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Gray Herbarium, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Organization for Tropical Studies, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Received January 25, 1974

The existence of dioecism among angio- the occurrence of dioecious taxa in other
sperms is universally acknowledged, yet is tropical and temperate forests. After show-
poorly understood both from the ecological ing that the large number of dioecious (and
and evolutionary points of view. The monoecious) species in the tropics are ento-
reason for this hiatus might be that some mophilous, we review the widely held belief
have believed the relative proportion of that selective forces favoring anemophily
dioecious taxa to be low (Yamplosky and have been responsible for the evolution of
Yamplosky, 1922; Lewis, 1942), while dioecism. Finally, we discuss specific
others have felt that since the number of hypotheses that might explain the selective
seed-bearing individuals is halved in a dioe- pressures responsible for the evolution and
cious population its evolution is an unlikely maintenance of dioecism.
and perhaps inconsequential event (Heslop-
Harrison, 1972). However, recent studies MATERIAL AND METHODS
have reported a large proportion of dioe-
The experimental portion of our study
cious tree species in tropical forests
was carried out in a lowland tropical semi-
(Ashton, 1969; Bawa, 1974; see also
deciduous forest on Comelco Property, 5 km
Tomlinson, 1974); this indicates that the
northwest of Bagaces, Guanacaste Province,
incidence and importance of dioecism may
Costa Rica (for a detailed vegetation
have been underestimated in the past. description see Holdridge et al., 1971).
These new data are significant in at least
An intensive survey of the flora's woody
one other respect. Dioecious (and monoe-
component was undertaken to determine the
cious) flowers in temperate plants are
frequency of dioecious species. Insights
presumed to have evolved in response to
gained during the survey phase led to
selective pressures favoring wind-pollination studies of the pollination biology of selected
(Grant, 1951; Stebbins, 1951), yet wind-
species, and the collection of data concern-
pollination is probably either absent or
ing flower size and color; amount of nectar
uncommon in tropical forests (Whitehead,
per flower; fruit production (expressed as
1969; see also Daubenmire, 1972).
fruits per infructescence ) ; and flowering
Here we present an overview of the adap- seasonality.
tive and evolutionary significance of dioe- In order to assess the significance of dioe-
cism in general and its expression in certain
cism on more than a local basis, the fre-
tropical forests in particular. We first
quency of dioecious species was also
present data on the frequency of dioecious reviewed for other tropical and temperate
species in a lowland tropical semi-deciduous areas. For this purpose, sex expression of
forest in Costa Rica, then proceed to an trees in species lists from several previous
examination of available information on vegetation studies was compiled. As will be
discussed later, information concerning the
'Present address: Department of Biology,
University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA 02125.
sexuality of flowers and individual plants
'Present address: Office of Endangered Species, in published floras is frequently unreliable
Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 20240. especially for tropical trees. Therefore, the
EVOLUTION 29: 167-179. March 1975 167

TABLE 1. Dioecious tree species in a semi-deciduous forest in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica.'

Family Species Voucher no.s

Anacardiaceae Astronium graveolens Iacq, PAO 1630

Spondias nigrescens Pittier REH 119
Boraginaceae Cordia collococca Sond. PAO 571
C. panamensis Riley' PAO 645
Burseraceae Bursera simarouba (L.) Sarg." GWF 157
B. tomentosa (Jacq.) Triana & Planch' PAO 759
Ebenaceae Diospyros nicaraguensis Standley PAO 761, 872
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum lucidum var. cosiaricense O. E. Schulz PAO 392
Euphorbiaceae Bernardin nicaraguensis Standley & Williams PAO 102
Margaritaria nobilis (LJ.) Muell.-Arg," PAO 162, 1690
Flacourtiaceae Xylosma anisophylla Standley PAO 493, 576
Xylosma sp. PAO 567, 760
Guttiferae Rheedia edulis Triana & Planch No specimen
Meliaceae Guarea sp. GWF 96
Trichilia anisopleura C. DC. PAO 916
T. cuneate RadIk. PAO 635, 646, 1689
T. hirta L. PAO 681
T. trijolia L. PAO 656
Moraceae Cecropia peltata L. No specimen
Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Urban PAO 839
N yctaginaceae Pisonia mocranthocarpa Donnell Smith GWF 230
Polygonaceae Coccoloba caracasana Meisn," PAO 559
C. jloribundo Lindau' PAO 315, 758
C. padijormis Meisn.' PAO 555, 763
Ruprechtia costata Meisn. PAO 566, 1679
Triplaris americana L. PAO 509
Sapindaceae Allophyllus occidentalis L: PAO 153, 680
Simaroubaceae Alvaradoa amorphoides subsp. typica Cronquist PAO 511
Picramnia quaternaria Donnell Smith PAO 658
Simarouba glauca DC: PAO 81
Rubiaceae Genipa caruto HBK. GWF 140, 145
Randia subcordata Standley GWF 111
R. spinosa (Jacq.) Karst PAO 102
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum setulosum P. Wilson PAO 697
1All found on Comelco Property, 5 km northwest of Bagaces.
z Occasionalpistillate and/or perfect flowers on staminate trees.
3 Trees with staminate, pistillate, and staminate plus pistillate and/or perfect flowers respectively.

