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Dear Student,
Welcome to WUC 107/03 Workplace Communication Skills. This is a lower level course that aims
to develop a firm foundation of communication skills in the English language required of you to
communicate effectively in a wide range of workplace situations. It will also help you to develop the ability to
employ appropriate strategies when you are communicating at the workplace in a fast-changing and highly
technological society. Since the examples used are authentic ones taken from everyday working situations,
this course will be very beneficial to you in your career and help you hone your communication skills.
Now, a little about your course materials the PDF of your course materials are available on the
WawasanLearn. In addition, having a computer with Internet access is essential. To receive news and
updates on the course, do access your Wawasan Open University (WOU) email account. To interact with
your peers, your tutor and me, you will need to access our online learning management system viz.,
As you continue to manage your priorities and time, you should have a good balance in fulfilling your
family, work and study responsibilities. I am sure you will succeed in completing this course with your
effort and discipline just as you will be doing for your other first-level courses.
Additional help is very crucial to your progress and the most effective form of communication is via
WawasanLearn. You will be receiving email messages and postings on WawasanLearn from your tutor and
me. Do make contact with your tutor and your peers. Form study groups with other students so that you
can better support one another.
Finally, let me reassure you that your tutors and I are always here to help you. So, please do not hesitate to
contact us if you have any queries. I will be keeping in touch with you and am looking forward to working
together with you to help you succeed in this course.
Warmest regards,
Jasmine Emmanuel
Course Coordinator
Jasmine Emmanuel
Course Coordinator

HP: 012- 473 6961

• 3 credit
• one –semester 1st level course
• 5 study units
• Unit 1 – Communication for career
• Unit 2 – Telephone Skills
• Unit 3 – Writing, SMSes & cross-
platform IM services & faxes
• Unit 4 – Oral Presentations
• Unit 5 – Meetings & Negotiations
• Emphasis content areas, language &

• Aims at developing English language

proficiency & com skills at workplace.

• Provides various workplace-related


• Employ appropriate strategies when com in


• Grammar & vocab

• Cross-cultural tips for effective com

• Use effective com techniques & channels in both verbal and written
form to relay info efficiently & effectively.

• Demonstrate an understanding of effective interpretation, evaluation

& use of telephone com.

• Use appropriate form, structure & principal of business writing in

handling basic workplace documents.

• Write & deliver an effective oral presentation.

• Plan & conduct meetings & negotiations.

• Unit 1 – focuses on com process & various skills to com effectively at
workplace(WP) in constantly changing technological environment.

• Additional reading is required beside course material.

• Read some recommended reference books and refer to websites

suggested from time to time.

• Good com is utmost important in any WP

• Success in WP = ability of employees & managers to com effectively.

• No one is born with talent to com.

• Learn to listen, speak, read, write & com

• Decide on the most apt way of com

• Success in WP = well-versed in com skills & on person’s
body language or oral com skills.

• 4 Most important com skills = R, W, L & S

• Attempt analytical & critical thinking & application of

com skills to identify strengths & weaknesses in WP com
& to overcome weaknesses & capitalise on strengths.

• Unit 1 – 3 sections

• First section = various form of com

• Second section = basic skills for successful com
• Third section = analyses entire com process
1. Describe com & its purposes.

2. Use the main forms of com.

3. Apply suitable electronic com skills

4. Apply key terms associated with electronic


5. Explain why com is important in workplace.

6. Examine the process of com & how it works.


By the end of this section, you should be able to :

1. Define com
2. Explain the main forms of com.
3. Use the most appropriate forms of com for different
4. Explain the role of internal & external com in an
5. Apply appropriate modern technology in com.
• Com = exchange of ideas, thoughts, info & even feelings between
people by L, S, W & R or nonverbal means.

• Com = 2-way process.

• A message is sent by one party & received by another.

• If message not understood; no com.

• When we sent messages, we speak or write.

• When we receive messages, we listen or read.

• Nonverbal signals like body language help us say more effectively.

• The person sending the message has an obligation to
make the message as clear as possible.

• The receiver has the obligation to listen or read and

interpret the message accurately.

• When you paraphrase or rephrase a message, you

merely put the same ideas into different words to help the
receiver understand your message better.

O.M – It is necessary to sent these items to our office in
China without wasting any more time.

Send these items to our China office immediately.
• Com occurs in many forms

• You can email or telephone your employer & he respond

using any form of com.

• Com – internal or external, formal or informal, written or

spoken or it can be a smile, a nod or a shake of the head.

• The basic com skills of R, W,L & S together with

nonverbal cues are still most important for effective &
successful com.
• Verbal com is usually accompanied by nonverbal com.

• use of words, vocab, numbers, & symbols.

• organised in sentences according to rule of grammar.
• When VC is accurate & clear, the listener responds positively &
• Talking is more effective & time-saving when compared to
• If we are not not sure can ask for clarification
• Oral com = speaking F2F with a colleague, over the
phone, to a small group at meeting or present to an
audience of a few hundred.

• The major advantage of oral com = we get to share info &

clarify issues directly.

• Good oral com skills are essential if you want to be

happy & effective at workplace.

• Oral com has the power to forge relationships or break

them depending on what we say and how we say it.

• There is no revising what we said cos cannot be taken

• A wrong word or phrase can result in a strained
relationship and even affect the outcome of any

• Since documentation is necessary at workplace, this

makes it sometimes necessary to resort to writing.

• In verbal com, listening is just as important as speaking.

• We cannot com if we do not listen.

• Unfortunately, not many people are good listeners so

start listening when your managers and other colleagues
speak with you.
• -the most important aspect of any com process.

• made up of messages we send without words or


• More reliable than verbal com.

• Nonverbal language – very effective & efficient as

it can replace verbal com e.g a wave, smile & a
wink carry specific messages which are instantly

• Nonverbal com can be intentional or

unintentional. e.g frown = displeasure; a pat =
• There are nonverbal signals we sent without
fully aware e.g. slouch or look at watch during
meeting = a negative message.

• It is important to interpret the nonverbal

symbols of the person you are com with as these
can help you judge the sincerity of the person
There are over 700,000

motions we can make.

• Include body language, vocal

characteristics, personal
appearance, touching & the use
of time and space.
Body language

Vocal Characteristics

Basic forms of nonverbal com Personal appearance


Use of time & space

• from facial expressions to eye contact, body movements &

• Your eyes reveals the intensity of your emotions.

• Eye contact in some culture = a sign of sincerity & confidence.

• Eyes can reveal excitement, boredom & a variety of other


• Some basic expressions like anger, joy, surprise and sorrow

are understood internationally.

• If you cry, everyone knows you are upset.

•If you laugh wholeheartedly, it is obvious you are happy.

• A gesture is the use of your arms to express ideas
or feelings.

• Many gestures are understood worldwide, e.g. a

wave of hand means “hello” or “goodbye” to most

• But, many gestures are also misunderstood when

com interculturally, e.g. the American “okay” sign
may be misunderstood by theFrench to mean “zero”
or “worthless”.

• In some culture, gestures may involve just the

movement of a finger, the chin or the head.
• If you fidget, it shows you are nervous.

•Simple motions like standing with your hands in

your pockets project a negative image.

• Hence our gestures & our body language reveal

our genuine feelings.

• So, watch out for the body language of others.

• More importantly, be aware of your own body

language and what it tells about you.
• Paralanguage = the nonverbal symbols that
accompany a verbal message.

•The tone & intensity of your speech reveal a lot

about you.

• The speed, the volume & the rhythm of your speech

& the pitch of your voice tell your listener whether
you are prepared, confident or nervous.

• Changing the tone of your voice & stressing

different words also create different impressions.

• “How are you ?” can be an expression of concern or

even indifference.
How are you ? ( Stress on the word “are” = This is
an expression of concern.

How are you ? (Use a flat tone) . This could

suggest indifference.
• Think of how many ways you can say “no”.

•By changing the tone of your voice, you can

express mild doubt, terror, amazement, or even
anger with just that one word.

• Vocal charateristics like laughing, crying,

yelling & moaning send their own messages.

• Similarly, vocal segregates like “uh-huh”, “uh”,

“ooh”, “hmmh”, “eh”. “mah” and “lah” can
indicate informality, acceptance or uncertainty.
• All cultures are concerned about how they look &
inevitably make judgement based on looks &

• We can improve our looks with proper grooming,

clothing & suitable accessories.

