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eSangathan Newsletter N°7

April 2008
Last minute • First eSangathan International Conference was held in Mumbai on April 17, 2008.
• The European Commission presents the results of a review of the i2010 strategy half-
way through its term. In addition, apart from outlining the i2010 agenda for 2008-2010,
the mid-term review sets the ground for a longer-term discussion on how to develop the
policy beyond the lifespan of the i2010 initiative.
• eSangathan deliverables and presentations available on Scribd or SlideShare.

Editorial Enterprise 2.0 and Corporate hierarchical organization for content pro-
duction. So the intranets were at the be-
A few years ago, telework was a hot topic Governance ginning a cultural revolution in most of
in most developed economies. Research has
What are the links between e-manage- our businesses, but at the end the impact
been financed by the European framework
ment, web 2.0 and corporate governance? in terms of management finally was very
programmes to analyse the impact on the
They are in the fact that it is clearer every weak.
organisation and the tools best suited for
day that participatory tools and collabo-
such a change in behaviour and relation to
rative working environments are changing It’s totally different with the participa-
the hierarchy. Most of the experiments and
drastically the human interactions within tory web, where the questioning of ma-
pilots have concluded that when telework
corporations, and impacting first the or- nagement is complete, and hence the
was properly introduced in an organisation,
ganization and the management. For the organization of the enterprise itself. That
it was beneficial for both the employees and
benefit of the corporation itself, thanks is why we can replace the previous-deca-
the employer. In some countries where a
to the raise of a new level of collective de-words «e-management» with «Mana-
permanent negotiation process is on to in-
intelligence, and a new standard of pro- gement 2.0», and «e-organization» with
troduce adequate and justified changes or
ductivity. «Enterprise 2.0». Not to be hype with a
when business competitiveness is the driver,
telework has become a normal way of orga- « 2.0 » acronym, but because the prefix
The use of participatory technologies in «e-» hasn’t been disruptive for organiza-
nising work. In others, where the hierarchy
the company is changing radically rela- tions and management. The «2.0» prefix
is still statutory, organisational changes are
tionships between individuals. Breaking by contrast illustrates this qualitative and
slow and can be source of social conflicts.
top-down hierarchies, we are moving to a fundamental leap that we can no longer
Now, fighting for such rearguard battles is a
Network Centric Management, where the go back.
waste of time in the new 2.0 world of work.
supervisor will no longer base his legiti-
It is not a question of hype or fashion; it is to-
macy on his statutory authority to direct The Enterprise 2.0 will be a cross-orga-
day reality which is having direct impacts on
the work of others, but where he’ll be at nization, where information should flow
competitiveness, attraction and retention of
the same time a competent coordinator, seamlessly and securely, and where the
talents as well as quality of life and work-life
moderator, advisor and arbitrator of his creativity of everyone will be unleashed
balance in a stressful world.
teams and employees. giving to everybody the opportunity to
The major characteristic of a 2.0 manage- write, to say, to show, to talk, to share,
Lying, incompetence and other bad habits to discuss, to participate, and ultimately
ment style and attitude is to accept partici-
of a lot of deviated organizations that can to build together.
pation from all, in order to stimulate crea-
be more easily concealed in an authori-
tivity and innovation of everyone. Once it is
tarian management will be unveiled in Other virtues will then appear as a result
understood and agreed by the formal hierar-
broad daylight in a participatory mana- of this liberation, such as individual and
chy that such a new behavioural code can
gement emerging from the use of these collective efficiency, increased producti-
exist in the organisation, it is most probable
new tools. vity, quality improvement and transpa-
that employees will imply themselves more
and better in order to achieve corporate rency.
The introduction of these technologies in
© eSangathan Consortium All rights reserved

goals as well as personal well being. Of cour-

the enterprise, and even within the ex- Business leaders, from large and small
se, the hierarchy should communicate to
tended enterprise (customers, partners organizations, that will anticipate at first
build trust. To be physically every day in the
and subcontractors), will change these these new usages, both within and out-
corporation is not what is important! What
things, it is inevitable. Why ? Because in side their company, will be the first to
counts is how the employee feels him/her-
the same way, when intranets arrived in reap the real benefits of this new corpo-
self involved in the corporate goals and part
the companies, they first came mostly for rate governance. It is necessary to invest
of the achievements. Well chosen and used
publication. Although employees tried to massively, to train and to support users,
appropriately ICT tools are enablers and
use them in a more participative, the hie- from the assistant to the CEO, because
social networks are facilitators. So, for the
rarchy put workflows and securities. This adopting these practices doesn’t happen
sake of good results and a better life, let’s
way no change was generated by the in- overnight.
agree that change can be beneficial for all.
Nicole TURBÉ-SUETENS Employees wanted to publish information This is not about learning to use software
DISTANCE EXPERT without constraints. But a few years la- and pushing buttons. This is about thin-
Project co-ordinator ter, IT people succeeded to master this king and acting differently, working dif-
freedom, and intranets became again a

