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Sampling soils for testing

John B. Peters and Carrie A.M. Laboski

soil test is the only practical way of determining whether lime and fertilizer are
needed for a specific crop. However, if a soil sample does not represent the gen-
eral soil conditions of the field, the recommendations based on the sample may
be misleading. An acre of soil to a 6-inch depth weighs about 1,000 tons, yet less than
1 ounce of soil is used for each test in the laboratory. Therefore, it is very important
that the soil sample be representative of the entire field.
Before collecting soil samples, you should determine the overall approach of the
nutrient management program. This will affect the number of samples needed and
method by which samples will be taken. Specifically, will nutrient and lime applica-
tions be made at a single uniform rate for the whole field being tested or will appli-
cations be made at variable rates to field areas that have been identified as having
different soil test levels?

Goals of a soil sampling Table 1. Recommended sample intensity for uniform fields.
program Field characteristics Field size (acres) Suggested number of samplesa
When sampling soils for testing and Fields tested more than 4 years ago OR
All fields 1 sample/5 acres
obtaining fertilizer and lime recommen- fields testing in the responsive range
dations, the most common objectives 5–10 2
are to:
11–25 3
1. Obtain samples that accurately 26–40 4
represent the field from which they Nonresponsive fields tested within past 4 years
were taken. 41–60 5
61–80 6
2. Estimate the amount of nutrients
that should be applied to provide 81–100 7
the greatest economic return to the a
Collect a minimum of 10 cores per sample.

3. Estimate the variation that exists For best results, submit multiple samples
years ago) and whether the field was re-
within the field and how the nutri- for all fields. When at least three samples
sponsive or nonresponsive the last time
ents are distributed spatially. are provided for a field, samples that are
it was tested. The field is considered
4. Monitor the changes in nutrient to be in the responsive range if either significantly higher than the field aver-
status of the field over time. soil test phosphorus (P) or potassium age may be discarded and an adjusted
(K) levels are in the high (H) category average calculated. Using an adjusted
or lower. A nonresponsive field is one
Selecting a soil sampling where both soil test P and K levels are Figure1. Recommended W-shaped sampling
pattern for a 15-acre field. Each sample should be
strategy in the very high (VH) or excessively high
composed of at least 10 cores.
(EH) categories.
Before selecting a sampling strategy, Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
consider analytical costs, time and Each sample should be made up of a
equipment available, field fertilization minimum of 10 cores to ensure ac-
history, and the likelihood of a response curate representation of the nutrient
to applied nutrients. needs of the field. Research has shown
that taking 10 to 20 cores provides a
Sampling fields for a single whole more representative sample of the area
than when samples are made up of
field (uniform) recommendation fewer cores. When gathering soil cores
With conventional sampling, you will to make a composite sample, use a
receive a single set of nutrient and lime W-shaped sampling pattern (as shown
application guidelines that are based on in Figure 1) over the whole area the
sample averages. The sampling guide- sample represents. Be sure to thorough-
lines in Table 1 are based on when a ly mix the cores before placing approxi-
field was last tested (more or less than 4 mately 2 cups in the sample bag.
average helps ensure that no part of the of a sampling system needs to be done limit the potential economic benefits of
field is under-fertilized. before proceeding. site-specific management.

Where only one or two samples are tak- When using a site-specific approach to Other considerations in selecting a
en in a field, no sample will be discarded, soil sampling, sample handling and test-
whereas one sample can be discarded if ing are similar to the traditional system, sampling strategy
three or four samples are taken, and up but recommendations may vary from Select the sampling strategy appropriate
to two samples may be discarded from one part of the field to another, and for the field size and topography.
