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Received: 11 July 2017    Accepted: 11 September 2017

DOI: 10.1111/ijlh.12758


Digital microscopy as a screening tool for the diagnosis of

hereditary hemolytic anemia

R. Huisjes1  | W. W. van Solinge1 | M. D. Levin2 | R. van Wijk1 | J. A. Riedl3

Department of Clinical Chemistry and
Haematology, University Medical Center Abstract
Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Introduction: Evaluation of red blood cell (RBC) morphology is an important first step
Department of Internal Medicine, Albert
in the differential diagnosis of hereditary hemolytic anemia. It is, however, labor inten-
Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht, The
Netherlands sive, expensive, and prone to subjectivity. To improve and standardize the analysis of
Result Laboratory, Albert Schweitzer RBC morphology as a screening tool in the diagnosis of hereditary hemolytic anemia,
Hospital, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
we studied its automated analysis by digital microscopy (DM).
Correspondence Methods: Blood from 90 patients with hereditary hemolytic anemia and 32 normal
Dr. Jürgen A. Riedl, Result laboratory,
control subjects was analyzed by the CellaVision DM96 Digital Microscope.
Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht, The
Netherlands. Results: All hemolytic RBC abnormalities could be distinguished by the presence of at
least one aberrant red cell type. In particular, the percentage of microcytes was highly
Funding information sensitive and specific (AUCROC = 0.97) for RBC membrane disorders, and a cut-­off of
European Seventh Framework Program
5.7% microcytes was calculated to be optimal to distinguish patients from healthy
controls. Subgroup analysis of patients with RBC membrane disorders revealed addi-
tional distinct differences according to the underlying gene defect. A number of cell
types were significantly elevated in sickle cell anemia patients, such as polychromatic
cells, macrocytes, and poikilocytes. The increase in helmet cells (AUCROC = 0.96) and
hypochromic cells (AUCROC = 0.91) was specific for β-­thalassemia, whereas patients
with pyruvate kinase deficiency showed a significant increased polychromatic cells,
macrocytes, and ovalocytes. Patients with hereditary xerocytosis showed significantly
higher numbers of polychromatic cells, macrocytes, and target cells.
Conclusion: DM holds a promise as a useful screening tool in the diagnosis of heredi-
tary hemolytic anemia by detecting and quantifying distinct morphological changes in
RBCs in patients with various forms of hereditary hemolytic anemia.

anemia, digital microscopy, erythrocyte, hereditary hemolytic anemia, morphology

1 |  INTRODUCTION burdens for hospital budgets and healthcare insurance companies.
One of the first steps in the differential diagnosis of hemolytic anemia
The differential diagnosis of hereditary hemolytic anemia is often is a careful microscopic examination of the morphological appearance
complicated and time-­consuming. It requires advanced laboratory of the red blood cell (RBC). Manual morphology analysis, however,
tests, such as hemoglobin characterization by high-­performance liq- is time-­consuming, expensive and always subjected to some level of
uid chromatography (HPLC), osmotic fragility tests, osmotic gradi- subjectivity. Manual morphology is also hampered by a lack of stan-
ent ektacytometry, EMA-­binding test, and activity measurements of dardization,8 although attempts to standardize the nomenclature and
multiple red cell enzymes. In addition, genetic tests are regularly grading system of peripheral blood smears is an important step for-
needed to confirm a suspected disorder, which increases financial ward.9 A relatively inexpensive and high-­throughput gatekeeper that

Int J Lab Hem. 2017;1–10. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd |  1  
2       HUISJES et al.

