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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
Well, we will have our February 2nd meeting at Penn's in
Brandon. The Bass Pro Shop double booked the meeting room but
we have it secured for the remainder of 2019.

Our speaker this month is Dan Dugan. His talk will be about the
Battle of Franklin, Tennessee. This is a very good program and a
good one to bring a guest to hear!

So bring someone with you, come early, and as sure as tide and
time wait for no one, I'll probably see you at Penn's in Brandon on
February 2nd, 2019. OCR meeting starts at 5:15pm. SCV meeting
starts at 7:00pm. Order food as you please. There is no buffet at
Penn's. – Tim Cupit

Meeting Agenda for February 2nd:

Agenda For February 2nd, 2019 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
- Trivia by Ralph Smitherman
- Guest Speaker–Mr. Dan Dugan/Topic: Battle of Franklin, TN

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from Jan. 5th, Motion, 2nd, Discussion, Vote.
- Did everyone sign in & get a door prize ticket?
- and Facebook stats from Chris Merck
- 1st Thursday Coin Club Meeting at the Brandon Library at 6:30pm
hosted by Ed Lofton & draw for first door prize
- OCR Report by Brandi Gray
- Review 2019 MS Division SCV Reunion. We need members of the
camp to attend this reunion!!!
- Camp polo shirts– Lynn Gaskin Our guest speaker for the January meeting was author and
- Dixie National Parade is on Feb. 9th at 9am
- April 6th Memorial Service at Old Brandon Cemetery at 9am historian, Mr. Ron Kennedy. He spoke about the Southern
- Is there any other unfinished business? Victory Campaign, vindicating the Southern Cause, and our
New Business
duty to make Dixie great again! He is a great spokesman
- New Members and motivator for getting Southerners involved in
- 4th Brigade Picnic is on March 16th at Pleasant Hill United Methodist protecting our heritage. We thoroughly enjoyed his
Church: 445 Giffin Road, Louisville, MS 39339 presentation! Thank you again Mr. Kennedy!
- Feb. 23rd Adopt-A-Hwy at 8am
- We need a head count for the buffet in March
- Swearing in of Officers: Robert Myers, Ralph Smitherman, Tom
Fortenberry, & Butch Kuriger Keep up with what’s happening in and around
- Chris Merck is running for 4th Brigade Councilman Camp 265 by checking out the official
- Door Prizes Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!
- Open Floor
- Close the meeting with prayer at approx. 8:30pm
- Pass The Hat: We will help tip the girls who clean up from hat proceeds

Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
by Tom Fortenberry by Charles Lewis