eSangathan Newsletter N°7
April 2008
ferently, establishing different relationships, and this will not The project involves employed as unemployed 50+ people,
be done in one day, but in several months. It’s why the change mostly female.
must start as soon as possible in order to reap the benefits as Through a Senior Magazine 50+ were polled at their need for
soon as possible as well. work in the care. A pre study in the organization was conducted
We must all commit ourselves to evangelize. We are on a fertile to the feasibility of a 50+ pilot. It is, under special conditions.
ground, because we are not at this disruption level only thanks These are :
to the technology. We are facing the convergence of two funda- • A special design of work, with special focus to the physical
mental factors: (1) technology, and (2) the changing usages due part of the work as well as the special senior qualities in
to the Internet being here now for many years. this situation,
Most of the technologies of the Web 2.0 have nothing revolutio- • A sustainable designed work setting,
nary, and some of them exist for over a decade! But they have • And a good assistance organization in the process during the
spread these recent years very quickly because human beings pilot,
were ready to receive and exploit them.
• giving room to the 50+ wish to do useful work which gives joy
and internal satisfaction.
We’ve reached the limits of our actual organizations, and it is
For the sake of the project the AgeProof Agency has designed
not possible to gain in daily productivity continuing to use the
a special 50+ job profile and 50+ job description, where in we
same tools (files, emails, and legacy systems) with the same
combined tasks of three care jobs and took all these aspects
organizations, because these tools are not anymore helping to
into account. The 50+ experiment will last for 1, 5 year. Also
improve these organizations. They are even creating more and
costs and revenues will be examined. eTechnological tools as
more disorganization, and people are a lot more conscious of
domotica and remote managing will be included as much as
this now.
possible to facilitate the 50+ care experiment, especially du-
ring the evening and the night.
This is why we are in the good momentum, because the cons-
ciousness and the demand exist. We must therefore push both Source:
managers and users to be trained to these new usages, in order
to implode the traditional business models and managements, 1.2 Creative 50+ networking
and usher them in a new era of corporate governance, an era - Organisation for 50+ members to stimu-
where individual, its efficiency, creativity, and its relationship late senior participation in the information society, already for
to the team and the corporation, will be at the very heart of years successful thanks to volunteers/ambassadors. SeniorWeb
economics and social growth the next few years, for the benefit services can be virtual, interactive, on location in 300 national
of all. SeniorWeb learning centres, or wide spread regional as pc help
on house. Ambassadors perform different activities for the 50+
Miguel MEMBRADO members: managing a mailing group, giving workshops in lear-
NETCIPIA UK ning centres or writing articles for website or magazine. The
jobs are (assistant) teacher, coordinator, administrator, mana-
ger on ICT systems, public relation, website, fundraising, board
THE NETHERLANDS member or pc helper.
Virtual Management for special groups, youngsters or
50+ - Just launched in April this year: a digi-
tal knowledge centre/database over the 50+. Heart of the new
website is an extended database with news, actual national and
1. Innovative with eSeniors
international articles and knowledge about the 50 plus group.
The present newsletter shows a lead to the new trends in ‘En-
terprise 2.0’. Also is stated that the ageing society requires a
radical restructuring of society and its systems: It should enable 1.3 Creative educational projects
fewer to do more for a greater number of (aged) people. The projects mentioned below are developed for students, but
the examples given are of the same value for another special
© eSangathan Consortium All rights reserved

