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GEOLOGY, 1897-1899; ASSOCIATE, 1899-1902;

Mathematical Course.

Algebra for Schools.
Key to Algebra for Schools.
Plane Geometry and Trigonometry, with Tables.
The Essentials of Trigonometry.
Algebra for Colleges.
Key to Algebra for Colleges.
Elements of Geometry.
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with Tables.
Trigonometry {separate).
Tables (separate).
Elements of Analytic Geometry.
Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus.
Astronomy, Advanced Course, by N e w c o m b and Holden.
Astronomy, Briefer Course, by N e w c o m b and Holden.

H E N R y H O L T & CO., Publishers. N e w York.







I*nfessor of Mathematics, in the Joh-ru Eopkint Univenitf/.

CoPTEiaBT, 1883,

APR 6-19^


Ler the present work an attempt is m a d e to present to computera

and students a set oi logarithmic and trigonometric tahles which
shall have all the conyeniences iamiliar to those w h o use German
tables. T h efiTS-figuretables oi P. G. Gauss, oi which fiiteen edi-
tions hare been issued, hare, aiter long experience with them, been
taken as the basis oi the present ones, but modifications have been
introduced whereyer any improvement could be made.
Five places oi decimals have been adopted as an advantageous
mean. T h e results obtained by them, being nearly always reliable to
the 10,000th part, are amply accurate ior most computations, while
the time oi the student w h o uses them is not wasted in unnecessary
T h e Litroduction is intended to serve not only as an explanation
oi the tables, but as a little treatise on the art oi computation, and
the methods by which the labor oi computation m a y be abridged.
T o avoid iostering the growing evil oi nearsightedness a m o n g
students, the author and publishers have spared neither pains nor
i^rpense in securing clearness oi typography.

Introductory Definitions 3
The Use of Logarithms .' 4
Arrangement of the Table of Logarithms 6
Characteristics of Logarithms 8
Interpolation of Logarithms 10
Labor-Saving Devices 11
Number Corresponding to Given Logarithm 13
Adjustment of Last Decimal 14
The Arithmetical Complement 16
Practical Hints on the Art of Computation 18
Imperfections of Logarithmic Calculation 20
Applications to Compound Interest and Annuities 25
Accumulation of an Annuity 28

Mathbmaticai, Constauts.
Explanation <.... 31


Angles less than 45° 32
Angles between 45° and 90° 33
Angles greater than 90° 35
Methods of Writing the Algebraic Signs 36
Angle Corresponding to a Given Function 37
Cases when the Function is very Small or Great 38

Natubal Sinbs and Cosines.
Explanation 43

Addition and Subtbaction LoaAsiTHiis.
Use in Addition 43
Use in Subtraction 44
Special Cases 45

Squaehs of Ntjmbees.
Explanation • 49

HoTTES, Minutes, and Seconds into awsasMS Off A "Day.
Explanation 51

Explanation 53

Mean axd Sidebbai Time.
Explanation 55


General Principles 56
Fundamental Pormulse , 61
Transformations of the Formulse 62
Formulce of Stirling and Bessel 63
Special Cases of Interpolation—Interpolation to Halves 64
Interpolation to Thirds 66
Interpolation to Fifths 70


Remarks 74
Formula: 75

T A B L E I.


1. Introductory Definitions.

Natural numbers are numbers used to represent quantities

The numbers used in arithmetic and in the daily transactions of
liie are natural numbers.
To every natural number may be assigned a certain other number,
called its logarithm.
Tlie l o g a r i t h m oi a natural number is the exponent oi the
power to which some assumed number must be raised to produce the
first number. The assumed number is called the base. E.g., the
logarithm oi 100 with the base 10 is 2, because 10" = 100; with the
base, 2, the logarithm oi 64 would be 6, because 2° = 64.
A s y s t e m of l o g a r i t h m s means the logarithms oi all posi^
tive numbers to a given base.
Although there may be any number oi systems oi logarithms,
only two are used in practice, namely:
1. The natural or Napierian system, base = e — 2.718283.
2. The common system, base = 10.
The natural system is used ior purely algebraic purposes.
The common system is used to iacilitate numerical calculations
and is the only one employed in this book.
If the natural number is represented by n, its logarithm is called
log n.
A logarithm usually consists oi an integer number and a decimal
The integer is called the characteristic of the logarithm.
The decimal part is called the m a n t i s s a oi the logarithm.
A table of l o g a r i t h m s is a table by which the logarithm of
any given number, or the number corresponding to any given loga-
rithm, may be iound.
The moat simple form of table is that on the first page of Table I., w
gives the logarithms of all entire numbers from 1 to 150; each logarithm being
found alongside its number. The student may begin his exercises with this
Mathematical tables in general enable us, when one oi two related
quantities is given, tofindthe other.
In such tables the quantity supposed to be given is called the
The argument is usually printed on the top, bottom, or side oi
the table.
T h e quantities to be found are called f u n c t i o n s oi the argu-
ment, and are iound in the same columns or lines as the argument,
but in the body oi the table.
In a table oi logarithms the natural number is- the argument,
and the logarithm is the iunction.

2. T h e U s e of Logarithms.

The iollowing properties oi logarithms are demonstrated in

treatises on algebra.
I. TJie logarithm of a product is equal to the s u m of the loga-
rithms of its factors.
II. The logarithm of a quotient is found by subtracting the loga-
rithm of the divisor from that of the dividend.
III. The logarithm of any power of a number is equal to the loga-
rithm of the number multiplied by the exponent of the power,
IV. The logarithm of the root of a number is eqtial to the loga-
rithm of the number divided by the index of the root.
W e thus derive the iollowing rules:
T o find the product oi several iactors by logarithms.
Rule. A d d the logarithms of the several factors. Enter the
table with the s u m as a new logarithm, and find the number corres-
ponding to it.
This number is the product required.
Example 1. T o multiply 7 x 8 .
W e find from thefirstpage oi Table I.
log 7 = 0.84510
" 8 = 0.903 09

S u m of logs = 1.748 19 = log of product.

Having added the logarithms, avo look in column log for a n u m -
ber corresponding to 1.71819 and find it to be 56, which is the pro-
duct required.
Ex.'ii T o find the continued product 2 x 6 x 8 .
log 2, 0.30103
" 6, 0.77815
" 8, 0.903 09

S u m of logs, 1.982 27 = log product.

T h e number corresponding to this logarithm is found to be
which is the product required.
E x . 3. T o find the quotient of 147 -5- 21.
log 147, 2.167 32
" 21, L 322 22

Difference, 0.84510
W e find this difference to be the logarithm of 7, which is th&
required quotient.
Ex, 4. T o find the quotient arising from dividing the continued
/roduct 98 X 102 X 148 by the continued product 21 X 37 X 68.
log 21, L 322 22 log 98,1.99123
" 37, 1.568 20 " 102, 2.008 60
" 68, L 8 3 2 51 " 148, 2.170 26

S u m = log divisor, 4.722 93 S u m = log dividend, 6.170 09

log divisor, 4.722 93

Difference = log quotient, 1.447 16

Looking into the table, w e find the number corresponding to this
logarithm to be 28, which is the required quotient.

Note. The student wUl notice that we have found this quotient without
actually determining either the divisor or dividend, having used only their loga-
rithms. If he will solve the problem arithmetically, he will see how much
shorter is-the logarithmic process.

Ex. 5. To find the seventh power of 3.

W e have log 2 = 0.30103

2.107 21 = log 128

Hence 128 is the required power.
E x , 6. T o find the cube root of 125.
3 I 2.096 91
0.698 97

The index of the root being 3, we divide the logarithm of 125

it. Looking in the tables, wefindthe number to be 5, which is the
root required.
Compute the following products, quotients, powers, and roots by
1. 11.13. Ans. 143. 5, ^ ^ ^ . Ans. 128.
2. 12'. Ans. 144. 6. ^^ 'J^^- Ans. 31.
o4. DO
8. ~, Ans. 48. 7. ^-^. Ans. 144
6 D
. 2 . 9'. 91. 78 . ,.- _ 54.48 , „.
*• 13'. 21.3 • ^^'' 1^^- ^- -879-- ^ ' - ^^-

3. Arrangement of the Table of Logarithms.

A table giving every logarithm alongside its number, as on the
first page of Table I., would be of inconvenient bulk. For numbers
larger than 150 the succeeding parts oi Table I. are therefore used.
Here thefirstthreefiguresof the natural number are given in the
left-hand column of the table. Thefirstfiguremust be understood
where it is not printed. The fourthfigureis to besought in the
horizontal line at the top or bottom. The mantissa of the logarithm
is then found in the same line with thefirstthree digits, and in the
column having the fourth digit at the top.
To save space the logarithm is not given in the column,
but only its last threefigures.Thefirsttwofiguresare found in
thefirstcolumn, and are commonly the same for all the log^ithms
in any one line.
Example 1. Tofindthe logarithm oi 2090.
W efindthe number 209, thefigure2 being omitted in printing,
in the leit-hand column oi the table, and look in the column having
the fourthfigure,0, at its top or bottom. In thic? column we find
320 15, which is the mantissa oi the logarilhin required.
Ex. 2. Tofindthe logarithm oi 2003.
Entering the table with 209 in the leit-hand column, and choos-
ing the column with 2 at the top, we find thefigures056. To
these we prefix thefigures32 in column 0, making the total logarithm
320 56. Therefore
Mantissa of log 2092 = .320 56.

Find in the same way the mantissa3 of the logarithms of the fol-
lowing numbers:
2240 5133
2242 5256
2249 5504
2895 8925
3644 9557
4688 9780.
W h e n thefirsttwofiguresoi the mantissa are not iound in the
same line in which the number is sought, they are to be found in the
first line above which contains them.
Example, T h efirsttwofiguresof log 6250 are 79, which be-
longs to all the logarithms below as far as 6309. Therefore mantissa
of log 6250 = .795 88.

Find the mantissse of the logarithms of
6300 answer, .799 34.
6309 " .799 96.
Exception, There are some cases in which thefirsttwo figures
change in the course of the line. In this case thefirsttwo figures
are to be sought in the line above before the change and in the hue
next below aiter the change.
Example, The mantissa oi log 6760 is .829 95. But the man-
tissa of log 6761 is .830 01. In this case thefigures83 are to be
found in the next line below. T o apprise the computer of these
ca^es, each of the logarithms in which the twofirstfiguresare found
in the line below is indicated by an asterisk.

Find the mantissa of
log 1022; answer, .009 45.
log 1024; " .01030.

1231 1999
1387 3988
1419 4675
1621 4798
1622 5377
1862 8512
1863 1009,

4. Characteristics of Logarithms.

The part of the table here described gives only the mantissa o
each logarithm. The characteristic must be iound by the general
theory oi logarithms.
The iollowing propositions are explained in treatises on jilgebra:
The logarithm oi 1 is 0.
" " " 10 1.
« " " 100 2.
" « " 1000 3,
" « " 10" " n.
Since any number oi one digit is between 0 and 10, its logarithm
is between 0 and 1; that is, it is 0 plus some iraction. In the .same
way, the logarithm oi a number oi two digits is 1 -[- a fraction. And
in general.
The characteristic of the logarithm of any ntimber greater than 1 is
less by unity than the number of its digits preceding the decimMl point.
Example. The characteristic of the logarithm of any number
between 1 and 10 is 0; between 10 and 100 it is 1; between 100 and
1000 it is 2, etc.
Characteristic of log 1646 is 3.
" " " 164.6 " 2.
" " " 16.46 " 1.
" " " 1.646 " 0.
It is also shown in algebra that if a number be divided by 10 we
diminish its logarithm by unity.
Logarithms of numbers less than unity are most conveniently eX"
pressed by making the characteristic alone negative.
For example:
log 0.2 = log 2 - 1 = - 1 + .30103;
" 0.02 = l o g 2 - 2 = - 3 + .30108.
Hence; The mantissm of the logarithms of all mimiers which
differ only in the position of the decimal point are the same.

Hence, also, in seeking a logarithm from the table we find the

mantissa without any reference to the decimal point. Afterward we
aflBx the characteristic according to the position oi the decimal point.
For convenience, when a negative characteristic is written the
minus sign is put above it to indicate that it extends only to the
characteristic below it and not to the mantissa. Thus we write
log .02 = 2.301 03.
In practice, however, it is more common to avoid the use of
negative characteristics by increasing them by 10. W e then write
log.02 = 8.30103 - 1 0 .
li we omitted to write — 10 aiter the logarithm, the latter would,
in strictness, be the log oi 2 X 10°. But numbers so great as this
product occur so rarely in practice that it is not generally neces-
sary to write — 10 aiter the logarithm. This may be understood.
A convenient rule ior remembering what characteristic belongs to
the logarithm oi a decimal iraction is:
The characteristic is equal to 9, minus the number of zeros after
the decimal point and before thefirstsignificant figure.
Examples, log 34060 =4.532 24
" 340.60 =2.532 24
" 3.4060 =0.532 24
" .034 06 =8.532 2 4 - 1 0
" .000 340 6 = 6.532 24 - 10
It wiU be seen that we canfindthe logarithms oi numbers irom
1 to 150 without using thefirstpage oi the table at all, since all the
mantissae on this page are iound on the iollowing pages as loga-
rithms of larger numbers.

Find the logarithms of the iollowing numbers:
L515 .003 899
.01703 0.4276
18.62 464 700
.03 735 98.030
Find the numbers corresponding to the iollowing logarithms:
3.241 80; 8.750 35 - 10; 9.999 91 - 10;
1.19145; 7.41128-10; 5.999 96;
6.653 21; ans. 450 000 6.889 9 7 - 1 0 ; 2.960 28;
6.748 27; ans. 5 601000 9.116 9 4 - 1 0 ; 0.886 27;
7.560 03; ans. 36 310 000 7.25018 0.000 87.

6. Interpolation o f Xiogarithms.
In all that precedes w e have used only logarithms of numbers
containing not more than 4 significant digits. B u t in practice
numbers of more than four figures have to be used. T o find the
logarithms of such numbers the process of interpolation is necessary.
This process is one of simple proportion, which can be seen from the
following example.
T o find log. 1167.23.
T h e table gives the logarithms of 1167 and of 1168, which w e find
to be as follows:
log 1167 = 3.067 07
" 1168 = 3.067 44
Difference of logarithms = .000 37
N o w the number of which w e wish to find the logarithm being
between these numbers, its logarithm is between these logarithms;
that is, it is equal to 3.067 O'! plus a fraction less than .000 37.
Since the difference 37 corresponds to the difference of unity in
the two numbers, w e assume that the quantity to be added to the
logarithm bears the same proportion to .23 that 37 does to unity.
W e therefore state the proportion
1 : .23 :: 37 : increase required.
T h e solution of this proportion gives .23 x 37 = 8.51, which is
the quantity to be added to log 1167 to produce the logarithm
required.* T h e result is 3.0671551.
But our logarithms extend only tofiveplaces of decimals, while
the result w e have written has seven. W e therefore take only five
places of decimals. If w e write the mantissii 3.06715, the result will
be too small by .51. If w e write 3.06716, it will be too great by .49.
Since the last result is nearer than thefirst,w e give it the prefer-
ence, and write for the required logarithm
log 1167.23 = 3.06710.
W e thus have the following rule for interpolating:
Take from the table the logarithm corresponding to thefirstfour
significant digits of the number.
Considering the follotving digits as a decimal fraction. multiply
the difference between the logarithm and the next one following by
such decimal fraction,

* In this multiplication wo have used a decimal point to mark ou the

fifth order of decimals. This is a convenient process in all such computations.

This product being added to the logarithm of the table will give
the logarithm required.
T h e whole operation by which w e have found log 1167.33 would
then be as follows:
log 1167 = 3.067 07
37 X 0.2 7.4
X 0.03 1.11
log 1167.23 = 3.06716
T h e products for interpolation, 7.4 and 1.11, m a y be found by
multiplying by thefifthand sixthfiguresof the number separately.
T o facilitate this multiplication, tables of proportional parts are
given in the margin. Each difference between two logarithms will
be readily found in heavy type not far from that part of the table
which is entered, and under it is given its product by .1, .2, etc.,. . .9.
W e therefore enter this little table with thefifthfigure,and take out
the corresponding number to be added to the logarithm. T h e n if
there is a sixthfigure,w e enter with that also and move the decimal
one place to the left. W e then add the two sums to the logarithm.

6. Labor-saving Devices.
In using a table of logarithms, the student should accustom
himself to certain devices by which the work m a y be greatly facili-
In thefirstplace it is not necessary to take the whole difference
between two consecutive logarithms. H e has only to subtract the
lastfigureof the preceding logarithm from the last one of the fol-
lowing, increased by 10 if necessary, and thus find the lastfigureof
the difference.
T h e nearest difference in the margin of the table having this
same lastfigurewill always be the difference required.
Example, If the first four figures of the number are 1494, in-
stead of subtracting 435 from 464 w e say 5 from 14 leaves 9, and
look for the nearest difference which has 9 for its last figure. This
w e readily find to be 29, at the top oi the next page.
Note. In nearly all cases the difference will be found on the same page
with the logarithm. The only exception is at the bottom of thefirstpage, where»
owing to the number of differences, they cannot all be printed.
In the preceding examples we have written d o w n the numbers in
full, which it is well that the beginner should do ior himseli. But
aiter a little practice it will be unnecessary to write d o w n anything
but the logarithm finally taken out. The student should accustom
himself to take the proportional parts mentally, adding them to the
logarithm of the table and writing d o w n the s u m at sight. T h e
habit of doing this easily and correctly can be readily acquired by
Exercises, Find the logarithms of
792 638; 0.90007;
1000.77; 949.916;
1000.07 20.8962;
100 007 660 652;
181 982 77.C42;
281.936 8.8953.
A s a precaution in taking out logarithms, the computer should
always, after he has got his result, look into the table and see that
it does really fall between two consecutive logarithms in the table.
If the fraction to be interpolated is nearly unity, especially if it
is equal to or greater tlian 9, it will generally be more convenient to
multiply the difference of the logarithms by tlie complement* of the
fraction and subtract the product from the logarithm next succeed-
ing. T h e following are examples of the two methods, which m a y
always be applied whether the fraction be large or small:
Example 1, log 1004.28 = log (1005 - .72).
log 1004, .00173 log 1005, .00217 for .2, 8.8 pr. pt. for .7, - 3 0 . 8
" " " .08, 3.5 " " " .03, — .9

log, 3.001 85 log, 3.001 85

E x , 2. log 154 993 = 155 000 - 7.
log 1549, .190 05 1550, .190 33 for .9, 25.2 pr. pt. for — . 0 7 , — 1 . 9 6
<( cc t( .03, 0.8
log, 5.190 31
log, 5.190 31

* By the complement or aritlmtetical complement at a decimal fraction is here

meant the remainder found by subtracting it from unity or from a unit of the
next order higher than itself. Thus:
CO. .723 = .277
CO. .1796 = .8304
CO. .8983 = .006&
N U M B E R C O R R E S P O N D I N G TO A G I V E N L O G A R I T H M . 13

7. To find the Number corresponding to a given

T h e reverse process of finding the number corresponding to a
given logarithm will be seen by the following example:
T o find the number of which the logarithm is 2.027 90.
Entering the table, we find that this logarithm does not exactly
occur in the table. W e therefore take the next smaller logarithm,
which w e find to be as follows:
log 1066 = 2.02776.
Subtracting this from the given logarithm w e find the latter to be
greater by 14, while the difference between the two logarithms of
the table is 40. W e therefore state the proportion
40 : 14 :: 1 to the required iraction.
T h e result is obtained by dividing 14 by 40, giving a quotient .35,
The required number is thereiore 106.635. It will be remarked that
w e take no account oi the characteristic and position oi the decimal
until we write down the final result, when we place the decimal in
the proper position.
The table oi proportional parts is used to find thefiithand si^th
figures of the number by the iollowing rule:
li the given logarithm is not found in the table, note the ex-
cess oi the given logarithm above the next smaller one in the table,
which call A,
Take the difference oi the two tabular logarithms, and find it
among the largefigureswhich head the proportional parts. Am-v^
That proportional part next smaller than A wiU w l E e u i i t h
figure oi the required number.
Take the excess oi A above this proportional part; imagine its
decimal point removed one place to theright,and find the nearest
number oi the table.
This number will be the sixthfigureoi the required number.
Example. T ofindthe number oi which the logarithm is 2.193 59.
Entering the table, w e find the next smaller logarithm to be
.193 40. Thereiore A = 19.
Also its tabular difference = 28.
Entering the table oi proportional parts under 28, we find 16.8
opposite 6 to be the number next smaller than 19 the value of A.
Therefore thefifthfigureof the number is 6.
T h e excess of 19 above 16.8 is 2.2. Looking in the same tabl«
for the number 22, w e find the nearest to be opposite 8.

Therefore the fifth and sixth figures of the required number are
68. N o w looking at the log .193 40 and taking the corresponding
number, we find the whole required number to be
The characteristic being 3, the number should have three figures
before the decimal point. Therefore we insert the decimal point at
the proper place, giving as thefinalresult 156.168.

8. Number of Decimals necessary.

In the preceding examples we have shown how with these tables

the numbers m a y be taken out to sixfigures.In reality, however,
it will seldom be worth while to write d o w n more thanfivefigures.
That is, w e m a y be satisfied by adding only one figure to the four
found from the table. In this case, w h e n w e enter the table of
pioportional parts, w e take only the number corresponding to the
nearest proportional part.
T o return to the last preceding example, where we find the num-
be/ corresponding to 2.193 59. W e find under the difference 28 that
thi number nearest 19 is 19.6, which is opposite 7.
Therefore the number to be written down would be 156.17.
In the following exercises it would be well for the student to
VFiite sixfigureswhen the number is found on one of thefirsttwo
pages of the table and onlyfivewhen on one of the following page*
Tl c reason of this will be shown subsequently.

Examples and Exercises.

\, T o find the square root of f.
W e have log 3. 0.477 13
" 2, 0.301 03
log*. 0.176 09
-=- 2, log */\. 0.088 04
Here w e have a case in whicli the half of an odd number is
ro.uired. W e might have written the last logarithm 0,088 045, but
we should then lisiva luid six decimals, whereas, as our tables only
give five decimals, we drop tlic .sixth. If wc write 4 for the fifth
figure it will bo too small by half a unit, and if we write 5 it will
be too large by half a unit. It is ilieroforo indifferent which fio-ur©
we write, so far ns more accuracy is conoorned.
A good rule to adopt in such a case is to write the nearest evbit
numier. For example,
for the half of .261 81 we write .130 90;
.26183 .130 92
.26185 .130 92
.26187 .130 94
.261 89 .130 94
.261 97 .130 98
.26199 .13100.
Returning to our example, wefind,by taking the number corre
spending to 0.088 04,
V i = 1.224 72.
3. Tofindthe square root of f.
log 2, 0.301 03
" 3, 0.47712
logf, 9.823 91 - 10
ilogi, 4.91196-5 = logVf.
The last logarithm is the same as
9.91196 - 10,
which is the form in which it is to be written in order to apply the
rule of characteristics. The corresponding number is 0.816 50.
W e have here a CMemjfhi^i|-had we neglected considering the
surplus — 10 as we rnKtStKn do, the characteristic of the answer
would have been 4 instead of 9 or — 1. The easiest way to treat
such cases is this:
When we have to divide a logarithm in order to extract a roof,
instead of increasing the characteristic by 10, increase it by 10 X
index of root.
Thus we write log f = 19.823 91 — 20.
Dividing by 3, log V l = 9.911 96 — 10,
which is in the usual form.
3. Tofindthe cube root of |.
log 1, 0.000 00
" 2, 0.301 03
logi, 9.698 97 - 10,
which we write in the form
log i = 39.698 97 - 30.
Dividing this by 3,
i log i = log V i = 9.899 66 - 10.
This logarithm is in the usual form, and gives
^ — V i = 0.793 70.
/ ^ The affix — 30, or — 10 X divisor, can be left to be understoodtood \
,,>-/ in these cases as in others. All that is necessary to attend to is that
nLvCU { instead of supposing the characteristic to be one or more units less /
V than 10, as in the usual run of cases, we suppose it to be one or more^/
Vjnits less than 10 X divisor.
Find: 4. The square root of -J
5. The cube root of 3
6, The fourth root of f
7. Thefifthroot of 30
8, The tenth root of 10
9. The tenth root of ^,

9. T h e Arithmetical C o m p l e m e n t .

When a logarithm is subtracted from zero, the remainder is

called its arithmetical complement.
If i be any logarithm, its arithmetical complement wiU be — L.
Hence if
L = log n,
arith. comp. = — j& = log —;
that is,
The arithmetical complement of a given logarithm is the logarithm
of the reciprocal of the number corresponding to the given logarithm.
Notation. The arithmetical complement of a logarithm is writ-
ten co-log. It is therefore defined by the form
co-log n = log -.
Finding the arithmetical complement. To find the arithmetical
lomplement of log 3 = 0.30103, we may proceed thus:
log 2, 0.30103

co-log 2, 9.698 97-10.

W e subtract from zero in the usual way; but when we come to
the characteristic, we subtract it from 10. This makes the re-
mainder too large by 10, so we write — 10 after it, thus getting a
quantity which we see to be log 0^.

The arithmetical complement may be formed by the following

Subtraoi eachfigureof the logarithm from 9, except the last sig-
nificant one, which subtract from 10. The remainders will form the
arithmetical complement.
For example, having, as above, the logarithm 0.30103, we form,
mentally, 9 — 0 = 9; 9 — 3 = 6; 9 - 0 = 9; 9 — 1 = 8; 9 — 0 = 9;
10 — 3 = 7; and so write
9.698 97
as the arithmetical complement.
To form the arithmetical complement oi 3.284 00 we have 9 — 3
= 6; 9 - 2 = 7; 9 — 8 = 1; 10 - 4 = 6. The complement is
6.716 00.
The computer should be able to iorm and write down the arith-
metical complement withoutfirstwriting the tabular logarithm, the
subtraction oi eachfigurebeing periormed mentally.
Use of the arithmetical complement. The co-log is used to substi-
tute addition ior subtraction in certain cases, on the principle: To
add the co-logarithm is the same as to subtract the logarithm.
Example. W e may iorm the logarithm oi | in this way by ad-
log 3, 0.47713
co-log 3, 9.698 9 7 - « 0

logf, 0.176 09
Here there is reaUy no advantage in using the co-log. But there
is an advantage in the following example:
To find the value of P = ——'•—, We add to the loga-
rithms of the numerator the co-log of the denominator, thus:
log 3763, 3.44138
log 419.34, 2.62346
co-log 99, 8.00436-1^

log P, 4.06820
• . P = 11700.
The use of the arithmetical complement is most convenient when
t^'-o divisor is a Httle less than some power of 10.

F o r m by arithmetical complements the values of:
109 X 216.26
0.993 IG
8263 X 9162.7
92 X 99.618
4 X 6 X 8219
9 X 992

1 0 . Practical Hints o n t h e A r t of C o m p u t a t i o n .
The student w h o desires to be really expert in computation
should learn to reduce his written work to the lowest limit, and to
perform as m a n y of the operations as possible mentally. W e have
already described the process of taking a logarithm from the table
without written computation, and n o w i^resent some exercises which
will facilitate this process.
1. Adding and siMracting from left to right. If one has but
two numbers to add it will be found, after practice, more easy and
natural to write the s u m from the left than from the right- T h 6
method is as follows:
In adding eachfigure,notice, before writing the 6um, whether
the sum of thefiguresfollowing is less or greater than 9, or equal
to it.
If the s u m is less than 9, write down the £ u m found, or its last
figure without change.
If greater than 9, increase the figure by 1 before writing it down.
If equal to 9, the increase should be made or not made accord-
ing as thefirstsum following which differs from 9 is greater or less
than 9.
If thefirstsum which differs from 9 exceeds it, not only must w e
increase the number by 1, but must write zeros under all the places
where the 9's occur. If thefirsts u m different from 9 is less than 9,
write down the 9's without change.
The following example illust-.-atos the process:
7 5 0 2 7 6 8 3 5 7 8 5 8 8 9 2 8 3 7
8 3 3 9 1 7 1 6 4 5 0 4 1 1 0 2 6 9 8
1 5 7 4 1 9 4 0 0 0 2 8 9 9 9 9 s'TT 5
Hero 7 and 8 are 16. 5 -|- 3 being less than 9. w e write 15 without
change. 8 -|- 0 being less than 9, w o write 7 without change. 9-1-2 beins
greater than 9, w e increase the sum 8 -f- 0 by 1 and write down 4. 7 -|- i beios
less than 9, we write the last figure of 9 -|- 3, or 1, without change. 6 -|- 7
greater than 9, w e increase 7 -|- 1 by 1 and write down 9. Under 6 -f 7 w e
write down 8 or 4. T ofindwhich, 8-|-l = 9;3-(-.6 = 9;5-|-4= 9; 7 + 5 =
13. Thisfirstsum which is different from 9 being greater than 9, w e write 4
under 6 + 7, and O's in the three following places where the sums are,9. 7 + 5
= 13. Since 8 + 0 < 9, w e write down 3. Before deciding whether to put 8 or
9 under 8 + 0, we add 5 + 4 = 9; 8 + 1 = 9; 8 + 1 =9; 9 + 0 = 9; 3 + 3 = 4
This being less than 9, we write 8 under 8 + 0, and 9's in the four following
places. Since 5 + 8 r= 13 > 9, we write 5 under 3 + 3. Since 9 + 8 =13 > 9, we
write 4 under 5 + 8. Since 8 + 7 = 15 > 9, we write 3 under 9+5. Finally,
under 8 + 7 we write 5.
This process cannot be advantageously applied when more than
two numbers are to be added.

Let the student practise adding each consecutive pair oi the iol-
lowing lines, which are spaced so that he can place the upper margin
of a sheet oi paper under the lines he is adding and write the sum
npon it.
3 5 0 9 1 7 3 8 5 3 1 6 9 8 1 2 0 8
3 5 1 3 3 5 9 6 4 6 9 2 1 8 4 3 6 8
7 9 1 6 1 5 8 3 2 3 1 6 6 4 6 8 9 1
3 0 8 5 3 3 1 6 4 3 7 9 1 0 2 9 0 9
8 6 8 5 8 8 9 6 4 3 4 2 9 4 4 8 3 5
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -4
Subtracting. W e subtract eachfigureoi the subtrahend irom
-the corresponding one oi the minuend (the latter increased by 10 if
necessary), as in arithmetic.
Before writing down the difference, we note whether the follow-
ingfigureof the subtrahend is greater, less, or equal to the corre-
spondingfigureof the minuend.
If greater, we diminish the remainder by 1 and write it down.*
If less, we write the remainder without change.
If equal, we note whether the subtrahend is greater or less than
the minuend in thefirstfollowingfigurein which they differ.
If greater, we diminish the remainder by 1, as before, and write
9's under the equal figures.

* If the student is accustomed to carrying 1 to the figures of the minuend

w h e n he has incr^sed thefigureof his subtrahend by 10, he m a y find it easier
to defer each subtraction until he sees whether the renihinder is or is not to be
diminished by 1, and, in the latter case, to increase the minuend by 1 before

If less, write the remainder unchanged, putting O's under the

equal figures.
7 3 3 9 3 5 1 6 3 1 4 3 9 4
3 4 2 6 8 5 1 8 0 1 4 1 9 8
4 8 0 3 4 9 9 8 3 0 0 19 6
Here 7 — 3 = 5 ; because 4 > 3, we write 4. 13 — 4 = 8; because 2 = 8
and 6 < 9, .we write 8; and write 0 in the following place. 9 — 6 = 3; be-
cause 8 > 8, we write 3. 13 — 8 = 5;5 = 5;1 = 1;8>6;bo under 13 — 8 we
write 4, with 9'8 in the two next places. 16 — 8 = 8; because 0 < 3, we write
8. 3 — 0 = 3;l = l;4=:4;l<3;so under 3 — 0 we write 3, followed by O's.
8 — 1 = 3; because 9 = 9, 8 > 4, we write 1, with 9 in the next place. 14 - 8 =
6, which we write as the last figure.

T h e preceding exercises in addition will serve as exercises in sub-
traction by subtracting each line from that above or below it. The
student should be able to subtract with equal facility whether the
minuend is written above or below the subtrahend.
Mental addition and subtraction. W h e n an expert computer has
to add or subtract two logarithms, as in forming a product or quo-
tient of two quantities, he does not necessarily write both of them,
but prefers to write thefirstand, taking the other mentally, add (or
subtract) eachfigurein order from left toright,and write down the
s u m (or difference). H e thus saves the time spent in writing one
number, and, sometimes, the inconvenience of writing it where
there is not sufficient room for it.
This process of inverted addition is most useful in adding the
proportional part in taking a logarithm from the table. It is then
absolutely necessary to save the computer the trouble of copying
both logarithm and proportional part.
Expert computers can add seven-figure logarithms in this way
without trouble. But with those w h o do not desire to become ex-
perts it will be sufficient to learn to add two or threefigures,so as
to be able to take afive-figureor seven-figure logarithm from the
table without writing anything but the result.

11. Imperfections of Logarithmic Calctilations.

Nearly all practical computations with logarithms are. affected
by certain sources of error, arising from the omission of deci-
mals. It is important that these errors should be understood in

order not only to avoid them so far as possible, but to avoid spend-
ing labor in aiming at a degree of accuracy beyond that of which the
numbers admit.
Mathematical results m a y in general be divided into two classes:
(1) those which are absolutely exact, and (2) those which are only
to a greater or less degree approximate.
A s an example of the former case, w e have all operations upon
entire numbers which involve only multiplication and division. For
example, the equations
16' = 256
6'~ 9
are absolutely exact.
But if w e express the fraction ij^ as a decimal fraction, w e have
\ = .142 857. ., etc., ad infinitum.
Hence the representation of ^ as a decimal fraction can never be
absolutely exact. T h e amount of the error will depend upon h o w
m a n y decimals w e include. If w e use only two decimals w e shall
certainly be within one hundredth; if three, within one thou-
sandth, etc. Hence the degree of accuracy to which w e attain de-
pends upon the number of decimals employed. B y increasing the
number of decimals w e can attain to any degree of accuracy. A s an
example, it is shown in geometry that if the ratio of the circumfer-
ence of a circle to its diameter be written to 35 places of decimals,
tne result wiU give the whole circumference of the visible universe
without an error as great as the minutest length visible in the most
powerful microscope.
There are no numbers, except the entire powers of 10, of which
the logarithms can be exactly expressed in decimals. W e must
therefore omit allfiguresof the decimal beyond a certain limit. T h e
number of decimals to be used in any case depends upon the degree
of accuracy which is required. T h e large tables of logarithms con-
tain seven decimal places, and thereiore give results correct to the
ten-millionth part of the unit. This is sufficiently near the truth
in nearly all the applications of logarithms.
With five places of decimals our numbers will be correct to the
hundred-thousandth part of a unit. This is sufficiently near ior
most practical applications.
Accumulation of errors. W h e n a long computation is to be
made, the small errors are liable to accumulate so that w e cannot
rely upon this degree oi accuracy in the final result. T h e manner

in which the tables are arranged so as to reduce the error to a mini-

m u m m a y be shown as iollows:
W e have to seven places oi decimals
log 17 = 1.230 448 9
" 18 = 1.255 372 5
When the tables give only five places oi decimals the two last
figures must be omitted. li the tables gave log 17=.230 44, the
logarithm would be too small by 89 units in the seventh place. It is
therefore increased by a unit in thefifthplace, and given .23045.
This quantity is then too large by 11, and is therefore nearer the
truth than the other. T h e nearest number being always given, w e
have the result:
Every logarithm in the table differs from the truth by not more
than one half a unit of the last place of decimals.
Since the error m a y range anywhere from zero to half a unit, and
is as likely to have one value as another between those limits, w e
The average error of the logarithms in the tables is one fourth of
a unit of the last place of decimals.
Errors in interpolation. W h e n w e interpolate the logarithm w e
add to the tabular logarithm another quantity, the proportional part,
which m a y also be in error by half a unit, but of which the average
error will only be one fourth of a unit.
A s most logarithms have to be interpolated, the general result
will be:
A n interpolated logarithm m a y possibly be in error by a unit in
the last place of decimals.
T h e s u m of the average errors will, however, be only half a unit
B u t these errors m a y cancel each other, one being too large and the
other too small. T h e theory of probabilities shows that, in conse-
quence of this probable cancellation of errors, the average error only
increases as the square root of the number of erroneous units added.
T h e square root of 2 is 1.41.
If, therefore, w e add two quantities each affected with a probable
error ± .25, the result will be, for the probable error of the sum,
1.41 X .35 = 0.35.
W e therefore conclude:
TTie average error of a logarithm derived from the table by inter-
jtolation is 0.35 of a unit of the last place.
Applying the above rule of the square root to the case in which

several logarithms are added or subtracted to form a quotient, we

find the results of the following table:
No. of logs added or subtracted. Average error.
1 0.35
3 0.50
3 0.63
4 0.73
5... 0.81
6 0.88
7 0.95
8 1.03
9 1.08
10 1.14

From this table we see that if we form the continued product of

eight factors, by adding their logarithms the average error of the.
s u m of the logarithms will be more than a unit in the last place.
A s an example of the accumulation of errors, let us form the;
product 11.13.
W e have from the table
log 11 = 1.04139
" 13 = 1.113 94
log product, 3.155 33
W e see that this is less than the given logarithm of the product.
143 by a unit of thefifthorder. B u t if w e use seven decimals w e
have log 11, 1.041392 7
" 13, 1.113 943 4
2.155 3361
Comparing this with the computation to five places, w e see the
source of the error.
If the numbers with which w e enter the tables are affected by
errors, these errors will of course increase the possible errors of the'
In determining to what degree of accuracy to carry our results,
w e have the following practical rule :
It is never worth while to carry our decimals beyond the limit of
precision given by the tables, which limit m a y be a considerable frac-
tion of the unit in the lastfigureof the tables.
Let us have a logarithm tofiveplaces of decimals, 1.929 49, of
which w e require the corresponding number. Entering the table, w a

perceive that the corresponding number is between 85.01 an^ 85.03-

If this logarithm is the result of adding a number oi logarithms,
each oi which m a y be in error in the way pointed out, w e m a y sup-
pose it probably affected by an error oi hali a unit in the last figure
and possibly by an error oi a whole unit or more. That is, its true
value m a y be anywhere between 92 948 and 92 950.
T h e number corresponding to the former value is 85.C12, and
that corresponding to the latter 85.016. Since the numbers m a y
fall anywhere between these limits, w e assign to it a m e a n \^lue of
85.014, which value, however, m a y be in error by two units in the
last place. It is not, therefore, worth while to carry the interpolation
further and to write more thanfivedigits.
Next suppose the logarithm to be 2.021 70. Entering the table,
w e find in the same way that the number probably lies between the
limits 105.121 and 105.126. There is therefore an uncertainty of
five units in the sixth place, or half a unit in thefifthplace. If the
greatest precision is desired, w e should write 105.124. But our last
figure being doubtful by two or three units, the question might arise
whether it were worth while to write it at all. A s a general rule, if
the sixth figure is required to be exact, w e must use a six- or seven-
place table of logarithms.
Still, near the beginning of the table, the probable error wiU Kj
diminished by writing the sixth figure.
N o w knowing that at the beginning of the table a difference of
one unit in the number makes a change ten times as great in the
logarithm as at the end of the table, w e reach the conclusions :
In talcing out a number in thefirstpart of the table, it can never
be worth while to write more than six significantfigures,and very
little is added to the precision by writing more tJianfive.
In the latter part of the table it is never worth while to write more
thanfivesignificant figures.
Sometimes no greater accuracy is required than can be gained by
irjmg four-figure logarithms. There is then no need of writing the
last figure. If, however the printed logarithm is used without
change, the fourth figure must be increased by unity whenever tlie
fifthfigureexceeds 5. W h e n thefifthfigureis exactly 5. the increase
should or should not be m a d e according as the 5 is too small or too
great. T o show h o w the case should be decided, a stroke is printed
above the 5 w h e n it is too great. In these cases the fourth figure
should be used as it stands, but, w h e n there is no stroke, it should
be increased by unity.

13. Applications of Logarithms to the Computation oi

Annuities a n d A c c u m u l a t i o n s of F u n d s at Com-
p o u n d Interest.
One of the most useful applications of logarithms is to fiscal
calculations, in which the value of moneys accumulating for long
periods at compound interest is required.
Compound interest is gained by any fund on which the interest
is collected at stated intervals and put out at interest.
A s an example, suppose that 110 000 is put out at 6 per cent
interest, and the interest collected semi-annually and put out at the
same rate. The principal will then grow as iollows:
Principal at starting 110 000.00
Six months' interest = 3 per cent 300.00
A m o u n t at end oi 6 months |10 300.00
Interest on this amount = 3 per cent.. '309.00
Amount at end oi 1 year , ;.. $10 609.00
Interest on this amount = 3 per cent.. 318.27
A m o u n t at end oi li years ... $10 927.27
Interest on this amount for 6 months.. 327.82
Amount at end oi 2 years $11 255.09
Although in business practice interest is commonly payable semi-
annually, it is in calculations. oi this kind commonly supposed to be
collected and re-invested only at the end oi each year. This makes
the computation more simple, and gives results nearer to those ob-
tained in practice, because a company cannot generally invest its
income immediately. li it had to wait three months to invest each
semi-annual instalment oi interest collected, the general result would
be about the same as ii it collected interest only once a year and in-
vested it immediately.
Ii r be the rate per cent per annum, the annual rate of increase
will be -^. Let us put
p, the annual rate of increase = y ^ ;
p, the amount at interest at the beginning of the time, or the
a, the amount at the end of one or more years.

Then, at the beginning of first year, principal P

Interest during the year PP

Amount at end of year i? (1 + P)

Interest on this amount during second year pp{l-\- pj
A m o u n t at end of second year, (1 -f p)i' (1 + p) = ^ (1 + P ) '
Continuing the process, w e see that at the end of n j-ears the
amount will be , ^
a = p { l + pY. (1)
To compute by logarithms, let us take the logarithms of both
members. W e then have
log a - l o g p + n log (1 -f p). (2>
Example, Find the amount of 11250 for 30 years at 6 per cent
per annum,
Here p = .06
1 + p = L06
log (1 + p) = 0.025 306 (end of Table L )
»log(l-fp), 0.759 i T
log^, 3.096 91
logfl, 3.856 09
a, 17179.50 = required amount.
1. Find the amount of $100 for 100 years at 5 per cent compound
2. A m a n bequeathed the s u m of $500 to accumulate at 4 per
cent interest for 80 years after his death. After that time the annual
interest was to be applied to the support of a student in Harvard
College. W h a t would be the income from the scholarship?
3. If the s u m of one cent had been put out at 3 per cent per
a n n u m at the Christian era, and accumulated until the year 1800,
what would then have been the amount, and the annual interest on
this amount?
It is only requisite to give three significantfigures,followed by the necessary
number of zeros.
4. Solve by logarithms the problem of the horseshoeing, in which
a m a n agrees to pay 1 cent for thefirstnail, 3 for the second, and so
on, doubling the amount for every nail for 32 nails in all.
KoTE. It Is only iioci'smuy to compute the amount for the 32d nail, be-
cause it is easy to sec that the amount paid for each nail is 1 cent more than for
all the preceding ones.

5. A man lays aside $1000 as a marriage-portion for his new-born

daughter, and invests it so as to accumulate at 8 per cent compound
interest. T h e daughter is married at the age of 25. W h a t does the
portion amount to?
6. A m a n of 30 pays $2000 in full for a $5000 policy of insurance
on his life. Dying at the age of 80, his heirs receive $7000, policy
and dividends. If the money was worth 4 per cent to him, h o w
m u c h have the heirs gained or lost by the investment?
7. W h a t would have been the answer to the previous question,
had the m a n died at the age of 40, and the amount paid been
Othsr applications of the formulm. B y means of the equations
(1) and (2) w e m a y obtain any one of the four quantities a, p, p, and
n when the other three are given.
Case I. Given the principal, rate of interest, and time, to
find the amount.
This case is that just solved.
Case II. Given the amount, time, and rate per cent, to find
the principal.
Solutiori. Equation (1) gives
— g
P- (1 + p)"-
Taking the logarithms,
log^ = log a - w log (1 -f p),
Dy which the computation m a y be made.
Case III. Given the principal, amount, and time, tofindthe rate-
Solution, Equation (2) gives
log(l + p ) = l - 2 g A ^ M ^ = ilogi.
° ^ -^ n n p
Example, A man wants a principal of $600 to amount to IIOOO
in 10 years. A t what rate of interest must he invest it?
Solution. log a = 3.000 00
logjj = 2.77815

log ^ = 0.221 85

JL log- = 0.022185 = log (1 -i-p).

Hence, from lagt page oi logarithms,

1 + p = 1.052 41;
and rate = 5.241,
or 5i per cent, nearly.
1. A t what rate oi interest will money double itseli every ten.
years? Ans. 7.177.
2. A t what rate will it treble itseli every 15 years? Ans, 7.599.
3. A m a n having invested $1000, with all the interest it yielded
him, ior 25 years, finds that it amounts to $3386. W h a t was the
rate oi interest? Ans. 5 per cent.
4. A liie company issued to a m a n of 20 a paid-up policy ior
$10,000, the single premium charged being $3150. Ii he dies at the
age oi 60, at what rate must the company invest its money to make
itself good? Ans. 2.0-3 per cent.
5. A m a n w h o can gain 4 per cent interest wants to invest such a
s u m that it shall amount to $5000 when his daughter, n o w 5 years old,
attains the age oi 20. H o w m u c h must he invest? Ans. $2776. (>i.
6. H o w m u c h must a m a n leave in order that it m a y amount to
$1,000,000 in 500 years at 2^ per cent interest? Ans. $4.36|-
7. H o w m u c h if the time is 1000 years, the rate being still 2J
per cent, and the amount $1,000,000? Ans. 0.0019 oi a cent.
8. A m a n finds that his investment has increasedfiveioldin 25
years. W h a t is the average rate oi interest he has gained?
Ans. 6.65.
9. A n endowment of $7500 is payable to a m a n when he attains
the age of 65. W h a t is its value when he is 45, supposing the rate
of interest to be 4 per cent? Ans. 53433.

13. Acciunulation of an Annuity.

It is often necessary to ascertain the present or future value of a
series of equal annual payments. Thus it is very c o m m o n to pay a
constant annual premium for a policy of life insurance. T h e value
of such a series of payments at any epoch is found by i-educing the
value of each one to the epoch, allowing for interest, and taking the
sum. Supposing the epoch to be the present time, the problem m a y
be stated as follows:
A m a n agrees to pay p dollars a year for v years, thefirstpay^
ment being due in one year, and the total number of payments n.
What is the present value of all n payments ?
^ . , . rate of interest ,, . , *
Putting, as before, p = ^ , the present value of p
dollars payable after y years will, by 113, Case II., be

Putting in succession, y = 1, y = 2, . . . y = n, the sum of t

present values is
P , P , P < I P
1 + p •+" (1 + p)^^- (1 + p)="*^ • • ' ^ (1 + P)»'
This is a geometrical progression in which
First term = —^—;
Common ratio =
1 + p'
Number of terms = n.
By College Algebra, § 212, the sum of this progression wiU be

_ p ^\l+~p) _ „ (l+p)»-l
' 1+p' 1 L_ ~ ^ ( l + P)"+^-(l + P)"
_ P . (1 + p)" - 1
(l+p)» _ p (1)
If thefirstpayment is to be made immediately, instead of at the
end of a year, the last or wth payment will be due in » — 1 years,
and the progression will be

1 + p ' (1 + p)' ' • • ' ^ ( 1 + p)"-!'

W efindthe sum of the geometric progression to be
2 = V (1 + P)"-1 ,..

1. What is the present value of 15 annual payments oi $85 each,
of which thefirstis due in one year, the rate being 5 per cent?
W efindby substitution
Present value = 85 , ^ T ' ^ = - ^ . ^•''"- "^
1.0b"-1.05" 1.05" .05
_ 1700(1.05"-!)
log 1.05, 0.021189 1.05", 2.078 95
15 1.05" - 1, 1.078 95
log 1.05", 0.317 84 log, 0.033 00
co-log 1.05", 9.68216
log 1700, 3.23045
Value, $882.28 log value, 2.945 el

3. The same thing being supposed, what would be the present

value if the rate of interest were 4 per cent ? Ans. $945.80
3. W h a t is the present value of 35 annual payments of $1000
each, thefirstdue immediately, if the rate of interest is 3 per cent ?
Ans. $17,935
4. A debtor owing $10,000 wishes to pay it in 10 equal annual
instalments, thefirstbeing payable immediately. If the rate of
interest is 6 per cent, h o w m u c h should each payment be?
Ans. $1381.76.
NoTK. This problem is the reverse of the given one, since, in the equation
(3), we have given 2 ^ = 10 000, p = 0.06, and n = 10, tofindp.
5. T h e same thing being supposed, what should be the annual
payment in case the payments should begin in a year?
Ans. $1358.69.
Perpetual annuities. If the rate of interest were zero, the
present value of an infinity of future payments would be infinite.
But with any rate of interest, however small, it will befinite.For if

in the first equation (1), we suppose n infinite, ( )"will converge

toward zero, and w e shall have

^ = , + ,,(f__^)=-?- (3)
This result admits of being put into a concise form, thus:
Since 2 is the present value of the perpetual annuity p , the
annual interest on this value will be p'S. But the equation (3) gives
The present value of a perpetual annuity is the s u m of which the
annuity is the annual interest.
Example. If the rate of interest were 3 | per cent, the present
value of a perpetual annuity of $70 would be $3000.

1. A government owing a perpetual annuity of $1000 wishes to
pay it off by 10 equal annual payments. If the rate of interest is 4
per cent, what should be the amount of each payment?
Ans. $3082.30.
2. A government bond of $100 is due in 15 years with interest at
fi per cent. The market rate of interest having meanwhile fallen to
3|- per cent, what should be the value of the bond?
Note. W ofind,separately, the present value of the 15 annual instalments
of interest, and of the principal.


1 4 . In this table is given a collection of constant quantities

which frequently occur in computation, with their logarithms.
T h e logarithms are given to more thanfivedecimals, in order to
be useful w h e n greater accuracy is required. W h e n used in five-
place computations, the figures following the fifth decimal are to be
dropped, and the fifth decimal is to be increased by unity in case
thefigurenezt following is 5 or any greater one.
T A B L E S in. A N D lY.


1 5 . B y means of these tables the logarithms of the six trigono-

metric functions of any angle m a y be found.
The logarithm of the function instead of the function itself is
given, because the latter is nearly always used as a factor.
W e begin by explaining Table IV., because Table IH. is used only
in some special cases where Table IV. is not convenient.
I. Angles less than 45°. If the angle of which a function is
sought is less than 45°, w e seek the number of degrees at the top of
the table and the minutes in the left-hand column. Then in the
line opposite these minutes w e find successively the sine, the tan-
gent, the cotangent, and the cosine of the angle, as given at the
heading of the page.
Example, log sin 31° 27' = 9.717 47;
log tan 31° 27' = 9.786 47;
log cotan 31° 27' = 0.213 53;
cos 31° 27' = 9.93100.
T h e sine, tangent, and cosine of this angle being all less than
unity, the true mantissae of the logarithm are negative; they are
therefore increased by 10, on the system already explained.
If the secant or cosecant of an angle is required, it can be found
by taking the arithmetical complement of the cosine or sine. It is
shown in trigonometry that
secant = —•.—,
cosecant = —.—.
Therefore log secant = 0 — log cosine = co-log cosine;
log cosec = 0 — log sine = co-log sina
W e thus find log sec 31° 2 7 ' = 0.069 00;
log cosec 31° 3 7 ' = 0..^82 53.
After each column, upon intermediate lines, is given the differ*

ence between every two consecutive logarithms, in order to facilitate

In the case of tangent and cotangent, only one column oi differ-.,
ences is necessary ior both iunctions. ^i/t^^c* '^,^ =-• ^ ^ ' ^ /'"?''" ^ J l ^ '
Ii w e use no iractional parts oi minutes, no interpolation is • /
necessary; but ii decimals oi a minute are employed, w e can inter-
polate precisely as in taking out the logarithms of numbers.
Where the differences are very small they are sometimes omitted.
Tables of proportional parts are given in the margin, the use of
which is similar to those given with the logarithms of numbers.
Example 1. T o find the log sin oi 31° 27'.7.
W e have from the tables, log sin 31° 27' = 9.717 47
Under diff. 20, P.P. for 7, 14

log sin31°27'.7 = 9.717 61

E x . 3. T o find log cot 15° 44'. 34.
T h e tables give log cot 15° 44' = 0.55019
Under diff. 48, opposite 0.3, P.P., - 14.4
0.4 -^ 10, - 1.9
log cot 15° 44'. 34, 0.550 03
Since the tabular quantity diminishes _as, the angle^
proportional parts are subtractive.

Find from the tables:
1. log cot 43° 29'. 3;
2. logtan43° 29'.3;
3. log cos 27° 10'. 6;
4. log sin 27° 10'. 6;
5. log tan 12° 9'.43;
6. log cot 12° 9'. 43.
In the case of sines and tangents of small angles the differences
vary so rapidly that in most cases the exact difference will not be
found in the table of proportional parts. In this case, if the pro-
portional parts are m a d e use of, a double interpolation will generally
be necessary to find the iraction oi a minute corresponding to a given
sine or tangent. Ii only tenths oi minutes are used, an expert com-
puter willfindit as easy to multiply or divide mentally as to reier to
the table.
II. Angles between 45° and 90°. It is shown in trigonometry
that ii w e compute the values oi the trigonometric iunctions ior the

first 45°, we have those ior the whole oirolo .by propedy-^eG
tbem in the riiffarantpartgi o-i-tbe-ei-B»lei .Eiust', ii we have
a + yS = 90, r ^ '
then a and /J are complementary functions, and
sin /? = cos a;
tan y5 = cotan a.
Therefore if our angle is between 45° and 90°, we mayfindits
complement. Entering the table with this complement, the com-
plementary function will then be the required iunction oi the angle.
Example, To find the sine of 67° 23', we may enter the table
with 22° 37' (= 90°- 67° 23') and take out the cosine oi 22° 37',
which is the required sine oi 67° 23.
To save the trouble oi doing this, the complementary angles and
the complementary denominations oi the iunctions are given at the
bottom of the page.
The minutes corresponding to the degrees at the bottom are given
on the right hand. Thereiore:
To find the trigonometric functions corresponding to an angle
between 45° and 90°, we take the degrees at the bottom of tJie page and
the minutes in the right-hand column. The values of the four func-
tions log sine, log tangent, log cotangent, and log cosine, as read at
the bottom of the page, are the7i found in the same line as the
Example 1. For 52° 59' we find
log sin = 9.902 25;
log tan = 0.122 62;
log cot = 9.877 38;
log cos = 9.779 63.
Ex. 3. Tofindthe trigonometric iunctions oi 77° 17'.38.
sin. tan. cot. eos,
77° 17' 9.989 31 0.646 53 9.353 47 9.342 68
P.P. for 0.2 +0.6 + 11.8 - 11.8 — 11.3
« 0.08 + 0.2 + 4.7 - 4.7 — 4.0
9.989 22 0.646 70 9.353 30 9.342 52
Then log sec = co-log cos = 0.657 48;
log cosec = co-log sin = 0.010 78.

Find the logarithms of the six functions oi the following angles:
1. 45° 50'. 74; 3. 74° 0'.6S;
3. 48°49'.37; 4 83° 69'.63.
,^4^^'pT''t^ u /

III. W h e n the angle exceeds 90°.
Etjle. Subtract from the angle the greatest multiple of QQ°
which it contains.
If this multiple is 180°, enter the table with the excess of the angle
over 180° dnd take out the functions required, as if this cvcess were
itself the angle.
If the multiple is 90° or 270°, take out the complementary func-
tion to that required.
B y then assigning the proper algebraic sign, as shown in trigo-
nometry, the complete values of the function will be obtained.
T h e computer should be able to assign the proper ^Igebraio
sign according to the quadrant, without burdening his m e m o r y with
the special rules necessary in each
case. This he can do by carrying Sinepositive
in his mind's eye the iollowing
2 ,/ ^ " ^ 1
scheme. H e should have at com-
m a n d the arrangement oi the iour
/ X \
quadrants as usually represented in
trigonometry, so as to know, w h e n
an angle is stated, where it will iaU s
relatively to the horizontal and ver- /
V J i
tical lines through the centre oi the
circle. Then, in the case o i — 3^ ^ _ 4
Sine or cosecant. Ii the angle Sine negative
is above the horizontal line (which
it is between 0° and 180°), the sine is positive; ii below, negative.
Cosine or secant, Ii the angle is to the right of the vertical
central line (as it is in thefirstand fourth quadrants), the cosine and
secant are positive; ii to the left (as in the second and third quad-
rants), negative.
Tangent or cotangent. Through the oppositefirstand third quad-
rants, positive; through the opposite second and iourth quadrants,
negative, ^^s^Oi p-^^^-yi.ry'' 7j_ •.: '"^
Example 1, To find the tangent and cosine of 122° 44'. Sub-
tracting 90°, we enter the table with 32° 44' and find
log cot 32° 44' = 0.191 92;
log sin 32° 44' = 9.73^ §8 ^ ^ J ^ ^ . ^ ^ 2 ^ ..e^.
' fherefore, writing the ^§ilusam sign M'-nrp thniUncnirit^m, w e have "^' iHr«
^ „ ™ — log tan 122° 44' = + 0.191 92; .^
"J" ^jij.-^t^'^ log cos 122° 44' = ^- 9.733 98. ^
Ex. 3. T o find the sine and cotangent of 323° 58'.
Entering the table with 62° 58' = 322° 58' - 270°, and taking
out the complementary functions, we find
log sin ••322° 58' = 4 9.779 80; r^
log cot ;j;i;i° ys' = -f- 0.122 36.^
Ex, 3. T o find the sine and tangent of 253° 5'.
Entering with 73° 5', we take out the sine and tangent, finding
log sin 253° 5' = -(- <J.m4S; -
log tan 253° 5' = + 0.516 93.
Ex. 4. T o find the six trigonometric functions of 152° 38'. W e
log sin 152° 38' = log cos 62° 38' pos. = + 9.662 40;
log cos 152° 38' = log sin 62° 38' neg. = + 9.948 45;r.
log tan 152° 38' = log cot 62° 38' neg. = -f 9.71401;,.
log cot 153° 38' = log tan 62° 38' neg. = -f 0.285 99;r-
log sec = co-log cos = + 0.05155;"
log cosec = co-log sin = + 0.337 54.

Find the six trigonometric functions of the following angles:
276° 29'.3;
66° 0'.5;
96° 59'.8;
252° 20'.3;
318° 10'. 7;
- 25° 22'.2;
-155° 30'. 7.

1 6 . M e t h o d of W r i t i n g t h e Algebraic Signs.
A s logarithms are used in computation, they m a y always be con-
sidered i^ositive. It is true that the logarithms of numbers less than
unity are in reality negative, but, for convenience in calculation, we
Ingjujase them by 10, so as to make them positive. \
The number corresponding to a given logarithm may. in compu-
'tation, be positive or negative. rThere are two ways of distinguishing
the algebraic sign of the number, between which the computer m a y
choose for himself.
Write the algebraic sign of the number before the logarithm.
usually interpreted, the algebraic sign wrilton thus would appl
le logarithm, which it does not. It is therefore necessary fojine

computer to bear in mind that the sign belongs, not to the loga-
rithm, as written, but to the number. —-^
II. Write the letter n after the logarithm when the number is:
negative. This plan is theoretically the best, but, should the com-
puter accidentally omit the letter, the number will be treated as
positive, and a mistake will be made. It therefore requires vigilance
on his part. A n improvement would be to write a letter not likely
to be mistaken for n, s for instance, after all positive logarithms.

1 7 . T o F i n d t h e A n g l e Corresponding to a G i v e n
T r i g o n o m e t r i c Function.
Disregarding algebraic signs, there will always be four angles
corresponding to each function, one in each quadrant. These angles
win be:
T h e smallest angle, as found in the table;
This angle increased by 180°;
T h e complementary angle increased by 90°;
T h e complementary angle increased by 270°.
For instance, for the angle of which log tan is 0.611 92, w e find
76° 16'. But w e should get this same tangent ior 103° 44', 256° 16',
and 283° 44'.
Oi the iour functions corresponding to the four angles, two will
always be positive and two negative; so that, in reality, there will
only be two angles corresponding to a function of which both the
sign and the absolute value are given. These values are found by
selecting from the four possible ones the two for which the functions
have the given algebraic sign. After selecting them, they m a y be
checked by the following theorems, which are easily deduced from
the relations between the values of each function as given in trigo-
The s u m of the two angles corresponding to the same sine is 180°'
ur 540°.
TJie s u m of the two angles corresponding to the same cosine is
TJie difference of the two angles corresponding to the same tangent
is 180°.
Which of the two possible angles is to be chosen depends upon
the conditions of the problem or the nature of thefigureto which
the angle belongs. If neither the conditions nor thefiguredecide
the question, the problem is essentially ambiguous, and either "•»
both angles are to be taken.

Find tHe pairs of values of the anglea. from the following values
of the trigonometric functions:
1. log sin a = + 9.902 43; 12. log sec a : + 0.221 06
2. log sin a = — 9.903 43; 13. log sec a : - 0.231 06
3. log cos « = + 9.903 43; 14. log sec a : - 0.099 20
4. log cos a = - 9.903 43; 15. log sec a •• + 0.123 46
6. log tan a = + 0.143 16; 16. log sin a •• + 8.990 30
6. log tan a = - 0.143 16; 17. log sin a •• — 8.990 30
7. log cot « = + 0.143 16; 18, log cos a -{- 9.218 67,
8. log cot or = - 0.143 16; 19.- log cos a - 9.218 67
9, log tan a = - 9.024 81; 20. log tan a - 9.136 90
10. log tan a = - 0.97519; 21. log tan a + 9.136 90
11. log tan a = + 0.975 19; 22. log cot a + 9.136 90,

1 8 . C a s e s w h e n t h e F u n c t i o n is v e r y S m a U or Great.
When the angle of which we are to find the functions approaches
to zero, the logarithms of the sine, tangent, and cotangent vary so
rapidly that their values tofivefigurescannot be readily interpolated.
T h e same remark applies to the cosine, cotangent, and tangent of
angles near 90° or 270°. T h e mode of proceeding in these cases will
depend upon circumstances.
In the use offive-placelogarithms, there is little advantage in
caiTying the computations beyond tenths of minutes, though the
hundredths m a y be found w h e n the tangent or cotangent is given.
Where greater accuracy than this is required, six- or seven-place
tables must be used.
If the angles are only carried to tenths of minutes, there is no
necessity for taking out the sine, tangent, or cotangent to more than
four decimals when the angle is less than 3°, and three decimal?
suffice for angles less than 30'. T h e reason is that this number of
decimals then suffice to distinguish each tenth of minute.
W h e n the decimals are thus curtailed, an expert computer will bt
able to perform the multiplication and division for the tenths o?
minutes mentally. If, however, this is inconvenient, the followinj
rule m a y be applied.
T o find the log sine or log tangent of an angle less than 3° to
lour places of decimals:
EuLE, Enter the table of logarithms of numbers with the vaJue
W H E N T H E F U N C T I O N IS V E R Y S M A L L O R G R E A T . 39

of the angle expressed in minutes and tenths, and take out the loga-
To this logarithm add the quantity 6.4637.
TJie s u m will be the log sine, and the log tangent m a y be assumed
to have the same value.
Example 1. T o find log sin 1° 22'. 6.
1° 33'. 6 = 83'. 6
log 83'.6 = 1.9170
constant, 6.4637
log sin 1° 32'. 6, 8.3807
This rule is founded on the theorem that the sines and tangents
of very small arcs m a y be regarded as equal to the arcs themselves.
Since, in using the trigonometric functions, the radius of the circle
is taken as unity, an arc must be expressed in terms of the unit
radius when it is to be used in place of its sine or tangent. N o w , it
is shown in trigonometry that the unit radius is equal to 57°. 2958 or
3437'. 747 or 206 264". 8. Hence we must divide the number of
angular units in the angle by the corresponding one of these coef-
ficients to obtain the length of the corresponding arcs in unit
radius. N o w ,
log 3437.747 = 3.5363
co-log 6.4637
which m a y be added instead of subtracting the logarithm.
T o find the cosine of an angle very near 90°, we find the sine of
its complement, which wiU then be a very small angle, positive or
Find to four places of decimals:
1. log sin 22'. 73;
2. log sin 1° 1'.12;
3. log cos 90° 0'.78;
4. log tan 88° 59'.35;
5. log cot 90° 28'.76;
6. log COB 89° 23'.23;
7. log sin 0° 0'.25.
If an angle corresponding to a given sine or tangent is required,
the rule is:
F r o m the given log sine or tangent subtract 6.4637 or add 3.5363.
The result is the logarithm of tlie number of minutes.
Of course this rule applies only to angles less than 3°, in th«
value of which only tenths of minutes are required.

Find a from:
1. log sin a = 7.2243; 3. log tan a = — 3.8816;
2. log cot a = 2.8816; 4. log cos a = 6.9218.
When tJie small angle is given in seconds. Although the com,
puter m a y take out his angles to tenths of minutes, cases often arise
in which a small angle is given in seconds, or degrees, minutes, and
seconds, and in which the trigonometric function is required to five
decimals. In this case the preceding method m a y not always give
accurate results, because the arc and its sine or tangent m a y differ by
a greater amount than the error w e can admit in the computation.
Table III. is framed to meet this case. T h e following are the
quantities given:
In the second column: T h e argument, in degrees and minutes, as
already explained for Table IV.
In thefirstcolumn: This argument reduced to seconds. From
this column the number of seconds in an arc of less than 3°, given in
degrees, minutes, and seconds, m a y be found at sight.
Example, H o w m a n y seconds in 1° 38' 39'? In the table, before
1° 28', w e find 5280', which being increased by 39' gives 5319', the
number required.
Col. 3. T h e logarithm of the sine of the angle. This is the same
as in Table IV.
Col. 4. The value of log sine minus log arc; that is, the difference
between the logarithm of the sine and the logarithm of the number
of seconds in the angle.
Col. 5. T h e same quantity for the tangent.
Cols. 6 and 7. T h e complements of the preceding logarithms, dis-
tinguished by accents.
T h e use of the tables is as follows.
T o find the sine or tangent of an angle less than 3°:
Express tJie angle in seconds by thefirsttwo columns of the table.
Write down the logarithm in column S or column T, according as
tJie sine or a tangent is required.
Find from Table I. tJie logarithm of the number of seconds.
Adding this logarithm to 8 or T, the s u m vrill be the log sitie or
log tangent.
Example. Find log sin 1° 3' 47'. 9.
S, 4.685 65
1° 3' 47'.9 = 3767'.9; log, 3.576 10
log sin 1° 3' 47'.9, 8.361 65

To find the arc corresponding to a given sine or tangent:

IHnd in tlie column L. sin. the quantity next greater or next
smaller tJian the given logarithm.
Take the corresponding value of 8 ' or T ' according as the given -jfr^
function is a sine or tangent, and add it to the given function.
The s u m is the logarithm of the number of seconds in the required
Example, Given log tan x = 8.40125, tofindx.
log tan a;, 8.40125
T', 5.314 33
log X, 3.715 58
iB = 5194'. 9 = 1° 26' 34". 9, from col. 3.