fields having five or more samples. The these areas must be managed separately
criteria that determine if soil samples to realize the potential advantages of Contour strips. On contour strip fields,
should be omitted from the field average intensive soil sampling. sample each strip separately if it is
include: approximately 5 acres or more in size,
Several sampling strategies can be used following the sampling intensity guide-
• If the average soil test P for a field to guide variable-rate fertilizer and lines provided in Table 1. Cores from two
is 35 parts per million (ppm) or lime applications. Grid sampling uses or three small strips that have identical
less, samples that exceed the field a systematic approach that divides the cropping and management histories
average by more than 5 ppm may field into squares of approximately equal may be combined following these same
be removed and the field average size (grid cells). The sampling technique recommended sampling intensity guide-
recalculated. used is known as grid-point sampling. A lines. Using a grid-point sampling ap-
grid-point sample consists of at least 10 proach on contour strips or small fields
• If the field average is greater than 35 cores collected from a small area (10-foot is not appropriate, regardless of grid cell
ppm P, no samples will be discarded. radius) around a geo-referenced point. size. This is because a grid technique may
When using a grid sampling approach, result in many soil samples being col-
• If the average soil test K for a field is
Wisconsin research recommends a sam- lected from one contour strip but none
175 ppm or less, samples that exceed
pling strategy based on an unaligned in other strips; additionally, grid-point
the field average by more than 20
systematic grid (Figure 2). Sampling samples may be on the edge of the strips
ppm may be discarded and the field
points should be unaligned because and not adequately represent the strip.
average recalculated.
sampling in a uniform grid arrangement
may lead to biased results if aligned Five-acre grid-point sampling. The
• If the field average is greater than
with row patterns. Fields that have soil 5-acre grid point sampling system for
175 ppm K, no samples will be dis-
test P and K levels in the nonresponsive whole field management recommenda-
categories should be grid-point sampled tions has recently become popular with
It is not appropriate to vary nutrient on a 300-foot grid. This is equivalent to soil samplers because it takes less time to
application rates across sampling areas one soil sample for every 2 to 2.5 acres. collect cores, compared to the traditional
when using the whole field (uniform) soil Where there is no information about the W pattern. Another advantage of this
sampling scheme. P or K status of the field or where previ- approach is its ability to track changes
ous tests were in the responsive range, in soil test levels over time, because soil
Sampling fields for site-specific a 200-foot grid size should be used. This samples are collected from the same
is equivalent to approximately one soil geo-referenced point each time the field
management is sampled. Five-acre grid-point sampling
sample per acre. Wisconsin research
Site-specific management requires a indicates these small grid cell sizes are can likely be used in some situations and
distinct picture of the magnitude and needed to adequately characterize the not in others. For example, in fields that
location of soil test variability. Sampling variability in soil fertility. A larger grid cell were soil sampled within the past 4 years
soils for site-specific management usu- size (such as 5 acres) may not adequately and tested in the nonresponsive range,
ally involves taking many more compos- describe the field variability and may averaging the soil test results from 5-acre
ite samples than sampling for a single grid-point sampling is reasonable. This is
recommendation. A global positioning Figure 2. An example of an unaligned grid because there previously had not been
system (GPS) is used to record the geo- pattern for grid sampling fields. a fertilizer recommendation on these
graphical coordinates of each sample. fields and some variability at excessively
This information is used to generate 2 high soil test levels does not change the
an application map by using various fact that no fertilizer was recommended.
mathematical techniques to interpolate For fields that were sampled more than
the nutrient application rate between 3 4 years ago or where past soil test results
sampling points. Using variable rate were in the responsive range, 5-acre
application technology, these fields can 5
grid-point sampling may not be the best
be managed more intensively than the choice of sampling techniques. This is
conventional approach of one fertilizer because 5-acre grid-point sampling may
and lime rate per field. A careful evalu- 4 not adequately represent the variabil-
ation of the economics of this intensive ity within a field, and a comparatively
small change in soil test level of 5 to 10
ppm could mean a large change in the
2 Sampling Soils for Testing (A2100) 2 4 2 5 3
amount of nutrients recommended. For
small fields and contour strips, taking a Winter sampling, or sampling when the tion guidelines and must be followed to
few 5-acre grid-point samples in each soil is frozen, is permissible only when be consistent with the 590 standard.
field and averaging them likely does it is possible to take a uniform boring or
not provide a representative sample of core of soil to the appropriate depth. This 1. If manure or crop residues are on the
the field. Additionally, the total number may require using a portable power bor- surface, push them aside to keep from
of samples may be so few that none of ing tool. Using a pick or spade to remove including them in the soil sample.
them can be eliminated from the field a few chunks of frozen soil from the
2. Insert the probe or auger into the
average if it appears one is an outlier. surface will give inaccurate results.