gives direction for further diagnostic testing would therefore strongly classified as β-­thalassemia minor and 3 as β-­thalassemia major. From
increase the diagnostic efficiency in the field of hereditary hemolytic the patients with defective antioxidative stress defense, 8 patients
anemia. had G6PD-­deficiency, while 1 was diagnosed with glutamate cysteine
Digital microscopy (DM) is a relatively new technique that au- ligase deficiency. Two patients with defective antioxidative stress
tomatically classifies the cells using the accompanying software. defense were at the moment of blood collection recovering from a
DM has first been validated for leukocyte differentiation, and good recent hemolytic crisis, while others were stable and symptomless at
correlations between automated and manual examinations of pe- the time of blood collection.
ripheral blood smears were observed for a number of different cell
types (eg, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and
2.2 | Diagnosis and ethical aspects
monocytes).10,11 In addition, automated morphology analysis of leu-
kocytes has shown to have good interlaboratory reproducibility12 All patients were recruited for the “disturbed ion homeostasis in he-
and is being used and implemented in routine hematology labora- reditary hemolytic anemia”-­study, which was approved by the medical
tories worldwide to detect (malignant) leukocyte abnormalities. ethics review board (MERB) of the University Medical Center Utrecht
Automated blood smear analysis also has the possibility to analyze (UMCU), Utrecht, The Netherlands, under reference code 15/426M.
the morphology of RBCs without human interference objectively. Diagnosis of all patients was previously established using gold stand-
Importantly, RBC morphology can be analyzed on a large number ards techniques in the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, membrane
of cells as between 2000 to 4000 cells can be rapidly analyzed and disorders, and enzymopathies. These techniques include hemoglobin
classified per blood smear. The validation of abnormal RBCs clas- characterization by HPLC, osmotic fragility tests, osmotic gradient
sified by DM thus far has shown good accuracy for teardrop cells ektacytometry by Lorrca, eosin-­5-­maleimide (EMA)-­binding test, and
and schistocytes when comparing pre-­ and postclassification results RBC enzyme activity measurements. DNA analysis was carried out to
and showed good within-­run and between-­run reproducibility for all confirm the diagnosis. Patients receiving transfusion were excluded
cell types.14-16 Preclassification represents the initial classification from participation in this study. Healthy controls were recruited by
by DM, and postclassification represents the manual changes after the Minidonordienst from the University Medical Center Utrecht,
the original preclassification by DM. Utrecht, The Netherlands, under medical ethics review board (MERB)
We describe here for the first time the use of preclassification by approval number 07/125.
DM as a prescreening tool in different forms of hereditary hemolytic
anemia. We have analyzed blood smears from 90 patients with vari-
2.3 | Routine diagnostic tests
ous forms of hereditary hemolytic anemia and 32 healthy controls. We
show that DM is capable of discriminating between healthy controls EDTA blood from patients and healthy controls were collected, and
and patients suffering from hereditary hemolytic anemia, and we re- hemocytometry parameters were measured using the Abbott Sapphire
port on the optimal cut-­off values. Moreover, we have determined the cell counter (Abbott Diagnostics, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Smears were
sensitivity and specificity of distinct morphological cell types, which automatically prepared and stained with May-­Grunwald Giemsa using
are significantly different (P ≤ .05) in patients with hereditary hemo- the Abbott Cell-­Dyn SMS Slidemaker/Stainer. Subsequently, red
lytic anemia in relation to healthy controls. blood cell (RBC) morphology was automatically determined by digital
microscopy (DM) using the CellaVision DM96 (Lund, Sweden) and an-
alyzed using the accompanying software (version 5.0.1 build 11). The
DM is programmed to characterize and classify individual RBCs to the
following cell classes: polychromatic cells, hypochromic cells, micro-
2.1 | Patient selection
cytes, macrocytes, poikilocytes, target cells, schistocytes, helmet cells,
Blood in EDTA was collected from 90 patients and 32 normal control spherocytes, elliptocytes, ovalocytes, teardrop cells, stomatocytes,
subjects. Thirty-­eight patients were previously diagnosed with a RBC acanthocytes, echinocytes, sickle cells, and Howell-­Jolly bodies. All
membrane disorder, 10 patients with a hemoglobinopathy (ie, sickle distinct morphological cell types were expressed as a percentage of all
cell anemia), 12 patients with β-­thalassemia, 10 patients with pyru- cells counted by DM. No postclassification (eg, manual changes after
vate kinase deficiency (PKD), 9 patients with a defective antioxida- original classification by DM) was carried out and all red cell types,
tive stress defense (such as G6PD-­deficiency), and 11 patients with therefore, represent the initial classification (=preclassification) by the
hereditary xerocytosis (HX) due to PIEZO1 defects. The 32 control CellaVision DM96 digital microscope.
subjects were healthy and nonanemic. Patients with RBC membrane
disorders were patients with either hereditary spherocytosis (HS) or
2.4 | Statistical testing and defining cut-­off values
hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) and categorized according to the mo-
lecular defect (eg, SLC4A1, ANK1, and SPTA1). All sickle cell anemia Statistical analysis was performed using IBM Statistics SPPS 6 and
patients were genotyped with HbSS. One HbSS patient was in an GraphPad Prism 7. One-­way multicomparison ANOVA (post hoc
hemolytic crisis at the moment of blood collection, all other HbSS pa- Tukey) was used to test for differences between the different patient
tients were stable. From the 12 patients with β-­thalassemia, 9 were groups and healthy controls. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
HUISJES et al.       3 |
curves were made for the distinct morphological cell types which