Find: 1. log sin 0° 20' 20'.25;
3. log tan 0° 0' 1'.3373;
3. log sin 1° 59'33'.7;
4. log tan 1° 0'59'.7.
Find X from:
1. log tan a; = 8.427 96;
2. log tan X = 7.427 96;
3. log tan X = 6.427 96;
4. log sin X = 5.354 35;
5. log sin X = 4.226 19;
6. log sin X = 8.540 78.
W h e n the cosine or cotangent of an angle near 90° or 270° is re-
quired, w e take its difference from 90° or 270°, andfindthe comple-
mentary function by the above rules.
Remark, T h e use of the logarithms of the trigonometric func-
tions is so m u c h more extensive than that of the functions themselves
that the prefix "log" is generally omitted before the designation of
the logarithmic function, where no ambiguity will result from the
omission. , , t"
A/ / /< - -'/ ff ^ y " .- •.••i.iiiH

I • & ~ ^ ' -«i.'?-*T. f '* —^-•^^ ^



1 9 . This table gives the actual numerical values of the sine and
cosine for each minute of the quadrant.
T o find the sine or cosine corresponding to a given angle less than
45°, w e find the degrees at the top of a pair of columns and the
minutes on the left.
In the two columns under the degrees and in the line of minutes
w e find first the sine and then the cosine, as shown at the head of
the column.
A decimal point precedes thefirstprintedfigurein all cases, ex-
cept where the printed value of the function is unity.
If the given angle is between 45° and 90°, find the degrees at the
bottom and the minutes at the right.
Of the two numbers above the degrees, the right-hand one is the
sine and the left-hand one the cosine.
For angles greater than 90° the functions are to be found ac-
cording to the precepts given in the case of the logarithms of the
sines and tangents.


3 0 . Addition and subtraction logarithms are used to solve the

problem: Having given the logarithms of two numbers, tofindthe
logarithm of the s u m or difference of the numbers.
T h e problem can of course be solved by finding the numbers
corresponding to the logarithms, adding or subtracting them, and
taking out the logarithm of their s u m or difference. T h e table
under consideration enables the result to be obtained by an abbrevi-
ated process.
I. Use in addition. T h e principle on which the table is con-
structed m a y be seen by the following reasonings. Let us put
a and h being two numbers of which the logarithms are given. W e
shall have
/S=o(l + ^) = a(l + a;);

putting, for clearness, x = —.

W e then have
log 6f = log a + log (1 + x).
Since log a and log b are both given, w e can find log x from the
log a; = log J — log a,
which is therefore a k n o w n quantity.
N o w , for every value of log x there will be one definite value of
each of the quantities x,l-\-x, and log (1 + x). Therefore a table
m a y be constructed showing, for every value of log x, the correspond-
ing value of log (1 + x).
Such a table is Table V I .
The argument, in column A , being log x, the quantity B in the
table is log (1 + x).
Example, log 0.35 = 9.397 94.
Entering the table with A = 9.397 94, we find
5 = 0.09691,
which is the logaritlim of 1.35.
Thereiore, entering the table with log x as the argument, we
take out log (1 + x), which added to log a will give log S.
W e have thereiore the following precept for using the table in
Take the difference of the two given logarithms.
Enter the table witJi tJiis diff'erence as the argument A , and take
out the quantity B .
Adding B to tJie subtracted logarithm, the s u m will be the required
logaritlim of the sum.
It is indifferent which logarithm is subtracted, but convenience
in interpolating will be gained by subtracting the greater logarithm
from the lesser increased by 10. T h e number B will then be added
to the greater logarithm.
Exatnple. Given log »i = 1.629 74, log n = 2.203 &6 ; find
log (to + n).
The required logarithm is found in either of the following two
logTO,1.629 74 (1) log 5 , 0.676 76 (4)
log w, 2.203 86 (2) log w , 1.629 74 (1)
B , 0.102 64 (4) log n, 2.203 86 (2)
^ = logwj -=-n, 9.425 88 (3) log n -f- m, 0.574 12 (3)
log (ot + n), 2.306 50 (5) log {m + «), 2.306 50 (5)

The figures in parentheses show the order in which the numbers

are written.
Log a and log b having the following values,findlog (a + b).
1. log a = 1.700 37; log b = 0.921 69.
2. log a - 0.624 60; log b = 9.881 26.
3. log a = 9.791 86; log b = 9.322 09.
4. log a = l.GOl 62; log b = 1.306 06.
5. log a = 0.793 90; log b = 9.221 27.
6. log a = 0.601 32; log b = 9.001 68.
7. log a = 4.796 43; log b = 3.981 86.
II. Use in subtraction. T h e problem is, having given log a and
log b, tofindthe logarithm of
D = a - b.
We have 2) = j(|--l);

^^«°°^ logZ) = log5 + log(i-l).


Since log t- is found by subtracting log b from log a, if we c

find log w — l\ from log j-, the problem wiU be solved.

From the construction of the table already explained, if we ha

we must have
^ = Io,(j-l).
We now have the following precept for subtraction:
Subtract the lesser of the given logarithms from the greater.
Enter the table so as tofindthe difference of the logarithms in the
numbers B of the table.
Add the corresponding value of A to the lesser of the given loga-
rithms. The sum will be the logarithm of the difference.
Example. Find log ( « — m ) in the example of the preceding
log n, 2.203 86 (1)
logTO,1.629 74 (2)
A, 0.439 45 (4)

log — = B, 0.57412 (3)

° m ^ '
log (« - to), 2.069 19 (5)

Find the logarithms of the differences of the quantities a and b
in the preceding section.
Remark. In the use of addition and subtraction logarithms,
the precepts apply to numerical sums and differences, without
respect to the algebraic signs of the quantities. For example, the
algebraic difference between + 1473 and — 29 462 is to be found by
addition, and the algebraic sum of a positive and negative quantity
by subtraction.
Case where the quotient is large. Near the end of the table, A
and B become nearly equal; the structure of the table is therefore
changed so as to simplify its use. It is evident that if b is very
small compared with a, the logarithms of a + 5 and a — b will
not differ much from the logarithm of a itself. Hence, in this case,
we shall have smaller numbers to use if we can find the quantity
which must be added to log a to give log (o + b), or subtracted from

log a to give log (a — b). Now, the equations already written give,
when a > b , log a = log b -\- A,
log (a + S) = log 5 + B ;
whence, by subtraction,
log (a-{-b) — l o g a = B — A,
or log (a -\- b) = log a -{- B — A, (with Arg. A )
W efindin the same way,
log {a — b) = log a — {B — A).(with Arg. B)
Now, whenever log a — log b is greater than 1.65, we shall find
it more convenient to take out B — A from the table than either
A or B, W e notice that the last twofiguresof B in this part of
the table vary slowly, and we need only attend to them in interpolat-
ing. For instance, in the horizontal line corresponding to .4 = 1.66
we find:
for A = 1.660 00; B = 1.669 40; B - A = .009 40;
.66100; .670 38; .009 38;
.662 00; .67136; .009 36;
.663 00; .672 33; ,009 33;
.664 00; .673 31; .009 31;
.665 00; .674 29; .009 29;
etc. etc. eta
The interpolation of B — A is now very easy whether the quan-
tity given is A or B. W e note that B — A has but three significant
figures, of which thefirstis found in column zero, and the other two
are the last twofiguresof ^ as printed.
As an example, let usfindlog {a + b) from
log a = 3.79163
log* = 1.12819
A = 1.663 44
Entering the table with this value of A, we find by column 0
that B — A falls between .009 40 and .009 19. Following the hori-
zontal line A = 1.66 to column 3 and interpolating the last two
figures between 33 and 31 for .44, with the difference — 2, we find
B - A = .009 32
Then log a = 2.791 63
log(a+ b) = 2.800 95
Next, if log {a — b) is required, we have tofindthe difference
1.668 44 in the part B of the table. W efindin the table:
for B = 1.663 55; B - A = .009 65;
for B = 1.663 63; B - A = .009 53.

for B — 1.663 44; B - A = .009 53.
Subtracting this from log a, we have
log (a - b ) = 2.78210.

'^ud log (a + b) and log (a — b) from:
8. log a = 0.367 02; log b = 8.463 83.
9. log a = 0.001 26; log b = 8.329 07.
10. log a = 2.069 23; log b = 0.110 85.
11. log a = 5.807 35; log b — 3.838 09.
For values of A and B greater than 2.00, the table is so arranged
that no interpolation at all is necessary. The computer has only to
find what value of ^ or i? given in the table comes Clearest his value
of log a — log b and take the corresponding value ot B — A, H e
must remember that column A is to be entered ior addition, and B
for subtraction.
In this part of the table A and B are given to fewer than five
decimals; becausefivedecimals are not necessary to give B — A with
accuracy. Tlie nearer the end of the table is approached, the fewer
the decimals necessary in taking the difference.
Example, Find log {a + b) and log {a — b) irom
log a = 1.265 32
log b = 9.222 30
log a — log 5, 2.043 02
Entering column A with this difference, wefindthe nearest tabu-
lar value oi A to be 3.0435, to which corresponds B — A = .003 93.

log (a + S) = 1.365 33 + .003 93 = 1.369 34.

Entering column B with the same difference, wefindB — A =i
.003 95; whence
log (a - 5) = 1.265 32 - .003 95 = 1.26137.

Find log (« + b) and log (a — b) irom:
1. log a = 4.069 05; log b = 2.001 33.
3. log a = 3.926 93; log b = 1.201 59.
3. log a = 3.061 64; log b = 0.126 15.
4. log a = 1.22C 68; log b = 7.321 56.
5. log a = 0.693 17; log 5 = 6.010 23.
6. log a = 3.306 30; log b = 7.033 01.
Case of nearly equal numbers. Near the beginning of the table
the reverse is true: it is not possible to find A with accuracy to five
places of decimals. But here the value of A taken from the tables,
though it be found to only two, three, or four places of decimals,
will give as accurate a result as the computation of a and b to five
places will admit of. Let us suppose, for example, that w e have to
find log (a — b) from
log a = 9.883 16
logj = 9.882 96
B = 0.00019
We find ^ = 6.64-10;
whence log {a - b) = 6.53 - 10.
W e note that the value of A m a y be 6.63 or 6.66 as well as 6.64,
so that the result cannot be cai'ried beyond two decimals. T o show
that these two are as accurate as the work admits of. w efindthe
natural numbers a and b from Table I.
a = 0.76410
b = 0.763 77
a - b = 0.000 33
Since a — b has but two significantfigures,and thefirstof these
is less than 5, two figures in the logarithm are all that can be

S Q U A R E S OF N U M B E R S .

3 1 . B y means of this table the square of any number less than

1000 m a y be found at sight, and that of any number less than 10 000
by a simple and easy interpolation.
Thefirstpage gives the squares of thefirst100 numbers, which
it is often convenient to have by themselves.
O n the second and third pages (98 and 99) the hundreds of the
number to be squared are found at the tops of the several columns,
and the tens and units in the left-hand column. T h efirstthree or
four figures of the square are in the column under the hundreds,
and opposite the tens and units, and the last twofigureson the right
of the page after the column 9 ,^ ,^
Examples. T h e square of 634 is 401 956;
" " 329 " 108 241;
" " 265 " 70 235;
'« " 153 " 33 409;
« « 999 « 998 001.
T h e same table m a y be used for any number of three significant
figures by attention to the position of the decimal-point. Thus:
51100' = 3 611310000;
611' = 361131;
51.1' = 3 611.31;
5.11' = 36.1121;
0.511' = 0.261121.
W h e n there are four significantfigures,an interpolation m a y be
executed in several ways. If « be the nearest number the square of
which is found in the table, and h the excess of the given number
over this, so that n -{• his the number whose square is required, we
®113:11 }l3lV6
(m + A)'= n' + 3MA + A'= m'+A(3« + A)
= n'+A(iV+»):
where JV = n + A, the given number.

We may therefore find the square of 357.4 in the following way:

357' = 66 049
614.4 X .4 = 205.76
(257.4)' = 66 254,76
T o find the square of 9037 w e proceed thus;
9030' = 81540 900
18067 X 7 = 126469
9037' = 81 667 369
In m a n y cases only one morefigurewill be required in the square
than in the given number. T h e square can then be interpolated with
all required accuracy by the differences, the last twofiguresof which
are found in the last column oi the table, while the remaining figures
are iound by taking the difference between two consecutive numbers
in the principal column.
T o return to the last example, w e find the difference between
257' and 258' to be 515, thefirstfigurebeing the difference between
660 and 665, and the last two, 15, in the last column. Then
257' = 66 049
515 X 0.4 = 206
(257.4)' = 66 265
— w h i c h is correct to the nearest unit.
It will be remarked that the two methods are substantially the
same when onlyfivefiguresare sought in the result. T h e substantial
identity rests upon the general theorem that
The difference of the squares of two consecutive numbers is equal
to the s u m of the numbers.
W e prove this theorem thus:
(n + 1)' - »!' = 3m + 1 = w + (to + 1).
W h e n the tabulai- difference is taken in the way already described,
it will oiten happen that the difference between the numbers in the
columns oi hundreds is to be diminished by unity. Thus, although
4173 — 4160 = 13, the difference between 645' and 646' is not 1391,
but 1391. These cases are noted by the asterisk after the number in
the last column.
T h e squares of numbers of more than fourfiguresm a y be found
in the same way, but in such cases it will generally be easier to use
logarithms than the table of squares.

3 3 . The familiar method of solving this problem is to convert

the seconds into decimals of a minute, and the minutes into decimals
of an hour, by dividing by 60, and then the hours into decimals of a
day by dividing by 34. The reverse problem is solved by multiply-
ing by 34, 60, and 60.
Table V I H . enables us to perform these operations without divi-
sion. Column D gives each hundredth of a day, but its numbers may
also be regarded as ten thousandths or millionths of a day, according
to which of the following three columns is used. In column H.M.S.
are found the hours, minutes, and seconds corresponding to these
hundredths. In the next column is one hundredth of column H.M, S.,
or the minutes and seconds in the number of ten thousandths of a
day in column D, Finally, column —' ' shows the number of
seconds in the number of millionths of a day found in column D
Example. To convert 0'^.533 946 into hours, minutes, and seconds.
0*.53 = 13'' 43"^ 12'
.002 9 = 4°'10^56
.000 0 4 6 = 3».97
0^.532 946 = 12'' 47"° 26^53
It wfll be seen that we divide thefiguresof the given decimal of
a day into pairs, and enter the three columns of time with these
three pairs in succession.
If seven decimals are given, we may interpolate the last number,
as in taking out a logarithm.
Example, Convert 0^050 763 7.
0^.05 = 1" 13" 0"
.000 7 = 1"> 0».48
.000 063 = 5^36
.000 000 7 = .7X.08= 0».06
l" 13"'6'. 90
In practice the computer will perform the interpolation mentally,
adding .7 X .08 = .06 to the number 5.36 of the table in his haad.
and writing down 5°.42 as the last quantity to be added.

Convert into hours, minutes, and seconds:
1. 0^203 0793;
3. 0''. 783 605 8;
3. 01.010 303 4;
4. 0". 990 990 9.
T o use the table for the reverse operation, w e proceed as in the
following example:
It is required to convert 11^ 29"' 30«. 93 into decimals of a day.
Looking in the table, w e find that the required decimal is between
0.72 and 0.73. Hence thefirsttwofiguresare 0.72, the equivalent
of 17'' 16"" 48«. Subtracting the lat- I71. 29"" 30'. 93
ter from the given number, w e 0.73 =17'' 16"° 48"
have a remainder 13" 42'. 93, to be 12"° 42'. 93
,,, . , H . M . S ^^. .008 8 = 13» 40'.32
sought for m c o l u m n - ^ ^ Q - . This .0000.303= 2^6i
gives 88 as the next two figures. Subtracting the equivalent of
.0088 or 13"° 40". 33, we have left 3'. 61, which we are to seek in
column —' ' '. We find the corresponding number of column D to
be 303. Hence
17" 39-" 30'. 93 = 0". 738 830 3.
In solving this problem the computer should be able, after a little
practice, to perform the subtractions aud carry the remainders men-
tally, thus saving himself the trouble of writing down the numbers.

Take the answers obtained from the four preceding exercises,
subtract each result from 34" 0"° 0', change the remainder to deci-
mals of a day, and see if when added to the decimals of the preceding
exeroises the s u m is l"*. 000 000 0, as it should be.

3 3 . In astronomy the right ascensions of the heavenly bodies

are commonly given in hours, minutes, and seconds, the circumfer-
ence being divided into 34 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, and
each minute into 60 seconds.
Since 360'' = one circumference,
we have 1'' = 15°;
1"" = 15';
1' = 15';
the signs '', '", and ' indicating hours, minutes, and seconds of time.
Hence w e m a y change time into arc by multiplying by 15, and
arc into time by dividing by 15, the denominations being changed in
each case. Table IX. enables us to do this by simple addition and
subtraction by a process similar to that employed in changing hours,
minutes, and seconds into decimals of a day.
T o turn time into arc, w e find in the table the whole number of
degrees contained in the time denomination next smaller than the
given one, and subtract the former time denomination from the
Next w efindthe minutes of arc corresponding to the given time
next smaller than the remainder, and again subtract.
Lastly w e interpolate the seconds corresponding to the second
Example. Change 15" 39"° 46'. 34 to arc.
Given time, 16" 39" 46'.34
The table gives 333° = 15" 38-"
Eemainder, 1" 46'. 34
The table gives 36' = 1" 44'
Eemainder, 2'. 24 = 33'. 6
15" 39" 46».34 = 233° 36' 33'. 6.
The computer should be able to go through this operation with-
out writing down anything but the result.
The operation of changing arc into time is too simple to require
description, but it is more necessary to write d o w n the work.

Change the following times to arc, and then check the results by
changing the arcs into time and seeing whether the original times
are reproduced:
1. 7" 39" 17».86;
3. 0" 4" 0'.25;
3. 12" 4" 0'.25;
4. 13" 48°' 16'.40;
5. 19" 7" 59'. 93.
T A B L E X.

3 4 . Since 365^ solar days = 366^ sidereal days (very nearly),

any period expressed in mean time may be changed to sidereal tim&
by increasing it by its ^ part, and an interval of sidereal tim

may be changed to mean time by diminishing it by its z part..

The first part of the table gives, for each 10 minutes of the
ment, its o^r-5^ part, by which it is to be increased. The seco

part of the table gives the 0^5-5^ part of the argument.

The small table in the margin shows the change for periods of
less than 10 minutes.
Example 1. To change 17" 48" 36". 7 of mean time to sidereal
Given mean time, 17" 48" 36'. 70
Corr. for 17" 40", 3" 54'. 13
Corr. for 8" 37', 1'.41
Sidereal time, 17" 51" 33'. 34
Ex. 3. To change this interval of sidereal time back to mean.
Corr. for 17" 60", - 2" 65'. 29
Corr. for 1" 32', - 0'.25
— 2" 55'. 54
Sidereal time, 17" 51" 32'. 24
Mean time, 17" 48" 36'. 70

Change to sidereal time:
1. 3" 42" 36'. 6 m. t.; 3. 22" 3" 5».61 m. fc.
2. 18" 46" 29».82 " 4. 0" 1" 12'.56 "
Change to mean time:
5. 0" 7" 16'. 3 sidereal time;
6. 23" 17" 39". 65 "


35. General Principles.

W e call to mind that the object of a mathematical table is to
enable one to find the value of a function corresponding to any value
whatever of the variable argument. Since it is impossible to tabulate
the function for all values of the argument, w e have to construct the
table for certain special values only, which values are generally equi-
distant. For example, in the tables of sines and cosines in the
present work the values of the functions are given for values of the
argument differing from each other by one minute.
T h e process of finding the values of functions corresponding to
values of the argument intermediate between those given is called
W e have already had numerous examples of interpolation in its
most simple form; w e have n o w to consider the subject in a more
general and extended way.
In thefirstplace, w e remark that, in strictness, no process of
interpolation can be applicable to all cases whatever. F r o m the
mere facts that
T o the n u m b e r 3 corresponds the logarithm 0.301 03,
" " " 3 " " " 0.47712
w e are not justified in drawing any conclusion whatever respecting
the logarithms of numbers between 2 and 3. Hence some one or
more hypotheses are always necessary as the base of any system of
interpolation. T h e hypotheses always adopted are these two:
1. That, supposing the argument to vary uniformly, the function
varies according to some regular law.
2. That this law m a y be learned f r o m the values of the function
given in the table.
These hypotheses are applied in the process of differeticing, the

* The study of this subject will be facilitated by first mastering so muc

it as is contained in the author's College Algebra, §§ 299-303.
It is also recommended to the beginner in the subject that, before going
over the algebraic developments, he practise the methods of computation
according to the rules and formulse, so as to have a clear practical understanif'
ing of the notation. He can then more readily work out the developments.

nature of which will be seen by the following example, where i

applied to the logarithms of the numbers from 30 to 37:
Function. A' A" J'" J'"
log 30. 1.47712 ^ ^
" 31. 1.491 36 J I*;* - 45 , „
" 32. 1.505 15 X ^lll _ 43 X 1 + 2
" 33. 1.518 51 J ^i'iZ - 39 X * - 3
« 34. 1.53148 + 1^^^-38 + ^ + 1
" 35. 1.544 07 + ^itl - 36 + * + 1
" 36. 1.556 30 + ffo^ - 33 + *^
" 37. 1.568 20 + ^^^^
The column A' gives each difference between two consecutive
values of the function, formed by subtracting each number from that
next following. These differences are called _^rs^ differences.
T h e column A " gives the difference between each two consecu-
tivefirstdifferences. These are called second differences.
In like manner the numbers in the succeeding columns, w h e n
written, are called third differences, fourth differences, etc.
N o w if, in continuing the successive orders of differences, w e find
them to continually become smaller and smaller, or to converge to-
ward zero, this fact shows that the values oi the iunctions follow a
regular law, and thefirsthypothesis is therefore applicable.
In order to apply interpolation w e must then assume that the
intermediate values of the function follow the same law. T h e truth
of this assumption must be established in some way before w e can
interpolate with mathematical rigor, but in practice w e m a y suppose
it true in the absence of any reason to the contrary.
3 6 . Effect of errors in the values of the functions. In the pre-
ceding example it wiU be noticed that if w e continue the orders of
differences beyond the fourth, they will begin to increase and become
irregular. This arises irom the imperfections oi the logarithms,
owing to the omission oi decimals beyond thefiith,already described
in §11.
W h e n w e find the differences to become thus irregular, w e must
be able to judge whether this irregularity arises irom actual errors in
the original numbers, which ought to be corrected, or irom the small
errors necessarily arising irom the omission oi decimals.
T h e great advantage oi differencing is that any error, however
small, in the quantities differenced, unless it iollows a regular law,
wiU be detected by the differences. T o show the reason oi this, w e
investigate what effect errors in the given functions will have upon
the successive orders of differences.

Theorem. The differences of the sum of two quantities are equal

to the sums of their differences.
General proof. Let
f , f, f„ etc., be one set of functions;
//> ft>f,'> etc., another set.
fi +/.'> f, + A ' , f, +/,'. etc., will then be their sums.
In thefirstof tJie following columns w e place thefirstdifferences
of/, in the second those of/', and in the third those o f / + /', each
formed according to the rule :

/. - /, // - // /.+/,'- if' + //)

etc. etc. etc.
It will be seen that the quantities in the third column are the
sums of those in thefirsttwo.

Numerical Example.
/ A' f A' f-\-f' A'

39 + g 3 + ^ g + JJ
^^isl 6+ 3 56 + 1*
_ 1 o-i 10 + * 9 *^
W e see that the third set of values of A ' follow the theorem.
Because the second differences are the differences of thefirst,the
third the differences of the second, etc., it follows that the theorem
is true for differences of any order.
N o w when we write a series of functions in which the decimals ex-
ceeding a certain order are omitted, we m a y conceive each written num-
ber to be composed of the algebraic sum of two quantities, namely:
1. The true mathematical value of the function.
3. T h e negative of the omitted decimals.
Example. In the preceding collection of logarithms, since the
true value of log 30 is 1.477131 3 . .., w e m a y conceive the quantity
written to be
1.47713 = log 30 - .000 001 3
Hence the differences actually written are the differences of the
true logarithms minus the differences of the errors. N o w suppose
the errors to be alternately + 0.5 and — 0.5 = the point marking
off the last decimal. Their differences will then be as follows:
/' A' A" A'"
- 0.6 , J + 3 _ ,
+ 0.6 + } - 3 , *
- 0.6 , } + 3 t 1
+ 0.6 + -^ - 2 *
etc. etc. etc. etc.

It is evident that the nth order of differences of the errors are

equal to ± 3»--i. Hence, in this case, if the wth order of differences
of the true values of the function were zero, still, in consequence of
the omission of decimals, the actual differences of the nth order would
be 3"-J.
This, however, is a very extreme case, since it is beyond all proba-
bility that the errors should alternate in this way. A more probable
average example will be obtained by supposing a single number to have
an error of 0.5, while the others are correct. W e shall then have:
/ A> A" A'" A " A-'

g, + a5+;-^±;:5-|S+t:o
0 0 -^0 _ 0.5 _^ 05 + 2.0
In this case the m a x i m u m value of the difference of the mth order
is 1.5 in the differences of the third order, 3 in those of the fourth,
5 in those of thefifth,etc. Its general expression is
l n ( n — l){n—'X) (w - g + 1 )
2 1.2.3 s '
where n is the order of differences, and
n n— 1
* = 2-°^--^
according as » is even or odd. Thus:

^•'=\-l = 1;

A'" = - . - = 14-
3 • 1
= 8;
3 • 1.3
A^ = ^ .^-^ = 5;
3 1.3
This being about the average case,etc. in actual practice the differ-
ences m a y be two or three times as great without necessarily imply-
ing an error greater than 0.5 in the numbers written.
W e have now the following general rule for judging whether a
series of numbers do really follow a uniform law.
Difference the series until we reach an order of differences in which
ffie + and — signs either alternate or follow each other irregularly.

If none of the differences of this order expressed in units o

last place of decimals exceed the limit
n {n — 1) . , . . \n — s -\- 1)
1.2.3 ... .s
—that is, the value of the largest binomial coefficient of the nth order—
the given numbers may be assumed to follow a regular law, and
therefore to be correct to a unit in the last figure.
If some differences exceed this limit, their quotient by tJie above.
binomial coefficient may be considered to show tJie maximum error
witJi wJiicJi the number opposite it is probably affected.
W e can thus detect an isolated error in a series of numbers with
great certainty. Suppose, ior example, an error oi 2 in some number
oi the series. Differencing the series 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, we shall
find the iour largest differences oi thefiithorder to be — 10, + 20,
— 20, + 1 0 , which would enable us to hit at once upon the eri'o-
neous number and judge oi the magnitude of its error.
A n error near the beginning and end of the series of numbers o}
which the differences are taken cannot be detected by the differences
unless it is considerable. If, for instance, thefirstor last number
is in error by 1, the error of each order of differences will only be 1,
as we may easily see by the following example:
/' A' A" A'"
1_ 1
I 0 + J - 1 etc.
It is only in those differences which are on or near the same
as the numbers which are magnified in the way we have shown. But
at the beginning and end of the series we cannot determine these
Examining the various tables of differences, we see that n numbers
have n — 1firstdifferences, w — 2 second differences, and so on, the
number diminishing by 1 with each succeeding order. Hence, unless
the number of given functions exceeds the index expressing the order
of differences which we have to form, no certain conclusion can be
What is here said of the correctness of the numbers when the
differences run properly must be understood as applicable to isolated
errors only. If all the numbers were subject to an error following a
regular law, this error would not be detected by the differences be-
cause, from the nature of the case, the latter only show deviations
from some regular law.

27. Fundamental Formulae of Interpolation.

W e suppose a series of numbers to be differenced in the way already
shown, and the various differences to be designated as in the follow-
ing scheme, which is supposed to be a selection from a series preceding
and following it.
Function. 1st Diff. 2d Diff. 3d Diff. 4th Diff. 5t£i Diff.
U A" A^"
— 'A' . — = /l"> —' /fv
^ -i j„ A _3 A _|
— ^ A' , —' /i>" —^ /I"
° A'i
u ^,;^ A"\
A " ,, " *A^i
A's ' A"';i ' /f^s

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

It will be seen that the lower indices are chosen so as to sbov
on which line a difference of any order falls. Thus all quantities
with index 2 are on one horizontal line, those with index | = 2J are
half a line below, etc. This notation is a little different from thai
used in algebra, but the change need not cause any coniusion.
It is shown in algebra that ii n be any index, we have
, ., . n { n — 1 ) .,,
Mn = «„ + nA'i + ^^^ A'\
, w (w — 1) (w — 2) ,,,, , , , .
+ -^^—Y^ ^ ' + ®*°'' ^°^
the notation being changed as in the preceding scheme.
N o w the iundamental hypothesis oi interpolation is that this
formula, which can be demonstrated only for integral values of n, is
true also for fractional values; that is, for values of the function u
between those given in the table or in the above scheme. W e there-
fore suppose this formula to express the value of the function u tot
any value of n between 0 and 1.
For values between + 1 and + 3 we have only to increase the
indices of u and its differences by unity, thus:

wi-f n = wi + nA\ + ^^^~ A'\ + etc,,

and by supposing n to increase from 0 to 1 in this formula we sh

hate values of u from m, to «,.
Increasing the indices again—that is, applying our general foi.
mulse to a row of quantities one line lower—we shall have

«s-f-» = M, + nA'i + ^ 1 "^ -^", + etc.

T h e equation (a) is k n o w n as JVewton's formula of interpolation,

28. Transformations of the Formula of Interpolation.

In the equation {a) and those following it, the formula of inter-
polation is not in its most convenient form. W e shall therefore
transform it so that the differences employed shall be symmetrical
with respect to the functions between which the interpolation is to
be made.
In working these transformations w e shall suppose the sixth and
following orders of differences to be so small as not to affect the
result. These differences being supposed zero, any two consecutive
fifth differences m a y be supposed equal.
Mrst transformation. Let usfirstfindwhat the original formula
(a) will become when, instead of using the series of differences
A% A'\, A ' % A^\, etc.,
w e use
A% A'\, A ' % A^\, etc.
T o effect the transformation w e must find the values of the first
series of differences in terms of the second, and substitute them in
the formula (a).
W e find, by the m o d e of forming the differences,
A'\ = A " , +A"'i;
A"'i = A"\ + A^\;
= A"\ + J'% + A-i',
A^\ = A^\ + A \ + A\;
for which, because w e suppose the values of A'' to be equal, we m a y pul
A'\ = A'\ + 3J%;
A\ = A \
Making these substitutions in (a), w e have
«„ = w. + nA\ + "" ^^ ~ ^^ {A'\ + A"\)


I «(«-!) .... (w-4)

+ ^*-

Eeducing by collecting the coeflBoients of equal differences, we

., , n (n — 1) .,, , (w + 1 ) w (« — 1) .,,,
« „ - « . = nA'i + -\^Y~^A," + ^ I 2.3 ^ *•
in + l)nin-l){n-2)
{n + 2){n + l)n{n-l){n-2)
"^ *• ^^
Second transformation. Next, instead of the series of this last
formula, (b),
A'i, A " „ A"'i, A \ , etc.,
let ns use
A'.i, A",, J"'_i, A \ , etc.
To effect this transformation we substitute in (&) for A'i, A"i, etc.,
A'i = A ' . i + A " , ;
A"'i = A"'.i + A^\;
A-i = A ^ _ i .
The series (b) then changes into
« «-«/}' a- ^ ( ^ + 1 ) ^ ^ . (« + l)«(w-l) ^,„ ,

(« + 2)(« + l)w(?t-l)
•^ 1.3,3.4
+ ^-*- ^"^
Third transformation, Stirling's formula. W e effect a third
transformation by taking the half sum of the equations (b) and (c),
which gives ns a formula perfectly symmetrical with respect to the
lines of differences, namely,
A'-i-\-A'i , n' .„ . n(n'-l) /f"'-^+ A"'i
tin-u, = n 1 ^ + "2" " + 1 X 3 2
|«'(^'-1) Jiv + nin^-l){n^-i) A-'.j+A^j
+ "^ 2 "T euu, ^.t*;
which is known as Stirling's formula of interpolation.
It win be seen that we have put
n' - 1 for (n + 1) (m - 1),
TC» - 4 for (w + 2) (« - 3),
etc. etc.
Fourth transformation. In the equation (5), instead of the series
of differences ^,^^ ^„^^ ^,„^^ ^.^^^ ^^^_^
let-use ^,^^ ^„^^ ^,„^^ ^^,_^ ^^^
To effect this we put
A " , = A " , - A"'i',
A'\ = A ' \ - A^i.
Making these substitutions in (b), it becomes

« „ - « , = nA'i + ^ i f ^ A", + ^ ( ^ - \ n - - ^ ) J'".

4. (w + 1) w (w - 1) {n - 3)
•^ '
, (w+1) w (w-1) (w-3) (?t-3) •^V («)

.FV/ifA transformation, Bessel's formula. Let us take half the

sum of the equations (e) and (b). W e then have

u„ - .. = n^', + "(--^) '"'+/"' + - (7^^^) (-i) A"'i

(w + l)n(w - 1) (w - 3) J'\ + A^\
"*• 3
(7t + l)w(>.-l)(^-3)(w-i)
"^ *' ^•''
which is commonly known as Bessel's formula of interpolation, and
which is the one most convenient to use in practice.
In applying this formula to find a value of the function inter-
mediate between two given values, w e must always suppose the
index 0 to apply to the given value next preceding that to be found,
and the index 1 to apply to that next following. T h e quantity n
will then be a positive proper fraction.

29. Example of interpolation to halves. If we increase the loga-

rithms of 30, 31, etc., already given, by unity, w e shall have the
logarithms of 300, 310, 320, etc. It is required tofind,by interpola-
tion, the logarithms of the numbers half way between the given ones
(omitting thefirstand last), namely, the logarithms of 316, 325, 335,
Here, the required quantities depending upon arguments half way
between the given ones, w e have n = i, and the values of the Bessel-
ian coefiScient, so far as wanted, are
w (w - 1) _ _ 1_.
2 ~ 8'
n(n-l) (n - j) _
g -u.

The subsequent terms are neglected, being insensible. So, if we

put a„ and a, for any consecutive two of the numbers 300, 310, etc.,
we have
log {a, + 5) = log a„ + (1^', - i ^"° + ^"') '
and (A)
log {a, - 5) = log «. - {IA'i + i ^^4^-^)'.

where we put .^j for thatfirstdifference between a„ and a^.

These two formulas are two expressions for the same quantitj
because a, + 5 = a^ — 5. They are both used in such a way as to
provide a check upon the accuracy of the work. For this purpose we
compute the two quantities
1 1 A " -A- A "
log (fl„ + 5) - log a„ = 1^', - i '^ \
1 1 J" -4- A" (^)
log a. - log (a, + 5) = iJ'j + i ^ ° + ^ '•

The most convenient and expeditious way of doing the work is

shown in the accompanying table, where we give everyfigurewhich
it is necessary to write, besides those found on p. 57. T h e following
is the plan of computation:
\_A'\-\^A<\ A"o-\-A'\
No. Log. Diff.
i-.- 8 2 2
310 3.49136
315 498 31 gg| + 689.5 - 5.5 -44
320 .605 15 673 -41
325 .511 88 668.0 - 5.1
330 .518 51 653 648.5 - 4.8 -38
335 .536 04 644
340 .631 48 634 629.6 -4.6 -37
345 .537 83 625
360 .544 07 616 + 611.5 - 4.3 -34
355 .550 23
360 2.556 30 607
We compute the right-hand column by the formula
A" 4- A" 1 1
^ ° + ^ ' = A " -4- -A"'i = A " — -A"'u
using the values of A given in the scheme, p. 57.
This m o d e of computing the half s u m of two numbers which are
nearly equal is easier than adding and dividing by 2.
In the next two columns to the left, the sixth place of decimals
is added in order that the errors may not accumulate by the addition
of several quantities. This precaution should always be taken w h e n
the interpolated quantities are required to be as accurate as the given
T h e fourth column from the right is formed by adding and sub-
tracting the numbers of the second and third columns according to
the formula (Jc), T h e additional figure is n o w dropped, because no
longer necessary for accuracy. T h e numbers thus formed are the
first differences of the series of logarithms found by inserting the
interpolated logarithms between the given ones, as will be seen by
equation {k).
W e write thefirstlogarithm of the series, namely,
log 310 = 3.49136,
and then form the subsequent ones by continual addition of the dif.
ferences, thus:
log 315 = log 310 + 695;
log 320 = log 315 + 684;
log 325 = log 320 + 673;
etc. etc. etc.
If the work is correct, the alternate logarithms will agree with the
given ones in the former table.
T h e continuance of the above process for a few more numbers,
say u p to 450, is recommended to the student as an exercise.

30. Interpolation to thirds. Let us suppose the value of a

quantity to be given' for every third day, and the value for every
day to be required. B y putting n = ^ and applying formula (/) to
each successive given quantity, w e shall have the value for each day
following one of those given, and by putting n = f w e shall have
values for the second day following, which will complete the series.
B u t the interpolation can be executed by a m u c h more expeditioup
process, which consists in computing the middle difference of the
interpolated quantities andfindingthe intermediate differences by a
secondary interpolation.
Let us put
/ „ / „ / „ etc., the given series of quantities;
/•> /i> fi' .f» /.» etc., the required interpolated series;
A', A " , etc., thefirstdifferences, second differences, etc., of the
given series;
S', S", etc., thefirstdifferences, second differences, etc., of the
interpolated series.
We may then put
f, — f a = A'i (in the given series);

ft—fi= S'i > (in the interpolated series).

/ . - / . = S't)
W e shall then have
S'i + d'i + d'i = A'i.
The value of f i — f „ = Si is given by putting w = J in the Bes-
sdian formula (/). Thus we find
1 1 A " -1- A " 1
6'i = -A'i - - ^ ° + ^ • + — A ' " ^
* 3 * 9 2 +162 *
_L 5
' 243^ „ +2^'^ 1458^,.*
Putting « = I, we have the value of /, —/,, that is, of d'j+<y'|.
Thus we find

3 * 9 2 163
5 ^'\+^'\
+ ;343 3 ' 1458 "^
Subtracting these expressions, we have

S'i = - J'i — -i- A"'i + — Jv

* 3 * 81 * ^ 739 *'
which is most easily computed in the form

We see that the computation of S'^, the middle difference of t

interpolated quantities, is much simpler than that of S'i. It will
therefore facilitate the work to compute only these middle differ-
ences, and tofindthe others by interpolation.
This process is again facilitated, in case the second differences are
considerable, byfirstcomputing the second differences of the inter-
polated series on the same plan. The formulse for this purpose are
derived as follows:
Let us put

The second difference of which we desire the value is then

S",= S'i - S'i.
The value of *'| is ^ven by the equation
<y', = ^'i-((y'i + <y',),

and the value of S'i is found from that of S'i by simply incr
indices of the differences by unity, because it belongs to the next
lower line.
W e thus find
1 1 J" -)- A " 1
6'i = -A't - - ' ^ — 1 + -±~A"'t
* 3 * 9 2 ^162 '
I 5 ^-. + ^'\ 1_^,.
^ 343 2 1458 »'
1 1 J" 4- J" 1
6't = - J'i +_ _-5 _ J° ^V f ^
' + -i-zf"'i.
* 3 * ^ 9 3 ^ -ttW^V
162 *
243 3 1458
Then by subtraction,
S" = l(A', - A'^ - 1 ^'\ + ^ ^ ' \ + ^ ' \ + J_ M'".-J'" )
o .-g^^l ^il 9 3 +163^^ ' " ^ *'

^343 3 1458^ * *^"

Eeducing thefirstof these terms, we have
A'i - A'i = A"^.
For the second term,
A", = A " - A"'i;
A", = A ' \ + A"'r,
A", + J", = 2.^". + A"'i - J"'j = 2^". + Ji'.,
.J" + 2A" + J" 1
2 •*•" > ^ 2 '
For the third term.

For the fourth term, dropping the terms in A^ as too small in

practice, we may put
J'^ -I- 2A^'' + J'^
°^ 1 t- ^ . 2JlT
2 '•
The difference of thefifthterms may also be dropped, because
they contain only sixth differences.
Making these substitutions in the value of d",, we find
6" = - A " — -(2A" + -A^" ] + -i-Jiv + i£./*i»
• 3 • 9r • ^ 2 V ^ 163 » + 243 •'
= 1 J" _ _ L j u
9 • 343 '

91 ' 37 / («)

By this formula we may compute every third value of S", and

then interpolate the intermediate values. By means of these values
we find by addition the intermediate values of S', of which every
third value has been computed by formula (to). Then, by continu-
ally adding the values of S', wefindthose oi the iunction/
As an example oi the work, we give the following values of the
sun's declination for every third day of part of July, 1886, for Green-
wich mean noon:
Date. ©'sDec. A' A" A"'
1886. o I II I II II „
July 3 32 57 37.5 .,„ „„ „
6 32 41 9.2 X oX 0 7 - 313.4 , ,,
9 33 21 8.0 ti J^'l - 207.9 + *-^
12 21 57 39.9 " Vi f'l - 203.4 + 1%
15 21 30 47.9 ~ fr, ^q'!^ - 197.7 + °-™
18 21 0 38.2 "• "^^ "•'
The values of J'" are too small to hav« any influence.
The whole work of interpolation is shown in the following table,
fhere, as before, theright-handcolumn is thatfirstcomputed, and
gives the value of A' — -^A'" according to formula (to) :
Date. o's Dec. d' S" A'—J^A'"
1886. o I II I II I,
July 6 22 41 9.2 « .« oa - 23.60
V 33 34 52.4 X a in^Q " ^3.43
8 22 28 12.1 X 7 356 " ^^.27 ~ ^" "'^^
10 22 13 41.9 _ ^ l^'ll - 22.93 „
11 23 5 52.3 ^ **'^^ - 22.78 ~ •"''^ '^**-"
12 21 57 39.9 X « qI qr - 22.61
13 21 49 4.9 c K^An - 22.42 „. .„ „.
14 21 40 7.5 - I ^,1^- 22.19 " ^^ ^2.21
15 21 30 47.9 ~ ^ ^^-^^ - 21.97
To make the process in the example clear, the computed differ-
ences, etc., are printed in heavier type than tlie interpolated ones.
It is also to be remarked that the sum of the three consecutive
values oi S", iormed oi one computed value, and the interpolated
values next above and below it, should be equal to the difference
between the corresponding computedfirstdifferences. For instance,
23".27 + 33".10 + 22".93 = 7' 49".59 - 6' 40".29.
But in thefirstcomputation this condition will seldom be exactly
iulfilled, owing to the errors arising from omitted decimals and other
sources. Ii the given quantities are accurate, the errors should never
exceed hali a unit oi the last decimal in the given quantities, or five
units in the additional decimal added on in dividing.
T o correct these little imperiections aiter the interpolation oi the
second differences, but beiore that of thefirstdifferences, the sum of
the last twofiguresin each triplet of second differences should be
formed, and if it does not agree with the difference of thefirstdiffer-
ences, the lastfiguresof the second difference should each be slightly
altered, to m a k e the s u m exact.
T h efirstdifferences can then be formed by addition.
In the same way, the s u m of three consecutivefirstdifferences
should be equal to the difference between the given quantities. If,
as is generally the case, this condition is not exactly fulfilled, the
differences should be altered accordingly. This alteration may, how-
ever, be made mentally while adding to form the required inter-
polated functions.
A s an exercise for the student w e give the continuance of the
sun's declination for the remainder of the month, to be interpolated
for the intermediate dates from July 15th onward:

July 21 20 27 16.5
24 19 50 49.1
37 19 11 22.7
30 18 29 4.8
Aug. 3 17 44 3.1
As another exercise the logarithms of the intermediate numbers
from 998 to 1014 m a y be interpolated by the following table:
Number. Logarithm.
994 3.997 386 4
997 2.998 695 2
1000 3.000 0000
1003 3.001300 9
1006 3.002 598 0
1009 3.003 891 3
1013 3.005 180 5
1015 3.006 4G6 0
1018 3.007 747 8

33. Interpolation to fifths. Let us next investigate the formula

w h e n everyfifthquantity is given and the intermediate ones are to
be found by interpolation. B y putting « = f in the Besselian for-
mula, we shall have the value of the interpolation function second

following one of the given ones, and by putting n = \ that third

following. The difference will be the middle interpolatedfirstdif-
ference of the interpolated series. Putting w = | in (/), we have

I ^o-r^^i 2.5' 2 +2'.3.5^ * A'\ + A'\ _
+' 2 2\3.4"T5T' *•
Putting n = I, we have

* "^5 * 2.5" 2 2\3.5= * A^\-[.A^''^ .,
+* 2 +2=.' **
The difference of these expressions, being reduced, gives

Ui-Ui = -A'i - j^A"'i +

5 ^ 125 ' ' 15625 *

The term in A'' will not produce any effect unless the fifth diff
ences are considerable, and then we may nearly always, in practice,
put \ instead of ^^.
The interpolated second differences opposite the given functions
are most readily obtained by Stirling's formula, {d). Putting n — \,
we have the following value of the interpolatedfirstdifferences im-
mediately following a given value of the function:
1 ^'-i+^'i , I a " - ^^ A"'_i-i.A"'i
"* "" ~ 5 3 '. 6 0 " « 6.5.25 3
A'\ + etc.
Again, putting n = — \, and changing the signs, wefindfor the
first difference next preceding a given function
« . -1^^-^+^'^ 1 34 A"'.i.^A"'i
«, w-i - 5 2 50 • 6.5.35 3
; J'\ - etc.
The difference of these quantities gives the required second dif-
ference, which wefindto be
Jilt _ J_/i" ^/Ji'' — — I A " —--/Jiv 1
*^ • - 35^^ ° 635^ »~ 3 5 r ' 3 5 ^ V*

As an example and exercise we show the interpolation of logac

rithms when everyfifthlogarithm is given:

S" Number.
A' A" Logaritlim.
1000 3.000 000 0
+ 31 661
1005 3.0021661 4319.3 - 4.32 - 108
1006 .002 598 0 4.31
1007 .003 029 5 4314.9
1008 .003 460 6 Imf - Jjo + 21553
1009 .003 891 2
1010 4303.0
3.004 3 2 1 4 4.28 - 107
1011 .004 7512 4397.7 4.27
1013 .005 180 5 4293.5 4.26
1013 .005 609 4 *285 0 - *-^3 + 21 ^6
1014 .006 037 9
1015 3.0064660
1030 3.008 600 2
1035 3.010 723 9
1030 3.012 837 3
1035 3.014 940 3
1040 3.017 033 3



1. It is better to determine an angle by its tangent than by its

sine or cosine, because a small angle or an angle near 180° cannot be
accurately determined by its cosine, nor one near either 90° or 270°
by its sina
Sometimes, however, the data of the problem are such that the
angle can be determined only through its sine or cosine. A n y un-
certainty which m a y then arise from the source pointed out .'s then
inherent in the problem; e.g., if the hypothenuse and one side of a
right triangle are 0.39808 and 0.39806 respectively (sixth and follow-
ing decimals being omitted), the value of the included angle m a y be
anywhere between 0° 35' and 0° 43', no matter what method of com-
putation be adopted.
3. If the sine and cosine can be independently computed, their
agreement as to the angle will generally serve as a check on the
accuracy of the computation. If they agree, their quotient wiU give
the tangent.
3. It is desirable, w h e n possible, to have a check upon the accu-
racy of the computation; that is, to m a k e a computation which must
give a certain result if the work is right. But no check ran give a
positive assurance of accuracy: all it can do is to m a k e it more or
less improbable that a mistake exceeding a certain limit exists,
4. In the following list several formulse are sometimes given as
applicable to the same problem. In such cases, the most convenient
for the special purpose must be chosen.

Notation, a, b, and c are the three sides.

A, B, and G are the opposite angles.


Given. Eequired. s = .!• (as + 6 + c).

a, b, c, A,
the three one angle. tani^ = |/^(s - i ) { s - c)
s{s — a)
A, B, C E= i/(g-«) (•^-^)(g -g).
aU the
angles. H
tan-J .4 =
tan ^B •=
tan i C =
s— c
Checks: A + B-{• (7=180°;
a _ b _ c
sin A sin jB sin C
b, c. A , B and C,
nvo sides the other tanf(i?-(7) = ^ -• cot ^ A ;
and the angles. 1(5 -f C) = 90° - A A; _
included - B = i{B+C)+i{B-C);
angle. C = i { B - } - 0 ) - i { B - C),
Check, as beiore.
a, B, C, a sini{B— C ) = (b — c) cos-J^;
the a cos i { B - C ) = { b + c) sin iA.
remaining Having found a aud i {B — 0), proceed
parts. as in the last case.

a, b. A , c, B, C,
sin 5 = - sin A ; (two values of B.)
two sides the re-
and the maining G= liQ°-{A + B);
angle oppo- parts. 5 sin C a sin G
site one of c — smB sin^

Given. Required.
a. A, B, b, c, C, C = 180° - { A - \ - B ) ;
one side the re- a sin B
h =
and any maining sin A '
two angles. parts. _ a sin 0 _ a sin {A + B )
~~ sin ^ ~" sin A


c is the hypothenuse.
a, b, A , B , or c. cot A = cot a sin b;
the sides cot B = cot b sin a;
containing cos c = cos a cos J;
the right sin a
angle. sm c sin^"

A and c. sin c sin A = sin c;

sin c cos j4 = cos a sin J;
cos c = cos a cos b'

sin c sin j5 = sin b;

B and c
sin c cos £ — sina cos J.

a, c, A , B , or b. . sin a
sm ^ = -^ ;
one side
sm c
and the hy- cos B — tan « cot c;
pothenuse. , cos c
cos b — cos a

a. A, b, c, or B. sin b = tan « cot A ;

one side sin ff_
sm c =
and the iiiXi'
opposite cos A
sin B =
angle. cos a *

a, B, b, c, or A . tan b = sin « tan B ;

one side tan (7
and the tan c = cos i."
adjacent cos /( = cos a sin B .
c and A , sin .4 sin r = sin a;
sin .4 cos c = cos a cos P ;
cos .1 = cos a sin B.
tHven. Required.
a, B. b and A . sin A s m b — sin a sin B ;
sin ^ cos 5 = cos B .
c,A, a, b, or B,
sin a = sin c sin ^ ;
the hypo- tan b = tan c cos A ;
thenuse cot 5 = cos c tan ^.
and one
angle. a and B, cos asm. B — cos ^;
cos a cos B = sin ^ cos c;
sin a = sin A sin c.

a and b. cos a sin 5 = cos A sin c;

cos a cos b = cos c.

A,B, a, 5, or c. cos^_
cos a = sin 5 '
the two
angles. cos B
cos 5
sin A '
cos c = cot A cot 5 .


c is the omitted side equal to 90°.
G is the angle opposite this side.
a, b, A, B, or C, . _ cos a_
the two either sm b
sides. angle. „ cos b
cos B — —. ;
sm a
cos C = — cot a cot b.
a, G, A , B , or b. sin ^ = sin a sin G;
one side tan i? = — cos a tan 0;
and the cot b = — tan a cos (7.
angle oppo-
site the A and b. cos ^ sin 3 = cos a;
right side. cos ^ cos b = — sin a cos C.
sin ^ = sin a sin G.

A and B, cos ^ sin .5 = cos a sin C;

cos A cos B = — cos C.

Given. Required.
A,b, a, B, or C. cos a = cos A sin 5;
one angle tan B = sin A tan b;
and the cot C = — cot .4 cos b.
side. a and B. sin a sin .S = sin .4 sin 5;
sin a cos B = cos Zi;
cos a — cos ^ sin i.

a and G, sin a sin C = sin .4;

sin a cos C = — cos -4 cos &

a. A , b, B , or C.
sin b — cos T,
one side
cos J.
and the sin B = cot a tan .4;
opposite . ^ sin A
angle. sin 6' = sm a

A, G, a, b, or B, sin 4
sm a sin C
one angle
and the cos 5 = — tan >4 cot C;
angle oppo- cos C
cos .5 = —
site the cos-4*
right side.

A,B, a, b, or C,cot a = cot A sin 5 ;

two angles. cot b = sin A cot 5 ;
cos C = — cos A cos .B.

a and C, sin Csin a = sin yl;

sin C cos « = cos A sin 5 ;
cos (7 = — cos -1 cos J5.

b and G, sin C sin 5 = sin /?;

sin C cos 5 = sin -•( cos B.


Given. Required.
s = i(a + 5 + c);
a, b, c. A, B, C
the three the three jr _ j/sin {s—a) sin {s—b) sin is—c)^
sides. angles. ~ ' sin s '
, - S
T1T1 1 4 — •
sm (s — ay
fnn 17? —
+„T, 1 /^ — -"
Lan -3- u .—. • . , V.
sm (s — c)
r.-, , sin a sin b sin c
Check: = -:—=; = —:—^,
sm A sm 5 sm G

a, b, G, A and c. sin c sin ^ = sin « sin G;

two sides one angle sin c cos A = cos « sin 5 — sin a cos J cos C;
and the and the cos c = cos a cos 5 + sin a sin b cos G.
included remaining
angle. side.
i5and c. sin c sin 5 = sin 5 sin C;
sin c cos i? = sin a cos 5 — cos a sin b cos G.
If addition and subtraction logarithms
are not available for this computation, w e
m a y compute k and IT from
^ sin ^ = sin a cos G;
k c o s K = cos a.
sin c cos -4 = /& sin {b — E ) ;
cos c = /fc cos (5 — A").
A sin 1 1 = sin 5 cos G;
h cos .S" = cos b.
sin coos B = h sin (a — IT);
cos c = h cos (« — H ) .

A, B, c. sinicsin-i(^ — B ) = cos-J Csin i (a — 5 ) ;

all the s i n i c c o s i ( ^ - 5 ) =sini-Csin|-(a+5);
remaining cosicsini(^ + 5 ) = c o s i C c o s i ( a — 5 ) ;
parts. cos\ccos\{A-\-B) = sin^ (7cosi(a + 5).

Given. Required.
a, b. A , B , G, c, sin A sin b
sin B = (two values of B ) ;
two sides all the sm a
and an remaining cos i{a - cot \ { A ± B ) ^
tan ^ G
opposite parts. cos i{a -j- b) '
angle. cos i {A + B ) tan jja + b}
cos |(.4 — B )

A, B, c, a and C, sin C s i u a = sin A sin c;

two angles one side sin Ccos « = cos ^ sin j5 + sin A cos B cos c;
and the and the cos (7 = — cos .4 cos B-{-8inA siuB cos c.
included third angle.
b and G. sin Csin b = sin B sin c;
sin Ccos 5 = sin ^ cos B + cos A s i n B cos c.
If we compute k and A" from
k sin A" = cos A ,
k cos A = sin A cos c,
then sin C cos a = k cos (i? — A ) ;
cos G = k sin (.S — A ) .
If we compute h and .H" from
h sin iT = cos B ,
h cos II = ain B cos c,
then sinC cos 5 = A cos (A — H ) ;
cos G = h sin (^ — ^ ) .
a, b, C, sin \ Csin ^ (a + 5) = sin ^ c cos .J- (^ — 5 )
all the sin \ Ccos ^ (a + 5) = cos -J- c cos ^ (J + .B)
remaining cos^ Csin^(a — i) = sin^^c sin J (^4 — B )
parts. cos ^ Ccos J (a — 5) = cos ^ c sin \ (A + B ) .

A, B, a, b, c, G, sin a sin .S
sin 5 = (two values of J);
two angles all the sin^
and an remaining cos I (..1 + 5 ) tan ^ ((7 + 5)^
tan |- c =
opposite parts. cos i (J - i') '
side. cos i (« — /') txit_l (.1 + B )
tan .^ C =
cos i ((/ + /')

A, B, G, a, b, c, S = \ (J + 2>' + (^)
the three the three — cosS
angles. sides. P = Z-
COS (6* - .4) cos ( 8 — B ) cos (iS-
tan la = P COB {S — A ) \
tan ii = P c o s {8 — B ) :
iixn\c = -/' cos [8 - C ) .
T A B L E S .
T A B L E I.



Loff. 'N. Log. N. Log. N. Log. N. Log.

.— fnfinTyy- 30 1.47712 60 1.77 815 90 1.95424 120 2.07 918

1 o.oo ooo 31 .49 136 61 •78 533 91 1.95904 21 2.08 279

2 0.30 103 32 • 50515 62 .79239 92 1.96379 22 2.08 636
3 0.47 712 33 .51851 63 .79 934 93 1.96848 23 2.08 991
4 0.60 206 34 .53148 64 .80618 94 1.97 31324 2.09 342
5 0.69 897 35 .54407 65 .81 291 95 1.97772 25 2.09 691
0.77 8IS 36 .55630 66 •81 954 96 1.98 227 26 2.10 037
7 0.84 510 37 . 56 82067 .82607 97 1.98 67727 2.10 380
0.90309 38 .57978 68 .83251 98 1.99 123 28 2.10 721
0.9s 424 39 .59 106 69 .83 885 99 I.99 564 29 2.II 059
10 1.00 000 40 ,60 2o6 70 .84 510 100 30 2.11 394

11 1.04139 41 .61 278 71 .85 126 101 2.00432 31 2.11 727

12 1.07 918 42 .62 325 72 • 85 733 102 2.00 860 322.12 057
13 I.II 394 43 .63 347 73 .86 332 103 2.01 284 332.12 385
14 1.14 613 44 • 64345 74 .86 923104 2.01 70334 2.12 710
15 1.17 609 45 .65 321 75 .87 506 105 2.02 119 352,13033
1.20 412 46 .66 276 76 .88 081 106 2.02 531 362.13354
17 1.2304s 47 .67 210 77 .88 649107 2.02 93837 2.13 672
18 1.25 527 48 .68 124 78 . 89 209 108 2.03 342 .38 2.13988
1.27875 49 ,69 020 79 .89 763 109 2.03 743 39 2.14 301
20 1.30 103 50 .69 897 80 .90309 110 2.04139 40 2.14 613

21 1.32 222 51 .70757 81 .90 849 111 2.04 532 41 2.14 922
22 1.34242 52 .7r6oo 82 .91 381 112 2.04 922 42 2.15 229
23 1.36 173 63 .72 428 83 .91 908 113 2.05 308 ,43 2.15534
24 1.38 021 54 .73 239 84 .92 428114 2.05 69044 2.15 836
25 1.39794 55 .74036 85 .92 942 115 2.06070 45 2.16 137
1.41 497 56 .74 819 86 .93450 116 2.06446 46 2.16435
27 1.43 136 57 .75 587 87 .93 952 117 2.06 81947 2.16732
28 1.44 716 58 76343 88 .94448 118 2.07 188 48 2.17 026
29 1.46 240 59 •n 085 89 • 94 939 119 2.07 555 49 2.17 319

30 1.47712 CO 'JO 1.95424 120 2.07 918 160 2.17609

2 TABLE I . I,—
N. 0 1 2 3 41 5 0 7 8 9 Prop. Pte.

100 oo ooo 043 087 130 173 217 260 303 346 3?9
01 432 475 518 561 604 647 689 732 775 817
•030 •072 *n5 44 43 4a
02 86o 903 945 988 *I99 *242
03 OI 284 326 368 410 452 494 536 578 620 662 4-4 4-3 4-2
04 703 745 787 828 870 912 99l •036 *078 I 8.B 8.68.4
05 243 284 325 366 407 449 490 3 13.2 12.9 3.6
02 119 160 202
06 653 694 735 776 816 857 898 117.6 17 2 I6-8
531 572 612
07 938 979 *oi9 *o6o *ioo *i4i *i8i *222 *262 •302 5 22.0 21-'; I.O
526.425.8! s
08 03 342 383 423 463 503 543 583 623 663 703 •9 4
862 902 941 981 *02I *o6o •100 3 35.23^.4:3.6
09 743 782 822
04 139 179 218 258 297 336 376 415 454 493 J 39.6 38.7 37-1
11 532 610 650 689 727 766 805 844 883
4» 40 39
12 922 961 999 •038 *077 *ii5 *iS4 • 192 *23I *269
I 4.1 4.0 39
13 05 308 346 385 423 461 500 538 576 614 652
14 690 729 767 80s 843 881 918 956 994 *032 > 8.2 8.0 7-8
15 06 070 108 145 185 221 258 296 333 371 408 • 1 xa.3 12.01.71
16 446 483 521 558 595 633 670 707 744 781 ( 16.4 16.0 5.6
17 819 856 893 930 967 *oo4 •041 •078 *ii5- *ISI 624-6
5 20-S24-0: 3-4
18 07 188 225 262 298 335 372 408 445 482 7 28-7I28-057-3
19 55? 591 628 664 700 737 773 809 846 B 32.8132.031I.3
120 918 954 990 *027 *o63 *099 *i35 *i7i *207 *243 } 36.9136.0b
21 08 279 314 350 386 422 458 493 529 565 600 38 37 38
22 636 672 707 743 778 814 849 884 920 955 I 3.8 J.7 3.6
23 991 *026 *o6i +096 •132 •167 *202 *237 *272 •307
412 621 656 > 7.6 7.4 7.2
24 09 342 377 447 482 552 587
760 968 •003 3 IX.4 II.I io.8
25 691 726 795 830 899 934
106 209 312 346 415.214.8'4-4
26 10 037 072 140 175 243 278
27 380 415 585 619 653 687 5 19.0 32.2
&23.8 28.5 SII
449 483 517 551
28 721 755 789 823 857 890 924 958 992 •025 7 26-625-9!!8.8
29 II 059 093 126 160 193 227 261 294 327 361 830 429.6
130 394 428 461 494 528 561 594 628 661 694 9 34»33.3
31 727 760 793 826 860 893 926 959 992 *024 35 34 33
32 12 057 090 123 156 189 222 254 287 320 P I I 3-5 3-4 33
33 385 418 450 483 516 548 581 613 646 678
872 66
34 710 743 775 808 840 905 937 969 *OOI 3 10.5 10.2 99
35 13 033 066 098 130 162 194 226 258 290 322 4 14.0 J3-6 3«
36 354 386 418 450 481 513 545 577 609 640 517517-0 >6.5|
37 672 704 735 767 799 830 862 893 925 956 6 31.020.4 :3 I'
38 988 *oi9 •051 *o82 *ii4 •14s •176 *208 *239 •270 734.5=3-8
39 14 301 333 364 395 426 457 489 520 551 582 828.0=7-2!»9-7:
140 613 644 67s 706 737 768 799 829 860 S9I 9 3'-5 30-61
41 922 953 983 •014 *04S *o76 •106
•137, *i68 •198 3« 3' 30
42 IS 229 259 290 320 351 381 412
442 473 503 I 3 = 3 1 3 0
43 534 564 594 62^ 655 6Ss 71S
746 776 806 a 6.4 6,26.0
44 836 866 897 927 957 987 *oi7
•047 *077 *107 3 9-« 9 3 9.0
45 16 137 167 197 227 256 286 316
346 3-6 406 4 12.612,4 Xl-O
46 435 465 495 524 554 584 613
643 673 702 5 16.015.5 iS-0
47 732 761 791 820 8?o 879 909
938 967 997 6 19.3 18.618.0
48 17 026 056 08? 114 143 173 202
231 260 2S9 733.421.7 u.o
49 319 348 377 406 J-3L 464 493
522 551 580 825.624.8 34-0
150 609 638 667 696 754 782 811 S40 869 9 28.827.9 •7-0
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 Prop. Iis.
N. o 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 Prop. Pts.
150 17 609 638 667 696 72s 754 782 811 840 869
51 898 926 955 9S4 *oi3 *04i *07o *o99 *I27 *I56 29 28
52 18 184 213 241 270 298 327 355 384 412 441
1 2.9 2.8
53 469 498 526 554 583 611 639 667 696 724
*oo5 0 5.8 5.6
54 752 780 808 837 865 893 921 949 977 3 8.7 8.4
56. 19 033 061 089 117 145 173 201 229 257 28s 4 11.6 11.2
56 312 340 368 396 424 451 479 507 535 562 5 14.5 14.0
57 590 618 645 673 700 728 /S6 783 811 838 6 17.4 16.8
58 893 921 948 976 *o03 *030 *058 *o8s *II2 7 20.3 19.6
20 140 167 249 276 303 330 358 385 8 23.2 22.4
59 194 222
160 412 439 466 493 520 548 575 602 629 656 9 26.1 25.2
61 683 710 737 763 790 817 844 871 898 92s 27 26
62 952 978 *oos •032 *059 *o8s *II2 *I39 *i6s •192 1 2.7 2.6
63 21 219 245 272 299 325 352 378 405 431 458 2 5 4 5.2
64 484 511 537 564 590 617 643 669 696 722 3 8.1 7.8
65 748 775 801 827 854 88q 906 932 958 98s 4 10.8 10.4
66 22 o n 037 063 089 IIS 141 167 194 220 246 5 13.5 13.0
67 272 298 324 350 376 401 427 453 479 5?5 b ib.2 15.6
68 557 583 608 634 660 686 712 737 763 7 18.9 18.2
789 814 891 917 943 968 994 •019 8 21.6 20.8
69 840 865
170 23 045 070 096 121 147 172 198 223 249 274 9 24.3 23.4
71 300 325 350 376 401 426 452 477 502 528 25
72 553 578 603 629 654 679 704 729 754 779 1 2.5
73 80s 830 855 880 90s 930 955 980 *oos •030 2 5.0
74 2405s 080 105 130 15s 180 204 229 254 279 3 7.5
75 304 329 353 378 403 428 452 477 502 527 4 10.0
76 551 576 601 625 650 674 699 724 748 773 5 12.5
77 797 822 846 871 89s 920 944 969 993 *oi8 6 15.0
78 25 042 066 091 115 139 164 188 212 237 261 7 17.5
79 285 310 334. 358 382 406 431 455 479 503 8 20.0
180 527 551 573 600 624 648 672 696 720 744 .9„22.5
. . „ „ 11
81 768 792 8x6 840 864 888 912 935 959 983 24 2it
82 26 007 031 05s 079 102 126 150 174 198 221 1 2.4 2.3
83 245 269 293 316 340 364 387 411 435 458 2 4.8 4.6
84 482 505 529 553 576 600 623 647 670 694 3 't.'2 6.9
85 717 741 764 788 811 834 858 881 905 928 4 9.6 9.2
86 951 975 998 *02I *o45 *o68 •091 "114 •138 *i6i 5 12.0 11.5
87 27 184 207 231 254 277 300 323 346 370 393 fi
7 14.4
16.8 13.8
88 416 439 462 485 508 ^ ¥ 554 600 623 8 19.2 18.4
89 646 669 692 715 738 761 784 830 852 9 21.6 20.7
' 190 875 898 921 944 967 989 *ai2 *o35 *o58 *o8l
22 21
91 28 103 126 149 171 194 217 240 262 285- 307
330 353 375 398 421 443 466 488 511 533 1 2.2 2.1
92 2 4.4 4.2 1
93 556 578 601 623 646 668 691 713 735 758
780 803 82s 847 870 892 914 937 959 981 3 6.6 6.3
29 003 026 048 070 092 " 5 137 159 181 203 4 8.8 8.4
226 248 270 292 314 336 358 380 403 42s 5 11.0 10.5
447 491 513 535 " 7 579 601 623 645 67 13.2
15.4 12.6
667 ill 710 732 754 776 798 820 842 863 8 17.6 16.8
885 907 929 951 973 994 *oi6 *038 *o6o »o8i 9 19.8 18.9
20Q 30 103 125 146 168 190 211 233 25s 276 298
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
^t^a^ ^^"^ ^^•^ ^•••" ^^^ ^H^^
4 TABLE I ^ •—•m.
N. O 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pt&l