'Trees with staminate or staminate and perfect, and pistillate flowers respectively.
5 Vouchers in the herbarium of Missouri Botanical Garden (MO). PAO =Paul A. Opler, REH =
Raymond E. Heithaus, GWF =Gordon W. Frankie.

figures for different categories in Table 2 RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION

should be treated as minimal approxima- Our presentation of results consists of
tions. Caution is also required in interpret- two groups of data. As mentioned earlier
ing the significance of differences between we will put forward information on the fre-
areas with respect to relative frequencies of quency of dioecism in several well studied
each category due to possible sampling tropical and relatively complex temperate
errors. These errors could have resulted forests. After establishing the importance
from differences in sample size or sampling of dioecism in tropical forests we then
techniques. present information on several aspects of

TABLE 2. Relative proportions of hermaphroditic, monoecious and dioecious species and individuals in
tropical and temperate forests.

Sex expression
% Species 0/0 Individuals
Hermaph- Monee- Dioe- Hermaph- Monoe- Dioe-
Forest type and locality roditic cious do us roditic do us do us

Tropical forests
Semideciduous forest,
Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica 68' 10' 22'
Plot I (1000 m") 71 0 29 76 0 24
Plot II (1500 m") 78 1 21 91 1 8
Plot III (4000 m") 75 2 23 72 1 17
Plot IV (1600 m") 73 0 27 69 0 31
Rain forest,
South Nigeria" 47 13 40 48 14 38
Upper story 41 22 37 42 36 22
Middle story 50 13 37 47 4 49
Lower story 49 13 38 54 3 43
Lowland mixed Dipterocarp
forest, Central Sarawak" 60 14' 26
South Florida" 61 12 27
Temperate forests"
Galipolis, Ohio t 83 11 15 75 10
Campbellsville, Kentucky 15 70 15 17 76 7
Pivot Rock, Arkansas 0 83 17 0 92 8
Hueston's Woods, Ohio 27 60 13 8 87 5
Pisgah Mountain, New Hampshire 13 81 6 1 98 1
1 These figures are for the total area and not the averages of intensively studied plots.
2 Based on a species list in Jones (1955).

3 From Ashton (1969).

'Includes some protandrous and some protogynous, hermaphroditic species.

"From Tomlinson (1974); for the whole of South Florida and not a particular forest.
• Based on species lists in Braun (1950).

floral biology and pollination phenology occasionally have either bisexual flowers or
which we contend will characterize the gen- flowers of the opposite sex present in low
eralized reproductive strategy of tropical numbers. Thus, unless the viability of
dioecious trees. In particular, these trees pollen and ovules and the relative frequency
have small generalized flowers adapted for of flowers with different sex expression are
visitation and pollination by small insects of also examined, conclusions concerning
several orders, especially small bees. The sexuality may prove erroneous. It is, there-
nature of floral reward presentation, both fore, not surprising that several recent
in space and time, is such that it maximizes studies have revealed dioecism and monoe-
the probability of adequate fruit set. cism in taxa previously considered hermaph-
roditic (Lee, 1967; Tomlinson and Fawcett,
Incidence of Dioecism 1972; Styles, 1972). On the basis of obser-
Frequencies of dioecious species.-It is vations of floral biology and fruit set of
difficult to determine the true frequency of marked individuals we estimate that 22%
dioecious species in any flora since in a of the tree species at our study site are dioe-
majority of cases the flowers have both cious (Table 1). In several other tropical
staminate and pistillate parts, but only one forests, the relative proportion of dioecious
set is functional. Furthermore, these plants species is similar to that of our study site

