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Alexander A.

Ayson Science 10-Amethyst

Kinetic Molecular Theory states that gas particles are in constant motion and exhibit perfectly
elastic collisions. Kinetic Molecular Theory can be used to explain both Charles' and Boyle's
Laws. The average kinetic energy of a collection of gas particles is directly proportional to
absolute temperature only.

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter #1

Gases consist of large numbers of tiny particles that are far apart

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter #2

Gas particles are in continuous rapid random motion

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter #3

ELASTIC COLLISION--no net loss of kinetic energy (kinetic energy transfered); KE = 1/2mv^2

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter #4

NO forces of attraction between molecules

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter #5

The average kinetic energy depends of the TEMPERATURE (which the unit is kelvin).

ideal gases: Gases which does not have any molecular attraction. Means molecules are free to
Real gases: gases which have molecular attraction.

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