“We could have pursued no other course without dishonor, and sad as
Home Is Where The Heart Is the results have been, if it had all to be done over again, we should be
compelled to act in precisely the same manner.”
I have often heard the expression, “home is where the heart is.” – Robert E. Lee
You may have heard this expression also, but not in the same Sixty (60) people signed in for door prizes at the January meeting.
words. There is a very interesting story which took place many
years ago and far from the home of those who finished one part of Commander Cupit called the meeting to order. Adj. Charles Lewis read
their lives to begin a new life and a new year before them. the minutes from the December meeting. Bill Kuriger made a motion the
minutes from the November and December meetings be excepted. Ian
Powell second the motion, and with no discussion the motion passed.
The story is some where in the Indian Ocean where the crew is
called to muster. The crew is informed by their Captain that they Ron Kennedy, author, historian, and Deputy Heritage Promotions -
have exceeded their expectations in capturing and sinking more National SCV, was the guest speaker. He gave a very informative speech
ships than the cost of building their own. The blessings of on the Southern Victory Campaign: fighting for our freedom and
defending our traditional values. The Heritage Operations is working on
Providence seemed to smile on them as the Captain read the recruiting 3,000 members for the Confederate Legion. Please consider
articles of war and then provided a New Years dinner for the crew. joining this worthy cause. Camp member, Ray Shores, is helping with this
Some of the crew thought it a shame to cut the cooked hams campaign.
which were decorated with Confederate Battle flags, so a simple
way was found to undress the hams so as not to invite unwanted William Curtis Yeatman received his membership certificate. Welcome to
Camp 265, Mr. Yeatman!
distress to the hams and also to the crews success. Now many
miles from home even the joy of having such a New Years meal Camp officers for 2019/2020 were sworn in. They are as follows:
was tempered by the thought of home. One of the men was Commander - Tim Cupit
recorded to have said, “ What a waste of waters between me and Adjutant - Charles Lewis
1st Lt. - James Cook
my country.” Another crew member stated, “ Oh how my heart 2nd Lt.- Tom Lilly
longs for my dear ones. My heart suffers most that God would 3rd Lt. - Chris Merck
protect our homes from those who would bring the cruelty of war Chaplin - Tom Fortenberry
for their own selfishness of gain.” Later as they entered the cold Sgt. at Arms - Butch Kuriger
waters of the Bering Straits more ships were captured and crews Genealogist - Robert Myers
Parliamentarian - Ralph Smitherman
released to nearby ports. The story of this ship and crew is but Newsletter Editor - Michael Wade
only a small part of the whole. Camp Artist - Robert Williams
Color Guard - Craig Haden
May it be our prayer that in this new year, to remember that as the Quarter Master - Lynn Gaskin
guns grew silent across the fields and forest there remained one The "pass the hat" at the Jan. meeting collected $61.00.
lasting Witness.
A reunion/relic show planning meeting was held at Penn's on Jan. 19,
History records that ten weeks after Appomattox the guns of the 2019. A lot has already been accomplished through Commander Cupit's
CSS Shenandoah were the last to be fired in defense of the (and others) efforts, but there is still more to be done. The next planning
meeting will be in March. Look for the date and make every effort to be at
Southern Cause and though the sound of guns have drifted far this meeting. There is a job for everyone, so please plan to do your part. A
from our ears, and soldiers remembered for their deeds... that relic show and division reunion on the same weekend is a huge
their souls had longed to return home. undertaking, so we need everyone's help.

Continued prayers for a speedy recovery for Mrs. Laura Barns

A New Year has arrived and with it many wishes and dreams. (Commander Jeff Barns' mother) and Mrs. Kay McWilliams.
When one stops for a moment and reflects on those who have
come before us, those who fought, those who died, and those who Condolences and prayers to the family of Bobby Joe Denton. We lost
lived to see our day, that they have not died in vane. For their another brother in arms. Rest in Peace, Brother.
passion and lives reinforce in each of us that although their home
Upcoming events:
that was far away…the idea and memory of what home stands Feb. 2, 2019 - Monthly meeting. Penn's Brandon, MS
for, stayed in their hearts. We always need to remember these Feb. 9, 2019 - Dixie National Rodeo Parade
lessons to pass on to our children; to teach them that the sound of Feb. 23 - 8:00 AM - Adopt-A-Highway clean up
guns cannot silence the home which abides in one heart or the March 16, 2019 - 10 AM - 2 PM - 4th Brigade MS Division, Johnston
cause for which we stand. White Picnic. Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, Louisville, MS
April 6, 2019 - Confederate Memorial Service. Old Brandon Cemetery
June 7 - 9, 2019 - Relic Show and MS Division Reunion.
May God Bless each of you for a good year.
Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265 Charles Lewis, Adjutant Camp 265
Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose
January has come and gone and we have been planning all of our upcoming events. Brandi Gray and Stephanie Foley represented the
Mary Ann Forrest Chapter at the Lee/Jackson Banquet in Pontotoc on January 12th where we announced the upcoming Division
Reunion and Relic Show. Tara Bradley, Brandi Gray, and Chris Merck also attended the Elijah H. Ward Camp 1971 SCV meeting in
Farmerville, Louisiana to invite them to attend the upcoming Relic Show, and we have plans to continue visiting our sister State to
gain more attendance for the show over the next few months. Hope to see you all at the next meeting!


