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Planets from AL

By Vedic Jyotishi Shanker on Saturday, 8 October 2011 at 14:57

The following data gives information about which planets are good from Arudha lagna. AL denotes the image of the person in the society and
placement of planets from this would give information(image) about the native from the society point of view

1,4,7,10 is Bhoo Sakthi(kendra from AL) and planets like Venus and Mercury are good from AL
2,5,8,11 is Shree Sakhthi(Panapara from AL) and planets like Sun,Moon,Jupiter are good from AL
3,6,9,12 is Neela Sakhthi(Apoklimas from AL) and planets like Mars,Saturn,Rahu and ketu are good when placed in these house from AL

2nd house from AL gives reputation to the native and malefics are not good as it destroys the reputation

3rd house from AL makes the native courageous. It is said that Malefics are good here but at the same time they would cause the person to
curse the native.

4th house from AL talks about the organization with which the native is associated. Malefics are not good here

5th house from AL talks about the immediate support groups for the native. A good planet would give Raja Sambhandha Yoga. Benefics are
good and not malefics

6th from AL is the house of destruction. Tamasic house with Tamasic karakas.Rajasic planet would loose their creativity, Sattvic planet
become weak here . Tamasic planets become much more active and would have the same effect as Tamasic planets are placed in the 3rd

7th from Al is the house of door to the outside world.Malefics are not good here as if malefics are placed Sama, Dhama, Dandopaya has to
be used to come out of it.

8th from AL. Benefics are good here. Malefics are bad.

9th from AL is the house of transformation. Good after bad happens here. But if a planet is in curse even though it is good but eventually bad
would take place

10th from Al talks about the reputation at the work place. Malefics if exalted damage your reputation. If Venus is placed here such person do
not listen to others as their dhi(intelligence) would not work

11th from AL talks about gains. Benefics are good. Financial sambandha has to be checked to see which planet would like to give money

12th from AL talks about expenditure and charitability. If you want to do charity planets are good here, if you dont want to give they are bad.

UL in 12th from AL the native would reject the marraige as they feel that marraige is a burden

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