Reticulocytes (%)
were significantly different (ANOVA P ≤ .05) between patient groups

18.9 (15.2)***
and healthy controls. Suitable morphological cell types were defined

11.2 (5.8)***

12.5 (7.1)***
7.3 (5.6)***

7.6 (3.5)**

6.0 (6.1)**
6.2 (5.5)**
1.2 (0.3)

7.2 (4.0)
3.1 (1.8)

6.6 (7.2)
as having ROC curves with areas under the curve (AUCROC) ≥ 0.8, and
we defined cell types with AUCROC ≥ 0.9 as excellent to discriminate
between healthy controls and patients. Optimal cut-­off values were
defined by Youden’s index, which is defined as the maximum value

Reticulocytes (*109/L)
of J = sensitivity + specificity—1. Following Youden’s index, where
the probabilities for false-­negatives and false-­positives are equally

285 (197)***

330 (160)***
424 (183)***

511 (342)***

505 (316)***
weighted by definition, we considered sensitivity and specificity to be

232 (206)**
238 (189)**
262 (178)

231 (190)
of equal importance.

156 (84)
58 (17)

Significant differences in hemocytometry parameters compared to healthy controls are depicted with *(P ≤ .05), **(P ≤ .01) or ***(P ≤ .001)(one-­way ANOVA).
MCHC (g/L)

354 (15)***

356 (19)***
354 (13)**

359 (8)***
355 (13)*
334 (15)

349 (13)

326 (18)
333 (16)

327 (22)
356 (9)*
3.1 | Routine diagnostic tests
Baseline hematology parameters are depicted in Table 1. Hemoglobin
levels were significantly different for sickle cell anemia patients

MCH (pg/cell)
(P ≤ .001), β-­thalassemia patients (P ≤ .001), and pyruvate kinase-­

20.7 (3.6)***
35.1 (2.6)***

35.5 (2.6)***
T A B L E   1   Mean (SD) hemocytometry parameters in healthy controls and patients suffering from hereditary hemolytic anemia

29.4 (3.0)
31.3 (2.7)

32.6 (2.3)
30.2 (2.1)
31.2 (2.9)
31.4 (3.0)
33.5 (7.9)

29.6 (3.3)
deficient (PKD) patients (P ≤ .001) in relation to healthy controls.
Reticulocytes were significantly elevated in patients with red blood
cell (RBC) membrane disorders (P ≤ .001), PKD (P ≤ .001), and heredi-
tary xerocytosis (HX) (P ≤ .001). The mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

105.6 (10.0)***
63.3 (10.2)***
was significantly elevated in patients with HX (P ≤ .05) and PKD

90.3 (20.1)

98.6 (6.6)*
88.9 (3.6)
88.4 (6.5)

91.3 (4.9)
86.6 (6.5)
88.2 (7.2)
88.2 (6.7)

90.4 (8.9)
MCV (fL)

(P ≤ .001) if compared to healthy controls but was significantly de-

creased in β-­thalassemia patients (P ≤ .001). The increased MCV in HX
and PKD patients is likely due to the degree of reticulocytosis in these
patients, whereas the decreased MCV in patients with β-­thalassemia

0.28 (0.05)***
0.32 (0.05)***
0.33 (0.04)***
0.37 (0.06)**

0.34 (0.07)**

0.36 (0.05)*
0.42 (0.04)

0.40 (0.04)

0.38 (0.06)

0.39 (0.07)

0.39 (0.05)
is intrinsically related to its pathophysiology.