For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member, please visit
them online at

You can also visit them on Facebook at:

Please help us support our

Wounded Warriors of Mississippi
by visiting their web page at:

For more information on INITIATIVE 62

Please visit:

For more information about SCV Camp 265,

the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


Miss Kayla Lynn Craft was welcomed into the MAFOCR family at the January 5th
Funeral services were held for Bobby Joe Denton on Saturday January 26th at 1:00 p.m. at Wolf Funeral Home in Morton, Mississippi. He will be missed!

Mr. Bill Yeatman officially joined Camp #265 through his ancestor Private John
Wesley Yeatman, Company H, 11th Alabama Infantry. If you see Mr. Yeatman, shake
his hand and welcome him to the SCV family!
2 0 1 9 C IV I L W A R R E L I C S H O W
S A T . J U N E 1 5 TH 9 AM - 5 PM
S U N . J U N E 1 6 TH 9AM - 4 PM
F O R I N F O C A L L T I M C U P IT 7 6 9 - 2 3 4 - 2 9 6 6

2019 Civil War Relic Show Update

Tim Cupit, along with Lynn Gaskin and Jim Tyrney traveled to Franklin, TN on December 1st and 2nd to solicit
vendors for our show. We made many good contacts and found many potential vendors. The trip was well worth
it! We have finished designing one of our ads for the newspapers, and used that to advertise our show in a Civil
War Collector & Dealer Directory that will be distributed all over the country. We are still working on our flier
design. We have banners shipped out to be reprinted for the 2019 show, and we need a few volunteers to change
the dates on the yard signs (these are done by hand).

We sent all camp members, potential vendors, & past vendors a Christmas card that included a vendor registration
form. Totaling over 600. Yes, that was a large task! The room has been secured, and tables have been reserved! A
musician has committed to come play at our show on Saturday & Sunday to create a better atmosphere. We have
an exhibit secured that will display handmade models of some of the ships used during the Civil War. This exhibit
will add depth to our show and provide the public with a unique look into the history of naval warfare.

WE NEED TO SELL ADS!!! We still need help raising money by selling ads in our newsletter or soliciting
donations. Any help with this endeavor would be greatly appreciated by all of us at Camp 265. Remember, it costs
about $20,000 to put on our Relic Show! We have sponsor sheets to use when selling ads with photos of activities
our camp has done in the community, an explanation of how their donation will be used, and information for them
regarding a tax write off.

Remember: if you ask, you may be told no, but if you never ask- you’ll never be told yes!

Please make plans to attend the 2019 Civil War Relic Show and help us make it a success!

2019 Mississippi SCV Division Reunion Update

The Bibles for the goodie bags are in, as well as the Medals and reunion ribbons. The goodie bags have been
secured, however the flag for the reunion is incomplete. Music for Friday & Saturday nights has been confirmed.

I need help visiting other camps and handing out invitations! Invitations are available to anyone who wants to visit
other camps and hand them out (I can also email the invitations to you). I have visited and handed out invitations
at the 2018 Reunion in Biloxi, Summit, Meridian, Bruce, Columbia, Bay St. Louis, Florence, the October
Executive Council Meeting, the Mechanized Cavalry Annual Meeting in Louisville, Natchez, the 2nd Meridian
Camp, Oxford, Corinth, and the 5th Brigade Christmas party in Hattiesburg, the Biloxi Camp, and the Hattiesburg
Camp. Again - I need help visiting other camps!

Our next Reunion Committee Meeting is on January 19, 2019 at Penn's in Brandon at 3pm. This meeting is open
to everyone: SCV, OCR, & family members. The next meeting will be in March and once every month leading up
to the reunion.
Brandi Gray, Tara Shea Williams Bradley, and Chris Merck enjoyed a wonderful meeting at the Lt. Elijah H. Ward SCV Camp #1971 in Farmerville, Louisiana.

On January 8th, 2019 Commander Cupit visited SCV Sam Davis Camp #596 in Biloxi, Mississippi!

Our beloved ladies from the Order of Confederate Rose!