• Dioedou.a species
portion of dioecious species and individuals
in north temperate forests is generally lower
20 o Her1ll&phroditic sdf-incolllpatible spede. than in tropical forests (Table 2) ; however,
the proportion of monoecious species and
individuals is always much higher in tem-
perate than in tropical forests, while the
~ reverse is true for hermaphroditic taxa.
" 10
Tropical vs. temperate floras.-The fre-
i quency of dioecious species has been calcu-
lated for only a few floras and is as follows:
Great Britain, 3.1% (McComb, 1966) ,
California, 2.6% (Baker, 1967) , New
Zealand, 14.5% and Hawaii, 27.5% (Carl-
quist, 1966). The high incidence of dioe-
cism in Hawaii may have two explanations.
Flower size
(log length
II log breadt.h of corolla in
DIll) First, evolution of dioecious taxa there may
FIG. 1. Frequencies of various flower size have occurred in response to selective pres-
classes for dioecious and hermaphroditic, self- sures for outcrossing after the islands were
incompatible species. colonized (Baker, 1967; see also Raven,
1973 for a similar interpretation of dioecism
in New Zealand). Secondly, tropical floras
(Table 2). The rain forest of southern may contain proportionately more dioecious
Nigeria (Jones, 1955) appears to be extra- species than do temperate floras since
ordinarily rich in dioecious species; how- dioecism is more prevalent for trees and
ever, the species list from which the shrubs than for other life forms. For
frequency of dioecious taxa was calculated example, in our study area, in contrast to
did not include all tree species which occur 22% trees and 11% of the shrubs, only one
in that forest, and the difference could be (Lycoceris grandis-Compositae) of the ap-
due to sampling errors (see Material and proximately 300 herbs is dioecious, while no
Methods), More likely, it is due to the vines, lianas or epiphytes there are known
dominance of species representing the by us to be dioecious. Further, among
ebenaceae and meliaceae, both consisting the families studied in Costa Rica, only
almost entirely of dioecious taxa. Boraginaceae, Nyctaginaceae and Rubia-
Frequency of dioecious individuals.-A ceae contain both herbaceous and woody
consideration of the overall importance of genera; dioecism in all three families is
dioecism on the basis of relative proportions confined to the woody members, primarily
of dioecious and hermaphroditic species trees, while without exception the herba-
alone may be misleading, since there may be ceous species are hermaphroditic. Since
differences in the proportions of individuals. temperate floras have proportionately fewer
Therefore, the relative proportions of dioe- woody species than tropical floras the low
cious and hermaphroditic individuals were incidence of dioecism among the former
also compared. The main point that might be expected, although further
emerges from such a comparison (Table 2) information from other floras is needed to
is that the number of dioecious individuals test this idea.
may be as high as 38% of all trees in a given
area. It should also be noted that where Floral Morphology and
vegetation is stratified (e.g., south Nigerian Pollination Biology
rain forest), the frequency of dioecious
species and individuals may differ between Flower size and color.-Although dioe-
stories. cious taxa are found in a diverse array of
Tropical vs. temperate forests.-The pro- families representing quite different evolu-

TABLE 3. Comparison of the amount of nectar' in staminate and pistillate flowers of selected" dioecious

Amount of nectar!

Staminate flower Pistillate flower

Average ~Iax- Average Max- Staminate
Species imum- imurn- flower

Coccoloba caracasana .18 .24 .05 .09 0.28

C. padijormis .09 .24 .32" .36 3.5
Cordia collococa .41 1.32 .92 1.32 2.2
Simarouba glauca .11 .31 .72 2.12 6.5
Trichilia cuneata .17 1.02 .31 1.56 1.8
Triplaris americana .16 .25 .66 .81 4.1

'The amount of nectar produced by a flower is influenced by several variables such as climatic
conditions, location of the tree, and location of flowers. Therefore the data in this table do not
represent the quantity of nectar produced by flowers of respective species, but merely indicate a trend
in differences in the relative amounts of nectar in the two kinds of flowers.
2 The species available in adequate numbers at time of experiment.

