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BCS Pre-Intermediate

Module 2

Body language

By the end of this unit you should be able to

o Identify your own body language, the do’s and don’ts under various
o Distinguish between good and bad body language used while speaking in an
o Use good body language behaviours to introduce yourself, taking hints from
o Record your speech for future self- reflection.

Task 1: (20 minutes)

Imagine you are going for an interview in a big Multi National Corporation or you need to
deliver an important presentation to the management tomorrow. How will you feel? Which
of these emoticons best describe you?

Choose any 3 and tick the boxes given below.

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Nervous Scared Stressed Confident Confused Relaxed Excited Well- prepared

1. How many negative and how many positive emoticons did you choose?

2. Look at the negative emoticons you chose and list at least 2 reasons for each. Here are 2 examples.

 I feel stressed because I usually forget what to say in the interview. I also get nervous in front of a
big crowd.
 I am usually scared before the presentation. But, once I begin, I am more relaxed.




3. How do you usually behave (body language) when you have these feelings? Here are 2 examples.
BCS Pre-Intermediate
Module 2

Body language

 When I am stressed I don’t look at the person in front of me. I feel comfortable looking up instead.
 If I am confused, I play with my pen or hair to hide my feelings.




Task 2: (10 minutes)

Watch this video and answer the questions below

1. Have you listed any of these don’ts in task 1 above?

2. List the do’s that you saw in the video.

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

3. State if the following are TRUE or FALSE. Give reasons for the FALSE statements

a. Positive body gestures are a sign of confidence and security. True / False
b. A good eye contact helps the participants to be active. True / False
c. A positive body language is not important if you are well dressed. True / False
d. A smiling face leaves a good impression. True / False
e. It’s alright if your handshake is weak. Only shaking hands is important. True / False
f. Sitting straight and upright shows you are confident. True / False

Watch again to check your answers.

Task 3: (10 minutes)

Given below are a few body language gestures. Arrange them as ‘Good body language ‘and
‘Bad body language’
BCS Pre-Intermediate
Module 2

Body language

o Walking upright
o Biting nails
o Shaking hands confidently
o Getting distracted
o Playing with your hair or pen
o Having a pleasant and smiling face.
o Nodding your head
o A steady eye contact
o Folding your hands
o Tapping your feet on the ground or your fingers on the table


Have you noticed any other things that your colleagues do- it can be something you think is
good body language or bad body language. Post some answers on Edmodo. Look at what
your classmates post.
BCS Pre-Intermediate
Module 2

Body language

Task 4: (10 minutes)

Now watch this video and pause at the following timings. Answer the questions below
(You can watch the video a few times)

What do you think about the body language of the people on the screen at 0.26”:

Everybody’s body language can be different. True/ False

At 0.57” the man is interested / bored / angry / uninterested. (Choose 1 or more answers)
If you can read someone’s body language, you can ask them what the problem is. True/ False

From 1’23” to 1’36”: Linda looks/ does not look confident (choose the correct answer)
We know this because she
- looks scared / plays with her nails / taps her feet/ touches her face

From 1’37 to 1’43

Linda looks more confident because she is sitting up straight, moving her hands naturally and
making good eye contact. Agree/ Disagree

Task 4: (10 minutes)

In class take a photo of your classmates while they are in the middle of a task. Choose one student
and analyse their body language. Give them feedback on what is good/ what could be better.
Share the photo and your feedback with your teacher.


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