3.2 | Automated morphology analysis by

digital microscopy
RBC (*1012/L)

3.1 (0.6)***
4.1 (0.7)*
4.7 (0.5)
4.2 (0.7)

4.4 (0.5)
4.0 (0.6)
4.3 (0.8)

3.9 (1.5)
5.2 (1.2)

4.6 (1.6)

4.0 (0.6)
On average, 2615 cells (SD = 603) per sample were analyzed and
classified by DM. The distinct morphological cell types microcytes
(P ≤ .001), poikilocytes (P ≤ .01), schistocytes (P ≤ .01), spherocytes
(P ≤ .01), and acanthocytes (P ≤ .01) were statistically different
9.0 (2.8)***
10.5 (1.9)***
10.9 (1.9)***
14.0 (1.2)
13.1 (2.0)

14.2 (1.2)
12.1 (2.3)
13.2 (1.9)
12.9 (2.0)

12.4 (3.1)

14.1 (1.6)
Hb (g/dL)

in patients with RBC membrane disorders if compared to healthy

controls. In sickle cell anemia patients, polychromatic cells (P ≤ .05),
macrocytes (P ≤ .001), poikilocytes (P ≤ .001), target cells (P ≤ .001),
schistocytes (P ≤ .05), ovalocytes (P ≤ .001), teardrop cells (P ≤ .05),
Female (N)

stomatocytes (P ≤ .01), and sickle cells (P ≤ .001) are significantly

different in relation to healthy controls. In β-­thalassemia, hypochro-


mic cells (P ≤ .001), target cells (P ≤ .001), helmet cells (P ≤ .001),

and teardrop cells (P ≤ .05) are significantly different in relation




to healthy controls. In PKD, polychromatic cells (P ≤ .001), mac-

rocytes (P ≤ .001), and ovalocytes (P ≤ .01) are significantly differ-
Defective antioxidative

Hereditary xerocytosis

ent between healthy controls and PKD patients. Patients with HX

deficiency (PKD)
Sickle cell anemia

showed significant differences in the percentages polychromatic

Healthy controls

Pyruvate kinase
RBC membrane

stress defense
Not genotyped


cells (P ≤ .001), macrocytes (P ≤ .001), and target cells (P ≤ .001) in


relation to healthy controls. Distinct morphological cell types ana-



lyzed in patients with a defective antioxidative stress defense (such

as G6PD-­deficiency) were not significantly different in relation to
4       HUISJES et al.

healthy controls, except for polychromatic cells (P ≤ .05). However, Subgroup analysis of the patients with RBC membrane disorders
the latter is likely due to the increase in reticulocytes in the two revealed significant differences in distinct morphological cell types
patients in this group, who were recovering from a recent hemolytic (Figure 2). First of all, in patients with ANK1 mutations, microcytes were
crisis (reticulocyte counts of 16.3% and 20.7%). An overview of the significantly higher than in patients with SLC4A1 (P ≤ .05) and SPTA1
distinct morphological cell types and distributions of healthy con- (P ≤ .001) defects. Interestingly, patients with mutations in STPA1 were
trols and patients are depicted in Figure 1 and Table 2 (Howell-­Jolly significant different in relation to healthy controls for the cell types
bodies are depicted in Fig. S1). poikilocytes (P ≤ .05), schistocytes (P ≤ .001), and ovalocytes (P ≤ .01).

F I G U R E   1   Plots with all distinct morphological cell types measured and classified using digital microscopy (DM). Patients and healthy
controls are plotted, and patients are grouped in RBC membrane disorder, sickle cell anemia, β-­thalassemia, pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD),
defective antioxidative stress defense, and hereditary xerocytosis (HX). * indicate statistically different groups when compared with healthy
controls (one-­way ANOVA, P ≤ .05) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
HUISJES et al.