• With some imagination, you can easily make

yourself create the impression you want.
• Touch is determined by culture.

• The handshake is widely accepted as a gesture of


• A firm handshake shows confidence while a weak

handshake may suggest nervousness.

• Each culture has a clear concept of what parts of

the body one may or may not touch.

• Altho’ touch may signify warmth, we have to be

very careful as it can be misinterpreted.
• T&S can be used to show authority or respect.

• Some people make others wait to show their

authority while some are punctual to show

• People of a higher status also have a say over

T&S as they determine the duration & venue of
any meeting or discussion.

• Space refers to physical distance between

• Generally, we stand close to people we like &
further away from people we fear.

• Again, the appropriate distance varies from

culture to culture.

• In the office, space can also refer to the size of

the office which in turn shows the status of the
person occupying it.

• Usually, we associate spacious well-located

rooms with people of a higher status.
• A dirty envelope or a message with grammatical
or spelling mistakes shows that the sender is
careless & probably unreliable.

• Error-free clearly printed documents give the

impression that an organisation is efficient &

• It speaks volumes about quality control.

• Therefore, be careful when you prepare

documents, e.g. the clarity of that photocopied
document are very important.
• Furnishings, colour & music all play a part in
business environment.

• Comfortable chairs encourages people to stay

longer while plastic seats or stools are meant to
encourage a quick turnover of customers.

• Soft music is relaxing and is played in beauty salons

& spas.

• Hot music would obviously be played in places

which the younger generation would frequent.
Easy to study Difficult to study
Non spontaneous and think b4 speaking Spontaneous & unconsciously- emotions
on face beyond our control.
People tend to believe in nonverbal cues
& signals.
• Nonverbal symbols are normally used to support or
reinforce what we say.

• Shouting “get out !” & pointing to the door makes

the message crystal clear.

• Sometimes when the verbal & nonverbal symbols

are contradictory, the listener normally believes in
the nonverbal message.

• E.g , if you say, “Yes, go on” and you keep looking at

your watch, you are sending a nonverbal message
which does not agree with what you have said.

•Nonverbal com helps regulate oral com.

• Nonverbal signals can indicate when you want
to end a conversation or when you want to

• Raising your hand will indicate you have

something to say.

• Shaking your head during a discussion shows

you disagree & wish to say something.

• Intentionally looking at your watch is a clear

indication that it is time to end the discussion.
Activity 1.1
Analyse the following nonverbal signals exhibited by someone
during a conversation with you at the workplace. What will be your
impression of the person based on each of these nonverbal signals?
1. Fidgeting when speaking to you. ________________________
2. Extends a firm handshake when greeting you. ______________
3. Refusing eye contact and looking in every direction except at you
when speaking. _____________________________________
4. Speaking hesitantly with lots of vocal segregates like “uh”.
5. Leaning close when speaking to you. ____________________
6. Looking you in the eye when speaking to you. ______________
7. Pointing a finger at you when talking. ____________________
8. Gesticulating wildly with both hands when speaking. ________
Whatever your position in the company, you
will have information others will need to
carry out their duties.

Similarly, others will have information

essential to you so that you can get your job

In fact, without communication, an

organisation cannot function at all.
Internal communication refers to the exchange of information and ideas
members of an organisation.

Internal communication carries information up, down and across the


It helps employees and employers to get their jobs done and enables everyone
to identify problems and to react quickly to address them.

Internal information can be exchanged simply by speaking to the person

concerned personally, by phone, email or fax messages.

A memo can also be sent to pass information along.

External communication links the company to the
outside world.

This communication may be with customers,

suppliers, competitors, investors, government
agencies or even with the media.

Advertisements and press announcements require

external communication.

External communication is usually formal but informal

contacts are also important.
External communication can be both oral and written.
Formal communication follows a hierarchy
while informal communication does not
follow any line of authority.
Organisational decisions are made by the top management and passed down to the
people who will implement the decisions.

This downward flow of information can be carried out in a variety of ways.

Meetings may be called to pass the message on. Memos and/or email messages may
be sent.

All of these may be done before the entire downward flow is complete.

It is normal and healthy that there is also an upward flow of information. As

managers cannot be aware of everything that is going on, employees need to report
to their superiors regarding problems, grievances, etc.

Again, this may involve both oral and written communication.

Information also flows from one department to another. This horizontal or lateral
flow allows employees to share information and to work together to solve

Similarly, any form of oral or written communication # be it meetings, memos or

email messages
People working in the same organisation will naturally converse as friends but
somehow much of the conversation that transpires is related to work.

Often referred to as the grapevine, informal communication is a very rapid

channel for the transmission of information.

However, it is not always accurate. Any rumour or news, before it is officially

announced, is often common knowledge because workers talk to one another.

Informal internal communication is a healthy sign as it shows that there is a

healthy relationship amongst colleagues as well as with management.
Formal external communication refers to all planned communication with parties
outside the organisation.

External communication can create a favourable or unfavourable impression.

All written and verbal communication with the outsideworld therefore has to be
carefully prepared.

A letter in reply to a customer’s request is more important than most of us believe

because it is a form of external communication. The language, tone and content
of the letter can reflect positively or negatively on the company.

The public relations department consists of people who specialise in dealing with
the public. They are the ones who will usually prepare press releases and deal
with the public in the event of any crisis.
Informal external communication occurs when a member of an
organisation talks or socialises with outsiders. In the course of
the conversation, others get to know more
about the company.

People, from friends to business associates, form an impression

of your company based on what you or a member of your
company says and based on your nonverbal signals when you
speak of your work.

We often see top management personnel of different

organisations getting together after work for a drink or for a
night out.

All this is part of the informal external communication

process which contributes to the success of any organisation.
Communication is either oral or written. Writing is essential in both internal and
external communication.

So, the written message should be clear, purposeful and concise with correct words
used to avoid any misinterpretation of your message.

Written communication provides a permanent record for future use. It also gives an
opportunity to employees to put their ideas in writing.

1. Memorandums (i.e., memos as they are often called) are used for internal
circulation of information. A memo is a less formal way of passing on
information in an organisation.

2. Letters are more formal than memos. They are more often used to communicate
with parties outside the organisation. Similarly, if you are being asked to leave a
company, the information will be given to you in the form of a letter.
3. Reports are written when information has to be
provided to a group of people. A lot of research and
hard work goes into the writing of a report.
Of course, there are different types of reports.

The annual report of a company is very formal and

comprehensive. Reports like a proposal to improve
staff performance can be less formal and can be
presented in the form of a memo.

Email is nowadays so much a part of the workplace.

It is used for both internal and external
Activity 1.2
You work as an administrative executive in a multinational
company. Study the following situations and decide how you would
communicate to accomplish each task. For example, you may
telephone a customer to explain your mistake or write a memo to
inform your staff of a change in the operating hours of the cafeteria.
1. Your manager has asked you to inform all department heads to
attend a meeting.
2. You wish to ask your superior for a few hours off so that you
can take your baby to see the doctor.
3. Your manager has asked you to respond to a letter of complaint
about late delivery of electronic parts to another company.
4. Your colleague has emailed you to ask for some information
related to a project.
5. You just realised that there is an error in a memo you prepared.
The memo has been circulated to the people concerned.
In this Information Age, huge amounts of
information can be transmitted and retrieved

Technologies such as the Internet, voicemail and

faxes enable people around the globe to
communicate 24 hours a day.
Computer-related communication can be conducted wherever you are.

Electronic communication is made possible with the Internet which is a global

computer network that links computer networks all over the world by satellite and

The Internet offers a variety of choices for online communication.

Email enables us to create, edit and send messages merely with a click on the
mouse. It is probably the most common way of interacting with others on the
Internet. Email is effective when you want to send short messages

Mailing lists will enable communication with special interest groups.

Newsgroups consist of posted messages and responses by people who

to them.

Instant messaging and chat are sometimes used for work purposes. It is more
versatile than the telephone and quicker than email. Workers can actually
conduct an online meeting in a private chat area through instant messaging.
Videoconferencing is now becoming more accessible and therefore more popular.
It is increasingly being used to replace face-to-face meetings as it allows people
different locations to meet and talk to one another without having to leave their

Videoconferencing can be carried out in specially-equipped

rooms or with the use of less sophisticated desktops fitted with
videoconferencing software and web cameras.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the most basic way to download and upload files.

