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Lesson 9 第九课

Story 故事
After the introduction, tell your story. Tell the story about how you found this system. Tell them you understand.
Relate to them.

I personalized the story. I was vulnerable and told them I knew how they felt. Here’s what I went through. It sets up
the personalization.

Story Telling Formula

a) The Call 启蒙点:
When did you get the call to get into this work? 什么时候什么事情启发了你这一切?

b) The Pit 陷坑:

Describe the time that you were in the pit facing your biggest challenge with no hope, feeling frustrated.

c) The Journey 过程:

Describe the years of searching and studying to find the solution that would change your life.

d) The Moment of Breakthrough 突破点:

What was the moment that you discovered this secret that changed your life?
e) Fascinating Results 振奋人心的结果:
What were the results that you got?

- imaginable situation 故事必须让人可以想象那个画面

- Emphaty 感同身受
- Batman Vs Robin
- Be vulnerable 展示脆弱的一面
- Credibility 可信任性的证明

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