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1. (Algebra) Find the value of x + y in the equation ( x + y ) (1 – 2i ) = 7 – 4i

A. 8

B. 5

C. 7

D. 6

2. (Algebra) A Father and his son can dig a well. If the father works 6 hours
and his son works 12 hours or they can do it if the father works 9 hours
and the son works 8 hours. How long will it take for the father to dig
the well alone?

A. 10 hours

B. 5 hours

C. 15 hours

D. 20 hours

3. (Algebra) If a radioactive element has a half lie of 3 hours, then x grams

of the element dwindles to x/2 grams after 3 hours. If a nuclear reactor
has 400 grams of that radioactive element, find the amount of
radioactive material after 12 hours.

A. 35 grams

B. 40 grams

C. 30 grams

D. 25 grams
4. (Algebra) The price of the dress is reduced by 40 %. When the dress still
does not sell, it is reduced by 40 % of the reduced price. If the price of the
dress after both reductions is Php 72, what is the original price?

A. Php300

B. Php400

C. Php200

D. Php500

5. (Trigonometry) Find two angles such that the angles are supplementary
and the larger is twice the smaller.

A. 70 and 110 degrees

B. 80 and 100 degrees

C. 50 and 170 degrees

D. 60 and 120 degrees

6. (Trigonometry) One leg of a right triangle is 20 inches and the hypotenuse is

10 inches longer than the other leg. Find the length of the hypotenuse.

A. 20 inches

B. 10 inches

C. 25 inches

D. 15 inches

7. (Trigonometry) What do you call two angles with sum of 360?

A. Complementary Angles

B. Supplementary Angles

C. Reflection Angles

D. Conjugate Angle

E. None of the above

8. (Solid Geometry) Find the number of edges of a dodecahedron

9. (Vector) What is the angle between zero based vector, V1=(√3,1),


A. 120

B. 150

C. 180

D. 60

10. (Vector) Compute the value of “ b” if A and B are perpendicular.

A=2i + b + K

B=4i – 2j-2k

11. (Physics) Determine the oscillation of a cable in minutes if the length is 12m.

12. (Physics) A simple pendulum of length L is mounted in a cart, which

moves Uniformly up an inclined plane with a slope S.

Find the period of OSCILLATION. (Refer to the Figure)

13. (Physics) What is the gravitational force that the sun exerts on earth?

Mass of Earth= 5.98 x 10^24 kg

Mass of Sun=1.99 x 10^30 kg

Earth-Sun distance= 150 x 10^9 kg

14. (Economy) The cost C producing x number of scientific calculators is given by
C= 4.50x + 3000 and revenue R from selling them is given R= 16.50x. Find the
number of calculators that must be sold to break even.

A. 300

B. 400

C. 250

D. 350

15. (Probability) In a common carnival game, a player tosses a penny from a

distance of about 5 feet onto the surface of a table ruled in 1-inch squares.

If the penny (3/4 inch in diameter) falls entirely inside a square, the player
receives 5 cents but does not get his penny back, Otherwise he loses his

If the penny lands on the table, what is his chance to win

16. (Probability) Eight Eligible bachelors and seven beautiful models happen
randomly to have purchased single seats in the same 15-seat row of a theater.

On the average, how many pairs of adjacent seats are ticketed for
marriageable couples?

17. (Elementary Surveying) To make peg adjustment, the following notes were


Wye Level at 1 Wye Level at 2

Rod Reading at P 0.75m 1.906m

Rod Reading at Q 2.766m 3.789m

Point 1 is on line PQ and midway between P and Q.

Point 2 is on the same line as P and Q but not between them.

Point 2 is 25m from P and 230m from Q. With the wye level at point 2,

What is the rod reading at P for a level sight?

18. (Route Surveying) A Descending grade of 4.2 % intersects an ascending
grade of 3 % at sta. 12 + 325 at elevation 14.2 m. These two grades are to
be connected by a 260 m vertical parabolic curve. A reinforced concrete
CUVERT PIPE with overall diameter of 105 cm. is to be constructed with its
top 30 cm. below the subgrade.

What will be the invert elevation of the culvert?

19. (PERT/CPM) In a certain network, there are 4 nodes and region,

How many arcs are there in the network?

A. 4

B. 6

C. 8

D. 10

20. (Building Design) This should be shown on site plans for orientation
purposes. Displaying them Prominently is the standard practice.

A. Vicinity Map

B. North Direction

C. Legends and Symbols

D. Scale

E. All of the Above

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