An intranet is used by most large organisations. The intranet

allows employees to access company information from wherever they are. If you
are overseas on business and you need some data about your company, you can
easily get it from your corporate intranet.

An extranet is an external intranet. The extranet allows people who are not
employees such as suppliers and customers to enter the network using a
You can enter the extranet of another company to check on the status of your
order. Medical professionals use the extranet to share information. You can
the extranet of WOU to participate in forums and to check for announcements.
Activity 1.3
Answer the following questions.

1. What advantage does instant messaging have over email?


2. Explain the difference between an intranet and an extranet.


3. What are advantages of videoconferencing to the business world?


4. What is FTP on the Internet? What does it allow you to do?

Technology has improved very fast.

It has obviously made communication at the

workplace much easier with many sophisticated
communication tools.

Some of the innovations include new telephone

systems, voicemail, facsimile messages and
handheld computer devices.

Voicemail Fax

Tablet Why do we
have so many

Figure 1.2 Formal internal communication

Fixed phonelines are still used for communication.

Most companies use a call management system which screens and directs calls.

The mobile or cellular phone is now a necessary tool for workplace communication.
Employers can easily contact their employees wherever they may be using the mobile

Wireless communication service providers now offer very competitive rates.

It is believed that wireless phones will displace fixed-line telephones some time in
the future.

No matter how convenient the mobile phone may be, we must always remember
mobile phone etiquette.

1. Do not leave your mobile phone on when you are attending a meeting or at
a place where the ringing may disrupt work. Excuse yourself from the meeting to
answer the call.
2. Do not talk loudly during conversations
on the mobile phone.

3. Do not talk about issues related to your

work when you are conversing over
the mobile phone in public.
Voicemail allows you to send, store and retrieve verbal messages.

The major complaint about voicemail

is that callers have to listen to lengthy recordings and be transferred from one menu
to another before they can speak to the person they are calling.

The following are a few points to remember when preparing a voicemail message:

1. Prepare an accurate, brief and concise message which should not be longer
than two minutes.

2. Make sure you give the name of your organisation immediately

3. Make sure you state the action you want the caller to take.

4. Speak clearly and slowly so that the caller can understand you and has time
to digest the information you give.

5. Make sure your message is grammatically correct.

6. Allow the caller to talk to a live person without being directed from one
option menu to another.
Below is an example of a typical voicemail
“Thank you for calling Wawasan Open
For English, press 1; for Bahasa Malaysia,
press 2; for Mandarin, press 3.Please key
in the extension number directly, press 1
for course enquiries or press 0 for operator
Speech recognition software is now being used by many organisations with the
hope that this will make callers feel better as they will not have to be put through
the tedious phone menus of voicemail.

Instead of touch tone menus where voicemail directs you to “press 1 or press
2”, the caller listens to an operator who is not human.

These speech recognition programmes listen to your voice, breaks it up into blocks,
looks for a match and gives a pre-recorded response.

“The number you require is 04-2291919.

To connect to this number, say ‘connect’.”

Telekoms Malaysia made use of this speech recognition

software at one time but (probably because of speech recognition problems) has
replaced it with a message asking the caller to press a number to be connected.
A facsimile (i.e., a fax machine) scans exact copies of printed documents and converts
them into digital form.

This digitalised image is sent through telephone lines to the other party who receives the
document immediately.

his is the main advantage of a fax over other methods of transmitting text where there
may a delay in transmission.

The facsimile can transmit any printed document including graphics and images. It is
therefore very widely used.

Confidential documents should best be sent by courier or registered mail.

A smartphone is a mobile phone that usually has a large touch screen and built on
a mobile operating system.

It carry out many functions of a computer.

Allows the user to create, view and edit documents and spreadsheet, access webpages,
handle emails and popular instant messaging services.

Users can also download and execute various applications,

capture and edit photos, videos and create a playlist # to name but a few. Smartphone
technology is constantly evolving.
VoIP is now widely used as it allows conversations over the Internet. VoIP allows
for more than one telephone call using the same broadband-connected telephone line.

Offices make use of VoIP to cut costs as it is like an extra free telephone line.

VoIP is accessible anywhere where there is an Internet connection to your VoIP

Activity 1.4
You called Micron Services because there seems to be a mistake in
the bill sent to you. You reached the following voicemail message.
Read it and rewrite it so that it meets the requirements of a good
concise voicemail message. Make sure that the organisation is
immediately identified, the message is grammatically correct and
that the caller finally gets the opportunity to speak to a live person
who will attend to his/her concerns.

“This is Tracy Lim, one of the operators working for Micron Services.
For English, press 1; for Bahasa Malaysia, press 2; for Mandarin, press 3.
Please note that this conversation may be recorded for training
and quality control purposes.
For billing, press 1; for special deals, press 2; for reconnection of
services, press 3; for technical assistance, press 4. (You pressed 1)
To check your balance, press 1; to pay your bill, press 2. (You did
not press any button)
You have not registered a response. Thank you for calling.”
Good communication skills are now more vital than ever before because we need
to adapt to a workplace that is constantly changing. Changes have come about as a
result of advancing technology.

Globalisation has led to a culturally diverse workforce and the traditional style of
management has been replaced by team management.

To ensure job security, you will need to be flexible. You will need to be able to adapt
to changes and to learn new skills which will enable you to communicate more
effectively. Employees should be open to new technology.

Employees may find that they have to attend training sessions for communication
products which may eventually not be useful at all or which will soon become obsolete.

Just as employees need to adapt to change, so do organisations and employers.

Some companies are training employees to send fewer emailmessages and to mark
urgent messages in red.
Companies are also battling with data security, fearing that information on the
Intranet or the Internet can be destroyed or changed by hackers.

Hackers break into a computer to steal or change data. Viruses are programs that
can change or delete files. Other than using security software called firewalls and
a range of antivirus programs, organisations are trying to be more discreet when
they issue passwords to employees and customers.

Change is inevitable. Everyone can adapt to changes as long as we keep an open

mind and are willing to learn. After all, learning is a lifelong process and adapting
change should not be too difficult as long as we accept this.
In this section, we discussed various forms of communication. We
stressed on nonverbal symbols which are more reliable than verbal
communication and you were asked to interpret some nonverbal

We also dealt with internal and external communication and

how communication travels within an organisation. We discussed
the effects of new technology on workplace communication and
we analysed how some of these technologies are used as tools for

You were also reminded about certain rules relating

to the use of the mobile phone and given guidelines on voicemail
preparation. We touched on the importance of adapting to the
many changes in communication technology and the necessity to
be flexible in order to survive and to progress in the workplace. You
also attempted several activities as well as a case study.
We hope you have enjoyed this section and that you have started
applying what you have learnt at the workplace.
Self-test 1.1
Answer the following questions.
1. Identify and explain any three basic forms of nonverbal
2. Explain the hierarchy of formal internal communication in the
organisation you are working for. Draw a chart to illustrate
how information is passed downwards, upwards and laterally
in the organisation.
3. Which type of online communication is used most often at the
workplace? Why?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of voicemail?
At the workplace, everyone spends a large part of the day communicating.

Without this communication, you will not achieve anything.

After all, talking to someone, writing a memo, attending a meeting

and answering telephone calls are merely different ways of communicating.

“Studies show that the average person spends about 70% of each day engaged in
some form of communication.”
Dostal, J and Vincent, D S (1997) Technical Communication:
A Guided Approach, Minnesota: West Publishing Company.
For this reason, effective communication
is crucial at every level of an organisation. However, the ability to communicate
effectively does not come easily to many people. It requires effort and a lot of practice
but you can rest assured that it is definitely possible to improve on and to sharpen
your communication skills as long as you are prepared to work on them.

According to Means (2001), communication serves five basic purposes:

1. It helps you establish and build goodwill at the workplace. Healthy
relationships with employers, employees and colleagues are the result of good
communication skills. If everyone were to practise proper communication
skills. When there is a healthy working environment, quality work gets done

2. Communication helps you to persuade and convince others to act in a

way beneficial to the organisation. This purpose, however, can only be
achieved if you are able to show your audience that what you are proposing
is for their personal benefit.
3. Communication enables us to share information with others at the
workplace. work can then be done smoothly and efficiently. Deadlines can
be met.

