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Financial astrologers study the cycles in speculative markets with reference to planetary cycles

and harmonics. Gann wrote about wheels within wheels, or larger cycles containing smaller
cycles all vibrating according to their periodicity. So what is the first step in analysing a Stock?

Financial astrologers start with a natal chart either an incorporation date of the company in
question or alternatively, the day and hour the stocks are listed on the exchange. Markets are
controlled by emotions and on the date of listing, there is a certain culminating emotion and
expectations by the company and prospective shareholders. This symbolic birth creates a
vibration that astrologers use as the base to make future predictions. We have copies of Gann’s
horoscopes he cast for commodities and mundane affairs for the USA.

Below in Chart 1, I have cast a chart for the listing of Telstra on the ASX 17th November 1997
at 10.00 am Sydney, Australia. In company charts, the Sun represents the central energy of the
corporation, its vitality and leadership. The Moon is symbolic of the public and the shareholders.
Therefore, the luminaries are the start of any analysis and we can also use their midpoint as a
focal point representing the relationship between the company and the public. In the natal chart
below, you can see that I’ve highlighted the harmonic formation between the Sun, Moon and
Neptune called a Yod or the Finger of God. The Moon at 25° Gemini becomes the obvious focal
point of the in the Telstra chart.

Using the natal chart as a base, we then look at significant highs and lows in the stock – enabling
us to determine sensitive degrees in the horoscope. Chart 2 below shows the natal chart in the
centre surrounded by the planetary transits of the all time high (ATH) on the 2nd Feb 1999 at

Jupiter the planet of expansion at the time of the ATH was forming a positive Trine (120) aspect
to the Sun and also a Square (90) to the natal Moon. These two aspects are the foundation of
Gann’s Emblem and understanding planetary harmonics.
This was the all Time high so far for Telstra plotted below on a weekly chart. Now what can I do
with this information?

I can plot a planetary return of Jupiter to this position at the high and divide by Gann harmonics
of 3rds and 8ths. The cycle of Jupiter around the Sun is approximately 12 years, 12×12 equates
to 144 months, one of Gann’s favourite squares ( see chart 3). 144/3 = 48 months, 144/4 = 36
months and 144/8 = 18 months. Using the Gann box as a square of 144 you can clearly see the
4th harmonic (90) bringing in highs in the late mutable signs and the 3rd harmonic (120) lows in
the fixed signs.

Chart 4 shows this 4th harmonic overlapping cycle using the cycle of Jupiter. Statistically, more
lows when Jupiter is transiting in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius whereas
more highs while transiting through the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Unfortunately for Telstra its Jupiter return on the 22 May 2010, did not once again promise
expansion and optimism of 1999, this year in the heavens there are three interfering cycles,
causing contraction , chaos and decay. Jupiter is forming an opposition to Saturn (planet of
restriction) while a conjunction to Uranus (chaos and change) and another square to Pluto (
transformation and death), known as cardinal T-square on the 4th harmonic which is hard
angular energy. Therefore, the expansion is literally contained tightly in a box slowly building
pressure and as a result, price can’t accelerate and stays flat within a small trading range. These
interfering cycles are also the reason why known cycles can suddenly invert over time, we have
to look at the whole, not rely on one planetary cycle to gives us the information.

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If you have studied the astro methods of W.D. Gann, you would have discovered that when he
was calculating price levels, he would often use the half-way point between two planets and even
average them out. Here is a quote from his May Coffee Santos letter regarding the high on March
19 1954.

“One-half of Jupiter to Saturn Helio is 152.09 or 2⁰ Virgo 09′.

The Average of Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune is 155.10 equals 5⁰Virgo 10′.
½ of this average is 17⁰Gemini 35′. Jupiter, Uranus ½ is 100.43, equals 10⁰Cancer 43′
Heliocentric. ½ of the Geocentric Jupiter to Uranus is 93.48 or 3⁰ Cancer 48′.”
In Gann’s private ephemeris, you will discover the same midpoint calculations on various pages.
How can we use Gann’s planetary midpoint methods now? The easiest way to see midpoints is
by using a 360 degree with a midpoint dial. Here I have located the Helio midpoint of Jupiter and
Saturn in Gann’s example at 152. It also happens to be the midpoint of Mars and Jupiter and if
we give it a little more orb, even the midpoint of Jupiter and Mercury.

Using Market Analyst 7 Astro Edition, you can plot midpoints on your chart with specific
harmonics and price scales. Below is a daily Dow Jones Chart with the same planetary
midpoints, lines and averages used by Gann. The Blue lines are the transiting Jupiter/Saturn
Helio midpoint, the Black lines are transiting Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune Helio and the Red
lines transiting Jupiter/Uranus Helio.

