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…a phase of true



Humanity’s mandate by God; the emblem of all viable works of
nature is to exert its all-encompassing nature by unraveling the
mysteries of the dynamics of all entities and their efficacies. In
other words, the basis of existence of humanity is explained by its
calling; applying the god character to use: inter-relating the
dynamics of all works of nature to commensurate its existence.

In response to the asserted mandate, humanity, over the years,

has devised time – influenced standards and methods to
continually leave up to anticipation. As a matter of fact, humanity
to a large extent, believes that it has exerted the “god of the
universe” quality to recognize and act on the unveiled mysteries
of nature. The various norms, values (ethics), endeavours,
patterns, and skills are the methods and standards employed
by humanity in response to its mandate.

However, humanity had over time depicted a discrepancy in its

calling. Undoubtedly, it has prioritized certain efficacious entities
discovered and acted on over others thereby making them
seemingly less important. Certainly, the consequences are well
spelt out. How?

Consider a farmland where there are different crops to be

cultivated. The laissez-a-faire attitude of the farmer in

systematically arranging (by spacing) his crops will create an
unhealthy harvest as an unfavourable “survival of the fittest”
competition arises amongst the cultivated crops thereby denying
the relatively weak crops the necessary factors of growth.
Consequently, some die while the living but denied ones suffer
from different forms of abnormal physiological or morphological
diseases. Whereas, care exercised by the farmer should have
prevented the chance of “this harsh” competition from occurring.

Similarly, the standards, ethics, and other recognized

methodologies developed by humanity to actualize its calling have
unequivocally faced not-good challenges. These interests have
prioritized the efficacies of certain human-developed discoveries
and not defined others. In today’s world, multifarious socio-
economic, cultural and political set backs are as a result of
inequality of developed strategies by humanity.
The questions “is there a way out of these?” and “if there is,
which way?” arise. No doubt, there is a need to re-defining the
human recognition of interests. How?

Precisely, re-defining the human recognition of interests which as

we will see later, is no doubt a phase of true modernization. The
come-to-stay coined term “Engi(o)sophy” surfaces to serve this
purpose. To begin with, what is the meaning of Engi(o)sophy?

As asserted, Engi(o)sophy is a projected come-to-stay
development aimed at re-defining the human recognition of
interests which is a phase of true modernization.

Engi (o) sophy is theoretically a derived product resulting from the

fusion of engineering and philosophy. It can be likened to a
mulatto being that results from the fusion of the gametes of a
Caucasian lady and Negroid man. The representation is shown

Creative Coming Together
ENGI(O)SOPHY Product of fusion

Literally, Engi(o)sophy views engineering as a present continuous

term, that is, a precisely creative process and philosophy as
intricacies or principles. Therefore, Engi(o)sophy literally can be
viewed as “continuum of intricacies”. By continuum, we mean
continued improvement or modification of. Interestingly,
Engi(o)sophy cuts across all disciplines saliently unveiling the
practiced but not spelt out engineering and philosophy. The literal
meaning of Engi(o)sophy is considered. In other words,

Engi(o)sophy is unusually defining but rightly expressing
philosophy and engineering in all endeavours of human existence.

• Historically, the new concept derives its name from the

words “Engi” (as in Engineering), meaning ‘creative’ and (o)sophy
(as in philosophy), meaning “wisdom”. Therefore, Engi(o)sophy is
simply “creative wisdom”. It can be analyzed as:
Engineering + Philosophy = Engineering-Philosophy.
However, considering the “fusion”, “Engi” + (o)sophy” =
“Engi(o)sophy”, the surest possibility! Why the bracket signs
on “o”, one of the spell-outs of Engi(o)sophy and why is it the
surest possibility?

• Engi(o)sophy, as applied to human endeavours, is the

theoretical equivalent of practice. The word “sophy” originates
from the Greek word “sophia” meaning wisdom, precisely,
theoretical wisdom. Irrespective of discipline, Engi(o)sophy is the
theory of its practice.