soil to plow depth or at least 6
Smart (zone or directed) sampling. inches. The sampling depth should
How to take soil samples be consistent. To aid year-to-year
Another approach gaining support
among researchers is smart sampling, Certain government agency programs comparisons, it is important to take
also known as directed or manage- require nutrient management plans repeated samplings from the same
ment zone sampling. This approach uses prepared according to the current USDA- field to exactly the same depth.
information that has been collected using NRCS nutrient management standard
(590). Soil sampling and testing pro- 3. Take at least 10 soil cores or bor-
other precision agricultural technologies
cedures and nutrient application rates ings for each composite sample
such as yield maps, aerial photographs of
based on these soil tests must be consis- and, preferably, at least two com-
bare soil or crop canopy, or soil electrical
tent with the provisions of the 590 stan- posite samples for every field. For
conductivity measurements. Directed
dard to be eligible for many cost-sharing nonresponsive fields greater than 5
sampling evaluates the spatial distribu-
programs. These provisions currently acres in size, obtain, at a minimum,
tion of several factors that may influence
include: following the soil sampling tech- the number of samples specified
nutrient availability and crop productivity
niques outlined above, soil testing by a in Table 1. For responsive fields, as
to help define sampling areas with similar
Wisconsin certified laboratory, and use of well as all fields that have not been
characteristics. With previous comments
nutrient application rates consistent with sampled in the past 4 years, take one
in mind, either the W pattern or grid-point
the guidelines contained in the University composite sample for every 5 acres.
method can be used to collect samples
within management zones. If the results of Wisconsin-Extension publication Nutri-
4. Thoroughly mix the sample, then
of grid or management zone sampling do ent Application Guidelines for Field, Vegeta-
place about 2 cups of soil in a
not warrant variable-rate application (for ble, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin (A2809).
sample bag.
example, relatively little between-sample
When ready to sample, use a sampling
variation), average them to determine the 5. Identify the bag with your name,
probe or auger. You can obtain these
appropriate single-rate treatment. field identification, and sample
tools on loan from most county Exten-
sion offices ( or
Procedures for taking soil fertilizer dealers. Avoid sampling the 6. Record the field and sample location
following areas:
samples on an aerial photo or sketch of the
farm and retain for your reference. Re-
• Dead furrows or back furrows
When to take soil samples cord the GPS coordinates, if available.
• Lime, sludge, or manure piles
Take soil samples at any convenient time. 7. Fill out the soil information sheet. A
• Animal droppings
Studies examining the effect of sam- completely and carefully filled out in-
pling time on soil test results suggest • Near fences or roads formation sheet will provide the most
that test values for pH and phosphorus • Rows where fertilizer has been accurate nutrient recommendations.
(P) are typically slightly higher in early banded
spring samples than in fall samples. The Always include a soil test information
effect of time of sampling on soil test • Eroded knolls sheet when submitting soil samples
potassium (K) results is dependent upon • Low spots to a laboratory for testing. The soil test
clay mineralogy and soil test level. Soil information sheet used by the UW Soil
• Where stalks or large bales were
test K results may be higher in spring Testing Laboratories can be found at:
compared to fall on lower testing soils,
but on higher testing soils, soil test K • Headlands rfs_front.pdf.
may be lower in spring compared to fall.
In addition, avoid sampling areas that Provide the soil name and field history
To receive your recommendations early
vary widely from the rest of the field whenever possible for more accurate
enough to enable you to apply the lime
in color, fertility, slope, texture (sandy, recommendations. Information about
and fertilizer needed, it may be best to
clayey, etc.), drainage, or productivity. legume crops previously grown on the
sample in the fall. Another benefit of fall
If the distinctive area is large enough to soil and manure application history is es-
testing is that fertilizer prices are more
receive lime or fertilizer treatments dif- sential for proper nutrient crediting from
likely to be discounted then. Hayfields
ferent from the rest of the field, sample these sources. Include soil names and/
can be sampled after any cutting. Re-
it separately. or map unit symbols from county soil
gardless of when you sample, it is best to
be consistent from one year to the next. These steps will help you take full advan-
tage of the Wisconsin nutrient applica- Sampling Soils for Testing (A2100) 3
survey reports, web soil survey (http://, or Tillage system considerations when
individual farm conservation plans. To
obtain this information, contact your sampling
county Extension agent, NRCS district
conservationist, or the County Land Moldboard plowing. Sample to the depth of tillage.