Chart 1. Daily Dow Jones

Here I have used the same transiting midpoints and averages on a Weekly chart for the XJO. You
can clearly see where the planetary midpoints act as support and resistance for price. The current
high is at the Jupiter/Saturn Helio midpoint.

Chart 2. Weekly XJO

Again on chart 3, I have plotted the same lines on the AUDUSD daily, obviously if the transiting
midpoints of planets cluster at one point in the zodiac, their price lines will join and this will be a
very significant level of either support or resistance.
Chart3. Daily AUDUSD

Chart 4. S &P 500 Daily (showing how the transiting midpoints act as price tunnels).

You can use transiting midpoints like Gann on any timeframe but you will have to modify the
price unit scale and also the harmonics for intraday.
Olga Morales

Below is a video which is part of Olga’s W.D. Gann Series in which she discusses in more detail
Planetary Midpoints and Price

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There has always been a fascination with the heavenly bodies above us. Everyone at some point
has looked skyward and gazed at a full moon, or perhaps noted the awe of an Eclipse blocking
the sun for a few minutes.

But is there any validity in the relevance to planets and the financial pace of our wild volatile
markets? Logically it would seem to be far-fetched that there could be any correlation. Even the
mention of Financial Astrology in some circles immediately draws scepticism and derision.

But as market traders and analysts, we must look at every piece of information and make our
own conclusions based on facts, figures, testing and historical successes. Conclusions based on
emotion and prejudice are baseless and entirely useless. As recently as 100 years ago,
automobiles were thought of as lunatic fantasy when the horse and dray played a vital and
seemingly never-ending role in our transport. Now they no longer exist in modern societies,
cities and suburbs.

I was reminded in a recent article that the best traders, whilst they may have very different
approaches and trading rules, all have very similar traits. A great trader is someone who will
never accept anything on face value. They question everything they see and hear, until they are
completely satisfied with their own research, as to the validity or otherwise of any tool or
Great traders are also in a constant state of awareness and display an overwhelming degree of
humility, accepting they are always followers of the market and never leaders.

I’ve been trading now for nearly 30 years and I’ve always thought it natural to be constantly
researching and reviewing markets, tools, techniques, strategies and innovations. It’s part of the
life of a trader to be mentally active and prepared to admit fault, work to repair the fault or error,
recognise the challenge and work incessantly to become a great market analyst and trader.

One of my challenges was to understand the work of W.D.Gann who has been the most
controversial analyst I have researched. Gann was a leading Mason and the head of a chapter or
Lodge. He was honour-bound not to reveal the secrets of the ancient society.

Unfortunately for us, Gann could not readily impart the knowledge he acquired, but he was able
to disguise some of the information by coding it into cryptic clues in his books and courses.

It is a herculean task to decode these facts, and it has taken me the best part of 15 years to resolve
some of the issues I had with the written words from Gann. For example, Gann often mentioned
a ‘market square’ but in itself this could be interpreted several ways. Square, as I was to discover
later on, could mean 90 or the right angle in a square. Or it could mean the square of a number,
e.g., 4 x4 or 4 squared. Or it could mean the market time and price had balanced as a market had
risen 130 points or cents from a low in 130 days. If you want to decode Gann, which is a noble
but daunting undertaking, you must recognise the Gann code or reference in the context of that
particular paragraph or example.

I found a very old interview with Gann circa 1919 where he was asked about Astrology in
markets. Here, as was usually the case, he could not answer fully and frankly, but he gave one
important clue in the interview that I have transcribed:

An astronomer can predict to the minute when an eclipse is going to occur, but you would not
consider him a prophet, would you? Of course not. He simply makes use of mathematics based
on known laws of the movements of the planets in their orbits.

I have found in my researches that the Chinese understood all those laws and computed the

coming of eclipses thousands of years before the Egyptians and Chaldeans. It is marvellous the
knowledge that these ancients had. In making my predictions I use geometry and mathematics
just as an astronomer does, based on immutable laws which I have discovered. There is nothing
supernatural or weird about it. That is why astrology fails, for nothing can be accurate that is
not based on mathematics — and so few astrologers are mathematicians.

So here we have another important clue. Astrology per se does not work in the markets, BUT the
numbers and relationship between numbers is the reason for market reversals.
Cutting a long story short for the sake of brevity in this article, Gann created a formula for
tracking the planetary movements around the Sun. It is this formula, and a very easy one to
calculate, that creates basic support and resistance lines akin to a moving average that traders can
use to determine potential reversal points.