This one option to make advantage of the new possibilities is to group, namely the 50+.
include aged people more into the new managing systems in or-
der to enable to work longer, but more flexible and off-distan- Students learning for virtual manager - Under the name of
ce. So, the real challenge is to incorporate this mission in new Bizzkids 5500 students of 250 schools in The Netherlands and
experiments to test the feasibility of ‘ageproof’ technological Belgium are busy in the management competition. The students
and social systems. Our eSangathan project is one of them. In form a team of managers in a virtual enterprise. Within this
The Netherlands other try outs are busy or just launched. team all decisions are taken, which eventually will lead to the
title ‘Manager of the Year 2008.’ (Metro-23-1-2008)
1.1 Innovative care experiment
Distant education for ill or handicapped students - Students
Excellent Senior Care - is the name of a Dutch project to faci-
with an illness or handicap are more tired and not always able
litate 50+ and over in special working settings in a nursing home
to visit the school. More often then normal they stop without
for elderly care.
having a diploma. E-learning turns out to be a good alternative
to prevent this. The project Eminus is developed to help young

eSangathan Newsletter N°7
April 2008
people with a physical or mental handicap. The Distant Lear-
ning project will eventually lead a job in the teleworking and Effective work travel
work in an optimal way. Cooperation of some enterprises is re- The ever more globalised economy will undergo dramatic chan-
levant. To participate in the lessons students and teachers need ges up to the year 2020 after a number of oil price rises. The
to have special computers, where also other fellow students increased fuel costs, together with the greater importance of
and teachers are available. In this way a distant class arises. the climate issue, will have led countries and enterprises to ra-
Condition is a good working internet and professional helpdesk tionalize transport and travel. Flexible forms of work will have
(Metro-23-1-2008) become the norm and development will have been driven by
the insight that flexible work can increase productivity, reduce
2. Free Enterprise 2.0 costs for premises and increase comfort and wellbeing. Virtual
Attention should be made that It technology is not used as a meetings will also have become the norm and will largely have
new controlling managing system. In The Netherlands for ins- replaced physical meetings.
tance there is distrust about a new technology in which mana-
gers get information about the amount of stress at the working This development will have brought about a reduction in work
place. The patent was requested by Microsoft. The new tool journeys, which will have contributed to increased productivity
recognizes frustration and stress of the worker. Psychological and economic savings. The technology was in place early but
changes are recorded to compare the workers profile in which it required a number of measures and behavioral changes for
weight, age and health are recorded. This technology makes it flexible work forms to make a breakthrough. An important part
possible observe workers constantly. This questions the degree of the technological development was the new laser projectors
of privacy for workers. which made virtual meetings extremely flexible. In 2020, howe-
ver, retinal projectors have been begun to be used increasingly.
Marianne ZIEKEMEYER The development towards more efficient travel has led to a
AGEPROOF large reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from people trans-
port and major economic savings have been made as regards
previously very costly work journeys.
Extract from the report “An Environmentally Appropriate Infor- Flexible work
mation Society in 2020” by the IT Policy Strategy Group, Swe- In step with the increasing IT use outside offices, above all of
den. mobile telephones, computers and broadband connections, it
becomes technically possible for more and more people to work
Like the rest of the world, Sweden faces major challenges in flexibly. But although the technology exists and many would like
which climate change, competition for natural resources, de- to work flexibly to a greater extent, the employer’s attitude to
mographic change and growing economies must be managed. flexible forms of work often puts a stop to the development. If
Innovation and new thinking are required to turn these chal- distance-working is permitted to a greater extent than today,
lenges into opportunities. There is also rapid development in this form of work can contribute to a reduction in work jour-
new technology that is making a major contribution to changes neys. An active introduction of flexible forms of work also has
in society. Properly used, technology can be a tool to extract an environmental potential in the form of reduced needs for
economic and environmental benefit from the increased needs. heated office space and for travel in the course of work.
IT is a key factor and can contribute to breaking the negative For the employee, there can be greater flexibility and time-
trend, in which increased growth leads to greater environmen- savings. This can, however, also result in increased costs and a
tal impact. requirement for extra space for the employee in the home en-
vironment. In the longer term, there can also be consequences
This report by the IT Policy Strategy Group contains a proposed for social planning and housing patterns, which will need to be
national strategy for an environmentally appropriate informa- studied to provide the basis for sound development in this area.
tion society, the intention of which is to demonstrate the op- IT is nevertheless to a large extent a precondition for flexible
© eSangathan Consortium All rights reserved

