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Shukra sadhana / Mantras for Venus / remedies for Venus / Mantras for marriage /

I have personally practiced these mantras as a remedial measure for my Venus every day for more than 2 months.
The better the concentration, the better the results. Fixed in the present moment, self-aware and clear of all thoughts, you have to concentrate on the sound of the
mantras. Merge with the sound!
All these mantras are sattvic and safe because they are aimed at the Supreme God. For the correct pronunciation please go to any hindu temple and find someone who
knows how to read sanskrit. I took it upon myself to find how to pronounce these, but I'm not 100% sure that the way I chant them is the way it should be done, so...:)
For those who desire to get married I would advise this mantra from Shrimad Bhagavatam (Canto 6, chapter 19, text 8):
oṁ namo bhagavate mahā-puruṣāya mahāvibhūti-pataye svāhā.
Om - O my Lord; namah - obeisances; bhagavate - unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; maha-purusaya - the supreme enjoyer, maha-vibhuti - of the goddess
of fortune; pataye - the husband; svaha - hail
For those who want to get in touch with the divine feminine energy within themselves I would recommend this one (for both men and women)
Om namo bhagavate Rukmini Vallabhaya Svaha
Om - O my Lord; namah - obeisances; bhagavate - unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
Rukmini Vallabhaya - the beloved of Rukmini; svaha - hail.
This is a generally auspicious mantra for Venus:

Om namo bhagavate Rishikeshaya (this mantra is done instead of Parashurama worship)

Om - O my Lord; namah - obeisances; bhagavate - unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
Rishikeshaya - the lord of the senses (referring to Vishnu).

Please remember this verse from Bhagavad Gita in choosing mantras for your daily worship (Chapter 9, text 23):
Those who faithfully dedicate themselves to the worship of demigods worship Me indirectly, but their worship is done with improper understanding.

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