On chart 1 we look at the Dow Jones Averages and the Gann planetary lines for Neptune,
calculated as per Gann’s formula. These have been programmed by Market Analyst 8 so that we
can leave them running for years to come. We then look at the market when it gets close to these
angles and see if there is any typical market signal or pattern indicating at this point the lines are
likely to create a reversal.
I like to combine the planetary lines with other standard industry tools and strategies. Looking at
the next chart at the top we see I have marked point A where the attached MACD tool shows it is
very overbought and now likely to have some reversal or profit taking.

Notice at the high there is another well known bar signal called an inside reversal bar.

Simultaneously we have a Planetary line resistance point, an Inside reversal bar indicating
indecision, and a MACD showing overbought prices with the histogram declining. It’s a good
chance the Dow will reverse with all of these signals in tandem, and once confirmed by the low
of November 3, we have an acceptable risk for a short trade that eventually produces a fabulous
short position trade.
At Point B at the bottom of the chart we see the market again touches a Gann Planetary line, with
the MACD showing an oversold market with rising histogram bars. Another fabulous planetary
clue to exit shorts and get long. At the time of writing, the market has risen to produce another
irrefutable proof of the power of Gann’s numerology in planets.

As a final touch, we can see the famous Gann soybean chart where he has clearly marked the
planet Jupiter and its Planetary line. Obviously he used the formula for the planetary movements
in the same manner we would use a moving average or a trend line.
There are many more techniques involved in Gann’s Planetary techniques. He measured the
timing of the planets by an Ephemeris tool and eventually noticed patterns, repeats of market
reversals and planetary positions between planets and the Sun and between planets and each
other. Some of these are quite complicated until they are broken down into simple instructions. I
have now created a set of simple basic instructions to help traders achieve their greatest potential
with these fascinating tools.

In my experience, the key to using Financial Astrology is to be wary of not trying to solve the
mystery of the Universe, which invariably most Astrologers try to do. The trick is to quantify the
method that makes the most successful trades, and to remember we are traders trying to use
Astrology, not Astrologers trying to become traders.

When we consider that all of Gann’s groundbreaking research was done laboriously by hand, it is
an even greater achievement and testament to the work ethics of a market trader. I’ve been
constantly surprised and in awe of Gann’s discoveries.

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In this article I want to share a part of my biggest discovery for the building of a composite cycle
with you using the planetary longitudes, and only the most astute will understand its meaning.

The existence of traditional astrology, incorporated mainly in a psychological context, and leaning
towards a technical and scientific framework of empirical research, and statistic control, symbolizes
today the most widespread, and often, the most credible pretense under which it may still be possible
to recognize some features of that ancient and greatly spiritual architecture, through which religion and
mythology still leave us vaguely guessing, and whose fragments are collected and preserved within

These modern trends of astrological thought have inherited and preserved a structural symbolism
which, at present, appears to be inactive due to the missing “key” which is essential to
understanding the enclosed and restricted concept in these symbolic writings, and to identifying
the true meaning.

It lacks valid theoretical support, and the control and the traditional astrological congruencies
seem completely random. This means we have empirical evidence of an unidentified dynamic
mechanism of action, which could only lead to apparently accurate conclusions, from a scientific

To make it clear, we could use a simple and direct example: an observer, without preconceived
notions, who statistically and probably has noticed and verified close congruencies between the
Sun in Capricorn and in Cancer and the respective highs and lows of room temperature.

The observer located in the Temperate Zone of the Planet and who has no knowledge of those
theories which explain those congruencies, could be easily convinced to support their general
validity and feel totally confused if he wanted to test the effect of geographical latitude for the
first time.

Therefore, it is clear that, for an objective and comprehensive understanding of each

phenomenon and its practical coding, it is primarily necessary to know the causes and their
respective mechanisms of action. It is possible to understand the causes, which are the origins of
universal phenomenology, through only the study and the analysis of those phenomena classified
as a general theoretical postulation which explains them.

The immediate testing and the empirical research, with the help and support of data deriving
from statistical systems, could then modify, confirm and even invalidate those hypotheses
claimed in theory. However, an exclusively empirical method could never be correctly
generalized and uniformly applied to validate its process without theoretical support which
provides a complete and logical explanation to all its modes of operation and of the causes
behind them.

Even if the theory could be adopted only as a “work hypothesis”, an appropriate method of
research can be maintained within the well defined limits of true scientific progress. Outside of
this UNIVERSALLY and traditionally valid process, there is no certainty of requiring true,
comprehensive and concrete knowledge of a given phenomenology. However, as absurd as it
may seem, there is the vague but real possibility of crossing over into the intricate maze of
dogmatism and superstition.