• Engi(o)sophy is a pictured come-to-stay concept which

asserts unequivocally the fact that all human disciplines
(recognized and yet to come) are an appreciation of creative
wisdom. As a matter of fact, they derive their source from the
term “creative wisdom”. It is a fact that integrate all fields of
human discipline to itself; having all disciplines answer the name

Engi(o)sophy in its recognition because it is a translation of the
(original) source of all human disciplines, creative wisdom. All
disciplines are wisely created by man and are continually
improved using time –influenced aids (or technologies) for the
continued recognition and benefit of mankind.
Engi(o)sophy can be diagrammatically explained using the
physical features of the trees as shown in (A) and (B)


G ^
D γ

In (A), the tree physically has the following features; the Root,
labeled as A’, the stem, labeled as D, the Branches labeled as E,
leaves (or flowers), labeled as F and fruits, labeled as G. the seed
(as labeled C) stretches to the ground as shown by the thread-like
lines. This forms the root region (A’). The root region leads to the
stem which then develops into branches. These advance into the
sprouting of leaves or flowers which in turn produce fruits.
Similarly, Engi(o)sophy factually asserts that the foundation or
source of all known disciplines (and the ones yet to come) is

creative wisdom. Creative wisdom stems out ideas.Ideas develop
into knowledge, as applied to all recognized fields of human
interest.It is then appreciated via application, which in turn, serves
the purpose of benefit to mankind just as the tree in (A) is planted
for the benefit of the farmer. The tree’s growth as dependent on
certain factors. Obviously, light radiating from the sun (J)
contributes to the advancement of the tree to producing quality
fruits. In the same vein, Engi(o)sophy unequivocally claims that
the advantages, every discipline has to offer, depends largely on
available aids (known as technologies) which are usually
determined by time (in terms of use).

In simple terms, ROOT - Creative wisdom

STEM - Ideas
Branches - knowledge as related to all
recognized by mankind.
Flowers (or leaves) – Application of knowledge.
Fruits - Benefits (Advantages) to

Engi(o)sophy is name given to all disciplines. How?

As for as the development, Engi(o)sophy, is concerned, there are
basically two kinds of sciences namely “interactive and non-
interactive sciences.” This is because the general discernment by

people will determine level (in terms of number) of their
participation in these interests.

Non-Interactive Sciences: There are referred to as “Orchestrated”

Sciences. These are sciences generally discerned by individuals
that do not see widespread communication because of their not-
people-friendly nature (discouraging their ‘active’ participation).
The term “Orchestrated” is the meaning of the bracketed o as in
Engi(o)sophy and stands for natural, core or key. Therefore,
“Orchestrated” sciences apply to subjects such as physics,
chemistry, biology and other inter-disciplinary (core) subjects.

Interactive Sciences: These are referred to as “social” sciences.

These are sciences generally discerned by individuals that
(relatively) see widespread communication because of their
people friendly nature. (Encouraging their ‘active’ participation).
This is the reason for the greater number of “adherents” in social
sciences than their non-interactive counterparts. They are
applicable to sciences such as Economics, sociology, politics,
management psychology et al.

Again, consider (A). The nature of seed (c) naturally (genetically)

determines the morphological and physiology of the tree. In other
words, the content of the seed simply determines the physical
appearance of the tree. Therefore, the “content” of Engi(o)sophy

is the EAD concept of words that acts on the principle of “words
make the world work”. It is a projected modern dictionary
framework of Engi(o)sophy aimed at activating the functionality of
words as though they are humans!). The Explicit Alphabetic
Denotation (EAD) is a concept which involves “explicitly” denoting
the meaning of a particular term is used in a given context via
analyzing the alphabetic spell-outs (and or with some
attachments, where necessary in bracket) whose first alphabet is
the same as each of the alphabetic components, on the basis of
literal “know-how”. In simple terms, it is the source of reference of
D-denying S-systematic L-Legally G-Goodness A-
E-Entities C-Creation (of) A-Administered O -Unto C-
A-A I-Ideologies W-Worth, D-Divinity T-Terms
T-True E-Expatiating AND
H-Habitation N-Notions A-Adding (Addition)
C-Concerning N-Noted (Noted)
E-Entities D-Details (Details),
T-Thorough are stated examples of the EAD
R-Revelation concept of words

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