200 30 103 12? 146 168 190 211 233 25s 276 298
01 320 341 363 384 406 428 449 471 492 ^H 22 21
02 535 557 578 600 621 643 664 685 707 728 1 2.2 2.1
03 750 771 792 814 835 856 878 899 920 942 2 4.4
*oo6 *027 •048 *o69 •091 *II2 *I33
04 963 984 *'lt 3 6.6 6,3
05 31 175 197 218 239 260 281 302 323 345' 366 4 8.8 8.4
06 387 408 429 450 471 492 513 534 555 576 5 11.0 10.5
07 618 639 660 681 702 723 744 76s 78s 6 13.2 12.6
08 1% 827 848 869 890 911 931 952 973 994 7 15.4 14.7
09 32 015 035 056 077 098 118 139 160 181 201 8 17.6 16.8
210 222 243 263 284 30I 325 346 366 387 408 9 19.8 18.9
11 428 449 469 490 510 531 552 572 593 t'l 20
12 634 654 675 695 715 736 756 777 797 818 1 2.0
13 838 858 879 899 919 940 960 980 *oor *02I
2 4.0
14 33 041 062 082 102 122 143 163 183 203 224 3 6.0
15 244 264 284 304 325 345 36? 385 405 435 4 8.0
16 445 465 486 506 526 546 566 586 606 626 5 10.0
17 646 666 686 706 726 746 766 786 806 826 6 12 J)
18 846 866 885 90s 925 945 965 985 *oo5 *025 7 14.0
19 34 044 064 084 104 124 143 163 183 203 223 0Q i.\J.V
220 242 262 282 301 321 341 361 380 400 420 9 18.0
21 439 459 479 498 518 537 557 577 596 "676 19
22 635 65s 674 694 713 733 753 772 792 811 1 1.9
23 830 850 869 889 908 928 947 967 986 *oo5 2 3.8
24 35 025 044 064 083 102 122 141 160 180 199 3 5.7
25 218 238 257 276 295 315 334 353 372 392 4 7.6
26 411 430 449 468 488 507 526 545 564 583 5 9.5 i
27 603 622 641 660 679 698 717 736 755 774 G 11.4
28 793 813 832 851 870 889 908 927 946 965 8( 13.3
29 984 *oo3 *02I •040 *o59 *o78 *097 *ii6 *I35 *IS4 9 17.1
230 36 173 192 211 229 248 267 286 305 324 342 . I
31 361 380 399 418 436 455 474 493 5" 530 18
32 549 568 586 60I 624 642 661 698 717 1 1.8
33 736 754 773 791 810 825 847 866 884 903 2 3.6
34 922 940 959 977 996 *oi4 *o33 •051 •070 •088 5.4
I T 0
35 37 107 125 144 162 181 199 218 236 254 273 5
1 ...
36 291 310 328 346 365 383 401 420 438 457 9.0
548 566 603 621 6
37 47? 493 5" 530 58? 639 7 10.8
38 658 676 694 712 731 749 767 785 803 822 8 14.4
39 840 858 876 894 912 931 949 967 9S5- *0O3 9 16.2
240 38 021 039 057 075 093 112 130 148 166 184 1 -tn
41 202 220 238 256 274. 292 310 328 346 364 XI
42 382 399 417 435 453 471 489 507 525 543 1 1,7
43 S6i 578 596 614 632 650 668 686 703 721 2 3.4
44 739 757 771 792 810 828 846 863 881 899 3 5.1
45 917 934 952 970 987 *oos •023 •041 •058 •070 4 6.8
46 39094 III 129 146 164 183 199 217 235 252 5 8.5
47 270 287 305 322 340 358 375 393 410 428 67 10.2
48 445 463 480 498 515 533 550 568 585 602 8 13.6
49 620 637 655 672 690 707 724 742 759 777 9 15.3
250 794 811 829 846 '867 881 898 915 933 950
N. 0 1 9 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 Prop."pts.
L O G A R I T H M S OF N U M B E R S .
N. 0 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
250 39 794 811 829 846 863 881 898 915 933 950
51 967 985 •002 *oi9 *037 *054 •071 *o88 *io6 *I23 18
52 40 140 157 175 192 209 226 243 261 278 295 1 1.8
53 312 329 346 364 381 398 415 432 449 4'j6
54 569 586 603 620 2 3.6
483 518 535 552 637
55 671 688 70s 723 756 773 790 3 5.4
654 739 837
56 841 858 875 892 926 943 960 4 7.2
824 909 9/6
57 *OIO *027 *o44 *o6i *o78 *09S •m *I28 *i45 5 9.0
6 10.8
58 41 162 179 196 212 229 246 263 280 296 313 7 12.6
59 330 347 363 380 397 414 430 447 464 481 8 14.4
260 497 514 531 547 564 581 597 614 631 647 9 16.2
61 664 681 697 714 731 747 764 780 797 814 17
62 830 847 863 880 896 913 929 946 963 979 1 1.7
63 996 *0I2 *029 *o45 *o62 *o78 *095 *lll *I27 *i44 2 3.4
64 42 160 177 193 210 226 243 259 275 292 308 3 5.1
65 341 357 374 390 406 423 439 472 4 6.8
66 504 521 537 553 586 602 619 635 5 8.5
67 667 684 700 716 732 749 765 781 797 6 10.2
68 813 830 846 862 878 894 911 927 943 959 7 11.9
69 975 991 *oo8 *034 •040 *056 *o73 *o88 •104 *I20 8 13.6
270 43 136 152 169 185 201 217 233 249 26s 281 9 15.3
71 297 313 329 345 361 377 393 409 425 441 16
72 473 489 521 537 553 569 584 600 1 1.6
616 664 680
73 632 6^8 712 727 743 759 2 3.2
74 775 791 807 823 838 854 870 886 902 917 3 4.8
75 933 949 96S 981 996 *OI2 *028 *044 *os9 *o75 4 6.4
76 44091 107 122 138 154 170 185 201 217 232 6 8.0
77 248 264 279 29s 3J' 326 342 358 373 389 (J
7 9.B
78 404 420 436 451 467 483 498 514 529 545 8 11.2
79 560 576 592 607 623 638 654 669 685 700 9 12.8
280 716 731 747 762 778 793 809 824 840 855 14.4
.. ir
81 871 886 902 917 948 963 979 994 *OIO
82 45 025 040 056 071 102 117 133 148 163 1 1.5
83 179 194 209 225 240 255 271 286 301 317 2 3.0
84 332 347 362 378 393 408 423 439 454 469 3 4.5
85 484 Soo 515 530 545 561 576 591 606 621 4 6.0
86 637 652 667 682 697 712 728 743 758 773 5 7.5
87 788 803 818 834 849 864 879 894 909 924 7 9.0
88 939 954 969 984 *ooo *oi5 *o3o *045 *o6o *o75 8 12.0
89 46 ego 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 9 13.5
290 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 359 374 14
91 T89 404 419 464
449 479 494 509 523
92 553 568 613 627 642 657 672 1 1.4
93 687 702 716 731 761 776 790 80s 820 2 2.8
94 835 850 864 879 909
894 923 938 *953 967 3 4.2
95 982 997 *OI2 *026 *o56
•041 •070 *o8s *I0O *II4 4 5,6
96 47 129 144 159 173 202
188 217 232 246 261 5 7.0
97 276 290 305 319 349 363 378 392 407 67 9.8
98 422 436 451 465 480 494 509 524 538 553 8 11.2
99 567 582 596 611 625 640 654 669 683 698 9 12.6
300 712 727 741 756 770 784 799 813 828 842
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts,
6 TABLE ][.
N. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop.Pte. f
300 47 712 727 741 756 770 784 799 813 828 842 i
01 o^57 871 885 900 914 929 943 958 972
02 48 001 015 029 044 058 073 087 lOI 116
03 144 159 173 187 202 216 330 244 259
273 15
04 287 302 316 330 344 359 373 416
387 401 1 1.5
05 430 444 473 487 558
530 544 2 3.0
06 572 586 61? 629 643 657 700
671 686 3 4.6
07 728 742 756 770 841
813 827 4 6.0
714 7^1 799 982 5 7.5.
08 869 883 897
926 940 954 968
996 *OIO •052 *I22 6 9.0
09 *024 •038 *o66 *o8o *094 *io8
810 49 136 150 164 178 192 206 220 234 248 262 7 10.5
11 276 290 304 318 332 346 360 374 388 402 8 12.0
12 41S 429 443 485 499 513 9 13.5
554 568 582 596 610 679
13 624 638 651
14 693 707 721 734 748 762 776 790 803 817
941 955 U
15 831 84s 859 872 886 •037 914 927
16 969 982 996 *OIO •024 •051 •065 *079 •092 1 1.4
17 50 106 120 133 147 161 174 188 202 215 229 2 2.8
18 243 as6 270 284 297 3n 325 338 365 3 4.2
19 379 393 406 420 433 461 474 SOI 4 5.6
820 515 529 542 556 569 583 596 610 623 637 5 7.0
21 651 664 678 691 705 718 732 745 759 772 6 8.4
22 786 799 813 826 840 853 866 880 907 7 9.8
934 947 961 974 987 ill •041 8 11.2
23 920 *OOI *oi4
24 51 05? 068 081 095 108 121 13s 148 162 175 9 12.6
25 202 228 242 255 268 282 295 308
26 322 335 348 362 375 388 415 428 441
27 455 468 481 495 508 521 534 548 IS
28 587 601 614 627 640 654 667 680 706 1 1.3
733 746 772 1^ 838
29 720 759 786 799 812 2 2.6
830 851 865 878 891 904 917 930 943 825
957 970 3 3.9
31 983 996 *oo9 *022 *035 *048 *o6i *o75 *o88 *ioi 4 5.2
32 52 " 4 127 140 153 166 179 192 205 218 5 6.5
33 244 257 270 284 297 310 323 336 349 6 7.8
34 375 388 401 414 427 440 453 466 479 493 8
7 10.4
36 504 l'7 543 556 569 582 595 608 621 9 11.7
lie 699
36 634 647 673 686 711 724 737 750
37 763 776 789 802 815 827 840 866 879
38 892 905 917 930 943 956 969 982 994 *oo7
033 046 058 084 097 n o 122 135 IS
39 S3 020 071
840 148 161 173 186 199 212 224 237 250 263 1 1.2
41 275 288 301 314 326 339 352 364 377 390 2 2.4
42 403 415 428 441 453 466 479 491 504 3 3.6
43 529 542 555 567 580 593 60s 618 631 4 4.8
44 656 668 681 694 706 719 732 744 757 5 6.0
45 782 794 807 820 832 84s 857 870 882 6 7.2
46 908 920 933 945 958 970 983 995 *ooS •020 7 8.4
47 54 033 045 058 070 083 09s 108 120 133 145 8 10.8
9 9.6
48 158 170 183 195 208 220 233 245 258 270
49 283 29s 307 320 332 345 357 370 382 394
850 407 419 432 444 456 469 481 494 506 SiS
N, 0 I a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
L O G A R I I H M S OF N U M B E R S 7
N. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
350 54 407 419 432 444 456 469 481 494 506 518
51 543 568 580 593 605 617 630 642
52 654 667 679 691 704 716 728 741 753 765
53 777 790 802 814 827 839 851 864 876 888 IS
54 900 913 925 937 949 962 974 986 998 *OII 1 1.3
55 55 023 035 047 060 072 084 096 lo8 121 133 2 2.6
56 145 157 169 182 194 206 218 230 242 255 3 3.9
57 267 279 291 303 315 328 340 352 364 376 4 5.2
58 388 400 413 42s 437 449 461 473 485 497 5 6.5
59 509 522 534 546 558 570 582 594 606 6i8 6 7.8
360 630 642 654 666 678 691 703 715 727 739 7 9.1
61 763 775 787 799 811 823 835' 847 859 8 10.4
62 871 883 89s 907 919 931 943 967 *979 9 11.7
991 *003 *027 •050 *o62 *o74 *o86
63 *oi5 *o38 •098
64 56 n o 122 134 146 158 170 182 194 205 217
65 229 241 265 277 289 301 312 324 336 12
66 348 360 372 384 396 407 419 431 443 455 1 1.2
67 467 478 490 502 526 538 549 561 573 2 2.4
68 585 597 608 620 632 644 656 667 679 691 3 3.6
69 703 714 726 738 750 761 773 785 797 808 4 4.8
870 820 832 844 855 867 879 891 902 914 926 5 6.0
71 937 961 972 984 996 *oo8 *oi9 •031 *o43 6 7.2
72 57 054 066 078 089 lOI 113 124, 136 148 159 7 8.4
73 171 183 194 206 217 229 241 252 264 276 8 9.6
74 287 299 310 322 334 345 357 368 380 392 9 10.8
75 403 426 438 449 461 473 484 496
519 530 623
76 542 553 565 576 588 600 611
77 634 646 657 669 680 692 703 2'5 726 738 11
78 749 761 772 784 795 807 818 830 841 852 1 1.1
79 864 875 887 898 910 921 933 944 955 967 2 2.2
380 R78 990 *OOI *oi3 *024 *o35 *047 •058 •070 *o8i 3 3.3
81 58 092 104 "5 127 138 149 161 172 184 195 4 4.4 1
82 3q6 218 229 240 252 263 274 286 297 309 £ 5.5
83 320 331 343 354 365 377 388 399 410 422 € 6.6
84 433 444 456 467 478 490 501 512 524 |35 V 8.8
E 7.7
85 546 |57 580 591 602 614 625 636 647 9.9
86 681 692 704 71S 726 737 749
659 670 760
87 771 782 794 80? 816 827 838 850 861 872
88 883 894 906 917 928 939 961 973 984
*o62 *073 •084 *o9S 10
89 995 *-oo6 *oi7 *028 *040 •051
390 59 106 n8 129 140 i5< 162 173 184 195 207 1 1.0
91 218 229 240 251 262 273 284 295 306 2 2.0
329 340 351 362 373 384 395 406 417 428 * 3.0
439 450 461 472 483 494 506 517 528 539 \•4.0
94 572 594 60s 616 627 638 649 fe 5.0
95 671 682 693 704 71? 726 737 748 759 7 7.0
96 770 780 791 802 813 824 835 846 857 868 8 8.0
97 879 890 901 912 923 934 945 956 966 9f77 i 9.0
98 ^ 5 8 8 *OIO *02I *032 *o43 *o54 *o6s *o76 *o86
99 60 097 119 130 141 152 163 173 184 195
400 206 217 228 239 249 260 271 282 293 304
N. 0 1 2 3 4 6 « 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
s TABLE I• ,_____^
i ^•• O 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

400 6o 2o6 217 228 239 249 260 271 282 293 304
01 314 325 336 347 358 369 379 390 412
02 423 433 444 455 466 477 487 498 520
03 531 541 552 563 574 584 595 606 627
04 638 649 660 670 681 692 703 713 724
05 746 756 767 778 788 799 810 821 842
938 949 11
06 853 863 874 883 895 $06 917 927
07 970 981 991 *002 »oi3 *023 *o45 *os5
*034 1 1.1
<c 9§§
08 077 087 098 109 119 130 140151 162 2 2.2
61 066
09 183 194 204 215 225 236 247257 268 3 3.3
278 289 300 310 321 331 342 352 363 374
410 4 4.4
11 384 39? 405 416 426 437 448 458 469 479 5 5.5
12 490 500 5" 532 542 553 574 584 6 6.6
627 637 669 679 7 7.7
13 595 606 616 648 658 690
14 700 711 721 731 742 752 773 784 794 9
8 9.&
15 80I 815 826 836 847 III 878 888 899
909 920 930 962 972
16 941 951 982 993 *oo3
17 62 014 024 034 04s 055 066 076 086 097 107
18 118 128 138 149 263 170 180 190 201 211
19 221 232 242 252 273 284 294 304 315
420 32s 335 346 356 366 377 387 397 408 418
21 428 439 449 459 469 480 490 SOO 521 10
22 531 542 552 562 572 5^ 603 613 624 1 1.0
634 675 III 706 716 726 2 2.0
23 644 655 665
24 737 747 757 767 778 788 798 808 818 829 3 3.0
25 839 849 859 870 880 890 900 910 921 931 4 4.0
26 941 951 961 972 982 992 •002 *012 *022 *033 5 5.0
27 63 043 053 063 073 083 094 104 114 124 134 67 6.0
28 144 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 236 8 8.0
256 266 286 296 306 317 327
29 246 276 337 9 9.0
430 347 357 367 377 387 397 407 417 428 438
31 448458 468 478 488 498 508 528 538
568 609 1'^ 629
32 548|5^ 579 599 639
669 689 709 619 729
33 649659 679 699 739
34 769 809 719
819 839
749•o59 779 789 799 839
35 849859 869 879 889 899 909 919 929 939
36 949959 969 979 988 998 *oo8 •oi8 •028 •038 9
37 64 048058 068 078 088 098 108 118 128 137 1 0.9
38 167 177 187 197 207 217 227 237 2 1.8
246 '57 266 276 286 296 306 316 326 335
39 256 3 2.7
440 345 355 365 375 385 395 404 414 424 434 4 3.6
41 444 454 464 473 483 493 503 513 523 532 5 4.5
542 552 562 582
640 650 660
670 680
IS 601
6ri 621 631
6 5.4
43 709 719 7 6.3
44 738 748 758 768 777 787 797 807 8i6 826 R 8.1
9 7.2
45 836 846 856 865 875 885 89I 904 914 924
46 933 943 953 963 972 982 992 •002 *ou *02I
47 6S 031 040 050 060 070 079 089 099 108 118
48 12S 137 147 157 167 176 186 196 20s 2II
49 22? 234 244 254 263 273 283 292 302 312
460 321 331 341 350 360 369 379 389 398 408
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pro p. Pts.
L O G A R I T H M S OF N U M B E R S 9
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
450 6s 321 331 341 350 360 369 379 389 398 408
61 418 437 437 447 456 466 475 48s 495 504
62 514 523 533 l'^3 552 562 571 591 600
53 610 619 629 639 648 658 667 677 686 696
54 706 715 725 734 744 753 763 772 782 792
55 801 811 820 830 839 849 858 868 877 887
56 896 906 916 925 935 944 954 963 973 982 10
57 *OOI •on *020 *030 *039 *049 •058 *o68 *077 1 1.0
58 66 087 096 106 115 124 134 143 153 162 172 2 2.0
59 181 191 200 210 219 229 238 247 257 266 3 3.0
460 276 285 295 304 314 323 332 342 351 361 4 4.0
61 370 380 389 398 408 417 427 436 445 455- 5 5.0
62 464 474 483 492 502 511 521 530 539 549 6 6.0
63 558 567 577 586 596 605 614 624 633 642 7 7.0
64 652 661 671 680 689 699 708 717 727 736 9 9.0
8 8.0
65 745 755 764 773 783 792 801 811 820 829
66 839 848 857 867 876 885 894 904 913 922
67 932 941 950 960 969 978 987 997 *oo6 *oiS
68 67 025 034 043 052 062 071 080 089 099 108
69 117 127 136 145 154 164 173 182 191 201
470 210 219 228 237 247 256 265 274 284 293
71 303 311 321 330 339 348 357 367 376 385
1 0.9
72 403 413 422 431 440 449 459 468 477
2 1.8
73 495 504 514 523 532 541 550 560 569
74 578 596 60s 614 624 633 642 651 660 3 2.7
75 669 679 688 697 706 715 724 733 742 752 4 3.6
76 761 770 779 788 797 806 815 825 834 843 6 4.5
77 852 861 870 879 888 897 906 916 925 934 6.3
6 5.4
78 ,„ 943 952 961 970 979 988 *oo6 *oi5 '024 8 7.2
79 68 034 043 052 061 070 079 097 106 " 5 9 8.1
480 124 133 142 151 160 169 178 187 196 205
81 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296
82 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386
83 395 404 413 422 431 440 449 458 467 476
84 48s 494 502 511 520 529 538 547 556 56s
85 574 583 592 601 610 619 628 637 646 655
86 664 673 681 690 699 708 717 726 735 744 8
87 753 762 771 780 789 797 806 815 824 833 1 0.8
88 842 851 860 869 878 886 895 904 913 922 2 1.6
89 931 940 949 958 966 975 984 993 *002 *OII 3 2.4
490 69 020 038 037 046 055 064 073 082 090 099 4 3.2
91 108 117 126 13s 144 152 161 170 179 188 5 4.0
92 197 205 214 223 232 241 249 258 267 276 6 4.8
93 28s 294 302 311 320 329 338 346 355 364 7 5.6
94 373 381 390 399 408 417 425 434 443 452 9
8 7.2
95 461 469 478 487 496 504 ^ 3 522 531 539
96 548 557 566 574 583 592 601 609 618 627
97 636 644 653 662 671 679 688 697 705 714
98 723 732 740 749 758 767 775 784 793 801
99 810 819 827 836 845 854 862 871 880 888.
500 897 o«6 914 923 932 940 949 958 966 975
1 ^• 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pte.

N. O 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

600 69897 906 914 923 932 940 949 958 966 975
01 984 992 *0OI •010 *oi8 *027 *036 •044 *oS3 •062
02 70 070 079 088 096 105 114 122 131 140 148
03 157 165 174 183 191 200 209 217 226 234
04 243 252 260 269 278 286 295 303 312
05 329 338 346 355 364 372 3f' 389 398
406 9
06 415 424 432 441 449 458 467 475 484
501 509 518 526 P5 544 492 1 0.9
07 552 561 569 578
08 595 603 612 638 646 663 2 1.8
621 629 655
3 2.7
09 680 689 697 723 731 749
706 714 740
610 757 766 774 783 i 791 800 808 817 82s 834 4 3.6
11 842 851 859 868 876 885 893 902 910 919 5 4.5
12 927 935 944 952 961 969 978 986 995 •003 6 5.4
13 71 012 020 029 037 046 054 063 071 079 088 7 6.3
14 '25 " 3 122 130 139 147 15s 164 172 9
8 8.1
15 206 214 223 248 257
10 265 189 198 290 299 307
231 240
332 341
273 282 31S 324
17 349 357 366 374 383 391 399 408 416 425
18 433 441 450 458 466 475 483 492 500 508
19 517 525 533 542 550 559 567 575 584 592
520 600 609 617 625 634 642 650 659 667 67s a
21 684 692 700 709 717 72s 734 742 750 759 0
22 767 775 784 792 800 809 817 834 842 1 0.8
23 850 858 867 875 883 892 900 SI 917 92s 2 1.6
24 933 941 9SO 958 966 975 983 991 *oo8 3 2.4
25 72 016 024 032 041 049 057 066 074 090 4 3.2
26 099 107 115 123 132 140 148 156 16I 173 5 4.0
27 181 189 206 214 222 230 239 247 255 6 5.6
7 4.8
28 263 272 280 288 296 304 313 321 329 337 8 6.4
29 346 354 362 370 378 387 395 403 411 419 9 7.2
530 428 436 444 452 460 469 477 485 493 SOI
31 509 518 526 534 542 558 567 575 583
32 591 599 607 616 624 640 648 656 665
33 673 681 689 697 70s 722 730 738 746
762 770 713 803 811 819 827
34 254 779 787
35 835 843 852 860 868 884 892 900 908
36 925 933 949 957 965 973 981 989 7
916 941
37 997 •006 •014 *022 •030 •038 •046 *oS4 •062 •070 1 0.7
38 73 078 086 094 102 III 119 127 135 143 151 2 1.4
39 159 167 175 183 191 199 207 215 223 231 3 2.1
640 239 247 255 263 272 280 288 296 304 312 4 2.8
41 320328 336 344 352 360 368 376 384 392 5 3.5
42 400408 416 424 432 440 448 456 464 472 6 4.2
43 480488 496 504 512 520 528 536 544 552 7 4.9
44 568 584 S92 600 608 616 624 633 9
8 63
45 640 648 656 664 672 679 687 69s 703 711
40 719 737 735 743 751 759 767 77? 783 791
47 807 823 830 838 846 854 863 870
4S 886 894 903 910 918 926 933 941
957 965 973 981 989 997 *oo5 •07p *o^I
49 •013
550 74036 044 052 060 068 076 084 092 099 107
1 N. 0 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop.Pto.
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pis.
650 74 036 04^1. 052 060 068 076 084 092 099 107
51 115 123 131 139 147 155 162 170 178 186
52 194 202 2IO 218 225 233 241 249 257 265
53 273 280 288 296 304 312 320 327 335 343
64 351 359 367 374 382 39? 398 406 414 421
55 429 437 445 453 461 468 476 484 492 500
56 507 515 523 531 539 547 554 562 570 578
67 586 593 601 609 617 624 632 640 648 656
58 663 671 679 687 695 702 710 718 726 733
59 741 749 757 764 772 780 788 796 803 811
560 819 827 834 842 850 858 865 873 881 889
61 896 904 912 920 927 ,935 943 958 966
62 974 981 997 *oo5 *OI2 *020 *028 *o3S *043 1 0.8
066 074
63 75051 059 082 089 097 105 113 120 2 1.6
64 128 136 143 '5i 166 174 182 189 197 3 2.4
205 '5? 4 3.2
65 213 220 22S 243 251 259 266 274
282 236 5 4.0
66 289 297 30s 320 328 335 343 351
366 312 404 412 420 67 4.8
67 358 374 38' 389 397 427 6.6
68 435 442 450 458 465 473 481 488 496 504 8 6.4
69 Sii 519 526 534 542 549 557 56s 572 580 9 7.2
670 587 595 603 610 618 626 633 641 648 656
71 664 671 679 686 694 702 709 717 724 732
72 740 747 255 762 770 778 793 800 808
81S 823 838 853 861 868 876
73 831 846 884
74 891 899 906 914 921 929 937 944 952 959
75 967 974 982 997 *oo5 *0I2 *02O *027 *o3S
76 76 042 057 06I 072 103
050 080 087 095 no
77 118 125 133 140 148 155 163 170 178
78 193 200 215 223 230 238 245 253 260
79 268 275 283 390 298 313 320 328 335
580 343 350 358 365 373 380 388 395 403 410
81 418 425 433 440 448 455 462 470 477 48? 7
82 492 500 507 5'5 522 530 537 |45 |5? |59 1 0.7
83 567 574 582 589 597 604 612 619 626 634 2 1.4
84 641 649 656 664 671 678 686 701 708 3 2.1
85 716 723 730 738 745 753 760 768 775 783 4 2.8
86 790 797 805 812 819 827 834 842 849 856 5 3.6
87 864 871 879 886 893 901 908 916 923 930 744.92
88 938 945 953 960 967 975 982 989 997 4=004 8 5.6
89 77 012 019 026 034 041 048 056 063 070 078 9 6.3
590 085 093 100 107 115 122 129 137 144 151
91 159 166 173 181 188 '^5 203 210 217 225
92 232 240 247 254 262 269 276 283 291 298
93 305 313 320 327 335 342 349 357 364 371
94 379 386 39| 401 408 415 422 430 437 444
95 452 459 474 481 488 495 503 510 517
96 525 532 539 546 554 561 568 576 583 590
97 597 60s 612 619 627 634 641 648 656 663
98 670 677 685 692 699 706 714 721 728
99 743 750 757 764 772 779 786 793 801
600 81S 822 830 837 844 851 859 866 873 880
N. 0 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
N. O 6 Prop. Pte.
600 77 815 822 830 837 844 851 859 866 873 880
01 887 89I 902 909 916 924 931 938 945 952
02 960 967 974 981 988 996 •003 *oio *oi7 *025
03 78 032 039 046 053 061 068 07s 082 089 097
04 104 III 118 125 132 140 147 154 161 li
05 176 183 190 197 204 211 219 226 233 •Zip 8
06 247 254 262 269 276 283 290 297 305 312
07 319 383 0.8
326 333 340 347 35? 362 369 376
08 390 455 1.6
398 405 412 419 426 433 440 447
09 462 526 2.4
469 476 483 490 497 504 513 519
610 533 540 547 554 561 569 57,6 583 590 597 3.2
11 604 611 618 625 633 640 647 654 661 668 4.0
12 675 682 689 696 704 711 718 72s 732 739 4.8
13 746 753 760 767 774 781 789 796 803 810 5.6
14 817 824 831 838 845 852 859 866 873 880 6.4
15 888 895 902 909 916 923 930 937 944 951 7,2
16 958 965 972 979 986 993 =000 *oo7 •014 *02I
17 79 029 036 043 050 057 064 071 078 085 092
18 099 106 113 120 127 134 141 148 15s 162
19 169 176 183 190 197 204 211 218 225 232
239 246 253 260 267 274 281 288 295 302
620 309 316 323 330 337 344 351 358 365 372
21 379 386 393 400 407 414 421 428 0,7
435 442
22 449 456 463 470 477 484 491 498 1.4
505 511
23 518 525 532 539 546 553 560 567 2.1
574 581
24 588 595 602 609 6i6 623 630 637 2.8
644 650
25 657 664 671 678 685 692 699 706 3.5
713 720
26 727 734 741 748 754 761 768 775 4.2
782 789
27 796 803 810 817 824 831 837 844 4.9
851 8s§
28 865 872 879 886 893 900 906 913 5.6
920 927
29 934 941 948 955 96: 969 975 982 989 996 6,3
630 80 003 010 017 024 030 037 044 051 058 06s
31 072 079 085 092 099 106 113 120 127 134
32 140 147 154 161 168 175 182 188 195 202
33 209 216 223 229 236 243 250 257 264 271
34 277 284 291 298 305 312 318 325 332 339
35 346 353 359 366 373 380 387 393 400 407 6
36 414 421 428 434 441 448 455 462 468 475 0.6
37 482 " 496 502 509 516 523 530 536 543 1.2
38 55° 557 564
618 625 632 638 645570 577 652 i9± 591 6cJ4
6u 1.8
39 659 665 679 2.4
686 693 699 706 713 720 736
754 760 767 774 794 '733"740 747 3.0
41 781 787 Sol S08 814 3.6
821 828 83s 841 84S 85s 863
42 889 895 903 909 929 868 875 8S2 4.2
43 916 922 936 943 949 4.8
956 963 969 976 983 990 996
44 81 023 030 037 043 064 •003 *oio •017 5.4
45 050 057 070 077 084
090 097 104 in 117 124 131
46 158 164 171 178 198 137 144 151
47 184 191 Z04 2 n 2l8
224 231 238 24I 25' 258 26;
48 291 30I 3U 331 271 278 285
49 318 32I 34!" 351
C50 9 Prop Pts.
L O G A R I T H M S OF N U M B E R S. '3
N. O 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
650 8i 291 298 30s 311 318 325 331 338 345 351
51 358 365 371 378 385 391 398 405 411 418
52 425 431 438 445 451 458 465 471 478 485
53 491 498 50s 511 518 525 531 538 544 551
54 564 578 584 591 598 604 611 617
624 |7'
55 631 644 651 657 664 671 677 684
690 637
56 697 710 717 723 730 737 743 750
57 757 763 770 776 2^3 790 796 803 809 816
58 823 829 836 842 849 856 862 869 875 882
59 889 895 902 908 915 921 928 935 941 948
660 954 961 968 974 981 987 994 *ooo *oo7 *oi4
61 82' 020 027 033 040 046 053 060 066 073 079 7
62 086 092 099 105 112 'o9 125 132 138 I4l 1 0.7
63 151 158 164 171 178 184 191 197 204 3IO 2 1.4
64 217 223 230 236 249 256 263 269 276 3 2.1
66 282 289 29s 302 308 315 321 328 334 4 2.8
66 347 354 360 367 373 380 387 393 400 5 3.5
67 413 419 426 432 439 445 452 458 465 67 4.2
68 478 484 491 497 504 SIC 5'7 523 530 8 6.6
69 543 549 556 562 569 575 582 588 595 9 6,3
607 614 620 627 633 640 646 653 659 601
71 672 679 68 s 692 698 705 711 718 724 730
72 737 743 750 756 763 769 776 782 7.8,9 795
73 802 808 814 821 827 834 840 847 853 860
74 866 872 879 885 892 898 905 911 918 924
75 930 ,937 943 950 956 963 969 975 982 988
76 995 *OOI *oo8 *oi4 *020 *027 •033 •040 *o46 *0S2
77 83 059 06s 072 078 085 091 097 104 no 117
78 123 129 136 142 149 15s 161 168 174 181
79 187 193 200 206 213 219 225 232 238 24?
680 251 257 264 270 276 283 289 296 302 308
81 31S 321 327 334 340 347 353 359 366 372 0
82 378 38s 391 398 404 410 417 423 429 436 1 0:6
83 442 448 455 461 467 474 480 487 493 499 2 1.2
84 506 512 531 537 544 556 563 3 1.8
5J^ |5°
85 569 F5 582 SI 594 601 607 613 620 626 4 2.4
86 632 639 645 651 658 664 670 683 689 6 3.0
677 6 3.6
87 696 702 708 715 721 727 734 746
740 7 4,2
88 759 76s 771 778 784 790 797 809
803 879 8 4.8
89 822 828 83I 841 847 853 860 872
885 891 897 904 910 916 923 866
929 935 942 9 5,4
91 948 954 960 967 973 979 985 992 998 *004
92 84 on 017 023 029 036 042 048 0^ 061 067
93 073 080 086 092 098 105 in 117 123 130
94 136 142 148 •15 s 161 167 180 186 192
95 205 211 217 223 230 242 248 25I
96 267 273 280 286 292 298 305 3" 317
97 330 336 342 348 354 361 367 373 379
98 Si 392 398 404 410 417 423 429 435 442
99 443 454 460 466 473 479 485 491 497 504
700 510 516 522 528 535 541 547 553 559 566
N. 0 1 a 3 4 •5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

84 510
700 516 522 528 535 541 547 553 559 566
01572 584 590 597 603 609 615 621 628
02634 640 646 652 658 665 671 677 683 689
03696 702 708 714 720 726 733 739 745 751
04757 763 770 776 782 788 794 800 807 f'3
05819 825 ?3' 837 844 850 856 862 868 874
06 899 90s 911 917 924 930 7
880 887 893 936
942 948 954 960 967 973 979 985 991 997 1 0.7
1 08 85 003 009 016 022 028 034 040 046 052 058 2 1.4
09 06S 071 077 083 089 095 lOI 107 114 120 3 2.1
710 126 132 138 144 150 156 163 169 175 181 4 2.8
11 '^7 193 199 205 211 217 224 230 236 242 5 3.5
12 248 254 260 266 272 278 28I 291 297 303 6 4.2
13 309 315 321 327 333 339 345 352 358 364 7 4.9
14 370 376 383 388 394 400 406 412 418 42s 98 6.3
15 431 437 443 449 455 461 467 473 479 48s
16 491 497 503 509 516 522 528 534 540 546
17 552 |58 564 570 576 582 588 594 600 606
18 612 618 625 631 637 643 649 655 661 667
19 673 679 685 691 697 703 709 715 721 727
720 733 739 745 751 757 763 769 775 781 788
21 794 800 806 812 818 824 830 836 842 848
22 854 860 866 872 878 884 890 896 902 908 1 0.6
23 914 920 926 932 938 944 950 956 962 968 2 1.2
24 974 980 986 992 998 •004 *OIO *oi6 *022 •028 3 1.8
25 86 034 040 046 052 058 064 070 076 082 088 4 2.4
26 094 100 106 112 118 124 130 136 141 147 5 3.0
27 153 159 165 171 177 183 189 195 201 207 6 3.6
28 213 219 231 237 243 249 255 261 267 7 4.2
29 273 279 291 297 303 308 314 320 326 8 4.8
730 332 338 344 350 356 362 368 374 380 386 9 5.4
31 392 390 404 410 415 421 427 433 439 445
32 451 457 463 469 475 481 487 493 499 504
33 Sio 516 522 528 534 540 546 552 558 564
34 570 576 581 587 593 599 60s 611 617 623
35 629 635 641 646 652 658 664 670 676 682
30 688 694 700 705 711 717 723 729 735 741 5
37 747 753 759 764 770 776 782 788 794 800 1 0.5
38 806 812 817 !s3 829 835 841 847 853 859 2 1.0
39 864 870 876 882 888 894 900 906 911 917 3 1.5
740 923 929 935 941 ~947" 953 958 964 970 976 4 2.0
41 982 988 994 999 *oo5 *on *oi7 *023 •035
*029 5 2,5
42 87 040 046 052 058 064 070 075 p8i 087
093 6 3.0
43 099 10? III 116 122 128 134 140 146
151 7 3.5
44 169 181 186 192 198 204
3IO 9
'5^ 163 17? 8 4.6
45 216 221 227 233 239 24? 251 256 262
46 274 280 286 291 297 3°3 309 31S 320
47 332 338 344 349 355 361 367 373 379
48 390 396 402 408 413 419 425- 43' 437
49 448 454 460 466 471 477 483 489 495
750 506 512 518 523 529 535 541 547 552 55fi
N. 0 1 a 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
N. O 1 a 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 Prop, Pts.
750 87 506 512 5'8 523 529 535 541 547 552 558
51 564 570 576 581 587 593 604 610 616
52 622 628 633 639 645 ^5' 656 662 668 674
53 679 685 691 697 703 708 714 720 726 731
54 737 743 749 254 760 766 772 777 783 789
55 795 800 S06 812 818 823 829 83s 841 846
56 852 858 S64 869 875 881 887 893 898 904
57 910 915 921 927 933 938 944 950 955 961
58 ,^967 973 978 984 990 996 *0OI •007 *oi3*oi8
59 88 024 030 036 041 047 053 058 064 070 076
760 081 087 093 098, 104 no 116 131 127 '33
61 138 144 ISO 156 161 167 173 173 184 190 0
62 195 201 307 213 218 224 235 241 247 1 0.6
63 252 258 264 370 275 281 3? 292 298 304 2 1.2
64 315 321 326 332 338 343 349 351 360 3 1.8
65 366 372 377 383 389 395 400 406 412 417 4 2.4
66 423 439 434 440 446 451 457 463 468 474 5 3.0
67 480 48s 491 497 502 S08 513 519 67 3.6
68 536 542 |53 |59 564 S70 574 8 4.8
604 581. 643
69 593 598 610 615 621 627 632 9 5.4
638 700
770 649 655 660 666 672 677 683 689 694
71 70s 711 717 722 728 734 739 745 750 756
72 762 767 773 779 784 790 795 801 S07 813
73 818 824 829 835 840 846 852 857 863 868 j
74 874 880 88s 891 897 902 908 913 919 92s
75 93° 936 941 947 953 958 964 969 975 98L
76 986 992 ^97 *oo3 *oc9 *oi4 *020*02S *o3i *o37
77 89 042 048 053 059 064 070 081 087 092
78 098 104 109 115 120 126 137 143 148
79 154 159 165 170 176 182 187 193 198 204
780 209 215 221 226 232 237 243 248 254 260
81 26s 271 276 282 287 298 304 310 3'5 6
82 321 336 332 337 343 348 354 360 36s 371 1 0.5
83 376 382 387 393 398 404 409 415 421 426 2 1.0
84 432 437 443 448 454 459 46s 470 476 481 3 1.5
85 487 492 498 504 509 51S 520 526 531 537 4 2.0
86 543 548 553 559 564 570 575 581 5S6 592 5 2.5
87 |97 603 609 614 620 62s 631 636 642 647 67 3
88 658 664 669 675 680 686 691 697 702 8 4.0
89 708 713 719 724 730 735 741 746 752 757 9 4.6
700 763 768 774 779 785 790 796 801 807 812
91 818 823 829 834 840 845 851 856 862 867
92 873 878 883 889 894 9C» 90s 911 916 922
93 927 933 938 944 949 95? 960 966 971 977
94 982 988 993 998 *oo4 *oo9 *ois •020 *026 *03i
95 90037 0(]2 048 053 059 064 069 075 080 086
96 091 097 102 108 113 119 124 129 135 140
97 146 '51 157 162 168 173 179 184 189 195
93 200 206 211 217 222 227 233 238 244 249
99 255 260 266 271 276 282 287 293 29B 304
800 309 314 320 32s 331 336 342 347 352 358
N, 0 1 2 3 4 5 « r 18 9 Prop. Pts.
t6 TABL_ ,
N. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. PtB,
800 9° 309 3'4 320 325 33' 336 342 347 352 358
01 363 369 374 380 38? 390 396 401 407 412
02 417 423 428 434 439 441 450 455 461 466
03 472 477 482 488 493 499 504 509 5'5 520
04 526 53' 536 542 547 553 558 563 569 574
05 580 585 59° 596 601 607 612 617 623 628
00 634 639 644 650 655 660 666 671 677 682
07 687 693 698 703 709 714 720 725 730 736
08 74' 747 752 757 763 768 773 779 784 789
09 795 800 806 811 816 822 827 832 838 843
810 849 854 859 865 870 875 881 886 891 897
11 902 907 918 924 929 934 940 945 950 0
12 956 961 966 972 977 982 988 993 998 *oo4 1 0.6
13 91 009 014 020 025 030 036 041 046 052 057 2 1.2
14 062 068 073 078 084 089 094 100 105 n o 3 1.8
15 116 121 126 132 '37 142 148 '53 158 164 4 2.4
16 169 174 180 185 190 196 201 206 212 217 5 3.0
17 223 228 233 238 243 249 254 259 265 270 6 3.6
7 4.2
18 275 2S1 286 291 297 302 307 312 318 323 8 4.8
19 328 334 339 344 350 355 360 36s 371 376 9 5.4
820 381 387 392 397 403 408 4'3 418 424 429
21 434 440 445 450 461 466 47' 477 482
22 487 492 498 503 5'4 519 524 529 535
23 540 545 551 556 561 566 572 577 582 5S7
24 593 598 603 609 614 619 624 630 635 640
25 651 656 661 666 672 677 682 687 693
20 703 709 714 719 724 730 735 740 745
27 25' 756 761 766 772 777 782 787 793 798
28 803 808 814 819 824 829 834 840 845 850
29 866 871 876
855 861 918 882 887 892 897 903
830 908 913 929924 934 939 944 950 955
31 960 965 971 976 981 9S6 99' 997 •002 •007 6
32 92 012 018 023 028 033 038 044 049 054 059 1 0.6
33 .• 065 070 075 080 085 091 096 lOI 106 III 2 1.0
34 117 122 127 132 137 '43 148 153 158 163 3 1.6
35 169 174 179 184 189 '95 200 205 210 2'5 4 2.0
36 221 226 23' 236 241 247 252 257 262 267 6 2.6
37 273 278 283 288 293 298 304 309 3'4 319 6
73 0 '
38 324 330 335 340 345 350 355 361 366 371 8 4.0
39 376 38' 3S7 392 397 402 407 412 418 423 9 4.5
840 428 433 438 443 449 454 459 464 469 474
41 480 485 490 495 500 505 5^' 516 521 526
42 5§' 536 542 542 |5^ 557 562 567 578
588 593 603 609 614 619 624 629
43 583 598
44 634 639 64s 650 660 66| 670 675 681
45 686 691 696 701 7 " 716 722 727 733
46 737 742 747 752 763 768 773 778 783
47 788 793 799 804 758
809 S14 819 824 839 834
48 840 845 850 S60 865 870 87s 881 886
49 891 896 901 911 916 921 927 932 937
850 942 947 952 957 962 967 973 978 983 988
N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PropwPts.
j_.wvj.rtis.i i nivio vjT x^ux*lBERS. 17
! N. 8 9 Prop. Pts.

850 92 942 947 952 957 962 967 973 978 983
51 993 998 *oo3 *oo8 *oi3 *oi8 *024 029 *o34 '039
52 93 044 049 054 059 064 069 075 080 085 090
53 095 100 IDS no 115 120 '25 '3' 136 141
54 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 192
55 197 202 207 212 217 222 227 232 237 242
56 247 252 258 263 268 273 278 283 288 293 0.6
57 298 303 308 313 318 323 328 334 339 544 1.2
58 349 354 359 364 369 374 379 384 389 394 1.8
69 399 404 409 414 420 425 430 435 440 445
450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 2.4
500 505 SIO 5'5 520 526 531 536 54' 546 3.0
551 556 561 566 57' 576 581 586 59' 596 3.6
601 606 611 616 621 626 631 636 641 646 4.2
651 656 661 666 671 676 682 687 692 697 4.8
702 707 712 717 722 727 732 737 742 747 5.4
66 752 757 762 767 772 777 782 787 792 797
67 803 807 812 817 822 827 832 837 842 847
68 852 857 862 867 872 877 882 887 892 897
69 902 907 913 917 922 927 932 937 942 947
870 952 957 962 967 972 977 987 992 997 6
94 002 007 012 017 022 027 032 037 042 047
71 0.5
052 057 062 067 072 077 082 086 091 096
72 1.0
lOI 106 III 116 121 126 131 136 141 146
73 1.5
151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196
74 2.0
201 206 211 216 221 226 231 236 240 245
75 2.5
250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295
76 325 330 3.0
300 305 310 31S 320 335 340 341
77 374 379 3.6
349 354 359 364 369 384 389 394
78 424 429 84.0
399 404 409 414 419 433 438 443
79 453 458 463 468 473 478 493 4.6
880 498 503 507 512 522 527 532 537 542
81 552 557 562 57' 576 581 586 591
542 567
82 601 606 611 621 626 630 635 640
596 616
83 650 655 660 670 675 680 685 689
645 66s
84 699 704 709 719 724 729 734 738
694 7'4
80 748 753 758 768 773 778 783 787
743 763 0.4
86 797 802 807 817 822 827 832 836
792 812 0.8
87 846 851 856 866 871 876 8S0 885
841 861 1.2
88 895 900 905 9'5 919 924 929 934
890 910 963 983 1.6
89 939 944 949 954 959 973
890 988 993 998 *oo7 *OI2 *oi7 *022 *027 '032 2.0
91 95 036 041 046 056 061 066 071 075 080 2.4
92 085 090 095 105 109 "4 119 124 129 2.8
93 134 139 '43 '53 158 163 168 173 177 3.2
94 182 187 192 202 207 211 216 221 226 3.6
95 231 236 240 250 255 260 265 270 274
96 279 284 289 299 303 308 3'3 3'8 323
97 328 332 337 347 352 357 361 366 371
98 376 J81. 386 395 400 405 410 415 _4I9
99 424 429 434 444 448 453 458 463 468
900 O Prop, Pts,
i8 TABLE i•

N, O 1 a 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

900 95 424 429 434 439 444 448 453 458 463 468
01 472 477 482 487 492 497 SOI 506 511 5i^
02 5?' 525 530 535 540 545 550 |54 559 564
03 569 574 578 583 588 593 598 602 607 613
04 617 622 626 63' 636 641 646 650 655 660
05 661 670 674 679 684 6S9 694 698 703 708
06 713 718 722 727 732 737 742 746 751 756
07 766 770 775 780 78? 789 794 799 804
08 813 818 823 828 832 837 842 847 852
856 861 866
09 871 87s 880 88s 890 895 899
910 904 909 914 918 923 928 933 938 942 947
11 952 957 961 966 971 976 980 985 *999 ^991
12 96047 •004 *oo9 •014 *oi9 *023 •028 *033 •042 1 0.5
13 052 057 061 066 071 076 080 090 2 1.0
14 09I 099 104 109 '1* 118 123 128 133 31.5
15 142 147 152 156 161 166 '7i 175 180 III 42.0
16 190 194 199 204 209 213 318 223 227 232 6 2,5
17 242 246 ^5' 256 261 265 270 275 280 76 3.S
18 289 294 303 308 313 317 322 327 8 4.0
19 332 336 341 298 350 355 360 365 369 374 9 4.6
920 379 384 388 393 398 402 407 412 417 431
21 426 43' 440 445 450 454 459 464 468
22 473 478 483 487 492 497 5°i 506 5'i 5^5
23 520 525 530 534 539 544 548 553 558 563
24 572 577 581 586 595 600 605 609
25 614 619 624 628 633 591 642 647 652 656
26 661 666 670 67s 680 638 689 694 699 703
27 708 713 717 722 727 731 736 741 745 750
28 25? 764 769 774 778 783 788 792 797
29 806 8n 816 820 82? 830 834 839 844
930 848 853 858 862 867 872 876 881 886 890
31 89s 900 904 909 914 918 923 928 932
32 943 946 951 956 960 96s 970 974 979 984 1 0.4
33 988 993 997 •002 •007 *OII •016 *02I •025 •030 2 0.8
34 044 049 053 058 063 067 073 077 3 1.2
35 oil 090 095 100 104 109 114 118 123 4 1.6
138 132 6 2.0
36 137 142 146 '5' 155 160 I6s 169
37 174 '79 '83 188 192 '97 202 206 211 216 6 2.4
38 320 225 230 234 239 243 248 253 257 262 3.2
39 267 271 276 280 285 290 294 299 304 308 9 3.6
940 3'3 3'7 322 327 331 336 340 345 350 354
41 359 364 368 373 377 382 387 391 396 400
42 405 410 414 419 424 428 433 437 447
Si 493
43 451 456 460 465 470 474 479 483
44 497 502 506 S'I 51^ 520 52? 529 534
45 5^3 548 55? |57 562 566 F ' F5 580
46 589 594 598 603 607 612 617 621 626
47 640 644 649 653 658 663 667 672 676
48 681 68 s 690 69? 699 704 7d 7'3 717 723
49 727 73' 736 740 745 749 754 759 763 768
050 773 777 782 786 79' 795 800 804 809 813
N. 0 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
N. O 1 a 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
950 97 772 777 782 786 791 795 800 804 809 813
61 8i8 823 827 832 836 841 845 850 855 859
52 864 868 873 877 882 886 891 896 900 905
53 909 914 918 923 928 932 937 941 946 950
54 ..955 959 964 968 973 978 982 987 99' •996
55 98 000 00s 009 014 019 023 028 032 037 041
56 046 050 055 059 064 068 073 078 082 087
67 091 096 100 los 109 114 118 123 127 132
58 137 141 146 150 155 159 164 168 173 177
69 183 186 191 195 200 204 209 214 218 223
960 227 232 236 241 245 250 254 259 263 268
61 272 277 281 386 290 295 299 304 308 313 0
62 333 327 335 336 340 345 349 354 358 1 0.5
363 372 381 385 399 2 1.0
63 367 376 390 394 403
64 408 412 417 431 426 430 435 439 444 448 3 1.5
65 457 462 466 471 475 480 484 489 493 4 2,0
66 502 507 5" 516 520 5*5 529 534 538 6 2,5
67 547 552 |5^ 561 570 579 583 67 3.6
1^5 F*
68 592 597 601 605 614 623 628 8 4.0
633 637 610 619
69 641 646 650 659 668 673 9 4.5
655 704 664
970 677 682 686 691 695 700 709 713 717
71 722 726 731 735 740 744 749 753 25^ 762
72 771 776 780 784 789 793 798 802 807
73 816 820 825 829 834 838 843 847 851
74 856 860 865 869 874 878 883 887 892 896
75 900 905 909 914 918 923 927 932 936 941
76 945 949 954 958 963 967 972 976 981 98s
77 989 994 998 *oo3 *oo7 *OI2 *oi6 *02I *025 *029
78 99034 038 043 047 052 056 061 06s 069
79 078 083 087 092 096 100 105 109 114
980 123 127 131 136 140 145 149 '54 158 163
81 167 171 176 180 185 189 193 198 202 307
82 211 216 320 224 229 233 238 242 247 251 1 0.4
83 255 260 364 269 273 277 282 286 291 295 2 0.8
3 1,2
84 300 304 308 313 3F 322 326 330 335 339
4 1.6
85 344 348 357 366 370 374 379 383
396 361 5 2.0
86 388 392 401 410 414 419 423 437
441 405 467 6
87 432 436 445 449 454 458 463 471 7 2.4
88 476 480 484 489 493 498 502 506 5" 515 8 3.2
89 520 524 52S 533 537 542 546 550 555 559 9 3.6
990 564 568 572 577 58' 585 590 594 599 603
91 607 612 616 621 625 629 634 638 642 647
92 651 656 660 664 669 673 677 683 686 691
93 695 699 704 708 712 717 721 736 730 734
94 739 743 747 752 756 760 76s 769 774 778
95 782 787 791 795 800 804 808 813 817 833
96 826 830 83s 839 843 848 852 856 861 86s
97 870 874 878 883 887 801 896 90c 904 909
98 9'3 917 933 926 930 935 939 944 948 953
99 957 961 965 970 974 978 983 987 991 996
1000 00 000 004 009 013 017 032 026 030 031 039
N. 0 1 2 3 'k 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
20 T A B L E I•

N. 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pte.

1000 000 ooo 043 087 130 174 217 260 304 347 39'
1001 434 477 521 564 608 694 738 781 824
1002 868 9 " 954 998 *04i •084 *I28 *2I4 *2S8
1003 001 301 344 388 431 474 517 561 604 647 690 44
1004 734 777 820 863 907 950 993 •036 *o8o *I23 1 4.4
1005 002 166 209 252 296 339 425 468 512 2 8.8
1006 598 641 684 727 771 814 857 900 943 IS 3 13.2
1007 003 029 073 116 159 202 245 288 33' 374 417 4 17.6
1008 461 504 547 590 633 676 719 762 80s 848 5 22.0
1009 891 934 977 *O20 *o63 *io6 *i49 •193 *235 *278 6 26.4
1010 004 321 364 407 450 493 536 579 633 665 708 7 30.8
1011 751 794 880 923 966 *oo9 *OS3 *095 •138 8 35.2
1012 005 180 223 266 309 352 395 438 481 524 567 9 39.6
1013 609 652 695 738 781 824 867 909 952 995
1014 006 038 081 124 166 209 252 295 338 380 423
466 509 552 594 637 680 76s 808 43
1015 723 851
1010 894 936 979 *022 *o6s *io7 •150 •193 •236 •278 1 4.3
1017 007 321 364 406 449 492 577 620 662 70s 2 8.6
1018 748 790 833 876 918 *0O4 •046 •089 •132 3 12.9
1019 008 174 217 259 302 345 430 472 515 558 4 17.2
1020 600 643 68s 728 770 813 856 898 941 983 5 21.5
1021 009 026 068 III 153 196 238 281 323 366 408 6 25.8
1022 45' 493 536 .578 621 663 706 748 79' 833 7 30.1
1023 876 918 961 *oo3 *o4S *o88 •130 *i73 *2IS •258 8 34.4
1024 010 300 342 470 681 9 38.7
385 427 5'? 554 597 639
1025 724 766 809 851 893 978 *020 *o63 •los
1026 o n 147 196 232 274 317
359 401 444 486 528
1027 570 613 655 697 740 782 824 866 909 .95' 42
1028 993 *o3S *o78 *I20 *l62 *204 *247 •289 *33i *373 1 4.2
1029 012 415 458 500 542 584 626 669 7 " 753 795 2 8.4
1030 837 879 922 964 *oo6 *048 •090 *'32 *I74 *2I7 3 12.6
1031 013 259 301 343 427 469 5 " 553 596 638 4 16.8
fi 848 890 932 974 *oi6 •058
1032 764 5 21.0
014 100 142 806 268 310 352 395 437 479
1033 184 6 25.2
1034 521 563 605 226
647 689 730 772 814 856 898 8 33.6
7 29.4
1035 940 982 *024 *o66 *io8 *iSo •193 *234 •276 *3'8 9 37.8
1036 015 360 402 444 485 527 569 6n 653 695 737
1037 779 821 863 904 946 988 •030 •072 *II4 •156
1038 016 197 239 281 323 365 407 448 490 532 574
1039 616 657 699 741 783 824 866 908 950 992
1040 017 033 075 "7 '59 200 242 284 326 367 409 1 4.1
1041 451 492 534 576 618 659 701 743 784 S26 2 8.2
1012 868 909 95' 993 *034 *o76 *n8 *IS9 *20I *243 3 12.3
1043 018 284 326 368 409 451 492 534 576 617 659 4 16.4
1044 700 742 784 82s 867 908 992 •033 •075 56 20 5
1045 019 116 158 '99 241 282 324 366 407 449 490 7 28.7
1046 532 573 615 656 698 739 781 822 864 905 8 32.8
1047 947 988 •030 •071 *II3 •154 •19s *g7 *278 •320 9 86.9
1048 020 361 403 444 486 527 568 610 693 734
1049 817 858 900 941 982 •024 *o6s *io7 •148
1060 021 189 231 272 3'3 355 396 437 479 520 561
N. 0 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
L O G A R I T H M S O K JNUM i3jiRS ar
N. 0 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pte.
1050 021 189 231 272 313 355 396 437 479 520 561
1051 603 644 685 727 768 809 85' 892 933 974
1052 022 016 057 098 140 181 222 263 30s 346 387
1053 42S 470 5 " 552 593 635 676 717 758 799 42
1054 841 882 923 964 *oo5 *o47 *o88 *I29 *i70 •211 1 4.2
1055 033 252 294 335 376 4'7 458 499 541 582 623 2 8.4
1056 664 70s 746 787 828 870 911 952 993 *034 3 12.6
1057 024 075 116 157 198 239 280 321 363 404 445 4 10.8
1058 486 527 568 609 650 691 732 773 814 855 6 21.0
1059 896 937 978 *oi9 *o6o *IOI *I42 *i83 *224 *265 6 25.2
1060 035 306 347 388 429 470 511 552 593 634 674 7 29.4
1001 7'5 756 797 838 879 920 961 *002 *043 •084 8 33.6
1062 036 125 '65 206 247 2S8 329 370 452 492 9 37.8
1063 533 574 61S 656 697 737 778 819 860 901
1064 942 982 •023 *o64 *ios •146 *i86 *227 *268 *309
1065 027 350 390 ^3' 472 513 5F 594 635 676 716 41
1066 757 798 839 879 920 961 *O02 •042 *o83 *I24 1 4.1
1067 028 164 205 246 287 327 368 409 449 490 53' 2 8.2
1008 57i 612 653 693 *734 775 815 856 896 937 3 12.3
1009 978 *oi8 *059 *IOO •140 *i8i *22I *262 *303 *343 4 16.4
1070 029 384 424 465 506 546 587 627 668 70S 749 5 20.6
1071 789 830 871 952 992 *o33 *073 *ii4 *i54 6 24.6
1072 030 19s 23s 276 316 357 397 438 478 519 559 7 28.7
1073 600 640 681 721 762 8o3 843 883 923 964 8 32.8
1074 031 004 045 085 126 166 206 247 287 328 368 9 36.9
1075 408 449 489 530 570 610 651 691 732 772
1076 812 853 893 933 974 *oi4 *o54 *095 *I35 *I75
1077 032 216 256 296 337 377 417 458 498 538 40
1078 619 659 699 740 780 820 860 901 941 1 4.0
1079 033 021 062 102 142 182 223 263 303 343 2 8.0
1080 424 464 504 544 585 62s 665 70s 745 3 12.0
826 866 906 946 986 *io7 *I47 785
1081 *027 *o67 4 16.0
1082 034 227 267 308 348 388 428 468 508 548 588 5 20.0
1083 628 669 709 749 789 829 869 909 949 989 6 24.0
1084 03s 029 069 109 149 190 230 270 310 350 390 8 28.0
7 32.0
1085 430 470 510 550 590 630 670 710 750 790 9 36.0
1086 830 870 910 950 990 •030 •070 •no *iSo *i9o
1087 036 230 269 309 349 389 429 469 509 549 589
1088 629 669 709 749 789 828 868 908 948 988
037 028 068 108 148 187 267 307 89
1080 227 347 387 1 3.9
1090 426 466 506 546 586 626 665 70s 745 78s
865 904 944 984 *024 *o64 *i03 *I43 2 7.8
1091 *i83
038 223 262 302 342 382 421 461 501 54' 3 11.7
1092 580
620 660 700 739 779 819 859 898 938 4 15.6
1093 978
1094 039 017 057 097 136 176 216 29s 335 374 5 19 5
6 23.4
1095 454 493 533 573 612 652 731 771 7 27.3
1096 850 890 929 969 *oo9 *o48 *I27 *i67 8 31.2
1097 040 207 246 286 325 365 405 444 484 523 563 9 35.1
lO'JS 602 642 681 721 761 800 840 879 919 958
1099 998 *037 *o77 *ii6 *1S6 *I95 *235 *274 *3I4 *353
1100 041 393 432 472 5" 55' 590 630 669 708 748
N, 0 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.



Number. Logarithm.

Ratio of drcumfeFence to diameter, n, 3.14159365 0.49714 99

•• •• 7i*, 9.86960440 0.99429 97
•• .• • • 2 7*1 6.28318531 0.79817 99
•• ,» •• V'^i 1-77245385 0.24857 49

Number of degrees in circumference, 360O 2-5563025

minutes 21600' 4-33445 38
seconds .. 1296000" 6.I1260 50

Degrees in arc equal to radius. 570.2957795 1.75812 26

Minutes .. .. .. 3437'. 74677 3-53627 39
Seconds .. .. .. 206264".806 5.31442 51

T.ength of aic of i degree, .01745329 8.24187 7 4 — 1 0

I minute^ .00029089 6.46372 61 — 10
I second, .000004848 4.68557 4 9 — 1 0

Number of hours in t day. 24 1.38021 12

minutes .. 1440 3-1583625
seconds . 86400 4-93651 37

Number of days in Julian jeax. 36s-as 2.56259 03

Naperian base. 3.718281828 0.43429 45

Modulus of common logarithms, 0.434294482 9-6377843-"

Hours in which earth revolves through

arc equal to radius. 3.8197186 0.58203 14
Minutes of time Z29.18312 2.36018 26
Seconds of time 13750-987 4-1383339





Log sin a = log a (in seconds) + S,

Log tan a = log a (in seconds) •\- T.


Log a (in seconds) = log sin a 4- S'.

Log a (in seconds) =s log tan a •!• 2^<
«6 T A B L E III.

/» / L. Sin. S T S' T'

o 0 4^68557 4-68557 5 31443 5 31443

60 I 6.46373 .68557 •68557 3'443 31443
120 2 •76476 •68557 •68557 3'443 31443
180 3 •9408s .68557 •^^557 31443 31443
240 4 •68557 .68558 31443 31442
300 7.06579
7.16270 4^68557 4-68558 5 3'443 5 31442
360 i .24188 .68557 •^^558 31443 31442
420 .30882 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
480 I .36682 •68557 •^^558 31443 31442
540 9 •41797 •68557 .68558 31443 31442
600 10 7-46373 4.68557 4-68558 5 31443 5 31442
660 II .50512 .68557 •^?558 31443 31442
720 12 •S4291 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
13 •57767 .68557 •fp5f 31443 31442
840 14 .60985 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
900 15 7.6392)2 4-68557 4-68558 S 31443 5 31442
960 10 .667S4 .68557 •ffssf 31443 31442
1020 .69417 •68557 .68558 31443 31442
1080 \l .71900 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
1140 19 .74248 •68557 .68558 31443 31442
1200 20 7.76475 4-68557 4-68558 5 31443 5 31442
1260 21 .78594 •68557 .68558 31443 31442
1320 22 .80615 .68557 •^^558 31443 31442
1380 23 .82545 •6S557 .68558 31443 31442
1440 24 .84393 .68557 .68558 3'443 31442
1500 25 7.86166 4-68557 4.68558 5 31443 5 31442
1560 26 .87870 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
1620 .89509 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
1680 11 .91088 .68557 .68558 31443 31442
1740 29 .92612 •68557 .68559 31443 31441
1800 30 7.94084 4.68557 4-6S559 S 31443 S 31441
i860 31 .68557 .6S559 31443 31441
1920 32 •.X •68557 .68559 31443 31441
1980 33 .98223 •68557 •68559 31443 31441
2040 34 .99520 .68557 .68559 31443 31441
2100 8.00779 4-68557 4-68559 s 31443 S 31441
2160 li .02002 .68557 •68559 31443 31441
2220 .03192 •68557 .6S559 31443 31441
2280 11 •04350 .68557 .68559 31443 31441
2340 39 .05478 •68557 .68559 31443 31441
2400 40 8.06578 4-68557 4-68559 5 31443 5 31441
2460 41 .07650 •^^556 .68560 31444 31440
2520 42 .08696 -68556 68560 31444 31440
2580 43 .09718 •^^556 .68560 31444 31440
2640 44 .10717 .68556 .6S560 31444 31440
2700 45 8.11693 4.68556 4,68560 5 31444 5 31440
46 .126^7 •5^556 .6S560 31444 3'440
^^ 47 •^^556 .6S560 31444 31440
2880 48 •I449S iM .68560 31444 31440
2940 49 •IS39I .68556 .68560 31444 31440
3000 5° 8.16268 4.6S556 4.68561 5 31444 5 31439
3060 5' .17128 •ff5S6 .68561 31444 31439
3120 52 .68556 .68561 31444 31439
3'8o S3 :18798 .68556 .68561 S1444 31439
3240 54 .19610 .68556 .6S561 31444 31439
3300 8.20407 4.68556 4.6S561 5 31444 5 31439
3360 P .21180 .68556 .68561 31444 31439
3420 .21958 .68555 .6S561 31445 31439
3480 11 .22713 .68555 .68562 3'445 31438
3540 59 •23456 •6S555 .6S562 3144s 31438
3600 60 8.24186 4.68555 4.68562 s 3144s 5 3143S
SINES A N D T A N G E N T S O F S M A L L A N G L E S . 27
- ^
// / L.Sln. s T S' r
3600 0 8.24186 4.6855s 4.68562 s 3144s s 31438
366o 1 .24903 •68555 .68562 3144s 31438
3720 2 .25609 •6855s .68562 31445 31438
3 .20304 •68555 .68562 31445 31438
l& 4 .26988 •68555 .68563 31445 31437 i
3900 8.27661 4-68555 4.68563 5 31445 s 31437 1
3960 I .28324 •68555 .68563 31445 31437 '
4020 •28977 •6855s .68563 31445 31437
4080 I .29621 .68555 .68563 3144s 31437
4140 9 •30255 •68555 .68563 31445 31437
4200 10 8.30879 4-68554 4-68563 s 31446 s 31437
4260 II •3149s .68554 .68564 31446 31436
4320 12 .32103 •68554 .68564 31446 31436
4380 13 .32702 .68554 .68564 31446 31436
4440 14 •33292 .68554 .68564 31446 31436
4500 8.33875 4.68554 4.68564 5 31446 5 31436
4560 li •34450 •68554 .68565 31446 3143s
4620 17 .35018 .68554 .68565 31446 3143s
4680 18 •35578 .68554 •ffsfs 31446 3143s
4740 19 •36131 .68554 .68565 31446 3143s
4800 20 8.36678 4^68554 4.68565 s 31446 5 3143s
4860 21 •37217 .6S553 .68566 31447 31434
4920 22 •3775? .68553 .68566 31447 31434
4980 23 3S276 .68553 .68566 31447 31434
5040 24 .38796 •68553 .68566 31447 31434
Sioo 25 8.39310 4-68SS3 4.68566 5 31447 5 31434
5160 26 .39818 •68553 .68567 31447 31433
5220 .40320 •68553 .68567 31447 31433
5280 % .40816 .68553 .68567 31447 31433
S340 29 •41307 •68553 .68567 31447 31433
S4DO 30 8 41792 4-68553 31447 5 31433
5460 31 .42272 .68552 'ill% ' 31448 31432
5520 32 .42746 .68552 .68568 31448 3143a
5580 33 .43216 .68552 .68568 31448 31432
5640 34 .43680 .68552 .68568 31448 31432
5700 35 8.44139 4.68552 4.68569 5 31448 5 31431
5760 36 •44594 .68552 .68569 31448 31431
5820 .45044 .68552 .68569 31448 31431
5880 11 .45489 .68552 .68569 31448 31431
S940 39 •45930 •68551 -68569 31449 31431
6000 40 8.46366 4^685Si 4.68570 5 31449 s 31430
6060 41 .46799 .68551 .68570 31449 31430
6120 42 .47226 .68551 .68570 31449 31430
6180 43 .47650 •68551 .68570 31449 31430
6240 44 .68551 .68571 31449 31429
6300 45 8.48485 4.68551 4-68571 5 31449 s 31429
6360 46 .48896 .68551 .68571 31449 31429
6420 .49304 .68550 .68572 31450 31428
6480 tl .49708 .6S550 .68572 31450 31428
6540 49 .50108 .68550 .68572 31450 31428
6600 so 8.50504 4.68550 4.68572 5 31450 s 31428
6660 SI .50897 .68550 .68573 31450 31427
6720 52 .51287 .68550 .68573 31450 31427
6780 S3 -51673 .68550 .68573 31450 31427
6840 54 •5205s .68550 .68573 31450 31427
6900 55 8.52434 4-68549 4^68574 5 31451 5 31426
6960 S6 .52810 .6S549 •68574 31451 31426
7020 57 •53183 .68549 .68574 31451 31426
7080 58 •53552 .68549 .68575 31451 31425
7140 59 -S3919 .68549 •68575 31451 3142s
7200 60 8.54282 4.68549 4^68S7S 5 31451 5 3142s

T A B L E I V .