4. Communication gives you the opportunity to establish your self-

effectiveness. If you send a message that is error-free, accurate and easy
to understand,

5. Communication also makes you feel good about yourself. It also

contributes to your self-esteem when you receive positive feedback on
your communication Skills

Good teamwork depends on the ability to communicate well with

members of the team.
The four skills identified are reading, writing, listening
and speaking.

You need four skills to qualify for employment:

• Reading
• Writing
• Listening
• Speaking
Employees are expected to be able to understand and correctly interpret information
both in text form and in the form of formatted documents like graphs, tables, flow
charts and manuals.

At work, you will have to read to locate information.

With the Internet, the volume of reading can be overwhelming.

Reading skills today refer to locating and selecting information as well

as interpreting all forms of information correctly.
The employee must be able to communicate
his/her thoughts in writing.

Write memos, reports, letters, email messages,

manuals and advertisement brochures.
Listening is one of the most difficult communication skills. Good listening means
being able to receive messages accurately.

Employees are expected to listen to and to interpret messages # sometimes with the
aid of nonverbal cues.

A wrongly interpreted or inaccurate message can cause havoc at the workplace.

All employees speak at work everyday.

You may have to attend meetings where you will be expected to speak or asked to
deliver a formal presentation.

You may even be asked to prepare voicemail for the office and this would mean that
anyone calling the organisation will hear you speaking first.

The way you speak, your tone of voice, your pronunciation, etc. tells the listener
volumes about you.
Effective reading and knowledge of workplace vocabulary can affect other
communication skills.

There is a lot to read and time on the job is money.

With so many sources of information available via the Internet, libraries and databases,
vast amounts of information can be obtained immediately.

To meet expectations and to remain competitive at the workplace, workers must be able
to read independently and to process information effectively.

Successful reading at the workplace requires you to know when to read fast and
when to read slowly.

People dealing with highly technical information may have to read very complicated
information. In such cases, they may have to read and re-read the information several
times before they can make use of the information.
At the workplace, you will normally be expected to
read for a variety of purposes - some of which are
listed below:
1. To locate information.
2. To summarise.
3. To draw conclusions so that proposals or
recommendations can be made.
4. To accomplish a task.
5. To develop and use related technical vocabulary.
When you are asked to read to locate information, you either skim or scan. You can
skim and scan text documents, charts, graphs and maps.

Scanning is when you read fast to locate certain specific information. For
example,you may be asked to supply the names of all employees born in the month
of August as the company wants to organise a joint celebration in conjunction with
National Day. To do this, you run through the list of employees, ignoring those who
were born in other months.

Skimming requires you to read quickly to get a general idea. For example, the
department head may skim through the daily reports submitted by the supervisors
just to make sure that things are running well and that there are no problems.
Activity 1.5
Scan the following list of suppliers to find the required information:
1. The telephone number of Jamil Tech.
2. The person to contact when contacting Pinang Electronics.
3. Blacklisted suppliers.
4. The most regular and reliable supplier.
5. The number of suppliers from Penang and the name of the most
reliable Penang supplier.
Activity 1.6
Skim the following article to answer the questions which follow.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

E&O net profit rises 164%
PETALING JAYA: Eastern & Oriental Bhd. (E&O) reported a
whopping 164% jump in net profit to RM60.9 mil for the financial
year ended March 31, 2007 (FY07) against RM23.1 mil in FY06.
According to the company’s filing with Bursa Malaysia yesterday,
sales improved more than 111% to RM1.06 bil from RM500 mil.
Earnings per share rose to 14.67 sen against 10.39 sen.
The significant improvement was attributed to the consolidation
of revenue from subsidiary E&O Property Development Bhd. (E&O
Prop) as well as higher contributions from the construction segment
under Putrajaya Perdana Bhd. (PPB) and the hotel division which saw
sales rising 21%. On a quarterly basis, the fourth quarter’s net profit
more than tripled to RM30.7 mil from the third quarter’s profit of
RM10.2 mil. This was due to better performance from all activities,
gains on disposal of investments and write-back of impairment
losses in other investments.
“The existing and ongoing launches of development projects as
well as the value of outstanding order book from its construction
activities shall contribute positively to the earnings of the group
in the forthcoming quarter,” E&O said.
In a separate filing, E&O Prop said it posted 103% jump in net profit
for FY07 to RM131.8 mil against RM64.8 mil previously. Revenue
rose more than 50% to RM492.2 mil from RM327.3 mil. The surge
was due to higher revenue recognised from the ongoing projects
including Dua Residency, Idamansara and Seri Tanjung Pinang.
“Going forward, the group expects the existing development
projects, together with ongoing launches of development
projects to continue to contribute positively,” E&O Prop said.

Source: The Star Online > Business, 30 May 2007

1. What are the main ideas conveyed in the article?

2. Which sectors of the company contributed to the rise in
3. How does the company
Skimming and scanning graphs and visuals
With instant access to data across the world and the huge amount of information
available to us, organisations sometimes consider it much easier to convert data
into graphic form. Bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts usually present data in a
simplified way.

Graphs are usually read with a combination of skimming and scanning skills. When
reading graphs, remember the following guidelines:

1. Read the title and all written information to get a general idea of the
information provided.
2. Read the labels on the columns and the lines.
3. Determine what is being compared.
4. Check the source of the information and when the information was last
updated to make sure it is not outdated.
Activity 1.7
Skim and scan the following graph. Proceed to answer the questions
which follow.

Updated on 17 May 2007

Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia
1. What does this graph show?
2. Which age group has contributed most to the increasing
population over the years covered in the graph?
3. Which age group has shown a decline?
Activity 1.8
Tables are usually organised into rows and columns. Study the
following table and then skim and scan for information to answer
the questions that follow.
1. What does the table above show?
2. Compare total exports for the first quarter of 2006 to those in the
first quarter of 2007. Is there an increase or a decrease in exports?
3. Which commodities have contributed most to the increase in
exports during the first quarter of 2007?
4. How much did Malaysia gain during the first quarter of 2007
from the export of crude petroleum?
5. For the year 2006, which type of goods contributed most to
Malaysia’s export revenue?
Because of the vast amount of information available to us today,
we need to learn
to summarise what we read.

Summaries are shorter than the original document. They may be

just a sentence,
several paragraphs, several pages, a list, a chart or a graph.

To summarise, you need to identify the main idea when you skim
a document.
Activity 1.9
There are many foreign workers working in your company. Write
a summary of the following article so that you can update your
Filipino workers about how they can send money home in the
future and about the rules and regulations attached concerning
this new method.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Filipinos can SMS money home, Indons to follow suit soon
KUALA LUMPUR: Thousands of Filipino workers can now send
money to their families and other dependants in the Philippines
within seconds through mobile phone service messaging and
without going through banks.

Maxi s Communicat ions Berhad and the Phi l ippine’ s

telecommunications company Globe Telecom yesterday launched
the world’s first international mobile-to-mobile money transfer
service between the two countries.

The service, approved by Bank Negara, allows users to transfer up

to PHP6,500 (RM500) per transaction at RM5 per transaction and
15 sen for each SMS, half the transaction fee of banks, said Maxis
chief executive officer Sandip Das.
Up to RM10,000 can be transferred per day at no charge to
recipients who receive the money in pesos based on daily
exchange rates.
The service will benefit 20,000 Filipino Maxis subscribers in
Malaysia, Das said.
“The service is part of a larger picture of us being a strong service
provider for the immigrant population,” he said.
“We will not replace the banking institutions for international
remittance but provide customers an alternative solution to
sending money in micro arrangements, at a lower fee and a
greater convenience,” he said.
The service will also be made available for Indonesians in
before the end of the month and other countries later in the year,
he said.
It is estimated that there are 150,000 Indonesian mobile phone
users in Malaysia, he said.
On receipt of an SMS confirmation, a recipient can withdraw
the money through any of Globe’s GCash 6,000 outlets in the
Philippines as well as rural banks, pawnshops and retail outlets
and pay for things and tuition fees in some places without cashing
it out, said Globe’s head of consumer business Ferdz De la Cruz.
Source: The Star Online > Nation, 31 May 2007
Very often, we read so that we can draw a conclusion and thereafter make a decision
or recommendation.

