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MARCH 2014 pg55


1. inflows(line 2)- the movement of liquid or air into a place.流入

2. flocked (line8) A large number or crowd of people.成群
3. proportion(line 12) A part, share, or number considered in comparative
relation to a whole 比率
4. native(line 13) A person born in a specified place or associated with a place
by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not. 出生地
5. counterparts (line13) A person or thing that corresponds to or has the same
function as another person or thing in a different place or situation.极相像
6. persecution(line18) Hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or
political or religious beliefs; oppression.迫害,困扰


1. churned(line7)- A machine for making butter by shaking milk or cream.

2. ubiquitous(line7) Present, appearing, or found everywhere. 到处存在
3. exponentially(line12) (with reference to an increase) more and more
4. elicit (line16) Evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from
5. suppresses(line 17) Forcibly put an end to.平定
6. cognitive(line22) Relating to cognition.认知的
7. habitual(line26) Done constantly or as a habit.习惯
8. equate(line35) often equate something to/with 相等
9. predispose(line 39) Make someone liable or inclined to a specified
attitude, action, or condition.预先有倾向
10.crumb (line40) A small fragment of bread, cake, or biscuit 面包削
11.legumes(line44) A leguminous plant (member of the pea family),
especially one grown as a crop.豆科植物

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