Conservation Department (LCD).
Chisel plowing and offset disking. Take soil samples to
¾ of the tillage depth. When possible, take soil samples
How often to sample before spring or fall tillage. Sampling before tillage lets you
Most fields should be retested at least determine the sampling depth more accurately and avoid
every 4 years to monitor soil fertility levels fertilizer bands applied for the previous crop.
of immobile nutrients and pH to prevent
nutrient deficiencies and avoid excess nu- Till-plant and ridge tillage. Sample ridges to a 6-inch
trient accumulation. Crop nutrient remov- depth and furrows (between rows) to a depth of 4 inches.
als over a 4-year period in most cropping Combine equal numbers of soil cores from ridges and fur-
systems will not change soil test levels rows to make up the composite sample.
enough to affect recommended nutri-
No-till. Fields that have not been tilled for 5 or more years
ent application rates. Exceptions include
may develop an acid layer on the surface from the use of
sands and loamy sands, which should be
nitrogen fertilizer. This acid layer could reduce the effective-
tested every 2 years. Also, depending on
ness of triazine herbicides. Unincorporated phosphorus (P)
the initial soil test P and K levels, cropping
and potassium (K) are also likely to build up in the surface
systems such as high-yielding corn silage
soil. If an acid layer is suspected, take a separate sample
or alfalfa may require more frequent test-
to a depth of only 2 inches. When sending the soil to the
ing to adequately monitor changes in soil
lab, indicate that the sampling depth was only 2 inches.
test levels.
This sample will be tested for pH only, unless P and K are
specifically requested. For fertilizer recommendations, take
What to do with soil samples a separate sample to a depth of 6 to 7 inches. Fertilizer rec-
The soil samples and a completed soil ommendations require this sampling depth because fertil-
information sheet can be taken to your izer calibration studies are based on plow-depth sampling.
county Extension office for forwarding Sample between rows to avoid fertilizer bands.
to a certified soil testing laboratory, sent
directly to the soil testing laboratory, or
delivered in person. Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Soil and Forage Analysis Laboratory
8452 Mineral Point Road 2611 Yellowstone Drive
To receive nutrient application rate
Verona, WI 53593-8696 Marshfield, WI 54449-8401
guidelines consistent with those found in
(608) 262-4364 (715) 387-2523
A2809, submit your soil samples to one of
the Wisconsin certified laboratories. The
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
University of Wisconsin–Madison and
© 2013 University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents and University of Wisconsin-
the University of Wisconsin-Extension,
Extension, Cooperative Extension. All rights reserved.
through the Department of Soil Science,
operate soil testing laboratories at Madi- Authors: Carrie Laboski is associate professor of soil science and John Peters is direc-
son and Marshfield. Several private labo- tor of the University of Wisconsin–Madison soil testing labs in Madison and Marsh-
ratories are also certified, and are listed field. Both hold joint appointments with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
at University of Wisconsin–Madison, and University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative
To become certified, laboratories must Extension. Cooperative Extension publications are subject to peer review.
use the soil testing methods and nutrient
application rate guidelines specified by University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, in cooperation with
WDATCP and must also meet quality con- the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Wisconsin counties, publishes this informa-
trol standards through periodic analysis of tion to further the purpose of the May 8 and June 30, 1914, Acts of Congress. An EEO/
quality control soil samples. AA employer, the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension provides
equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA
To have your soil tested by the University requirements. If you have a disability and require this information in an alternative
of Wisconsin, send your samples to either format, please contact Cooperative Extension Publishing at 432 N. Lake St., Rm. 227,
of the listed laboratories. Find a sample Madison, WI 53706;; or (608) 263-2770 (711 for Relay).
submission form at https://uwlab.soils. This publication is available from your county UW-Extension office (www.uwex.
edu/ces/cty) or from Cooperative Extension Publishing. To order, call toll-free 1-877-
947-7827 or visit our website at
Sampling Soils for Testing (A2100) R-01-2013

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