Making the correct judgement or decision is crucial as the wrong decision can cause
an organisation to lose millions of dollars. The decision-making process involves
the following steps:
1. Identifying the objective or the problem.
2. Gathering information related to the problem.
3. Reading the information selected.
4. Drawing a conclusion.
5. Finding the best solution or making the best possible decision.
Very often, you will have to read to accomplish a task given to you. If you are
working for a given in the instruction booklet which usually accompanies the
product if a customer were to ask you for assistance.

Forms are created for specific purposes.

Furthermore, you must remember to read and comprehend all the terms and
conditions when you make purchases.
Depending on the nature of your job,
you should familiarise yourself with
relevant technical terminology.
You can log onto any of the following websites to book an airline
ticket. Complete the online forms and see if you can make a
successful online purchase.
Listening is the most used of all communication skills.

The ability to listen and remember information correctly is essential irrespective of

your position in an organisation.

Listening is a difficult and yet crucial skill at any workplace. It is a skill

which is much sought after by employers. Good listening is associated with good
interpersonal skills and it can be learnt like all other communication skills.

There are two types of listening:

1. Casual listening is when we listen to friends in the course of a conversation.

2. Active listening is essential when we are working as we listen with a

purpose in mind. Irrespective of our positions, we listen actively at the workplace.

Active listening also requires another skill # viz., interpretation of nonverbal

Preconceived impression of the speaker
Very often, we dismiss a speaker merely because of physical appearance. If the speaker
is far from attractive or impressive-looking, many listeners form a preconceived
impression that what the person says will not be worth listening to even before a
word is uttered. Sometimes, negative nonverbal symbols like attire and body language
also turn us off from the start.

Preconceived impression of the topic

If you have already an opinion of your own about an issue and you are not
open-minded to other ideas, then you will not take in what is being said.

Environmental distractions
We do not always have control over the environment. The workplace may be very
noisy when your manager is speaking to you. The air-conditioner may just break down
in the midst of a presentation, leaving both the speaker and the audience perspiring
in the heat.
Inability to stay focused
Sometimes, listeners allow their minds to wander and to think of other matters
while the speaker is speaking. This will definitely not be tolerated at the workplace
as no one wants to waste time repeating what has been said.

Unnecessary note-taking
Sometimes, it is necessary to take brief notes like when someone calls and leaves a
message for your colleague. You need to record the name of the caller, the contact
number and the message.

Strategies for effective listening

Effective listening strengthens relationships in an organisation. Listening is a very
difficult but a very important skill. Section 3.2 of chapter 3 explains strategies for
effective listening very thoroughly.
If you prefer to start by listening to foreign
speakers speaking each
sentence at a time, you can log onto the
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab <>
gives you the opportunity to listen to a variety of dialogues ranging
from easy to difficult. If you do not have the RealPlayer on your
computer, you can download it for free through the ESL website:

Listen to the dialogues and attempt to answer the questions.

Start off with the dialogues rated as “Medium” and move on to

either “Easy” or “Difficult” depending on your listening skills.
Oral communication at the workplace
Oral or verbal communication is a skill you require whether you are at school, at
home or at your workplace. On the job, you may have to speak both formally and
informally to one person or a group of people. When you speak to one person, it
is usually informal but this may not always be the case. When you speak to two or
more people, it is usually more formal.

For example, if you are explaining to a new colleague how to use the photocopier,
you speak informally. When you explain to a group of visitors how your production
branch functions, you speak formally.

Oral communication at the workplace includes a vast variety of activities ranging

from telephoning skills to persuasive skills and presentation skills.

WUC 107/03 Workplace Communication Skills deals with telephoning skills and
the oral communication skills you will need to participate in meetings and
How to improve verbal communication
First impressions are important. When we see a person, we form our initial impression
based on physical appearance, attire and nonverbal symbols. We do not just look at
a person. A meeting is immediately followed by speech and conversation. Thereafter,
we create in our minds our first impression of the person. In the same way, people
form their first impressions of us. Our articulation, tone of voice, choice of words,
etc. help the listener form that first impression of us.

Oral communication requires feedback both verbally as well as in nonverbal forms.

The following are a few tips on how to improve our oral communication skills.
1. Use positive words
Verbal communication includes phrasing your words clearly and positively.

2. Give examples
One way to help others understand your message is by giving an example.
If you need to, tell a short story or a joke to illustrate your point.

3. Ask the right questions

It makes a difference whether you ask a “why” or a “how” question.

Closed questions which will only require a “Yes” or a “No” as an answer are
only useful if you are giving instructions and do not want any other feedback.
4. Think before you speak
Irrespective of whether you are going to speak in public, talk with your
superiors or other colleagues, you must remember to think before you utter
your words. Misunderstandings can occur when you express yourself without

5. Reduce verbal pauses

Verbal pauses or expressions like “ah” and “um” will irritate your listeners
when they are used too often. It may be perceived as uneasiness or uncertainty
on your part.

6. Avoid careless language

Use your phrases with care. Speak in a way that allows for an accurate
description of your thoughts or ideas. Do not expect people to assume and
guess what you are trying to say.
Avoid words like “always”, “never”, “every” or “all”. When you tell an
employee that a person is always late when in fact he was late only twice,
you are asking for an argument and causing unnecessary misunderstandings.
Never compare two people at the workplace. A statement like “You are
much slower than Sunny” may create resentment and a rebellious attitude.
7. Accept compliments graciously
Compliments are very often given by friends or superiors. We appreciate
compliments but somehow there are times when we feel awkward and
respond in the wrong manner. Learn how to respond to compliments in
the right manner.

Activity 1.10
Think of three questions (using What, How and Why) that you
could ask at a meeting to encourage participants to come up with
possible causes and solutions to a problem that has arisen. Phrase
your questions in grammatically correct English.
1. What _____________________________________________ ?
2. How _____________________________________________ ?
3. Why _____________________________________________ ?
Team communication
A team is made up of two or more people who work together to achieve a common
goal. Most organisations expect group interaction based on the understanding that
people achieve better results when working collectively or as a team than individually.

Not every member of a team contributes equally as some members take on greater

Teams are important in the workplace and they are formed for a variety of purposes.
Some teams become a part of the company’s structure. Some are formed to solve a
problem or work on a specific activity. The problem-solving team and the task force.
Advantages of teamwork
When members of a group cooperate to achieve a purpose, this is called collaboration.
People collaborate for the following reasons:

1. To share expertise
Every member of the team has different skills and different levels of
knowledge which they share and make use of to achieve the aim of the team.
People in a team therefore complement one another.

2. To share opinions and perspectives

A problem can be viewed from several perspectives. If the occupancy rate of
a hotel is very low, the team formed to solve this problem may be made up
of the sales manager, the public relations manager, the restaurant operator,
the head of facilities and some management staff.

3. To maximise performance level of personnel

Teams allow employees to show their ability and creativity.
Effective teams
Teams are only effective when team members share a common purpose or vision and
when they work together to achieve it.

An effective team is not formed just by naming some efficient and capable people.
The team needs to go through the initial stage where members meet and establish
a bond.
We work
As a
team. We we
share stand
Virtual teams
Virtual teams bring together people from different corners of the globe so that they
can share information and accomplish specific goals. These teams function using
computer networks, teleconferencing and email.

Cost-effective virtual teams are a result of web technology. Web-based collaboration

allows companies to pool resources so that certain goals can be achieved.

They must therefore have excellent project management skills and good time
management skills. You can only work effectively in a virtual team if you are well versed
in electronic communication technology and have excellent collaboration skills.

They must therefore have excellent project management skills and good time
management skills. You can only work effectively in a virtual team if you are well versed
in electronic communication technology and have excellent collaboration skills.
Understanding the team
For a team to be effective, members must be fully aware of how the team will
function. Team members must identify the following:
• The goal of the team.
• The leader.
• The recorder.
• Task allocation method.
• Decision-making method(s).

The team leader may decide to assign tasks or ask for volunteers to take on certain
Making decisions and solving problems as a team
Teams are formed with a specific purpose and they are usually required to make
decisions and/or solve problems.
Teams can come to a decision based on one of the following methods:

1. Democratic method
If this method is used, everyone on the team is entitled to a vote. The decision
of the majority is accepted.

