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Soil stabilization is a technique for improving the engineering properties of soil. Soil
stabilization techniques can be classified in various ways like according to the nature of
process involved, material added, the desired result etc. For example on the basis of
process, the techniques are known as mechanical stabilization, chemical stabilization,
thermal stabilization and electrical stabilization.



Lime soil reactions are complex and primarily two step process (Dallas and syam,
2009). The reaction involve cation exchange and flocculation that bring about rapid
textural and plasticity changes. The altered clay structure, as a result of flocculation of clay
particle due to cation exchange reaction and short term pozzolanic reaction, result in
larger particle. Although pozzolanic reaction process is slow, some amount of pozzolanic
strength gain may occur during the primary reactions i.e, cation exchange and flocculation.

Flocculation of clay particle is a mechanism by which particle attract each other

electrically. As a result change in the electrical charge of clay particles brought about by
Base Exchange, the clay particles tend to agglomerate into large size particles. This basic
change make the soil lose its plasticity and makes it behave more like silt.

The second step, a long term pozzolanic based cementing process among flocculates
and agglomerates of particles, results in strength increase which can be considerable
depending on the amount of pozzolanic product that develops, and this in turn depend on
the reactivity of the soil mineral with the lime.

The pozzolanic reaction process, which can either be modest or quite substantial
depending on the mineralogy of the soil, is a long term process. This is because the
process can continue as long as a sufficiently high pH is maintained to solubilize silicates
and aluminates from the clay matrix. The solubilized silicates and aluminates then react
with calcium from the free lime and water to form calcium-silicate hydrates and calcium-
aluminates hydrates bond.


Stabilization of soil with cement consists of adding Portland cement to pulverized soil.
The factor which affects the physical properties of soil cement includes soil type, quantity
of cement, mixing, time of curing and dry density of the compacted mixture.

Cement is comprised of calcium-silicates and calcium-aluminates that hydrate to from

cementations products. Cement hydration is fast and causes rapid strength gain in
stabilized layers. During the hydration process free lime is produced. In fact up to 25% of
the cement paste is lime on the basis of weight. This free lime in the high PH has the
ability to react pozzolanically with soil, just as lime does and this reaction continues as
long as the PH is high enough, generally above about 10.5 (Dallas and Syam, 2009).

Cement hydration is rapid and cause immediate strength gain in stabilized layers.
Therefore, a mellowing period is not allowed between mixing and compaction. The general
practice is to compact soil cement before or shortly after initial set (Dallas and Syam,


Fly ash is by- product from burning coal during power generation. The properties of fly
ash vary significantly depending on the source of coal and the steps followed in the coal
burning process. These by products are classified into class ‘C’ (self-cementing) and class
‘F’ (non-self cementing) (Dallas and Syam, 2009).

Class ‘C’ type fly ash contains a substantial amount of lime, most of which is combined
with glassy silicates and aluminates in the ash. By the mixing with water, hydration
reaction produce free lime that either can combine with other unreacted pozzolans,
silicates and aluminates, available within the flyash, or may react pozzolanically with
silicates and aluminates available in soil to form cementitious products. These products
contribute to strength gain in fly ash stabilized soil. Pozzolanic reaction between soil
particles and free lime released from the ash during the hydration process alter the soil
properties and increase strength just as they do in soil cements.

Class F type fly ash contains very little lime. In this type of fly ash most of the glassy
silica or alumina exists as pozzolano. Activation of theses pozzolano requires additives
such as lime or cement, which provides source of free lime. The pozzolanic reactions that
occur when this fly ash- activator is mixed with water from the products that bond soil
grains or flocculates the soil particles together to develop strength within the soil.


In the selection of stabilizer, the factors that must be considered are the type of soil to
be stabilized, the purpose for which the stabilized layer is used, the soil improvement
desired, the required strength and durability of the stabilized layer and the cost and
environmental conditions (IRC:SP:89-2010).

Following are general guidelines when considering stabilization with different additives;


Lime stabilization is useful for clayey soil. When lime is added to the soil exchange of
cation happens as a result decrease in plasticity of the soil occur (Arora., 2010).

a. Clayey soils including heavy clays, murrum and other so is met within alluvial plains
can be effectively treated with lime. For stabilization, a soil must have a fraction
passing 425 micron sieve not less than 15% and PI should be at least 10%.
b. For effective stabilization, it is desirable that the percentage retained on 425 micron
I.S. sieve should be well graded with uniformity coefficient not less than 5.
c. Organic matter in the soil selected for soil stabilization should not more than 2% and
sulphate content should not exceed 0.2%.
d. PH value of 10 or 11 is desirable for pozzolanic reaction.
e. Soils having organic matter and soluble carbonate/sulphate contents in excess of
2%and 0.2% respectively require special studies.
f. Some materials contain amorphous silica which although has low plasticity but
reacts with lime to form the necessary cementation products and should thus be
considered for stabilization with lime.
g. Materials containing high kaolinite as the basic clay mineral usually have a fairly low
PI with a high liquid limit and in such cases lime should be considered for
h. In case of highly plastic soils, two stage stabilizations is adopted. In this case soil is
first treated with a small quantity of lime. Later on the soil may be treated with
remaining quantity of lime or with cement to achieve the desired strength and


Generally granular soils free of high concentration of organic matter or deleterious salts
are suitable for cement stabilization (IRC:SP:89-2010). For checking the suitability of soils,
it would be advantageous to keep the following criterion in view.
a. Plasticity product expressed as PI of soil and percentage fraction passing 75micron
sieve should not exceed 60.
b. Uniformity coefficient of soil should be greater than 5 and preferably greater than
c. Highly micaceous soils are not suitable for cement stabilization.
d. Soils that are having organic content higher than 2% and also those soils having
sulphate and carbonate content greater than 0.2% is not suitable.
e. Salty or fine sandy materials may exhibit a high liquid limit because of the high
surface area. This material generally will not react with lime because lack of clay
particles and can be stabilized with cement.


Fly ash can be effectively used to stabilize coarse gained particles with little or no fines.
In these soils, fly ash generally acts as a pozzolano or filler to reduce void space among
larger size aggregate particles to float the coarser aggregate (IRC:SP:89-2010).
Fly ash, also termed coal ash, is a mineral residual from the combustion of pulverized
coal. It contains reactive silica and aluminum compounds that, when mixed with lime and
water, form a hardened cementatious mass capable of obtaining high compressive
strength. Lime and fly ash in combination can often be used successfully in stabilizing
granular materials since the fly ash acts as an agent with whom the lime can react.


better soil gradation, increase in durability, increase in strength, reduction of plasticity index
and reduction in swelling potential is achieved. Stabilization improves the properties of
construction materials and gives the following attributes (IRC:SP:89-2010).

(a) After saturation with water substantial proportion of their strength is retained.
(b) Resistance to erosion.
(c) Surface deflection is reduced.
(d) The elastic moduli of layers constructed above stabilized layer are increased.
(e) The stiffness and strength of a soil layer can be increased through the use of
admixture to reduce the thickness of the road pavement.


Due to stabilization properties of soil become improved but there are also some issues
which create following problem after the stabilization (IRC:SP:89-2010).

(a) Due to thermal and shrinkage cracks stabilized layer may be crack.
(b) Crack can reflect through the surfacing and allow water to enter the pavement.
(c) If CO2 has access to the material, the stabilization reaction is reversible and the
strength of layer can decrease.
(d) The construction operation requires more skill than unstabilize materials.

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