30 T A B L E iV.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang, c. d. L. Cotg, L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
6.46373 6.46 373 3-53627 3476 33x8 2997
30103 30103 00000
6.76476 6.76476 3-23524 348 323 300
17609 17609 00000
6.94085 6.94085 3-05915 695 644 599
12494 12494 00000
7.06 270
7.16 579 7.16 270 9691 2.93421
7-06579 2.83 730 55 1043 965 899
9691 00000
7.24188 7918 7.24 188 7918 2.75 812 00000 54 1390 1287 "99
7.30882 6694 7.30882 6694 2.69 n 8 00000 53 1738 2633
38U3 1609 1498
_9_ 7.36682 5800 7.36 682 5B00 2.63318 00000 52 a8o 263 2483
10 7.41 797 S"5
7-46373 7-46 797 5115 2.53627
7-41 373 2-58203 00000 Jl s6o 527 348
2.49488 841 790
II 7-50512 4576 7.50512
4576 2.45 709 00000 50 iin loJB 497
12 7.54291 4139 7-54291
4139 2.42 233 00000 Moi 1316 745
13 7.57767 3779 7-57767 00000 tl M37 3021 993
7.63982 7.63 982 3779 2.36018
14 7.60 985 3476 7.60986 00000 45 .1 323 302 1343
IS 7.66 784 7-6678? 3476 2.33215 00000 44 .2 445 404 Z848
i6 7.69417 3218 7.69418 3219 2.30 582 99999 43 •3 663 606 185
7.71 900 »997 7.71 900 2996 2.28 100 42
•4 891 808
\l 99 999 •5 1113 1010 370
19 7-76475 2802
7.74248 7.76476
7-74248 2803 2.23524
2-25 752 99 999
99999 41 554
20 7-78594 2633 7-78595 a633 2.21 405 99 999 40 1704 1579 739
21 7.80615 2483 7.80615 3482 2-19385 99 999 38 170 158 924
22 7.82 545 2343 7.82 546 2348 2.17454 99 999 36 341 316 1473
7.86 166 2227
7-84393 7.86 394 2228 2.13833
7 84 167 2.15 606 99999
99 999 35 S" 474 •47
7.87 870 2119 7-87871 81x9 2.12 129 99999 34 683 632 »94
7.89509 2021 7.89 510 8020 2.10 490 99 999 33 853 1297
1379 789 443
791088 1930 7.91 089 1931 2.08 911 99 999 32 138 '30 589
7.92 612 1848
7.94084 7.94086
7.92613 1848 2.07387
2.05 914 99998
99998 31 276 359
28 "773 7.95510 '773 2.04490 99998 414 389 736
29 7.96 887 30 553 S19 1333
1704 7.96889 1704 2.03 III 99998 li 690 649 138
30 7.98 223
1639 7.98225 1639 2.01 775 99998 tl
31 7-99520 1158 ZIOO 845
8.CO 779 •579 8.00
7-99 522
781 »S79 2.00478
•99 219 99998 25
32 .1 116 110 367xos
8.02 002 1524 8.02004 1524 99998 24 .3 «3» 330 489
33 8.03 192 147a 8.03 194 »473 •95 647 99 997 809
23 •3 347 330 6X8
34 8.04350 1424 8-04353 1434 94519 99 997 22 •4 463 440 314
36 8.06578
8.05 478 »379 8.06581
8.05481 »379 93419 99 997
•5 579 550 418
37 8.07650 1336 8.07653 1336 92347 99 997 20 993 9S4 533
38 8.08696 1297 8.08 700 "97 91 300 99 997 18 100 95 9M
39 8.09718 1259 8.09 722 1259 t 278 99 997
300 191 9'
17 300 3B6
40 8. II 717
8.10 693 1223 8.II 696 1223 .88304
8.10 720 9280 99996
99996 16 400 383 183
41 8.12647 1190 8.12 651 1190 .87349 99996 500 477 374
42 8.13 581 1158 8-'3 58s "59 .86415 99996 366
877 843
43 8.14495 1128 8.14500 1128 .85 500 99996 .1 88 84 457
44 8.16268
8.15 391 1100 8.16273 1100 .84605
8.1539s .83 727 99996
99 995 .3 '75 169 8X3
:i 8.17 128 1072 8.17133 1079 .82867 99 995 •3 .63 »53 81
tl 8-17971 1046 8.17976 X047 .82024 •4 351 337 162
99 995 •5 438 423
49 8.18 798 1022 8.18804 1022 .81 196 99 995 344
50 8.20407
8 19 610 999 8.20413
8.19 616 .80384 99994 7S2 75S 335
998 78 805 99 995 .1 78 75 406
SI 8.21 i8q 976 8.21 195 976 99994
78036 .8 •56 151
52 8.21 958 954 8.21 964 955 99994 -3 »35 836 730
S3 8.22 713 8.22 720 77280 -4 3>3 303 73
54 8.23 456
8.24 192
8.23 462
934 76538 9 99994
.75808 99 994
993 -5 301 377 146
914 915 99
57 8.24 186 896 L. Cotg. 895 L. Tang. L.Sln. Prop. Pts.819
58 li. Cos. 877 878 89° 393
59 860 860 365
(JO 843 843
743 828

L. Sin. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
241S6 24 192 718 75808 99 993
24903 717 717 695 673
2491C 706 75090 99 993
25 609 706 .1 71.7 «9.567.3
25 616 696 74384 99 993
263; 695 .3 '43-4 T39.0
26 312 684 73688 99 993 .3 315.1 308.5
26 9! 684 27 669 286.8 SOX. 9
26 996 673 73004
72331 99992 .4
8.28 324 673 28332 .5 358.5 347 5
663 663 71 668 99992
8.28977 28986
653 654 71014 99992 6S3 634 336.S
8.29 621 29 629 70371 99992 .1 65-3 63.4 6x6
10 "30255
30879 644 643 130.6 126.3 61.6
30263 69 112
69737 99991 .3
II 31495 634 3150s 634 •3 195.9 igo.2
68495 99991 •4 361.2 353.6 123.3
12 32 103 624 32 112 625 67888 99990 -5 336.S 317.0 184.S
'3 32702 616 32 711 617 67289 99990 246.4
15 33292
3387s 608 33886 607
33302 66 114
599 583 308.0
599 99990 .X 59-9 58.3
l6 34450 599 34461 65539 99989 .3 119.8 116.6 568
17 35018 590 35029 591 64971 99989 .3 179.7 174.9 56.8
i8 3S578 583 33590 584 64410 .4 339.6 233.2 "3.6
99989 .5 299.5 391.5
19 36678
36 131 575 36689 575
36143 63857
633" 99 9»s
99989 170.4
21 37217 568 37229 568 553 539 327.3
62 771 99988
22 37750 560 37 762 561 62 238 99988 .X 58.6
55-3 53-9 284.0
23 38276 553 38289 553 .2 110.6 107.3 10S.3
61 711 99987 •3 165.9 161.7
24 38796 547 39323 546
38809 60677
61 191 99987
99987 •4 821.2 315.6 157.8
26 539 540 •5 376.5 269.5 210.4
39832 60168 99986
27 533 40334 533 59 666 99 986 514 503 263.0
41307 526 40830 527 59170 99 986 .1 51.4 50.3 490
30 41 792 520 41 321 520
41807 58679
58193 99985 .2 102.8 100.4 49
31 42 272 514 42287 514 57713 99985 •3 '54-3 150.6 98
•4 305.6 300.8 >47
32 42746 508 42 762 509 57238 99984 •5 357.0 351.0
33 43 216 503 43232 502 56768 99984 X96
34 44139
43680 496 44156 496
43696 55844
56304 99984
99983 480 470 "45
36 491 44611 491 55389
.1 48 47 4te
44 594 99983 .2 96 94
37 483 45 061 486
45044 54 939 99983 •3 144 141 46
38 45489 480 45507 480 54 493 99 982 •4 192 18S 9"
39 •5 QitQ 335I 13ft
40 46 366
45930 474 46385 475
45948 53615
54052 99 982 20
41 46799 470 46817 470 53183 99981 19 450 44* >84
42 47226 464 47245 464 52755 99981 18 X 45 44 330 43
43 47650 459 47669 460 52331 99981 17 3 90 88 36
3 '35 133 139
45 8.48485
44 455 4850s 455
48089 5149s
51911 99 980 16 4 i3o 176
46 8.48896 450 48917 450 51083 99979 s 235' 220 173
47 8.49304 445 49325 446 50675 99 979 420 410 315
48 8.49 70S 441 49729 441 50 271 99979 .1 4*i 41 400
49 8.50 loS
50504 436 50527 437
50130 49 473
49870 99978 .3 84 82 40
51 50897 433 50920 432 49 080 99 977 •3 126 133 80
.4 x68 164
52 51 287 427 51 696 428 48 690 99977 .5 310 30S 120
53 51673 434 52079 424 48304 99 977 160
54 52434 419 8.52459 420 47 541
47921 99976 390 380 aoo
5205s .1 39 38
36 416 „ S 2 83s 416 47165 99 975
52 810
8.53 208 412
.3 78 76 370
53183 411 46792 99 975 •3 "7 XI4 37
58 53 552 408 f-53 578 408 46 422 99 974 •4 '56 153 74
59 8.54282 8-53 945 404
8.54308 45692 99 974 •5 '95 190 111
53919 404 46055
GO L. Cos. 400
d. L. Cotg. 401 L. Tang. I. Sin. Prop. Pts. 14S
396 397 i8s
390 390
363 376
32 T A B L E IV.

L. gin. d. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
8.54 282 8.54308 45692 9-99 974
360 361 36a 350 340
8.54 642 8.54669 45 331 9-99 973
357 358 36 35 3»
8-54 999 8.55027 44 97.3 9-99 973
355 355 72 70 63
8-55 3.54 8.55382 44618 9.99972
8.56 054 35'
8-55 705 8.56083
8.55 7.34
43917 9-99 972 55
9.99971 108 105 103
8,56 400 349 8.56429 349 43571 9-99971 54 144 140 136
8.56743 346 8.56 773 346
43227 9.99970 53 180 175 170
8.57084 343 8-57114 344 42886 9.99970 52 316 3IO 204
10 8.57421 341 8-57 788 341 9.99969 252 845 238
8.57757 8.57452 42212
42548 9-99969 51
11 337 8.58 121 338 9.99968 50 288 380 272
8.58089 41879
12 336 8 58451 336 9.99968 4§ 324 315 306
8.58419 41 549
13 333 8-58779 333 I 41 221 9.99967 48 330 320 310
'4 8.59393 330
8.59072 8.59 105 330 ; 40895
8.59428 40572 9.99967 47 33 32 3"
\l 8.59715 338 8.59749 328 I 40251 9,99966 J L 66 64 62
17 8.60033 335 8.60068 336 I 39932 9.99966 45 99 96 93
i8 8.60 349 323 8.60384 323 39 616 9-99965 44 132 128 124
19 8.60 973 330
8.60662 8.61 009 321
8.60698 38991
39302 9.99964 43 i6s 160 '55
20 8.61 282 318 8.61319 319 38681 9.99963 42 300
198 192 186
21 8.61 589 316 8.61 626 316 38374 9.99963 41 30231 224 217
22 8.61 894 313 8.61 931 3'4 38069 9.99962 40 60 256 24S
23 196 311
8.62 497 8-62 234 3 "
8.62 535 37465
37766 9.99961
9-99 962 39 90 288 27s
24 8.62795 309 B.62 834 310 37166 9.99961 38 120 390 285
25 8.63 091 307 8.63 131 307 36869 9.99960 36 150 29 28.J
z6 8.63385 3=5 8.63426 305 36574 9.99960 35 180 53 57-<
27 8.63968 302
8.63678 8.64009
8.63 718 303 .36 282
35 991 9-99 959 34 310 87 85.;
28 8.64256 301 8.64298 301 35702 9-99958 33 240 116 114.0
29 8.64543 298 8.64585 399 35415 9-99958 32 270 145 142.5
30 8.64827 296 8.64870 297 35 130 9-99 957 31 380 174 17X.0
31 391 394
8.65 110 8.65 154 395
8.65435 34 565
34846 9.99956
9.99956 38.0 303 199-5
32 8.63 670 293 8.65 715 392 34285 9-99 955 30 56.0 332 22S.0
33 8.65947 390 376
8-65 993 391 34007 9-99 955 29 84.0 261 256.5
34 8.66 223 388 8.66269 289274 33 731 9.99954 28 113.0 »75 270
8.66 497 387 8.66 8i6 373
8-66543 287 33 457
184 954 27
9-99 953 140.0 27.5 37.0
8.67039 384 8.67 0S7 371 .32913 26 x68.o 55-0 54-0
37 •85 9.99952
8.67308 383 8.67356 384
269 32644 9-99952 196.0 82.5 81.0
8-67575 381 8.67624 381
263 32 376 9.99951 324.0 110.0 108.0
39 8.68 154 366 31
8.68 104 379
8.67841 8.67890 32 846
110 9-99950
9-99951 352.0 '37-5135-0
8.68367 =77 8.68417 364 31 583 9.99949 265 I165.0 162.0
41 8.68678 863 ,31 322
8.68627 376 9.99949 .36.5 192-5189 o
42 8.68938 361 .31 062
8.68 886 274 9.99948 .53-0 220.0 2l£ o
43 8.69400 8.6945
8.69 196 360 .30804
8.69 144 373 .30547 9-99 947
9-99948 -79-5347 5343.0
_44 8.69654 370 8.69 70b 358 ,30 292 9-99946 106.0 a6o 255
46 8.69907 269 8.69 962 357 .30038 9.99946'5-5
47 8.70159 267 8.70214 855 .29 786 9-99 945 159.0 .52.0 .51.0
48 8.70 6';8 266
8.70409 8.70465
8.70 714 354 29 286 9.99944
.29 535 9-99 944 185.5 .78.0 .76.5
49 8.70905 263 8.70962 353 ,29038 9-99 943
50 912.0 104.0 102.0
8.71 151 363 8.71 208 35' 28 792 9-99942 338.5 130.0 127.5
51 §•7' 395 s6o 8-71453 349 28 547 9,9994a
52 350 156.0 153 o
8.71638 8.71 697 948 ,28060
28 303 9-99940
9-99 941
S3 359 .95.0182.0 178-5
L. Cos. 358 8.71 940 946 L. Tang. L. Sin. P r o p . Pts.
Ji L. Cotg. 245 87° 20S.0 904.0
356 .75.0 334.0 329-5
58 354 "44 100.0 345 340 :^
Jl 353 343 195.0 .94.5 .94.0
00 947
•43 c. d. >50-o
175.0 •49-0
• 73-5 8x6.0

L. Sin. d. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.

71880 71 940 28060 99940
72 120 340 72 181
341 27819 99940 23S 334
72359 239 72 420
339 27580 99 939 1 23.3 33-4
72597 333 239 2 47-6
72659 27341 99938 3 71.4 46.8
73069 937
72834 73 132 237 26868
72896 27 104 99 937
99938 4 95-2 70.2
73303 835 73366 236 26634 99936 5 119.0 93-6
73 535 334 6 14Z.8
73 600 234 264.00 99 9:6 7 166.6 117.0
9_ 73767 233 73832 234 26168 99 935 8 190.4 140.4
10 73 997 333
74 226 74292 233
74063 25 708
25937 99 934 9 2x4.2 163.8
II 74454 33; 74521 231 25479 99 933 225 187.2
12 74680 339 74748 329 25 252 99932 22.5210.6
13 74906 338 74 974 229 25 026 99932 45-0220
14 75 353 336
75130 75 199 227
75423 24 801
24577 99930
99931 67-5 22.0
\l 75 575 326 7564s 226 24355 99929 90.0 44-0
17 75 795 324 75867 225 24133 99929 112.5 66.0
18 76015 333 76087 224 23913 99928 135.083.o
19 76451 333
76234 76525 222 23475
76306 23694 99 926
99927 '57-5 xio.o
[W 76667 330 76742 222 23258 99 926 180.0 132.0
21 76883 220 76958 220 23042 99925 202.5 154.0
22 77097 319 77173 219 22 827 99924 213 176.0
23 77522 317
77310 77 600 2x9
77387 22
22 400
613 99923 21.2198.1
24 77 733 316 77811 2X7 22 189 99 922 42.4 3o3
25 77 943 3X6 78022 216 21 978 99921 63.6 Z0.8
26 78152 214 78232 215 21 768 99 920 84.8 41.6
27 78360 213
7856S 78649 214
78441 21351
21559 99919
99 920 106.0 62.4
28 78774 312 78855 2X3 21 145 99918 127.2 83.2
29 78979 211 79 061 211 20939 99917 143.4 104.0
30 79183 210 79 266 211 20734 99917 169.6 124.8
79588 209
79386 79673 210
79470 20327
20530 99915
99916 190.8 145.6
79789 20S 79875 209 20 125 99914 20X 166.4
79990 208 80 076 208 19924 99913 20.1187.2
80189 206 80 277 206 19723 99913 40.3 197
34 80585 205
80388 80674 206
80476 19 326
19524 99911
99912 60.3 19-7
36 80782 204 80872 205 19 128 99910 80.4 39-4
37 80978 203 81068 204 18 932 99909 100.5 59-'
38 81173 202 81 264 203 18736 99909 X20.6 78.3
39 81560 20X
81367 81653 202 18541
81459 18347 99907
99 908 140.7 98.5
40 81732 201 81 846 201 18154 99 906 160.8 118.2
41 81944 99 82038 20X 17962 99905 180.9 137-9
42 82134 99 82 230 99 17770 99904 189 157-6
43 82513 97
82324 82 420
610 98
44 17390
17580 99903
99904 18.9
4 3'77-33
82 701 97 82799 98 17 201 99 902 037.8
.4 0.3 0.8
82888 96 82987 96 17013 99901 .3 0.185
056.7 6 0.4
83075 95 83175 9636 16825 99900 X .2 0.918.5o.e
48 83446 94
83261 83361
83547 9586 16453 99898 X.6 X.8 37-00.8
16639 99899 3.0 X.5
49 83630 93 83732 3S94 16 268 99898
94-5 55-5x.o
3.4 x.8
113.4 x.2
^3813 92 83916 9384 16084 99897 3.8 3.174-0'•4
51 83996 92 84
84 100 92 15900 99 896 3-3 2.4 92.5x.6
52 82
3-6 3.
15X.3 7 x.8
84177 90 84282 92 15 718 99895 X70.X 139.5
S3 8.84358 90 82 L. 15536
84 464 90 Tang. 9-99 894 P r o p . Pte.
54 L. Cos. 89 Cotg. c.90 d. 148.0
d. L.
86° L. Sin. 166.5
88 89
59 87
34 TABLJi 11'.

4° 1
/ L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L . Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
0 8.84358 8.84464 I 15 536 9.99894 60
I 8 84539 8 84646 180 1-15554 9 99893 59 i8x 7.79 '77
2 8 84718 8 84826 180 1-15 '74 9 99 892 58 .X 18.1 17.9 '7-7
3 8 84897 178 8 85006 I -14 994 9 99891 57 .3 36.3 35-8 35-4
4 8 85075 177 8 85185 178 1.14 815 9 99891 56 .3 54-3 53-7 53-1
8 85252 8 85363 I • 14 637 9 99890 55 •4 73.4 71.6 70-8
65 8 85429 176 8 85540 1.14 460 9 99889 54 •5 90.5 89.5 88.5
8 8s 605 8 85717 177 1.14283 9 99 888 53 .6 108.6 107.4 106,3
I 8 85780 8 8^893 176 1.14 107 9 99887 52 •7 126,7 135.3 123,9
9 8 85 955 '73 8 86069 176 1-13931 9 99886 51 .8 144.S 143.2 141.6
10 8 86128 8 86243 1-13757 9 99885 50 •9 163.9 161.x 'S9.3
11 8 86301 '73 8 86417 1174
74 1-13583 9 99884 49 17s '73 X7X
12 8 86474 8 86591 1.13409 9 99883 48 .X '7.5 '7-3 '7-x
13 8 86645 8 86763 1.13237 9 99882 47 .3 35-0 34-6 34.«
14 8 86816 '7' 8 86935 173 1.13065 9 99881 46 .3 53.5 5',9 51.3
15 8 86987 X69 8 87106 171 1.12 894 Q 99880 45 •4 70.0 69,2 68.4
16 8 87156 8 87277 X71 I.12 723 9 99879 id. -5 87.5 86.5 85.5
•z 8 87325 X69 8 87447 170 1 -12 553 9 99879 43 .6 '05.0 103,8 103.6
18 8 87494 169 8 87616 169 1.12 384 9 99878 42 •7 133.5 121,1 119,7
19 8 87661 167 8 87785 169 1.12 215 .9 99877 41 .8 140.0 138.4 136.8
8 87829 8 87953 1.12047 9 99876 40 -9 '57-5 155-7 153-9
21 8 87995 l63 8 88 120 i63 1,11880 9 99875 39 168 166 '64
22 8 88161 166 8 88287 167 111 713 9 99874 S'' .1 .16.3 16,6 16.4
23 8 88326 166 8 ««45J 167 1-11547 9 99873 37 .3 33.6 33-3 32.8
24 8 88490 8 88618 1.11382 9 99872 36 .3 S0.4 49-8 49-3
8 88 654 '65 8 88783 166 1.11 217 9 99871
25 35 •4 67.3 66.4 65,6
26 8 88817 164 165 1.11 052 Q 99870
8 88948 11)5 34 • 5 84.0 83,0 820
^Z 8 88980 164 8 89 111 165
1C3 1.10 889 9 99869 33 .6 100,3 99,6 98-4
28 8 89142 163 8 89274 163 1.10 726 9 99868 32 -7 117.6 116,2 114,8
29 8 89304 8 89437 '"3 1.10563 9 99867 31 .8 '34.4 133,3 131-3
80 8 89464 163 8 89598 i6x 1.10 402 9 99866 15X.3 '49-4 147.6
31 8 ^H^ 163 8 89760 1.10 240 9 99865 29 ; 163 159 157
32 8 89784 163 8 89 920 1.10 080 9 99864 28 .1 16.3 '5-9 '5.7
33 8 89943 160 8 90080 160 1.09 920 9 99863 27 .3 33.4 3'-8 3'.4
34 8 90 102 '58 8 90 240 '59 1.09 760 9 99862 26 -3 48.6 47-7 47-'
35 8 90260 i6x 8 90399 1.09 601 Q 99861 25 •4 64.8 63.6 63,3
3f 8 90417 8 90557 158 1.09443 9 99860 24 -5 79-5 78,5
37 8 90574 '56 8 90715 158 1.09285 9 99859 23 97.2 95-4 94,2
3* 8 90730 8 90 872 '57 1.09 128 9 99858 22 •7 "3-4 '".3 109,9
39 8 90885 '55 8 91 029 '57 1.08971 9 99857 21 •9
139,6 137,2 125,6
40 8 91 040 8 91 185 '56 1.08815 9 99856 20 145,8 143-1 141.3
, 41 8 91 195 8 91340 '55 1.08660 9 99855 19 155 153 151
42 8 91349 8 91495 '55 1-08505 9 99854 18 .1 '5-5 '5-3 15.1
43 8 91 502 8 91 650 155 1.08350 9 99853 17 .3 31,0 30,6 30.3
44 8 91655 153 8 91803 li3 1.08 197 9 99852 16 •3 46,5 45-9 45-3
45 8 91807 8 91957 '54 1.08 043 9 99851 15 -4 69,0 61,3 60.4
46 8 91959 8 92 110 is; 1.07 890 9 99850 14 .5 77-5 76,5 75.5
8 92 110 8 92 262 'S3 1-07738 9 99848 13 93,0
tl 8 92 261 8 92414 153 1.07586 9 99847 12 •7 107,1 '05,7
49 8 92411 8 92565 151 1.0743s 9 99846 II
150 •9 '39-5 183,4 •35-9
50 8 92561 "8" '5' 1.07 284 9 99845 10 137,7
51 8 92 710 '49 8 92 866 '50 1.07 134 9 99844 9 149 '47
52 8 92859 148 8 9S oi6 =50 1.06084 9 99843 8 .1 14,9 '4-7 0.1
53 8 93007 8 93 165 '49 1-06835 9 99842 7 .3 39.3 39,4 0,9
54 8 93 154 147 8 93 313 '49 1.06687 9 99841 6 •3 44-7 441 0,3
55 8 93 3°i 8 93 462 1.06 53S 9 99 840 s •4 59-6 53,8 0,4
Sb 8 93448 '47 8 9,1 609 '47 1.06391 9 99839 4 •i 74-5 73-5 0,5
8 93 594 146 8 93 756 •47 1.06 244 9 99838 3 .6 89,4 0,6
11 8 8 93 903 M7 1.06097 9 99S37 0 •7 104,3 0.7
59 8 ^^^^5 146
'45 8 94049 146 1.05951 9 99836 I .S '34-' 0.8
60 8 94030 '45 8 94195 146 1.05 S05 9 99834 0 •9
L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. c. d. L. Tang. L. Sin. 1 f Prop.Pfs.
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, TA.[Niii!.i^i ^IJD C O T A N G E N T , Etc. j j

L.Sln. d. IL. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.

8.94030 94 195 1,05805 9-99834 60
8-94174 44 I,05 660 59 145 >43
94340 9-99 833
8.94317 43 1 05 515 58 .X 14-5 X4.3
94485 9,99832 ,3 251 0 93.6
8.94461 44 1.05370
94630 9.99831 Ji •3 43-5 42.9
8-94746 43 94917 1.05 083
1,05 227 9,99829 •4 53.0 57.2
94 773 9-99830 55
8.94887 43 95 060 1.04 940 9.99 828 •5 73.5 71.5
41 54 .6 87,0 85.8
8.9s 029 95 202 1,04 798 9.99827 53 •7 XOX.5 xoo,x
9 8.95 170 43 95 344 1,04 656 9-99825 .8 1x6.0 XI4.4
4X 52 130.5 128.7
10 8,95450
8.95310 95627
95486 1-04514
1 04 373 9.99823
9-99824 •9
140 51 139 138
II 8,95589 95 767 1,04233 9.99 822
8-95 728 40 95908 9.99 821 .X '3-9 X3.8
12 1,04 092 .3 87.8 37.6
8,95 867 39 96047 9,99 820 4'.7 41.4
13 1-03953 •3
14 8,96005
8,96 143 39 96325
96187 1-03675
1.03813 9.99817
9-99819 •4 55.6 55.3
8,96280 39 96464 1,03 536 9,99 816 •5 69.5 69.0
17 .6 83.4 83,3
8,96417 38 96 602 1,03398 9.99815 .7 97-3 96,6
i8 1-96 553 38 96739 1,03 261 9.99814 .8 XXX.3 XX0.4
20 8,96825
8,96689 37 96877 1.02
1,03 987
123 9.99 812
9-99813 •9 X25.X 124.3
21 8,96 960 37 97150 I,02 850 9.99 810 135 •33
36 9.99809 .X X3.5 X3.3
22 8,97095 97285 1,02 713 .3 27.0 36.6
23 8,97229 36 97421 1,02 579 9.99 808 •3 40.5 39-9
24 8,97363
97 496 36 .97691
97556 1,02 309
444 9.99 806
9.99807 •4 54.0 53-8
•5 67.5 66.5
26 97 629 35 ,97825 34 1,02 175 9.99804
.6 3i,o 79-8
27 97 762 '35 .97 959 34 1,02 041 9.99803 •7 94-5 93,1
28 97894 34 .98 092 133 i.oi 908 9.99 802• .8 108,0 ro6,4
.0 121,5 "9-7
30 98157
,98026 34 98358 33 1,01
.98225 1,01 642
775 9.99 801
129 138
31 98288 33 98490 33 1.01 510 9.99 798
.X 12,9 18.8
32 98419 33 98 622 32 I.OI 378 9.99797 .3 25-3 35.6
33 98549 33 98753 32 1,01 247 9.99 796 .3 38,7 38.4
34 98S08
98679 32 99015 31 1,00985
98884 1,01 116 9-99 795
793 •4 51,6 51.3
-5 64-5 64.0
36 98937 33 99 145 3' 1,00855 9-99 792 .6 77.4 76.8
37 99 066 13X 99275 3' 1,00 725 9.99 791 -7 90.3 39.6
38 99194 31 99405 30 1,00595 9.99 790 .8
39 99322
99450 31 99 662 30 1,00338
99 534 1,00 466 9-99 788
125 123
41 99 577 30 99 791 30 1,00 209 9-99 786 .1 X2.5 13.3
42 99704 30 99919 29 1.00081 9-99 785 .3 25.0 24,6
43 99830 39 00 046 28 0-99 954 9.99783 .3 37-5 36,9
44 .00082 00 174 29 0.99699
0.99 826 9.99781
9.99782 -4 50,0 49,3
99956 29 00 301 -5 62,5 61,5
45 ,00207 39 00427 28 0.99 573 9-99 780 .6 7S-0 73-8
46 ,00332 ;33 00553 27 0.99447 9.99 778 -7 87-5 86,1
.8 100,0 98,4
47 ,00456 28 00 679 28 0,99321 9,99 777
-9 :i2,5 110.7
48 ,00
00 581
704 X28 805 27 0,99 070
00 930 195 9.99 776
9.99775 lax 130
49 0C828 37 01055 26 0.98945 9-99773 .1 12,1 13,0
52 00951 37 01 179 26 0.98 821 9.99772 .3 24,3 34,0
53 01 303 26 0.98 6g7 9-99 771 .3 36,3 36.0
01 374 26 .4 48,4 48,0
54 01
01 318 550 26 0,98
01 427
01 0.98 450
573 9-99 768
9-99 769 60,5 60,0
5| 196 26 -5
01 440 26 01673 25 0,98327 9.99767 .6 72,6 73.0
56 9-99 765 •7 84.7 84,0/
57 .01 561 35 oi 796 25 0.98 204 .3 96,8 96.0,
,01 082 01 918 24 o 98 082 9.99764 108.9 xo8,oj
58 35
60 .01 803
9,01 923 34 02 162 24 0.97 960
02040 9-99 763
L. Cos. 25 Cotg. cd.24 0.97838 L. Sin. P r o p . Pts.
33 23 L. Tang.
24 33 84°
123 23
36 T A B L E IV.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. c. d, L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
OI 923 .02 162 0.97838 99761
02043 ,02 283 0.97717 99 760 Z2X X20 119
0.97596 X2.I 12.0
02 163 ,02404 99 759 24.2 34.0 23.8;
02 283 .02 525 0.97475 99 757 36.3 3S0
9.02 520
02 402 02 766
.02 645 0.97355
0-97234 99756
99 755 48.4 43,0
02885 60,5 60,0
9.02639 0.97 115 99 753 72.6 72,0
9-02 757 03005 0.96995 99752 84.7 84.0
9 9,02 874 03 124 0.96 876 99 751 96.8 96,0
03361 0.96 108.9 108,0
10 9.03 992
9,02 109 03242 0.96 639
758 99748
99 749
03479 0,96 521 99 747 1X8
II 9.03 226
03597 0.96403 99 745 XX,8
12 9.03342
03714 0.96 280 99 744 33,6
13 9.03458
9.03 690 03948
03832 0.96 052
16S 99742
99741 35-4
14 9-03574
9.03 805 04065 0.95 935 99 740 47-3
9.03 920 04 181 0.95 819 99738 59-0
9.04034 04297 0.95 703 99 737 70,8
9.04 149 04528
04413 0.95 472
587 99 734
99736 40 82.6
20 9.04376 04643 0.95357 99 733 39
21 9,04490 04758 0,95 242 99731 38
22 9.04603 04873 0,95 127 99730 37
23 904 828
9.04 7'5 049S7
05 101 0.94899
0,95013 99727
99728 36
24 9.04940 05 214 0.94 786 99 726
25 9.05 052 05 328 0.94 672 99 724
26 9,05 164 05441 0.94559 99 723
9.05 386
9.05275 05 666
05553 0,94 447
0,94334 720
99 721
31 9.05497 05778 0,94 222 99718
32 9.05 607 05890 0.94 110 99 717
33 9,05 717 00002 0,93 998 99716
34 9.05 827
937 06 224
113 0.93 776
0,93 887 99 713
36 9.06 046 06335 0.93 665 99 7 "
37 9.06 155 06445 0.93 555 99710 77-7
38 9.06264 06556 0.93444 99708 88,8
39 9 .06 481
06372 06775
06666 0.93 225
334 99705
40 9 06 589 06885 0.93 115 99 704 109
41 9 ,06 696 06 994 0.93 006 99 702
42 9 ,06 804 07 103 o 92 897 99 701
43 9.,06 911 07 320
211 0.92
0.92 680
789 99 698
44 9,07018 07 428 0.92 572 99 696
45 9,07 124 07536 0.92 464 99695
46 9,07231 07643 0.92357 99693
47 9.07 548
9-07337 07858
07751 0.92
0.92 249
142 99 692
48 99.07653
07442 07964 o. 92 036 99 6S9
49 9.07758 08 071 0.91 929 99687
50 9.07863 08 177 0.91 823 99 686
51 9.08 072
9.07968 08 3S9
08283 0.91
0.91 611
717 9,99683
99 684
52 9.08 176 08495 0,91 505 9,99 68i
S3 9.08 280 08 600 0,91 400 9.99 680
54 9.08383 08 705 0,91 295 9,99678
5| 9 08589
9.08486 08 914
08810 o 91 190 99.99
56 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. c. d. o 91 086 L. Sin. P r o p . Pts.
57 L. Tang,
58 83°
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, lAiNur-i^x ,n,ND C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 37

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.

9.08 589 08 914 0.91 086 9.99 67s 60
9,08 692 09 019 0,90981 9,99674 5? 105 '04 '03
9,08 795 09 123 0,90 877 9,99672 58 I 10.5 10.4 10.3
9,08 897 2 21.0 20.8 20.6
09 227 0.90773 9,99670 57 •3 315 31-2 .30.9
09 101 09330
09434 0.90670
o. 90 566 9.99667
9,99669 JL ,4 42.0 41.6 41-2
09 202 09 537 0.90463 9,99 666 55 -5 52-S 52.0 51 -5
9,99664 ,6 63.0 62.4 61 8
09304 09 640 0,90 360 54 •I Z3-5 72.8 72'I
_9. 09405 09742 0.90 258 9.99663 53 .8 84,0 83,2 82 4
10 09 606
09506 09947
09845 0.90 155
0.90053 9,99 661
9.99659 52 -9 94-S 93-6 92-7
II 09 707 10049 0.89 951 9,99658 51 X03 lOI XOO
09807 .1 10.2 10,1 10.0
12 10 150 o, 89 850 9,99656 50 .2 20.4 20,2 20.0
13 09907 99 10252 0.89 748 99655 4g •3 30.e ,30.330.0
14 o 106
0006 XOO 10454
10 353 0,89
o, 89 546
647 9,99651
99653 48 .4 40.s 40.4 40.0
l6 0205 99 10555 0,89445 9 99 650 -5 51-C 50,5 50,0
47 .6 61,a 60,6 60,0
17 0304 99 10656 0.89344 9.99648 J^ 70.0
i8 0402 98 10756 0,89 244 9.99647 45
:l l\:i S i 80,0
19 0501
0599 99 10956 o.
0.8989 144
044 99645
,99643 -9 91-s 90,9 90.0
10856 44
20 0697 98 II 056 99 0.88 944 9.99642 99 98
43 .1 9-9 9.8
21 0795 98 11 155 99 0,88845 9,99640 42 .219,8 19,6
22 0893 98 n 254 99 0,88746 9.99638 41 ,3 29,7 29-4
23 o1087
990 98 "353 0,88 548
11452 99 0.88647 9 99635
99637 .4 39-6 39-2
26 40 -5 49-5 49.0
24 1184 97 11551 99 0,88449 99 633 39 • 6 59-4 58,8
27 I2SI 97 99632
II 649 98 0,88351 38 •7 69-3 68.6
28 1377 97 99 630 .8 79.2
II 747 93 0.88253 36
29 1474 97 0.88 155 ,99 627
99 629 .9 89,1 lit
1 570 11943 98 0.88057
11845 35
I 666 96 99 625 97 96 95
12 040 98 0.87960 34 ,1 9.; 9-6 9-S
31 97 99624
I 761 12 138 97 0.87862 33 ,2 19.. 19.2 19,0
32 96 99 622 •3 29.1 28.8 28,5
1857 12 235 98 0.87 765 32
33 2047 96 12428 0,87 572 99 618
620 .4 .38.fc ,38.4 ,38.0
1952 12332 0.87668 31
36 2 142 93 12525 97 0.87475 99617 -5 48-,'; 48,0
.6 58.2 57.6
37 2236 96 12 621 97 0,87379 99615 ,7 67.5 67,2 66.5
38 2331 95 12 717 96 0,87283 99613 .8 77.e 76.8 76.0
40 97 0.87 091 99 610
,99 612 28 -9 87,3 86,4 85-5
2425 95 12813
12 909 96 0,87187
41 99 608 27 94 93 91
2 612 95 13 004 96 o, 86 996 26 -1 9-4 9.3 9-2
42 2 706 94 13099 96 0.86 901 99 607 ,2 18,S 18.6
43 99605 ,3 28.2 27 -9 27.6
2 799 95 13 194 95 o 86 806 -4 37-^ 37 .2 36,-8
44 2 9»S
892 94 13384
13289 0.86616
0.86 711 601
46 95 o 86 522 -5 47-c 46 .5 46.0
3078 94 13478 ,, 600 .6 56,4 55 .8 55.2
47 95 o 86 427 99 598 -7 65.i 65 .1 64,4
3 171 93 13 667 596
48 95 0.86333 -8 75.2 74-4 73-6
3263 94 13 761 595 ,9 84.6 83 -7 82.8
_49_ 13854 95 0,86 239 146
3 447
355 93 99 593 91 90 3
50 13948 95 0.86 052
3 539 93 99591 ,1 9 I 9,0 0,2
5' 14 041 94 0.85 959 ,2 18,2 18,0
3630 93 99589
3722 14134 95 0.85 866 99588 •3 27,3 27.0 l:t
53 93 •4 36-4 36,0 0,8
55 9 3904
3813 93 14320 94 0.85 680
14227 773 99584
99586 •5 45-5 45 0 1,0
56 14 412 94 0.85 588 99582
9 3 994 92 -6 54.6 54-0 1,2
57 9 4085 92 14504 93 0.85 496 99581 -7 63-7 63,0
.8 72.« 72,0 \:t
58 9 4175 93 '4 597 94 0,85403 99 579 9 81.9 81 •0 1.8
59 9. 4266 92 14688 93 0.85312 99 577
60 9 4356 9' 14 780 93 0,85 220 99 575 Prop. Pte.
L. Cos. 93 Cotg. 93 L. Tang. L. Sin.
93 82°
91 c.93

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
14356 9.14 780 0,85 220 99 575 60
14445 9.14 872 0,85 128 99 574 59 93 9' 90
I 9.2 9.1§°
14535 9,14963 0,85 037 99572 58 2 18,4 18.2
14624 9-15054 0.84946 99570 _5i 3 27,6 27 3 18.0
14714 9,15236
9.15 145 0,84 764
0.84855 9956^
99568 55 4 36,8 .36.4 27,0
14891 9-15327 0,84673 99565 54 .5 46.0 45.5 36.0
.6 55-2
14980 9-15417 0,84 583 99563 53 -7 64-4 63.7 45-0
9 15069 9-15508 0,84492 99561 52 .8 Z3-6 728 540
9.15688 0.84312
0,84402 99 557
559 51 9 82,8 81.9 63.0
To 15157
15245 9-15 591
9-IS 777 0.84 223 99556 50 89 72,0
II 15333 8.9 81,0
12 '5 421 87 9-15867 0.84 133 99 554 49
15508 83 9-15956 0.84044 99552 48 26 7 as
15596 87 9,16046
9-16135 0,83 86s
o-83 954 99548
99550 4745 356 8,8
15770 87 9,16 224 0,83 776 99546 44 44^5 17-6
IS 46
15857 87 9-16312 0,83688 99 545 43 62.3 26,4
15 944 87 9,16 401 0.83 599 99 543 42 71.2 35-2
16 116
16030 36 9,16577
9,16 489 o0.83423
83511 541 41
99 539 80.1 44-0
19 0.83335
16 203 36 9,16 665 9 99 537 40 •7 52,8
21 0.83247
16289 87 9-16753 9 39 535 32 8.7 61.6
22 0-83 159
16374 86 9,16841 9: 99 533 38 17-4 70.4
*3 9.17016 0.82 984
0.83 072
16460 85 9.16928 9 99530
99532 35 26.1 79-2
24 9-17103 0.82897
16 631 36 99528 34 34-8 86
II 9.17 190 0.82 810
16 716 85 99526 33 43-S 8.6
II 9.17277 0.82 723
16 801 86 99524 32 52.2 17.2
29 16970 99-17450
17363 o 82 550
0.82 637 99520
16886 85 99522 31 60,9
«J 125.8
80 17055 9-17536 0.82464 99518 30
85 69,6
8 si 34-4
31 17139 9,17622 0.82378 99517 29
35 78.3
17 0 43-o
32 17223 9,17 708 0.82 292 99515 28 25 5 60.2
33 84
17391 9,17880
9-17 794 0.82 206
120 99511
99513 27 34 0
34 85
9.17965 99509 26
42 5 68.8
17474 84 0.82035 51 0 77-4
P 17558 9.18051 0.81 949 99507 5
II 84
ii 0 84
17641 34 0.81 864 99505 76 5 i6]i
39 9.17807
17724 9,18 221
306 0.81
0.81 694
779 99501
W 84 «3 25.2
9.17890 9.18391 0.81 609 99 499
41 - 17973 83 8, 33-6
9,18475 0.81 525 99 497
42 84 t6. 42.0
18055 9.18 560 0.81 440 99 495
43 83 9,18 644
728 0.81 272 24,9 pi
18 220
18137 356 99492
99 494
44 83 9,18812 0.81 188 33-2 §7,2
18 302 99490
45 83 9,18896 0.81 104 41. 75-6
18383 994S8
46 9.18465 83 9,18979 0.81 021 49 as
99486 66'1 8,2
:i 9.18^1^
9-18547 83 9,19 146
9.19063 0.80854
0.80937 99 482
99484 8x74 78016,4
49 9.18 709 83 9,19 229 0.80 771 99480
83 8,1 8,0 0,2
£0 9,18 790 9-19312 0.80688 99478 24,60,4
83 0,80605 16,2 16.0 i.t
51 9,18871 9-193^ 99476
83 0,80439
0,80322 24-3 24.0 41.00.8
52 9.18952
19033 9-19 561
9-19478 99 474
3i 0,80357 32.4 32.0 49,21.0
53 19113 9-19643 99470
83 0,80275 40.5 40.0 85,61.2
54 19193 9-19725 99468
82 0,80 193 48,6 48.0 73-8
II 19273 9 19 807 99466
8x 0.80029
0.80 in 9.99462 m 56,0 \:t
II 9 19
3,';3 9-19
9,19 97'
889 99464
81 72.9 64,( 1.8
59 L. Cos. L. Cotg. c. d. L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pte.
8x 72,0
8x 81°

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
19433 19971 0.80029 99 462 60
19513 20053 0.79947 99460 59 82 8x 80
19592 20 134 0.79 866 99458 58 I 8.2 8.1 8,0
2 16.4 16,2
19 672 20216 0,79784 99456 51 3 24.6 24-3 16,0
19 S30
751 20378
20297 0,79 622
0.79703 99 454
99452 56 4 32.« .32-4 24,0
11 909 20459 0,79541 99450 5 41.0 40,5 32,0
19988 2G 540 0,79460 6 49.2 48,6 40,0
99448 7 S7-4 56.7
20067 20621 0,79379 99446 8 65.6 64.8 48,0
10 20145
20223 20 782
701 0.79299
0.79 218 99442
99 444 9 73-8 72.9 56.0
II 20302 20 862 0.79138 99440 •79 7i64.0
12 20380 20942 0.79058 99438 15-8 15-672.0
13 20458 21 022 0.78978 99436 23.7 23-4
14 20613
20535 21 182
102 0.78818
0.78898 99432
99 434 45 31-6 31-2
20691 21 261 0.78739 99429 44 39-5
17 39-0
20 768 21 341 0,78 659 99427 43 47-4
i8 46,8
20845 21 420 0,78580 99425 42 55-3
19 54-6
20999 21578
21 499 0.78
0,78 422
501 99421
99423 41
20 63-2
77 62,4
21 076 21 657 0.78343 99419 40
21 21 736 0.78 264 I 771-1 70.a
22 21 153 99417 3§ 2 15- 76
21 229 21 814 0.78 186 99415 38 3 23- 7-6
23 21 382 21 971
893 0.78029
0.78 107 •4 .30-
25 21 306 99411
99413 36
24 21458 0,77951 38 '5?
26 22049 99409 ,6 46-
21 534 0.77873 22.8
27 22 127 99407 •7 53
21 610 o 77 795 ,8 61 30.4
28 22 205 99404
30 21 685
761 22361 o 77639
0.77717 -9 69 38.0
29 22 283 99 400
3« 21 836 22438 o 77 562 99398 75 45-6
32 215ri2 22 516 0.77484 99396 7 53-5
33 21 987 22593 0.77407 99 394 15 60,8
34 22062
22 137 22 670
22747 330
o 77 253 99390
99392 22 68,4
36 22 211 22 824 o 77 176 99388 30 74
37 22 286 22 901 o 77099 99385 37 7-4
38 22361 22 977 o 77023 99383 45 14,8
40 22 435
509 23 130
23054 0.76 870
0.76946 99 379
99381 60 22,2
4' 0.76794 67 29,672
22 583 23 206 99 377 7-2
42 22 657 23 283 0.76 717 99 375 73 37-0
43 o 76 641 7 TA 14-4
22 73£ 23359 99372
44 22878
22 805 23510
23435 o 76490
0.76565 99368
99370 14 21,6
46 22 952 23586 o 76 414 99366 21 28,8
47 23025 23 661 0.76339 99364 29 36,0
48 23 098 23 737 0.76 263 99 362 36 43-2
60 23 171
23244 23887
23812 o0.76
76 113
188 9 99
99 359
357 43 50.4
7> 357.6
51 23317 23 962 9 99 355 I 71^8 0,364.80.2
52 23390 24037 0,75963 9-99 353
99351 2 14 65
2 0 6 0.4
53 23 462 24 112 0,75888 99348 3 21 3 0.9 0.6
54 23 607 24261
24 186 0.75814
0.75 739 99346 4 28 4 1.2
23 535 5 35 5 1.5 0.8
23 679 24 335 0,75665 99 344 6 42 6 I 8 1,0
II 23752 24410 0.75590 99342 7 49 7 2 I 1,2
23823 24484 0.75516 9934c 8 56 8 2 4
0.75368 9 63 9 2 7 1-4
60 23967
2389s 24632
24558 0-75442 337
99 335 1,6
L. Cos. L. Cotg. c. d. L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pts. 1.8

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
9,23967 24632 0,75368 99 335 60
9.24039 24 706 74 0.75294 99 333 5? 74 73
9,24 n o 24779 73 0.75 221 99331 58 7'4 14.6
9.24 181 24853 74 0.75 147 99328 51 14.8 21.9
24324 25 000 73 0.75074
24926 0.75 000 99324 56
99326 22,2 29,2
24395 25073 74 0.74927 99322 55 29,6 36.5
24466 25 146 73 0.74854 99319 54 370 43-8
_9. 24536 25 219 73 0.74781 99317 53 44 4 58,4
10 24677
24607 25 292 73 0.74635
25365 0.74 708 99313
99 3'5 52 51-8 65-7
II 24748 25437 73 0-74563 99310 51 59-2 7X
12 24818 25510 73 0.74490 99308 60 66,6 71
13 24888 25 582 73 0.74418 99306 4g 72 14,2
14 25 028
24958 25 727 73 0.74345
25655 0.74273 99301 48
99304 7.2 21,3
25098 25 799 73 0,74201 99299 47 14-4 28.4
\l 25 168 25871 73 0,74 129 99297 _46_ 21,6 351
19 25 237 25 943 73 0.74057 99294 45 28,8 42.6
20 25376
25307 26085 73 0-73985
26015 0-73914 99 290 44
99292 36,0 49-7
21 25445 26158 73 0.73842 99288 43 43 2 56,8
22 25514 26229 73 0,73771 99285 42 50,4 639
23 25583 26301 73 o 73699 99283 41 57.6 69
24 25 721
25652 26443 7X 0,73557
26372 0.73 628 99278
99 281 40 64.8 6.9
25 25 790 26514 72 0,73486 99 276 3g 70 138
26 25858 26585 7' 0.734:5 99274 38 7.0 20,7
II 25927 26655 72 0.73345 99271 36 14.0 27,6
25 995 26 797
726 7' 0.73203
o 73 274 99267
99 269 35
29 21,0 34-5
26 131 26867 7' 0-73 133 99264 34
30 28,0 41,4
26 199 26937 71 0.73063 99262 33
31 35-0 48,3
26267 27008 7' 0.72992 99 260 32
32 42.0 55-2
26403 27 148 70 0.72
27078 72 922
852 99255 25
33 31 49 o 62,1
26470 27218 7' 72 782 99252 24 56.0 67
J4 30
26538 27288 71 72 712 99250 23 63.0 6.7
26 605 27357 70 72643 99248 22 68 13-4
II 27496 70 0.72 27
26 672 27427 72573
504 99243 21
39 26 j6,8 20,1
26806 27 566 7' 0.72434 99241 20
40 13,6 26,8
26873 27635 70 0,72365 99238 19
41 20,4 33-5
26 940 27704 70 o.72 296 99236 i3
42 27 842 70 0,72 158 27.2 40,2
27007 27773 0.72 227 99231
99233 17
43 27 911 70 0,72 089 34-0 46,9
27 140 99 229 16
44 27 980 69 0,72020 40.8 53-6
27 206 99 226 '5
tl 28 049 70 0,71 051 47,6 60,3
27273 99224 14
tl 27405 28186 0.71 814
28 117 69 0.71883 54-4 65
27339 99219
99221 13
49 27471 28254 70 0.71 746 61.2 6-5
99217 12
60 27537 28323 69 0.71 677 66 13,0
99214 II
51 27 602 28391 69 0,71 609 6,6 19-S
99 212 lO"
52 27668
27734 2852'
28459 69 0,71541
0,71473 99 207 13.2 26,0
53 27799 28 S9l 0.71405 99204 19,8 32. S
J* 27864 28662 69 0.71 338 99 202 26,4 29 0
I 27930 28730 69 0.71 270 99 200 330 •iSS
^^ ,28 865 69 0,71
2879S 135 99 195 39-6 52.0
27995 69 0.71 202 99197
•'.a 066 . Cotg. L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pts.
60 63 52,8 2
L. Cos. 69 79° S9-4 0.2
68 3
69 °X
63d. 1.2 ;i08
2,4 1,3
ii. S m . L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
28060 9 28865 68 0-71 135 99195 60
28125 9 28933 67 0,71 067 99192 5§ 68 67
28 190 9 29 000 67 0,71 000 99 190 58 6.8 6-7
28254 9 29 067 67 0,70933 99187 51 13.6 13-4
28319 134 67 0,70799
_9 29 201 0,70 866 99 182
99185 56 20.4 20,1
2S44S 9 29268 67 0,70 732 99 180 27.2 26.8
2S 512 9 29 335 67 0:70 665 99 177 34-0 33-5
_9. 28577 9 29 402 67 0,70598 99 175 40.8 40.2
10 28 705
28641 0,70 465
29535 66 0,70532
9 29468 9.99
99 170
172 47-6 46.9
II 28 769 _9 29 601 67 0,70399 9,99 167 54-4 53-6
12 28833 9 29668 66 o.70 332 99 165 61.2 60.3
13 28896 9 29734 67 o. 70 266 99 162 66 65
14 28 960
29024 9 29866 o. 70 200
29 800 66 0,70134 99157
99 160 6.6 6-5
16 29087 9 29932 66 0,70 068 99155 13.2 13-0
17 29 150 9^29 998 66 0.70002 99152 ., 19-826.0
18 29 214 9 30064 66 0,69936 99 150 ,4 26.432-5
20 0.69 805
19 29340
29 277 9 30130
66 0.69 870 99145
99147 5 33-0 39-0
21 29403 9 30261 66 0.69 739 99 142 6 39,6 4S-S
22 29466 9 30326 66 0,69 674 99140 46,2 52-0
23 29529 9_ 30391 65 o,6g 609 99137 52,8 58.3
25 29654
29591 30522 0.69478
0.69 543 59-4 63
9 30457 66 0.69 413
99 135
26 29 716
9 30587 65 99 130 84 12.6
27 29779 0.69348
9 30652 65 99127 6,4 18,9
28 29 841; 0.69 283
30 9 30717 66 99 124 12,8 25.2
29 29 966
29903 30 846
30782 0.69 218
0.69 154 99 119
122 19,2 3'-5
31 30028 30911 65 0.69089 99117 25,6
6 37-8
32 30090 3° 975 65 0.69025 99 114 32,0
12 44-1
33 30 151 31 040 65 0.68 960 99 112 38-4
18 50,4
35 30213
30275 31 104 65 0,68832
168 0.68896 99
99 106
109 44-8
24- 56.7
9 65 0,68 767 5 31-0
36 30336 31233 99 104 5'f 61
9_ 64 0,68 703 ' 37-2
37 30398 99 101
9 31 297 65 o. 68 639 57.6 6.1
7 43-4
38 3045;. 31 361 99099 63 12,2
9 8 49,6
39 30582
30521 31489 64 0,68575
0,68 511 9-99093
99 096
41 30643 9 31425 65 0,68448 55-8 18,3
3'15? 9,99091
9 60 24.4
42 30704 31 616 64 0,68384 9.99088
_9_ 6,0 36.6
43 30765 31679 64 0,68 321 9,99 086
44 30887
30 826 9 31 806 65 0.680.68 257
194 9.99 080 12,0 42,7
45 743 99083
30947 9 31870 64 0.68 130 9.99078 18,0 48.8
31 008 9 31933 64 0,68067 9.99075 24,0 54-9
31 068 9 31996 64 0,68004 9.99072 30,0 59
50 _9 32059 99 067 36.0 S g
49 31 189
129 32 122 64 0,67941
0,67878 9.99070
' 51 31 250 9 32185 63 0,6781s 9.99064 42.0 II.8
52 31 310 9 32 248 64 0.67 752 9.99 062 48.0 17,7
53 31 370 9 32311 63 0.67689 9.99059 54.0 23.6
9 32436 3 29.S
55 9 31430
31490 32373 64 0.67 564 627 9-99056
9 31549 9_32498 63 0,67 502 99051 0,6
9 31 609 9 32561 64 0,67439 99 048 0.9 41-3
9 31 669 9 32623 63 0.67377 99 046 1,2 47-2
58 53-1
£ 31 728 9 32685 63 0,67315 99043 \:l
59 2
9 3^788" 9 32 747 63 o-67 253 99 040 2.1
Prop. Pte.
L. Cos. _9 63 L. Tang. L. Sin. 2-4 0,2
9 63 78° 2.7 0,4
9 63 0,6
9_ Cotg. c 62
63d. 0,8
<2 T A B L E IV •

12° li
L. Sin. d. L. Tang. Cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
0 9,31 788 9^32747 63
0,67253 9.99040 60
I 9 31847 60 9 32810 62 0,67 190 9 99038 59 63 62
2 9 31907 9 32 872 . 0.67 128 9 99035 58 .1 6.3 6,2
3 9 31966 9 32933 62 0.67067 9 99032 57 .2 12.6 12 4
4 9 32025 59 9 32995 62 0.67005 9 99030 56 •3 18.9 18.6
5 9 32084 9 33057 °-5^gt3 9 99027 55 •4 25.2 24,8
6 9 32 143 9 33 " 9 0.66 8S1 9 99024 54 .5 3'-5 3r-o
7 9 32 202 9 33 180 62 0.66 820 9 99 022 53 .6 37-8 37-2
8 9 32261 58 9 33242 61 0.66 758 9 99019 52 .7 44-1 43-4
9 9 32319 59 9
33303 62 0,66 697 9 99016 51 50.4 49.6
10 9 32378 9 33365 61 0.66635 9 99013 50 •9 56.7 55-8
11 9 32437 S8 9 33426 0.66 574 9 99 o n 49 61 60
12 9 32495 9 33487
53 9
0.66513 9 99 008 48 .1 6.1 6,0
13 9 32553 33548 6z 0.66 452 9 99005 47 .2 12,2 12,0
14 9 32612 S8 9 33609 61 0.66 391 9 99 002 46 •3 18.3 18.0
15 9 32670 33670
53 9 33 731
0.66 330 9 99 000 45 •4 24-4 24.0
16 9 32728 9 0.66 269 9 98997 44 .5 30-5 30,0
17 9 32 786 53 9 33792 6x 0.66 208 9 98994 43 .6 36,6 36,0
18 9 32844 53 9 33853 0.66 147 9 98991 42 .7 '*?•? 42,0
19 9 32902 58 9 33913 61 0.66087 9 98989 41 4ii,8 48,0
32960 0,66 026 9 98986 •9 54-9 54-0
20 9 33018 58 9
33 974 40
21 9 9 34034 61 0.65 q66 0 98983 39 59
22 9 33075 53
58 9 34095 0,65 905 9 98980 38 .1 5-9
23 9 33133 9 34155 60 0,65 845 9 98978 37 .2 II.8 1
24 9 33 190 58 9 34 215 61 0.65 78s 9 98975 36 •3 17.7
25 9 33248 9 34276 60 0,65 724 9 98972 35 •4 23.6
26 9 33305 57 9 34336 60 0.65 664 9 98969 34 • 5 29.5
27 9 33362 57 9 34396 0.65 604 9 98967 33 •6 35-4
28 9 33420 58 9 34456 60 0.65 5^4 9 98964 32 :l 41-3
29 9 33 477 57 9 34516 60 0.65 484 9 98 961 31 47-2
30 9 33 534 9 34576 60 0.65 424 9 98958 •9 53-1
31 9 33591 57 9 34635 59 0.6s 365 9 98955 29 5» 57
32 9 33647 56 9 34695 60 0.65 305 9 98953 28 .1 5-^ 5-7
33 9 33704 9 34 755 60 0,65 245 9 98950 27 .2 11,6 11,4
34 9 33761 57 9 34814 59 0.65 186 9 98947 26 •3 17-4 '7i
35 9 ,33 818 57 9 34874 6a 0.65 126 9 98944 25 •4 23-2 22,8
36 9 33874 56 9 34 933 59 0,65 067 9 98941 24 :6 34.8 28.5
37 9 33931 57 9 34992 59 0.65 008 9 98938 23 34-2
38 9 33987 56 9 35051 59 0.64 949 9 98936 22 40.6 39-9
39 9 34043 35 111 0,64 8S9 9 98933 21
56 9 35 170 60 •9 46,4 45-6
40 9 34100 9 0,64830 9 98930 20 52.2 51-3
41 9 34156 56 9 35229 59
57 59 0,64 771 9 98 927 19 5* 55
42 9 34212 5« 9 35288 0,64 712 9 98924 18 5-6 5 5
43 9 34268 56 9 35 347 59 0,64653 0 98 921 17 .2 i6,S
44 9 34324 5S 9 35405 58 0,64595 9 98919 16 •3 16,5
45 9 34380 56 9 35464 59 0,64536 9 98 916 15 • 4 22,4 22.0
46 9 34436 56 9 35523 58 0.64477 9 98913 14 •5 28
33-60 27-5
47 9 34491 SS 9 35581 0,64419 9 98 910 13
48 9 34 547 5S 9 35640 59 0.64360 9 98907 12 •4 39.2
5 33-0
49 9 34602 55 9 3569S 58 0,64 302 9 98904 11 •9 44-8 38-5
50 9 34658 S« 9 35 757 59 0.64243 9 98 901 10 50-4 44,0
51 9 34713 55 9 35815 58 0.64 1S5 9 98 898 i 49-5
52 9 34769 56 9 35873 58 0.64 127 9 98S96 o.i
53 '9 34824 55 9 35931 S8 0.64 069 9 98893 oi
54 9 34879 55 9 35989 0.64011 9 98890 1 •3 0.9
9 34 934 55 9 36047 0.63 953 9 98887 5 4 1.2 0.8
11 9 34989 55 9 36105 58 0.63 895 9 98884 4 i 11.0
9 35044 55 9 36163 58 0.63 837 9 988S1 3
11 9 35099 55 9 36 221 58 0-63 779 9 98S78 2 I 2.4 ;i
59 9 35154 S5 9 36279 0.63 721 9 98875 I .9 2.9 1.8
60 9 35209 S5 9 36336 58 0,63 664 9 98872 0
d. L. Cotg. cd. L. Tang. >
L. Cos. L. Sin. 1 Prop. Pte.
77° 1
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, T A N G E N T A N D C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 43

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. c d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
9-35 209 9-36336 58 0,63 664 9.98872 60
9-35 263 9-36394 o, 63 606 9.98869 5§ 58 57
58 5-' 5-7
9-35318 9 36 452 57 0.63 548 9.98867 58
9-35 373 9^36509 0.63491 9.98864 51 11.6 11,4
9,36624 57 17-4 17,1
9-35 427
. 9.36 566 0,63 376
0.63434 9.98858
9.98861 56
9,36681 53 23,2 22,8
9-35536 0,63319 9-98855 55
9-36 738 57 29,0 28,5
9-35 590 0,63 262 9.98 852 54
9-36 795 57 34-8 34-2
9-35 644 0,63 205 9,98 849 S3
9.36852 57 0.63091 9,98843 40.6 39-9
10 9-35 698
752 0.63 148 9.98 S46 52
9,36966 57 0,63 034 9,98 840 51 46,4 45-6
II 9-35806
9,37023 57 0,62 977 9-98837 60 52,2 Si-3
12 9.3s 860
9,37080 57 0,62 920 9.98834 49 56 55
13 9-35 914
9,36 022 9-37137 57 o. 62 863
0.62 807 9,98828 48
9.98831 5-6 11,0
14 9-35 968 9-37 193
9-36075 57 0.62 750 9,98825 47 11,2 16-5
IS 9-37250
9 36 129 57 0,62694 9,98 822 _46 16,8 22,0
16 9-37306
9,36 182 56 0.62 637 9,98 ;;i9 45 22.4 27-5
17 9-37363
20 9,36289
9 36 236 9-37476 57 0,62
0.62 524
581 9,98813 44
9,98816 28,0 33 o
iS 9-37419
21 9-36342 9-37532 S6 0,62468 9,98 810 43 33-65438^S
22 9-36 395 9-37588 57 0.62 412 9,9:: 807 42 39-25-4 44-0
23 9-36449 9-37644 56 0.62 356 9,98804 41 44-8 10,8
24 9 36 5°2
9-36555 9-37756
9-37700 57 244
0.62 300 9.98 798 40
9,98801 50-4 16,2
% 9,36 608 9.37812 56 0.62 188 9.98795 39 21.6
9.36 65o 9,37868 5S 0.62 132 9.98792 38 27,0
9-36713 9-37924 56 0.62 070 9.98 789 36 32.4
29 48.6
[30 9.36
9 36 819
766 9-38035
9-37 980 S6 0.62 965
0.61 020 9-98 783 35
9.98786 37-8
31 9.36871 56 0.61 909 9.98 780 34
9,38091 .1 5-3 5^2
32 9.36924 9-38 147 5fi 0.61 853 9.98777 33 .2 10.6 10.4
33 9-36976 9,38202 56 0.61 798 9.98774 32 •3 15-9
34 9,37081
0.37028 38313
9,38257 S6 0.61 687
743 9.98 768 25
9-98771 •4 21.2 15.6
36 9-37 133 .38368 S6 0.61 632 9-98 765 24 26,5 20,8

37 9-37135 .38423 55 0.61 577 9.98 762 23 318 26.0
28 i 37.1 31.5-
38 9-37 237 52 .38479 56 o;6i 521 9.98 759 23
27 •9 42,4 36,4
39 9-37 289
9.37341 52 9-38589
.38 534 56 0.61411
0.61 466 9.98 756 21
9-98753 26 51 41,6
40 9-37 393 53 9-38644 55 0.61 356 9.98 750 20 .1 47.7
5-1 46,8
41 9-37 445 52 9,38699 55 0.61 301 9.98 74G 19 .2 10.2 4
42 52 9-38754 56 0.61 246 9 98 743 i8 •3 15^3
9-37 497
9.37 9,38863 55 0.61 192
137 9-98
9-98 737 •4 20,4 0,4
45 9-37 600
549 52 9,38808 740 16
46 9-37652 5' 9.38918 55 o,6i 082 9-98734 25-5 0,8
47 9-37703 52 9-38 972 56 0.61 028 9,98 731 30.6 1,2
48 9-37 755 5' 9.39027 55 0,60973 9.98 728 35^7 1,6
49 9-37858
9-37806 52 9.39082
9-39 136 55 0,60864
0,60918 722
9.98 725 40.8 2,0
50 9-37909 5' 9-39 190 55 0,60810 9,98 719 0.3 2,4
.1 45-9
51 9,37960 53 9-39245 55 0,60 755 9-98715 .2 0.6 2.&
9.38011 9-39 299 55 0.60 701 9,98 712 •3 0.9 3-6
52 5'
9.38 113 9-39 407
353 54 0,60593
0.60647 9,98
9-98 706
709 •4 1.2 3
53 5'
9,38 164 5' 9.39461 55 0.60 539 9-98703 i 0.2
Ji 2,1 %•%
5§ 9,38215 5' 9^39 S15 55 0,60485 9,98 700 i 2.4
9,38266 5» 9-39 569 54 0,60431 9,98697 0.8
56 •9 2.7
9-38317 S» 9-39677
9-39623 55 0.60323
0.60377 9,98 690
9 98694 1.0
L. Cos. d.
5' L. Cotg. 55 L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pte. 1.2
59 5' 54 II
60 SI 54 1.8
S' cd,