T A B L E   2   Percentage (SD) of different distinct morphological cell types analyzed and classified by digital microscopy (DM) for the healthy controls and the patient groups (RBC membrane
disorder, sickle cell anemia, β-­thalassemia, PKD, pyruvate kinase deficiency, defective antioxidative stress defense, and HX, hereditary xerocytosis)

RBC membrane Sickle cell Pyruvate kinase Defective antioxidative stress Hereditary
% (SD) Healthy controls disorder anemia β-­thalassemia deficiency (PKD) defense xerocytosis (HX)

Polychromatic cells 0.3% (0.3) 1.7% (1.4) 3.5% (1.6)* 2.5% (3.1) 6.6% (4.6)*** 3.7% (6.6)* 4.4% (1.7)***
Hypochromic cells 0.0% (0.0) 0.1% (0.2) 0.5% (0.7) 2.5% (3.7)*** 0.1% (0.2) 0.1% (0.1) 0.0% (0.0)
Microcytes 1.9% (1.5) 23.9% (15.9)*** 5.5% (6.3) 10.7% (8.2) 1.1% (0.6) 2.3% (1.9) 0.7% (0.4)
Macrocytes 3.6% (4.2) 1.7% (4.0) 27.4% (22.3)*** 12.7% (17.5) 25.1% (21.9)*** 12.7% (21.9) 26.0% (16.2)***
Poikilocytes 8.5% (4.0) 19.6% (17.6)** 29.6% (11.3)*** 15.7% (8.8) 15.5% (8.9) 10.3% (4.0) 16.1% (9.0)
Target cells 0.6% (0.7) 0.2% (0.3) 12.5% (6.9)*** 5.7% (4.2)*** 2.9% (2.9) 2.2% (3.2) 8.7% (7.9)***
Schistocytes 0.2% (0.2) 1.9% (3.0)** 2.4% (2.8)* 1.5% (2.0) 0.3% (0.2) 0.3% (0.3) 0.3% (0.2)
Helmet cells 0.1% (0.1) 0.1% (0.1) 0.3% (0.2) 0.5% (0.4)*** 0.2% (0.1) 0.2% (0.2) 0.3% (0.3)
Spherocytes 0.7% (0.9) 2.7% (3.7)** 0.4% (0.5) 1.6% (2.4) 0.2% (0.3) 0.3% (0.5) 0.4% (0.4)
Elliptocytes 1.4% (1.4) 5.7% (14.1) 1.9% (1.8) 1.1% (1.2) 1.3% (1.6) 0.5% (0.5) 0.8% (1.2)
Ovalocytes 0.0% (0.2) 0.2% (0.4) 0.8% (0.7)** 0.0% (0.0) 0.6% (1.0)** 0.1% (0.2) 0.2% (0.3)
Teardrop cells 0.6% (0.6) 0.7% (0.4) 1.3% (1.1)* 1.3% (0.6)* 0.9% (1.1) 0.5% (0.5) 0.4% (0.3)
Stomatocytes 2.8% (1.8) 2.3% (2.0) 5.9% (3.2)** 1.5% (1.3) 3.2% (2.4) 5.0% (3.3) 3.8% (1.7)
Acanthocytes 0.6% (0.4) 2.5% (3.2)** 1.1% (1.1) 2.3% (2.9) 1.7% (2.0) 0.8% (1.3) 0.7% (0.8)
Echinocytes 1.3% (1.2) 3.1% (4.1) 0.8% (0.9) 0.1% (0.1) 4.1% (4.6) 0.4% (0.3) 0.4% (0.6)
Sickle cells 0.0% (0.0) 0.2% (0.4) 2.3% (3.6)** 0.0% (0.1) 0.0% (0.0) 0.0% (0.0) 0.0% (0.0)
Howell-­Jolly bodies 0.1% (0.1) 0.2% (0.2) 0.2% (0.3) 0.2% (0.6) 0.3% (0.2) 0.1% (0.2) 0.1% (0.1)

Significant different cell types in patients compared to healthy controls are depicted with *(P ≤ .05), **(P ≤ .01) or ***(P ≤ .001) (one-­way ANOVA).
6       HUISJES et al.