2. Autocratic method
In this case, one person (usually the leader) gives an order which everyone
on the team will follow, irrespective of whether they like it or not.
When every member of the team discusses an issue before the team reaches
a decision, this is referred to as a consensus of opinions. A team using this
decision-making strategy would open the issue for discussion amongst the group
members before a decision is made. This method does not require everyone to agree
with the decision but it helps those who do not agree with the decision to accept
and abide by it more readily.
Teams have to go through the following stages before a decision is reached or a
problem solved:
1. Defining the problem
The problem has to be specific so that it can be properly explained to team
2. Analysing the problem
Areas that need to be researched and discussed need to be identified. The
team has to be given time to analyse the data collected.
3. Brainstorming
A spontaneous contribution of ideas is necessary so that team members
can build on one another’s ideas. One person’s idea may stimulate another
person to come out with another idea and the end result would be a series
of good ideas.
4. Evaluating alternatives and making a decision
Suggestions and ideas brought out during the brainstorming session have to
be evaluated. Alternatives have to be discussed and the final decision made
based on one of the decision-making methods discussed above.
Maximising nonverbal communication skills
We discussed the importance of nonverbal communication earlier here in Unit 1.
Do remember that when communicating orally, you should be aware of your own
nonverbal signals. Pay attention to your posture, gestures, facial expressions and
vocal characteristics. Dress appropriately for the occasion and be aware of cultural
differences when it comes to time, space and touch.

Nonverbal symbols determine your image at your workplace. What others think
of you depends on your body language, your sincerity and the nonverbal signals
you subconsciously display when you are at work. Whether you are perceived as
confident, overconfident, friendly or insincere depends on how your nonverbal
signals are interpreted.
Here are a few cultural differences in nonverbal communication which
you may find useful.

1. Body language
Bowing is not done in the United States and most Western countries but it
is a sign of respect for rank in Japan. Showing the soles of feet is considered
offensive in Thailand and in several Middle East countries but it carries no
significant meaning to most Western cultures.
2. Eye contact
Americans and most Western cultures see direct eye to eye contact as positive
as it shows attention. Arabic cultures believe it also helps them understand
how truthful and sincere the other party is. However, in Japan, Africa and
the Caribbean, the people avoid direct eye contact to show respect for the
other party.
3. Personal space
Most Western Europeans and Americans prefer personal space of at least
18 inches to 2 feet. In a business conversation, it is normal to see two
Canadians standing 3 feet to 5 feet apart. Latin Americans and Arabs prefer
to stand much closer to the person they are communicating with, while the
Japanese and the Germans prefer more personal space.
Diversities in the workplace
No two people are alike and there is bound to be diversity whether at home or in the

Diverse talents and skills help an organisation to grow and these diversities can
result in creative and useful ideas.

It is imperative that we accept people for what they are and that we do not stereotype

While stereotyping people can sometimes be harmless, it is best to avoid this habit.
It is wrong and unfair to judge a group of people based merely on our beliefs. Every
individual is different.
Cross-cultural communication
When people of different cultures communicate, this is referred to as
communication. Globalisation and modern technology have enabled the
world to become a platform for cross-cultural communication.

The benefits are tremendous.

The only setback to cross-cultural communication is that people from
different cultures do not share common values and beliefs.
Barriers to cross-cultural communication
Language is a major barrier where cross-cultural communication is concerned.

When you speak to someone who

does not have a good command of the English language, use simple concise sentences.
Repeat your sentences if you think the other party does not fully comprehend what
you have said and speak slowly if it is necessary.

The use of jargon or abbreviations should be avoided as this will hinder

communication with someone of another culture. Being sensitive to the different
language skills of others will definitely be helpful when you are communicating
across cultures.
Cultural differences
Refusal to accept that there are differences among cultures is a definite barrier to
international communication. It is important to be willing to learn about the cultures
and values of the people you are dealing with. Adopt an open mind towards the
religious and political beliefs of the people you are meeting. Do avoid discussing
sensitive topics or cultural issues you are not familiar with.

Gesturing with the finger for someone to come is

perfectly polite in many Western communities but it is considered as very impolite
in Malaysian society. “Pointing” is accomplished in North America and Europe by
using the index finger.

Tilting the head from side to side is a Greek gesture for “yes” while many cultures
like Indians nod their heads for “yes”. Even a smile is used for different purposes
by different cultures. Asians smile when they are happy and even sometimes
they are confused. Americans smile to show pleasure while people in the Middle
East sometimes smile to avoid conflict.

Simple sounds like “uh-uh” carry different meanings to different cultures. Malays
use “uh-uh” to mean “I agree”; Americans use “uh-uh” to mean “I don’t agree”.
In this section, we discussed the four basic communication skills
required at the workplace # i.e., reading, listening, speaking and
writing. You attempted activities where you had the opportunity
to apply these skills. You also listened to some dialogues online.
The importance of teamwork was explained and we discussed how
effective teams function. We analysed cultural and other diversities
at the workplace.

We hope this section has made you aware of the importance of

communication skills especially at the workplace. Do put to use
what you have learnt at your place of work. Remember to select
your words carefully when you speak and write. Be alert to what
others say and to the nonverbal signals which accompany the verbal
message. Skim and scan information given to you carefully. Also,
be alert to diversities at the workplace.
Have fun communicating!
Self-test 1.2
When we communicate, we want others to respond positively.
Using negative words, gender-biased expressions and complicated
expressions which other nationalities do not really understand will
lead to negative reactions.
Imagine you are speaking to a person of another nationality whose
mother tongue is not English. Reword the following expressions,
making sure there is no bias and that the receiver will understand
and respond positively to the message.

1. We need to finish this ASAP. After that, we can take five.

2. I have not met your secretary but I think she has made many
mistakes when typing this report. She will have to correct these
3. I think we can hit the road after the meeting.
4. It’s been a long session. Let’s have tea now, shall we?
5. That employee was axed because he had no communication
skills at all.
6. I don’t understand what you are saying. Can you speak clearly
and slowly?
1.3 The Communication Process
By the end of this section, you should be able to:
1. Describe the communication process and the main elements involved in
the process.
2. Explain the responsibilities of senders and receivers of messages in
3. Solicit for and respond to feedback when communicating.
4. Use suitable channels and media when communicating.
5. Identify and overcome communication barriers.
We communicate using a variety of channels and media everyday without sometimes
realising that communication is actually a process which involves several phases.
The sender thinks of an idea, encodes the idea and sends the message using the
appropriate channel, whether it be verbal, nonverbal, spoken or written.

The sender also selects a suitable medium for the message. The person may decide
to use the telephone, write an email message or prepare a report to get the message

The receiver decodes and interprets the message and he/she responds to the
message using a channel and a medium of his/her choice.
Communication can be between two or more people or between man and
As mentioned earlier in section 2 of this unit, we have voicemail and voice
recognition devices which we can actually make use of to communicate with
others. Sometimes, the entire communication process can be completed without
another human being coming into the picture.
The sender, message and receiver
There are two participants in a communication process: the sender and the receiver.
The third component in the communication process is the message which is being
sent from one party to the other.

The sender
All communication begins with the sender who has an idea. In order to get the idea
across in the best possible way, the sender has to take into consideration several

Given here are some factors the sender should take into consideration in preparing
the message.

Analysis of the audience/receiver

If you are sending a message, you need to analyse the person you are going to
communicate with. You should know the person’s concerns and motives. If you are
communicating across cultures, you need to study his/her cultural background as
On the other hand, if it is bad news you are conveying, give the reasons first before
delivering the news
1. Delivering good news
• Congratulations! You have been promoted.
• Your proposal has been accepted. Your suggestion was well-supported and we
think it is feasible.

2. Delivering bad news

• This is the peak period when room occupancy in the hotel is very high. Your
application for leave cannot be considered at this time.
• The company has not been doing well. Some of the staff will have to be

Techniques to use when preparing messages

Another technique we use in business communication is to adopt a You-attitude
when talking to someone. This puts the receiver first and the sender second. It helps
reinforce the impression that the receiver is more important
1. I-attitude
• I can only pay the rental later this month.
• We cannot entertain your request now as we are short of staff. We may be
able to consider the request later.