L. Sin. L.Tang, cd, L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
T 38368 39677 54 0.60 323 98 690 60
I 38418 39731 54 0.60 269 98687 59
2 38469 39Z85 53 0.60 215 98684 58 54 53
3 38519 39838 54 0.60 162 98681 51 .1 5-4 H
.2 10 8
4 38 620
38570 39 945
.39 892 53 0,60055
0.60 108 98675
98678 56 .3 16.2 10.6
38670 39 999 0.60001 98671 55 •4 21.6 15-9
38721 54 0.59948 98668 27.0 21.2
.40 052 54
9 38771 40 106
53 0,59894 98665 53
54 m 26.
10 38871
38821 .40 212
40 159 0.59 788
0.59841 98659
98662 52 31
II 38921 40266 53 0.59 734 98656 51 •9 n 37.1
12 38971 .40 319 S3 0,59681 98652 60 42.4
13 39021 •40 372 54 0,59 628 98 649 48 52 47-7 51
14 39071
39 121 40 478 53
40425 O.S9
0,59 575
522 98643
98646 47 .1 5^2 SI
\l •40531 53 98 640 .2 10.4
39170 0,59469 _46_ •3 10.2
,40 s U 53 98636 •5-2
\l 39220 0,59416 45 •4 20,8 153
19 39270 ,40 636 53 0,59364 98633 44 •5 26.0 20.4
39369 689 S3
,40 0.59258 98627
98630 .6 31.2
20 39319 0,59311 43 •7 .36.4 30.0
21 39418 .40 795 S3 0,59205 98623 42 .8 41.6 35-Z
22 39467 .40 847 53 0,59 153 98 620 41 •9 46.8I 40.8
23 39517 40900 53 0,59 100 98617 40 45 9
2£ 39615
39566 005 53
40952 0,58995
0.59048 98 610
614 39 50 43
^i 39664 057 53 0,58943 98 607
38 5-0
tl 39713 109 53 0,58891 98 604
36 10.o
29 39 762 161 53 0.58839 98601
39 811 266 53
214 0,58 734
0.58 786 98 594
35 JS-o 19.6
80 98597
39909 318 53 0.58682
34 20.0 24.S
31 98588 33 25,0 29.4
39958 370 53 0.58 630
32 98584 32 30.0 34^3
40006 422 53 0,58578
33 526 S3 98581 31 45
35-001 392
40103 474 0,58474
0,58 526 98578
34 30 40.0
40 152 629 53 0,58422 98574
36 29 4S 47
40 200 68i S3 0.58371 98571
37 28 .1 48
40249 733 58 0.58319 98568 47
38 40346 0.58 267
216 98561
98565 27 .2 9,6
39 40297 lit 53 •3 14.4 94
40394 0,58 164 98558 26
40 887 53
•4 19,2 it.%
40442 0,58 113 98555 25 ,C 24,0
41 40490 939 53 0,58061 98551 24 6 28,8 2^1
42 52 33.6 32-9
40 586
40538 .42 990
041 52 0,58010
0,57959 98545
98548 23 •I 38-4 37-6
43 40 634 42093 5X 98541 22 •9 43 2
0,57907 42.3
44 40 682 42 144 52 98538 21
46 40730 .42 195 S3 98535 20
0,57805 4 3
47 40 825
40778 42297
42 246 5' 0,57 703 98 528
98531 19
0,57754 .1 0,4 0,3
48 40873 42 348 5» 0.57652 98525 18 ,2 0,8
49_ .3 1,2 0,0
40 921 42399 5' 0,57601 98 51S 17
50 •4 1,6 0.9
4c 968 ,42450 53 0,57550 9S515 16 •5 2,0
53 1.3
41 063
016 42552
42501 0,57448
0^57 499 9^5" 15 .6 2,4
54 5' 2.8 \i
41 111 .42 603 0,57 397 98508 14 •1
51 3-2 3.1
II 41 158 .42 653 0,57347 98505 13 •9 3.6| 2.4
I 59 41 205 .42 704
51 0,57296 98501 12
.42805 0.57 195 9.98494
idO 9 4141 252
300 .42 755
51 0.57245 98 498 II
L. Voa, d. L. Coig. cd. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. lo Prop. Pte.
5' 75°

L. Sin. d. L. Tang, cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
41300 42 805 0.57195 98494
41347 42 856 5' 0-57144 98491
(7 50
41394 42 906 0.57094 98488 5'
41441 42957 5' 0-57043 98484 ,1 5-1
4153s 47 50 .2 10,2
41488 43007
43057 0.56943
0-56993 98477
98481 •3 15-3
41 582 47 50
7 47 43 108 0.56 892 98474 •4 20.4
41 628 51 5 25-5
8 46 43158 0.56 842 98471
41675 SO 6 .30.6
9^ 47 4320S 0.56 792 98467 7 35-7
41 722
768 43308 SO 0,56 692 98460
10 47 43258 0,56742 98464 8 40,8
41815 43358 50 0.56 642 98457 9 45-9
II 46
41 861 43408 50 0,56592 98453
12 47
41 908 43458 50 0,56542 98450 49
13 46
42 001 43508 50 0.56442
43558 0,56492 98443
98447 1 49
14 47
42047 43607 50 0,56393 98 440 2 98
17 46 •3 14-7
42093 43657 50 0-56343 98436 4 19.6
18 47
42 140 43 707 SO 0.56 293 98433 5 24.5
19 46 43806 49 0.56244
0,56 194 6 29.4
42 232
186 43756 98426
20 46 4385s 50 0,56 145 .7 .34-3
42 278 98422 .8 .39-2
21 47 43905 50 0.56 095
42324 98419 •9 441
22 46 43 954 49 0,56046
42370 98415
23 46
42 416 44053 50 O-SS
44004 996
o-SS 947 98 409
412 47
24 46
42507 44 102 49 0.55 898 98405 .1 4-7
42553 46 44151 SO 0,55 849 98402
28 .2 9-4
42599 46 44201 49 0-55 799 98398
29 •3 14-1
42 644 46 44250 50 0-55
44299 o-SS 701
750 98391
30 •4 18.8
42735 45 44348 49 0,55 652 98388
31 46 28,2
42 781 44 397 49 0,55603 98384 32.9
32 46
42826 44446 49 0,55 554 98381 •9
33 46
42 872
42917 544 50 o-SS
44 495 456
0,55505 98373
98377 4«-3
34 45
42 962 44592 49 0,55 408 98370
3| 46 45
43008 44641 49 o-SS 359 98366
36 45 .1 4-5
43053 44690 49 0,55310 98363
43 143
43098 46 44787 49 0,55262
44738 0,55 213 98356
.2 9-0
38 •3 13-5
43188 45 44836 49 0,55 164 98352 •4 18,0
39 46 44884 49 0,55 116 98349 .5 22,5
43233 27.0
43278 4S 44 933 49 0,55 067 98345 .6
41 •7 31-5
43323 45 45029 48 0.54971
44981 0,55019 98338
98342 .8 36-0
42 43412 4fi 45078 49 0,54922 98334 •9 40-S
43 43 457 45 45 126 49 0,54874 98331
44 43502 45 45 174 48 0,54826 98327
46 4
43591 45 45271
45 222 49 0.54 729
0.54778 98 320
98324 .1
47 43635 45 45319 49 0,54681 98317 .2 1%
48 43 680 45 45367 48 0.54633 98313 •3 1.2
49 •4 1.6
43 724 45 45415 49 0,54585 98309 • 5 2,0
60 43813
43769 45 0.54489
45511 48 0-54537
45463 98302
98306 .6 2,4
51 43857 44 '^5|5? 48 0,54441 98299 .7 2,8
52 .8 3-2
43901 45 45 606 49 0.54394 98295 •9 3-6
53 43946 45 45654 48 0-54346 98291
54 9-44
034 45 45 702 48 0.54298 9,98 284
P L. Cos. 44 45750 48 o 54 250 L. Sin. Pl-pp. P N .
'^ 45 L. Cotg. 49 L. Tang.
_59 44 48 74°
60 45 48
44 48
46 T A B L E IV.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
"o" 44034 45750 0,54250 98284 60
I 44078 45 797 0.54203 98281 59
2 44 122 45845 0.54155 98277 58 48 47
3 44 166 45892 0.54 108 98273 51 I 4-8 4-7
_4_ 44253 45987 0.54060 98266
2 9.6
44 210 45940 0.54013 56 3 14-4 9-4
s' 44297 46035 0,53965 98 262 55 4 19.2 lis
6 44 341 46082 0,53918 98259 54 5 24.0 23-S
6 28,8
9_ 44385 46 130 0,53870 98255 53 33.6 28,2
10 44472
44428 46224
46177 0.53 776
0.53823 98248
98251 52
.38-4 32-9
II 44516 46 271 0.53 729 98 244 51 9 43-2 37-6
12 44 559 46319 0,53 681 98 240 60 42-3
13 44602 46366 0,53634 98237 ^t 40 45
ii. 44689
44646 46460
46413 0.53 587
0-53540 98 229
98233 48 .1 4.6 4-5
44 733 46507 0.53493 98 226 .2 9.2
17 46 •3 13.8 9-0
44776 46554 0.53446 98 222 45 •4 1S.4 '2-5
44819 46601 0-53 399 98218 44 .5 23.0 18,0
19 .6 27.6
44905 46 694
46648 0,53306
0.53352 98 211
43 .7 .32.2 22.5
44948 0,53259 98 207 42 .8 36.8 27.0
44992 46788 0,53 212 98 204 41 •9 41.4! 36.0
45035 46835 0,53 165 98 200 40
23 46928 192
45077 46881 0.53119
0,53 072 98 196
24 46975
39 44
45163 0.53 025 98189 1 4-4
ti 38
45 206 47021 0.52979 98 185
31 2 8.8 n
45249 47068 0.52 932 98181 3 13.212.9
JL 47 160 52 840 98174 36 4 I7.b17.2
45 334
45292- 47114 0.52886 98177 22.0
30 47207 52793 98 170 35 5 "•§
45 377 6 26.4
31 47253 52 747 98 166 34 7 30.825.8
32 47299 52 701 98 162 33 8 .35.2
45462 9 39.6
33 47346 0.52 608
52654 98 159 32 34-4
45 547
504 47392 98155 25
34 0,52 562 31 38-7
45589 47438 98151 24
36 0,52 516 30 42 4»
45632 47484 98147 23
3Z 0.52 470 ^§ 4-2 1 '
45674 47530 98144 22
38 45758 47622 0,52378
0.52424 98136 28 8-4 8,2
45716 47576 98 140 21
39 45 801 47668 0,52332 98 132 27 12,6 12 3
40 45843 47714 0,52 286 98 129 26 16,8 16.4
41 45885 47760 0,52 240 98 125 18 21,0 20.5
42 45969
45927 47852
47806 e.52 148
0,52 194 98117
98 121 17 25,2 24.6
43 46011 47897 0.52 103 98113 16 29-4 28,7
44 46053 47 943 0.52 057 98 n o 33-6 32,8
45' 46095 47989 0,52011 98 106 37-8|
4 36-93
46 46 136
178 48080
48035 0,51965
0.51 920 98098
98 102 ,1 0,4 0-3
47 46 220 48 126 0,51 874 98094 .2 0,8 0,6
48 46 262 48171 98 ooo -3 1,2
0.51 S29
_49 46303 48217 98087 •4 1,6 0,9
0.51 783 1.2
60" 463S6
46 345 48307
48 262 0,51
0,51 693
738 98079
98083 6 2.0
46428 0.51 647 98075 7 It 1,5
SI 4^353 8 1,0
52 46469 48398 0,51 602 98 071
9 n 2,1
53 46511 48 443 0.51557 98067
0,51 2.4
54 46594
46552 9-485.34
+8489 0-51 466
S'I 9.98 060
II L. Cos. d. L. Coi^". cd. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. Prop. Pte.
M 73°
L O G A R i X hiivio KJr jLi\i^t \^\^<jj..L^A_,, AND COTANGENT, Etc. 47

L. Sin. L. Tang, c d L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
0 9-46594 48534 0,51 466 98060
I 9,46 635 0,51 421 98 056
48 624
2 9.46 676 0.51376 98 052 45
3 9,46 717 0,51 331 98048 .1 4-5
9.46 48 714
4 9-46 800
758 48759 286
0,51 241 98044 ,2 9.0
"5 9.46 841 48 804 0.51 196 .3 13.5
6 9.46 8S2 ,48 849 0.51 151 i•4 22.5
7 9.46923 48 894 0.51 106 27.0
8 9.47005
9.46964 48984
48939 0.51 016
061 8 lei
_9 9-47045 .49029 0.50971 9 40.5
10 9.47086 49 073 0.50 927
II 9,47127 49 118 o, 50 803 43
15 9.47 168
9,47209 49 163
49207 0-50837
0.50793 98001 .1 4-3
16 9,47249 ,49 252 0.50 748 97997 2 8.t
•3 12.9
17 9.47290 49 296 0.50 704 97 993 •4 17.2
18 9-47330 49341 0.50659 97989 .5 21.5
19 9,47411
9-47371 49430
4938s 0-50570 97982
97986 .6 25.8
0.50615 30.1
20 9-47452 49 474 0.50 526 97978 i 34-4
21 9.47492 49519 0,50481 97 974 •9 38-7
22 9-47 533 49563 0-50437 97970
23 9,47613
9-47 573 49 652
49607 0,50 348
0-50393 97 962
26 9,47654 49 696 0.50304 97958 4'
24 I 4-1
27 9,47694 49740 0,50260 97 954 2 8.2
28 9-47 734 49784 0,50 216 97950 3 12.3
29 9,47814
9-47 774 49828
49 872 0,50 172 97946
97942 4 16.4
e. 20,5
30 9,47854 49916 97938 6 24,6
31 9.47894 49960 97 934 7 28,7
32 9-47 934 50 004 97930 8 .32.8
9 36-9
33 9 47 974 50048
50092 97 922
34 9-48054 50 136 97918
35 9-48094 50 180 97914 39
36 9-48 133 50 223 97910 I 3-9
37 9,48213
9-48 173 50311
50267 o. 49 689 9.97902
97 906
2 7-8
3 11-7
38 9,48252 5035s 0,49 643 9.97898 4 15.6
39 9,48 292 50398 0,49 602 9.97894 5 19.5
9-48332 0,49 558 97890 6 23-4
40 50442 7 27.3
41 9.48411
9.48371 50529
50485 0,49515
0,49471 97882
97886 8 31,2
42 9.48450 50572 0,49428 97878 9 35-1
43 g.48 490 50616 0.49384 97874
44 9.48529 50659 0,49 341 97870 4
45 9.48 607
9.48568 50746
50703 0.49254
0,49 297 97861
97866 ,1 0,4
46 9-48 647 50789 0.49 211 97857 .2 0,8
9,48686 50833 0.49 167 97853 •3 1,2
47 •4 1,6
48 9.48 725 50876 0,49 124 97849
9,48 764 50962
50919 0,49 038 97841
97S45 2,0
49 0.49081
50 9,48 842 51005 0,4899s 97837 I 2,8
51 9,48881 51 048 o 48 952 97833 3-2
9 3-6
52 9,48 920 51092 0.48 908 97829
9-48959 51178
51 135 0.48 822
0,48865 9.97821
54 L. Cos. L. Cotg. c d. L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pts.
55 72°

L. Sin. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d Prop. Pte.
0 48998 178' 0.48 822 97 821 60
I 49037 221 0.48 779 97817 59
2 49076 264 0.48 736 97 812 58 43 42
3 49 "5 306 0.48 694 97808 5| .1 4-3 4,2
49153 349 0,48651
0,48 608 97 800
.2 8,6 8.4
4 49 192 392 55 •3 12,9
I 49231 435 0.48 565 97796 54 ,4 17,2 12.6
49269 478 0,48 522 97792 53 .5 21,5 16.8
,6 25,8 21.0
9 49308 520 ; 48480 97788 52 30.1
10 49385
49 347 606
563 0.48 394
--•48437 97784
97779 51 :l 34-4 25,2
49424 648 0.48 352 97 775 50 •9 38-7 29-4
12 49 462 691 0.48309 97771 49 33.6
13 49500 734 0.48 266 97767 48 4137-8
14 49 539
57<7- 819
776 0.48 224
0.48 181 97 759
97763 46 4-1
15 49615 86i 0.48 139 97 754 45 82
\l 49654 903 0.48097 97750 44 12 3
!£_ 49 692 946 0.48054 97746 43 16.4
49730 52031 0,47969
0.48012 97738
97742 20,5
20 42
49 806 52073 0.47927 97 734 24,6
21 41
49844 52 " 5 0.47 885 97729 28,7
22 40
49882 52157 0.47843 97725 32-8
23 39
49 920 52 242
200 0.47 800
758 97721
97717 3936-9
24 38
49996 52 284 0.47 716 97713 .1 3-9 H
tl 31
50034 52326 0.47674 97708 .2 7-8
tl 36 •3 11.7 7.6
50072 52368 0.47 632 97704
29 35 •4 15.6 11,4
80 50148
50 n o 52452
52410 0.47548
0.47590 97696
97 700 •5 19.5
31 50185 52494 0.47 506 97691
33 .6 23-4 15-2
32 50223 52536 0.47464 97687 27.3 19.0
32 :k 31.2 22,8
33 50 261 52578 0.47422 97683 •9 35-1 26,6
50336 52 661 97674 31
35 50298 52 620 0.47380
0.47339 97679
50374 52 703 97670 30 30-4
36 0.47297
50411 52745 97 666 20 37 34.236
II 0.47 255
50449 52 787 97 662 28 3 3.6
39 0.47213
50486 52 829
870 97653
97657 27 7-4 ^•?
40 50523 0-47 130
9 52 912 97649 26 II,I 10,8
41 50561 o 47 088
50598 9 52953 o 47 047 97645 14,8 14 41
5063s 9 52 995 o 47005 97640 18, S 18 o I
50 710
50673 53078
9.53037 o. 46 922
0-46963 97632
97636 22,2 21 6 ,
50747 53 "20 0.46 880 97 628 25-9 25,2 ,
50784 S3 161 0,46 839 97623 29,6 28,8
49 50 821 53202 0,46 798 97619 5 32-4
33-3 4
50 896
50858 53285
53244 0,46 715
756 97 610
97615 .1 o,t; 3-4
51 50933 53327 0,46 673 97 606 2 1.0 0.8
52 50970 53368 0,46 632 97 602 •3 1-5
53 •4 2,0 1,2
51 007 53409 0.46 591 97 597 2-5 1,6
54 51080
51043 53450
53 492 0.46 508
550 97589
97 593 3-0
II 51 117 53 533 0.46 467 97584 .1 3-5 2,0
51 154 0,46426 97580
4.0 ^1
II 53 574 •9 4-5 3«
59 51 191 53615 0,46385 97576
0.46344 3-6
00 51 227 53656 97571
264 53607 c. d 0.46 303 L.97Sill.
567 d. Prop. Pte.
L. Co(s. L. Tnwg.

L. Sin. L. Tang, c. d L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
51264 9 53697 41 0.46303 97567 60
51 301 37
37 9 53738 41 0.46 262 97563 5§
51338 9 53 779 4' 0.46 221 97558 58 4' 40
51374 36
9 53820 4' 0.46 180 97 554 57 1 4.1 4.0
51411 37 2 8.2 8.0
36 _9 53902
53861 0.46 098
41 0,46057
139 97 545
97550 Ji 3 12.3 12.0
514S4 9 53 943 97 541- 55 4 16.4 16.0
51520 37 4'
36 9 53984 41 o 46 016 97536 54 5 20.5 20.0
_9 51557 9 54025 41 0.45 975 97532
6 24,6 24.0
37 53 7 28,7 28.0
10 51 629
51593 9 54 106
54065 0.4s 894
0.45 9.35
36 40
97528 52 8 .32.8 32.0
51666 _9 54147 4' 0,45 853
36 97519 51 9 36-9 36.0
-.2 51 702 9 54187 0.45 813 97515
37 4' 50
13 51738 9 54228 40 0-45 772 97510 39
36 49
15 51 774
36 9 54269
54 329
0.45 691
731 97501
97506 48 n
16 51847
36 9 54350 41 0,45 650 97 497 47
17 51883 54390 0.45 610 97492
37 9^ 40 di
18 51 919
36 9 54431 41 0,45 569 97488 45 19-s
19 51955
51 991 54512 0,45 488
36 9 54471 40
0.45 529 97 479
97484 44 23-4
20 52 027
36 9 54552 41 0.45 448 97 475 43 27-3
21 52 063 9 54 593 0.45 407 97470 31-2
36 40 42
22 52099
36 9^ 54633 41 0.45 367 97466 41 35-1
25 52 171 54714 0,45 286
23 52135
36 9 54673 40 0.45 327 97 457
97461 40 37 36
24 52 207 54 754 0,45 246 97 453
36 9 39 I 3-7 3-6
27 52 242 54 794 41 0,45 206 97448 2 7-4 7-2
35 9 38
28 52278 54835 40 0,45 165 97 444 3 II,I
36 9 31 4 14.8 10,8
29 52350
52314 54875 4° 0.45
54915 0,45 085
125 97 435
439 18.5 14.4
36 _9 36
30 52385 54 955 41 0,45045 97430 6 22.2 18.0
36 9 40 35 .
.7 25,9
31 52 421 54 995 0.45 005 97426
35 9 34 8 29.6 21,6
32 52456 55035 40 0,44965 97421
36 9 33 9 33-3 25,2
33 52527
52492 55 " 5 41 0.44
55075 885
0.44925 97412
97417 25
36 9 32 28,8
34 52563 55 155 40 0.44845 97408 24
36 _9 31 35 3432-4
37 52598 55 195 40 0.44 805 97403 23
35 9 30 .1 3-5 3 4
38 52634 55235 40 0.44 765 97 399 22
36 9 29 .2 7-0
39 52 669
52705 55315 40 0,44685
55275 0,44 725 97390
97 394 21 6.8
35 9 28 •3 10,5
40 52740 55 355 40 0,44645 97385 20 10.2
36 9 27 •4 14,0
41 52775 55 395 40 0,44 605 97381 19 13-6
35 ± 26 17.5 17.0
42 52811 55 434 40 0,44 566 97376 18 24.5
9 55514 40 0.44486
17 i 28,0 20.4
43 52881
52 846 36 55 474 o 44526 97367
97372 IS 21,0
46 52 916 3S 9 55 554 40 0.44446 97363 •9 31-5
44 14
16 23.8
47 52951- 36 9 55 593 40 0.44407 97358 13 27.2
48 52986 35 9 55633 40 0.44367 97 353 12 5 30.6
49 53056
53021 36 J. 55712
55673 40 0.44 288
0.44327 97 344
349 II .1 0.5 0.4
60 53092 9 55752 40 0.44248
35 97340 lo" .2 1,0 0.8
51 53 126 35 9 55791 40 0.44 209 97 335 •3 1-5
9 •4 2.0 1.2
52 53161 36 9 55831 39 0.44 169 97 331 8 ,5 2-5 1.6
S3 9 55910
55870 40 0,44 130
53^31 35 0,44090 97322
97326 7 .b 3-0 2.0
Ji 53266 33 9_ 55 949 40 0,44051 97317 .7 3-5
6 8 4-0 2-4
5| 53301 35 9 55989 40 0.44011 97312 9 4-5 2,8
56 53336 35 9 56028 39 0.43 972 97308
57 9 56067 40 0.43933 9.97299 3?
53370 35 97303
58 9 56 107 40 043 893 L. Sin. 3-6
9-53 405 35 Prop. Pte.
i9. L. Cos. 35 9_ 39 L. Tang.
60 36 9 40 70°
34 9 39'
34 _9
9 Cotg. c 39
L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
53405 56 107 0.43 893 97299 60
53440 56 146 0.43 854 97294 59
53 475 56185 0-43 815 97289 58 40 39
56 224 0,43 776 5? .1 3-9
53509 97285
9-53578 56303
56 264 0,43
0.43 697
736 9,97276 ii .2 Vo 7-8
53 544 97280 •3 12,0
9-53613 56342 0.43 658 9,97271 55 •4 16,0 11-7
53647 56381 0,43 619 9,97 266 54 20.0 15.6
53682 56420 0.43 580 9,97262 53 19-S
10 53716
53751 56498
56459 0,43 502
0.43 541 9-97257
97252 50
52 234
II 53785 56537 0.43463 97248 49
51 •9 32,0 27-3
12 53819 56576 0.43 424 97243 48 31.2
13 53854 5^ ^'5 0-43 385 97238 47 38 35-1
14 53922
53888 56693
56654 0.43307
0.43 346 97229
97234 Ji .1 3-8 3^7
53 957 56732 0,43 268 97224 45 .2 7-6 7^4
•3 11,4
\l 53 991 0,43 229 97 220 44 •4 15.2 11.1
19 54025 56810 0.43 190 97215 43 .5 19,0 14.8
54059 56887
56849 0.43 151
0-43 113 97206
97 210 42 .6 22,8 18.S
20 •7 26,6
21 54127 56926 0,43 074 97201 41 .8 30,4 22.2
22 54161 56 965 0,43 03s 97196 40 •9 34-2 25.9
23 54195 57004 0,42 996 97192 3g 29.5
54229 57081
57042 0,42919
0,42 958 97 182
97187 38
26 35333
54297 57120 0.42 880 97 178 36 35
28 54 331 57158 0,42 842 97173 35 7.0
29 54365 57197 0,42 803 ,97168 34
0,42 726 lo-S
30 54 399
5^^433 5723s
57274 0.42 765 97 163
97159 33
0,42 688 14.0
31 54466 57312 97154 32
0,42 649 17s
32 54500 57351 97 149 31
0,42 611 21.0
33 54 534 57389 97145 30
54601 57466 0,42 572 28.0
3| 54567 57428 534 97 135
97140 29
54635 57504 315
36 0,42 496 97 130 28
3Z 54668 57 543 0,42457 97 126 34
27 .1 3-4
38 54 702 57581 0.42419 97 121
54 735
26 .2 6.8 u
39 54769 57619 0,42 342
381 97111
97 116 .3 10,2 9-9
41 57696 .4 13-6
54802 0.42304 97107 13.2
42 57 734 17,0
54836 0.42 266 97 102 i 20,4 19'i
43 57772
54869 0.42 228 97097 23-8 23,1
44 54936 57810
57849 0,42 190
151 9-97 0S7 :l 27,2
54903 0.42 97092 26,4
46 54969 57887 0,42 113 9-97 o8- .9 30,6 29,7
47 55003 57925 0,42 075 9-97 ,
48 55036 57963 0.42037 9,9707 5 4
49 55069
55102 58039
58001 0,41
0,41 961
999 97063
9,9706: .1 0.5 0,4
60 55 136 58077 0,41 923 97059 .2 1.0 0,8
58115 0.41 885 97054 •3 i-S
51 55169 •4 2.0 1.2
52 55 202 58153 0,41 847 97049 2.5 1,6
55268 58229
S3 55235 58191 0,41 809
771 97044
97039 3-0 2,0
II 55301 58267 0-41 733 97035 3-5
:l 4.0
54 ^1
II 55 334 58304 0.41 696 97030 •9 4.5 II
Jl 55367 58342 0.41 658 97025
55 433
9.55 400 9.58418
58380 0.41 620
0,41 582 9,97015
I L. Cos. I d. L. Cotg. cd. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. Prop. Pte.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
9-55 433 9,58418 0.41 5S2 9.97015
9,55466 9.58455 37 0.41 545 9.97010
9SS499 9-58493 38 0.41 507 9.97005 38 37
9-55 532 9-58531 38 0.41 469 9.97001 I 3-8 3-7
9,58 606 38 0,41 431 2 7-6
9-55 597
564 9-58569 394 9-96991
9-96996 3 11-4 74
9-55630 9.58644 37 0.41 356 9.96 986 4 15-2 11,1
9-55 663 9,58681 38 0.41 319 9,96 981 5 19,0
8 .6 22,8 14,8
9-55 695 9-58719 37 0.41 281 9,96976 .7 26.6 18.5
9-55 701
728 9-58 757 38 0.41
9.58794 0.41 206
243 9,96 966
9,96971 ,8 304 22,2
9-55 793 9.58832 38 0,41 168 9,96 962 •9 34-2
9,55 826 9.58869 37 0,41 131 9-96957 29,6
9-55858 9.58907 38 0,41 093 9-96952 36 33
9-55 S91
923 9.58981 37 0.41
9-58944 0,41 019
056 9,96942
9 96 947 45 I 3^6
9-55 956 9.59019 38 0,40 981 9.96937 44 2 7-2 u
"15 •3 10,8 99
9-55 988 9.59056 37 0,40 944 9.96 932 43 •4 14-4
16 9,59094 37 0,40906 9-96927 42 18,0 16,5
9.56021 21.6 19,8
17 9,59
9-S9 168
131 38 0,40
0,40 869
832 9.96917
9,96 922 .6
9-56053 41 .7 25,2 23.1
18 9.59205 37 0,40 795 9,96 912 28,8
9-56085 40 .8
19 9-59243 38 0,40 757 9-96907 39 •9 32-4 26,4
9,56 118
20 9,59280 37 0,40 720 9.96 903 38 39.7
9.56 150
21 9,56247 9-59317
9-59 354 37 0,40 683
646 9.96
9,96 893
898 3?
9,56 182 33
22 9-56 279 9-59391 37 0,40609 9,96888 36
23 9-56311 9-59429 38 0,40 571 9,96883 35
24 9,6
9-56343 9,59466 37 0-40 534 9,96878 34 12,8
25 9,56408
9-56375 9-59503 0.40460
9-59540 37 0.40497 9,96868
9-96873 33
26 16.0
9,56440 9-59 577 37 0,40423 9.96 863 32 19,2
27 9,56472 9,59614 37 0,40 386 9.96858 31
28 %2.A
9.56504 9-59 651 38 0.40349 9-96853 30 25,0
29 9,56568
9-56536 9-59725 37 0.40 312
9,59688 275 9 96 843
9.96848 ^i
30 28.8
9-56 599 9,59762 37 0,40 238 9.96838 28
31 9-59 799 37 0,40 201 9-96833 3« e
9,56663 27
32 9-59835 37 0.40 165 9,96 828 6.2 0.6
9.5669s 26
33 9,56 727 9,59909 37 0,40
9-59872 128
0,40091 9,96818
9-96823 1,2
25 93 I
34 9 56 759 9,59946 37 0,40054 9,96813 24 12.4 2
31 9,56 700 9-59983 37 0.40017 9.96808 23 15-5 3
36 9 56 822 9,60019 37 0.39981 9,96803 22 18.6 3
37 9.56886
9,56854 9,60093 37 0.39907
9,60056 0.39944 9-96
9 96 798
793 21 21,7 4
38 9.56917 9.60 130 37 0.39 870 9.96788 20" 24,8 4
39 9-56949 9.60 166 36 o 39 834 9.96783 19 27-9 54
40 9.56 980 9.60 203 37 0-39 797 9.96 778 s 4
9,96 18
41 99,57044
57 012 9.60 276
9,60 240 37 0-39
0.39 724
760 9 96 767
772 17 .1 o.e 0.4
42 9-57075 9-60313 37 0,39 687 9,96 762 .2 1,0
16 •3 1-5 0,8
43 9-57107 9,60349 37 0,39 651 9-96757
15 •4 2.0 1,2
44 9-57138 9,60386 36 0,39 614 9,96752 .5 2-5 1,6
9,96 742
747 14 .6 3-0
45 9,57 201
9-57169 9,60459 39 541
9.60 422 37 0,39 578 2,0
9.96737 13 .7 3-5
46 9-57232 9,60495 37 39505 .8 4.0 2,4
9,96 732 12
47 9,57264 9,60 532 37 ,39468 •9 4-5 2.8
9,96 727 n
48 9-57295 9.60568 36 39 432 3?
9,96 722 lo
49 9-57358
9-57326 9.60605 37 0,39 359
39 395
9 3^6
Prop. Pte.
50 L. Cos. I d. 9.60641 cd.
37 L. Tang. L. Sin. d.
51 L. Cotg. 36
68° 7
52 37 6
53 36
58 36

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
0 57358 60641 0-39359 9.96717 60
I 57389 60 677 0-39323 9,96 711 59
2 57420 60 714 0.39 286 9.96 706 58 37 3«
3 57 451 60 750 0.39250 9,96 701 5| I 3-7 3.6
2 7-4 7,2
4 57514
57482 60 823
786 0.39 177
0.39214 9,96 691
696 56 3 11,1
I 57 545 60859 0.39 141 9,96686 55 4 14,8 10,8
57576 60 895 0.39 105 9,96 681 54 18,5 14-4
b 22,2 18,0
9 57607 60 931 0.39 069 9,96 676 53 7 25.9
10 57669
57638 60967
004 0,38996
0-39033 9,96665
9,96 670 52 8 29,6 21.6
II 57700 040 0,38 960 9,96 660 51 9 33-31 25,2
12 57731 076 0.38 924 9,96655 50 28.8
13 57762 112 0.38888 9.96650 49 35324
14 57824
57 793 184
148 0.38816
0.38852 9.96640
9 96645 48 35
\l 57855 220 0.38 780 9.96634 46 7.0
\l 578S5 256 0-38 744 9.96 629 45 10 5
19 5791 292 0,38 708 9.96 624 44 14,0
20 57978
57 9 364
328 0,38636
0,38 672 9,96 619
9.96 614 43 17-5
21 58008 400 0,38 600 9,96 608 42 21,0
22 58039 436 0,38564 9,96 603 41 24.5
23 58 070 472 0,38528 9.96598 40 28,0
24 58131
58 TOl 508
544 0,38456
0,38492 g.96
9 96 588
593 3331531

26 58 162 579 0.38421 9.96 582 .1 3-2 6,2
27 58 192 651 0.38385 9.96577
31 .2 6-4
28 58 223 0.38349 9,96572 • 3 9-6 93
687 36 •4 12,8
29 58284
58253 722 0.38278
0.38313 9.96 562
9.96567 16,012,4
58314 0.38 242 35
30 758 9 96556
.6 19.2 '5-5
31 58345 794 0.38 206 9 96551 • 7 22,418,6
58375 0.38 170 9 96546
33 .8 25,6 21,7
32 830 32 •9 28,8
33 58436
58 406 901
865 0.38099
0.38 135 99.96541
9653s 24,3
58467 0.38064 31 27,9
J4 936 9 96530
58497 0.38028 30 30 «9
II 972 9.96 525
58527 0.37992 tl
II 62008 9,96 520 1:1
58588 62 079 9.96509 27
39 58557 62043 0.37957
0.37921 9.96514
26 9.0 ii
10 58618 62 114 0.37 886 9.96 504 12,0 II.6
58648 62 150 0.37850 9.96498 25
41 24 15,0 145
42 58678 62 185 0.37815 9 96493 18.0 17-4
58709 62 221
256 0.37744
0.37 779 9.96483
9.96 488 23
43 22 21.0 20.3
44 58769 62 292 0,37 708 9.96477 24.0 23.2
58799 62 327 0,37673 9.96472 21
45 19 27.0 26.1
46 58829 62 362 0-37 638 9.96467 « 5
58859 62433
62398 0.37567
0.37 602 9.96456
9.96461 18 .1 0,6 0.5
tl 17 .2 1,2 1,0
58919 62 468 0-37532 9.96451
49 i6 •3 1,8
58949 62 504 0-37496 9.96445
50 •4 2,4 1-5
58979 62539 0,37461 9.96440 3-2 2 o
51 62 609 9,96429
59039 62574 0-37391
0,37426 9-96435 3-6 2-5
52 62645 9-96424 4-2
59069 0-37355 I 4,8 3-0
53 62680 9.96419
59098 0,37320 9 5-4| 3-5
54 62715 9.96413
59 128 0.37285 4,0
II 59 188 62 785
62 750 0.37215 9.96403
59 158 0.37250 4-5
L. Cos. I„ Cotg. c d L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pte.
60 67°
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, TAJJ - l ^ A N D C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 53

L. Sin. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
59 lS8 9.62 785 0.37 215 9.96403 60
59218 9.62 S20 35 0,37 180 9-96397 59
59247 9.62 855 35 0,37 145 9.96392 58 36 35
59277 9,62 S90 35 0.37 n o 9.96387 57 3-6 3-5
30 o
59307 9.62 926 36 0.37074
9,62 961 0.37039 9.96376
9.96381 JL 7?
59366 39 9,62 996 35 0.37004 9,96370 10.8 5
59396 30 9,63 031 35 0.36969 9.96365 14-4 o
59425 30 9,63 066 35 0.36934 9.96360 18 0]24,5
9 53
59 455 29 101 35 0.36865
9,63 135
9-63 9-96354
9-96349 21.6 28,o
10 0.36899 52
59514 30 9-63 170 35 0,36830' 9.96343 25,2 5
II 51
59 543 29 9,63 205 34 0,36 795 9 96338 28,8 o
12 50
59 573 30 9.63240 35 0,36 760 9 96 333 32-43431-5
13 49
15 59
602 29 9,63 310 35 0,36725
9.63 275 0,36 690 9.96322
14 48 u
16 59661 30 9-63 345 35 0,36655 9-96316 46 10,2
17 59690 29 9-63 379 35 0,36 621 9,96311 45 13-6
18 59 720 30 9,63 414 35 0,36586 9.96305 44 17,0
19 59778
59 749 29 9-63484 35 0,36551
9-63449 0.36516 9.96294
9-96300 43 20,4
20 59808 39 9.63 519 34 0.36481 9.96 289 42 23,8
21 59837 30 9-63 553 35 0,36447 9.96 284 41 27,2
22 59866 29 963588 35 0,36412 9.96 278 40 30,6
23 59895
59924 »9 657 35 00,36343
9-63 623 3 6 377 9,96 267
9.96273 39 39
24 59954 30 9.63692 35 0,36 308 9,96 262 3.0 ^•§
27 59983 29 9.63 726 34 0,36 274 9,96 256 6,0 i:
28 60012 29 9-63 761 35 0.36 239 9 96 251 9.0 11,6
29 60070
60041 29 9,63 796 33 0,36 204
9,63830 170 9.96 240
9.9624s 12,0 14-S
31 60099 29 9.63865 34 0,36 135 9.96234 15.0 17-4
32 60128 30 9-63899 35 0,36 101 9 96 229 18,e 20,3
33 60157 29 9-63934 34 0,36 o56 9,96 223 21,0 23,2
34 60 186
60215 29 9.64003 35 0,36032
9-63968 0,35 997 9.96 212
9.96 218 24.0 26,1
3| 60244 29 9-64037 35 0,35 963 9.96 207 27.038
36 60273 29 9,64072 34 0,35 928 9.96 201 29 2.8
37 60302 29 9,64 106 35 0-35 894 9.96 196 28
38 60359
60331 29 0-3S 860
140 34 0,35
9,64 175
9-64 825 9,96 185
9,96190 i:S
39 60388 29 9,64209 35 0-35 791 9-96 179 11,2
42 60417 29 9-64243 34 0.35 757 9,96174 14,0
43 60446 29 9,64278 35 0.35 722 9,96 168 16,8
44 60503
60474 29 9 64 346 34 0,35688
9-64312 0.35 654 157
9.96 162 19.6
46 60532 29 9.64381 35 0.35619 9,96 151 22,4
47 60561 29 9,64415 34 0-3S 585 9,96 146 25,2
48 60 589 29 9.64449 34 0-35551 9.96 140 fi 5
49 60 646
60618 28 0-35 483
9-64517 35 0-35517
9.64483 9.96
9-96 129
135 I 0,6 OS
50 60675 29 9 6^552 34 0-3S 448 9,96 123 2 1,2 1,0
51 9,96 118 3 1,8
60 704 29 9,64 586 34 0.35414 4 2,4 1-5
52 60733 29 9,64620 35 0,35 380 9,96 112 5 30 2,0
S3 60789
60 76. 28 9,64688 34 0,35
9-64654 0.35 312
346 9,96 101
107 6 3.6
54 9,64 722 34 0,35 278 9,96095 4,2 2.5
60818 29 I
5| 9.64756 35 0.35 244 9,96 090 4,8 30
60846 29 9 5 4 3-5
56 60875 29 9.64 790 34 o 35 210 9,96 084
57 9.64858 34 0.35 9,96073 4,0
60931 38 9.64824 0,35 142
176 9,96079
58 L. Sin. d.
Prop. Pts.
L. Cos. 29
d. L. Cotg. c34d. L. Tang.
59 38 34
60 66°
39 35
3 34
29 34

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
9,60931 64858 0.35 142 96073 60
9,60 960 64 892 0..3S io8 96067 59
9-6 016 64926 0,35 074 96062 58 34 93
64960 96056 51 .1 l
0,35 040
9.6: 045
64994 0.34972 96045
96050 56 ,2 U
073 0,35006 •3 10,2 9
lOI 65 062 0,34938 96039 55 •4 13.6 13.
65 096 0.34904 96034 54 17,0 lb.
120 .6 20,4 19.
9 186 65 130 0.34870 96028 53 23.8 23.
10 9.6 214 65 197
164 0.34803
0-34836 96017
96022 52 :l 27,2 2b.
II 9.6 242 65231 0,34 769 96011 51 •9 30.6 29.
12 9.6 270 65 265 0-34 735 96005 50
13 9,6 298 65 299 0.34701 96000 49 «9
14 9,6 326354 65 366
65333 0.34634
0.34667 95988
95 994 48 2.9
15 9.6 382 65 400 0,34 600 95982 47 5.8
i6 9.6 411 65434 0,34566 95 977 Ji 8.7
17 9.6 438 65467 0,34533 95971 45 II.6
9.6 466494 65535
65501 0,34465
0,34499 95960
95965 44 14-S
522 65568 0,34432 95 954 43 17-4
550 65 602 0.34398 95948 42 20.3
578 65636 0.34364 95942 41 23,2
606 65703
65 669 0.34331
0.34297 95 937
95931 40 26.1
23 9.6 662 65736 o. 34 264 95925 39 2,8
24 9.6 689 65770 0.34230 95920 38 I::
25 9.6 717 65803 0.34197 95914 3| 11,2
745 65870
65837 0,34 130
0.34163 95 902
26 36 14.0
9,6 800 65 904 0,34096 95897
27 35 16.8
9.6 828 65937 0,34063 95891
28 34 19.6
9,6 856 65971 0.34029 95885
J?_ 9-6 883 66038 0.33 962 95873 33 22,4
911 66004 0.33996 95879
80' 9-6 939 66071 0,33929 95868 32 25,2
31 9.6 966 66 104 0.33 896 95 862 31 i17
32 9.6 994 66138 0.33 862 95856 30 .1 2,7
33 9,62 049 66 204
171 0-33 796
0.33829 9.95 844 29 .2 5-4
9,62 021 95850 •3 8.1
34 9,62076 37 66238 0.33 762 9.95 839 28 -4 10,8
3| 9,62 104 38 66271 0.33 729 9.95833 27 •| 135
36 9.62 131 37 66 304 0.33696 9.95827 26 16,2
37 9.62 159
9,62 186 38 66371
66337 0.33 629
0.33663 95 821
95815 -.1 'll
38 9,62 214 37 66404 0.33 596 95 810 •9 243
39 9,62 241 28 66437 0-33 563 95804
"40 9,62 268 37 66470 0-33 530 95798 6 5
41 99.62
296 37 66 537
66503 0.33463
0.33497 95786
95 792 0.6 0-5
42 9,62 350 38 66570 0.33430 95780 1.2 1,0
43 9,62377 37 66 603 0.33 397 95 775 1.8 1.5
9.62 405 97 2,4 2.0
44 66636 0.33364 95769 3 0 2.5
45 99.62
62 459
432 37 66 702
66669 0.33 =9^
0.33 331 95763
95 757 3-6 30
46 9.62 486 28 66735 0-33 2(^5 95751 '»5 3.5
97 66768 48 4.0
47 9,62 513 0.33 -.32 95 745 54 45
48 9,62 5^1 »7 66 801 0.33 '99 95 739
49 9.62568 •7 66834 o0,33
33 166
'33 95 733
60 9-6 2595 «7 66867 L. Tang. 9 95 728 Prop. Pte.
51 L. Cos. 98 Cotg. cd L. Sin.
52 •7
S3 •7

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
9-62595 27 66867 0,33 133 9-95 728 6 60
9.62 622 37 66 900 33 0,33 100 9-95 722 6 59
9,62 649 37 66933 33 33 32
0,33 067 9-95 716 6 58
9.62 676 37 66966 33 0.33034 9-95 710 6 51 2 I 3-3 3-2
9,62 730 1.67032
, 66 999 33 6,6
9-62 703 0,32 900
0,33001 704 6 56 3 9-9 6.4
9-95 698
9-62 757 37 1,67065 33 0,32 935 9-95 692 55 4 13,2 ^•%
9,62 784 37 1,67098 33
0,32 902 9,95 686
6 16,5 12.8
9,62 Sii 37 1,67131 33 0.32 869 6 54 6 19.8
9,93 6S0 53 .7 23.1 16.0
10 9,62 838 37
62865 1,67 196 33 0.32837
,67 163 0.32 804 9.95
9-95 668
52 8 26.4 19.2
II 62 892 27 J,67 229 33 0.32 771 9.95663 6
_5L •9
29,7 22.4
12 62 918 27 J, 67 262 33 0,32 738 9-95 657 6 60 25.6
13 62945 37 ^,67295 33 0.32 705 9.95 651 5 49 27218
ii 972 26
62 999 67360 33 0,32
5,67327 640
0.32673 9-95 645 6 48
9-95639 2-7
\l 63026 37 9-67393 33 0.32 607 9.95 633 6 47
17 63 052 27 9.67 426 33 0.32 574 9-95627 6 J i 10.8
i8 63079 37 9-67458 33 0,32 542 9.95 62£ 6 45 16.2
19 63 106 27
63133 9,67524 33 0,32476
9-67491 0,32 509 9-95609 6
9-95615 44 18.9
20 63159 36 9-67556 33 0,32444 9-95 603 6 43 21.0
21 63186 27 9.67 589 33 0,32411 9-95 597 6
42 24-3
22 63213 37 9,67 622 33 0,32 378 9-95 591 6 41
23 9,63 266 37
63239 9.67687 33 0,32313
9-67654 0.32 346 9-95 579
585 6
40 36
II 9.63 292 86
24 9-67 719 33 0,32 281 9.95573 6 39 2.6
% 9-63319 27 9-67752 33 0,32 248 9.95 567 6 38 5-2
29 9-63345 37 9.67 785 33 0.32 215 9-95 561 6 37 7-8
30 9-63 372 36
9-63398 9.67 850 33 0,32 183
9-67817 150 9-95 555 6 J i
9.95 549 10.4
31 9-63 425 27 9.67 S82 33 0,32 118 9.95 543 6 35 13-0
32 9-63451 26 9.67915 32 0.32085 9-95 537 6 34 15.6
33 9,63478 37 9.67947 33 0,32 053 9-95 531 6 33 18.2
34 63 531 26
9-63504 9.68012
9.67980 33 0,31 988
0,32 020 9-95 525 6 32
9-95519 20.8
36 63 557 37 9:68044 32 0,31 956 9-95 513 6
31 23.4
37 63 583 36 9.68077 33 0.31 923 9-95 507 6
30 0.7
38 63 610 27 9.68 109 32 0,31 891 9-95 500 6
40 662 26
63 636 9.68 142
174 33 0,31 858 826 9,95488
9-95 494 6 1.4
41 63689 27 9.68 206 32 0,31 794 9.95 482 6 28 2.1
42 63715 26 9,68 239 33 0.31 761 9-95476 6 27 2.8
43 63741 27 9.68271 33 0,31 729 9-95470 6 26 3-5
44 63 794 36
63767 9,68336
9-68303 33 0.31 664
0,31697 9-95 458 6 25
9-95464 15 4-2
46 63 820 2fi 9,68368 33 0,31 632 9-95 452 6 24 14 *t
47 9.68400 33 0,31 600 9-95446 7 23 63
,63 846 37 13
48 63 872 3« 9,68432 33 0,31 568 9-95440 6 22 12 6 5
60 898 36
63 924 9,68497 33 0,31
9.68465 0.31 535
503 9-95 434 6 21
9.95427 II .1 0.6 o.S
51 63 950 87 9,68 529 33 0,31 471 9.95421 6 10 .
20" 2 1.2
-3 1.8 l.O
63 976 36 9,68561 33 0,31 439 9.95415 6 I •§
52 •4 2-4 1-5
S3 ,64002 36 9-68593 33 0,31 407 9-95 409 6 18 7 .5 3-0 2.0
55 64054 36
,64028 9,68658
9.68626 33 0,31
031 342
374 9-95 397 6 17
9-95403 6 .6 36
56 64080 37 9,68 690
33 0.31 310 9-95 391 6 16 •I 4-8
9.68 722 9-95 384 6 •9 5 4
57 64 106 86 33 0.31 278
9.68 754 9-95 378 6
58 64132 36 33 0,31 246
9,68 786 0,31 182 9-95366
9-95 372 6
59 64 158 26 33 0,31 214
60 d.
9.64 184 26 L. Cotg. 33 L. Tang. L. Sin. 6 Prop. Pts.
L. Cos. 26 33 64° 7
26 32 6
26 33 6
26 c33
32d. 76

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. K o p . Pte.
0 64 184 68818 0.31 182 9-95366 60
I 64 210 688S0 32 0.31 150 9,95360 5§
2 64236 68882 32 0.31 118 9-95 354 58 33 3'
3 64262 68 914 32 0.31 086 9-95348 51 .1 3-2
64288 68978 33 054
.2 6-4 6.2
4 64313 68946 0.31 022 9-95341
9-95 335 56 •3 ^•?. 9.3
I 64339 69 010 33 0.30990 9-95 329 55 .4 12.8 12.4
64 365 69 042 33 16,0
0.30958 9-95 323 54 .6 19.2 fi
9 64391 69074 33 0.30926 9-95317 53 22,4
10 64442
64417 106. 32
69 138 0.30 862
0-30894 9-95304
9-95310 52 24.8
II 64468 69 170 32 0,30 830 9-95298 51 •9 U'.S 27.9
12 64494 69 2Q2 32 0,30 798 9-95 292 60
13 64519 69234 32 0,30 766 9 95 286 49 3S
14 64545
^'^571 266 32
69 298 0.30 702
0,30 734 9-95273
9 95279 48 2.6
IS 64596 69329 32 0,30671 9-95 267 47 5*
l6 64622 69361 32 0,30639 9 95 261 Ji 7.8
17 64647 69393 32 0,30 607 9-95254 45 10.4
i8 64698
64673 ^9 457 3'
69425 0,30543
0.30575 9-95242
9.95248 44 13.0
19 64724 69488 38 0.30 512 9 95236 43 20.8
22 64 749 69 520 32 0,30480 9,95229 42 23.4
23 64775 69552 32 0,30448 9-95 223 41
24 64826
64 800 69615
69584 32 0,30385
0,30 416 9 95 211
95217 40
25 64851 69647 3' 0,30353 95204 2.5
26 64877 69 679 32 0,30321 95 198 so
29 64 902 69 710 32 0,30 290 ,95 192
64953 69774 33
69742 0.30226
0,30 258
31 75
SO 9-95 179
.95 ,185 36
64978 69 805 3' 0.30 195 10,0
31 9-95 173 35
65 003 69837 32 0.30 163 12.S
32 9 95 167 34
65 029 69868 32 0.30 132 15-0
33 9,95 160 33
65054 69932 3'
69900 0,30 100
0,30068 9-95 148 17-S
34 154 32
65 104 69 963 32 0,30037 9-95 141 20.0
II 31 22.5
3Z 65 130 69995 32 0.30005 9.95 135
^5'§5 70026 3' 0.29974 30
38 9 95 129 :i
65 205
65180 70089 32
70058 942 9,95 116 ^2§
J9 0.29 911 122
65230 70 121 31 9-95 110 1 ^1
40 0,29879
65255 70 152 32 9,95 103 25 12,0
41 0,29 848
65 281 70184 32 9,95097 24 14,4
42 0.29 816
65306 70 215 3'
70247 0-29753 9.95084
9 95090 23 16,8
43 0.29 785
6s 356 70 278 32 0,29 722 9.95078 22 19,2
44 21
tl 65381 70309 3' 0.29 691 9.95071 21.6
65 406 70341 32 0.29 659 9.95065 20 7 6
tl \t
65431 70404
70 372 31 0,29 628
0.29 596 9-95059 ,1 0.7 0.6
49 A
65481 70435 32 0.29 565 9.95052 ,2 1-4 1,2
'W 15 •3 2,1 1,8
65 506 70466 3' 0.29 534 9,95046 -4 2,S
51 14
65531 70498 33 0.29 502 9.95039 3 5 2-4
52 65 556
580 70560 13 i
70529 3' 0.29 440
0,29 471 9 95 020
995033 4 2 36
53 65 605 70592 12
32 0.29408 99-95
95 027
014 i 4^
54 65630 70623 II
3' 0.29377 9 95007 -9 n 4.8
II .65 655 70654 lo
3' 0,29346 9,9s 001 5 4
II .65680 70685
32 o 29 315 9 94 995
59 .65 705 70717
3' o. 29 283 9.94988 Prop. Pts.
¥0 L. Cos. Cotg.
33 L. Tang. I,. Sin.
3' 63°

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
9,65 70s 70717 0.29 2S3 94988 60
9.65 729 3'
70 748 0,29252 949S2 5g
9-65 754 31 32 3»
70779 0,29 221 94 975 58
9.65 779 31 .1 3.2 3 1
70 810 0.29 190 94969 57
9.65 8i„
9-65804 70873 3' 0,29
70841 0.29 159
127 94956
94 962 2 6.4 6.
32 Ji •3 ^t 9.
9-65 853 70904 0.29096 94949 12.8
55 •4 12.
9-65878 70935 3' 0.29 065 94 943 54 16.0
9 9,65 902 70 966 31 0,29 034 6 19.2 IS-
94936 53 7 22.4 18.
10 9.65952
9-65927 71 02S 31 0,28
70997 972
0,29003 94930
94923 52 8 25.6
II 9.65976 71059 3' 0,28941 9 28.8 21.
94917 51 24.
12 9.66001 71 090 3' 0,28 910 94911 50
13 9.66 025 71 121 3' 0.28 879 27-
94904 48 30
14 9,66075
9.66050 153 31 0,28816
71 184 0,28 847 94891
94898 47 3-0
\l 9,66099 71215 3' 0,28 785 94885
9,66 '•>.< Ji 6,0
17 71 246 33 0,28 754 94878 45
19 66 148
9,66 71277 3' 0,28 723 94871 9-0
9,66 173 44 12.0
20 197 71308 3' 0.28661
71339 0,28 692 94858
94865 43
21 9,66 221 71370 31 0,28 630 94852 i8!o
9,66 246 42 21.0
22 71401 3' 0,28 599 94845 41
23 9 270 71431 3' o 28 569 94839 24.0
9 .66 29s 40 27,0
24 319 71 462 31 0.28538
71493 0,28 507 94 826
94832 39 »5
26 ,66 31 0,28476 94819
27 ! 66 368 71 524 38 I 2-5
28 .66 392 71555 3' 0,28 445 94813
31 2 S-o n
,66416 71586 30 0,28 414 94806 3 7-5
29 y.66 441 71 648 3' 0,28 352 Ji 4 10,0
71617 0.28383 94 799
793 12,5 12.0
30 9.66 465 71 679 3' 0,28 321 35
94786 34 6 15 0 14.4
31 9.66 489 71 709 3' 0,28 291 7 17-S
94780 33 16.8
32 9.66513 71 740 31 0,28 260 8 20,0
94 773 32 9 22,5 19.2
33 66 562
9.66537 71 802
771 3' 0.28 198229 94760
94767 31 21.6
34 y.66 586 71833 3' 0.28 167 94 753
35 9.66 610 71863 31 0.28 137 94 747 30 33
36 9.66 634 71894 3' 0.28 106 94740 29 2.3
37 9.66682
9.66658 71 925 30 0.28
71955 0,28045
075 94 734 28 4.6
38 g.66 706 71986 3' 0.28 014 27 6.9
39 9.66731 72 017 3' 0.27 983 26 9.2
40 9.66755 72 048 31 0.27 952 94707 11-5
41 9.66 803
9-66779 72 078
109 3' o 27891
0.27 922 9-94 694
94700 13.8
42 9.66 827 72 140 30 0.27 860 9-94 687 16.1
43 9.66851 72 170 3' 0.27 830 9.94 680 18.4
44 9.66875 72 201 3' 0,27 799 9.94 674 720.7
45 9.66 922
9.66899 72 262 30 0.27 738
72231 769 9.94 660
9.94 667 .1 0.7 0,6
46 9,66 946 72293 3' 0,27 707 9-94654 .2 1-4 1,2
47 9,66 970 72323 3' 0,27 677 9.94647 .3 2,1 1,8
48 9-66994
•4 2,8
72354 3' 0,27 646 9.94640 -5 3-5 2,4
49 9,67042
9,67018 72415 30 0,27585
72384 0,27 616 9.94627
94634 .6 4-2 3-^
50 9.67066 9.94 620 • 7 4-9 3-6
72445 3' 0.27555 .8 5-6
51 9 67090 0,27 524 9-94 614
72476 31
9-94 607 •9 6-3 4-2
52 9.67113 72 506 30 0,27494 4-8
53 9.67 161
9.67137 72567 3' 0.27463 9-94 600
72537 0-27433 9.94593 5-4
54 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. 30 L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pte.
55 3' 62°
56 3'
57 30
59 3030
c 3'
5« T A B L E Fv.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
67 161 72567 0-27433 9-94 593 6 60
67185 3' 9 94587 59
72598 0,27402
67 208 30 9 94580 58 31 30
72628 0.27372
67232 3' 9 94 573 57 .1 3.1 3 0
72 659 0,27 341 9 94567 56
67280 30 0,27 280 .2 6,2 6,0
67256 72 689
720 0.27 311 9 94560 55 -3 9.3
67303 3' 0.27 250 9 94 553 54
30 .4 12,4 9,0
67327 72 780 0,27 220 9 94546 53 12.0
30 9 94 540 52 i
9 67350 72 811 0.27 189 9 94 533 51 .7 21.7 15,0
67398 72 31 0.27 128
0-27 159
10 67374 72 872
841 9 94 526 50 .8 24.8 18,0
II 67421 72 go2 30 0,27098 9 94519 49 •9 279 21.0
12 67445 72 932 3' 0.27068 9 94513 48 24,0
9 94506 47
>3 67468 72963 30 0,27037 9 94 499 46 2927.0
14 67515
67492 73023 30
72993 0.26 977
0.27007 9 94492 45 2.9
\l 67539 73054 3' 0.26 946 9 94485 44 5.8
\l 67 562 73084 30 0.26 gi6 9 94 479 43 8,7
9 94472 42
Jl 67586 73 114 30 0.26886 9 94465 41 11,6
20 67633
67 609 144 3'
73 0.26 825
0.26 856 9 94458 40 14-S
21 67656 73205 30 0,26 795 9 94451 39 17-4
67 680 73235 30 0.26 765 9 94 445 38
22 9 94438 37 20.3
23 67703 73265 30 0.26 735 9 94431 36 23.2
67 726 73295 3'
73326 0.26
0.26 674
705 9 94424 35
0.26 644
2426 I
67773 73356 30 9 94417 .34 .1 2.4
0.26 614 9 94410 .33
67 796 73386 30
9 94404 32 .2 4.8 4.6
67 820 73416 30 0.26 584 94 397 31 .3 6.9
27 67866
67843 73476 30
73446 0.26 554
524 9 94390 30 • 4 l i 9.2
28 12.0
67890 73507 3' 0.26 493 9 94 383 29 14.4 11.5
29 67913 9 94376 28 .7 16,8 13.8
73 537 30 0.26463
80 67936
9 94369 27 .8 19,2
73567 30 0.26433 9 94362 26 16.1
31 67982
67959 73627 373 .9 21,6
73 597 30 0.26 403 9 94 355 25 18.4
32 68006 0.26343
73657 30 9 94 349 24 20.7
33 68029 73687 30 0.26 313 9 94342 23 33
34 68052 0.26 283 9 94 335 22 2.2
73 717 3' 9 94328 21
31 68098
68075 0.26 223
0.26253 4-4
747 30
73 777 9 94 321 20
36 68 121 0.26 193 9 94314 19 6.6
73807 30
3Z 68 144 0.26 163 9 94307 18 8.8
73837 30 9 94300 17
38 68 167 0.26 133 II.o
73867 30 9 94293 16
39 68213
68 190 73927 30 0.26 073
0.26 103 9 94286 13-2
73897 15
40 68237 73 957 30 o. 26 043 9 94279 14 17.6
41 68260 73987 30 0.26 013 9 94273 13 19.8
42 68283
9 94266 12
49 74017 30 0.25983 9 94259 11 7 6
50 9.68328
68305 74077 30
74047 0,25 923
0.25 953 9 94 252 10 ,1 0-7 0.6
51 9.68351 74 107 30 0.25893 9 94245 9 ,2 1-4 1.2
52 9.68374 74137 30 0.25 S63 9 94238 8 -3 2,1 1.8
46 9.68397 9 94231 7 •4 2,8
S3 74166 30 0.25 834 9 94224 6 3-5 2.4
J4;l 9,68420
6844' 74 226 30
74196 0.25 804
774 9 94217 5 4-2 3-2
55 68 466 74256 30 0.25 744 9 94 210 4 I n 3-6
56 68489 74286 30 0.25 714 9 94203 3
9 94196 2 9 6-3 * i
II 68512 74316 30 0,25 684 9 94 1S9 1 4-8
Jl 9-68557
68534 74 375
74 345 30 0.25655 9 94 US2 0 S-4
60 L. Cos. L. Cotg. 30 0.25 625" I . Sill. d. f Prop. Pte.
30 L. Tang.
30 61°

L. Sin. d. L. Tang, c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
9-$? 557 9-74 375 0,25 625 9.94 182 60
9,68580 30
9-74405 0.25595 9.94175 59
9 68 603 30
9-74 435 0.25 565 9,94 168 58 30
9,68625 30
9-74465 0-25 535 9.94 161 51
9,68648 39 6.0
9-74 494 •25 476 9.94154
0-25506 9-94 147 Ji 9.0
9,68 694 9-74 554 30 .25446 9,94 140 55
9,68716 30 12,0
9.74583 25417 9-94 133 54 15-0
9 9,68 739 9.74613 29 25 387 9,94 126 53
9.68 784
9.68 762 9-74673 30 18,0
10 9-74643 25 327
0.25 357 9,94112
9-94119 52
9,68807 9.74702 30 0,25 298 9-94 105 21,0
II 51
9,68829 9-74732 30 0,25 268 9,94098 24.0
12 60
9.68852 9-74762 29 0,25 238 9-94090 27.0
13 49 39
14 9.68897
9.68 875 9,74821
9-74791 30 0-25 179 9-9407^
\l 0,25 209 9-94083 48
9.68 920 9-74851 30 0.25 149 9-94069
17 46
9.68942 9,74 880 29 0,25 120 9,94062 II.6
l8 45
9.68965 9.74910 30 0,25 090 9-94055 14-5
19 23 9-74 44
9.68987 939 30 0,25 061
9.74969 9-94048
031 9-94041 174
20 29 43
9-69032 23 9.74998 30 0.25 002 9-94034 20.3
21 42
9.69055 9.75 028 0,24 972 9,94027 23.2
22 41
9.69077 9.75058 29 0,24942 9,94020 40 26.1
23 ,9.69
9.69 122
100 9-75 117
9.75087 30 0,24 883 g,g4
24 0,24913 94005
0i2 39 33
9,69 144 9.75 146 29 0,24 854 93998
27 9,69 167 30 38
9-75 176 0,24824 93991 4.6
28 31
9,69 189 9,75205 30 0,24795 93984 6.9
29 36
30 9,6969234
212 9-75 23s 29 0,24 736
75264 765 93970
93 977 9.2
31 ,69256 75294 30 0,24 706 35
93963 11.5
32 ,69 279 75323 29 0,24677 34
93 955 13.8
33 69 301 .75353 30 0,24647 33
93948 16.1
34 69^23 9-75 411 29 0.24589
75382 0:24 618 9-93 32
69345 934
93941 18.4
P 9-75441 30 0,24559 9-93927 31
69368 20.7
9,75470 29 0,24530 9.93920 30 93
II 69390
9-75 500 30 0,24500 9,93912 29 2.2
39 69412
40 69456 9-75558
9-75529 29 0,24442
0,24471 9.93905
9-93898 28 4-4
41 ,69479 9 75 588 30 0.24412 9-93891 27 6.6
42 69 501 9,75617 39 0.24383 9,93884 26 8,8
43 69 523 9.75647 29 0,24353 9-93 876 11,0
44 69545
69 567 9^75676 0,24324 g.g3
9^75 70s 30 0,24295 862
9.93869 13.2
46 .69 589 9 75 735 29 0,24265 9-93855 '5-4
47 ,69 611 9.75 764 30 0,24236 9-93847 17,6
48 69 633 9 75 793 39 0,24207 9.93840
60 .69 677
69655 9 75 822 29 0.24 148 9.93833
0,24 178 9.93 826 ,1 0.8 0.7
51 ,69 69g 9^75 852 30 0,24 119 9.93 819 ,2 1.6 1-4
52 ,6g 721 9,75881 39 0,24090 9-93 811 -3 2.4
-4 3-2 2.1
6g743 9,75910 30 0,24061 9.93804 ,5 4-0 2.8
54 69787
69765 9,75998
9-75 939 29 0.24031
0.24002 9-93 789 797 .6 4-8 3-S
55 69 809 9.76027
9-75969 29 0.23973 9-93 782 ,7 5-6
9.76056 30 0.23944 9-93 775 .8 6.4 4-2
56 69831 -9 7-2 4-9
57 69853 9,76086 29 0.23 914 9.93 768
58 9 69875
69 897 9,76115
9.76 144 29 0.23856
0.23885 9.g3 753
9-93 760 6.3
59 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. c 29d. L. Tang. I L. Sin, d. I / Prop. Pte.
6o T A B L E IV.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang, c. d L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
69897 76144 0.23 856 9 93 753 60
69919 29 0.23 827 5g
76173 9 93 746
69941 29 0,23 798 58 30
76 202 9 93 738
69 963 29 o 23 769 5| .1 3.0 2.9
76 231 9 93731 .2 6.0
69 984 76 290 30 o 23 739 9 93717 Ji 5.8
261 0.23 710 93 724 •3 9.0
70028 76319 29 0,23 681 9 93 709 55 •4 12.0 8-7
70050 76348 99 o 23 652 9.93702 54 • 5 15,0 II.6
.6 18,0
9 70072 76377 29 o, 23 623 9-93695 53 21.0 14-5
29 :I 24.0 17-4
10 70093
70 lis 7643s
76406 0.23 594 99,93687
o 23 565 .93^ 52
12 70 137 76464 •9 0.23536 9-93673 JL •9 27.0 20.3
13 70159 76493 29 0-23 507 9 93 665 60 23-2
14 70 180 76 522 99 0-23478 9.93658 49 3820.1
15 70 224
70202 76580 »9 0.23449
76551 9 93 650
0.23 420 9-93643 48 2.8
. 70245 76609 29 0.23 391 9 93636 46 II
\l 9.70 267 76 639 29 0,23 361 9.93628 45 II.2
19 70288 76668 29 0.23 332 9.93 621 44 14.0
20 70310
70332 76725 39 o0.23
76697 23 275 9,93 606
303 9-93614 43 16.8
21 70353 76754 30 o. 23 246 9-93 599 42 19.6
22 7037s 76783 39 0,23 217 9-93 591 41 22.4
23 70396 76 812 39 0,23 188 9 93 584 40 25.2
24 70439
70418 76870 38 0.23 159
76841 9-93569
130 9-93 577 33
25 70461 76899 39 0.23 101 9 93562
26 70482 76928 29 0.23 072 9-93 554
32 tl
27 70504 76957 29 0,23043 9 93 547
36 8.8
28 70547
70525 76986 0.22 014
77015 29 0.23 985 9-93532
9.93 539 35 11,0
29 70568 77044 39 0.22 956 9-93 525 34 13-2
80 70590 77073 39 0.22 927 9-93517 33 IS 4
31 70 611 77 101 29 0.22 899 9-93510 32
70654 0.22 841 17,6
32 70633 77152 39 0.22 870 9-93 502
77130 495
31 19,8
7067s 77188 39 0.22 812 9 93 487 80
70 697 77217 29 0.22 783 9.93480 St
34 2,1
70 718 77246 29 0.22 754 9-93 472
40 70 761
70739 77274 29 0.22
-77303 0,22 697
726 9.93465
9 93457 ^3
70 782 77332 23 0,22 668 9 93450 8.4
70 803 77361 29 0,22 639 9.93442 10 5
70 824 77390 29 0.22 610 9.93435 12
44 70867
70 846 .77447 0.22 582 9.93427
77418 29 0.22553 93420 14
tl 70888 77476 29 0.22 524 93412 16
tl 70 909 77505 29 0.22 495 93405 18
49 70931 •77 533 28 0.22 467 93 397 8 7
70973 77591 29 0,22
77562 409 9.93382
0.22 438 93390 .1 0.8 0,
60 ,2 1,6 I,
51 70994 77619 29 o 22 381 9 93 375 •3 2.4 2.
52 71 015 - 77 648 39 0,22352 9 93 367 •4 3-2 2,
53 71036 77677 39 0.22323 9-93 360 i 3-
71 079
71058 734 23 0.22
77 706 0,22 200 9 93 352
294 9.93344 tl 4-
54 4-
S5 71 100 77763 29 0.23237 9.93 337 :l U
71 121 77791 29 0,22 209 9.93329 •9 7.2 i.
II 71 142 77820 39 0,22 180 9 93 322
9 71
71 '''3
184 _9_.77877
77849 98 0.22 1 23 9 93314
151 93 307
60 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. c.39d, li. Tniig. L. Sin. d. Prop. Pts.
29 59°
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, T A N G E N T A N D C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 6i

