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Who Is Man?

All through the existence of humanity,the subject matter has remianed unequivocally ageless.As a
matter of fact, man had questioned the entirety of his personality in terms of his existence, purpose and
approach to handling subordinates.By trivial standards, he has figured out certain believed-to-be
commensurates of his existence.However, they are not able to answer the ‘who is man’ question. Then,
who is man?

Our casestudy would be focused on an analogy, the Coca-Cola soft drink.Without a doubt, it is liquid
made up of constituent chemicals encased in a bottle or canned.In the same vein,man is really a spirit
being that possess or the soul and ‘encased’ or lives in a body.

The liquid content of the Coca-Cola soft drink bottle is a free-moving entity.However, it needs to be
cased for proper consumption;value for money. Similarly, man, originally a spirit being, needs an
inhabitation or a place of residence for proper relationship with the physically discerned three-
dimensional world of his.The casing or residence where he resides is the body.

The Coca-Cola bottle is an enclosure where the liquid can be found.This is for the eventual appreciation
by the eventual consumer.No doubt, the human body ‘houses’ the ‘inner man’ or spirit and is able to
continually carry out demonstrated thoughts and actions.The body’s ability to demonstrate various
thoughts and actions is made possible by the human sense organs. They are made alive by the essential
human blood;responsible for the longevity of the natural body to continually demonstrate his thoughts
and actions.Man’s ability to demonstrate his thoughts and actions is the quality of the ever-present soul.

The soul is an essential quality or ‘feature’ of man that makes him a unique being, in the natural sense
and possible the body’s ability to demonstrate thoughts and actions. The soul, the mind’s house is a
thought and action factory.This is a worthy-of-note statement.The liquid content of the soft drink, Coca
Cola, contains essential chemicals that bring about its unique taste. In an analogous fashion, the soul (or
the mind, to be precise) makes man unique, in a way.

In all, the subject matter can be addressed in terms of where his name, what he has and where he
resides.Therefore, based on these premises, man is a spirit being, he lives in a body and has a soul.

Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

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