portunities afforded by IT for exploiting environmental challen- forms of work, through technical solutions for distance-work
ges to bring about greater efficiency, productivity, innovation and a well-developed public IT infrastructure.
and increased exports.
Changed age structure
Sweden is often held up as a leading IT country and should ex- One of the most interesting trends in the coming decades is the
ploit the opportunities afforded by IT in the form of resource- demographic change in the world’s age structure. This will re-
and energy-efficient solutions, increased efficiency, scope for quire a radical restructuring of society and its systems to enable
modified lifestyles and international competitiveness. Environ- fewer to do more for a greater number of people in the ageing
mental technology is a sector for the future with a growing population. The global change in age structure has meant that
international market. By investing in increased use of envi- fewer people support a greater number of the old. In 1950, 12
ronmental technology solutions, the Swedish market can grow people supported each older person, today it is 9 people, and
and innovativeness within the sector can increase. This creates by the year 2050 there will be 4 people to support each older
greater profitability for consumers and producers and, espe- person. The change can contribute to a shift to a more environ-
cially, it means less environmental impact on our society. ment-friendly society and hence to a great need for IT to make

eSangathan Newsletter N°7
April 2008
society more efficient. contexts.
Clear goals and focus areas Flexicurity is a new way of looking at flexibility and security on
The way to an environmentally appropriate information society the labour market. It sets out from the awareness that globali-
in 2020 is through coordination and the creation of networks, sation and technological progress are rapidly changing the needs
setting up clear goals and focusing on a number of areas. of workers and enterprises. Companies are under increasing
pressure to adapt and develop their products and services more
There are now good prerequisites for carrying forward the work quickly. If they want to stay in the market, they have to conti-
within this field and it is important to take early action. nuously adapt their production methods and their workforce.
To achieve an environmentally appropriate information society, This is placing greater demands on business to help their wor-
transport must be made more efficient, travel and mobility kers acquire new skills. It is also placing greater demands on
should be replaced by accessibility, construction and housing workers with regards to their ability and readiness for change.
must be more energy-efficient and the environmental impact of
IT products themselves must be reduced. This strategy includes At the same time, workers are aware that company restructurings
proposed measures and in all these fields, IT is both a catalyst no longer occur incidentally, but are becoming a fact of everyday
and a tool. life. Protection of the specific job they have may no longer be suf-
Source: ficient, and might indeed be counterproductive. In order to plan
their lives and careers, workers need new kinds of security that
Martina SOPHIA BACH help them remain in employment, and make it through all these
FOLKUNIVERSITETET changes. New securities must go beyond the specific job and ensu-
re safe transitions into new employment. Flexicurity is an attempt
Flexicurity to unite these two fundamental needs.
At the request of the Council, the Commission has launched a pu- The basic principles behind the flexicurity approach are very much
blic initiative, in close cooperation with the European social par- in line with the central elements of the EU strategy for growth and
tners, in the form of a «Mission for Flexicurity». jobs. The revised Lisbon Strategy promotes an active response to
the challenge of globalisation. Flexicurity relies on a high level of
workforce training, another priority in the updated strategy. In par-
ticular, Guideline 21 of the Employment Guidelines stresses the
need to promote flexibility combined with employment security
and reduce labour market segmentation, having due regard to the
role of the Social Partners.

The calendar of the Mission for Flexicurity is set by December 2008

with the presentation of the final report to the European Council

A number of countries have already embraced the concept and as

usual Denmark is a forerunner in this field. One can even say that
the concept was born in this country where social dialogue is a per-
manent process. France is generally not a leading country for such
reforms and an interesting analysis was made by two economists
when the concept came out. Nevertheless, a French report was
issued in February 2008. The Swedish case is well described in a
document from the European Employment Observatory as well as
the Dutch situation.
© eSangathan Consortium All rights reserved

This initiative aims to help Member States integrate the Common Nicole TURBÉ-SUETENS
Principles of Flexicurity in the national processes and promote the DISTANCE EXPERT
practical implementation of the principles in the different national Project co-ordinator

eSangathan Newsletter is published by : eSangathan Consortium Useful links :

@ Denmark : Flexicurity
Editorial Coordinator : NicoleTURBÉ-SUETENS (Distance-Expert)
assisted by Marie-France MÉDANA @ France : ICT Conference 2008 @ India : Mumbai Conference
Editorial Board: Martina SOPHIA BACH, Leif Bloch RASMUSSEN, Chitresh MARKANDA @ The Netherlands : Slow Management
, Miguel MEMBRADO, Mandar VARTAK and Marianne ZIEKEMEYER
@ Sweden : Policy for IT Society
eSangathan is supported by : European Commission (DG INFSO)
Contract FP6-IST-035064, eSangathan Specific Support Action
For more information: -


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