F I G U R E   2   Percentage distinct morphological cell types in RBC membrane disorders classified by underlying molecular defects (SLC4A1,
ANK1, SPTA1, or genotype unknown). Observed significant differences in morphology between subgroups are noted with horizontal bars
and significant differences compared with healthy controls are indicated with * (one-­way ANOVA, P ≤ .05) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Patients with mutations in SLC4A1 or ANK1 showed no significant differ-

3.3 | Defining optimal cut-­off values for cell types
ences in these cell types. Furthermore, elliptocytes were only observed in
patients with SPTA1 defects, and not in patients with SLC4A1 or ANK1 de- Cut-­off values for significant different (one-­way ANOVA, P ≤ .05) cell
fects (Figure 2). The absence of elliptocytes is in line with the fact that het- types to distinguish between patients and healthy controls were de-
erozygosity for ANK1 and SLC4A1 mutations is associated with autosomal termined when AUCROC were higher than 0.8 (Table 3). ROC curves
dominant forms of hereditary spherocytosis whereas heterozygosity for with excellent sensitivity and specificity (defined as AUCROC ≥ 0.9) are
SPTA1 mutations causes autosomal dominant hereditary elliptocytosis. depicted in Figure 3.
HUISJES et al. |

T A B L E   3   Area under the curve (AUC)

Optimal cut-­off Specificity
from ROC curves (AUCROC) with optimal
AUCROC value (%) Sensitivity (%) (%)
cut-­off values (%) to discriminate healthy
controls from the different patient groups RBC membrane disorders
(RBC membrane disorder, sickle cell Microcytes 0.97 5.7 89.5 100
anemia, β-­thalassemia, PKD, pyruvate
Schistocytes 0.87 0.4 76.3 84.4
kinase deficiency, defective antioxidative
stress defense, and HX, hereditary Sickle cell anemia
xerocytosis) Polychromatic cells 0.99 1.1 100 96.9
Poikilocytes 0.99 15.9 90 96.9
Target cells 0.97 6.7 80 100
Macrocytes 0.97 7.6 100 87.5
Schistocytes 0.93 0.4 90 84.4
Ovalocytes 0.91 0.2 80 100
Sickle cells 0.90 0.2 80 100
Stomatocytes 0.86 4.5 70 87.5
Helmet cells 0.96 0.3 83.3 96.9
Hypochromic cells 0.91 0.1 83.3 96.9
Target cells 0.90 1.7 83.3 93.8
Teardrop cells 0.80 0.6 83.3 62.5
Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD)
Polychromatic cells 0.98 2.1 90 100
Macrocytes 0.91 3.9 100 71.9
Defective antioxidative stress defense
Polychromatic cells 0.88 0.6 66.7 93.8
Hereditary xerocytosis (HX)
Polychromatic cells 1.00 2.1 100 100
Macrocytes 0.97 10.0 90.9 96.9
Target cells 0.90 4.4 81.8 100

Cut-­off values are only calculated when distinct morphological cell types were significantly different in
patients when compared with healthy controls (one-­way ANOVA, P ≤ .05) and, AUCROC were above
Cut-­off values are calculated using Youden’s Index. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using the
optimal cut-­off values.

4 | DISCUSSION patients (75%) with β-­thalassemia also showed more than 5.7% micro-
cytes, but these patients can be easily distinguished from patients with
We here describe for the first the time the usage of digital micros- RBC membrane disorders using routine hemocytometry parameters
copy (DM) in the morphology analysis of red blood cells from patients (such as MCV in combination with total erythrocytes).17 Moreover,
with hereditary hemolytic anemia. We only used preclassification data the presence of target cells and helmet cells measured by DM can ex-
by the CellaVision Digital Microscope DM96 and did not carry out clude RBC membrane disorders and support a preliminary diagnosis
postclassification. Using a unique set of patients, we found that DM of β-­thalassemia, as target cells and helmet cells are only present in
analysis can detect quantitative differences in distinct morphological patients with β-­thalassemia (Figure 1 and Table 2).
cell types between patients and healthy controls with high sensitivity The number of spherocytes was significantly different in patients
and specificity. with RBC membrane disorders when compared to healthy controls
In particular, microcytes were found to be a very sensitive and (Figure 1 and Table 2). However, AUCROC for spherocytes in RBC
specific cell type to discriminate patients with RBC membrane dis- membrane disorders was ≤0.8 indicating that the cell type spherocyte
orders from healthy controls (AUCROC = 0.97) (Figure 3). Using the is less suitable to discriminate patients with RBC membrane disorders
calculated cut-­off value of 5.7% for microcytes (Table 3), 34 of 38 pa- from healthy controls. The cell type spherocytes lack sensitivity, as not
tients (=89.5%) were correctly categorized as patients with RBC mem- all peripheral blood smears from patients with RBC membrane dis-
brane disorders. At the same time, from the 32 healthy controls, none orders have detectable amounts of spherocytes as measured by DM
were falsely categorized using this cut-­off for microcytes. Nine of 12 (Figure 1). The lack of sensitivity of spherocytes as measured by DM
8       HUISJES et al.