2. You-attitude
• You will receive the rental later this month.
• Your request will be entertained later as we are currently short of staff.
Message environment
Selecting an environment preferred by the person
receiving the message is of vital importance in any business dealing.
Activity 1.11
Analyse the following situations and compose the good news or bad
news messages you will transmit to the other party.
1. You are the production manager of a factory. There have been
some problems in the production plant and you are unable to
meet the deadline set for delivery of the goods. You have to
inform your customer about this.

2. You are one of the managers working for a company which has
made a huge net profit. You have been asked to tell your staff
about this and to tell them

3. You have won a prize in a slogan-writing contest. You wrote

this slogan with the help of a colleague. Share this good news
with your colleague.

4. You work as a sales executive selling cars in Kuala Lumpur. Sales

have been falling and you have been asked to tell your colleagues
that many of them will be deployed to East Malaysia as part of
the restructuring exercise.
Activity 1.11
1. There have been some problems at the production plant.
We are sorry that we are unable to meet the delivery

2. Congratulations! You’re all going to get a three-month

bonus at the end of the year. Our company has made a huge
net profit.

3. Good news! We have won the slogan-writing contest.

4. Sales have been falling. As part of the restructuring

exercise, some of you will be deployed to East Malaysia.
The message
A message carries meaning. It may be verbal or nonverbal. It can be a simple memo,
a company report or a nonverbal signal like a nod or a smile.

The receiver
has to decode and interpret your oral as well as nonverbal message as accurately as

The receiver
The receiver is the person to whom your message is directed. It is the responsibility
of the receiver to decode the sender’s message. The receiver either reads or listens to
the message. The message, irrespective of the medium, must be correctly interpreted.
Otherwise, there will be miscommunication.
If you are the receiver, it is your duty to tell the sender whether you understand the

Factors like cultural diversities, differences in opinion and the emotional state of
the receiver may affect the interpretation of the message. Therefore, it is important
that the receiver must be prepared to put aside differences of opinion and culture
and to accept the message with an open mind.
The receiver who gets the message interprets it and then responds to the message. This
response is referred to as feedback. The sender can evaluate how well the message
has been understood based on the response. Feedback sorts out misunderstandings.

The process of communication is actually quite complex. One-way communication

occurs when a message is received and no feedback is given. In this case, the
communication process is incomplete and has failed. Two-way communication is
when there is feedback.

Feedback may be in any form. It may just be a smile and a nod or it may be a verbal
or written message in response to yours. Remember that feedback is vital in any
communication as it is the only way the sender can know if the message has been

Positive feedback is given when the communication is effective. If the receiver

does not understand the message, then negative feedback is given. It is the sender’s
responsibility to encourage feedback and to welcome both positive and negative
A good communicator accepts and even welcomes negative feedback. He/She is
receptive to ideas. In this way, you encourage discussion. You will be in a better
position to make wisely-deliberated decisions and to solve problems.
Follow-up feedback is useful in a business setting.
Calling up your customers to see
if there is anything they need is a follow-up service they will
definitely appreciate.
Keeping in touch with business associates will help to
establish and maintain a
relationship which will be to your advantage in the future.
Activity 1.12
Answer the following questions.
1. Look at the statements below and indicate whether the feedback
is positive or negative.
a. “What do we do after that?” _____________________
b. “Can you repeat what you said?” _____________________
c. “That’s a good idea.” _____________________
d. “I’m not sure what you mean.” _____________________
2. Study the following situations and decide on appropriate
a. You listen to a customer who has a whole list of complaints.
b. One of your workers is late for work. She apologises for being
late and explains that she had to take her baby to see a doctor.
3. Explain the various ways participants at a meeting can provide
4. In what ways can the audience of live theatre performances
provide feedback to the performers?
Activity 1.12
1. a. Positive feedback.
b. Negative feedback.
c. Positive feedback.
d. Negative feedback.

2. a. Thank you for bringing your complaints to our attention. I

shall look into the matter and get back to you tomorrow.
b. I hope your baby gets well soon but you should have informed
me or the human resources manager early in the day. In case
you are going to be late again, please remember to call.

3. Participants at a meeting can provide feedback using nonverbal

signals as well as through speech. They can respond either
positively or negatively to seek clarification or participate in a
4. The audience of live theatre performances can provide feedback
both verbally as well as nonverbally. They can clap their hands
and they can smile to show that they appreciate the performance.
They can cheer the performers with words of encouragement.
However, their body language would be enough to show the
performers if they are not satisfied with the performance.
Choosing the right communication channel and media

Messages are sent through a channel using a medium such as

speech or writing and they are accompanied by nonverbal

Messages are received and interpreted

through the channel sent, using media like listening and
Choosing the right channel
Messages are sent through a channel. The channel may be a letter, an email message,
a telephone call or a meeting. Choosing the most appropriate channel to achieve
your purpose is crucial.

The communication channels can be classified in several ways. They can be classified
into the verbal channel and the nonverbal channel
Verbal channels

Verbal channels include all forms of writing and speaking.

Written verbal communication channels include reports, memos, email messages,
graphs and maps.

Spoken verbal communication channels can come in the form of telephone

conversations, face-to-face conversations, discussions at meetings and speeches.
Nonverbal channels
It is much faster and more cost-effective to communicate through nonverbal channels
as facial expressions speak volumes. A wave from far away can replace a verbal
greeting. Of course, the nonverbal expression is usually accompanied by some words.
As communication involves the use of our five senses as well, the channels used are
sometimes classified according to our senses:

1. Hearing or aural channel

This channel is used when we speak and others listen. This is a quick and
easy method of communicating but is most effective only when the listener
is attentive and not easily distracted.

2. Visual channel
People remember what they see better than what they hear. Colour visuals
attract attention and the visual channel is usually more precise and accurate.
3. Touch channel
We sometimes convey messages through physical contact. We shake hands or
hug one another. The main disadvantage is that this sense may be interpreted
differently by different cultures. However, it can prove very effective when
it is used correctly. For example, a hands-on training session on how to use
WawasanLearn is definitely more effective than spoken instructions and
explanations given by the tutor.

4. Taste and smell channels

Having lunch with a business associate helps to establish a relationship.
Emitting just the right amount of cologne or perfume can contribute towards
communication. It is obvious we would prefer to communicate with someone
who smells good rather than with someone with strong body odour
Choosing the right media
We send messages by speaking or writing and we receive them by listening to the
message or by reading it. These are the four media we use in communication.
The sender usually chooses the media depending on the situation and on the sender’s
own skill.

The receiver usually has little say over the choice of medium. If someone speaks to
you, you listen. If a colleague writes to you, you read the reply.

For example, your manager speaks to you and asks for a report
of the staff in your department. You listen and respond verbally by saying you will
send it. You check your records and write the report, sending it by email. Your
manager reads the report and replies to your email message.
Communication barriers
Anything which interferes with the communication process and causes the
message to be blocked or lost is a barrier to communication. You should be alert
to common communication barriers so that you can be more effective when you
are communicating.
Types of communication barriers
Means (2001) classifies communication barriers into two categories:
1. External barriers
Factors beyond the control of the sender and the receiver are referred to as
external barriers. Physical distractions like poor reception, a breakdown in the
air-conditioning or sound system and even uncomfortable seating can affect
communication. Since most of these external barriers are either unexpected
or unavoidable, both the sender and the receiver should be prepared to adapt
to the situation and cater to these barriers.

2. Internal barriers
Internal barriers are basically related directly to either the sender or
the receiver. They arise as a result of the personality and beliefs of the
parties involved in the communication process. We all have preconceived
impressions of certain issues. When the perception of the sender is different
from that of the receiver, a barrier is created. A very outspoken person may
say something seemingly harmless to himself/herself but may hurt a sensitive
Overcoming communication barriers
In order to improve our communication skills, it is essential that we are prepared to
overcome common communication barriers. The following tips may prove helpful.
1. Adopt an audience-centred approach
Conducting an audience analysis prior to the communication process is

The audience analysis is done during the first few minutes as you get to know the
person better.

2. Create an open communication climate

Encourage feedback. Be open-minded and receptive to opinions. An
organisation which encourages an open climate will encourage creativity
among the employees as they will not feel inhibited.

