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Republic of the Philippines


Tacloban City


Unit Performance Commitment and Review (UPCR)

I, NAME OF RATEE of the DEPARTMENT NAME commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following TARGETS in accordance with the indicated measures for the period January
2015 to December 2015.

Academic Unit Chair

Reviewed by: Approved by:


Immediate Supervisor Date University President Date

Success Indicator Rating

Output Actual Accomplishments Remarks
(Target + Measure) Q E T Average
A. Core Function
MFO 1: Higher Education Services
1. Direct Instruction Function
a. Percentage of graduates in Shall turn out ____ % of graduates in 80.77% of graduates are in mandated and priority FPES-
mandated and priority programs mandated and priority programs within the programs IA
prescribed timeframe by managing learning
through teaching for independent learning,
knowledge of subject, commitment, and
b. Percentage passing in Licensure Shall turn out ___ % of board passers in the (Note: Accomplishment taken from PERF I-A rating) FPES
Exam _______ exam by supplementing and IA-2.3
enriching course content with more current
library and internet sources
c. Percentage of graduates finishing Shall turn out ___ % of graduates finishing (Note: Accomplishment taken from PERF I-A rating) FPES
programs within the timeframe programs within the timeframe assisting IA-2.1
students with their school-related concerns by
being available beyond official teaching hours
2. Instructional-Related Function
a. Submission of syllabi for subjects Shall have submitted to Academic Unit Chair
taught revised syllabi for all subjects taught at end of
the term
Success Indicator Rating
Output Actual Accomplishments Remarks
(Target + Measure) Q E T Average
b. Submission of Test Questions with Shall have submitted to Academic Unit Chair
Table of Specifications (TOS) test questions with TOS taught at the end of
the term
c. Production of IMs Shall have produced quality and relevant
instructional materials for use in subjects
d. Submission of Grades Shall have submitted to concerned offices the
grade sheets at the end of the term
e. Submission of list of students with Shall have submitted to the Academic Unit
deficiencies Head the list of students with deficiencies (with
corresponding list of the lacking requirements)
f. Submission of compiled Shall have submitted to the Academic Unit
certificates of Head the certificates of
training/conferences/seminars training/conferences/seminars attended one
attended by faculty week after the end of the year
g. Conservation of energy and Shall have fully supported the implementation
material resources of the energy and material conservation
policies of the University without lapses
3. Accreditation of undergraduate At least one of the programs shall have been
curricular programs (AACCUP/COPC) submitted for COPC/AACCUP Accreditation
as scheduled
MFO 2: Advance Education Services
1. Direct Instruction Function
a. Percentage of graduates in Shall turn out ____ % of graduates in 80.77% of graduates are in mandated and priority FPES-
mandated and priority programs mandated and priority programs within the programs IA
prescribed timeframe by managing learning
through teaching for independent learning,
knowledge of subject, commitment, and
b. Percentage passing in Licensure Shall turn out ___ % of board passers in the (Note: Accomplishment taken from PERF I-A rating) FPES
Exam _______ exam by supplementing and IA-2.3
enriching course content with more current
library and internet sources
c. Percentage of graduates finishing Shall turn out ___ % of graduates finishing (Note: Accomplishment taken from PERF I-A rating) FPES
programs within the timeframe programs within the timeframe assisting IA-2.1
students with their school-related concerns by
being available beyond official teaching hours
2. Instructional-Related Function
a. Submission of syllabi for subjects Shall have submitted to Academic Unit Chair
taught revised syllabi for all subjects taught at end of
the term
Success Indicator Rating
Output Actual Accomplishments Remarks
(Target + Measure) Q E T Average
b. Submission of Test Questions with Shall have submitted to Academic Unit Chair
Table of Specifications (TOS) test questions with TOS taught at the end of
the term
c. Production of IMs Shall have produced quality and relevant
instructional materials for use in subjects
d. Submission of Grades Shall have submitted to concerned offices the
grade sheets at the end of the term
e. Submission of list of students with Shall have submitted to the Academic Unit
deficiencies Head the list of students with deficiencies (with
corresponding list of the lacking requirements)
f. Submission of compiled Shall have submitted to the Academic Unit
certificates of Head the certificates of
training/conferences/seminars training/conferences/seminars attended one
attended by graduate faculty week after the end of the year
g. Conservation of energy and Shall have fully supported the implementation
material resources of the energy and material conservation
policies of the University without lapses
MFO 3: Research Services
1. Research outputs
a. Number of research studies Four research studies completed within the
completed timeframe
b. Research Terminal Report Shall have compiled hard copies of terminal
reports two months after the completion of
research studies with minor revisions
2. Publication, Dissemination of Research
a. Publication in a recognized refereed At least one research output shall have been
journal of the research output published in a recognized refereed journal
(whether or not within a year
copyrighted/submitted for copyright,
patented/submitted for patenting)
b. Dissemination of research findings At least one research finding shall have been
in research fora or conferences disseminated in research fora or conferences
within a year
MFO 4: Technical Advisory Extension
1. Beneficiaries served
a. Number of persons trained At least ____ persons shall have been
(weighted by length of training) provided with relevant training within a year
b. Number of persons provided with At least ____ persons shall have been
technical advice provided with relevant technical advice within
a year
Success Indicator Rating
Output Actual Accomplishments Remarks
(Target + Measure) Q E T Average
2. Quality of technical advisory/extension
a. Satisfaction level of participants on 80% of trainees shall have rated the training N/A
the training/seminar conducted course as “good” or “better”
b. Satisfaction level of clients who 80% of trainees shall have rated the advisory N/A
received the advisory services services as “good” or “better”
3. Timeliness of service delivery
a. Percentage of requests for technical At least 90% of the requests for technical
advice responded to within 3 days advice shall have been appropriately
responded to within 3 days
b. Percentage of recipients of training At least 80% of persons who received training N/A
or advisory services rated “good” or or advisory services shall have rated
“better” on the timeliness of the timeliness of service delivery as “good” or
service delivery “better”
4. Activity Report Shall have prepared and submitted an
accomplishment report three weeks after the
implementation of the extension activity
(training conducted, technical advisory service
provided, community outreach undertaken,
and the like) with minor corrections
B. Support to Operations
 Submission of necessary documents
a. SALN 100% of the fulltime faculty shall have
submitted SALN by February, 2015 without
b. DTR 80% of the fulltime faculty shall have
submitted DTR to the Academic Unit Chair (for
signature) on or before the 8th day of the
month without error
c. APP/PPMP Shall have submitted to the Dean the Unit’s
APP/PPMP on or before due date without
d. Office Accomplishment Report(s) Shall have submitted to the Dean the Unit’s
accomplishment report by December, 2015
without error
e. Reports required by line agencies 100% of the required documents shall have
been submitted to requesting line agencies on
or before due date without error
C. General Administration Support
1. Budget Utilization Rate N/A
Success Indicator Rating
Output Actual Accomplishments Remarks
(Target + Measure) Q E T Average
2. Submission of Reports to COA, DBM N/A
and GPPB N/A
Total Overall Rating
Final Average Rating
Adjectival Rating
Comments/ Recommendation for Development Purposes

I certify that I have discussed my assessment of the performance

with the employee


Employee Date Immediate Supervisor Date University President Date
LEGEND * Categories Q – Quality E – Efficiency T – Timeliness
: ** Adjectival Rating 5 – Outstanding 4 – Very Satisfactory 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Unsatisfactory 1 - Poor

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