Samurai Shodown2 (Moves) PDF

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Samurai Shodown 2 [moves] - NEO Encyclopedia 1/7

The Unofficial SNK Neo Geo Games Encyclopedia

Moves & Codes

Haohmaru Genjuro Kibagami Kyoshiro Senryo Hanzo Hattori Neinhalt Sieger
Charlotte Galford Wan Fu Ukyo Tachibana Jubei Yagyu
Cham Cham Nakoruru Earthquake Gen-An Shiranui Caffeine Nicotine

General Moves
Lie Down Roll Back
Catches opponent's sword while
Roll Forward
Hop Up
Hop Away
* also cancels taunt at
* also cancels taunt at any time
any time
far (hold) Taunt 1 far (hold) Taunt 2
jump close
close Ground Throw Air Throw

Retreat Retreat and Run Dash Dash and Roll

* The "!W" sign in the list means that a weapon is required to perform the Special Move
* Hidden Moves are powerful moves not listed in the manual that some characters can perform
* Super Deformation Moves changes your character into a doll-like version. You cannot move or attack normally, and
you cannot be thrown. You CAN be hit. You return to normal if 1) you perform a Special Move, 2) you are hit, 3) after
about 10 seconds have passed
* Power Specials can be done only when the POWer Gauge is full. If Power Special hits, opponent's weapon is brocken

Special Moves
Ougi SenpuRetsuZan !W
* use to fake this move
Ougi KogetsuZan !W
Ougi ResshinZan !W
Sake Kogeki
Slam opponent onto ground 03/01/04
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Backflip Toss
Hidden Move
TenhaFuujinZan !W
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
TenhaSeikouZan !W

Genjuro Kibagami
Special Moves
x3 SanRenSatsu Kiba, Tsuno, Rin !W
TouHa KouyokuJin !W
OukaZan !W
Slam opponent to ground
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
GokouZan !W

Kyoshiro Senryo
Special Moves
ChobiJishi !W
KaitenKyokubu !W
jump ChikemuriKuruwa !W
Spear Toss
Hair Toss
Hair Strangle
unarmed Hair Toss
unarmed Hair Strangle
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Aragotoshi Kyoshiro Chiniku no Mai !W

Hanzo Hattori
Special Moves
jump ReppuShuriken
when struck with weapon
Ninpo UtsusemiChizan

Ninpo UtsusemiTenbu 03/01/04
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close Mozu Otoshi

Ninpo KageBunshin
* far left
* far right
Ninpo BakuenRyu
Ground Slam
Slam and stab
Air Throw
Grab and slam opponent onto ground
Hidden Move
Kage Mai
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Tenma Rimetsu !W

Neinhalt Sieger
Special Moves
Wolf Fangen !W
tap Vulcan Weinen !W
Blitz Jaeger !W
Backbreaker Combo - Tigerkopf
Tigerkopf Backbreaker Combo - Falkennagel
Falkennagel Backbreaker Combo - Elefantglied
Firestorm !W
Grab and slam onto ground
Trip and sit
Air Throw
Punch opponent to ground
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Operation Tiger !W

Special Moves
tap Splash Fount !W
Power Gradation !W
Tri-Slash !W
Falls and throws opponent over shoulder 03/01/04
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Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Splash Gradiation !W

Special Moves
close Strike Heads
Plasma Blade
Rush Dog
Machine Gun Dog
Replica Dog
Shadow Copy
* far left
* far right
when struck with weapon
Imitate Replica

Replica Attack
Ground Slam
Slam and stab
Air Throw
Grab and slam opponent on ground
Hidden Move
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Mega Strike Dog

Wan Fu
Special Moves
Shin Kikou Bakutenhoh !W
Kikou Senpuu Geki !W
Benpatsu !W
Kikou Dai Bokusatsu !W
* One Swing
* Two Swings
* Three Swings
Sit on opponent and bash with pillar
Drop opponent on knee
Leap on opponent
without weapon Throw opponent against wall
without weapon Slam opponent into ground 03/01/04
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Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Shin Kikou Dai Bakuten !W

Ukyo Tachibana
Special Moves
Hiken SasameYuki !W
* use to fake this move
in air Hiken TsubameGaeshi !W
* Swallow rises
from ground jump
* Swallow travels horizontally for a while, then rises
dashing back * Swallow travels horizontally
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri !W
* Side Slash
* Down Slash
* Upward Slash
Scabbard Slap
Toss and Slash
Trip and stab
unarmed Toss but don't slash
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
TsubameRokuRen !W

Jubei Yagyu
Special Moves
NikkakuRatou !W
Kattou SuigetsuTou !W
tap HassouHappa !W
Yagyu ShinganTou Suigetsu !W
Ground Slam
Overhead Toss
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Zetsu SuigetsuTou !W

Cham Cham
Special Moves
Boomerang Gut Buster !W
Boomerang Beheader !W 03/01/04
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Tobi Hikkaki
Mura PakuPaku
Ahau PakuPaku
Paku Gaburu
Back Scratcher
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Metamolie Animal Attack

Special Moves
Annu Mutsube !W
LeLa Mutsube !W
Amube Yatoro
Mamaha Flight
Mamaha Flight Yatoro Poku
when disarmed
Mamaha Call
when disarmed
Kamui Rimuse
Two-handed Toss
Sit on toop of opponent and stab
Climb and triple kick
without weapon Climb and slap opponent repeatedly
Air Throw
Toss opponent onto ground
Hidden Move
Apefuchi Kamui Rimuse
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Irusuka Yatoro Lise

Special Moves
jump Fat Bound
tap Fat Chainsaw !W
Fat Press
Fat Replicator Attack
Fat Copy
* for left
* for right 03/01/04
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Slam opponent onto ground
Press opponent against butt and gives a big purple fart
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Earth Gaddemu !W

Gen-An Shiranui
Special Moves
Doku Fubuki
Nikuten Tsuki
Tsume Tsunami !W
when attacked Gen-An Dappi
Gen-An Utsusemi Dappi
Grabs opponent and bashes groin with knees
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Madou Diving Claw !W

Caffeine Nicotine
Special Moves
Bakusa Jougeki !W
Shikigamireifu Rai
Shikigamireifu En
jump Shinjou Rasen Kyaku !W
Rashin Jufu
Steals life into bowl
Machine gun with stuff
Leap onto opponent and puff bad breath
unarmed Leap onto opponent and puff bad breath
Super Deformed Transformation

Power Special
Niou Furei Satsu !W 03/01/04

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