"Bagged inflorescences were checked periodically throughout the day for maximum production.
Average is the mean of all positive readings.
• In microliters per hour.
"Figures represent the greatest amount found in a single flower.
"Data from perfect flowers; female flowers were unavailable at the time of sampling.

tionary lineages, most show remarkable area 14 of 20 species (70%), whose flowers
constancy in flower size and color. For the were measured had staminate flowers
majority, flowers are small (generally :-: :; 1.0 smaller than pistillate. Empirically, we
em in length and breadth), and the color observe this is probably in order to accom-
ranges from white to yellow or pale green. modate the bulkiness of the ovary and en-
A comparison of flower size of con- larged nectaries of pistillate flowers. These
familial dioecious and hermaphroditic taxa results are in contrast with those of Baker
within the study area indicated that the (1948) who asserts the reverse, i.e., that
former usually have smaller flowers than pistillate flowers are smaller than staminate
the latter. The notable exceptions were in temperate dioecious taxa. Perhaps these
members of the Rubiaceae, in which dioe- two generalizations reflect further upon
cious taxa (Genipa caruto and Randia the basic differences between pollination
subcordata) have strikingly large flowers. biology of tropical and temperate dioecious
However, because of small sample size the plants (see discussion). One would suppose
generality of these differences remains that the need for greater pollen production
obscure and therefore actual measurements and absence of nectar production in ane-
have not been presented. But, when one mophilous taxa is responsible for the reverse
compares mean flower size for all dioecious trend in flower size reported earlier by
species with known hermaphroditic, self- Baker.
incompatible species from the study area, it Staminate/ pistillate flower ratios.- Three
becomes apparent that the former have factors contribute to this ratio in any popu-
significantly smaller flowers than the latter lation of dioecious plants, number of flowers
(Fig. 1). per inflorescence, number of inflorescences
In addition to discrepancy in floral size per plant, and the relative number of plants
when contrasted with related hermaph- with staminate and pistillate flowers (sex
roditic taxa, tropical dioecious trees fre- ratio). Research in progress indicates that
quently display sexual dimorphism in for the majori ty of the dioecious species in
flower size within species. In our study our Costa Rican study site, all three factors

TABLE 4. Flower visitors of some dioecious species.'

Flower visitors

:g'"" ;g"'" ::="" "'" -e'""

'"" ::= " .s"'" 'c
" "
'c "
"" ~ee :gu'" ::="'Co
" ;g"'" '" 0

;: ..
..." :t~
"" ~
::='" E
:aCo .g ~E :a"" :a"u ]"
1= ~ >'l ~ ~ ...""
'" ..: ::E >
(f) (f)

Coccoloba caracasana ~
40 8 3 6
C. padiformis ~ 15*
(j> 1 11 28
Cordia collococca s I 4 2 3 1* 1
(j> 3 1 3 4* 1
Simarouba glauco <5 3 18 15 21 9 19 9 3 3 46 10 8
(j> 4 2 3 1* 3* +
Trichilia ClIneata ~ 14 3* 2
(j> I 1* 2*
Triplaris americana s 12* 5
(j> 2 3*
, A plant of each sex was sampled with an insect net for a thirty minute period during the time of
maximum visitation. The numbers refer to individuals captured, while plus sign indicates presence but
none captured.
Bold face type = most likely primary poIlinators.
* Same species on both ~ and (j> trees.

