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VMRC Intergenerational Choir

Rehearsal Number 2: Schedule and General Lesson Plan:

Sept. 13, 2018 (50 x minutes = 30.9 min. = Golden Mean of the Class = Harder stuff before

1. REHEARSAL # 2: NAME____Alton Peters______________(6 minutes each!)

REHEARSAL THREADS: Review Section A melody and teach all harmonies

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Through the A section in harmony

Assessment Strategies: Differentiations

Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in formal assessment by:

Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in informal assessment by:

Start Timings Activity or Piece Developmental Hierarchy

Time Totals Level/Chunks, Plan and Sequence

Time: (:30/6:00) Activity 1: Chunk 1: Welcome and Goals

Welcome & Goals


Chunk 1:
1s. Good Morning VMRC!

2v. Good Morning

1a. My rehearsal threads for today are: Review Section A melody and teach all
harmonies, with the goals of singing through the A section in harmony!

TRANSITION WITH: 1d. Please open your music to page 15

Time (1.30/2.00/6:00) Activity 2: Review Chunk 1: Review melody: Tone Set

Melody: Tone set, Chunk 2: Review on solfege/neutral
solfege, and text syllable
Chunk 3: Sing on text
Activity 2: DIRECT INSTRUCTION SCRIPT: Wind it forward:
Skip straight to text
Chunk 1: Review melody: Tone Set if they seem to be
1d. Let’s review the melody on a neutral syllable picking it up faster.

2p. Choir sings Wind it back:

Review the melody
(do 3 of these different tone sets) more than once on
neutral syllable and
3sra. Wonderful job! Your pitch is very accurate. even chant solfege
if they aren’t
Chunk 3: Sing on text getting it.
1d. Please echo me: (echo a little bit on text for correct diction) No problem words in first verse
2v. Choir echos
1d. Sing the melody with me on text
2v. Choir sings on text

TRANSITION WITH: 3nsra. Great job!

1a. Transition…Let’s learn the bass part in the same way!

Time: (3:30/5:30/6:00) Activity 3: A Section Chunk 1: Babble 2 tone set patterns

Harmony Part for Chunk 2: Solfege 2 tone set patterns
__________(alto, Chunk 3: Sing the part in solfege and
tenor, bass) listen (2x)
Chunk 4: Sing the part in solfege together
(or neutral syllable) (2x)
Chunk 5: Sing on Text (2x)
Chunk 6: Harmony: Soprano + ____

Activity 3: DIRECT INSTRUCTION SCRIPT: Wind it forward:

Skip straight to text
Chunk 2: Solfege part
1d. Sing the bass line on solfege 2 measures at a time

1a. Now your turn Wind it back:

Stay on solfege and
2v. Choir echos neutral syllable.
Have more people
Chunk 3: Add the melody back stay on bass part
1d. Basses sing your part on solfege or neutral syllable, everyone else sing melody with them.

2v. Choir sings

Chunk 4: Sing the part in text

1d. Everyone sing on text, basses and tenors on the bass part, soprano alto on the soprano part


2v. Choir echoes

TRANSITION WITH: Great work! Let’s summarize our learning for today!

Time: (:30/6:00/6:00) Activity 5: Chunk 1: Reviewing goals

Learning Summary Chunk 2: Transfer


Chunk 1: Reviewing Goals

1a. Today we reviewed the melody part and learned the bass part on text.

Next week we will add the alto and tenor parts to this and will have the entire verse
completed on text!

Chunk 2: Transfer and continuation

1a/1d. Let’s transfer all of this great learning to our next conductor’s work and to next week!

POST CLASS: Meet the choir members, help clean up folders and name tags!

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