Handing out invitations for the 2019 Division Reunion and spreading the news at SCV Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp #1353 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
SCV Camp#265
Commander Tim Cupit
317 Lake Heather Road, Brandon, MS 39047
C: 769-234-2966
E: Website:

June 6th, 2018

Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Greetings from SCV Camp #265 in Brandon, MS. We are hosting the state/division SCV Reunion in
Brandon, Mississippi this year on June 7 and 8 of 2019 and wanted to personally invite each and every one
th th

of you and your families to attend.

Our first thought was: “How can we convince our fellow SCV members around the state to come to
the Division Reunion if they’ve never been or have not planned on coming?” Well let me tell you what we
brain stormed. We will be hosting a Civil War Relic Show in conjunction with our reunion! Isn’t that a great
idea?! We will have vendors for men and women, MS authors, MS artists, musicians, a live band (from MS)
playing period music, a cannon display outside, a civil war surgeon with all the tools of the trade inside, and
much, much more! The Relic Show will open at 9:00am on Saturday morning and close at 5:00pm Saturday
evening. Please come early, visit, and support the vendors that are here for you. Registration is from 3pm -
7pm on Friday afternoon and from 6am-9am Saturday morning. By the way, the relic show will be open to
the public so they can see what the SCV is all about. Your attendance will be very impressive to the public
and the vendors at the show. Men and women are welcome to wear their period clothes. At 6pm on Friday
afternoon we will have a president’s reception for all the vendors, members, and families. At the reception we
will be serving a large birthday cake along with dinner to celebrate Jefferson Davis’ 211th Birthday.
Hopefully feeding everyone will ease the financial strain of coming to the reunion. At 7pm we will have a
short musical performance. We will end the night by everyone singing “Dixie”. Dress for the business
meeting is business, business casual or period dress. Everyone who wants to dress out is welcome to be a part
of the color guard. This would make for an impressive picture for the Confederate Veteran magazine!
Opening ceremonies for the business session will be from 8am to 9am. The business session will run
from 9:00am – 1:00pm with our memorial service at 1:00pm through 1:30pm. Sorry, but the business session
is for division members in good standing only. After the business session we need a group picture of all
members! After the group picture will be a good time for fellowship time and an opportunity to get dressed
for the banquet starting at 6:30pm. At 6:30pm dinner will be served buffet style with some of the best food
you will ever lay your lips on. Let me put it this way, the last National Reunion I went to, I paid $30.00 for
lunch and got a turkey wrap! I assure you there will be no turkey wraps on our buffet!! The menu will be:
baked chicken and prime rib with all the trimmings.
At 7:30pm, Mr. Walt Grayson will be our speaker. He is a great speaker! The wives will enjoy him
just as much as you do. At 8:00pm awards will be given out and at 8:30pm door prize winners will be
announced! At 9:00pm we will end by the members singing “Dixie” and afterwards we will have a special treat
along with the announcement of the winner of the AR15.
Let’s look at finances. When you come to the reunion, dinner will be provided on Friday night for
FREE, there will be FREE coffee and donuts Saturday morning, hotel rates are from $89.00 a night, and
registration is $45.00. The banquet is $25.00/person, and in theory, the convention ends early enough for you
to drive home Saturday night and not spend the extra money on the hotel. That’s two days of entertainment
around some of the best people you will ever meet for approximately $70.00 for one person within driving
distance; $165.00 with a one night hotel stay; $190.00 with a one night hotel stay with your spouse. Now that’s
We here in Brandon are proud to be members of the Mississippi Division Sons of Confederate
Veterans and are not ashamed of it. We will not be having this convention in a barn in the middle of the
woods hiding from view. We are having this convention at City Hall in downtown Brandon; the largest room
we could find. We have a letter from the Mayor, the Rankin County Chamber of Commerce, and the Rankin
County Board of Supervisors welcoming the Sons of Confederate Veterans to Brandon and Rankin County
for our 124th annual reunion.
The task of putting all this together for the entire state has been no walk in the park. We will try to
personally visit each camp in the state to invite you to the convention but there will probably be more to do
than time and money will allow. On top of that, as each one of you know, everything done for the SCV is
done after working, church activities, school, kids, health issues, and without pay.
In closing, I want you to know we are doing this because we are proud of our history in this great
country, we are proud of our brave ancestors, and we are proud to be Sons of Confederate Veterans. Please
mark your calendars for June 7th and 8th 2019, request vacation days at work, put off the family reunion for
one year, whatever you have to do to come and support the vendors that will be here for you, meet your
fellow SCV members from around the state, enjoy some good ole southern hospitality, and let’s show
everyone that old times here are not forgotten! May God bless you and your families.