contribute to an excess of staminate flowers of other trees in the same habitats with
over pistillate flowers (Opler and Bawa, in small generalized flowers. Many of the
prep.). insects are opportunists to the small flowers
Floral rewards.-Only staminate flowers which present no barrier to the attainment
offer pollen to potential flower visitors, of the floral rewards, yet it is likely that
while both staminate and pistillate flowers small bees belonging to the families
may provide a nectar offering. Pistillate Anthophoridae, Halictidae, Megachilidae,
flowers usually have a significantly greater and Apidae (subfamily Meliponinae),
amount of nectar per flower (Table 3). because of their foraging behavior, bring
Among the species studied in Costa Rica about most fertilizations. The stingless bees
(Table 1) only Cecropia peltaia and Trigona (s.l.) and Melipona, the most fre-
Chlorophora tinctoria (Moraceae) fail to quent visitors to these trees, are known to
present nectar offerings; these might be forage no more than 200 meters from their
anemophilous. colonial nests, and to be effective polli-
Pollinators.-The flower visitors of some nators only where inter-tree distances be-
dioecious species are shown in Table 4. tween staminate and pistillate individuals
Most visitors are small, relatively unspecial- are relatively small. These social insects are
ized insects which coincide with the small present year-round and are therefore highly
flowers of these dioecious trees. The excep- predictable pollinatory resources.
tions, hummingbirds, hawkmoths and large Phenology.-A survey of phenological
bees, visit the concomitantly large flowers events displayed by trees of the study area
of Genipa caruto and Randia subcordata. has been recently published (Frankie et al.,
The species composition of the flower 1974). This study of seasonality of flower,
visitor complement of most dioecious trees fruit and leaf production did not consider
is remarkably similar, and is much like that dioecious species as a separate unit. For all

•• _- •••••• Hermaphroditic and monoec i.ous species


- - - Dioecious species

....... .. .....


" 15

10 -..
~ '

N F' A J A

Hont h of the year

FIG. 2. Flowering seasonalities of dioecious, and hermaphroditic and monoecious species.

the trees as a group there are three flower- pistillate flowers. In addition, the flowering
ing peaks, two closely juxtapositioned peaks seasonalities of dioecious species also sug-
during early to middle dry season (January gest zoophily. The principal flowering peak
to March) and a third at the dry-wet season of many dioecious trees (Fig. 2) coincides
interface (April/May). When one con- with the onset of the rainy season, simul-
siders the phenological patterns shown by taneous with a major emergence of many
dioecious trees, as contrasted with those of small insects (Janzen, 1973). Furthermore,
hermaphroditic taxa, several striking con- Janzen has shown that during the later half
trasts are revealed with regard to flowering of the dry season, most small insects which
seasonality. As we can see from Figure 2, pass the dry season as adults become con-
flowering for dioecious species occurs during centrated in riparian areas where most
two periods; a small number of species dioecious trees are concentrated.
flower during the first dry season peak, The fact that as many as 53% of the trees
while the majority flower at the dry-wet in a tropical forest have unisexual flowers
interface. and animals as pollen vectors makes it
obvious that unisexual flowers in these trees
DISCUSSION have not evolved in response to selec-
The flower morphology and pollination tive pressure for wind-pollination as has
biology of dioecious tropical tree species been suggested for temperate plants by
indicate that these species are insect-polli- Grant (1951) and Stebbins (1951).
nated. Floral morphology, though unspe- Further, although many unisexual plants
cialized, is adapted for small pollen vectors of the north temperate zone are wind-
which are attracted first by the sticky pollinated, it is conceivable that a change
pollen or nectar in staminate, and later to from hermaphroditism to unisexuality pre-
the relatively large nectar reward of ceded the change from zoophily to ane-

mophily. I t should also be noted that we believe that in a majority of investigated