L.Sln. d. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
184 77877 0,22 123 93307 60
205 77906 0,22 094 93299 59
226 77 935 0.22 065 93291 58 39
247 77963 0,22 037 93284 51 2.9
268 78 020
77992 0.21 980
0.22 008 93269
93276 56 8^7
310 78049 0,21 951 93261 55 11.6
331 78077 0.21 923 93253 54 14-5
9 352 78 106 0,21 894 93246 S3 17-4
10 373
393 78163
7813s 0.21837
0.21 865 93238
93230 52 20.3
II 414 78 192 0.21 808 93223 51 23-2
12 435 78 220 0.21 780 93215 60 26.1
13 456 78249 0,21 751 93 207 49 s8
14 498
477 78306
78277 0.21
0.21 694
723 93192
93200 48 2.8
\l 519 78334 0.21 666 93184 47 5.6
17 539 78363 0.21 637 93177 Ji. 8-4
i8 560 78391 0,21 609 93 169 45 11,2
19 602
581 78448
78419 581
0,21 552 93 154
161 44 140
20 622 78476 0,21 524 93 146 43 16 8
21 643 78505 0,21 495 93138 42 19,6
22 664 78533 0,21 467 93 131 JL 22.4
23 685
705 78590
78562 0.21 410
0.21438 93115
93 123 40 25,2
24 726 78618 0.21 382 93 108 32 2,1
27 747 78647 0.21 353 93 100 38 4-2
28 767 78675 0.21 325 93 092 31 ^•3
29 809 78732
78704 0.21
0.21 268
296 93077
93084 36 8-4
31 829 78 760 0.21 240 93 069 35 12,6
32 850 78789 0.21 211 93 061 34 14-7
33 870 78817 0,21 183 93 053 33 t6,8
34 891
911 78874
78845 0,21
0.21 126
155 93038
31 32 18,9
932 78 902 0,21 098 93030
36 31 20
952 78930 0,21 070 93 022
37 30 2,0
973 78959 0.21 041 93014
38 29 4-0
72 994
014 79015
78987 0.20 985
0.21 013 93007
39 28 6,0
72034 79043 0.20 957 92991
Iter 27 8.0
72055 79072 0.20 928 92983
41 g,79 26 10,0
72075 7g 128
100 0,20900 92 976
42 79156 0.20 844 92 25 12,0
72 116
72 096 0,20872 92 960
968 24
46 72 137 79185 0.20 815 92952 14,0
44 79213 0,20 787 92944 23 16,0
47 72 157
0.20 759 22
48 72 177 79241 92 936
49 72 218
igS 79 269
79297 0,20
0.20 731
703 92 929
921 ,1 0,8 0,7
51 72238 "20" .2 1,6
79326 0.20 674 92913
19 •3 2,4 1-4
52 72 2Sg 79 354 0.20 646 92905 •4 3-2 2,1
53 72 279 18
79382 0.20618 92897 ,5 4-0 2,8
0,20 92881 17 .6 4-8 3-5
54 299
72 320 79438
79410 o. 20562
590 92889 5-6
II 79466 0.20 534 92874 16
72340 i 6-4 4-2
79 495 0.20 505 92866 15
II 72360 9 72 4-9
79523 0.20477 92858 14
59 72381 l^
79551 0.20449
0.20421 9.92
92 842
850 13
60 72421
72401 9-79 579 63
L. Cos. L. Cotg. cd. L. Tang, L. Sin. d. Prop. Pte.
58° ToT

L.Sln. d. L. Tang. c d.|L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
0 72 421 79 579 0,20421 9.92 842 60
I 72441 79 607 0.20393 9-92834 59
2 72461 79635 0,20 365 g. g2 826 58 39
3 g.g2 818 5Z 1 2-9 2.8
72 482 79663 0.20337 2
4 72 502
522 79719 0.20 281 g.g2
810 56 5-6
79691 0.20309 3 8'7 8.4
5 72542 79 747 29 0,20 253 .92 795 55 4 II.b
6 72 562 79776 28 0,20224 .92 787 54 5 14-5 11.2
6 17.4 14.0
9 72582 79804 28 0,20 ^96 .92 779 53 l 20.3
72 602
72 622 79 860 28 0,20
79832 0:20 168
140 g,g2
.92 763
771 52 .8 23.2 16.8
II 72643 79888 28 0,20 112 9-92 755 51 9 26.1 19.6
72 663 79916 28 0,20084 9-92 747 50 22,4
13 72683 79 944 28 0,20056 9,92739 49 3725,2
14 72 703
723 80000
79972 28 0,20 000
028 9-92731
9 92 723 48 2.7
\l 72743 80028
28 0,19 972 9.92715 46 5-4
72 763 80056
\l 28 0.19944 9.92 707 45 8.1
72783 80084
72823 80 140 23 0.19
g. 92 69g
44 10.8
20 72803 112
23 0.19888 9,92 683
691 43 16,2
21 72843 80168 0,19 832 9-92675 42 18.9
22 72863 80 igs 28 o,ig 805 9,92 667 41 21,6
23 72883 '9 80 223 23 0,19 777 9-92 65g 40 24.3
24 72 go2
922 80 279 28 0,19
80251 0.19 749
721 92 651
9,92 643 32 21 20
25 72942 80 307 37 0,19693 92 635 38 I 2.1 2,0
26 72962 80335 33 0,19 665 ,92 627 31 2 4.2
72 g82 80363 38 0.19637 ,92 6ig 3 6-3 4-0
tl 36 -4 8.4 6,0
29 73 022
73002 So 391 38 0.19
80419 19581
609 9,92
,92 603
611 35 ,5 10,5 8,0
73041 19 80447 38 19553 9-92 595 ,6 12,6
30 34 14-7 10,0
31 73061 80474 38 19 526 9.92587 i 16,8 12,0
32 73 081 80 502 28 19498 9-92579 -9 18,9
80558 38 32 14.0
73 121
101 80530 19470
19442 9-92 563
33 '9 31 16.0
73140 80586 33 19414 9-92 555
34 30 19 18.09
73 160 80614 38 19386 9-92546
35 tt 1 1-9 0,
73 180 80 642 37 19358 9-92538 2 3-8 I.
36 80697 38 0,19303 27
73 200 80669 19331 9-92530
92 522 3 5-7 2,
37 80 725 28 0,19 275 26
73239 92514 4 7-6 3-
38 80753 38 0,19 247 5 9-5 4-
73259 92 506 6 11-4
39 80781 38 0.19 219 i.
73278 92 498 7 13-3
40 80836 38 0.19
73298 80808 0.19 164
192 ,92482
92490 8 15-2 7-
4' 73 337 80864 33 0.19 136 92473 9 17-1 8,
42 73 357 80892 27 0.19 108 ,92465
43 73 377 80919 38 0.19081 92457 a 7
44 73416
73396 80975 33 0.19053
80947 0.19025 92449
9.92441 .1 0,8 0.7
45' 73 435 81 003 38 0.18997 9 92433 ,2 1,6 1-4
46 73 455 81 030 33 0.18 970
-3 2.4
9,92425 -4 3-2 2.1
47 73 474 81058 37 0,18 942 9,92 416 -S 4,0 2.8
48 73 494
73513 81 086
113 28 0.188S7
0.18 914 g.g2
g. g2 400
408 ,6 4.8 3-5
49 73 533 81 141 28 0.18859 9 92 392 •1 ii 4-2
50 73552 81 169 28 0,18831 9.92384 9 7,2 n
51 73572 81 196 37 0.18 804 9.92376
52 73611
73591 81 224 748
252 38 0.18 776 9-92359
53 L. Cos. d. I,. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. Prop. Pte.
55 57°

L. Sin. d. h. Tang, c d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pta.
73611 g.8i 252 0,18 748 9.92359 60
73630 g,8i 279 27 0,18 721 9,92351 59
73650 9,81 307 38 0.18 693 9-92343 58 38 37
73669 9-81 335 38 0.18665 9.92335 51 .1 2.8 2,7
73689 390 37 0.18
81 362
9,81 610
0,18638 92 318 .2 5.6
81 418 38 0,18582
9.92326 Ji -3 8,4 II
'9 g2 3io 55 -4 11,2 10,8
73 747 81445 23 0-18555 ,92 302 54 .5 14,0 '!•?
73766 81473 27 0,18 527 92 293 53
6 16.8
73805 '9 28 7 ig.6 10,2
10 73785 9,81
.81 528
50c 28 0.18472
0,18 500 92 285
'9 9-92277 52 8 22.4 18,9
II 73824 9,81 556 27 0,18 444 g.g2 269 9 25.2 21.6
30 27 Jl
12 73843 9 81 583
'9 23 0,18417 9.92 260 60 243
13 73863 9.81 611
'9 37 0.18389 9.92 252 49 30
14 73882
73901 9.81 638
\l 20 38 0-18334
0,18 362 92235
9.92244 48 2,0
73921 9,Si 666
17 '9 27 0.18 307 92 227 47 4,0
73940 9.81 693
18 19 28 0,18 279 92 219 Ji 6,0
73 959 9,81 721
19 20 27 0.18 252 92 211 45 8.0
73 997
73978 9,81 748
I 19 28 0,18
o.i8 224
197 9.92
92 194
202 44 lO.O
74017 9,81 776
'9 27 0,18 169 g.92 186 43 12,0
74036 9,81 803
'9 28 0,18 142 9.92 177 42 14,0
74055 9.81 S31 0,18 114 9,92 169 16.0
25 9-74093
'9 g,8i g4i 27 0,18087
9.81858 0,18 059 9.92 161
9,92 152
30 38 40 18.0
26 9-74113 g.8ig68
g.8i 886 0,18032 9-92 144
27 9-74132
'9 9.Si gg6 27 o,i8 004
9-81 913 g.g2 136
39 ».9
28 9-74151
'9 g. 82 023 23 0,17977 g.g2 127
38 J-8
29 9,74189
'9 078 37 0,17
9.82 051 0,17949
922 g.g2 111
3| 7.6
30 g. 74 208 '9 g.82 106 28 0,17 8g4 g.g2 102
36 9-S
31 9-74227 20 9.82 133 37 0,17867 9.92 og4
35 II.4
32 9.74246 '9 9,82 i6i 28 0,17 839 g.g2 086
34 13-3
3| 9-74265
74284 '9 9.82
9,82 215
1! 27 33 15.2
33 0,17785
0.17 812 g,g2
34 74303 19 9.82 243 33 0.17757 9.92 060
32 17.1
37 74322 '9 9.82 270 27 0,17 730 9,g2 052
31 iS
38 74341 '9 9.82 298 38 o.17 702 9,92044
30 1.8
39 74360
74 379 '9 9 82 325 27 0,17
9-82352 648
0.17675 9 92 027
9,92 035
40 74398 '9 9,82380 37 0,17 620 9,92018
41 74417 '9 9,8240^ 33 0-17593 9,g2 010
42 74436 '9 9-82435 27 0,17 565 g.g2 002
'9 9,82462 28 0-17538 90
43 74 474
455 0.17 511 9.91
9-91 985
46 '9 9,82 48g 37 0.17483 10,8
44 74 493 9.91 976
47 19 9-82517 27 0.17456 12.6
74512 968
48 '9 g.82 544 28 0.i7 42g 14-4
74531 9.91 959 9 16.28
49 74568 '9 9.82 626 27 0.17374
74 549 0.17401 g42
g5i 0-9 0,8
50 74587 '9 g. 653 28 0.17347
9 82 599
51 9.91 934 I 1,6
74 606 '9 9.82681 27 0.17319 9.91 925
52 2-7 2,4
74625 '9 9.82 708 37 0.17 2g2 9-91917
53 '9 9,82 762 38 0,17238 3-6 3-2
74644 9-82 735 0.17 265 g.91900
9.91 908
Ji '9 g,82 790 27 0,17 210 4-5 4-0
74681 891
55 '9 g.82 817 27 0,17 183 5.4 4-8
74700 9-91 883
56 '9 g,82 844 28 0.17 156 6-3 6,4
74719 9-91 874
57 '9 899 27 0.17101
1.82 871
g.82 7-2 7-2
74 737 0,17 129 9-91
g,gi 857
58 8,1
L. Cos. ?3 L. Cotg. c 27 d. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. I > I Prop. Pte.
59 '9 28
60 19 27 56°
19 27
'9 28

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
T 74756 g.82 Sgg 0,17 101 9.91 857 60
I 74 775 g.82 926 37 0.17 074 849 59
2 74794 9.82953 37 0,17047 9,gi 840 58 38 a7
3 74812 g,82 gSo 37 0.17020 9,91 832 51 .1 2.8 2-7
.2 5-6
4 74850
74831 9,83 008 38
9.83035 0,16 965
0,16992 9,91815
9-91 S23 56 •3 8-4
74868 9.83 062 27 o,i6g38 806 55 • 4 11,2 10.8
74887 9-83089 27 o,i6gn 798 54 .5 14,0
.6 16.8
_9_ 74906 9-83117 27 0,16883 9,91 789 53 .7 19.6 18,9
10 74924
74 943 144 38
9-83 171 0,16 82g
0.16856 9-91 781 772 52 .0 22.4 21,6
n 74961 9-83 198 27 0,16 802 763 51 .9 25,2
12 74980 9-83225 27 0,16775 9-91 755 60
13 74 999 9,83 252 97 0.16 748 9-91 746 49 36
J4. 75036
75017 9,83 280 27
83307 0.16 693
0,16 720 9-91 729
738 48 2,6
15" 75054 •83 334 37 0.16 666 9,91 720 46 5i
16 75073 83 361 33 0.16 639 9,91 712 45 7-8
17 75091 .83 388 37 0,16 612 9-91 703 44 10,4
18 75 110
128 .83415 37
9.83442 0,16 558
0,16585 g,gi 686
9-91 695 43 13.0
75147 9.83470 37 0,16 530 9.91677 9 lS!2
19 3 42
20 75165 9-83497 27 0.16 503 9.91 669 41 20,8
75184 9-83524 27 0,16476 660 9 23-4
21 9 40
75 221 9-83 578 37
9-83551 0,16422
o. 16 449 9-91 651
9-91643 32
22 3 19
75239 9,83605 3? 0,16395 9-91 634 38
23 9
75258 9-83632 37 0,16368 9,gi 625 3:1
24 0 31
75276 9-83659 37 0,16341 g,gi 617 36 n
tl 0.16 2S7 8
75294 9-83 686
9-S3 713 37 0,16314 9.9191 608
tl 9 35 9-5
75 331 g.83 740 27 0,16 260 9 91 591
29 9 34 II.4
75350 9 83 768 27 0,16 232 9 •91 582
80 8 33 13-3
75368 9-83 795 27 0.16 205 9 .91 573
31 9,83849 9 32 15-2
75 405
75386 9,83 822 37 0.16 151
178 99-91
-91 556
32 9.83876 37 0.16 124 9 31 17.1
75423 9 91 547
33 9.83903 27 0.16097 8 30 18
75441 9.91 538
34 9 83 930 27 0.16 070 9 29 1,8
75 459 9-91 530
3! 75496 9,83 957
9-S3 984 28 o. 16043
0.16 016 9 28 3-6
75478 g.91 521 512
36 75514 9,84011 27 0.15 989 9 27 5-4
g.91 504
37 75 533 9,84038 27 0,15 962 8 26 7.2 495
38 75551 9,84065 27 0,15935 9 9-2 486
Jl 75587
75569 g.84 iig 27
9,84092 0,15 881
908 9.91 469 9 10.8
9-91 477
40 75605 9.84 146 27 0,15854 9.91 460 3 12,6
41 75624 9-84173 27 0,15 827 9.91451 9 14,4
42 75642 9.84200 27 0.15 800 442 9 9 16.2
43 75678
75 660 g.84 227
254 37 0.15 773
746 9.91433
9.91 425 9 0.8
44 75696 9,84 2S0 37 0,15 720 416 8 I 6
tl 75714 9,84307 27 0,15 693 407 9 24j
tl 75 733 9-84334 27 0,15 666 9-91 398 9 3-5 I
49. 75769
75751 9.84388
9-84301 27 0,15 612
0.15639 9.91 3^1
9.91 389 9 4-5
"50 9-84415 0,15585 372 9 1:1
51 75823 9.84442 0.15558 991 363 8 l:t 7-2
52 75841 9.84469 0.15 531 9-91 354 9
53 9-75859 9-84496 0.15504 9.91.345 9
54 L. Cos. I d. 9-84523 27 '>.'5 477 9 91 336 9 Prop. Pts.
II L. Cotg. L. Tang. L. Sin. 9
II 55° 8
59 9
60 37
«7 17
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, T A N G E N T A N D C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 61;

L. Sin. L. Tang. c d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
75859 84523 336 60
l3 37 0-15477
i3 84 550 0.15450 328 52
75895 36 37 36
84576 319
18 27 0.15424 58
I 2.7 2.6
iS 84603 0.15397 310 5|
84657 27 2 5-4 5-?
5 75
75 949
931 18 84 630 0.15343
0.15370 301
292 56
84684 27 3 8,1 7.8
6 75967 18 0.15 316 283 55 4 10,8
7 75985 84711 27 0.15 289 274 54 5 13-510.4
l3 27 6 16.2
8 76 003 84738 0,15 262 266 53 18.913.0
_9. 76039
76021 84791 27 0,15236
84764 0,15 2og 248
257 52 I 21.6 15-6
10 76057 84818 26 0,15 182 239 51 9 24-3 18,2
II 76075 84845 27 o,15 155 230 50 20.8
12 76093 84872 37 0,15 128 221 49 i323-4
13 76 129
III 84925 37 0.15
84899 0,15 075
lOI 203 48 1.8
\l 76 146 18 37
14 84952 0,15 048 194 47 3-6
17 18
76 164 84979 27 0,15 021 176 J L 5-4
18 x8
76182 85 006 26 0,14994 167 45 7-2
19 76218
76200 '7 85059 27 o,i4g67
85033 0,14941 158 44 9.0
20 76236 x8 85086 27 0,14914 149 43 10.8
21 76253 x8 85113 27 0.14887 141 42 12.6
22 76271 x3 85 140 27 0,14860 132 41 14.4
23 76307
76289 x8 85166
85193 26 0,14807
Q, 14 834 123
114 40 16.2
24 76324 x8 85 220 27 0,14 7S0 105 39 1-7
27 76342 X7 85247 27 0,14753 096 38 3-4
28 76360 x8 85273 27 0,14 727 087 31 i.l
29 76378
76395 i3 85327
85300 26 0,14
700 069
078 36 8-5
30 76413 x3 85354 37 0,14 646 060
31 17 37 35 10.2
76431 85380 0,14 620 051 34
32 18 11-9
76448 85407 37 0.14593 042 33
33 76484 18 36 13-6
76466 85460
85434 0,14 566
0,14540 033
023 32
34 i3 iS-3
.76 501 85487 37 0.14513 014 31
3| 76519 '7 85514 27 0,14486 005 10
36 iS 30
76537 85540 27 0,14460 go 996 29
37 76554
76572 18 85594 36 o.
85567 0,1414406433 90987
90978 2.0
38 17 28
76590 85 620 27 0,14380 gog69
27 30
39 76607 i3 85647 37 0.14353 gog6o 4,0
40 18 26
76625 85674 36 0,14 326 90951
25 1:1
41 76 660
76642 17 85727
85 700 37 0,14273
0.14300 gog42
42 i3 24 9,0
76 677 85754 37 0,14246 90924
43 x8 36 23
76695 85 780 0,14220 90915
44 '7 22
76 712 85807 27 0.14193 gogo6 9 8
46 x8 21
76747 85860 27 0,14
85834 14 166
140 90887
90896 ,1 0.9 0.8
47 18 85887 26 90878 "20" ,2 1,8
76765 14113 -3 2,7 1,6
48 X7 85913 37 90 86g 19
76 782 14087 -4 3-6 2,4
49 i3 85940 27 go 860 18
76 Soo 14 060 17
.5 4-5 3-2
50 76835
76817 17 85 967 26 o,14033
9.85993 14 007 go 842
851 ,6 5-4 4-0
51 76852 iS 9,86 020 27 0,13 980 go 832 16 ,7 6-3
52 '7 go 823 15 •9 IX
76870 g.86 046 27 0,13954 5 6
53 18 90 814 14
76887 g,85 073 26 0.13 927 6.4
54 g,76904
76 g22 17 9,86 126 o 13 874 9 90796
go 805 13
g.86 100 27 goo 72
II L. Cos. 18 12 Pl-op. Pts.
d. L. Cotg. Ic.27d.L. Tang L. Sin. d.
II 17 36 II
59 18 54° 9
60 '7 36 8
17 26
37 67
66 TABLE rV.

L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pts.
0 76922 86126 0.13874 90 796
1 76939 86153 27 0.13847 90787
2 76957 86179 36 0.13 S2I 90777 27 26
3 76974 86206 37 o, 13 794 go 768 .1 2.7 2,6
4_ 76991
77009 86 232 36
86259 0,13 741
o.13 768 90759
90750 it 5.2
86285 37 •3
'I 77026 0.13715 90741 -4 10,8 7-8
77043 86312 36 0.13 688 90731 ,5 13-5 10,4
86338 27 ,6 16.2 13.0
_9_ 77061 0.13 662 go 722 -7 18.9
10 77095
77078 86365 26
86392 0.13 608
0.13635 go 704
90713 .8 21,6 15.6
II 77 112 86418 27 0.13582 90694 •9 24^3 18,2
12 77130 86445 27 0.13555 90685 20,8
13 77147 86471 26 0.13529 90676 18234
H 77181
77164 86498 27
86524 0,13476
o. 13 502 90657
90607 1,8
15 77199 86551 26 0,13449 go 648 3-6
i6 77216 86603 27 0,13423 90639 5-4
\l 77233 86630 26 0.13397 90630 7-2
19 77 268
77250 86656 27 0,13370
0.13344 90611
go 620 9-0
20 77285 86683 26 0.13317 go 602 10,8
21 77 302 86 709 26 0,13 291 90592 12,6
22 77319 86736 37 0,13 264 90583 14,4
77 353
77336 86789 36
86762 0.13
o. 13211 90565
238 90574 16,2
23 17
77370 86815 37 0.13 185 90555 I 1-7
^1 77387 86842 26 0.13 158 90546 2 3-4
29 77405 86 868 27 0,13 132 90537 3 5-1
77 439 86921 26
86894 90 518 4 6,8
80 77422 0.13079
0.13 106 90527 8.5
31 77456 86947 27 0.13053 90509 b 10,2
32 77 473 86974 26 0.13026 90499 7 11-9
87000 27 8 13,6
33 77490 0,13 000 90490 9 15-3
34 77524
77507 87027
87 053 26 0.12 947
0.12973 90471
3| 77541 87079 26 0.12 g2i 90462
77558 87 106 27 0,12 894 90452 16
77 575 87132 26 0,12868 90443 1,6
77592 87185 37
87158 0,12
0,12 815
842 90424
90434 3?
77626 87 211 26 0,12 789 90415 .,8
77643 87238 27 0,12 762 90405 6,4
77660 87264 26 0.12 736 90396 8.0
77694 87317 36
87290 0,12 683
710 90377
90386 9-6
77711 87343 37 0,12 657 90368 II.2
77 728 87369 36 0,12 631 90358 12,8
77 744 87396 36 0,12 604 90349 ID14,49
77701 87448
87422 37 0,12578
0.12 552 90330
90339 ,1 1.0 O.q
tl 77 795 .2 2.0 IH
87475 36 0,12 525 90320
49 77 812 87501 37 •3 30 2 7
50 0.12 499 90311 • 4 4,0 3 6
77829 87527 36 0,12 473 90301 50 4 5
51 77 862
i 6 ,0 4
77846 87580
87 554 36 0.12 420
0,12446 90 2S2
90292 I3
52 77879 87606 90273
53 37 0,12394 :l l:t 2
77896 87633
36 o 12367 90 263 •9 9,0 I I
77913 876S5 0.12341 90254
56 26
77930 87711 90244
0.12315 9.90235
5Z 27
L. Cos. Cotg. 36 0.12 289 L. Sin. Prop. Pte.
59 36 L. Tang.
60 27 53°
L O G A R I T H M S O F SINE, COSINE, T A N G E N T A N D C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 67

*Sin. d. L. Tang, c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
T 77946 87711 2 289 9.90235
I 77963 87738 2 262 g.go 225
2 77g8c( 87764 2 236 g.go 216 «7
3 77 997 87790 2 210 g.go 206 .1 2.7
_4 78030
78013 g.go .2
87 817
87843 22183157 9 901S7
197 ii
i 78047 87869 9.90 178 •3
2 131 •4 10.8
7 78063 87895 2 105 9.90 168 •5 13-5
8 78080 87 922 2078 9.90159 .6 16,2
.7 18.9
9 78og7
78113 87974
87948 22052 026 9-90149
90139 .8 21.6
10 78130 88 000 2 000 go 130 •9 24.3
n 78147 88027 1973 go 120
12 78163 88053 1 947 go III 36
13 78197
78180 88 105
88079 1S95
I 921 go 091
101 .1 2,6
14 78213 88131 1 S69 .2 5-2
90 082 •3 7-8
17 78230 88158 I 842 90072 •4 10.4
18 78246 88 184 1816 .5 13,0
go 063
19 78280
78263 88236
88210 I1 764
790 .6 15.6
90053 • 7 18,2
20 78296 88262 1738 90034 .8 20,8
21 78313 88289 I 711 •9 23-4
90 024
22 78329 88315 1 685 90 014.
25 78362
78346 88367
88341 I 659
1633 89995
90 005 17
26 78379 88393 1 607 89985 ,1 1-7
27 78395 88420 I 580 89976 .2 3-4
28 78412 88446 1554 8gg66 • 3 S-i
88498 • 4 6,8
29 78428
78445 88472 I1 502
528 89947
89956 8.5
31 78461 88524 1476 89937 .6 10,2
32 78478 88550 1450 89927 .7 11-9
33 78 494 88577 89918
.8 13,6
1423 •9 15-3
34 78527
78510 88629
88603 1 371
3| 78543 88655 1 345 89879 16
36 78560 88681 1 319 89869 1,6
37 78576 88707 1293 89859
89 849 3?
38 78 609
78592 88733
•759 1 241
39 78625 ;786 1 214 89840 48
42 78642 ;8i2 1 188 89830 6,4
43 78658 I 838 1 162 89820 8,0
44 78691
78674 1864 1
I no
136 89801
89810 9-6
45 78707 88916 1 084 89791 11,2
46 78723 88942 1058 89 781 12,8
47 78739 1 032 89771 1014.49
48 78772
78756 88994
) 020 ogSo1 006 89752
89761 ,1 1.0 0,9
49 78788 1046 ogS4 89 742 ,2 2,0 1,8
o 927 89 732 -3 3-0
50 78805 1073 -4 4,0 2-7
51 78S21 )099 o goi 89 722 5.0 36
o 849
0875 89 702
712 i 6.0 4-5
52 78853
78837 1151
) 125
53 78869 1177 0823 89693 I 1:1 6-3
54 78886 1203 0797 89683 9 9-Ot 7-2
55 78 go2 I 229 0771 89673
56 78934
78gi8 89281
1255 0745
0719 89663
57 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. c. d L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pts.
58 52°
68 TABLE rV.

L. Sin. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pts.
0 78934 9.89281 36 0,10 719 89653 00
I 78950 9.89307 96 0.10693 89643 59
2 78967 9.89333 36 667 8g633 58 26 33
3 78983 9.89359 36 0.10641 89 624 52 .1 2,6 2-5
O.IO 589 8g 604 .2 5-2
4 79015
78999 9.89411
9.89 385 96 0,10615 89 614 Ji •3 7-8 SO
I 79 031 >6 9 89 437 36 0,10 563 89594 55 •4 10.4 75
79047 9-89463 96 0.10537 89584 54 .5 13-0 10.0
.6 15-6
_9_ 79063 9-89489 26 0,10 511 89574 53 18,2 12-5
10 79095
79079 9.89541
9-89515 0,10485
0.10459 89554
89564 52 :l 20,8 15-0
26 •9 23-4
II 79 1 " 9.89567 0.10433 89544 51 17-5
12 79 128 9.89593 0.10407 89534 50 20,0
13 79 144 g.Sg6i9 0.10381 89524 42 1722,5
9,89 26
14 79 176
160 9.89 671
645 0,10329
O.I0 3S5 89504
89514 48 1.7
\l 79192 9-89697 26 0.10303 89495 47 3-4
\l 79 208 9-89723 26 0,10 277 89485 Ji 1:1
19 79224 9.89749 26 0.10 251 89475 45 8-5
[2$" 79256
79240 9.89 801 26
9-89775 0,10 225
199 89 455
89465 44 10.2
21 79 272 g,8g827 26 0.10 173 89445 43 13-6
22 79288 9-89853 26 0,10 147 89435 42 15-3
23 79304 9-89879 26 0,10 121 89425 41
24 79319
79 335 905 26
9-89 g3i o,ioo6g
0,10095 89405
89415 40 x6 »5
2S 79351 9-89957 26 0,10043 8g395 32 .1 1.6 1-5
26 79367 9-89983 26 0,10017 89385 38 .2 3-2 3-0
79383 9,90 009 26 o,og 991 89 375 •3 4-8
H 3Z •4 6.4 4-5
28 79415
79 399 9-90035 26
9.90061 0,09 965
0.09 93g 8g354
89364 Ji 8.0 6.0
79431 g.go 086 26 0,09 914 89344 .6 9-6
29 35 ,y II.2 7-5
79 447 g.go 112 26 0,09 888 89334 12.8 9-0
80 34 .8
79463 g,90 138 26 0,09 862 89324 •9 14-41 10.5
31 33
79 494
79478 g.go 164 26
g,90 igo o.og 810
o.og S36 89304
32 32 12,0
33 79510 g,90 216 26 0,09 784 8g2g4
31 13-5
34 79526 9,90 242 26 0,09 758 8g284
30 I.I
3| 79542 9,90268 25 0,09 732 89274
^2 2.2
79 573
79558 9.90320 26
9-90294 o.og
0,09 680
706 89254
89 264
36 o.og 654 89244 28 3-3
79589 9-90346 26
37 o.og 6ig 89233 27 4-4
79605 9.90371 26
38 o.og 603 89223 26 1:1
79 621 9-90397 26
39 79652 9.90449 o.og 577 89203
79636 9.90423 26 0,09551
9 9-9
40 79668 g.go 475 26 0,09 525 89193
41 79684 9.90501 26 0,09 499 89183
42 79699 g.go 527 26 0,09473 8qi;3 10 9
43 79715
79731 9.90578
9.90553 26 o.og 422
0.09447 89 152
So HM .1 1.0 O.?
44 79746 9.90 604 26 o.og 396 8g 142 .2 2.0 I,t
45 •3 3-0
9.90630 25 o.og 370 89 132
79762 -4 4.0 2.7
79778 g.go 656 26 0.09344 89 122 5.0 3.6
47 79
79 809 g.go 682
708 26 0.09 292
0.0931, 89 112
o, 09 266 89091
7,0 4-5
y 6.0
79825 9-90 734 26 8 8,0 It
49 79840 9.90759 26 o.og 241 890S1 9 9,0
60 79856 9,90 785 26 0,09 215 89 071
51 79887
79872 9.90837
9.90 811 26 0,09 163
i8g 9.89060
Sg 050
52 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. Ic26d. li. Tang. L. Sin. d. Prop. Pts.
25 51°
•P 26
59 35
L O G A R I T H M S OF SINE, COSINE, T A N G E N T A N D C O T A N G E N T , Etc. 69.

L. Sin. L. Tang, c d L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
79887 90837 0.09 163 9.89050 60
79903 90S63 o.og 137 9.8g040 52
79918 90889 o.og III g, 89 030 58 a8
79 934 90914 o.og 086 g.Sg 020 56 2.6
79965 90966
90940 o.og
0,09 060
034 9-88 ggg
9,89009 55 5-2
79981 90 gg2 o,og 008 g,88 989 54 7,8
x6 018
79996 0.08 982 9.88 978 53 10,4
15 043
_9. 80012 0.08957 9.88968 52 15,6
16 069
10 So 043
80027 095 0.08 go5
0.08 931 g.88g48
g.SSgsS 51 18,2
II 80058 121 0.08 87g 9.88937 60 20,8
12 80074 147 0.08853 g.88g27 49 23-4
13 80089 198 0.08 828 g.88gi7 48 as
16 0.08 776 9.88896
14 120
80 105 224 0,08 802 g.88go6 47 2-S
15 0.08 750 9.88886
16 80136 250 Ji. S-O
16 0.08 724 9.88875
17 80 151 276 45 7-5
'5 0.08 6gg g.88 865
18 80166 301 44 10,0
80 197 16 o.oS 673
0.08 647 9.88844
19 80182 353
327 43 12,5
80213 'S o.oS 621 9.88834
20 379 42 15-0
80228 IS O.oS 5g6 9.88824
21 404 41 17,5
80244 16 0.08 570 9,88813
22 430 40 20,0
80259 15 482 0.08 544
0.08518 9.8888 803
23 456 It 22,5
80290 16 507 0.08 493 ,88 782
24 1 .1 1.6
80305 '5 533 36 0.08467 .88772 ,2 3-2
27 16 35
80320 559 36 0.08441 ,88-761 • 3 4-8
28 i» 34 •4 6-4
29 80336
80351 610 25
585 0.08 390
0.08415 9,88741
,88 751 8,0
IS 33
31 80366 636 26 0.08 364 g.S8 730 6 9.6
x6 32
32 80382 662 26 0.08338 g.88 720 31
.7 11,2
33 15 688 36 0.08 312 g.88 7og 8 12,8
80397 30 •9 14,4
34 80428 15 713
739 35 0.08 261
287 9.88688
g.88 69g 25
3| 80412 29
80443 x6 765 36 0.08 235 9.88678 24
36 28
80458 XS 791 36 0.08 209 g.88 668 23 '5
37 27
So 473 15 816 26 0.08 184 g.-88 657 22 .1 15
38 26 .2 3 0
80 504
80 48g x6 868 25
842 132
0.08 158 9.88636
g.88 647 21
3 45
40 80519 893 26 0.08 107 9.88626 20 .4 6 0
80534 IS 919 26 O.oS 081 9 88 615 19 .5 7.5
41 .6 go
80550 16 945 25 0.08 055 9,88605 18 10.5
43 eSo 580
80565 .9 971
996 26 0.08 029
004 9 88 584
9.88594 17 .8 12.0
46 80595 15 92 022 26 o 07 978 9 88 573 16
-9 13-5
47 80 610 15 92 048 26 o 07 952 9.88563
48 80625 16 92073 25 0.07 927 11
49 80
641 15 099 36
92 125 0.07875
0.07 901 !!53i .1 I.I 1.0
50 80671 15 92 150 36 0.07 850 88 521 .2 2.2 2.0
15 •3 3.3
51 80686 92 176 35 0.07 824 88510 3-0
16 -4 4.4
52 80 701 92 202 36 0.07 798 88499 4-0
53 15 88478 1:1
55 80731
80716 92253
92 227 26 0.07 773
747 88489 S-O
54 80 746 IS 92 27g 25 0,07 721 88468 :l 1:1 6.0
80 762 15 92304 26 0.07696 88457 9 9-9 7-0
^8^ >5 88(447
So 777 92330 26 0.07 670 8.0
59 >5 0.07
80 792 92381 25
92356 0.07 619
644 g.88 425
88436 9,0
60 l6
Cos. d. L. Cotg. c26d L. Tang. L. Sin. Prop. Pte.
'5 26
'5 50°
15 26
15 26
70 T A B L E IV.

L. Sin. L. Tang. c. d. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
0 80807 92 381 0,07619 88425 60
I 80822 92407 0.07 593 88415 52
2 80837 92433 0.07 567 88404 58 2.6
3 80S52 92458 0.07 542 88394 52
_£ 80882
80867 92484
92 510 0.07 516
0.07490 88372
88383 ii
I 80897 92535 0.07 465 88362 55
80912 g2 561 0.07439 if 351 54
_1 80 927 92587 0.07413 88340 53
80957 92638 0.07362 88319 18.2
10 80 942 92 612 0.07 388 SS330 52
8og72 g2 663 0.07337 88308 20.8
80987 g2 68g 0.07311 88298 23-4
12 60
13 81 002 92715 0.07 285 88287 4? as
14 81017
032 92 766
92740 0,07 260
0,07234 88266
88276 48 2.5
\l 047 92 792 0,07 208 88255 47 5-0
17 061 92817 0,07 183 88244 Ji 7-5
l8 076 92 S43 0.07 157 88234 45 10.o
091 92894
92 868 0.07 106
0.07 132 88223
88212 44 12.5
121 92 920 0.07080 88201 43 ISO
136 92945 0.07 055 88 191 42 17-5
151 92971 0.07029 88180 41 20.0
22 180 0.06 978
166 02
93 996
022 0.07004 88158
88169 40 22.5
23 19s 0.06 g52
93048 88 148 39 »-s
24 210 0.06 g27
93073 88137 38 3-0
25' 225 0.06 goi
93099 88126 32 n
26 240 0.06 876
850 88 105
93 124
150 88115 36 7-5
tl 269 0,06825 88094
29 93 175 35 9.0
284 0.06 799 88 083
80 93 201 34 lo.s
299 0,06 773 88072
31 93227 33 12.0
328 93278 0.06 722
74S 88051
32 93252 32 «3S
343 93303 0.06 697 88040
33 358 31 «4
93329 0,06 671 88029
34 372 80
93 354 0,06 646 88018 li
3| 387 93406 0,06 620
594 87996 29
402 93380 88007 4-2
36 93431 0.06 569 87985 28
417 5-6
37 93 457 0,06 543 87975 26
38 93482 0,06 518 87964
,39 475 , 93
93 5°8
533 0.06467
0.06 492 87942
87 953 11.2
40' 490 9-93 559 0.06441 87931 12.6
41 505 9.93584 0.06416 87920
42 519 g.93 610 0.06 390 87909 XI 10
43 549
534 9 93 661
93636 0.06 339
364 87SS7
87898 .1 I.I 1.0
44 563 93687 0,06 313 87877 .2 3.2 2.0
45 578 93712 0,06 288 87 866 •3 3 3
• 4 4-4 30
592 93738 0,06 262 87855 1 u 4.0
tl 622
607 93789
93763 0,06
0.06 211
237 W^3
149. 636 93814 0,06 186 87822 :l 1:1
I 50 0.06 160 It
8 651 93840 87 Si I 9 99
51 0.06 135 9.0
98 665 93865 87 Soo
52 98 694
680 93916
93891 0.06
0,06 0S4
109 9.87778
S3 L. Cos. L. Cotg. c. d L. Tang. L. Sin. ' Prop. Pts.
54 49°
L. Sin. d. L. Tang, cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. Prop. Pte.
694 93916 0.06 084 87778 60
709 93942 0.06058 87767 59
723 93967 0.06 033 87756 58 s6
738 93 993 0.06007 87745 51 2,6
5 767
752 94018
94044 g82
0.05 g56 87723
87734 Ji 5-2
6 781 94069 0.05 g3i 87 712 55 7-8
7 796 94095 0.05 go5 87 701 54 10.4
8 Sio 94 120 0.05 8S0 87690 S3 130
_? 839
S25 94171
94146 0.05 854
82g 87668
87679 52 ll]2
10 854 94197 0.05 803 87 657 51 20.8
II 868 g4 222 0.05 778 87646 50 23.4
12 882 94248 0.05 752 87635 49 as
13 897
911 94299
94273 727
0.05 701 87 624
613 48 2^5
14 g26 94324 0.05 676 87601 47 50
\l 940 94350 0,05 650 87590 Ji 7^5
19 955 94 375 0,05 625 87579 45 10,0
20 81 969 94426
94401 0.05 574
0,05 599 87568
§7 557 44 12-S
21 81 998 94452 0,05 548 87546 43 15-0
22 82 012 94 477 0,05 523 87535 42 17-S
23 82 026 94503 0,05 497 87 524 41 20,0
24 82055
82 041 94528
94 554 0.05
0-05 446
472 87501
87513 40 22.5
26 82 069 0,05421 87490
94 579 32 i-S
27 82084 0.05 396 87479
94604 38 3-0
28 82098 0.05 370 87468
94630 32 n
30 126
82 112 g4 681 0.05319 87446
o: 05 345 87457
94655 36 7-S
31 82 141 94706 0.05 294 87434 35 9,0
32 82155 94732 0.05 268 87423 34 loS
33 82 169 94 757 0,05 243 87412 33 12,0
3| 82198
82 184 g4 8o8
94783 o0.05
05 217
192 87390
87 401 32 13s
36 82 212 94834 0.05 166 87378
31 14
37 82 226 94 85g o 05 141 87367
30 14
38 82 240 94884 0.05 116 87356
0,05 29 2,8
39 82 269
82255 94910
94 935 0.05 065
090 87334
40 82283 94961 o 05 039 87322 4.2
0.05 014 873" 27 S-6
41 82 297 94986
0.04 988 87 300 26 7.0
42 82311 95 012
43 82 326
340 g5 062
95037 o0.04963
04938 87277
87288 84
44 82354 95088 0.04912 87266 9-8
47 82368 95 113 0.04 887 87255 II.2
48 82382 95 139 0.04 861 87243 1312.6ti
49 82 410
82396 '64
95 igo 0.04 8io
0 0 4 836 87 221
87232 .1 1,2 I
51 82 424 95215 0.04 785 87 209 .2 2.4 2
0,04 760 87198
3 3S 3-
52 82 439 95240 4 4,8 4
S3 82453 gS 266 0,04 734 87187 5 6,0 5-
55 82481
82467 95317
95291 0,04 683
709 87164
87175 .6 7-2 6,
0,04 658 87153 -7 8.4 7-
56 82495 95342 .8 96 8,
57 82 509 95368 0,04 632 87141 -9 10,8 9
58 82523 95 393 0,04 607 87130
59 82551
82537 95418
95 444 0.04556
0.04 582 g.87 107
60 L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. c d. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. Prop. Pte.
72 T A B L E IV.

42° 1
» L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
0 9.82551 9.95444 0.04 556 9.87107 .. 60
1 9 82505 9 95469 26 0.04531 9 87096
2 9 82579 9 95 495 0.04505 9 87085 It a6
3 9 82 5g3 9 95 520 0.04 480 9 57 2,6
4 9 82607 M 9 95 545 26 0.04455 9 tVdl 56 .2 5?
5 9 82621 9 95571 0,04429 9 87 050 55 •3 7-8
6 9 82635 9 95596 0.04 404 9 87039 54 .4
I 9 82 64g 9 95622 0.04378 9 87028 53 '3-9
9 82663 9 95 647 0.04353 9 87016 52
9 9 82 677' J4 9 95672 26 0.04 328 9 87005 5' • 7 15.6
10 9 82 6gi 9 95 698 0.04 302 9 86993 50 .8 18,2
II 9 82705 9 95723 0.04277 9 86982 49 •9 23-4
12 9 82719 14 9 95748 0.04252 9 86 970 48 i
13 9 82733 H 9 95 774 0.04 226 9 86959 47 1
14 9 82747 9 95 799 26 0.04 201 9 86947 46 35
9 82761 "4 9 95825 0.04 175 9 86936 45 .1 2-5
15 9 9 95850 0.04 150 9 86924 44 .2 5-0
lb 9 82 788 9 95875 26 0.04 125 9 86913 43 •3 7-5
\l 9 82802 9 95901 0.04099 9 86902 42 •4 10.0
19 9 82816 M 9 95926 36 0.04074 9 86 8go 41 :l 12.5
20 9 82830 9 95952 0.04048 9 86 87g 40 iS-o
21 9 82844 9 95 977 0.04023 9 86867 :l 17 5
22 9 82858 9 96002 35 0.03998 9 86855 It
23 9 S2S72 9 96028 0.03972 9 86844 37 •9 W.5
24 9 82885 H 9 96053 35 0.03947 9 86S32 36 II
25 9 82899 9 96078 0.03 922 9 86821 35
26 9 82913 9 g6 104 36 0,03 896 9 86 8og 34
27 9 82 927 14 9 96 129 35 0,03 871 9 86 7g8 33 ii
28 9 82 941 9 96155 36 0.03 845 9 86 786 32
29 9 82 955 13 9 96180 35 0 03 820 9 86775 31 •3 ^6
80 9 82968 14 9 g6 205 35 0.03 795 9 86763 30 .4
31 9 82982 14
9 96231 36 0.03 769 9 86752
32 9 82996 9 96256 0,03 744 9 86 740 28 5
33 9 83 010 »3 9 96281 26 0.03 719 9 86728 27 i
34 9 83023 9 96307 35 0.03 693 9 86717 26 II .2
.0 12.6
35 9 83037 14 9 96332 0.03 668 9 86705 1
36 9 13051 9 96357 35 0.03 643 9 86694 24 1
9 83005 13 9 96383 36 0.03 617 9 86682 23
11 9 83078 9 g6 4o8 0.03 592 9 86670 22
39 9 83 092 14 9 96433 35 c 03 567 9 86659 21 .2 2.6
40 9 83 106 9 96459 26 0 03 541 9 86647 20 .3 39
4' 9 83120 9 g6 484 36 0.03 516 9 86635 19 •4 5,2
42 9 83 1.33 9 g6 510 0.03 490 9 86624 18
43 9 83147 9 96535 35 0.03 465 9 86612 17 g 7-8
44 9 83 161 '3 9 96 560 35 0.03 440 9 86600 16 9-1
45 9 9 96586 36 0.03414 9 86589 15 :l 10.4
46 9 llllt 9 96 611 85 0.03 389 9 86577 14 •9 II.7
47 9 83 202 9 96636 35 0.03 364 9 86565 13 1
48 9 83215 9 g6 662 0.03338 9 86 554 12 1
49 9 83229 13 9 96687 35 0.03313 9 S6542 n 18 IX
50 9 83242 9 96712 35 0.03 2S8 9 86530 10 .1 1.2 I.l
51 9 83256 9 96738 0,03 262 9 8651S .2 2-4 2 2|
52 9 f3T 9 96703 25 0,03 237 9 86 507 8 • 3 3-6 3 3
53 9 83 2»3 9 96788 25 0.03 212 9 86495 7 •4 44
54 9 83297 '3 9 96814 25 0,03 186 9 86 483 6 ti
55 9 83310 9 96839 0.03 161 9 86472 5
so 9 9 96864 25 0.03 136 9 86 460 4 li
9 83338 9 96 890 0.03 n o 9 86 448 3 ;l 9.6 I I
58 9 83 35' 9 96915 95 0.03085 9 86436 2 •9 I0.8 9 9
59 9 83 305 '3 9 96 940 33 0.03 060 9 86425 1 1
60 9 83378 9 96 966 96 0.03034 9 86413 0 !
L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. cd. L. Tang. L. Sin. d. r Prop. Pt.*!.
47° 1
L. Sin. d L. Tang. cd L. Cotg, L. Cos. d. Prop. Pte.
83378 96g66 0.03034 86413
83392 96 ggi 25 0.03 009 86 401
83405 97016 25 0.02 984 863S9 36
83419 97042 26 0.02 958 86 377 2.6
S3 446
83432 97067 25
I 97092 35 0.02 908 933 86354 5-2
83459 97118 26 0.02 882 86 342 7-8
7 83473 97143 25 0.02 857 86330 10.4
8 83486 97168 25 0,02 S32 86318 13.0
_9 83500
83513 97193 35 0.02
97219 0.02781807 86 295
306 50 18.2
no S3 527 97244 0.02 756 86283 49 20.8
83540 26
II 97269 0.02 731 86271 48 23-4
83554 25
12 97295 0.02 705 86 25g 47 3S
83567 25 0,02 655
97 345
97320 0.02 680 86 235247 46 25
13 83594 97371
26 0.02 629 ,86223
14 83608 25 0.02 604 9.86 211 so
'5 83621 35 0,02 579 g.86 200 7-5
97421 - 86 188
16 83648
83634 97472 26 0,02 528
553 .86 176 10.0
97 447 40
83661 97 497 25 0,02 503 86 164 12-S
17 35
83674 97523 0,02477 86 152 15.0
18 38
83688 97548 26 0.02 452 ,86 140 32
25 S3 701
83715 97 573 25 0,02
97598 427
0,02402 ,86
86 116
128 36
no 83 728 97624 35 0,02 375 86 104 22.5
26 26
21 83741 97649 0.02 351 86092
22 83755 97674 25 0,02 326 86080
23 83781
S3 768 97725 25 0.02 300
97700 275 86056
86068 7,0
Jl 83795 97750 25 0.02 250 86044 8-4
30 83S08 97776 26 0.02 224 86032 9-8
31 83821 g7 801 25 0.02 199 86020 11,2
32 83848
83S34 g7 826 25 0,02
97851 0.02 149
174 85996
86008 12.6
33 83 861 97877 26 0,02 123 85984
83874 g7 902 35 0,02 ogS 85972 13
34 83887 97927 23 0,02 073 85 g6o 2.6
3| 83901
83914 97 953 26 0,02 022
97978 047 85936
85948 20
36 39
83927 98003 35 0,01 997 85924 '2
37 83940 g8 029 25 0,01 971 85912 18 •5
38 83954 98054 25 0,01 946 85 goo 17 7-8
39 83980
83967 g8 104 26 0,01 921
98079 896 85876
85888 16 9-1
83993 98 130 25 0,01 870 85864 10,4
40 84 006 98155 35 o.oi 845 15851 II.7
41 84020 gSiSo 26 o.oi 820 §5839 13
42 g 84033
84 046 206 35 O.OI
98 231 0.01 769
794 !5 8'S
85827 .1 1,21,1
43 9 84 ojg 98256 35 0.01 744 85803 ,2 2,4
44 84072 98281 26 0.01 719 85791 •3 3.6
84085 -4 3-3
45 84098 98307 25 O.OI 693 85779 -5 6,0
46 64 112 98332 25 0.01 643
98357 668 85754
85766 s ,6 7,2
84 125 9^383 25 O.OI 617 85742 4
7 8,4
47 8 6.6
84138 98408 26 O.OI 592 ?5 73o 3 910.8 7-7
48 84151 98433 25 O.OI 567 85718 2 88
49 84 164 98458 25 0.01 542 85 706 I 99
50 L.84177
Cos. L. Cotg. 26 O.OI 516 9.85693
L. Sin. "0" Prop. Pte.
5' 25 L. Tang.
52 25 46°
53 25
54 c 25
74 TABL3 ~-,

> L. Sin. d. L. Tang. cd. L. Cotg. L. Cos. d. Prop. I-te.
0 9.84 177 9,98484 o,oi 516 9-85 693 (50
I 9.84190 9.98 509 O.OI 491 9,85 681 •>«
2 9,84 203 9.98534 26 O.OI 466 9-85 669 l^ 36
3 9.84 216 g.98 560 O.OI 440 9,85 657 57
4 9.84 229 O.OI 415 9.85 645__ '3 56 2,6
13 .9.-,?8_58s_ 25 ,2
9.84242 9 98 6io 0.01 390 9.85632 55
6 9.84255 9-98635 O.OI 305 9,85 620 •3
26 54 10,4
9,84 269 9.98 661 O.OI 339 9.85608 53 •4
I 9,84 282 9,98686 O.OI 314 9.85596 13,0
9 9,84295 '3 9,98711 36 O.OI 289 9.85583 »3 51 • 7 15 6
10 9,84308 9.98 737 O.OI 263 9-85571 13 50 .8 20,8
II g.84 321 9,98 762 O.OI 238 9-85559 49 • 9 23.4
12 9.84334 9-98787 O.OI 213 9-85547 48
13 9-84347 9,98812 s6 0,01 188 9-85 534 *3 47 1
14 g.84 360 '3 9,96838 0.01 162 9.85 522 12 46 25
9-84373 35 O.OI 137 .1
15 9,98863 9,85510 45 2.5
lb 9-84385 9.98 80S 0,01 112 9-85497 «3 44 .2 S-O
9.84398 g.98 913 26 O.OI 087 9-85 485 43 •3 7-5
[I g.84 411 9-93939 O.OI 061 9-85473 42 •4 10,0
19 9.84424 13 9.98964 35 0.01 036 9.85 460 Z3 41 12-5
9.84437 9-98989 25 O.OI o n 9-85448
20 40 15,0
21 9.84450 9-99015 26 0.00 985 9-85 436 39 •Z 17-5
22 g. 84 463 9,99040 0,00 960 9-85423 «3 38 22.5
23 9.84476 9-99065 0,00935 g.85 411 37 •9
24 9.84489 '3 9,99090 26 0,00 910 9.85399 n 36 i]
25 g.84 503 g.g9 116 0,00 884 9,85 386 35 H
26 9.84515 9-99 141 0,00 859 9-85 374 34
27 9.84528 9,gg 166 0,00 834 9-85 361 >3 33 1-4
28 g.84 540 12 9-99 191 25 0.00 8og 9-85 349 32 2,8
29 9.84553 13 9-99217 26 0.00 7»3 9.85337 »3 31 •3 4?
80 g.84 566 9-99 242 25 0.00 758 9-85 324 SO •4 5-6
31 9.84579 9,99267 26 0,00 733 9-85312 29 7.0
32 9 84592 9-99293 0,0G 707 9-85 299 «3 28 •^
33 9.84 605 9-99318 0.00 682 9,85287 27 8,4
34 9.84618 12 9-99 343 25 0.00 657 9-85274 »3 26 .9 9-8
12,6 1
35 9.84 630 9-99368 0.00 632 9.85 262 X3 25 11,2 I
36 9.i)4 643 9-99 394 26 0,00 bob 9.85 250 24 1
37 9.84656 9-99419 0,00 581 9-85 237 »3 23
38 9.84 66g 9-99 444 0.00 556 9-85225 22 .1
39 g.64 682 12 9-99469 25 0.00 531 g.S5 212 >3 21
9.84694 0.00 505 9.85 200 12 .2 li
40 9-99 495 26 20 3-9
41 9.84707 9-99 520 35 0.00 4S0 9.85 1B7 13 19 .3
42 9.84 720 9-99 545 0.00 455 9-85 175 18 is
43 9.84733 9-99 570 35 0,00430 9,85 162 13 17 6 7-8
44 9.84 745 13 9-99590 36 0.00404 9-85 150 »3 16 9-1
45 g.84 758 g,g9 621 25 0,00 37g 9-85 137 15 :l 10,4
46 g,84 771 9,99646 25 0,00354 9.85 125 14 •9 11-7
47 9.84784 9-99672 0,00 328 g,8S 112 X3 13 1
48 9.84796 X2 9-99697 25 0,00 303 g,b5 loo 12 1
49 9,84 809 13 9-99 722 25 0,00278 9,85087 13 II 19
50 9,84822 9-99 747 25 0,00 253 9.85 074 ^3 10 .1 1,2
51 9.84835 9-99 773 0,00 227 9,85 062 .2 2.4
52 9.84847 9-99798 25 0,00 202 9,85049 «3 I .3 3-6
S3 9.84660 9-99822 «5 0,00 177 9-85 037 la •4
54 9-84873 12 23 0,00 152 9.85 024 13 I ti
9.84885 9-99848
9,99874 86 0,00 126 9,85 013 xa :i
55 s
56 9.84698 9-99 899 85 0.00 101 9.84999 «3 4 i
9.84 911 9-99924 85 0,00076 9.84986 »3 3
11 9 84923 X2 9.99949 95 0.00051 9,84974 2 •9 10.8
59 9.84936 '3 9-99 975 0,00025 9,84901 »3 I 1
60 9 84949 0,00000 25 0,00000 9-84949 xa 0
L. Cos. d. L. Cotg. cd. L. 'I'ang. L. Sin. d. # Prop. Its.
45° 1

T A B L E V .


