Volume of revolution about the X-axis.
Matriks = Matrix – Matrices Baris = row
Ordo = order Kolom = column
Matriks baris = Row matrix Matriks invers = Inverse matrix
Matriks identitas = Identity matrix Matriks persegi = square matrix
Determinan matriks = Determinant of matrix

Ruang dimensi 2 = Two dimensional space Titik pangkal = Initial point
Ruas garis berarah = a directed line segment Titik ujung = End point
Panjang vektor AB = Modulus of vector AB Proyeksi = projection
Berlawanan arah = Opposite direction
Perkalian skalar = Skalar/dot product Perkalian vektor = Vektor/cross product

Geometric Transformations
Ditranslasikan = is translated by Bayangan = image
Transformasi langsung = The direct transformation
Pergeseran = translation Pencerminan = reflection
Dicerminkan = is reflected by Rotasi = rotation
Diputar sejauh α = is rotated through an angle α
Searah jarum jam = clockwise
Tak searah jarum jam = counterclockwise
Pusat perputaran = The centre of rotation
Titik A diputar sejauh 900 = Point A is rotated through 900.
Dilatasi = dilatation
Mendapat dilatasi dgn faktor skala k = gets a dilatation of scale factor k
Komposisi transformasi = The composition of transformations

Pangkat pecahan = Fractional indices


Collected by Amin Suyitno
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English Indonesia
Polynomial Suku banyak
The degree of polynomial Derajat suku banyak
4th degree polynomial Suku banyak berderajat 4
Divisor Pembagi
Quotient Hasil bagi
Remainder Sisa
By the similar method Dengan cara yang sama/serupa
Is divisible by Habis dibagi oleh
By long division method Melalui metode pembagian panjang
Horner method Metode Horner
Move 5 downward Pindahkan 5 ke bawah
Quadratic divisor Pembagi kuadrat
The remainder Theorem Teorema sisa
Sequence and Series Barisan dan Deret
Arithmetic Sequence/Progression Barisan Aritmetika
First term (u1) – nth term (un) Suku pertama (u1) – Suku ke-n (un)
Common difference (d) = divergent Beda (b)
Sum of terms (S) Jumlah suku (S)
Geometric Sequence/Progression Barisan Geometri
Common ratio (r) Rasio (r)
The infinity geometric series Deret geometri tak hingga
The sum to infinity of the series S~ (Jumlah deret dgn suku tak hingga)

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For examples:

1. Look at the picture beside.

Given: C  90 0 , BC = 8 cm, BD = 10 cm, and BA =
17 cm.
Find, the length of AD and the area of triangle ABD.

 In the right triangle BCD, CD2 = BD2 – BC2 so that CD = …..

 In the right triangle ABC, AC2 = AB2 – BC2 so that AC = …..
 AD = AC – CD = …..
 The area of  ABD = the area of  ABC - the area of  BCD
1 1
= (BC x AC) - (BC x CD)
2 2
= ………. - ……….
= ………. cm2.

2. If x1 and x2 are roots of the quadratic equation 3x2 – 2x – 5 = 0, then find the quadratic
equation whose roots are (x1 + 2) and (x2 + 2).
Lets y1 and y2 are roots of the quadratic equation that questioned.
We get:
y1 = x1 + 2 and y2 = x2 + 2

or y = x + 2

3(y – 2)2 – 2(y – 2) – 5 = 0

3y2 – 14y + 11 = 0
Express y in x, so that we get: 3x2 – 14x + 11 = 0


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Dari soal-soal Australia

Spent = mengeluarkan/membelanjakan
Grid = kisi tempat pemanggangan
Drew = draw = menggambar/seri
Pour = menuangkan
Peach = buah persik
Stacked = ditumpuk
Closest = close = karib/sahabat
Amount = jumlah/kuantitas
Shed = bangsal/gudang
Spinner = pemutar
Revolution = putaran
Ride = perjalanan pakai mobil
Isle = pulau kecil


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