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natural regulator Chandra feels Neutral toward Kuja

Graha Drishti

 the energetic glance of Mangala-4 injects: bhava-7, bhava-10, bhava-11.

Actions (yang Mangala) originate in the emotionally patriotic, sheltering, tidal, continuously
rhythmic instincts (4)

Targeted, outgoing vigor of Mangala-4 penetrates:

 yuvati bhava-7 = proactive negotiating of contracts and agreements; aggressive bargaining with threats
= Kuja Dosha
 karma bhava-10 = performing executive leadership duties; initiating changes in corporate structure from
an emotional motive; some deficiency of impulse control in organizational director roles
 labha bhava-11 = earning material achievements and marketplace income; Mangala's eye is on salary and
 Strength of Mangala Drishti from Mangala-bhava-4

Excellent placement for pursuit, active movement at the base layer, foundation, oceanic or underground.

 diggers, drillers
 buriers; underground utilities
 excavation, cavity - exempli gratia, professional dentist
 boring, gouging
 tunneling, burrowing
 submarine, subterranean
 bunker, basement, sub-basement

Pursuit of assets which lay underground, such as oil and gas resources

Includes those who work with the base layer of society, the very poorest most numerous. As POTUS-16 Abraham
Lincoln famously said, "God must love the common people. He made so many of them!"

 God's Dream 1931- Anglican Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu

May apply to personalities who develop entirely new (Kuja) foundational layers in science, law, or marketplace
systems. Upon this new foundation can be built new civilization.

 Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates helped initiate (Mangala) the new information economy *
Kanya logical argument

May also apply to one energetically (Kuja) involved in a homeland (4) in conflict, including war

 POTUS-06 American System 1767-1868 John Quincy Adams + Budha-yuti-Ketu* Revolutionary War
and the diplomacy and governance of its aftermath
 POTUS-08 Democratic Party 1782-1862 Martin Van Buren * Kuja-4parivartamsha Zukra-5 * War of
 POTUS-12 California Statehood 1784-1850 Zachary Taylor * Euro-American Indian Wars of expansion
and appropriation of lands

May express as a passion for fast-moving (Kuja) transportation (4), especially personal driving

Can indicate a dynamic energized drive toward matters of home or homeland, building or rebuilding

 Graceland 1945- drama-commerce Priscilla Presley renovated (Kuja, new) the mansion (4) of her iconic
husband Elvis Presley. After her extensive repairs and improvements, the home became a shrine of
pilgrimage to millions of Elvis-lovers from the base layer of society (4). * Meena pilgrimage

Swabhava of Chandra seeks a rhythmic habitual lifestyle that follows the cycles of the Moon like the ocean tides.

Mangala can interrupt this wordless, ancient, grounded flow of human life like a toddler who jolts the steady
rocking of baby sibling's cradle.

Beware Mangala's youthful impatience with change-resistant defenders of the Old Ways, and conservative folks
like schoolteachers, parents, patriots, and property owners.

Live and let live. Let sleeping dogs lie. Patriotic actions like aggressive military defense of the land
by courageous Kuja are however are much appreciated by the folk.

The mother of Kuja-4 = a "do-er" who is active, competitive, productive, always moving and somewhat
impatient. Her lifespan may be shortened, potentially by diseases of over-doing or over-producing such as
Multiple Sclerosis or breast cancer or sudden impact events.

Mangala-4 can super-energize the early home environment via frequent house-shift. Potential for conflict or high
competition in the childhood home, and stress of responding to much movement in and of the home can affect the
mother. Ideally the foundational home is a stable place with deep roots and not much moving about. However
Mangala-4 initiates new and forceful movement, which can be warlike in Mesha-Vrizchika and can be especially
aggressive-competitive in Mesha. Mangala-4 indicates aggressions in the home and potential for attacks upon the
mother, the house, or the homeland.

Unsettling, frequent moves or deep emotional conflict in the family home unless Moon or Guru help. Kuja-4 =
self-directed; little patience for restrictive family codes. Mother works a demanding job or home may be
constantly renovated.

100% Kuja dosha toward the first marriage (7)

However manglika disability may be modified or eliminated by favorable drishti from bhava-1.

Childhood home

Unsettled childhood (4) with overt conflict in the family home (4). Rashi of Kuja indicates the contentious topics
of competitive discourse.

Good for energetically building up the career (10). Benefits energetic pursuit of gains from income through
independent, competitive market behaviors (11).

Karaka for early decease of a parent, especially the mother.

Karaka for death at home.

Father or parent

Earns best when not constrained by a regular salary but rather earns by commission, through
association (including marriage) or other method which rewards personal initiative. High-energy behavior in
marketplace, even if illegal, will prosper.

Depends on Shani whether the illicit earnings will be punished or not. Good for community development
networking and fundraising for political campaigns..

Conflict, competition and disruption in the home environment . Karaka for divorce or death of the parents,
particularly for trouble to the mother. Sickness and overwork for the mother.

Political instability or war in the land of birth, causing change of home and country. Conflicts between the
parents due to difference in parental origins, conflict between the grandmothers (the mothers of the native 's two

Conflict with conservative national government, with the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural
norms and traditions of the dominant culture or associated with the land and its people. An agent for social and
physical mobility , breaking up stuck old social behaviors, Anti-caste And opposed to fixed locations whether
physical or social.

Parenting style may be non-traditional or eccentric, with a willingness to move house for professional or political
reasons or bringing the parent's work into the home. Karaka for a home office especially if lagnesha in bhava-4.

Dislikes customary social ranking. An independent agent; aggressively seeking reward for individual
performance while rejecting inherited family benefits. Due to Kuja's drishti upon bhava-10, Kuja in 4 helps
independent career. Due to Kuja's drishti upon bhava-11, Kuja-4 may also generate a strong output motive which
stimulates earnings.

Even with frequent changes of career due to dissatisfaction and restlessness, Kuja-4 will earn reasonably well. In
fact native will realize some substantial gain of earnings through entering and leaving positions. Often
discontented in their work, but does well in independent, targeted, competitive, project-oriented tasks. Capable of
vigorous physical labor, especially in short bursts. Not good for long-term commitments.

A"rolling stone" who moves house frequently. If bandesha-4 is gracious, the homes may be lovely, but Kuja-4
may continue to migrate from home to home. Too much competitive energy to stay in one place. If bandesha-4 is
less benevolent, damage to the home through disaster (social or physical). If yuti Budha, frequent arguing in the
family home. With Chandra, ambitious and works well with mother. If Kuja is lagnesha, Kuja-4 = deeply
identified with the home.

Kuja-4 = restlessness begins to recede after Kuja"matures "at age 28;

but when Kuja occupies Sukha Bhava-4 even a late-life Kuja bhukti may re-stimulate their peripatetic instincts.

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