Tim Cupit

PS: Hotel reservations must be made by May 30th, 2019 to get the SCV rate. Contact info is on the
registration form.

Registration forms must be received by May 25th, 2019. We will register you at the door but, it comes
with the obvious consequences; name tags hand written, no goodie bag, etc.

Remember to bring your scrapbook! They will be judged on Saturday after the business meeting. Your
scrapbook will be good ways to let the other camps in the division see what you have done over the past
year and may also give other camps ideas for activities in their communities.

Activities in the community for nonmembers or people who do not want to attend the relic show: The
Bass Pro Shop, Braves Stadium, AG Museum, Children’s Museum, Wildlife and Science Museum,
Shopping at The Dogwood Promenade, Antique Stores, and much more!

The reunion, relic show, and registration will be at City Hall. (Address will be on the registration form)
2019 SCV MS Division Reunion Registration Form
124th Reunion – Mississippi Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
25th Reunion – Mississippi Society, Order of Confederate Rose

Brandon, Mississippi – June 7th & 8th, 2019

Hosted By The Rankin Rough And Ready’s Camp #265 And Mary Ann Forrest Chapter #23, MSOCR
All Events Will be Held at The Brandon City Hall: 1000 Municipal Drive, Brandon, MS 39042

SCV Member Name________________________________________________________________________________

Title / SCV Camp Name & Number ___________________________________________________________________
OCR Member Name________________________________________________________________________________
Title / OCR Chapter Name & Number_________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________City_______________________State_____Zip___________
Phone # ____________________________Email_________________________________________________________
Spouse/Guest Name(s)-For Badges_____________________________________________________________________
All registered SCV members will receive a name badge, a convention medal, a program, and a bag of goodies
(quantity limited to 150). Registration at the door will receive the same as long as supplies last. OCR
registrants will have a Tea in lieu of a medal. If you wish to get a medal, please pay SCV price this will
automatically qualify you for the AR15 being given away Saturday night at the banquet! (Contingent upon
meeting all applicable laws and regulations in the state of Mississippi)


SCV before May 15, 2019 $45.00 After May 15, 2019 $50.00 QTY_____$______________

OCR before May 15, 2019 $20.00 After May 15, 2019 $25.00 QTY_____$______________

Ancestor Memorial: EACH MEMORIAL IS $10.00 QTY_____$______________

Please print or type each memorial on a separate page & submit before April 25th, 2019

Program Ads: $100.00 - full page; $50.00 - half page; $35.00 - quarter page; $25.00 - business card size
(Please email ad information on a separate page before April 25 th, 2019) $______________

Awards Banquet: $25.00 per adult plate QTY_____ $______________

$10.00 per child plate (15 and under) QTY_____$______________
(No Meal Registration after May 25, 2019)
Total Amount $______________

Please Make Checks Payable to SCV Camp #265 & Mail to: Tim Cupit, 317 Lake Heather Rd, Brandon, MS 39047

Contact Information: SCV Contact: Tim Cupit: 769-234-2966 or | OCR Contact: Brandi Gray:
601-896-8652 or

Host Hotel Info: La Quinta at 215 Dande Rd, Brandon, MS. SCV Rate - $89.00 plus tax Phone: 601-591-1045.
Ramada Inn at 341 Airport Rd. Pearl, MS SCV Rate - $89.00 double plus tax Phone: 601-933-1122
**All Reservations must be made by April 30, 2019**
Registration will be at City Hall between 4pm & 7pm Friday and between 6am & 9am Saturday.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #265


317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is February 2nd

at Penn’s Fish House in Brandon at 7:00pm.
Come early!

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