F I G U R E   3   ROC curves with excellent sensitivity and specificity (AUCROC ≥ 0.9). Depicted distinct morphological cell types can be used to
discriminate between the patient groups and healthy controls. Microcytes are an excellent distinct morphological cell type to distinguish RBC
membrane disorders from healthy controls (AUCROC = 0.97). Polychromatic cells (AUCROC = 0.99), poikilocytes (AUCROC = 0.99), target cells
(AUCROC = 0.97), macrocytes (AUCROC = 0.97), schistocytes (AUCROC = 0.93), ovalocytes (AUCROC = 0.91), and sickle cells (AUCROC = 0.90) are
suitable to distinguish patients with sickle cell anemia from healthy controls. Helmet cells (AUCROC = 0.96), hypochromic cells (AUCROC = 0.91),
and target cells (AUCROC = 0.90) can be used to distinguish patients with β-­thalassemia from healthy controls. Sensitive and specific distinct
morphological cell types to distinguish pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD) patients from healthy controls are polychromatic cells (AUCROC = 0.98)
and macrocytes (AUCROC = 0.91). Polychromatic cells (AUCROC = 1.00), macrocytes (AUCROC = 0.97), and target cells (AUCROC = 0.90) are very
sensitive and specific in hereditary xerocytosis (HX) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

can be explained by either the fact that spherocytes are absent in pe- elevated in sickle cell patients.19 Together with polychromatic cells,
ripheral blood smears or that the classification criteria for spherocytes poikilocytes, schistocytes, ovalocytes, and sickle cells, these cell types
by DM requires adjustment. Manual examination of blood smears were very sensitive and specific cell to discriminate patient with sickle
from patients with RBC membrane disorders suggests that the num- cell anemia from healthy controls (Table 3 and Figure 3). Although
ber of spherocytes in these patients is underestimated by DM (Table sickle cells were significantly elevated in sickle cell anemia patients,
S1). Based on the lack of sensitivity of the cell type spherocytes in RBC the number of sickle cells was relatively low in stable HbSS patients
membrane disorders, we, therefore, recommend using the cell type (mean 1.3% (SD = 1.7%, range 0%-­5.1%)), whereas sickle cells were
microcytes as a parameter to screen for RBC membrane disorders. elevated (11.2%) in the HbSS patient who was in an hemolytic crisis at
Elliptocytes were only present in patients with defects in STPA1 the ­moment of blood collection.
and were not observed in patients with a RBC membrane disorder due Our results show that the percentage polychromatic cells as de-
to mutations in either ANK1 or SLC4A1 (Figure 2). This is in accordance termined by DM is significantly different in patients with sickle cell
with our current understanding of the pathophysiology of hereditary anemia, pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD), hereditary xerocytosis
elliptocytosis (HE), which shows that most HE causing mutations are (HX), and patients with defective antioxidative stress defense in rela-
found in genes coding for α-­spectrin (SPTA1), β-­spectrin (SPTB), pro- tion to healthy controls (Figure 1). Polychromatic cells are larger than
tein 4.1 (ERB41), and glycophorin C (GPC).18 In terms of efficiency and normal cells and show a pinkish blue-­gray color in a peripheral blood
costs, we postulate that if microcytes exceed the limit of 5.7% and smear. Their presence is known to correlate with reticulocyte num-
elliptocytes are above background in peripheral blood smears genetic ber.9 We confirmed this by correlating the percentage of reticulocytes
testing could initially focus on genes SPTA1 and EPB41. A substan- to the percentage polychromatic cells as classified by DM (Fig. S2).
tial number of distinct morphological cell types were significantly Interestingly, a similar increase in the number of polychromatic cells
elevated in patients with sickle cell anemia (ie, polychromatic cells, was not observed in the group of patients with RBC membrane dis-
macrocytes, poikilocytes, target cells, schistocytes, ovalocytes, tear- orders, despite the fact that these patients also showed a significant
drop cells, stomatocytes, and sickle cells, Figure 1 and Table 2). Target degree of reticulocytosis (Table 1). This could suggest that the poly-
cells and macrocytes were previously also reported by others to be chromatic RBCs in RBC membrane disorders might be morphologically
HUISJES et al. |