0° V 2° 3° 4°
» N. sine N . COS. N . sine N. COS. N. sine N. COS. N. sine N. COS. N . sine N. cos.
o .00000 00000 .01745 -99985 .03490 -99939 •^5234 •99863 ,06976 •99756 60
I ,00029 00000 .01774 -99984 •03519 -99938 ,05263 99861 ,07005 •99754 52
2 ,00058 00000 ,01803 •99984 .03548 -99937 ,05292 ,99860 .07034 •99752 58
3 ,00087 00000 .01832 -99983 •03577 ,99936 -05321 ,9985s .07063 •99750 ^6^
4 ,oon6 00000 .01862 ,99983 .03606 •99935 •05350 -99857 .07092 .99748 55
,0014s 00000 .01891 .03635 •99934 •05379 •99855 ,07121 •99746
.00204 00000 .01949 .99982 .99981 ,99932 -05437 -99852 .07179 ,99742 54
i .00175 00000 .01920 .99982 -03693 ,03664 •99933 ,05408 -99854 •07150 -99744 53
-00233 00000 .01978 ,99980 -03723 -99931 ,05466 •99851 .07208 ,99740 52
9 ,00262 00000 ,02007 ,99980 -03752 ,99930 -0S495 ,99849 -07237 -99738 51
10 .00291 00000 ,02036 .99979 ,03781 -99929 -05524 •99847 ,07266 •99736 50
II ,00320 99999 ,02065 .99979 ,03810 ,99927 •05553 .99846 ,0729s -99734 %
12 -00378
-00349 99999 ,02123 .99978
99999 ,02094 .99977 ,03868 ,99925 ,05611
-03839 ,99926 .05582 .99842 •07353 •99729
-99844 .07324 •99731
13 ,00407 99999 .02152 -99977 •03897 ,99924 ,05640 .99841 -07382 ,99727 %
14 ,00436 99999 .02181 -99976 .03926 -99923 ,05669 •99839 ,07411 •99725 45
15 ,00465 99999 .02211 -99976 •03955 .99922 ,05698 •99838 ,07440 •99723 44
il -00495 99999 .02240 -99975 .03984 .99921 •05727 .99836 ,07469 •99721 43
19 -00553 99998
.00524 99999 ,02298 -99974 ,04042
.02269 -99974 .99918 •05756
,04013 -99919 •05785 -99834
-99833 •07527 ,99716
,0749s ,99719 41
20 .00582 99998 ,02327 -99973 .04071 -99917 •05814 •99831 •07556 -99714 40
21 .00611 99998 .02356 -99972 .04100 ,9ggi6 •05844 .99829 -07585 ,99712 i
22 .00640 99998 ,0238s .99972 .04129 •99915 •05873 •99827 ,07614 -99710
23 .00669 99998 ,02414 .99971 .04159 •99913 ,05902 .99826 -07643 ,99708
.00727 36
24 99998 .02472
.00698 99997 ,02443 .99970 .04217 ,99912 ,05960
,04188 -99911 ,99822 ,07701
•05931 ,99824 ,07672 ,99703
-99705 35
-00756 99997 .02501 .99969 .04246 ,99910 ,99821 ,07730 ,99701 34
25 .00785 99997 .02530 .99969 .04275 -99909 ,06047 ,99819 % ] ^ -99699 33
26 .00814 99997 ,02560 .99968 .04304 .99907 .06076 -99817 ,07817 ,99696 32
29 .00844 99996 ,02589 .99967 -04333 .99906 ,06105 ,99815 ,07846 •99694 31
30 .00902
-00873 99996
99996 ,02647
,02618 -99965 -04391 -99905 .06134 -99813
.04362 -99904 .99812 -07875 ,99689
,99692 30
31 -00931 99996 .02676 .99966 -99964 .04420 .99902 .06163 .99810 ,07904 ,99687
,99966 %
32 .00960 99995 ,0270s -99963 .04449 .99901 .06192 .99808 -07933 ,9968s
33 .oogSg 99995 -02734 -99963 .04478 ,99900 .06221 .99806 .07962 ,99683
34 .01018 99995 ,02763 ,99962 ,04507 ,99898 .06250 .99804 .07991 ,99680
.01076 24
35 99995 ,02821
.01047 99994 ,02792 ,99960 -04536 ,99896
.99961 -04565 ,99897 ,06308 •ggSoi .08049
,06279 .99803 .08020 ,99676
.01105 99994 ,02850 ,99959 -04594 .99894 ,06366 .99799 .08078 •99673 23
-01134 99994 .02879 -99959 ,04623 .99893 •06395 -99797 .0S107 ,99671 22
,01164 99993 ,02908 •99958 -04653 .99892 ,06424 •99795 .08136 ,99668 21
oiigs 99993 ,02938 -99957 ,04682 .ggSgo •06453 -99793 .08165 .99666 20
40 .01251 99993
99992 ,02967
,02996 -99955
41 .01222 .99956 ,04740 .99888 ,06482 -99792
,04711 .gg889 ,08223 .99664
-99790 .08194 .99661 19
44 .01280 99992 -03025 •99954 .04760 .998S6 .06511 ,gg7S8 ,08252 -99659
42 -01309 99991 03054 •99953 ,04798 -99SS5 .06540 ,gg7S6 ,08281 •99657 IS
-01338 99991 .03083 .99952 .04827 ,99883 ,06569 -99784 ,08310 -99654 14
.01367 99991 .03112 .99952 ,04856 ,99882 .0659S -99782 .08330 ,09652 13
,01425 99990 ,03170
.01396 99990 .03141 -99950
9995' .04914 .ggSSi ,06656
.04S85 -99S79 .06627 -9977S .99647
-0S397 .99649
-99780 .0S308 12
.01454 99989 .03199 .99949 -04943 .90S7S .066S5 .90776 .0S426 -99644 II
.01483 99989 .03228 .99948 .04972 .Q9S76 .0O714 .90774 -0S455 ,99642 10
.01513 99989 .03257 -99947 .05001 •99875 •06743 .99772 .0S4S4 ,99639
152 I
.01542 999S8 .03286 .99946 .05030 ,99873 •06773 ,99770 •08513 •99637
53 ,01600
.01571 99987 ,03316 .99944
99988 -03345 -99945 .050S8
,05059 .99870
,99872 .06831
.06802 .99766
.9976S ,08542 .99632
•99635 5
54 .01620 99987 -03374 .99943 .05117 ,99869 06860 ,99764 ,oS6oo •99630 4
55 ,01658 09986 -03403 -99942 .05146 .99867 .00880 .99762 ,08620 .99627 3
56 ,01687 99<).S6 •03432 .99941 •0517s .99S66 .06918 .99760 ,08658 .99625 2
57 .01716 909^5 ,03461 .99940 .05205 ,99864 .06947 •99758 ,oS6ii7 ,99622 I
58 \. co.s. N .99985
.017.15 ,siiie N.03490
. COS. v.
sine N. COS. Nf.
•05234 sine N.06976
-99863 sineN.08716
. COS. ]•"f. .99619
. COS. 1•"T. .sine0
§»" §8- 1 87° SO" 1 85° 1 /
5° 1 6° 1 r 1 .. 1 9°
1 ] COS. N. sine ]
^f. sine NT. Nf. COS. N. sine ^. COS. V. sine ]NT. cos. ^. sine N. cos.
o ,08716 .99619 -10453 -99452 .12187 -99255 •13917 ,99027 -15643 ,98769 60
I .08745 •99617 . 10482 .99449 .12216 .99251 -13946 ,99023 ,15672 ,98764 59
2 .08774 .99614 ,10511 .99446 .12245 .99248 -13975 ,99019 ,15701 .98760 58
3 .0S803 .9g6i2 ,10540 •99443 .12274 ,99244 ,14004 ,9901s •15730 •9875s ^^
4 .0S831 .g96o9 •10569 -99440 .12302 ,99240 -14033 ,99011 -15758 .98751 55 '
.0SS60 .ggeo? -10597 •99437 .12331 -99237 ,14061 ,99006 -15787 .98746 54 ,
.08918 .99602
.08889 .9g604 ,10655 -99434
-99431 .12389 ,99230 ,14119 .98998 •15845 -98737
I .08947 •99599 ,10626
,10684 -99428 .12418 •99233 , 14090 .99002
,99226 ,14148 -98994 ,15816
.98741 53
-15873 ,98732
9 .08976 .99596 ,10713 -99424 •12447 ,99222 ,14177 .98990 ,15902 .98728 52
IO .09005 •99594 ,10742 .99421 .12476 •99219 •14205 .98986 -15931 -98723 51
II -09034 .99591 ,10771 .99418 -12504 ,9921s ,14234 .98982 •15959 .98718 so
12 .09092
.09063 ,99586
-99588 ,10829
,loSoo .99412
.99415 .12562 ,99208 ,14292 .98978 .16017
13 -12S33 ,99211 -14263 •98973 .15988 -g87og
-98714 %
14 .09121 -99583 ,10858 .99409 .12591 ,gg204 -14320 .9S969 ,16046 .g8704 %
15 -09150 -99580 ,10887 .9g406 .12620 ,g92oo -14349 ,98965 ,16074 ,g87oo 45
16 .09179 -99578 .10916 .99402 .12649 ,99197 -14378 ,98961 ,16103 ,g8695 44
,09208 •99575 -10945 •99399 .12678 -99193 ,14407 ,98957 .16132 43
19 ,09266 -99570
,09237 -99572 ,11002 .12706 ,ggi86
•99393 -12735
,10973 .99396 ,99189 •14464
,14436 ,9894s
-9S953 ,16189
.16160 ,98681 41
20 -og2gs •99567 ,11031 -99390 .12764 ,ggi82 -14493 ,98944 ,16218 ,98676 40
21 ,og324 -99564 ,11060 -99386 -12793 ,99178 ,14522 ,98940 ,16246 ,98671 39
22 -og353 -99562 .11089 -99383 .12822 -99175 -14551 ,98936 ,1627s ,g8667 38
23 -09382 •99559 .11118 .gg38o -12851 ,99171 ,14580 .98931 ,16304 ,gS662 32
24 ,09440 •99556 .11176
,09411 •99553 -99377 .12908
-11147 -99374 .12880 -99163 -98923 ,16361
-99167 ,14608 .98927 •16333 ,98652
,98657 35
26 ,0946g •99551 .11205 -99370 -i2g37 ,ggi6o .98919 .16390 ,98648 34
,09498 -99548 .11234 •99367 .12966 •99156 ,98gi4 .16419 ,98638 33
29 ,09527 -99545 .11263 -99364 •i2gg5 -99152 ,g89io -16447 -98633 32
30 •09556 -99542 .11291 -99360 .13024 ,99148 ,98906 ,16476 ,98629 31
.og6i4 .14781
31 -99537 .11320
•ogsss -99540 -99357 .13081
-11349 -99354 •99144 ,14810 ,98897
-13053 -99141 ,1650s ,98624
.98902 -16533 29
32 .og642 -99534 -11378 -99351 .13110 -99137 -14838 ,98893 ,16562 ,98619 28
33 .og67i •99531 .11407 -99347 -99133 ,14867 ,98889 .16591 ,98614 %
34 .09700 ,99528 .11436 -99344 -13197 ,ggi29 ,14896 ,98884 ,16620 ,98609 25
35 .og72g -99526 .11465 -99341 .13226 -99125 ,14925 ,98880 ,16648 ,98604 24
36 •09787 •99520
-09758 -99523 •11523
•11494 -99337 ,99118 -14954
•99334 -13254 ,ggi22 ,14982 .98876
,98871 ,16706 •98595
,16677 ,98600 23
38 .09816 •99517 •11552 •99331 -13283 ,99114 ,15011 ,98867 -16734 ,98590 22
39 .09S45 •99514 .11580 -99327 -13312 ,99110 ,15040 ,98863 -16763 •98585 21
40 .09S74 •99511 .11609 -99324 -13341 ,99106 ,15069 ,98858 ,16792 ,98580 20
41 .09903 •9950S .U638 ,99320 -13370 ,99102 -15097 ,98854 ,16820 •98575 19
43 .09g6i •99503 .11696
.09932 -99506 -99314 -13399
.11667 -99317 -99°94 ,15126
-13427 ,99098 ,98845 ,16849
-15155 ,98849 ,16878 •98565
•98570 17
44 .ogggo ,ggSoo .11725 -993'0 13456 ,gg09i ,15184 ,98841 ,16906 ,98561 16
45 .looig •99497 -117.54 -99307 -13485 .ggo87 ,15212 ,98836 -1693s •98556 15
46 .10048 •99494 .11783 -99303 -13514 -99083 ,15241 ,98832 ,16964 •98551 14
47 .10077 ,99491 .11812 .99300 -13543 ,99079 -15270 ,98827 ,16992 ,98546 13
48 .10106 ,99485
•1013s ,99488 ,11869 -99293 .13600
,11840 .99297 -13572 ,99071 -15327 ,98818
-99075 ,15299 .9SS23 ,17050 •98536
,17021 •98541 12
so .10164 ,99482 .11898 .gg29o .13629 ,99067 -15356 •98814 ,17078 •98531 11
51 .loig2 •99479 ,iig27 .99286 .13658 .99063 -1538s ,98809 ,17107 •98526 10
52 .10221 •99476 ,11956 ,99283 .13687 •99059 -15414 ,98805 ,17136 -98521 7
53 .10250 -99473 ,1.1985 •99279 .13716 •99055 .15442 ,98800 ,17164 -98516 6
.10308 -99467 .120^3
.i027g ,99470 .12014 .99272 -13773 ,99047
.99276 •13744 .99051 -15500 -98796 ,17222
-15471 •98791 -17193 ,g8so6
,98511 5
-99464 .I207I .99269 . 13802 ,99043 -15529 -98787 -17250 -98501 4
57 .10366
.12100 .99265 -13831 ,99039 •'55^2 ,g87S2 ,17279 ,98496
58 .10395 ,99461 3
-99458 .12129 .gg262 .13860 •99035 -15586 -9S778 ,17308 ,98491 2
60 .10424
-99455 .12158 .99258 •138S9 ,99031 ,1561s -98773 -17336 ,98486 I
N. cos. N'. .12IS7
sine isr. •99255
COS. N. sine N.•13917 .99027
COS. N. -15643
sine S'. COS.N. sine N-17365
,98769 . cos. N,98481
. sine /0
84° 1 83° 1 82° 1 81° 1 80°
10° 1 11° 12° 13° 14°
t Jf. sineN'. cos. En. sineN. COS. N . sine >7. COS.N . sine N. COS. N . sine N. COS.
0 •17365 .98481 ,19081 .98163 .20791 .97815 -22495 -97437 .24192 •97030 60
I •17393 .98476 .igiog •98157 .20820 .97809 -22523 •97430 .24220 .97023
2 ,17422 •98471 .19138 -98152 .20848 .97803 .22552 •97424 .2424g •97015 si
3 •17451 .98466 .19167 .g8i46 .20877 •97797 .22580 •97417 •24277 .97008
4 •17479 .98461 •19195 .g8i40 .20905 •97791 .22608 •97411 -24305 .97001 55
•17508 •98455 .19224 -98135 -20933 -97784 .22637 •97404 -24333 •96994 54
7 •17565 •98445 .19281 .98124 .20990 -97772 .22693 •97391 .24390 .96980
•17537 •98450 .19252 ,g8i29 .20962 -97778 .24362 .96987 53
8 •17594 .g844o .19309 ,98118 .2ioig .g7766 .22665
.22722 •97398
•97384 .24418 •96973 52
9 •17623 •98435 •'5338 ,98112 .21047 .g776o .22750 •97378 .24446 .96966
10 117680 •98430 .19366 ,98107 .21076 -97754 .22778 -97371 .24474 •96959
II ,17708 •98425 -19395 ,98101 .21104 -97748 .22807 -97365 -24503 .96952
•17737 .98414 -19452 ,98090 49 1
12 .98420 -19423 .98096 .21161 -97742 .22863
.21132 •97735 .22835 •97351
-97358 -24559
-24531 •96937
-9694s ^^2
.17766 .g8409 .ig48i ,98084 .21189 .97729 .22892 •97345 -24587 •96930 48 i
13 46
14 •17794 .98404 .19509 .98079 .21218 -97723 .22920 •97338 .24615 •96923
•17823 .98399 •19538 •9S073 .21246 -97717 .22948 -97331 .24644 .g6909 45
\l 44
\l •98394 •19566 ,98067 .21275 •97711 •22977 •97325 .24672 .g6g02
•17909 •19623 .98056 .21303
-21331 -97698 43
.98389 •19595 ,98061 -97705 •23005 •97318 ,24728
•23033 •97311 ,24700
.g6894 41
•17937 42
20 •9837 ,19680 .98050 .21360 .g76g2 .23062 •97304 -24756 .96887 40
.17966 .19709 .98044 .21388 .g7686 .23090 •97298 -24784 .96880
21 .98368
•17995 -19737 .98039 .21417 .g768o .23118 -97291 •24813 .96866
22 .98362 fe
.18023 ,19766 •98033 .21445 .97673 -23146 -97284 ,24841 .96858
25 .18081 •98357
.18052 •98352 ,19794 .98027
.98021 .21502 .97661 -23175
.21474 .97667 -23203 -97278
.97271 ,24869
•24897 .96851 35
24 .18109 -98347 ,19823 .98016 -21530 -9765s .23231 ,97264 .24g2S .96844 34
i .18138 •98341 ,19851 .98010 -21559 .97648 .23260 •97257 •24954 .96837 33
29 .18166 •98336 ,19880 .98004 .21587 .97642 .23288 ,97251 .24982 .96829 32
30 •iSigs •98331 ,19908 .9799S .21616 .97636 .23316 •97244 .25010 .96S22 31
31 .18252
.1S224 •9S320
•98325 ,1996s
-19937 .97987
•97992 .21672
.21644 -97623
.97630 •23373 -97237 .25066
-23345 •97230 .25038 .96S07
.96815 30
32 .1S281 •98315 ,19994 •97981 .21701 -97617 -23401 ,97223 •25094 .96800
33 •18309 ,98310 ,20022 •97975 .21729 .97611 •23429 ,97217 .25122 -96793 i
34 •1S338 .98304 ,20051 .97969 •21758 •97604 -23458 ,97210 •25151 .96786 25
35 •18367 ,98299 ,20079 -97963 .21786 -97598 .23486 -97203 •25179 -96778 24
36 .18424
•1839s ,g8288
.98294 .20136 -97958 .21843
,20108 -97952 -97592 -23542
.21814 -97585 -23514 -97189 -25235 -96764
-97196 .25207 -96771 23
!^ .18452 ,g8283 .20165 .97946 .21871 -97579 -23571 ,97182 .25263 •96756 22
39 .18481 •98277 -20193 .97940 .21899 •97573 -23599 -97176 •25291 -96749 21
40 :;|| ,g8272 20222 •97934 .21928 •97566 -23627 •97169 .25320 ,96742 20
41 .18567 ,98267 ,20250 .9792S .21956 -97560 -23656 ,g7i62 •25348 -96734 19
42 •18595" ,98256
,98261 ,20307
,2027g .97916
.97922 .22013
-21985 •97547 .23712 -97148
•97553 .23684 -97155 .25404
.25376 -96719
,96727 18
43 .18624 ,98250 ,20336 .97910 .22041 •97541 ,23740 -97141 .25432 ,96712
M .18652 ,g8245 20364 .97905 .22070 •97534 ,23769 -97134 .25460 ,9670s
16 1
45 ,18681 .9S240 -20393 •97899 .22098 •97528 -23797 -97127 .25488 ,96697
,18710 •98234
,20421 •97893 .22126 •97521 -23825 .g7i20 .25516 ,o66S2
.20478 14
.18738 .g8229 .20450 .97S81
.97887 .22IS3
.22155 •97508
•97515 .23882
-23853 .97106 •25545 ,9o.,75
-97113 •25573
% .9S218 ,20507 •97875 .22212 •97502 .23910 .97100 .25001 ,06667 13
49 .18767- .98212 -2053s .97869 .22240 •97496 .23966 -97093 .25620 ,96660 12 !
50 •18795 ,98207 ,20563 •97863 .22268 •974S9 •23995 .970S6 .25657 •96653 II
51 .18824 ,98201 ,20592 •97857 .22297 •97483 .24023 .97,079 .25685 ,96645 10
52 .18852 ,g8igo
.18938 ,98196 .20649 -22353 •97470
-97845 .22325
.20620 -97S51 •97470 .24051 •97065 ,96630
•25741 .0063S
.97072 .25713 I5
S3 .18881 ,98185
.18967 .20677 -97S39 .22382 •97463 .24079 .97058 .25769 ,96623 4
54 18910 •98179
.18995 .20706 -97S33 .22410 -97457 .24108 •97051 •25798 !966J 3
.19024 ,g8i74 .20734 -97827 .22.138 -97450 .24136 -97044 .25826 ,96600 2
.19052 ,98168 .20763 •97S21' .22467 •97-144 ,24164 •97037 •25854 -96593 I
N. ,98163
cos. ^. sine .20791
^T. cos. NT. sine'N.
-97815 .22495 •97437
^. sine N,24192 ].97030
. COS. v. sine N.25SS2
. co.s. N. sine t0
79° 1 78° 1 77° 70° 1 75° 1
15° 16° 17° 18° 19°
/ *^'. sineN . COS. N. sine N . COS. N . sine N . COS. N . sine N . COS. N . sine N . COS.
o ,25882 •96593 .27564 .96126 29237 ,95630 ,30902 •95106 •32557 -94552 60
I -25gio •9658s -27592 ,96118 .29265 ,95622 •30929 •95097 •32584 .94542 52
2 -25938 ,96578 ,27620 ,96110 ,29293 -95613 •30957 .95088 .32612 •94533 58
3 -25966 .96570 .27648 ,96102 ,29321 ,95605 ,30985 •95079 .32639 •94523
4 •25994 .96562 .27676 ,96094 -29348 •955?6 ,31012 .95070 .32667 .94514 55
.26022 •96555 ,27704 ,96086 ,29376 ,95588 ,31040 .95061 .32694 .94504 54
.26050 .96540 .96070 .29432 •95571
•27759 ,96078 .94485
•27731 ,31068 •95043
.29404 •95579 -31095 .95052 •32749 •94495 53
.26107 •96547
•96532 .27787 .96062 .29460 •95562 •31123 •95033 .32722 •32777 •94476 52
.26163 -96524 - P .96054 .29487 •95554 .31151 .95024 .32804 .94466 51
.26191 .96517 .27S71 .96046 •2951s •95545 ,31178 -95015 •32832 •94457 50
.26219 .96509 .27899 .96037 •29543 •95536 ,31206 ,95006 •32S59 •94447 49
13 .26247 -96502
.96494 .27927 .96029
.96021 .29571 •95528 -3123,3 •94997 .32914 .94428
•32887 .94438 48
14 .26275 .96486 •27955 .96013 •295S9 •95519 •.3.261 .94988 .32942 .94418
15 -26303 .96479 •27983 .96005 .29626 •95511 -31289 •94979 •32969 •94409
16 •26331 .96471 .2S011 -95997 .29654 •95502 •31316 •94970 .32997 •94399
17 •26359 .96463 -28039 •95989 .29682 •95493 •31344 .94961 •33024 •94390
19 -26415 .g6448 .28067
,28og5 .959S1
-95972 .29765 ,95467 -31427 •94933 •.3.3051 •33079 •94370 43
18 -26387 .96456 •94380
20 .26443 ,g6440 ,28123 .95964 ,29710 .95485 •31372 •94952
•29793 •95459 •31454 •94924 •33106 •94361 42
21 .26471 -96433 ,28150 •95956 -29737 .29821 •95476 -31399 •94943
•95450 -31482 •94915 •33134 •94351 P
22 .26500 -96425 ,28178 .95948 .29849 .95441 -31510 ,g4906 •33161 •94342
«3 .26528 .96417 ,28206 •95940 .29876 •95433 -31537 •94897 •33189 •94332
24 .26584
-26556 .96402
.96410 .28262 •95923 ,29932
,28234 •95931 ,29904 .95424 -31593 .94S78
•95415 -31565 •332-14 .94322
.94888 .33216 •94313 35
26 .26612 •96394 .28290 •95915 ,29960 .95407 ,31620 .94S69 •33271 -94303 34
27 .26640 .96386 .28318 .95907 ,29987 •95,398 ,31648 .94860 •33298 -94293 33
28 .26668 •96379 -28346 .95898 -30015 •95389 -31675 •94851 •33326 .94284 32
29 .26696 •96371 .28374 .95890 -30043 .95380 -31703 .94842 •33353 .94274 31
30 .26752 -96355 .1J429
.26724 •96363 .95882 .30098
.28402 .95874 ,30071 .95363 -31758 .94823
.95372 -31730 .94832 •33408 •94254
•33381 .94264 30
32 .26780 -96347 .95865 .30126 •95354 ,31786 .94814 •33436 •94245 29
.2680S .96340 -30154 •95345 •31813 .94805 •33463 •94235
33 .28513 •95857 28
34 .26836 .96332 .95849 .30182 •95337 .31841 •54795 •33490 .94225 %
35 .26864 .96324 .95841 ,30209 •95328 ,31868 .94786 •33518 •94215 25
.26920 .28569
36 .26892 ,96308
.96316 .28597 .95824
•95832 -30265
.30237 •95310 .31896 ,94768
•9S3'9 -31923 •9!-777 •33545 .94196
•33573 .g42o6
.26948 ,96301 .28625 .95816 .30292 •95301 •31951 •9475S .33600 .94186
f^ 23
.26976 -96293 .2S652 •95S07 .30320 •95293 •31979 .94749 .33627 •94176
39 22
.27004 ,96285 .28680 •95799 •30348 .95284 .32006 .94740 •94167
40 21
.27032 ,96277 .28708 •95791 ,30376 •95275 -32034 •94730 •33710 •94157
41 20
.27060 .96261
.96269 ,28764
.28736 •95774 .95266 ,32o8g
-30403 •95257
.95782 -30431 ,32061 .94712
.94721 •33737 •94137
_4?_ 19
'T270S8 -96253 ,28792 •95766 -30459 •95248 .32116 ,94702 •33764 .94127
43 \l
.27116 .96246 28820 •95757 ,30486 -95240 -32144 ,94603 -33792 .94118
44 15
.27144 .96238 ,28847 •95749 •30514 •95231 ,32171 ,94684 -33819 .94108
45 14
.27172 .96230 ,2887s •95740 -30542 -95222 .32199 ,94674 -33846 .94098
49 .27256 .96214 ,28g3i •95724 -30597 ,95204 -32254 -94656 -33901 .94078 II
.27200 .96222 ,28903 •95732 -30570 •95213 ,32227 -54665 -33874 .94088
50 ,27284 .96206 ,28g5g -95715 ,3062s •95195 ,32282 ,94646 -33929 .94068 10
51 -27312 .96198 ,28g87 -95707 -30653 •95186 ,32309 -94637 •33956 .94058
52 ,27340 ,96190 -2gois .95698 ,30680 •95177 •32337 .94627 -33983 •94049
,27368 ,96182 ,2go42 .95690 ,30708 ,95168 -32364 .94618 .34011 •94039 I
55 .27424
,27396 ,96166
,96174 ,2gog8 ,30736 •95150
-95681 -30763
,2go7o -95673 •95159 -32419 .94609 .34065
,32392 -94599 -34038 .94019
.94029 5
56 •27452 -96158 ,29126 ,95664 ,30791 •95142 -32447 •94590 -34093 .94009 4
57 .27480 •96150 -29154 -95656 -30819 •95133 -32474 .g4S8o -34120 -93999 3
58 .27508 ,96142 ,29182 -95647 ,30846 •95124 ,32502 •94571 -34147 •93989 2
.27536 -96134 ,29209 -95639 ,30874 •95115 ,32529 •94561 -3417s -93979 I
ST. COS.N,g6i26
. sine N•29237 COS. N,95106
. sine N.
. COS. N-95630 . sine K.-32557 . sine N.34202
COS. N•94552 . COS. N-93969
. sine /0
74° 73° 72° 71° 70°
So T A B L E V.

20° 1 21° 1 22° 1 23° 1 24°

1 N. sine N. COS. N. sine ^. COS. N. sine N. cos. N. sine N. COS. N. sine N. COS.
o .34202 .93969 •35837 •93358 •37461 .92718 -39073 ,g20S0 .40674 •9135s 60
I .34229 •93959 •35864 •93348 .37488 .92707 -39100 .92039 .40700 •91343 59
2 •3-4257 •93949 •35891 •93337 -3751S .92697 ,39127 .92028 -40727 •91331 58
3 •34284 •93939 •35918 •93327 -37542 ,92686 -.39153 .92016 -40753 •91319 57
4 •34311 .93929 •35945 •93316 -37569 •92675 ,39180 .92005 ,40780 •91307 56
-34339 •93919 •35973 •93306 -37595 .92664 -39207 ,91994 ,40806 •91295 55
I -34366 •93909 ,36000 ,93295 ,37622 .92653 -39234 .91982 •40833 -91283 54
-34393 .93899 ,36027 ,93285 ,37649 ,92642 ,39260 ,91971 ,40860 -91272 53
I .34421 .93889 .36054 •93274 ,37676 .92631 .39287 •91959 ,40886 .gi26c 52
9 -34448 •93879 .36081 ,93264 -37703 .92620 •39314 .91948 .40913 ,91248 51
10 -34475 ,93869 .36108 •93253 -377,30 .92609 •39341 ,91936 ,40939 ,91236 50
II •34503 •93859 •36135 •93243 -37757 .92598 •39367 .91925 .40966 ,91224 42
12 -345.30 •93849 .36162 ,93232 -37784 .92587 •39394 •91914 ,40992 .91212 48
13 •34557 •93839 .36190 ,93222 .37811 ,92576 .39421 ,91902 ,41019 ,91200 47
14 •34584 ,93829 ,36217 ,93211 -37838 -92565 .39448 •91891 -41045 ,91188 4b
15 •34612 ,93819 ,36244 ,93201 -378b5 -92554 •39474 •9'879 ,41072 .91176 45
16 •34639 •93809 •36271 ,93190 ,37892 •92543 •39501 ,gi868 ,41098 .9T164 44
17 .34666 •93799 .36298 ,g3i8o -37919 -92532 •39528 ,91856 -41125 •91152 43
18 .34694 •93789 •36325 ,93169 -37946 ,92521 •39555 ,91845 ,41151 .91140 42
19 •34721 •93779 -36352 •93159 -37973 ,g2Sio •.39581 •91833 ,41178 .91128 41
20 •34748 •93769 •36379 ,93148 -37999 -92499 ,39608 ,91822 ,41204 .91116 40
21 •34775 •93759 .36406 -93137 .38026 ,92488 •39635 ,91810 .41231 .91104 32
22 •34803 •93748 -36434 -93127 -38053 .92477 •39661 ,91799 •41257 .91092 38
23 •34830 •93738 .36461 -93116 ,38080 .g2466 ,39688 ,91787 .41284 .91080 37 i
24 •34857 •93728 .3648S ,g3io6 ,38107 .92455 •39715 •91775 •41310 .91068 3b !
25 •34884 •93718 -36515 -93095 .38134 .92444 •39741 •91764 -41337 .91056 35
26 .34912 •93708 -36542 ,93084 ,38161 •92432 39768 •91752 -41363 .91044 34
27 •34939 •93698 -36569 .93074 ,38188 .92421 39795 •91741 ,41390 .91032 33
28 •34966 ,93688 -36596 -93063 -,38215 .92410 39822 ,91729 ,41416 ,91020 32
29 •34993 •93677 .36623 •93052 .38241 •92399 ,39848 ,91718 •41443 .91008 31
30 .35021 •93667 .36650 -93042 .38268 .92388 •39875 .91706 ,4l46g -90996 30
31 •35048 •93657 .36677 -93031 -38295 .92377 ,39902 ,91694 •41496 -90984 29
32 •35075 •93647 -36704 ,g3020 .38322 .92366 ,39928 •91683 ,41522 ,90972 28
33 .35102 •93637 -36731 ,93010 -38349 •92355 •39955 .91671 •41549 ,90960 27
34 •35130 ,g3626 -,36758 -38376 •92343 ,39982 ,91660 •41575 .90948 26
35 •35157 ,g36i6 -3678s ,92988 -38403 .92332 ,40008 ,91648 ,41602 -90936 25
.36 •35184 ,g36o6 .36812 ,92978 -38430 .92321 •40035 •gi636 .41628 ,gog24 24
37 •35211 •93596 -3683g ,92967 -38456 .92310 ,40062 .gi62S •41655 .gogn 23
38 •35239 •93585 .36867 ,92956 -38483 .92299 ,40088 •91613 .41681 .90899 22
39 .35266 •93575 .36894 ,92945 -38510 .92287 ,40115 .91601 .41707 .90887 21
40 •35293 •93565 .36921 -92935 -,38537 .92276 ,40141 •91590 •41734 .90875 20
41 •35320 •93555 .36948 ,92924 -38564 ,92265 ,40168 ,gi578 .41760 .90803 19
42 •35347 •93544 -36975 •92913 -38591 .92254 ,40195 ,gi566 •417S7 ,90851 18
43 •35375 •93534 .37002 ,92902 ,38617 ,92243 ,40221 •9155s .41813 ,90839 17
44 •35402 •93524 -37029 .92892 ,38644 ,92231 ,40248 •91543 .41S40 ,90826 16
45 •35429 •93514 37056 .92SS1 -38671 ,92220 •40275 •91531 .41S66 .90S14 15
46 •35456 •93503 -37083 .g2870 ,38698 .92209 ,40301 •91539 .41802 .90S02 14
47 -35484 •93493 .37110 ,92859 -38725 •92198 .40328 •9150S •41919 .90790 13
48 -355" •93483 -37137 ,92849 -38752 .92186 •40355 ,91496 •41945 ,90778 12
49 •35538 •93472 .37164 ,9283s -38778 •92175 .40381 .91484 .41972 ,90766 Ii
50 •35565 •93462 .37.191 .92827 -3880s .92164 ,40408 •91472 .4109S -90753 10
51 •35592 •93452 .37218 .92816 ,38832 ,921^2 ,40434 ,gi46i .42024 .90741 9
52 •35619 •93441 -37245 .92805 •38859 .92141 ,40461 ,91449 .42051 ,90729 8
S3 •35647 •93431 .37272 ,92794 .38S86 •92130 ,40488 •91437 .42077 -90717 7
54 •35674 ,93420 .37299 •92784 ,38912 .92119 •40514 •91425 .42104 .90704 6
5| •35701 •93410 .37326 .92773 -389.39 .92107 .40541 .91414 .4213c .90692 5
•35728 ,93400 •37353 .92762 ,38966 ,92096 .40567 .91402 ..12150 .906S0 4
5° •35755 •93389 •37380 •92751 -3899-
,92085 •40594 .91390 .421^3 .90668 3
^5^ •35782 •93379 •37407 ,92740 ,39020 ,92073 .40621 -9137S .42209 -90655 .2
•35810 •9336S •37434 .92720 .39046 ,92062 .40647 .91366 •42235 ,90643 I
g •35837 .93358 •3746' .9271S -39073 ,92050 .40674 -91355 ,42262 .90631 0
N. COS. N. sine N. COS. N, sine N. COS. N. sine N. COS.N. sine N. COS,N. sine 1
1 09° 08° 07° «6° 6»°
25° 1 26° 27° 28° 1 29° 1
/ N. sine N. COS. N. sine N. cos. N. sine N. cos.N. sine N. cos. N. sine N. COS.
o .42262 •90631 -43837 ,89879 45399 .89101 .46947 •88295 ,48481 .87462 60
I .422S8 ,90618 -43863 ,89867 -45425 ,89087 •46973 ,88281 ,48506 .87448 59
2 -42315 .90606 -43889 ,89854 -45451 •8go74 .46999 ,88267 •48532 •87434 58
3 -42341 -90594 -43916 ,89841 -45477 ,89061 .47024 •88254 •48557 .87420 57
4 -42367 .90582 .43942 ,89828 •45503 ,89048 .47050 ,88240 •48583 .87406 50
I -42394 .90569 .43968 ,89816 •45529 •89035 .47076 ,88226 ,48608 .87391 55
.42446 •90545 .44020 ,89790 -45580 .89008 .47127 ,88199
.42420 .48659 •87363
.88213 ,48634
-42473 •90557 -43994 ,89803 •45554 ,89021 .47101 •87377 54
.90532 .44046 •89777 .45606 •47153 ,8818s ,48684 -8734^
9 ,42499 ,90520 .44072 ,89764 .45632 '88968 -47178 ,88172 ,48710 -87335
IO 52
•42525 •90507 .44098 •89752 .45658 .88955 .47204 ,88158 -48735 .87321
11 51
-42552 .90495 .44124 -89739 .45684 .8S942 .47229 ,88144, .48761 .87306
12 ,42604 ,go47o •45736 .88928 .47281 50
13 -42578 -44177 .89726
•904S3 -44151 -89713 .45710 •47255 ,88117 ,48811 .87292
,88130 ,48786 .87278 47
14 .42631 .90458 ,44203 ,89700 .45762 .88915 .47306 ,88103 -48837 .87264 49 46
15 -42657 .90446 .44229 ,89687 •45787 .88902 •47332 ,88089 ,48862 .87250 48 45
16 .42683 -90433 -44255 ,89674 •45813 .88888 -4735S ,88075 ,48888 -87235 44
17 .42709 .90421 ,44281 ,89662 •45839 .88875 -47383 ,88062 ,48913 .87221 43
.42762 -44333 .89636
-90396 -44307 .89649 .45891 .88848 •47434
•47409 .88034
,88048 .48964
-48938 -87193 41
1 19
18 -42736 .90408 .45865 .88862 ,87207 42
20 .42788 -90383 •44359 .89623 •45917 .88835 .47460 .88020 ,48989 ,87178 40
*i .42815 -90371 -44385 .89610 .45942 .88822 .47486 .88006 ,49014 ,87164 It
22 .42841 -90358 ,44411 •89597 .4596S .SS808 •47511 •87993 ,49040 .87150
23 .42867 -90346 -44437 .89584 •45994 .88795 •47537 •87979 -49065 •87136 11
25 ,42920
,42894 .90321
-90334 .44490 •89571 .46046
-44464 •89558 .88768 -47588
.46020 .88782 ,49116 .87107
•87951 ,49090
•47562 •87965 ,87121 35
26 .42946 .90309 .44516 •89545 .46072 •88755 .47614 •87937 -49141 -87og3 34
27 -42972 .90296 ,44542 •89532 •46097 .88741 -47639 .87923 ,49166 •87079 33
28 -42g99 .90284 -44568 89519 .46123 .88728 -47665 .87909 .49192 .87064 32
29 -43025 .90271 -44594 .89506 •46149 •!!7iS .47690 .87896 -49217 .87050 31
30 •43051 .90246
•43077 ,44646 .89480
.90259 ,44620 .89493 .46201 .88688 •47741
.46175 .88701 .47716 .87868
.S7882 .49268
.49242 .87021
•87036 29
32 •43104 .90233 ,44672 .89467 .46226 .88674 .47767 .87854 -49293 ,87007 28
33 •43130 .90221 .44698 .89454 .46252 .88661 •47793 .87840 .49318 •86993 26
34 •43156 .90208 .44724 .89441 .46278 .88647 .47818 .87826 •49344 .86978 25
3| -43182 .90196 .44750 .89428 .46304 .88634 .47844 ,87812 •49369 .86964 24
36 -432og .9C171
-43235 ,44802 ,89402
.90183 .44776 •46355 .88607
.89415 •46330 .88620 •47895 .87784 •49419
.47869 ,87798 •49394 •86935
.86949 23
38 .43261 .goisB ,44828 .89389 •46381 I8858Q .47920 .87770 •49445 ,86921 22
39 .43287 .goi46 •44854 •89376 .46407 .88566 .47946 .87756 •49470 21
40 -43313 -90133 .44880 .89363 •46433 •^!553 -47971 •87743 •49495 '.86878 20
41 -43340 .goi2o .44906 •89350 .46458 •88539 •47997 .87729 •49521 .86863 19
.90095 •44958
-43392 .90108
-43366 .44932 .89324
89337 .46510
.46484 .88526 .48048 .87701 •49546
.48022 •87715 •49571 .86849 17 18
.43418 .90082 .44984 •!93ii ,46536 .88512 .48073 .87687 .49596 .86834 16
-43445 .90070 45010 .89298 •46561 .88499 .48099 •87673 ,49622 ,86820 15
-43471 •90057 ,45036 .89285 ,46587 .88485 .48124 .87659 ,49647 ,8680s 14
-43497 .90045 ,45062 .89272 ,46613 .S8472 .48150 •87645 ,49672 ,867gi 13
49 •43549 .90019 ,45114 .46664 .8S458
•89245 .46639 •88445 •48175
.48201 .87631
.87617 •49723 ,86762 12
-43523 .90032 ,45088 .89259 .49697 •86777
SO 43575 .90007 .45140 .89232 .46690 .88431 .48226 ,87603 .49748 ,86748 n
51 .43602 .89994 .45166 ,89219 .46716 .88417 .48252 •87589 •49773 -86733 10
52 .43628 .89981 .45192 .89206 .46742 .88404 .48277 •87575 .49798 ,86719 7
53 .89968 -45218 •89193 •46767 .88390 •48303 ,87561 .49824 ,86704 6
55 .43706 .8gg43 ,45269 .89180
.89956 -45243 ,89167 •46793
,46819 •88377
•88363 .48328
•48354 •S7546 .49874 ,86675
•g7532 .49849 .86690 5
56 -43733 -89930 -45295 •89153 ,46844 •88349 .48379 .87518 .49899 ,86661 4
SZ •43759 .89918 -45321 ,89140 ,46870 .88336 .48405 .87504 •49924 ,86646 3
58 -43785 S i -45347 ,8gi27 ,46896 .88322 ,48430 .87490 •49950 .86632 2
.43811 .8g87g -45373 ,8gn4 ,46921 .88308 •48456 ,87476 •49975 .86617 I
1 .
N. •45399
cos.N. sine N. .8gioi
cos. N. ,46947
sine N. .88295
cos. N. ,48481
sine N. ,87462
cos. N. ,50000
sine N. ,86603
COS. N. sine 0
64° 63° 62° 61° 60°
30° j 31° 1 32° 1 33° 1 34°
/ V. sine N. COS. S". sineN. COS. N. sine N. COS. N. sine N. COS. M. sineN . COS.
o ,50000 .S6603 -51504 ,85717 •52992 .84805 •54464 •83867 •55919 ,82904 60
I ,50025 ,86588 •51529 .85702 •53017 ,8478g •54488 •83851 •55943 ,82887
2 -50050 -86573 •51554 .85687 .53041 •84774 •54513 •83835 •55968 ,82871 It
3 .50076 ,86559 -51579 .85672 .53066 •84759 -54537 •83819 •55992 ,8285s 11
4 ,50101 •86544 ,51604 •85657 -53091 •84743 -54561 ,83804 ,56016 ,82839 55
,50126 ,86530 ,51628 .85642 •53"S ,84728 •54586 •83788 ,56040 ,82822 54
7 -50176 ,86501 -51678 .85612 -S3>64 .84697 -54635 .83756 .56088 ,82790
,50151 -86515 -51653 .85627 •53140 .84712 .54610 •83772 ,56064 ,82806 53
8 .50201 ,86486 •51703 •85597 -53189 .84681 •83740 .56112 -82773
9 .50227 ,86471 .51728 .85582 -53214 .84666 -54708 ,83724 ,56160 ,82757 52
IO .50252 ,86457 •51753 •85567 -53238 ,84650 -54732 .83708 .56184 ,82741 51
II .50277 ,86442 •51778 •85551 •53263 ,84635 -54756 .83692 ,56208 ,82724 SO
12 -50327 -86413
.50302 ,86427 .51828
•51803 •85521
•85536 -53312
-53288 ,84604
,84619 ,54781 .83660
.83676 ,56232 ,82692
,82708 •^2
14 -50352 ,86308 .51852 .85506 -53337 ,84588 -54805 .83645 :ltli -82675 46
15 -50377 ,86384 -51877 .S5491 -53361 •84573 ,54829 •83629 •56305 ,82659 45
16 -50403 ,86369 -51902 •85476 -53386 •84557 ,54854 •83613 •56329 ,82643 44
17 ,50428 -86354 -51927 .85461 -53411 ,84542 ,54878 •83597 •56353 ,82626 43
19 ,50478
-50453 .86325
,86340 -51977
-51952 •85431 •53460 ,84511
,85446 -53435 .84526 •54927
•54902 •S3565
•8358. •56377 ,82610
20 -50503 ,86310 ,52002 ,85416 •53484 ,84495 •54951 •83549 .56401 ,82577 42
21 ,50528 ,8629s ,52026 ,85401 •53509 ,84480 •54975 •83533 •56425 ,82561 41
22 •50553 ,86281 -52051 •85385 •53534 ,84464 •54999 •83517 .56449 ,82544 40
23 ,50578 ,86266 ,52076 •85370 •53558 ,84448 •55024 •^3501 •56473 ,82528 39
25 ,50628 86237 ,52126
,52101 •85340
•85355 ,53607 •84433 •55072
•53583 •84417 •55048 •83469
•83485 •56521 ,82495
24 -50603 ,86251 •56497 ,82511 38
26 -50654 ,86222 -52151 •85325 •53632 .84402 •55097 •83453 •5^545 ,82478 32
27 -50679 ,86207 -52175 •85310 •53656 .84386 •55121 •83437 •56569 ,82462 36
28 .50704 .86192 ,52200 ,85294 •53681 .84370 -55145 ,83421 ,82446 35
29 .50729 .86178 ,52225 .85279 •5370s •84355 -55169 ,83405 .56641 .82429 34
30 -50779 ,86148 -52275
-50754 .86163 .85249 •53754
-52250 .85264 •53730 .84324
•84339 -55218 •83389 .56665 .82396
-55194 •83373 .82413 33
32 .50804 -S6133 ,52299 .85234 •53779 .84308 -55242 •83356 .56689 ,82380 32
33 ,50829 ,86119 -52324 ,85218 •53804 .84292 ,55266 •83340 .56713 .S2363 31
34 ,50854 ,86104 -52349 ,85203 •53828 •84277 -55291 •^3324 •56736 •S2347 J l .
35 ,50879 ,86089 -52374 ,85188 •53853 .S4261 -55315 •83308 .56760 •82330 27
,50929 .86074
,50904 .86059 -52399
•52423 •85173 •53902 .84245
•85157 •53877 ,84230 •55339
•55363 ,83276 .56S08 .82314
•83292 .56784 .82297 23
-50954 .86045 ,52448 .85142 -53926 ,84214 •55388 ,83260 .56832 .82281 26 22 i
,50979 .86030 •52473 .85127 -53951 ,84198 •55412 ,83244 .56856 ,82264 25 21
39 24
-51004 .86015 •52498 .85112 •53975 .84182 •55436 ,8322s .56SS0 .S224S 20
,51029 .86000 ,52522 .85096 ,54000 .84167 .55460 ,83212 •56904 ,82231 19
41 ,51079
43 -51054 .85970 •52547 ,85066
.85985 •52572 ,54024 •84135
.85081 •54049 .84151 •55484 •8319s .56952
•55509 •83179 ,82108 iS
•56928 ,82214
44 -51104 .85956 •52597 .85051 •54073 ,84120 •55533 •83163 •56976 .82181 17
45 -51129 .85941 52621 •85035 •S4097 ,84104 •55557 •83'47 .57000 ,82165 16
40 -51154 .85926 ,52646 .85020 ,54122 .84088 .55581 •83131 •57024 ,82148 IS
47 -51179 .85911 •52671 .85005 •54146 .S4072 •55605 •83115 •57047 ,82132 14
,51229 .85881
,51204 .85896 •52720 .84974 ,54171
,526g6 ,84989 .84041 •55654
•S4'95 •84057 •55630 ,83082
,83098 •57095 .82008
•57071 ,8211:;
-51254 .85866 •52745 .S4959 -54220 .84025 •S567S .83066 •57119 .S20S2 13
-51279 .85S51 •52770 .84943 -54244 .84009 ,55702 .S3050 •57143 .S2065 12
-51304 .85836 •52794 .84928 -5426g •83994 -55726 .83034 -57i«7 ,82048 11
-S1329 .85821 .52819 •84913 -S4293 •83978 -55750 •83017 ,57191 .82032 10
.85806 ,52869
-51354 .85792
-51379 .52844 ,84882
,84897 •54342
•54317 ,83946 •55775 ,82985
,83962 -55799 ,83001 -572;S ,81999
-5721^ .82015 7
53 .51404 -85777 •52893 ,84866 •54366 •83930 -55823 ,82969 ,57262 .810S2 6
54 .51429 -85762 ,52918 .84851 •54391 •^32'5 •55847 •82953 -57286 ,81965 5
55 -51454 -85747 •52943 .84836 •54415 ,83899 •55871 ,82936 -57310 ,81949 4
56 •51479 -85732 .52967 ,84820 •54440 ,83883 •55895 ,82920 -57334 ,81932 3
11 N. COS. ',85717
•51504 .52992
^. sine ^f. ,84805
COS. ^, •54464
sine N. ,83867
COS. ^. sine N. ,82904
COS. ^.
-55919 -57358
sme N. COS. N-81915
. sine /2
69° J 58° 1 67° 1 66° 1 55° I
35° 1 36° 37° 38° 1 39°
/ N. sine N. COS. N. sine iST. COS.N . sine N. COS. N. sine *J. COS. >f. sine '^. COS.
o •57358 .81915 ,S0Q02 ,60182 .79864 .61566 .78801 .62932 •77715 60
I -573S1 .S1S99 .'5S802 ,80885 ,60205 .79846 .61589 -78783 -62935 .77696 52
2 -57405 .818S2 .58826 ,80867 ,60228 .79829 .61612 -78765 .62977 .77678 58
3 -57429 .8186^ -58849 .80850 ,60251 .79811 .61635 -78747 .63000 .77660 11
4 •57453 .8184S •58873 •S0S33 ,60274 -79793 .61658 .78729 .63022 .77641 55
-57477 .81S32 .58896 .So8i6 ,60298 .79776 .61681 .78711 -63045 .77623 54
-57524 .S179S •58943 .80782 .60344 •79741 .61726 .78676 .63090 •77586
-57501 .81815 .58920 .80799 ,60321 -79758 .61704 .78694 .63068 .77605 53
-57548 ,81782 .58967 .80765 .60367 ,79723 .61749 .78658 •63113 •77568
9 -57572 .81765 .58990 .80748 .60390 ,79706 .61772 .78640 •63135 -77550 52
IC -57596 .81748 .59014 .80730 .60414 .79688 -6179s .78622 •63158 -77S3I 51
II -57619 .S1731 -59037 •80713 .60437 .79671 .61818 .78604 .63180 -77513 SO
12 -57667
-57643 ,81698
,81714 .59084
13 .59061 ,80679
,80696 .60483 -79653 ,61864
.60460 -7963s ,61841 .78568
.78586 .63225 •77476 49
.63203 -77494 ^^2
14 •57691 ,81681 -S9108 ,80662 .60506 ,79618 ,61887 -78550 .63248 •77458 48
15 -57715 ,81664 -59131 ,80644 .60529 ,79600 ,61909 -78532 .63271 •77439
16 •57738 ,81647 -59154 ,80627 .60553 -79583 ,61932 .78514 .63293 •77421
17 .57762 ,81631 -59178 ,80610 ,60576 -79565 -61955 .78496 -63316 .77402
.57810 -59225 ,80576 ,60622 -79530 ,62001 .78460 •63361 43
18 -57786 ,81614 -59201 •80593 -60599 -79547 ,61978 -78478 •63338 •77384 41 •77366
CO •57833 ,81580 .59248 ,80558 ,60645 -79512 ,62024 .78442 -63383 •77347 42 40
21 -57857 .81546 .59272 ,80541 .60668 -79494 ,62046 -78424 .63406 .77329 It
22 .57881 -81530 -59295 ,80524 ,60691 -79477 ,62069 .78405 .63428 .77310
23 •57904 -81513 -59318 ,80507 ,60714 •79459 ,62092 -78387 •63451 .77292 11
24 -57952 .81496 -59342
-57928 ,80472 -60738
-59365 .80489 .60761 ,79441
• 79424 ,62115
.62138 -78369 .63496 •77255
-78351 •63473 .77273 35
26 -57976 .81479 -59389 .80455 .60784 ,79406 ,62160 -78333 •63518 .77236 34
^I -57999 .81462 -59412 ,80438 .60807 •79388 ,62183 •78315 .63540 .77218 33
29 .58023 -81445 -59436 ,80420 .60830 •79371 ,62206 .78297 •63563 .77199 32
30 -58047 ,81428 -59459 ,80403 .60853 -79353 ,62229 .78279 :636o8 •77181 31
.58094 ,81412
•81395 •59506 ,80368 .60876
,60899 -79335
-79318 ,62251
,62274 -78243
.78261 .63630 -77144
31 .58070 .59482 ,80386 .77162 2930
32 .58118 ,81378 •59529 ,80351 ,60922 ,79300 ,62297 .78225 •63653 -77125 28
33 .58141 ,81361 -59552 •S0334 ,6og4S ,79282 ,62320 .78206 •63675 .77088 27
34 .58165 .81344 •59576 .80316 ,60968 ,79264 ,62342 .78188 .63698 .77070 26
35 .58189 .81327 -59599 .80299 ,60991 ,79247 ,62365 .78170 .63720 -77051 25
36 -58236 .81293
.58212 .81310 .59646
.59622 ,80264
,80282 ,61038
,61015 ,7g2ii ,62411 -78152
,7922g .62388 .63765 •77033 24
•78134 •63742 23
.58260 .81276 .59669 ,80247 ,61061 -79193 -62433 .78116 •63787 .77014 22
39 .58283 .81259 •59693 ,80230 ,61084 ,79176 ,62456 .78098 .63810 .76996 21
40 -58307 ,81242 .59716 .80212 ,61107 ,79158 ,62479 .78079 .63832 .76977 20
41 •58330 .81225 •59739 ,8019s ,61130 ,79140 .62502 .78061 .63854 •76959 ig :
42 -58354 .81191
-58378 .81208 •59763 .80160
.80178 .61176
.61153 -79105
,79122 .62547 .78025 ,63899
.62524 .78043 ,63877 .76921
.76940 18
43 .58401 .81174 •59809 ,80143 .61199 ,79087 .62570 .78007 .63922 .76903 '11
44 .58425 .81157 59832 ,80125 .61222 ,79069 .62592 .77988 .63944 .76884 15
45 .58449 .Si140 •59856 .S0108 .61245 .79051 .62615 -77970 ,63966 .76866 14
46 .58472 .81123 •59879 .80091 ,61268 •79033 .62638 -77952 .63989 .76847 13
47 .58496 ,81089
•58519 .59926 .80056
.8no6 .59902 .80073 .61314
.61291 ,78998
,79016 .62683
.62660 .77916
-77934 .64033 .76810
.64011 .76828 12
48 -58543 ,81072 •59949 .80038 ,61360 ,78980 ,62706 -77897 .64056 .76791
-81055 •59972 ,80021 ,78962 ,62728 .77879 .64078 .76772 11
51 -58567 -61383 10
52 .58590 .S1038 •59995 ,80003 ,61406 ,78944 ,62751 .77861 .64100 •76754
S3 .58614 ,Sl02I .60019 .79g86 ,61429 ,78926 ,62774 -77843 •64123 -76735
.58661 ,81004
,80987 .60065 •79951
.60042 ,79968 ,61451 .78891
,78908 ,62796 -77S24 .64145 .76717 5
,62819 .77806 .64167 .76698
54 -58637
.58684 ,80970 .60089 •79934 ,61474 -78873 .62842 .77788 .64190 .76679 4
.58708 -80953 .60112 ,79916 .61497 •78855 .62864 -77769 .64212 .76661 3
.58731 .80936 •6013s ,79899 .61520 -78837 .62887 •77751 •64234 .76642 2
•58755 .80919 .60158 ,79881 -61543 .78819 ,62go9 •77733 .64256 .76623 I
N. .80902
COS. N. .60182
sine N. sine N.61566
COS. S'. .78801
. COS. S'. ,62932
sine N. COS. N-77715 •64279
. sine N. COS. N•. 76604
sine 0»
64° 1 63° 62° 61° 1 60°
84 TABLE V. __^
40° 1 41° 42° 43° 44°
1 N. sineN. COS. N . sine N . cos. N . sinelN. cos.N. sine N. COS. N. sineN . COS.
o .64279 . 76604 .65606 •75471 66913 •74314 ,6820c •73135 .69466 •71934 60
I .64301 •76586 .65628 •75452 ,68221 •73116 •69487 •71914
.66956 •74295
2 -64323 .76567 .656501 •75433 .74276 ,68242 .73096 .69508 -7i8g4 si
3 .64346 .76548 .65672 •75414 .74256 ,68264 •73076 -69529 -71873 V
4 .64368 •76530 •65694 •75395 ,68285 •73056 -69549 •71853 55
,67021 •74237
.64390 •76511 •65716 •75375 .74217 ,68306 •73036 ,69570 -71833 54
•64435 •65759 •75337 ,67064
•67043 •74178 •68349 .72996 ,69612 -71792
.64412 •76473
.76492 •65738 •75356 •68327 ,69591 -71S13 53
I •64457 •76455 •75318 ,67086 •74159 •68370 .73016
•74198 •72976 •69633 .71772
9 •^5§=3 .67107 •74139 ,68391 •72g57 •69654 •71752 52
•64479 •76436 .75299
10 .64501 •76417 .75280 .67129 ,74120 ,68412 •72937 -69675 •71732 51
II .64524 .76398 •75261 •67151 .74100 •68434 .72917 .69696 •71711 50
.64568 .76361 .65869 .75222 .67194
'3 .64546 .76380 •75241 .67172 .74061
.74080 ,68476
.68455 .72877 •69717 .71671
•72897 -69737 -71691
14 .64590 .76342 •65913 •75203 .67215 •74041 •^^97 .72857 .69758 -71650 46
15 .64612 •76323 •6593s •75184 •67237 .74022 ,68518 .72837 .69800 -71630 45
16 •64635 .76304 •65956 •75165 .67280 .74002 ,68539 .72817 .69821 .71610 44
17 .64657 .76286 •65978 •75146 ,67301 •73983 .68561 .72797 .69842 .71590 43
19 .64701
.64679 .76248
.76267 .66022 •73944 .68603
.66000 .75126 •67323 •73963 ,68582 .72757
•72777 .69862 -71549 41
-71569 42
20 •64723 .76229 .66044 •75088 •67344 •73924 .68624 •72737 .69883 ,71529 40
21 .64746 .76210 .66066 •75069 .67366 •73904 .68645 •72717 .69904 ,71508
22 .64768 .76192 .66088 •75050 •67387 •73885 .68666 .726g7 .69925 ,71488
23 •64790 ,76173 .66iog •75030 .67409 •73865 .68688 .72677 .69946 ,7146s %
24 .64834 •76154
.64812 •66153 .75011
•76135 .66131 •74992 ,67452
,67430 .73826 ,68730 •72657
•73846 ,687og .72637 .69g66
.6g987 -71427 35
26 .64856 ,76116 •66175 •74973 •67473 •73806 •68751 .72617 .70008 -71407 34
% .64878 ,76097 .66197 •74953 •67495 •73787 ,68772 •72597 .70029 -71386 33
29 .64901 ,76078 .66218 •74934 ,67516 •73767 •687g3 •72577 .70049 ,71366 32
30 .64923 •76o5g .66240 •74915 •67538 •73747 ,68814 •72557 .70070 -71345 31
31 .64967 .76022
•64945 .76041 .66284
.66262 .74876
.74896 •67559 •73708
.73728 •68857 -72537 .70112
•68835 •72517 .70091 -71305 29
-71325 30
32 .64989 .76003 .66306 •74857 ,67623 .73688 .68878 •72497 .70132 ,71284 28
33 .65011 •75984 .66327 •74838 •67645 .73669 .68899 •72477 -70153 ,71264 %
34 •65033 •75965 •66349 .74818 ,67666 •73649 .68920 •72457 ,70174 -71243 25
35 -6505s •75946 •66371 •74799 ,67688 •73629 .68941 •72437 -7019s -71223 24
.65100 .75908
•75927 .66414
•66393 •74760
•74780 ,67709 •73590 ,68983 •72397
.72417 ,70236
,70215 .71182
•65077 •73610 .68962 ,71203 23
.65122 .75889 .66436 •74741 •67730 •73570 ,69004 •72377 -70257 .71162 22
39 .65144 •75870 .66458 .74722 .67752 •73551 .69025 •72357 ,70277 •71141 21
40 .65166 •75851 .66480 •74703 •67773 •73531 .69046 •72337 ,70298 .71121 20
41 .65188 •75832 .66501 .74683 .67795 •73511 ,69067 •72317 •70319 ,71100 19
42 -65232 •75813 •66545
.65210 •75794 .67816 •73472
.74664 •67837
.66523 •74644 •73491 ,69109
.69088 .72277
.72297 •70360
•70339 ,71059
43 15^54 •75775 .66566 •73452 •69130 -72257 -70381 •71039 T
44 -65276 •75756 66588 .74586 .67901 •73432 ,69151 .72236 ,70401 .71019 15
45 -65298 •75738 .66610 •74567 •67923 •73413 ,69172 .72216 ,70422 .70998 14
46 .65320 •75719 .66632 •74548 •67944 •73393 ,69193 .72196 : 70443 -7097S 13
47 •65342 •75680
•65364 •75700 .66675
•66653 ,74528 •67965 •73353
•73373 .69235 .72150 •70.184
,69214 .72176 -70957 12
,70463 -70937
.65386 ,75661 ,66697 ,74509 •67987 •73333 .69256 ,72136 -70505 .70010 n
.65408 •75642 ,66718 •74489 ,68008 •73314 .69277 ,72116 .70525 .70800 10
•65430 •75623 ,66740 •74470 ,68029 •73294 .69298 ,72095 ,70546 •70S75 I
.65452 ,75604 ,66762 •74451 ,68051 •73274 .6g3ig •72075 ,70,07 •70S55 I
51 ,65496 ,75566 •66783
,66805 ,74412
,65474 •75585 •74431 ,68093 •73254 .69361
,68072 •73234 •69340 •72035 ,7000s -70S13 5
.72055 •70587 •7o-\34
52 •65518 •75547 ,66827 ,74392 ,68115 •73215 .693S2 .72015 ,70628 .70793 4
53 ,65540 •75528 ,66848 •74373 ,68136 •73195 •69403 -7199s .70649 .70772 3
54 .65562 •75509 ,66870 •74353 .68157 •73175 .69424 •71974 .70670 •70732 2
55 •65584 •75490 ,66891 •74334 .68179 •73155 .69466 •71954 .70690 •70731 I
56 .65606
V. •75471
COS. N. ,66913
sine 1vr. •74314 .68200
1 sine N.
COS. ^. cos. JV. sine N . co.<i. N.
•73135 •71934 .70711
sine K. cos. 1*.70711
^. sine 0
1^ 49° 1 48° 1 47° 1 46° 1 45° 1 t



I. When difference of given logarithms is less titan 2.00.
Addition.—Enter table with difference between logarithms
as Arg, A , and take out B,
A d d B to subtracted logarithm.
Subtraction.—Subtract lesser from greater logarithm; enter
•with the difference as B, and take out A.
A d d A to the subtracted logarithm.
II. Wlun difference of given logarithms exceeds 2.00.
Subtract lesser from greater.
Addition.—Enter table with difference as Arg. A , take out
B — A and add it to the greater logarithm.
Subtraction.—Enter column B with difference of logarithms;
take out B — A , and subtract it from greater logarithm.
k. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
5- 0.00 000 001 001 001 001 GOI 002 002 003 003
6.0 004 004 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005
6.1 005 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 007 007 3 4 .•! 6
6.2 007 007 007 007 008 008 008 008 008 008 1 o,3 0.4 o-S 0.6
6.3 009 009 009 009 010 010 010 010 010 on 2 0,6 0.8 x.o x.2
on on on 012 012 012 013 013 013 013 3 0,9 x.2 1.5 X.8
6.5 014 014 014 015 015 015 016 016 017 017 4
5 1.2
1-5 1.6
2.0 2.0
2-5 3-0
6.6 017 018 018 019 019 019 020 020 021 021 6 1.8 2.4 3.0 3-6
022 022 023 023 024 024 025 026 026 027 7 3.1 2.8 3-5 4-2
6.7 R
6.8 027 028 029 029 030 031 031 032 033 034 9 2.4
2.7 3.2
1.6 4.0
^.S 4-8
5-4 1
6.9 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 041 042
7.0 043 044 045 047 048 049 050 05! 052 053 1 •* 1 Q 1 M 1 .„,
7-1 055 056 057 059 060 061 063 064 066 067 J 0.7 n 8
7.3 069 070 072 074 075 077 079 081 083 085 2 1.4 1.6 T.R 2.0
7-3 087 089 091 093 095 097 099 102 104 106 3 Z.I 2.4 2.7 3-0
7.4 109 in 114 117 119122 125 128 131 134 4 2.8 3-2 3-6 4.0
7-5 137 140 144 147 150 154 157 161 165 169 5 3-S 4.0 4-S 5.°
7.6 173 177 181 185 189 194 198 203 207 212 67 4-9 4.R
5-6 6.3 6.0
7-7 217 222 227 233 238 244 249 251 261 267 8 5-6 6-4 7.2 8.0
7-8 273 280 286 293 299 306 313 321 328 336 y C.J ;-" 9.p
7.9 344 352 360 368 377 385 394 403 413 422
8.0 432 442 452 463 474 485 496 507 519 531
A. B. 0 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 P r o p . Pts.
86 T A B L E VL

Add P ° S ^ - ^°S'' = ^- c„b (log* - log^ = B.

^°°- \ log (a + -J) = loga + ^. ^^^- \ log(a - /5) = log/5 + A,
A. B. 0 1 2 8 4 5 0 7 8 9 Prop. Pts. 1
8.00 0.00 432 _433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441
8.0I 442 44'3 444 445 446 447 448 449 450
8.02 452 453 454 456 457 458 459 460 461 462
8.03 463 464 46s 466 467 468 469 470 471 473
8.04 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483
8.05 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 494 495
8.06 496 497 498 499 500 502 503 504 505 506
8.07 507 508 510 5 " 512 513 514 5'5 517 S18
8.08 519 520 521 523 524 525 526 527 529 530 t
I 0.3
8.09 531 532 533 535 536 _S37 538 540 541 542
8.10 543 545 546 547 548 550 551 552 553 555 li
8.II 557 558 560 561 562 564 5^1 566 567 4
8.12 569 570 573 574 577 579 581 1.0
8.13 582 583 585 586 587 589 590 578 593 594 1.2
8.14 595 597 598 599 601 602 604 605 606 608 I 1.6
8.15 609 611 612 613 6is 616 618 619 620 622 9 1.8
8.16 623 625 626 628 629 630 632 633 635 636
8.17 638 639 641 642 644 645 646 648 649 651
8.18 652 654 655 657 658 660 661 663 664 666
8.19 667 669 671 672 674 675 677 678 680 681
8.20 683 684 686 688 689 691 692 694 696 697
8.21 699 700 702 703 705 707 708 710 712 713
715 716 718 720 721 723 725 726 728 730 s
8.22 I
8.23 731 733 735 736 738 740 741 743 745 747 2
8.24 748 750 752 753 755 757 759 760 762 764 3 0.9
8.25 766 767 769 771 773 774 776 778 780 781 4 1.2
8.26 783 785 787 789 790 792 794 796 798 799 1.5
8.27 801 803 805 807 809 810 812 814 816 818 1.8
8.28 820 822 823 825 827 829 831 833 835 837 I 2.1
8.29 839 841 842 844 846 848 850 852 854 856 9 2.4
8.30 858 860 862 864 866 868 870 872 874 876 2.7
8.31 878 880 882 884 886 888 890 892 894 896
8.32 898 900 902 904 906 908 910 912 915 917
8.33 919 921 923 925 927 929 931 933 936 93S
8.34 940 942 944 946 948 951 953 955 957 959
962 964 966 968 970 973 975 977 979 981
8.36 984 986 988 990 993 995 997 999 *002 *oo4 4
8.37 O.OI 006 009 on 013 016 018 020 022 025 027 2
8.38 030 032 034 037 039 041 044 046 048 051 3 1.2
8.39 053 056 058 060 063 065 068 070 073 075 4 1.6
8.40 077 080 082 085 087 090 092 095 097 100 I 2.0
8.41 102 105 107 no 112 IIS 117 120 122 125 2.4
S.42 128 130 133 135 140 143 146 148 151 I 2.8
159 164 9 3-6
8.43 153 156 161 167 169 172 175 177
8.44 180 183 i8s 188 '9' 193 196 199 202 204
8.45 207 210 213 215 218 221 224 226 229
8.46 235 238 240 243 246 249 252 255 257 t ^
8.47 263 266 269 272 275 278 280 2S3 286 289
8.48 292 295 29b 301 304 307 310 313 3.6 319
8.49 322 32s 328 33' 334 337 340 343 346 349
8.50 352 355 358 36. 364 '368 371 374 377 380
A. B. 0 1 I 2 I 8 I 4 I 5 I 0 I 7 I 8 8 Prop. Pts.

' ^ ° - \ log {« + 3) = log a + ^. ^"^- \ log (a - ^) = log i + A,

A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
8.60 O.OI 352 355 358 361 364 368 371 374 377 380
383 3S6 389 393 396 399 402 405 408 412
8.52 415 418 421 424 428 431 434 437 441 444
8^53 447 450 454 457 460 464 467 470 474 477
8.54 480 484 487 490 494 497 501 504 507 511
!-55 514 518 521 525 531 535 538 542 545 I
549 552 556 559 563 566 570 574 577 581
03 it
8.56 2
8.57 584 588 591 595 599 602 606 610 613 617 3 0.6
0-9 1.2
8.58 621 624 628 632 635 639 643 646 650 654 4 1.2 1.6
8.59 658 661 665 669 673 676 680 684 688 692 1.5 2.0
8.60 695 699 703 707 711 715 719 722 726 730 1.8 t:t
762 766 770 I
8.61 734 738 742 746 750 754 2.1
9 ii
8.62 774 778 782 786 790 794 798 802 806 810 2.4
8.63 814 818 822 827 831 835 839 843 847 851 2.7
8.64 856 860 864 868 872 877 881 88s 889 894
8.65 898 902 906 911 915 919 924 928 932 937
8.66 941 945 950 954 959 963 967 972 976 981 5 6
8.67 985 990 994 999 *oo3 *oo8 *OI2 *oi7 *02I *026 I o-S 0.6
8.68 0.02 030 035 040 044 049 053 058 063 067 072 2 1.0 1.2
8.69 077 081 086 091 095 100 105 no 114 119 3 1-5 1.8
8.70 124 129 133 138 143 148 153 158 162 167 4 2,0 2.4
8.71 172 177 182 187 192 197 202 207 211 216 2-5 3?
8.72 221 226 231 236 241 246 252 257 262 267 I 3-0 3-6
8.73 272 277 282 287 292 297 303 308 313 318 9 3-5 4?
8.74 323 329 334 339 344 350 355 360 365 371 40 4-8
8.75 376 381 387 392 397 403 408 414 419 424 4-5 S 4
8.76 430 435 441 446 452 457 463 468 474 479
8.77 485 490 496 502 507 513 518 524 530 535 7 8
8.78 541 547 552 564 570 575 581 593 I
616 622 645 0.7 0.8
8.79 599 604 610 628 634 639 651 2 1-4 1.6
8.80 657 663 669 675 681 687 693 699 70s 711 3 2.4
717 723 729 735 742 748 754 760 766 772 2.1
8.81 4 2.8 3-2
8.82 779 785 791 797 803 810 816 822 829 835 I 3-5 4.0
8.83 841 848 854 860 867 873 879 886 892 899
8.84 90s 912 918 925 931 938 944 951 957 964 I 4-2 5-6
8.8s 971 977 984 991 997 *oo4*on *oi7 *024*03l 9 6-3
4.9 7.2
8.86 0.03 037 044 051 058 06s 071 078 085 092 099
8.87 106 120 126 133 140 147 154 161 168
8.88 175 183 190 197 204 211 218 225 232 240
8.89 247 254 261 268 276 283 290 298 305 312 9 to
8.90 320 327 334 342 349 357 364 371 379 386 1 1.0
8.91 394 401 409 417 424 432 439 447 455 462 2 2.0
8.92 470 478 485 493 501 509 516 524 532 540 3 1:1 30
548 555 563 571 579 587 595 603 611 619 4
8.93 45 4.0
8.94 627 635 643 651 659 667 675 683 691 700 l:t
8.96 708 716 724 732 741 749 757 76s ^74 782 I 1:1
790 799 807 816 824 832 849
926 935 858
883 892 901 909 918 841
866 0 It 0.0
8.97 944 953
8.98 961 970 979 987 996 *oos *oi4 *023 *032 *o4o
8.99 0.04 049 058 067 076 085 094 103 112 121 130
9.00 139 148 157 167 176 i8s 194 203 213 222
A. B. 0 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 Prop. Pts.
88 tabli; VI.