anemophilous, unisexual flowers of many taxa, dioecism has evolved from a breeding
temperate trees, such as a majority of the system characterized by floral bisexuality
Amentiferae, typically have no trace of the (hermaphroditism) and self-compatibility.
opposite sex and an extremely reduced The original bisexual condition of these
perianth. On the other hand, unisexual flowers is still revealed by the presence of
flowers of most entomophilous tropical an aborted gynoecium on staminate flowers
trees, such as those listed in Table 1, exhibit and an aborted androecium on pistillate
either an aborted androecium or gynoecium flowers. The evidence for self-compatibility
in pistillate and staminate flowers respec- is indirect and rests on two arguments. One
tively. Furthermore, the perianth, though line of reasoning, notwithstanding its
small in size as compared to hermaphroditic circular nature, is a corollary of the assump-
flowers of related taxa, is not reduced to tion that the main selective force for the
the same extent as in temperate wind- evolution of dioecism has been pressure for
pollinated flowers. It is thus possible that increased outcrossing; it follows that self-
the two kinds of unisexual flowers are fertilization was prevalent in the original
products of differing selective pressures breeding system. The other argument rests
associated with the different pollination on the nature of dioecious flowers. A prob-
strategies. However, regardless of whether able explanation for the small, relatively
selective pressures responsible for the evolu- inconspicuous flowers of dioecious trees
tion of unisexual flowers in zoophilous and would be that they represent the ancestral
anemophilous species were the same or not, condition; self-compatible species as com-
there is still no plausible reason for sug- pared to related self-incompatible species
gesting that the evolution of dioecism even are known to have small, inconspicuous
in temperate plants was in response to flowers (Lewis, 1956; Lloyd, 1965). In
anemophily. the remainder of this discussion, we will be
If dioecism in tropical trees has not concerned primarily with the evolution of
arisen in response to wind-pollination, to dioecious from self-compatible breeding
what factors can one attribute its origin? systems.
In order to answer this question, we must As far as the adaptive significance of
know (a) the nature of breeding systems dioecism is concerned, we feel the main
from which dioecism has evolved, and (b) selective advantage of the dioecious habit is
the adaptive significance of dioecism. due to its enforcement of outcrossing. The
There are several evolutionary pathways number of flowers in the crown of a tree
to the dioecious condition. It can arise from is so large that intra-tree visits by the
gynodioecism (Ross, 1970) , monoecism pollinators are many times more than inter-
(Lewis, 1942), heterostyly (Baker, 1958) tree visits; under such circumstances, the
and hermaphroditism (Baker, 1967; Raven, trees when subjected to selective pressure
1973). The particular pathway through for outcrossing are likely to evolve obligate
which a given taxon has evolved dioecism outcrossing mechanisms rather than dichog-
can be determined only by comparative amy or monoecy which by themselves may
studies of taxa that contain related species be inadequate to eliminate large scale self-
with different breeding systems (see for ing. However, obligate outcrossing in
example, Lloyd, 1972a,b). Such studies, addition to dioecy can also result from self-
particularly for trees, are largely lacking. incompatibility; one might therefore ask:
Nevertheless, with the possible exception of when selective pressure for outcrossing
Cordia collococca, C. panamensis, Genipa arises, what determines whether a particular
caruto and Randia subcordata, where dioe- taxon will acquire self-incompatibility or
cism has apparently arisen from a hetero- dioecy? Here, we try to answer this ques-
morphic self-incompatible breeding system, tion, and, in so doing, attempt to elucidate

