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XII-MIPA 1 / 27


Social Fuction.
To describes how to make banana nugget.

General Structure.
1. Title : How to make banana nugget
2. Materials of ingredients :
 A comb banana
 250 gram flour nugget
 Chocolate bars to taste
 Cheese bars to taste
 500 gram wheat flour
 Cooking oil
 Vanilla milk
 Plate
 Knife
 Grater
 Tablespoon
 Plastic bowl
 Spatulla
 Stove
 Pan
 Oil filter
 Plastic hand
3. Steps or direction :
 Peel the banana that has been separated from the stall.
 Pour the water into the flour, stir the flour until thickened.
 Split the banana into two part.
 Enter the bananas that has been split into the flour mixture.
 Prepare another container, and then put the nuggets flour into the
 After that, put the floured banaa into the nugget flour.
 Turn on the stove and then heat the oil with a medium heat.
 If the oil has been hot, put the bananas nugget into the pan.
 Wait until the bananas color turn brown.
 Add some vanilla milk into the bananas nugget.
 And then, add some chocolate and some cheese into the bananas nugget.
 Finally, bananas nugget is ready to serve.

Language Features
1. Use imperative sentences
Example : Split the banana into two part
2. Use subject spesific vocabulary
Example : Cooking oil
3. Use command verbs
Example : Peel, put, add
4. Use sequences
Example : After that, finally
5. Use technical vocabulary
Example : Gram, mixture

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