Add P°g'^ — log* = ^- Q,TB f log* — log^ = ^•

^°°-1 log (a + ^) = log« + B. ^^^- \ log (a-^b)= log -5 + ^.
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
9.00 0.04 139 148 157 167 176 185 194 203 213 222
9.01 231 240 250 259 268 278 287 297 306 315 X a x.o I.I
9.02 325 334 344 353 363 373 382 392 401 411 2 0,9 3.0 3.3
9^03 421 430 440 450 460 469 479 489 499 509 3 x,8 3-c 3.3
9.04 519 528 538 548 |5« 568 578 588 598 608 4 3.6 2,7 4.0 4-4
9.OS 618 628 639 649 659 669 679 689 700 710 5 4.5 5-0 5-5
9.06 720 731 741 751 762 772 782 793 803 814 6 5^4 6.0 6.6
9-07 824 835 845 856 867 877 888 898 909 920 8 «.3 7.2 8,0 8,8
9.08 931 941 952 963 974 985 995 *oo6 *oi7 *028 9 8.1 9.0 9-9
9.09 0.05 039 050 061 072 083 094 105 116 127 139 13 13 M
9.10 150 161 172 183 19s 206 217 229 240 251 X x.2 1-3 1.4
9.11 263 274 286 297 308 320 332 343 355 366 3 3.4 2,6 2.8
9.12 378 390 401 413 425 436 448 460 472 484 3 3.6 3-9 4-3
913 496 508 519 531 543 555 567 579 591 604 4 4.8 5.2 5-6
9.14 6i6 628 640 652 664 677 689 701 714 726 6S 7.2 7-8 8-4
6.0 6.5 7,0
9.15 738 751 763 775 788 800 813 825 838 7 8.4 9-1 9,8
9.16 863 876 889 901 914 927 939 952 965 978 8 9-6 10,4 II,a
9.17 991 *oo4 *oi7 *o30 *043 •056 *o69 *o82 *o95 *io8 9 10.8
'5 11,7
le 12,6
9.18 0.06 121 134 147 161 174 187 200 214 227 240 X 1.5 x,6 1-7
9.19 254 267 281 294 308 321 335 348 362 376 2 3^o 3-3 3-4
9.20 389 403 417 430 444 458 472 486 500 513 3 4^5 4-8 5-1
9.21 527 541 1 " 569 583 597 612 626 640 654 4 6.0 6-4 6.8
9.22 668 683 697 711 725 740 754 769 783 798 5 7-5 8,0 s-s
9^23 812 827 841 856 870 88s 900 914 929 944 6 9.0 9-6 X0.3
9.24 959 973 988 •003 *oi8 *o33 •048 *o63 •078 *093 9 7 X3.0 14.4
9.25 0.07 108 123 138 154 169 184 199 215 230 245 13-5 IX.2 11,9
10.5 15-3 1
9.26 261 276 291 307 322 338 354 369 385 400 IS 20
9.27 416 432 448 463 479 495 511 527 543 559 3 3.6 '-9
I8 4-0
9.28 57| 591 607 623 639 655 671 687 704 720 3 5-4 5-7 6,0
9.29 736 753 769 785 802 818 835 851 868 884 4 7.» 8.0
9.30 901 918 934 951 968 985*OOI *oi8 *o35 •052 5 9,0 7.6 xo,o
9.31 0.08 069 o85 103 120 137 154 171 188 206 223 6 10,8 I3.0
240 257 275 292 309 327 344 362 379 397 7 13,6 1X.4
9^32 14,0
9^33 415 432 450 468 485 503 521 539 557 574 8 H-4 '3-3 i6,e-
934 592 610 628 646 664 683 701 719 737 755 9X 16,8 11 17.1
3,8 i8,a
9^3S 774 792 810 829 847 865 884 902 921 940 3 8,1 4-4
936 958 977 996 *oi4*033 •052 *07i •090 *io8 •127 4.8
3 8.4 6.6
9-37 0.09 146 16s 184 204 223 242 261 2S0 299 319 4 6.1 8.8 6,9
9-38 338 357 377 396 416 435 474 494 514 5 10-5 11,0 "-S
939 533 553 573 593 612 632 652 672 692 712 6 12.6 X3,3 13-8
9.40 732 752 773 793 813 833 853 S74 894 914 7 M-7 15.4 16.1
9.41 93? 955 976 996 *oi7 •038 •058 *079 *ioo *I20 8 16.8 17.6 1S.4
9.42 0.10 141 162 183 204 225 246 267 288 309 330 9 18.9 19.S 20.7
9-43 351 373 394 415 437 458 479 SOI 522 544 X 54 as •«
9-44 56s 587 609 630 6S2 674 696 71S 739 761 2 4-8 3.5 5.0 5-3
9-45 783 805 827 849 872 894 916 938 960 983 3 7-8 7-S 7-S
9.46 0.11 005 028 050 073 095 nS 140 163 186 20S 4 9-6 10.0 10,4
9^47 231 254 277 300 323 345 368 392 415 438 56 13.0 M-4 13.5
15-0 13,0
9.48 461 484 507 531 554 577 601 624 64S 671 7 x6,8 17-5 18,3
949 695 719 742 766 79o_ 814 837 86i 885 909 8 19,2 20.0 20,8
9.50 933 957 981 *oo5 •030 •054•078 *I02 *I27 •151 9 31,6 33.5 23,4
A. B. 0 1 2 a 4 5 0 7 8 9 Prop. Pts. 1
^uLJiii'u.M a S u Su'BTivtiCTION LOGARITHMS. 89
Adiv i ^°S^ - logfl = A . 5„„ j loga - log^ = B , il
" {log {a-}. 6)= log a-{-B, """• \log{a - i) =logt> + A, j
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Ptsr-|
9.50 o.n 933 -£57 981 *oo5 *030 *os4 *o78 *I02 *I27 *i5i ._._.. . II
9-51 0.12 I7S 200 224 249 274 298 323 348 ,372 397 •jy 2y 30
9.52 422 447 472 497 ,522 547 572 597 622 648
9^53 673 698 724 749 775 800 826 851 877 903 •18,1 8,4 8-7 9 ^
9^54 ^ll 954 980*oo6 *032 *os8 *o84 *no *I36 *l62 410,8 11,2 11,6 la 0
9^550.13 188 214 240 267 293 319 346 372 399 425 513.5 14.0 14-5 15 0
9.56 452 479 505 532 559 5S6 613 640 667 694 718,9 ig.6 17-4
9^57 721 748 77S 802 829 857 884 911 939 966 821,6 22.4 23-2 24,0
9.58 994*02I *049 *o77 *io4 *I32 *i6o *i88 *2l6 *244 924,3 25.2 26,1 27,0
9^590.14 272 300 328 356 384 412 441 469 497 526 31 32 33 34
9.60 554 583 611 640 668 697 726 755 783 812 I 3,1 3-2 3-3 3-4
9.61 841 870 899 928 957 986 *oi6 *o45 *o74 *I04 2 6,2 6.4 6,6 6,8
9.62o.iS 133 162 192 221 251 281 310 340 370 400 41 12.4 p.6 1^.2
Q,1 12.8 0.0 10,3
9^63 430 460 489 520 550 S80 610 640 670 701 515,5 16.0 16,s 17,0
9.64 731 761 792 822 853 884 914 945 976*oo7 (118,6 ig.2 19,8 20,4
9^650.16 037 06B 099 130 161 192 224 255 286 317 p2A 825.6 23,8
9.66 349 380 411 443 474 506 538 569 601 633 9127,9 23.8 29,7 30,6
9.67 665 697 729 761 793 825 857 889 921 954 I"! 36 17 38
9.68 986*oi8 *osi *o83 *ii6 *I48 *i8i *2I4 *247 *279 I 3,.'> 1-6 3.7 3-8
9.690.17 312 345 378 411 444 477 SIO 544 577 610 2 7,0 7-2 7,4 7-6
9.70 643 677 710 744 777 811 845 878 912 946 3 10,5 10,8 II, I H.4
9.71 980*oi4 *048 *o82 *ii6 *iSo *i84 *2l8 *253 *287 4 14,0 14,4 14,8 15,3
9.720.18 322 356 390 425 460 494 529 S64 599 633 5621,0
17-S 21,6
18,0 22.2 19.0
iS,5 23,3
9^73 668 703 738 773 808 844 879 914 949 985 724,5 25,2 25-9 26,6
9-740.19 020 056 091 127 163 198 234 270 306 342 828,0 28,8 29.6 30-4
9^75 378 414 450 486 522 558 595 631 667 704
9.76 740 777 813 850 887 923 960 997*o34 *o7i I 3-9 4.0 4.1 4-3
9-770.20 108 145 182 220 257 294 ,331 369 406 444 2 7,8 8,0 8.2 8.4
9.78 481 519 557 594 632 670 70S 746 784 822 3II.7 12,0 12.3 12.6
9^79 860 898 937 975*oi3 *OS3 •090 *I2S *i67 *206 4 IS.6 16,0 16.4 i6.8
0.21 244 283 332 361 399 438 477 516 556 595
9.80 5 19-S 20,0 20.5 21.0
9.81 634 673 712 752 791 831 870 910 949 989 6 23.4 24,0 24.6 25-2
9.820.22 029 069 109 149 189 229 269 309 349 389 7B27-3
31,2 28.0
32.0 28.7
32,b 29,4
9^83 430 470 SIO 551 591 632 673 713 754 795 y35.1 36.0 3".y 37-8
9^84 836 877 918 959*ooo *o4i *0S2 *I23 *i65 *206 43 44 45 46
9.850.23 247 289 3.30 .372 414 455 497 5.39 581 623 fl Rri ? 9,0 4,6
9.86 66s 707 749 791 833 875 918 960*oo3 *045 !12,9 13,2 13-.s 9,2
9.870.24 088 130 173 216 258 301 344 .387 4.30 473 417,2 17.6 18,0 13.8
9.88 516 559 60^ 646 689 733 776 819 863 907 521,5 22.0 22,5 23,0
9.89 950 994*038 *o82 *I26 *i7o *2I4 *2S8 *302 *346 25.B 26.4 27.0 27,6
0.25 390 434 479 523 568 612 657 701 746 791
9.90 8 34.4 35-2 36.0 36,8
9.91 836 881 926 970*oi6 *o6i *io6 *i5i *I96 •242 9 38,7 39-6 40,5 41-4
9.920.26 287 332 378 423 469 515 560 606 652 698 47 48 49 50
9^93 744 79° 836 882 928 974*02I *o67 *li4 *l6o I 4-7 4,8 4,9 5,0
9^940.27 207 253 300 .346 393 440 487 534 581 628 1 9-4 9,6 9,i. 10,0
9^95 675 722 769 817 864 9" 959*oob *oS4 *IOI 414.1
18.8 14,4
iq.2 14,7 15,0
39.6 20,0
9.960.28 149 197 245 292 340 388 436 484 532 581 523-5 24.0 24.5 25,0
9^97 629 677 726 774 822 871 920 968*oi7 *o66 628.2 28.8 29.4 30,0
9.980.29 n s 163 212 261 310 359 409 458 507 556 y 32.9 •ii-O34-3 33.0
9^99 606 655 705 754 804 854 903 953*oo3 *o53 2 43.1
9 nT 638-4 44,1 45.0
0.30 103 153 203 253 303 354 404 454 505 555
0.00 4^.2
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
90 TABLF y",

A d d 1 log a - log b =z A. „ (loga - iog b = B .

^°°- \ \og{a •\.b)=logb + B, S™- \ log(« - ^) = log^ + A.
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
0.00 0.30 103 153 203 253 303 354 404 454 505 555
„_ r -, r r« r r.»
O.OI 606 656 707 758 809 859 910 961 *OI2 *o63 50 a'
0.02 0.31 115 166 217 268 320 371 422 474 526 577 10.2 ZO.4 10.6
0.03 629 681 732 784 836 888 940 992 *o45 *097 3 15.0 15.3 i5.« 15-9
0.04 0.32 149 201 254 306 359 411 464 517 569 622 4 20.0 20.4 20.!: 21,2
0.05 675 728 781 834 887 940 993 *o46 *IOO *153 525.0 25.5 26.5
0.06 0.33 207 260 314 367 421 474 S28 582 636 690 6 30.0 35-7 31,a 31.8
0.07 744 798 852 906 960 •el's *o69 *I23 •178 *232 8 40.0 40,8 41,6 16 1 42.4
0.08 0.34 287 342 396 451 506 561 616 670 726 781 945-0 45-9 46.8 47-7
0.09 836 891 946 *OOI *0S7 *II2 *i68 *223 *279 *334 54 55 56 57
0.10 0.35 390 446 502 558 614 670 726 782 838 894 I 5.4 5-5 5-6 5-7
o.n 950 *oo7 *o63 *ii9 *i76 *233 *289 *346 •403 *459 ifi.S 16 fi1X.4
0.12 0.36 516 573 630 687 744 801 858 916 973 *030 4 21,6 22,0 22,4 22.8
0.13 0.37 088 145 203 260 318 375 433 491 549 607 527.0 27.5 28,0 28.S
0.14 665 723 781 839 897 955 *oi4 •072 *i30 *i89 632.4 33 033-6 34-3
O.IS 0.38 247 306 .365 423 482 541 600 650 718 777 38-5 44.8 39-9
0.16 836 895 954 *oi3 *o73 *I32 •191 *25I •310 •370 9 48.6 49-5 50.4 4S-6
0.17 0.39 430 489 549 609 669 729 789 849 009 969 58 59 ; 60SI-3 ' 61 •
0.18 0.40 029 089 149 210 270 .331 .391 452 512 573 1 s.B
0.19 634 695 756 816 877 938 999 *o6i *I22 *,83 211,6 II.8|l2.01X2
0.20 0.41 244 306 367 428 490 552 613 675 737 798 317-4 17.7 18.G 18
0.21 860 922 984 *o46 *lo8 *I70 *232 *294 *357 *4i9 4 23.2 23.6J24.O 24
0.22 0.42 481 544 Cob 669 731 794 857 920 982 *o45 634.8 35-4:36.0 36 61 10
0.23 0.43 108 171 234 297 360 423 487 550 613 677 740.6 4I.3I42.O 42 7 1
0.24 740 804 867 931 99T *o58 *I22 *i86 •250 *3I4 846.4 47.2*48.0 +8 B 1
0.25 0.44 378 442 506 570 634 698 763 827 891 956 63 ft, ' • • il
0.26 0.45 020 085 149 214 279 344 408 473 538 603
1 6 2 03 "4 05
0.27 668 733 799 864 929 994 *o6o *I2S *IQO •256 2 12,4 13.6 12,8 13.0
0.28 0.46 322 387 453 5'« 584 650 716 782 848 914 318.6 18.9 19,2 195
0.29 980 *04b +112 *i78 *245 *3!I *377 *444 *Sio *577 424,8 35.3 25,6 26.0
0.30 0.47 643 710 777 Su 910 977 *044 *iii *i78 *245 5 31 03'-5 32.0 3>.5
0.31 0.48 312 379 447 514 581 648 716 783 851 918 637.2 37.8 38.4 39.0
0.32 986 *o54 *I2I *i89 *257 *32 5 *393 *46i *529 *S97 87 43-4
49.6 44.1
50.4 44.S
51.2 45^5
0 33 0.49 665 733 801 869 938 *oo6 *o74 *I43 *2II *28o 9 55-8 56.7 57.6 38-5
0-34 0.50 349 417 486 555 624 692 761 830 8q9 p68 66 67 68 j 69
035 0.51 037 107 176 245 314 384 453 522 592 661
0.36 731 801 870 940 *OIO *oSo *i5o *220 *289 *36o 2 13,2 13.4 13.6 13,8
0.37 0.52 430 500 570 640 710 781 851 Q2I 992 *062 43 ;6.4 19.S :6,Spr.:
0.38 0-S3 133 204 274 ,345 416 486 557 628 699 770 S 33.0 33.5 34.o'34,5
0-39 841 912 983 *0S5 *I26 *I97 *26S *34o *4n *4S3 6 39.6 40.=|40.8^41,4
0.40 ^•54 554 626 697 769 841 912 984 ^•^056 •128 *200 7 46.= 46.9 4,-.c;'4S.3
0.41 0.5s 272 344 416 488 560 632 704 777 849 921 8 53.SS3.6 54.4JSS.2
0.42 994 *o66 *I39 *2n *2S4 *357 *429 •502 *57S *648 949.4100.3
70 71 6i. 73= '62.x
0.43 0.56 721 794 867 940 *oi3 *o86 *i59 *232 *3oS *379 I 7.0 7-1 7.8 7.3
0.44 0.57 452 525 599 672 746 819 805 Q67 •040 *ii4 8 14.0 14.2 •4.4 14.6
0.45 0.58 188 262 3.36 410 484 5S8 6x2 706 780 854 31.J 28.8 81.9
0.46 928 •003 *o77 *iSi *226 •300 *375 *449 *524 *S98 S3S.O •!.S.,S 36.0 29.3
0.47 0.59 673 748 822 897 972 *047 ^122 *I97 *272 •347 6 43.0 43.6 43.2 43.8 36.5
0.48 .0.60 422 497 572 648 723 798 874 949 •024 *I0O 7 4 9 0 49-7 S0.4 SI.I
0.49 0.61 175 327 402 47s 554 630 705 781 857 9 6i.o 56.8 57.6 58.4
0.60 933 *oo9 •085 *i6i *237 *3i4 *39o *4.66 *542 *6i9 fi.. R
A. B. 0 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts,
Add i log« - log b = A . „ (loga - log^ = B.
'^""- \ log (3 + <5) = log 3 + ^. ^^^- \ log (a - b) = log ^ + A.
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
0.50 0.61 933 *oo9 *o8s *i6i *237 *3,4 *390 *466 *S42 *6i9 0.62 695 771 84S 924 *0OI *077 *I54 *231 *307 *384 I 74 7-S 70
0.52 0.63 461 615 692 768 845 923 *000 *o77 *I54 2 7-4 13-0 7-6
O.S3 0.64 231 308 386 463 540 618 695 773 850 928 14.8 15-3
0.54 0.65 005 083 160 238 316 394 472 549 627 70s 43 29,6 22.,t;
22.2 30.0 30.4
22.8 :
o.SS 783 861 939 *oi8 •096 *I74 •252 *330 *409 *487 S 37,0 37-5 3S.0
0.56 0.66 565 644 722 801 879 958 *037 *iis *I94 *273 6 44.4 45.0 45-6
O.S7 0.67 3SI 430 509 588 667 746 825 904 983 *062 8 59.251.R 60.0 60,8
0.58 0.68 141 220 300 379 458 538 617 696 776 9 66.6 67.5 68,4
0.59 935 *oi4 •094 *i74 *253 *333 *4I3 *493 *573 *6s2 77 78 79
0.69 732 812 892 972*052 *I32 *212 *293 *373 *453 I 7-7 7-8 7-9
2 15.4 15-6 15-8
0.61 0.70 533 614 694 774 855 935 *oi6 •096 *I77 *2S7
3 33.1 23-4 33-7
0.62 0.71 338 419 499 580 661 742 823 904 984 *o6s
4 30.8 31.3 3X.6
0.63 0.72 146 227 308 390 471 552 633 714 796 877
0.64 958 •040 *I21 *202 *284 *365 *4+7 *529 *6io •692 65 46.2
33.5 46.S
39.0 47-4
0.65 0.73 774 855 937 *0I9 *IOI *i83 *264 *346 *428 *5io 7 53,9 54-6 55-3
0.66 0.74 592 674 757 839 921 *oo3 *o8s *i68 •250 *332 8 61.6 63.4 63.3
0.67 0.75 415 497 579 662 744 827 909 992 *075 *I57 9 69.3 80 70.2
81 71.X89
0.68 0.76 240 323 406 488 571 654 737 820 903 9S6 X S.o 8.1 8.3
0.69 0.77 069 152 235 318 401 485 568 651 734 818 a 16.0 16.2 16.4
0.70 901 984*o68 *i5i *235 *3i8 *402 *48s *S69 *6S3 3 34.0 34.3 24.6
0.71 0.78 736 820 904 987 •071 *I55 *239 *323 *407 *49i 4 33.0 33.4 33.8
0.72 0.79 575 659 743 827 911 995 *o79 *i63 •248 *332 5 40.0 40.5 41.0
0.73 0.80 416 500 585 669 754 838 922 *oo7 •091 •176 6 48.0 48.6 49-='
0.74 0.81 261 345 430 515 599. 684 769 854 938 *023 87 64.0 64.8 65.6
56.0 56.7 57-4
0.75 0.82 108 193 278 363 448 533 618 703 788 873 9 73.0 72.9 73.8
0.76 959 *o44 •129 *214 *300 *38s *470 *SS6 *64i •727 83 84 85
0.77 0.83 812 898 983 •069 *I54 *240 *32S *4ii *497 *583 3 8.3 8.4 8.5
0.78 0.84 668 754 840 926 *OI2 *097 *i83 *269 *355 *44i 3 x6.6 16.8 17.0
0.79 0.85 527 613 700 786 872 958 •044 *I30 *2I7 *303 4 24.9 25.2 25.S
0.80 0.86 389 476 562 648 735 821 908 994*o8i *i67 5 33.3 33.6 34-0
0.81 0.87 254 340 427 514 600 687 774 861 947 *o34 6 41.5 42.0 43.5
0.82 0.88 121 208 295 382 469 556 643 730 817 904 7 49.8 50.4 51.0
0.83 991 •078 *i6s •252 *339 *427 *5I4 *6oi *689 *776 8 58.1 58.8 59-5
0.84 0.89 863 951 *o38 *I2S *2I3 *300 *388 *475 *S63 *6si lib 67.3
9X 66.4 87 68.088
0.85 0.90 738 826 914 *OOI *o89 *i77 *264 *352 *44o •528 8.6 8.7 8.8
2 74.7 75-6 76.5
0.86 0.91 616 704 791 879 967 '055 *I43 •231 *3i9 *4o8 17.2 17-4 17.6
0.87 0.92 496 584 672 760 848 936 *025 *„3 *20I •290 41 34.4
2,.8 34-8
26,1 35-3
0.88 0.93 378 466 555 643 732 820 908 997 *o86 *i74 5 43.0 43-5 44.0
0.89 0.94 263 351 440 529 617 706 795 883 972 *o6i 6 51.6 52,3 53.*
0.90 0.95 150 239 327 416 505 594 683 772 861 950 7 60.2 60,9 61.6
0.91 0.96 039 128 217 306 395 485 574 663 752 841 8 63.8 69,6 70.4
0.92 931 *020 *i09 •198 *288 *377 *467 *556 *645 *735 9 77-4 78.3 79.i
0.93 0.97 824 914 *oo3 *o93 *l82 *272 *362 *45i *54i *63i X 89 90 9»
0.94 0.98 720 8io 900 989 *079 *i69 *2S9 *349 *439 *528 3 r/.8
89 279.0 .c 27.3
0.95 0.99 618 708 798 888 978 *o68 *i58 *248 *338 •428 4 26.7 36.0 36^4
0.96 I.00 519 609 699 789 879 969 *o6o *I50 •240 *330 5 35.6 45.0 45^5
0.97 I.OI 421 511 601 692 782 873 963 *0S3 *i44 *234 6 44-5
53.4 54^o 54-6
0,98 1.02 325 415 506 597 687 778 868 959 *oso *I40 7 62.3 63.0 63.7
0,99 1.03 231 322 413 503 594 685 776 867 957 *048 8 71.2 73.0 73.8
1.00 1.04 139 230 321 412 503 594 685 776 867 958 0 Ro I 81.0 Sx.o
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

Add P ° g « - log '^ = -4- Sub i log« - log/J = B.

^^^- \ log (a + ^) = log3+ ^. ''U^- ^ log (a - 3) = log^ + ^.
1 A. B. 0 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
1.00 1.04 139 230 321 412 503 594 685 776 867 958
I.OI I.05 049 140 232 323 414 505 596 687 779 870
1.02 961 *053 *i44 *235 *326 *4i8 *509 •»6oi *692 *783 9J 9t
' 1.03 1.06 875 966 *058 *I49 *24I I 9,1 9.2
1.04 1.07 790 882 974 *o65 *i57 •332 •424 *5i6
*249 *34, *432 *6o7 *6i6 2 18 2 18.4
3 273
1.05 1.08 708 800 891 983 •07s •167 *259 *35i *443 *53l 4 36-427.6
1.06 1.09 627 719 811 903 99? *o87 *I79 *271 *363 *455 1 i>-i 36.8
I.D7 I.10 548 640 711 824 916 *oo9 *ioi *I93 *285 *378 6 54-655-2
1.08 I.n 470 562 655 747 839 932 *024 *ii7 *209 *3oi 46.0
7 63.764.4
1.09 I.12 394 486 579 671 764 857 949 *042 "134 *227 8 72.873 6
1.10 I.13 320 412 505 598 690 783 876 9G8 i'o6i ••'154 9 81.982.8
i.n 1.14 247 340 432 525 618 711 804 897 990 •083 93
1.12 '•'1 '75 268 361 454 478 640 733 826 920 *oi3 I
I 13 I.16 106 199 292 385 571 665 758 851 944 il:l
1.14 I.17 OJ7 131 224 *3'7 411 504 597 691 784 877 2 27.9
I.IS 971 •064 *i57 •251 *344 *438 *53i *625 •718 *8l2 4 37.2
1.16 I.18 905 999 •092 *i86*279 *373 *467 *S6o *6S4 •748 % 46.5
1.17 I.19 841 935 •029 *122 *2l6 *3io •403 *497 *S9i *685 53^8
1.18 1.20 779 872 966 *o6o *IS4 *248 *342 *435 *529 *623 I 65.1
1.19 I.21 717 8n 90s 999 *093 *iS7 *28l *375 •469 *563 9 74^4
1J20 1.22 657 751 845 939*034 *I28 *222 *3i6 •410 *S04 83-7 \
1.21 1.23 599 693 787 881 975 *o7o *l64 •258 *3S2 *447 94
1.22 1.24 541 635 730 824 918 •013 *I07 *202 •296 *390 I
1.23 1.25 485 579 674 76S 863 957 *0S2 *I46 •241 *335
1.24 1.26 430 524 619 714 808 903 997 •092 •187 *28l
2 ill
3 28.2
1.25 1.27 376 471 565 660 755 850 944 *039 •229 4 37.6
1.26 1.28 323 418 S13 608 703 797 892 987 *082 •177 I 47.0
1.27 1.29 272 367 462 557 652 746 841 936 *o3i *I26 fa
1.28 1.30 221 316 5°7 602 697 792 887 982 *o77 I
1.29 I.31 172 267 362 458 553 648 743 838 933 *029 9
1.80 1.32 124 219 314 410 505 600 695 791 886 981 11
1 1.31 1.33 °77 172 267 363 458 553 649 744 840 935 95 96
1 1.32 1.34030 126 221 317 412 508 603 699 794 890 I 9 5 9.6
1-33 985 *o8i *i76 •273 *367 •463 *559 •654 *75o *845 2 I9.0 19.2
• 1.34 1.35 941 *037 *I32 *228 *334 •419 *5i5 *6n *7o6 *802 3 28.0 28.8
K35 1.36898 994 *o89 *i85 •281 *377 *472 *568 *664 *76o 4 37-5 38.4
1.36 1.37 856 951 *047 *i43 *239 *335 *43i *527 •622 *7i8 S A 7 048.0
1.37 1.38 814 910 *oo6 *102 *i98 *294 *390 *486 •582 •678 6-5
966 *062 *I58 *446 •638 6
l \5'6.0 57-6
1.38 1.39 774 870 *2S4 *350 *542
1^39 I.40 734 830 926 *023 *ii9 *2I5 *3ii *407 *503 *599 9 *SS 86.4
1.40 I 41 695 792 888 9S4
*o8o *273 •369 *465 •561 II
850 946 •176
1.41 1.42 658 754 *043 •235 *332 *428 *524 97
*139 1 97
1.42 1.43621 717 813 910 *oo6 *.99 •295 •391 *488
1.43 1.44 584 681 777 874 970 *I02 •163 *2S9 *356 *4S2 2 19-4
1.44 1.45 549 645 742 838 93-? •066*03i *I2S *225 *32I •418 3 3§.8
1.45 1.46 514 611 707 804 901 997 •094 •I90 *287 •384 4 48.s
1.46 I.47 480 577 674 770 867 964 *o6o *i57 *2S4 *35o % 58.2
1.47 1.48 447 544 641 737 834 931 *02S *I24 *221 •318 I
1.48 1.49 415 512 608 705 802 899 996 *o93 *i8s *286 77-6
1^49 1.50 383 480 577 674 771 868 964 *o6i *IS8 *255 87.3
1.50 1.51 352 449 546 643 740 837 934 +031 *I28 *225 1
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 9 Pi-op. Pts. 1
1 Wj TT
Add. n°S f - log b = A, „ i logs - log^ = B,
\ \og{a + ^) = log^ + ^. ^"^- \ \og{a - b ) = ^ \ogb + A.
A. B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.
1.50 I-5I 352 449 546 643 740 837 934•031 *I28 *22S
1.51 1.52 322 419 516 613 710 807 904 *OOI *098 *i95
1.52 1.53 292 389 486 583 680 778 875 972 *o69 *i66
1-53 1-54 263 360 457 555 652 749 846 943 *o4o *I38
1.54 1-55 235 332 429 526 624 721 818 *oi3 *IIO
'•55 1.56 207 304 402 499 596 693 791 985 *o83
1.56 1.57 180 277 375 472 569 667 764 861 959 *os6
'•57 i^58 153 251 348 446 543 640 738 ?3S 933 •030 9?
i.S8 1.59 12S 225 322 420 517 615 712 810 907 *oos 9-7
1-59 1.60 102 200 297 395 492 590 687 78s 882 980 19.4
I.61 077 175 273 370 468 565 663 760 858 956 3
1.62 053 151 248 346 444 54' 639 737 834 932 4 i
i.6i 48.S
1.62 1.63 030 127 225 322 420 518 616 713 811 58.2
163 I 64 006 104 202 299 397 495 593 690 788 886 I
1.64 984 *o8i *i79 *277 *375 *473 *57o *668 *766 *864 9 rj.6
1.65 1.05 962 *o59 *I57 *2SS *353 :45' *548 •646 *744 *842
1.66 h-3
1.66 940 •038 •136 *233 *33i *429 *S27 •625 *723 *82I
1.67 1.67 919 *oi7 *ii5 *2I2 •310 *4o8 *5o6 *6o4 *702 *8oo
1.68 1.68 898 996 *094 •192 *290 •388 *486 *S84 *682 *78o
1.69 1.69 878 976 *o74 *I72 •270 *368 *466 •564 *662 *76o
1.70 1.70 858 956*os4 *IS2 •250 *348 *446 *544 *642 *74i
1.71 I.71 839 937 *035 *I33 ^231 *329 *427 *525 *623 *722 98
1.72 1.72 820 918 *oi6 *ii4 *2I2 *3io *409 *5o7 *6o5 *703 I
1.73 1.73 801 899 998 •096 *i94 *292 *39o *489 *587 *685 2
1.74 1^74 783 881 980 •078 *I76 *274 *373 *47i *569 *667 3 19.6
1-75 1.75 766 864 962 *o6o *I59 *257 *355 *453 *552 *65o 4 39-2
1.76 1.76 748 847 945 •043 *i4i *240 *338 *436 *535 •633 I
1.77 1.77 731 830 928 *026 *125 *223 *32I *420 *Si8 *6i6 68.6
1.78 715 813 912 *oio *io8 *207 *305 *403 *S02 *6oo I
1.79 699 797 896 994 •092 •191 *289 *388 *486 •584 9
1.80 1.80 683 781 880 978*o77 *i75 *274 *372 *47i *S69
1.81 I.81 667 766 864 963 *o6i *i6o *258 *357 *455 1554
1.82 1.82 652 75' 849 948 •046 *145 *244 *342 *44i *539
1.83 1.83 638 736 835 933 *032 *i3o *229 •328 *426 *52S
1.84 1.84 623 722 820 919 *oi8 *n6 *2I5 *3I3 *4I2 *5ii
1.8s 1.85 609 708 806 90s *oo4 *I02 *20I *299 *398 *497
1.86 1.86 595 694 793 891 990 •089*i87 *286 H.385 *483 99
1.87 1.87 582 681 779 878 977 *075 *i74 •273 *37i *47o I 9§
1.88 1.88 569 667 766 865 964 *062 *i6i •260 *358 *457 2 19.8
1.89 1.89 556 655 753 852 951 *o5o *I48 *247 *346 *445 3 29.7
1.90 I 90 543 642 741 840 938 *037 *I36 *235 *333 *432 4 39 6
1.91 I.91 531 630 729 827 926 *025 *I24 *223 *32r *420 49-S
1.92 1.92 519 618 717 ^'5 914 *oi3 *n2 *2II *3io *4o8 I ll:t
1.93 1.93 507 606 705 804 903 *002 *IOO *i99 *298 *397 9 S1
1.94 1.94 496 595 694 792 891 990 *o89 *i88 *287 *386
1.95 485 583 682 781 880 979 •078 *i77 *276 *375
1.96 1.96 474 573 671 770 869 968 *o67 *i66 *26s *364
1.97 1.97 463 562 661 760 859 958 *os7 *iS6 *2S4 *353
1.98 1.98 452 551 650 749 848 947 *046 *I45 *244 *343
1.99 1.99 442 541 640 739 838 937 *036 *i35 *234 *333
2.00 2.00 432 531 630 729 828 927*026 *I2S *224 *323
A. B. 0 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 Prop. Pts.

l o g « - l o g ^ = ^. loga-log<J = .5.
log (a -f 3) = loga + (^ - A ) . log{a - b) = loga - (B - A ) .

A. B. B-A A. B. B-A. A. B. B-A.

2.1593 2.1622 .00300 2.2386 2.2411 .00250 2.3358 2.3378 .00200
.1606 .1636 299 .2403 .2428 249 •3379 •3399 199
.1621 .1651 298 .2421 .2446 248 .3401 •3421 198
.1635 .1665 297 .2439 .2464 247 •3423 •3443 197
.1650 .1680 296 .2456 2,2498
.2481 246 •3446 .3466 .00195196
2.1665 2.1694 .00295 2.2474 .00245 2.3468 2.3487
.1680 .1709 294 .2492 .2516 244 .3490 •3509 194
.1694 .1723 293 .2510 •2534 243 •3513 •3532 193
.1710 • 1739 292 .2528 •2552 242 •3535 • 3554 192
2.1739 • 1753
2.1768 291 2.2564
.00290 .2546 2.2588
• 2570 241
.00240 •3558 2.3600
2.3581 191
•3577 .00190
• 1754 • 1783 289 .2582 .2606 239 .3604 • 3623
.1770 .1799 288 .2600 .2624 238 • 3627 .3646
.1785 .1814 287 .2618 .2642 237 .3650 .3669 ^87
.1800 .1829 286 2.2656
.2637 2.2679
.2661 236 • 3673 .3692 186
2.1815 2.1844 .00285 .0023s 2.3697 2.3715 .00185
.1830 .1858 284 .2674 .2697 234 .3720 •3738 184
.1846 .1874 283 .2693 .2716 233 • 3744 .3762 183
.1861 .1889 282 .2711 • 2734 232 .3768 .3786 182
2.1893 •1905
2.1920 281
.00280 .2730 •2753 231 • 3792 .3810 181
2.2749 2.2772 .00230 2.3816 2.3834 .00180
.1908 .1936 279 .2768 .2791 229 .384a •3858
•1923 .1951 278 .2787 .2810 228 •3^^5 •3883
•1939 .1967 277 .2806 .2829 227 177
.3889 • 3907
• 1955 2.1998
• 1983 276 2.284s .2848
.2825 2.2867 226 176
2.1971 .00275 .00225 • 3914 • 3932 .00175
2 • 3939 2.3956
.1987 .2014 274 .2864 .2886 224 • 3964 •3981 »74
.2002 .2029 273 .2884 .2906 223 • 3989 .4006 »73
.2019 .2046 272 .2903 • 2925 222 .4014 .4031
.2035 2.2078
.2062 .2923 2.2965
271 2.2943 • 2945 221 171
2.2051 .00270 .00220 2.4065 .4056 .00170
• 4039 2.4082
.2067 .2094 269 .2962 .2984 219 .4090 .4107
.2083 .2110 268 .2982 .3004 218 .4116 •4133. 168
.2099 .2126 267 .3002 .3024 217 .4142 .4159 167
.2116 2.2IS9
.2143 00265
266 .3044
.3022 2.3064 216 .4168 166
.4185 .00165
2.2132 2.3043 .00215 2.4195 2,42111
.2149 .2175 264 .3063 .3084 214 .4221 • 4237 164
.2165 .2191 263 .3083 .3104 213 .4248 .4264 ,63
.2182 .2208 262 .3104 • 3125 212 •4275 .4291 162
.2198 2.2241
2,2315 .2224 .00260
261 •3145
• 3124 2.3166 211
.00210 .4302 .4318
2.4329 161
^•3'tl 2-4345 .00160
.2232 .2258 259 • 3187 209 • 4356 •4372 159
.2249 .2275 258 .3208 208 .4383 • 4399 158
• 3187
.2266 .2292 257 .3229 207 .4411 •4427 157
.2283 2.2325
2.2300 .2309 .00255
256 2.3250 .3250 206 • 4439 2.4482 156
•4455 .00155
.3229 2.3271 .00205 2.4467
.2317 .2342 254 .3271 .3291 204 • 4495 .4510 154
-2334 • 2359 253 • 3293 • 3313 203 •4523 •4538 I S3
.2351 .2376 252 • 3314 • 3334 202 .4552 • 4567 152
.2369 2.2411
2.2386 • 2394 .00250
251 • 3336 2.3378
2^3358 • 3356 201
.00200 • 4581 2 .4596
2.4609 151
4624 .00150
A. B. B-A. A. B. B-A. A. B. B-A. 1

loga-- l o g ^ == A . loga — l o g ^ = .&.

log(a! + ^) = loga + { B - A ) . log(a — b ) = loga — (B - A ) .

A. B. B-A A, B. B-A A B. B-A

2.4609 2.4624 .00150 2.6373 2.6383 .00100 2.9385 2.9390 .00050
•^^Jl .4653 149 .6416 .6426 .00099 .9474 •9479 49
.4668 .4683 148 .6461 .6471 98 •9563 .9568 48
.4697 .4712 147 .6505 .6515 97 .9655 .9660 47
.4727 .4743 146 .6550 .6560 96 .9748 • 9753 46
2.4757 2.4772 .00145 2.6596 2.6606 .00095 2.9844 2.9848 .00045
.4787 .4801 144 .6642 .6651 94 2.9941 2.9945 44
.4817 .4831 143 .6688 .6697 93 3^0041 3•0045 43
.4848 .4862 143 •6735 .6744 93 .0143 .0147 42
•4878 .4892 141 .6783 .6792 91 .0248 .0253 41
3.4910 2.4924 .00140 2.6831 2.6840 .00090 3-0356 3.0360 .00040
.4941 •'^955 139 .6880 .6889 89 .0466 .0470 39
.4972 .4986 138 .6928 .6937 88 .0578 .0582 38
.5004 .5018 137 .6978 .6987 87 .0694 .0698 37
.5036 • 5050 136 .7028 • 7037 86 .0813 .0817 .36
2.5068 2.5081 .00135 2.7079 2.7088 .00085 3^0935 3.0939 .00035
.5100 .5113 134 • 7131 .7139 84 .1061 .1064 34
• 5133 .5146 133 .7183 .7191 83 .1191 .1194 33
• 5165 .5178 132 .7236 .7244 82 • 1324 .1327 32
•5199 .5212 131 .7289 .7297 81 .1463 .1466 31
2.5232 2.5245 .00130 2.7343 2.7351 .00080 3.1606 3.1609 .00030 1
.5266 .5279 129 .7398 .7406 79 .1753 .1756 29
• 5299 .5312 128 •7453 .7461 78 .1905 .1908 28
•5333 .5346 127 .7509 .7517 77 .2063 .2066 27
.5368 • 5381 126 .7566 • 7574 76 .2226 .2229 26
2.5402 2.5415 .00125 2.7623 2.7631 .00075 3.2396 3^2399 .00025
• 5437 • 5449 124 .7682 .7689 74 .2575 .2577 24
.5472 .5484 123 .7741 •7748 73 .2760 .2762 23
.5508 • 5520 122 .7801 .7808 72 .2952 • 2954 22
• 5544 • 5556 121 .7862 .7869 71 • 3154 -3156 21
2.5580 2.5592 .00120 2.7923 2.7930 .00070 3^3366 3^3368 .00020
.5616 .5628 119 • 798s .7992 69 • 3590 • 3592 19
.5653 .5665 118 .8050 • 8057 68 .3825 • 3827 18
.5690 .5702 117 .8114 .8121 67 .4072 • 4074 17
.5727 • 5739 116 .8180 .8187 66 • 4335 •4337 16
2.5765 2.5776 .00115 2.8245 2.8252 .00065 3^4617 3^46i9 .00015
.5803 .5814 114 .8313 •^3];9 64 .4917 .4918 14
.5841 • 5852 113 .8381 .8387 63 .5237 .5238 13
.5880 .5891 112 .8451 .8457 62 .5587 .5588 12
• 5919 • 5930 in .8521 .8527 61 .5964 • 5965 II
2.5958 2.5969 .00110 2.8593 2.8599 .00060 3-6377 3•6378 .00010
• 5998 .6009 109 .8666 .8672 59 .6835 .6836 09
.6038 .6049 108 .8741 .8747 58 • 7345 .7346 08
.6079 .6090 107 .8816 .8822 57 .7925 .7926 07
.6120 .6131 106 .8S93 .8899 56 .8595 .8596 06
2.6161 2.6172 .00105 2.8971 2.8977 .00055 3.9390 3-9391 .00005
.6202 .6212 104 .9051 .9056 54 4^0355 4^0355 04
.6244 .6254 103 .9132 • 9137 S3 4.1600 4.1600 03
.6287 .6297 102 .9215 .9220 52 4-3375 4.3375 02
.6329 .6339 lOI .9300 • 9305 51 4.6367 4-6367 01
2.6373 2.6383 .00100 2.9385 2.9390 .00050 00 OS .00000
A B. B-A. A. B. B-A A. B. B-A
, T A B L E VII. — S Q U A R E S O F N U M B E R S .


S Q U A R E S O F N U M B E R S•

No. Square. No. Square. No. Square. No. Square. No. Square.
0 O 20 400 40 1600 60 3600 80 6400

I I 21 441 41 1681 61 3721 81 6561

2 4 22 484 42 1764 62 3844 82 6724
3 9 23 529 43 1849 63 3969 83 6889

4 i6 24 576 44 1936 64 4096 84 7056

5 25 25 625 45 2025 65 4225 85 7225
6 36 26 676 46 2116 66 4356 86 7396
7 49 27 729 47 2209 67 4489 87 7569
8 64 28 784 48 2304 68 4624 88 7744
9 81 29 841 49 2401 69 4761 89 7921

10 100 30 900 50 2500 70 4900 90 8100

II 121 31 961 51 3601 71 5041 91 8281

12 144 32 1024 52 2704 72 5184 92 8464
13 169 33 1089 53 2809 73 5339 93 8649

14 196 34 1156 54 2916 74 5476 94 8836

IS 225 35 1225 55 3025 75 5625 95 9025
i6 256 36 1296 56 3136 76 5776 96 9216

17 289 37 1369 57 3249 77 5929 97 9409

i8 324 38 1444 58 3364 78 6084 98 9604
19 361 39 1521 59 3481 79 6241 99 9801

20 400 40 1600 60 3600 80 6400 100 loooo

98 S Q U A R E S O F N U M B E R S F R O M 100 T O 1000 ^^^^
!•• £•• 3** 4** 6** €•• ^•* «•• »•• Diff.

00 100 400 900 1600 2500 3600 4900 6400 8100 00 X

OI 102 906 1608 2510 3612 4914 6416 8118 01
ttt 3
02 912 1616 2520 3624 4928 6432 8136 04
412 5
03 918 1624 2530 3636 4942 6448 8154 09
16 7
04 108 416 924 1632 2540 4956 6464 8172
no 420 930 1640 2550 4970 6480 8190 25
3672 IX
112 424 936 1648 2560 4984 6496 8208 36
2570 4998 6512 8226 13
114 428 942 1656 •5
11 432 948 1664 2580 & 5012 6528 8244
116 3708 81 17
09 436 954 1672 2590 5026 6544 8262
118 441 00 31 '9*
10 121 961 1681 2601 3721 5041 6561 8281
II 123 445 967 1689 2611 3733 5055 6577 8299 21
12 125 449 973 1697 2621 3745 5069 8317 25
13 127 1705 2631 69
453 979 3757 5083 8335 =7
14 129 457 98s 1713 2641 3769 5097 6625 8353 96 29»
IS 132 462 992 1722 2652 3782 5112 6642 8372 25 31
i6 134 466 998 1730 2662 3794 5126 6658 8390 56 33
136 470 1004 1738 2672 3806 5140 ^^74 8408 89 35*
\l 139 475 ion 1747 2683 3819 8427 24
19 5169 6691 37
141 479 1017 1755 2693 3831 6707 8445 61 39*
20 144 484 1024 1764 2704 3844 5184 6724 8464 00 41
21 146 488 1030 1772 2714 S198 8482 41
^7*5 43
22 I4S 492 1036 1780 2724 5212 8500 84
3881 6756 45'
23 151 497 1043 1789 2735 5227 8519 29
6773 47
24 '53 1049 2745 3893 5241 6789 8537 76
5°i 49*
tl '5° 506 1056 1814 2766 3906 5256 6806 8556 25 5'
158 SIO 1062 3918 5270 6822 8574 76 S3*
161 515 1069 1823 2777 3931 5285 6839 29
tl 55
163 519 1075 1831 3943 5299 f§5S 84
29 2S 8630 57*
166 524 1082 1840 3956 5314 6872 41
529 59*
80 169 1089 1849 2809 3969 5329 6889 8649 00 61
31 171 533 1095 1857 2819 3981 5343 6905 8667 61 63*
32 538 1102 1866 2830 3994 5358 6922 8686 24
\^e 65 1
33 542 1108 1874 2840 4006 5372 6938 8704 89
1883 2851 67*
34 547 1115 4019 S387 6955 8723 56 69*
3§ \ll 55? 1122 1892 2862 4032 5402 8742
184 7«
36 556 1128 1900 2872 4044 5416 8760
187 2883 73*
561 1135 1909 4057 5431 7005 8779 69 75*
11 190 566 1142 1918 2S94 4070 5446 7022 8798 44 77*
39 193 571 1149 1927 2905 4083 5461 7039 8817 21
196 1156 79*
40 576 1936 2916 4096 5476 7056 8S36 00 81
1 41 198 580 1162 1944 2926 4108 5490 7072 SS54 81
1953 83*
! 42 201 585 1169 2937 4121 5505 7089 If 73 64
1962 85*
! 43 204 590 1176 2948 4134 SS20 7106 8892 49
207 1183 8911 36 S7'
44 1971 2959 4147 5535 7123 89*
210 1190 1980 2970 4i(x> 5550 7140 8930 25
tl 605 K
213 1197 1989 2981 4173 5565 7157 S949 16
216 610 1204 1998 2992 4186 S580 7174 89^8 09 93
219 1211 3003 4199 95*
^'5 2007 5595 7191 8987 04
49 222 1218 3014 4212 97*
620 2016 5610 720S 9006 01
60 225 625 1225 2025 3025 4225 7225 9025 00 99'
SQUARES O F N U M B E R S F R O M lOO TO looo (Continued). 99
!•• 2 « 4 »•• 44^ 54^ 64^ ?•• »••
50 225 625 1225 2025 3025 4225 5625 7225 9025
51 228 630 1232 2034 3036 4238 5640 7242 9044 01
52 231 63s 1239 2043 3047 4251 5655 7259 9063 04
53 234 640 1246 2052 3058 4264 5670 7276 9082 09
54 237 64s 1253 2061 3069 4277 5685 7293 9101 16
55 240 650 1260 2070 3080 4290 5700 7310 9120 25
56 243 655 1267 2079 3091 4303 5715 7327 9139
SZ 246 660 1274 2088 3102 4316 5730 7.344 9158 49
58 249 665 1281 2097 3113 4329 5745 7361 9177 81
59 252 670 1288 2106 3124 4342 5760 7378 9196
60 256 676 1296 2116 3136 4356 5776 7396 9216
61 259 681 1303 2125 3147 4369 5791 7413 923s 21
62 262 686 1310 2134 3158 4382 5806 7430 9254 44
63 265 691 1317 2143 3169 4395 5821 7447 9273 69
64 268 696 1324 2152 3180 4408 5836 7464 9292 96
65 272 702 1332 2162 3192 4422 7482 9312 25
66 27s 707 1339 2171 3203 4435 7499 9331 56
67 278 712 1346 2180 3214 4448 5882 7516 9350
68 718 5898 24
282 1354 2190 3226 4462 7534 9370
69 723 5913 61
285 1361 2199 3237 4475 7551 9389
70 289 729 1369 2209 3249 4489 5929 7569 9409
71 292 734 1376 2218 3260 4502 5944 7586 9428 41
72 295 739 1383 2227 3271 4515 5959 7603 9447 84
73 299 745 1391 2237 3283 4529 5975 7621 9467 29
74 302 750 1398 2246 3294 4542 5990 7638 9486 76
75 306 756 1406 2256 3306 4556 6006 7656 9506 25
76 309 761 1413 2265 3317 4569 6021 7673 9525 76
77 313 767 1421 2275 3329 4583 6037 7691 9545 59
78 316 772 1428 2284 3340 4596 6052 7708 9564 84
79 320 778 1436 2294 3352 4610 6068 7726 9584 41
80 324 784 1444 2304 3364 4624 6084 7744 9604
81 327 789 1451 2313 3375 4637 6099 7761 9623 Oi
82 331 7951459 2323 3387 4651 6115 777? 9643 24
83 334 800 1466 2332 3398 4664 6130 7796 9662 89
84 338 806 1474 2342 3410 4678 6146 7814 9682 56
342 812 1482 2352 3422 4692 6162 7832 9702 96
345 817 1489 2361 3433 470s 6177 7849 9721
349 823 1497 2371 3445 4719 6193 7867 9741 69
353 829 1505 2381 3457 4733 6209 7885 9761 44
89 357 1513 6225 21
83s 2391 3469 4747 7903 9781
90 361 841 1521 2401 3481 4761 6241 7921 9801
91 1528 2410 3492 4774 6256 7938 9820 81
368 852 1536 2420 3504 4788 6272 7956 9840 64
92 858 1544
372 2430 3Si6 4802 6288 »Q74 q86o 49
94 864 1552 2440 3528 4816 6304 7gya 9880 36
380 870 1560 2450 3540 4830 6320 8010 9900 25
384 876 1568 2460 3552 4844 6336 8028 9920 16
388 882 1576 2470 3564 4858 6352 S046 9940 09
392 888 1584 2480 3576 4872 6368 8064 9960 04
99 396 894 1592 4886 6384 8082 9980
2490 3588 01
100 400 900 1600 2500 3600 4900 6400 8100
D. H. M. S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S.
H. M. S. 100 D. H. M. S.
100' 100 100'
d. h. in, s.
m. s. *. a. A. m, s. nt, s. S.
O.OI 0 14 24
0 S.64 0.09 0.51 12 14 24 T 20.64 4-41
0.02 0 28 48
0 17.28 0.17 0.52 12 28 48 7 29.28 4-49
0.03 0 43 12
0 25.92 0.26 0-53 12 43 12 7 37.92 4.58
0.04 0 57 36
0 34-56 0.3s 0.54 12 57 36 7 46-56 4.67
0.05 I 12 00 43.20 0.43 o-SS 13 12 0 7 55-20 4-75
0.06 I 26 24
0 51.84 0.52 0.56 13 26 24 8 3.84 4.84
0.07 I 40 48
I 0.48 0.60 0.57 13 40 48 8 13.48 4.92
0.08 I 55 12
I 9.12 0.69 0.58 13 55 12 8 21.12 5.0I
0.09 2 9 36I 17.76 0.78 0-59 14 9 36 8 29.76 5-10
O.IO 2 24 0I 26.40 0.86 0.60 14 24 0 8 38.40 5.18
o.n 2 38 24
I 35-04 0.95 0.61 14 38 24 8 47-04 5-27
0.12 2 52 48
I 43-68 1.04 0.62 14 52 48 8 55.68 536
O.I3 3 7 12I 52.32 1.12 0.63 15 7 13 9 4-32 5-44
0.14 3 21 36
2 0.96 1.21 0.64 IS 21 36 9 12.96 5-53
O.IS 3 36 03 9.60 1.30 0.65 15 36 0 9 21.60
0.16 2 18.24
3 50 24 1.38 0.66 IS 50 24 9 30-24 5.70 1
0.17 4 448 3 36.88 1.47 0.67 16 4 48 9 38-88
0.18 2 35^52
4 19 12 0.68 16 19 12 5I88
1.64 9 56.16 5-96
0.19 3 44.16
4 33 36 0.69 16 33 36
1-73 10 4.80 6. OS
0.20 448 0 3 52.80 0.70 16 48 0
0.21 S 2 243 1-44 1.81 0.71 17 2 24 10 13-44
0.22 5 16 48
3 10.08 1.90 0.72 17 16 48 10 22.08 6.2a
0.23 5 31 12
3 18.72 1-99 0-73 17 31 12 10 30.72 6.31
0.24 5 45 36
3 27-36 2.07 0.74 17 45 36 10 39.36 tit
0.2s 6 0 0 3 36.00 2.16 0.75 18 0 0 10 48.00
0.26 6 14 24
3 44-64 2.2s 0.76 18 14 24 10 56.64
0.27 6 28 48
3 53-28 2.33 0.77 18 28 48 II 5.28 6.65
0.28 f "^3 12
4 1-93 2.42 0.78 18 43 12 n 13.92
0.29 6 57 36
4 10.56 2-51 0.79 18 57 36 II 22.56
0.30 7 12 04 19.20 2-59 0.80 19 12 0 II 31.20
, 0.31 7 26 24
4 27-84 3.68 0.81 19 26 24 II 39.84 7-00
0.32 7 40 48
4 36-48 2.76 0.82 19 40 48 II 48.48 7.08
0-33 7 55 12
4 45-12 2.85 0.83 19 SS 12 n 57.12 7-17
0.34 8 936 4 53-76 2.94 0.84 20 9 36 12 5.76 7.26
035 8 24 0 5 2.40 3.02 0.85 20 24 0 12 14.40 7-34
0.36 8 38 245 11-04 3^11 0.86 20 38 24 12 23.04 7-43
0.37 8 52 48S 19.68 3.20 0,87 20 52 48 12 31.68 7-52
0,38 9 7 12 5 ^!-3? 3.28 0.88 21 7 12 12 40.32 7-60
0.39 9 21 365 36.96 3-37 0.89 21 21 36 12 48.96 7-69
0.40 9 36 0 5 4S-60 3^46 0.90 21 36 0 12 57.60 7-78
0.41 9 50 245 54^24 0.91 21 50 24 13 6.2/1. 7.86
0.42 10 4 48 6 2.88 0.92 22 4 48 13 14-88 7-95
0.43 10 19 126 11.52 0.93 22 19 12 I? 13.52 8.04
0.44 10 33 366 20.16 0.94 23 33 36 IJ ^.16 8.12
0.45 10 48 0 6 28.80 0.9s 22 48 0 IJ 40.80 8.31
0.46 II 2 24 6 37^44 3^97 0.96 23 2 24 13 49-44 8.29
0.47 II 16 486 46.08 4.06 0.97 23 16 48 13 58-08 8.38
0.48 II 31 126 54.72 4-15 0.98 23 31 12 14 6.73 8-47
0.49 II 45 367 3-36 4^23 0-99 23 45 36 14 15-36 !•«
0.50 12 0 0 7 12.00 4^32 1.00 24 0 0 14 24.00 8.64
o A. m. 0 A. m. 0 A. m. 0 i, VI. 0 h. VI. 0 h, m. / m. s. // s.
00 0 60 4 0 120 8 0 180 12 0 240 16 0 300 20 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
I0 4 61 4 4 121' 8 4 181 12 4 241 16 4 301 20 4 I ° i I 0.066
20 8 62 4 8 122 8 8 182 12 8 242 16 8 302 20 8 2 0 8 2 0.133
3 0 12 63 4 l!2 123 8 12 183 12 12 243 16 12 303 20 12 3 0 12 3 0.200
4 0 16 64 4 16 124 8 16 184 12 16 244 16 16 304 20 16 4 0 16 4 0,266
5 0 20 65 4 20 125 8 20 185 12 20 245 16 20 305 20 20 5 0 20 5 0333
6 0 24 66 4 24 126 8 24 186 12 24 246 16 24 306 20 24 6 0 24 0 0.400
7 0 28 4 28 28 187 12 28 247 16 28 ^0^ 20 28 0 28 7 0,466
8 0 32 tl 4 32 \tl 8832 188 12 32 248 16 32 20 32 I 0 32 0 0-S33
9 0 36 69 436 129 836 189 12 36 249 1636 309 20 36 9 0 36 9 0,600
10 040 70 4 40 130 8 40 190 12 40 250 16 40 310 20 40 10 0 40 10 0.666
11 0 44 71 4 44 131 844 191 12 44 251 16 44 311 2044 11 0 44 11 0-733
12 048 72 448 132 848 192 12 48 252 16 48 312 2048 12 048 12 0,800
13 0 52 73 4 52 133 852 193 12 52 253 16 52 313 20 52 13 0 52 13 0.866 ;
14 0 56 74 4 56 134 856 194 12 56 254 1656 314 2056 14 0 56 14 0-933
15 I 0 75 5 0 135 9 0 195 13 0 255 17 0 315 21 0 15 I 0 15 1,000
16 76 5 4 136 196 13 4 256 17 4 316 21 4 16 I 4 16 1,066
17 \ t 5 8 137 9 8 197 13 8 257 17 8 317 21 8 17 I 8 'Z 1 133
18 I 12 11 5 12 138 9 12 198 13 12 258 17 12 318 21 12 18 I 12 18 1,200
19 I 16 79 516 139 9 16 199 13 16 259 17 16 319 21 16 19 I 16 19 1,266
20 I 20 80 5 20 140 9 20 200 13 20 260 17 20 320 21 20 20 I 20 20 1-333
21 1 24 81 5 24 141 9 24 201 13 24 261 17 24 321 21 24 21 I 24 21 I 400
22 I 2S 82 528 142 9 28 202 13 28 262 17 28 322 21 28 22 I 28 22 1.466
23 I 32 83 5 32 143 9 32 203 13 32 263 17 32 323 21 32 23 I 32 23 1 5.33
24 I 36 84 536 144 9 36 204 13 36 264 17 36 324 21 36 24 136 24 1.600
25 I 40 85 5 40 145 9 40 205 13 40 265 1740 32s 21 40 25 I 40 25 1.666
26 I 44 86 5 44 146 9 44 206 13 44 266 1744 326 21 44 26 I 44 26 1-733
27 I 48 87 548 147 948 207 1348 267 1748 327 21 48 27 148 27 1.800
28 1 52 88 5 52 148 9 52 208 13 52 268 17 52 328 21 52 28 I 52 28 1.866
29 156 89 5 56 149 9 56 209 13 56 269 17 56 329 21 56 29 156 29 I 933
30 2 0 90 6 0 150 IC 0 210 14 0 270 18 0 330 22 0 30 2 0 30 2 000
31 ^ i 91 6 4 151 10 4 211 14 4 271 18 4 331 22 4 31 2 4 31 2.066
32 2 8 92 6 8 152 IC 8 212 14 8 272 18 8 332 22 8 32 2 8 32 2.133
33 2 12 93 6 12 153 10 12 213 14 12 273 18 12 333 22 12 33 2 12 33 2.200
34 2 16 94 6 16 154 IC 16 214 14 16 274 18 16 334 22 16 34 2 16 34 2.266
35 2 20 95 6 20 155 10 20 215 14 20 275 18 20 335 22 20 35 2 20 35 2-333
36 2 24 96 6 24 156 IC 24 216 14 24 276 18 24 336 22 24 36 2 24 3C 2.400
37 2 28 97 6 28 157 1028 t\l 14 28 277 18 28 337 22 28 37 2 28 37 2.466
38 2 32 98 i^i 158 10 32 14 32 278 '^32 338 22 32 38 2 32 38 2-533
39 2 36 99 6 36 159 10 36 219 14 36 279 18 36 339 22 36 39 2 36 39
40 2 40 100 6 40 160 10 40 220 14 40 280 18 40 340 22 40 40 2 40 40 2,666
4' 2 44 101 ^.'^ 161 10 44 221 14 44 281 18 44 341 22 44 41 2 44 41 2 733
4^ 2 48 102 6 48 162 10 48 222 14 48 282 18 48 342 22 48 42 2 48 42 2,800
43 2 52 103 652 163 10 52 223 14 52 283 '^52 343 22 52 43 2 52 43 2,866
44 256 104'f •;& 164 10 56 224 14 56 284 18 56 344 22 56 44 256 44 2933
45 3 0 105; 7 -' 165 II 0 225 15 0 285 19 0 345 23 0 45 3 0 45 3,000
46 3 4 106 7 i 166 II 4 226 '5 4 2S6 % \ 346 23 4 46 3 4 40 3.0C6
47 3 8 107 7 8 lei II 8 227 15 8 287 23 8 47 3 8 47 3 133
48 3 12 108 7 12 II 12 228 15 12 288 19 12 it^ 23 12 48 3 12 48 3,200
49 316 109 7 16 169 II 16 229 15 16 289 19 16 349 23 16 49 316 49 3,266
SO 3 20 no 7 20 170 II 20 230 15 20 290 19 20 350 23 20 SO 3 20 50 3-333
51 324 111 724 171 II 24 231 15 24 291 19 24 351 23 24 51 51 3.400
52 328 112 728 172 II 28 232 15 28 292 19 28 352 23 28 52 3 28 52 3.466
S3 3 32 113 732 173 II 32 233 15 32 293 19 32 353 23 32 53 3 32 S3 3-533
54 336 114 7 36 174 II 36 234 IS 36 294 19 36 354 23 36 54 336 54 3.Soo
55 3 40 115 7 40 175 II 40 23s 15 40 295 19 40 355 23 40 3 40 3,666
56 3 44 116 7 44 II 44 236 IS 44 296 19 44 356 23 44 I 3 44 11
3 48
Wl 748
177 II 48 oil 1548 297 1948 .357 2348 348 57 i.m
11 3 52 752 178 11 52 15 52 298 19 52 358 23 52 11 3 52 58 3-866
|_£9 3 56 H9 756 179 II 56 238239 15 56 299 19 56 359 23 56 59 3 56 59 3 933
TABLE Xa — lU uuiNViiKi ivijLiii-." INTO SIDEREAL TIME. 103
Mean T. Correction. Mean T. Correction. Mean T. Correction. Corr. for min.
and sec.
h. tn. m. + s. k. m. m, s.
k. m. tn. s.
nt, s, s.

o o 0 0.00 8 0 I 18.85 16 0 2 37-70 0 10 0.03

lo 1.64 10 20.50 10 39-35 20 0.05
20 3-29 20 22.14 20 40.99 30 0.08
30 4-93 30 23.78 30 43.63 40 oil
40 6.57 40 25.42 40 44-28 SO 0,14
50 8.21 50 27.07 50 45-92 I 0 0,16
20 0,19
I 0 0 9.86 9 0 I 28.71 17 0 2 47-56
11.50 30.35 49-20 30 0,25
10 10 10 40 0,27
20 13-14 30 31.99 20 50.85 SO 0,30
30 I4^78 30 33^64 30 53-49 2 0 0.33
40 16.43 40 35-28 40 54-13 10 0.36
SO i£.o7 50 36.92 SO 55-77 20 0.38
30 0.41
2 0 0 19.71 lo 0 1 38.56 18 0 2 57-42 40 0,44
10 21.36 10 40.21 10 59.06 SO 0,47
20 23.00 30 41.85 20 3 0.70 3 0 0 49
30 24.64 30 43.49 30 2-34 10 0.52
40 26.28 40 45.14 40 3-99 20 0.5s
SO 27.93 50 46.78 SO 5-63 30 0 60
40 0,63
3 0 0 29.57 II 0 I 48.42 19 0 3 7-27 4 0 0,66
10 31.21 10 50.06 10 8.92 10 0.68
20 32-86 20 51.71 20 10.56 20 0.71
30 34-50 30 53^35 30 12.20 30 0,74
40 36.14 40 54^99 40 13-84 40 0,77
50 37.78 SO 56.64 50 15-49 SO 0.79
S 0 0.82
4 0 0 39.43 13 0 I 58.28 20 0 3 17-13 10 0 85
10 41.07 10 59.92 10 18.77 20
30 0.88
20 43.71 20 2 1.56 20 20.42 40 0 93
30 44-35 30 3-?' 30 22.06 50 0.96
40 46.00 40 4.85 40 23.70 6 0 0 99
50 47.64 50 6.49 50 25-34
10 I.OI
20 1.04
5 0 0 49.28 13 0 2 8.13 21 0 3 26.99 30 1.07
10 50-92 10 9.78 10 28.63 40 1.10
20 53 57 20 11.42 20 30.27 SO 1.12
30 54.21 30 1306 30 31 91 7 0 1.15
40 55-85 40 14.70 40 33 56 10 1.18
50 57-50 50 16.3s SO 35.20 20 1.21
30 I 23
6 0 0 59.14 14 0 3 17.99 23 0 3 36.84 40 1.26
10 I 0.78 10 19.63 10 38.48 SO 1.29
20 3.42 20 21.28 30 40.13 8 0 1 31
30 4.07 30 22.92 30 41.77 10 1 34
40 5-71 40 24.56 40 43.41 20 1 37
SO 7.35 SO 26.20 50 45^06 30 1.40
40 1.42
7 0 I 10.64
9.00 15 0 2 27.85
33 0 3 46.70
9 SO
0 1-4S
10 10 10 1.50
20 12.28 20 31.13 20 49.98 20
30 13.92 30 33.77 30 5i^63 30 1 53
40 15.57 40 34.42 40 53^27 40 1.59
50 17.21 50 36.06 SO 54^91 SO 1,62
Sid. T. Correction. Sid. T. Correction. Sid. T. Correction. Corr. for min.
— — — and sec.
h, m. tn. s. h, tn. tn, s. h. tn. tn, s. tn. s, s.

0 o 0 0.00 8 0 I 18.64 16 0 2 37.27 0 10 0.03

10 1.64 10 20.28 10 38.91 20 0.05
20 3.28 20 21.91 20 40.55 30 0,08
30 4.92 30 23-55 30 43.19 40 0, II
40 6.5s 40 25.19 40 43.83 50 0,14
50 8.19 SO 26.83 50 45.46 I 0 0.16
10 0.19
I 0 0 9^83 9 0 I 28.47 17 0 2 47.10 20 0,22
30 0,25
10 11.47 10 30.10 10 48.74 40 0.27
20 13-" 20 31^74 20 50.38 50 0,30
30 ^i-H 30 33^38 30 52.02 2 0 0,33
40 16.38 40 35.02 40 53.66 10 0,35
so 18.02 SO 36.66 SO 55.29 20 0,38
30 0,41
1 0 0 19.66 10 0 I 38.30 18 0 2 56^93 40 0,44
10 21.30 10 39.93 10 58.57 50 0.47
20 32.94 20 41.57 20 3 0.21 3 0 0.49
30 24-57 30 43.21 30 ••8S 10 0.52
40 26.21 40 44.85 40 3^48 90 o-SS
SO 27-85 SO 46.49 SO 5.12 30 0.60
SO 0,63
3 0 0 29.49 II 0 I 48.13 19 0 3 6.76 4 0 0.66
10 31-13 10 49.76 10 8.40 10 0.68
20 32.76 20 51.40 20 10.04 20 0.71
30 34.40 30 53.04 30 11.68 30 0.74
40 36.04 40 54.68 40 1332 40 0,76
SO 37.68 SO 56.32 SO 14^95 SO 0,79
S 0 0,82
4 0 0 39.32 13 0 I 57.96 20 0 3 16.59 10 0.85
10 40.96 10 59-59 10 18.23 20 0.87
20 42.60 20 2 1.23 20 19.87 30 0,90
30 44.23 30 2.87 30 21.51 40 0 93
40 45.87 40 4.51 40 23^14 50 0.96
SO 47.51 SO 6.15 SO 24.78 6 0 0,98
10 I.OI
5 0 0 49.IS 13 0 2 7.78 21 0 3 26.42 1,06
20 1.04
10 50.79 10 9.42 10 28.06 40 1,09
20 52 42 20 11.06 20 29.70 50 1,12
30 54.06 30 12.70 30 31.34 7 0 1,15 '
40 55.70 40 14.34 40 32.97 10 •* - * J
SO 57.34 SO 15.98 SO 34.61 20 1,17
30 1.23 :
6 0 0 58.98 14 0 2 17.61 23 0 3 36.25 40 1,20
10 I 0.62 10 19.25 10 37.89 SO 1.28
20 2.25 20 20.89 20 39.53 8 0 1-31
30 3.89 30 22.53 30 41.16 10 1-34
40 5.53 40 24.17 40 42.80 20 ^•37
SO 7.17 SO 25.80 50 44.44 30 1-39
40 1.42
Se 1-4S
7 0 I 8.81 15 0 3 27.44 23 0 3 46.08
10 10.44 10 29.08 10 47.73 9 0 1-47
20 12.08 20 30.72 20 49.36 10 1.50
30 13.72 30 32.36 30 51.00 30 I-S3
40 15.36 40 34.00 40 52.63 1,58
40 1,50
SO 17.00 SO 35.64 SO 54.27 50 I,Si
^ — k

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