Therefore, keeping in mind the aforementioned assumptions, as a rigorous and indispensable

need, we face the analytical and theoretical research of the Astrological phenomenon.
Furthermore, with the most valuable tools of research that mathematics and theoretical physics
provide us, we will describe its particular mechanism of action under that PRINCIPLE OF
COMPLEMENTARITY in which the vital relationship of OBSERVER-PHENOMENON takes

We can find the most simple and unreal expression, which summarizes and resumes geometry
and the dynamics of the cyclical laws in general, embedded in the circular motion, symbolically
and graphically described by the circumference. Starting from the physical and mathematical
relationships which govern, express and summarize this movement, it is possible to demonstrate
how the circumference, understood as the track of the orbit described by the resultant of two
equal commuting fluctuations but an angular 90° offset in space and in time, is basically divided
into twelve main sectors by points in which the oscillatory components present a particular
mutual relationship.

These fundamental points are placed in order of importance according to the angular distances
among them of 180°, 90°, 60° and 30°.

We will now attempt to introduce the symbolism implied in the “tripled” distribution of the
zodiacal signs with the same tools of research that are provided by the cyclical laws.

With reference to a well-known and simple principle of theoretical physics, we remember that
the dynamic conception of the circular motion can be more harmonically enlarged, considering
the movement itself as the resultant from the composition of not two, but three equal commuting
fluctuations, 120° offset instead of 90°, in time and space, as in the case of the two single
fluctuations (Fig. B).
Those who recall their studies in electrotechnics will have a better understanding when
comparing the zodiac to the stator of an electric engine in which the rotor is represented by the
earthly observer. What circulate in these particular stator windings, arranged as if in ordinary
120° three-phase asynchronous engines, are also those with a 120° offset in space, the three
phases of the same alternating current, or better, cyclical, destined to generate a rotating
magnetic field which will move our abstract and allegoric rotor. In fact, to obtain the circular
motion of a theoretical point mathematically, it is necessary that the fluctuations that represent
the components be angularly offset of the same amount, both in time and in space. This
connection, or even better, this close interdependency, can be the key to understanding the
fundamental unitary nature of these factors, and of the analogy of the space-time relationships of
pairs, triplets or whole series of fluctuations through the geometric genesis of the rotary motion.
We can find the same fundamental division in the atomic nature of matter itself, which basically
presents itself in three fundamental electrostatic stages: positive, negative and neutral.

With respect to what was written about the ROTARY MOTION, it is important to point out that
diametrical FLUCTUATIONS, of which it could be considered the RESULTANT, must show,
IN SPACE, an angular rotation of the respective fluctuating planes quantitatively equal to the
rotation IN TIME shown by the respective PHASE positions (Fig. B and Fig. C).
Fig. C
A graphical description of 3 crossed-fluctuations with equal periods but with a 120 ° offset

In support of the above, we will recall one of the numerous scientific studies which fully show
the effects: the research into the radio blackout forecast extended to the mutual position of the
planets. It has been stated that the most heavy magnetic storms on the Sun occur in conjunction
with the angles of 0°, 90° and 180° among the planets. In this regard, Nelson, an engineer at
R.C.A COMMUNICATION INC, talks about“simultaneous harmonic relationships”. In 1967, he
developed a method based on planetary interrelationships which enabled him to achieve a 93%
accuracy of a total of 1460 forecasts. To have a magnetic storm on the Sun with harmful effects
relative not only to radio communication, it is necessary to have the presence of one or more
negative angles between an inner planet (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and an outer planet in
addition to “at least two other planets which have to be in a harmonic relationship with the first
two”. The main angular harmonic relationships used by Nelson were 360 divided by 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 to get 180°, 120°, 90°, 72° and 60°. There is enough to speak of a sort of astrological field
applied to astrophysics and geophysics. In fact, the above angles have been known in astrology
as positive and negative “aspects” for a long time. They are: opposition (180°negative); trine
(120° positive); square (90° negative) and the sextile (60° positive). The most surprising thing is
that Nelson was never interested in astrology, and naturally rejects the perception of an
astrologer, although he admits to having used simple medieval astrological methods for his

Naturally we could dwell on many other examples and correlations abounding in scientific
literature; however, unfortunately, all of this information has not been given proper justification.
Therefore, in my future articles, it will be my personal quest to scientifically validate the branch
of cyclical theory which has been mistreated with easy conjectures.

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