factors responsible for the evolution and tion of an ovule, is largely determined by
maintenance of dioecism. Since our argu- the relative ease with which pollen is trans-
ments are highly speculative, they are ferred from one plant to another. One
advanced in the form of hypotheses that might expect that a low rate of inter-plant
may then be tested through the collection movement by pollen vectors would reduce
of appropriate experimental data. I t should pollination efficiency. Most tropical dioe-
also be mentioned that the hypotheses given cious trees have small flowers and relatively
below are not mutually exclusive. small pollinators, mostly social bees which
Hypothesis I. The evolution of dioecism might be expected to show less inter-plant
is a simple genetic and physiological change movement than do large pollinators such as
whereas the acquisition of self-incompati- solitary bees, hawkmoths, and bats. Yet,
bility alleles is a complex process.-This dioecism may be viewed as a mechanism
possibility was first suggested by Baker which more efficiently uses the small scale
(1967). Although experimental proof is inter-plant movement of these pollinators
lacking and may be difficult to provide, for pollination success than does a self-
there is indirect evidence to support Baker's incompatible breeding system. For exam-
contention. Whitehouse (1950) has sug- ple, a pistillate inflorescence receiving a
gested that self-incompatibility has been visit of a pollen-contaminated flower visitor
acquired only once in the evolution of angio- is likely to have most visited flowers suc-
sperms. Although Whitehouse's claim cessfully pollinated. By contrast, a similar
appears to be exaggerated (Bateman, visit by a visitor to an hermaphroditic
1952), the fact that very broad taxonomic inflorescence may be less successful as the
alliances often have one or the other kind flower's own pollen may either displace
(gametophytic or sporophytic) of self- compatible pollen carried from another tree
incompatibility system would seem to indi- by the pollen vector or limit the space for
cate that the acquisition of self-incompati- it on the stigma.
bility systems is a relatively rare event. On Another way by which pollination effi-
the other hand, the relative ease with which ciency may be increased in dioecious species
floral sexuality can be altered (for a review, is by increased inter-plant movement of
see Heslop-Harrison, 1972) indicates that a pollinators brought about by the spatial
change from hermaphroditism to dioecism and temporal variation in the nature
is easy to accomplish, and the widespread and amount of floral reward presented.
distribution of dioecious species in families Although staminate plants offer both pollen
that are exclusively or predominantly and nectar, pistillate plants offer only
hermaphroditic suggests that dioecism has nectar and in greater amounts concentrated
originated many times during the evolution in fewer flowers than staminate plants.
of flowering plants. Raven (1973) has Temporal variation is introduced as stami-
pointed out that in the New Zealand flora nate plants offer their rewards earlier in the
many taxa have evolved dioecism in day than do pistillate plants. This also
response to selective pressure for outcross- suggests that inter-plant movement of polli-
ing, whereas only a single species there is nators, during the same or sequential
presumed to have become self-incompatible foraging trips, is most likely from a stami-
over the same period. nate to a pistillate plant.
Hypothesis II. Dioecism is selected for Finally, the average inter-plant distance
since under certain conditions it permits for reproductive individuals may be reduced
greater pollination success than is allowed for dioecious species, while maintaining the
for by a self-incompatible breeding system. same optimal inter-plant distance between
-In obligately outcrossed species, pollina- seed-bearing individuals as for less closely
tion efficiency, here defined as the amount aggregated hermaphroditic taxa (d. Janzen,
of floral resource expended in the fertiliza- 1970). Thus higher population densities of

TABLE 5. Fruit flower ratio in some dioecious and over long distances. Close aggregation of
self-incompatible species. flowers to form a large unit of floral reward
might also give similar results. In addition,
Species Fruit/Flower ratio Mean
or alternatively, ovule number might be
Dioecious species increased so that the effects of a successful
Coccoloba caracasana .423 pollination effort are fully exploited by the
C. padijormis .166 production of a large number of seeds per
Cordia collococca .213
Simarouba glauca .180
Trichilia columina' .335 .263 There are two sets of data which indicate
that the second expectation is realized. If,
in species with one seed per fruit the
hermaphroditic species
Andira inermis .008 fruit/flower ratio is taken as a measure of
Dalbergia retusa .085 pollination efficiency, then we observe that
Lonchocarpus eriocarinalis .035 this ratio is much higher for dioecious
Piscidia carthagenensis .203 species than for self-incompatible species
Pterocarpus rohrii .089 .084 (Table 5). However, differences are not
Value of t = 1.47 (N.S.) statistically significant and one probable
'Three seeds per fruit.
reason for this is that all self-incompatible
species in Table 5 have flower size much
larger than any of the dioecious species
included in the sample, and are pollinated
dioecious taxa would suffer levels of seed
by large solitary bees. Thus, they may have
destruction no greater than for hermaph-
pollination efficiency greater than what
roditic species, and yet at the same time
might be expected if the flower size and
inter-plant distances are decreased for dioe-
pollinator foraging ranges were comparable
cious populations enhancing the inter-plant
to dioecious species. The second set of data
movement of their small pollinators.
derives from gynodioecious species in which
The above assumptions would lead us to
pistillate plants often produce a larger
expect (a) a higher incidence of dioecism
proportion of fruits than do hermaphroditic
among species with relatively small flowers
plants (Darwin, 1877; Ludwig, 1879;
and small pollinators than among species
Burrows, 1960; but for the opposite view
~th large flowers and large pollinators, (b)
see Vaarama and ]aaskelainen, 1967) .
higher pollination efficiency in dioecious
However, several objections can be raised to
species than for self-incompatible species
the use of these data as evidence for the
under comparable conditions of population
putatively greater pollination efficiency of
density? floral reward, and pollinators, and
dioecious taxa. First, the fruit/flower ratio
(c) a higher degree of clumping in dioecious
is not only a function of the number of
species than for hermaphroditic self-
incompatible species. ' flowers pollinated, but also of the amount of
metabolites available for maturation of
The first expectation appears to be
realized by data presented in Figure 1. fruits and the degree of flower and fruit
However, it should be noted that not all mortality due to feeding by animals. The
species with small flowers and pollinators relative contribution of these factors to the
are likely to acquire a dioecious breeding fruit/flower ratios presented in Table 5 is
system when subjected to increased selective unknown. Secondly, differences in the
pressure for outcrossing. Certainly some fruit/flower ratio can also be accounted for
taxa might evolve self-incompatibility by by variation due to apomictic tendencies
an accompanying change in some other and the average distance between con-
parameter of their reproductive biology. specific individuals. A third objection is
For example, an increase in flower size that the fruit/flower ratio in dioecious
would attract large pollinators that forage species must be adjusted to include the

