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Planing 5G UMi Cell at Bogor

Botanical Garden
Bayu Azziz and Raka Mughni
Faculty Of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University

Motivation Aplication System and Outpur Model

the purpose of this final project poster is for Recently, the increasing of the high data rate demand became the popular issues that still working
completing cellular network subject, whereas in on by the researcher. The path loss model for 5G propagation models are still working on by the
this final project poster considering us for plan- researcher too. In this poster we will be using ABG path loss models for planning 5G network
ning 5G UMi cellular network at Bogor Botani- coverage[1].
cal Garden
P LABG (f,d) = 10βlog(d) + β + 10γlog(f /1GHz) + χABG

Table 1: table Path Loss ABG
IDEA 1: 5G1:
PROBLEM UMi5G Coverage
UMi Site Heat Coverage
5G coverage
site willofbe this
site entire
covering allGarden
Botanical over Bogor
four sites/nodes,
the coverage area and the site location
can be seen Break
in heat map.Event Point
The cost of 5G network in Bogor Botani-
5G Break Event
should Cost graph
be income in 5 years
and more
The 5G network
than 4G network.
should be
income in 5 year. We are optimizing the
cost by reducing the number of site.

there are some conclusion that we can assume
in this planning project: In this project we are going to be planning the coverage area at Bogor Botanical Garden which has
87 ha, you can see on figure 1(a) and The simulation result can be seen on figure 1(b). The maximum
1. The 5G network cost is more inexpensive
distance of the coverage should be less than 500 m due to 5G network utilizing mmWave frequency.
than 4G network cost due to 5G network
is using lower power consumption.
2. the path loss model ABG we can calculate
that 5G network is able to coverage only
500 m from the antenna due to higher fre-
quency, higher attenuation.
3. this planning 5G network have to be cov-
ering 87 ha. So, we can cover entire area
with seven antenna with the maximum
power transmit 40 dBm and the maximum
antenna height 20m.

[1] S. Sun et al., Propagation Path Loss Models for
5G Urban Micro- and Macro-Cellular Scenarios, pp. Figure 1: (a)the area of Bogor Botanical Garden, (b) Coverage area of 5G planning
1-6, 2016.
The break event point(BEP) for this planning 5G network at Bogor Botanical Garden wil happen in
5 year. BEP will happen if the increment unit is 891 and unit start is 1672, unit is costumer of 5G
network at Bogor Botanical Garden. The price of each bit is IDR 0.00016, wherein the assumption
of the price of each unit is IDR 80,000,-. BEP graph can be seen on figure 2(a) and the total Bit/s
of each day can be seen on figure 2(b).

Figure 2: (a)Break Event Point Graph, (b) the total Bit/s of each day

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