3. Adapting to and minimising external barriers

Do not allow external barriers like noise to affect your communication.
If your handphone rings when you are at the production line, move to a
quieter place where you can hear the caller clearly. If the microphone breaks
down, the speaker needs to speak louder while the audience should make an
attempt not be affected by distractions and listen attentively.
In this section, we have analysed the entire communication process.
We have assessed the roles played by the sender and the receiver
and discussed the importance of selecting the correct media and
channel for communication. We also discussed the barriers to
communication and the methods of overcoming them.
You attempted several activities related to the communication
process and you also completed a case study activity.
You should be aware by now that communication is actually a very
complex process and that, to be a good communicator, you need
to analyse every stage of the process.

Try applying what you have learnt at your workplace. When the
opportunity permits, spend some time thinking about your role
in the communication process. Consider the various channels
and media as you decide how best to communicate. At the end of
a day at work, analyse the complete communication process you
used when communicating with some of your colleagues at the
workplace. This will enable you to assess whether you have been
successful in communicating messages and it will add some fun
into your learning.
Self-test 1.3
Answer the following questions.
1. Identify and briefly explain the barriers to communication.

2. You manage a bakery in Petaling Jaya. A potential customer

from Penang has sent an email message to ask if you can deliver
a birthday cake to a person in Petaling Jaya the next day. You have
the writer’s email address and telephone number. What channel
would you use to respond to the email message? Why?

3. You have been asked to talk to a group of foreign tour agents

with the intention of encouraging foreign tourists to visit
Malaysia. What will you look for in the course of conducting
an audience analysis? Why?
Self-test 1.3
1. There are external as well as internal barriers to communication.
External barriers are beyond the control of both the sender and
receiver and include factors like distractions and electrical failure.
Internal barriers are related to certain preconceived ideas
ingrained into the minds of either the sender or the receiver.
These beliefs and personal opinions affect communication.

2. I would respond by making a telephone call to the potential

customer because the order is for the next day. There may be a
delay in transmission if I send an email reply.
3. I would check the countries they come from and conduct
research about the religious beliefs and cultural values of the
people there. I would also check the status and seniority as well
as the ages of the people who are likely to be in my audience.
I will also check on their proficiency in the English language.
These will help me prepare a presentation which will be of their
level and which will appeal to them. I can also avoid issues which
the audience may consider sensitive.
Summary of Unit 1
This unit covers the entire communication process and has
introduced you to the forms of communication. You looked at how
information travels in an organisation. You also attempted exercises
geared towards helping you improve on your communication
skills. You worked on activities related to the basic reading skills
of skimming and scanning as well as exercises to help you improve
on your listening skills.
We focused on the importance of teamwork and diversities at the
workplace which may pose as barriers to communication. You
analysed the roles of participants in the communication process as
well as the variety of channels and media used for communication.
You were also reminded about the effect electronic communication
has had on our lives and the importance of being able to adapt to
We hope you manage to put to use what you have learnt in this unit
at your place of work and have had fun with some of the suggested
We will meet again in Unit 2 where we will be dealing with effective
telephone skills. Meanwhile, have fun communications!
References (Accessed 05 January 2014)
Bovee, C L, Thill, J V and Schatzman, B E (2004) Business Communication Essentials,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Bovee, C L, Thill, J V and Schatzman, B E (2002) Business Communication Today,
7th edn, USA: Bovee and Thill LLC.
Department of Statistics Malaysia (2007) External trade
my/english/frameset_keystats.php (Accessed 16 June 2008)
Department of Statistics Malaysia (2007) Major imports
my/english/frameset_keystats.php (Accessed 16 June 2008)
Department of Statistics Malaysia (2007) Population by age group http://www. (Accessed 16 June 2008)
Dostal, J and Vincent, D S (1997) Technical Communication: A Guided Approach,
Minnesota: West Publishing Company. (Accessed 05 January 2014)
Free online English lessons with sound
(Accessed 05 January 2014)
Lesikar, R V and Flatley, M E (2004) Basic Business Communication: Skills for
Empowering Internet Generation, 10th edn, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Malaysia Airlines (Accessed 05 January
Means, T L (2001) Communication for the Workplace, Ohio: South Western
Educational Publishing, Thomson Learning, Inc.
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab (Accessed 16 June 2008
Tutor-marked Assignment 1
1. TMA 1 has two questions based on Unit 1 and Unit 2 of
your course material.
Question 1 requires you to produce an essay of about 500-
600 words. Question 2 requires you to write an article of
about 400 words.
2. Both answers must have double- line spacing, using Times
New Roman Font 12.
3. This is an individual assignment so ensure that you do not
plagiarise other people’s work. Any plagiarism may result in
disciplinary action. Your tutor will explain more about this to
4. You are to submit your answers online using the OAS
system and it is your responsibility to submit your TMA
correctly and in a timely manner.
5. Your TMA 1 deadline is Friday, 7 Sept 2018 by 2400
6. TMA 1 will contribute 25% towards the total course grade.
7. You DO NOT need to submit your Turnitin Originality Report to OAS
However, you are highly encouraged to passage your TMAs to the Turnitin
system before submission, to encourage honest academic writing but it is
not mandatory
except for Project courses. Bear in mind that when you submit your TMA in
Turnitin the second time the system will usually take at least 24 hours to
send you the report.
8. The TMA Declaration form and answers for both questions 1 and 2 must
be done on one Microsoft Word document.
9. Finally zip the folder that contains your TMA file before submitting it
to the Online Assignment Submission (OAS).
Question 1 (60%)
You are a business trainer attached to Excellence Consultancy International.
You have been given the task of training a group of new employees from a a
large company called Solexion Communications. The session that you will be
doing is entitled ‘Obstacles to effective listening’.
• Prepare an article for the participants that will consist of the notes on the
above topic.
• Your article should be at least about 500 to 600 words long and consist of 5
main points.You must provide relevant elaborations and examples.
• You must also include an introduction, conclusion and any other relevant
information that the participants need to consider.
• Include at least two photographs that are relevant to your essay. Your
assignment file size, after you have zipped it, should not be more that 5
megabytes. You must also include the sources for your photographs.
It is important for you to cite and quote appropriately. Remember to include at least
2 intext citations in the body of your essay, and list your sources on the
References Page at the end. You must have at least 2 different sources for
this part of the question. Use the Chicago Style of referencing. For more
information on how to do proper referencing,
please refer to the WOU university citation guide which has a detailed write up on
how to
do citations and referencing. Refer to: .asp
1. Title and Introduction toobstacles to listening
2. 5 main points:Preconceived impression of the speaker, Preconceived
impression of the topics,Environmental distractions,Inability to stay focused,
Unnecessary note-taking.

3. Provide : Topic sentence of main point & Supporting information

and examples
4. 2 photos-with source.

5. Conclusion.

6. In-text citation( Chicago Style ) : Example:

According to Kiyosaki (2003), a graduate with
a ..
The better your education, the better your
opportunity to earn a higher income
(Kiyosaki: 2003)
7. Reference ( Chicago Style) : (In alphabetical order)
8. Language : 0 to 25 marks
Question 2 (40%)
You have been asked to speak to your company call centre staff on speaking
effectively on the telephone. You would like to prepare a presentation handout
and give it out during your speech. To obtain information for this purpose,
watch this video entitled ‘How to speak effectively over the phone” at the
following link

In the video, you will hear the speaker discuss six tips on how to speak
effectively over the phone. Use these six tips as well as other information that
you are able to find on the Internet and your course material prepare the
presentation handout for your company call centre staff.

Your handout should be at least about 400 words long. You must also include
an introduction and a conclusion. Add 2 pictures or graphics that will make
your article look more interesting. You must write the sources for your
pictures or graphics.
It is important for you to cite and quote appropriately. Remember to include at
least 2 intext citations in the body of your article, and list your sources on the
References Page at the end. You must have at least 2 different sources for this
part of the question. Use the Chicago Style of referencing. For more
information on how to do proper referencing, please refer to the WOU
university citation guide which has a detailed write up on how to do citations
and referencing.

Refer to:

Do not prepare a handout using PowerPoint.

1. Title and Introduction to speaking effectively over the phone

2. 6 main points :
6 tips in video:
Answer the phone specifying who you are
Speak clearly
Use words that make sense to the person you are speaking with
Listen actively
Use good and descriptive language
Keep a pen and paper handy
# Topic sentence of the main point / supporting information and
Additional information and examples not given in the course materials

7. LANGUAGE : 0 – 15 Marks
Your TMA 1
deadline is
Friday, 7th Sept
2018 by 2400

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