negative contribution of staminate plants. pressure from seed predators, any mutation
Theoretically, this adjustment would not causing a change from hermaphroditism to
be difficult to make, but sex ratios of trop- dioecism is likely to carry a high selective
ical dioecious taxa are often skewed from value.
unity (Opler and Bawa, in prep.), a Any postulated increase in net reproduc-
phenomenon which injects further uncer- tive output resulting from enhanced escape
tainty into the calculation of absolute from seed predation (and increased polli-
fruit/flower ratios. It should also be men- nation efficiency) could offset negative
tioned that pollination efficiency as defined effects on reproductive output resulting
here takes into account quantitative, but from having only about half the members of
ignores qualitative, aspects of pollen flow. a population bear seeds.
From a selective point of view, if both Hypothesis IV. Dioecism may be
aspects are taken into consideration, a plant selectively advantageous since sexually
with high fruit/flower ratio can have lower dimorphic species-populations exploit a
pollination efficiency than a plant with low wider variety of microhabitats than
fruit/flower ratio, provided the latter has sexually monomorphic species-populations.
been pollinated by a larger number of -In dioecious species, males spend a
genotypes (Janzen, pers. comm.). smaller proportion of their energy towards
As far as the third expectation is con- sexual reproduction and a greater propor-
cerned, relevant data on comparative tion towards vegetative growth and repro-
dispersion patterns of dioecious and self- duction than do females (Putwain and
incompatible species are not available. Harper, 1972). This is a consequence of the
Hypothesis III. Dioecism is favored increased energetic cost of seed production
since increased seed set, a consequence of by females. Thus, males might be expected
dioecism, can provide an escape from seed to exploit a wider variety of microhabitats
predators (we use this term in the strict than females. However, in trees which
sense as intended by Janzen (1970) for devote a relatively small proportion of
seed feeding insects whose ecological effects energy to reproduction in contrast with
are analogous to insect parasi toids) .-This herbs, the presumed greater versatility of
hypothesis rests on the assumption that males than females in habitat exploitation
dioecism leads, whatever the mechanism, to may be questioned.
an increase in the size of seed crop, and
from this stem further assumed advantages SUMMARY
(Janzen, 1971). Thus, it complements the
In tropical lowland forests, one fourth to
preceding hypothesis. Janzen has discussed
one half of all species have unisexual
in detail the effect of large seed crop and
the increased distance between seed bearing flowers, and a majority of such species are
dioecious. Almost all dioecious species have
individuals, the two consequences of dioe-
relatively small (::S; 1.0 ern in length and
cism, on the probability of escaping seed
breadth) pale yellow to pale green flowers.
predation in tropical forests, and those
Field observations of selected species
arguments need not be repeated here. How-
indicate that a large number of dioecious
ever, we wish to emphasize that to the species are pollinated by small bees
extent that the individuals with the largest such as various species of Anthophoridae,
seed crops have an increasing likelihood of Halictidae, Megachilidae and Meliponinae,
contributing the genotypes to the next while a small number is pollinated by
generation, seed predators may directly moths. In the light of the high incidence
select for dioecism since, regardless of of dioecism and the prevalence of ento-
pollination efficiency, on energetic grounds mophily in tropical trees, it is suggested
it is one of the most effective ways to that as far as tropical trees are concerned,
increase seed crop size. Thus, under intense anemophily cannot be invoked to explain

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