relation to healthy controls, except for polychromatic cells (Figure 1

and Table 2). This, however, is likely correlated with the increase in re-
ticulocytes in the two patients who were recovering from a recent he-
molytic crisis. Other distinct morphological cell types were unaffected
in patients with defective antioxidative stress defense, indicating that
RBC morphology is essentially normal in this group of patients.23
The specificity of the DM could be affected by conditions, such as
autoimmune hemolytic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), iron
deficiency anemia, and megaloblastic anemia. These acquired condi-
tions may also manifest with macrocytosis, microcytosis, spherocyto-
sis, and polychromasia. DM should therefore be used in addition to
well-­established and well-­available diagnostic tests such as the Direct
Antiglobulin Test (DAT), hemocytometry measurements (eg, reticu-
locytes, MCV), and biochemical analysis (eg, haptoglobin, LDH, iron,
ferritin, and vitamin B12).
In conclusion, we used for the first time DM as a screening tool in
the analysis of RBC morphology in hereditary hemolytic anemia. We
found a number of distinct morphological cell types that are highly
sensitive and specific in distinguishing patients from healthy controls
(Figure 3 and Table 3). We therefore believe that DM holds a promise
as a new diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia and pro-
pose its incorporation into various stages of the diagnostic workflow
of hemolytic anemia (Figure 4). At an early stage in the differential di-
F I G U R E   4   Summary of proposed workflow for the usage of digital agnosis of patients with Coombs negative (or Direct Antiglobulin Test
microscopy as a screening tool in the diagnostic process of hereditary (DAT) negative) hemolytic anemia, the DM will give direction for fur-
hemolytic anemia after excluding immune-­mediated hemolysis. The
ther diagnostic testing, whereas its use at later stages can provide use-
relatively low costs per sample make digital microscopy suitable
to increase the efficiency of advanced diagnostic tests (eg, Hb ful directions for further diagnostic testing in the differential diagnosis
characterization by HPLC, EMA-­binding test, osmotic gradient of hereditary hemolytic anemia.
ektacytometry, osmotic fragility test, and red blood cell enzyme
activity measurements). After performing these advanced diagnostic
tests, the diseases such as sickle cell anemia, α-­thalassemia, AC KNOW L ED G EM ENTS
β-­thalassemia, hereditary spherocytosis (HS), hereditary elliptocytosis
The research leading to these results has received funding from the
(HE), hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP), hereditary xerocytosis,
pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, and glucose-­6-­phosphate European Seventh Framework Program under grant agreement num-
dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency can be confirmed ber 602121 (CoMMiTMenT).

different in relation to polychromatic cells in PKD or HX, causing them

to escape detection by DM. Another possibility may be, that matu-
ration of RBCs and, consequently, degradation of ribosomal RNA is RH, WvS, MDL, RvW, and JR designed the research. RH performed
more efficient in RBC membrane disorders in relation to PKD20 and the research. RH analyzed the data. RH, WvS, MDL, RvW, and JR
perhaps also to HX. This could lead to less efficient staining of poly- wrote the paper.
chromatic RBCs in RBC membrane disorders using the May-­Grunwald
Giemsa staining. Furthermore, hemocytometry analysis and DM are
obviously two different techniques both using different criteria to des-
ignate RBCs as reticulocytes and hyperchromic cells, possibly leading R. Huisjes
to minor differences in outcome. In addition, the cell type echinocytes,
defined as RBCs with many small protrusions, are often observed in
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How to cite this article: Huisjes R, van Solinge WW, Levin MD,
14. Egelé A, van Gelder W, Riedl J. Automated detection and classification
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15. Hervent A-S, Godefroid M, Cauwelier B, Billiet J, Emmerechts J. 2017;00:1–10.
Evaluation of schistocyte analysis by a novel automated digital cell
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